path: root/t/attributes/more_attr_delegation.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/attributes/more_attr_delegation.t')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/attributes/more_attr_delegation.t b/t/attributes/more_attr_delegation.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d40bb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/attributes/more_attr_delegation.t
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+This tests the more complex
+delegation cases and that they
+do not fail at compile time.
+ package ChildASuper;
+ use Moose;
+ sub child_a_super_method { "as" }
+ package ChildA;
+ use Moose;
+ extends "ChildASuper";
+ sub child_a_method_1 { "a1" }
+ sub child_a_method_2 { Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) . " a2" }
+ package ChildASub;
+ use Moose;
+ extends "ChildA";
+ sub child_a_method_3 { "a3" }
+ package ChildB;
+ use Moose;
+ sub child_b_method_1 { "b1" }
+ sub child_b_method_2 { "b2" }
+ sub child_b_method_3 { "b3" }
+ package ChildC;
+ use Moose;
+ sub child_c_method_1 { "c1" }
+ sub child_c_method_2 { "c2" }
+ sub child_c_method_3_la { "c3" }
+ sub child_c_method_4_la { "c4" }
+ package ChildD;
+ use Moose;
+ sub child_d_method_1 { "d1" }
+ sub child_d_method_2 { "d2" }
+ package ChildE;
+ # no Moose
+ sub new { bless {}, shift }
+ sub child_e_method_1 { "e1" }
+ sub child_e_method_2 { "e2" }
+ package ChildF;
+ # no Moose
+ sub new { bless {}, shift }
+ sub child_f_method_1 { "f1" }
+ sub child_f_method_2 { "f2" }
+ $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+ package ChildG;
+ use Moose;
+ sub child_g_method_1 { "g1" }
+ package ChildH;
+ use Moose;
+ sub child_h_method_1 { "h1" }
+ sub parent_method_1 { "child_parent_1" }
+ package ChildI;
+ use Moose;
+ sub child_i_method_1 { "i1" }
+ sub parent_method_1 { "child_parent_1" }
+ package Parent;
+ use Moose;
+ sub parent_method_1 { "parent_1" }
+ ::can_ok('Parent', 'parent_method_1');
+ ::isnt( ::exception {
+ has child_a => (
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildA->new },
+ handles => qr/.*/,
+ );
+ }, undef, "all_methods requires explicit isa" );
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_a => (
+ isa => "ChildA",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildA->new },
+ handles => qr/.*/,
+ );
+ }, undef, "allow all_methods with explicit isa" );
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_b => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ default => sub { ChildB->new },
+ handles => [qw/child_b_method_1/],
+ );
+ }, undef, "don't need to declare isa if method list is predefined" );
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_c => (
+ isa => "ChildC",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildC->new },
+ handles => qr/_la$/,
+ );
+ }, undef, "can declare regex collector" );
+ ::isnt( ::exception {
+ has child_d => (
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildD->new },
+ handles => sub {
+ my ( $class, $delegate_class ) = @_;
+ }
+ );
+ }, undef, "can't create attr with generative handles parameter and no isa" );
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_d => (
+ isa => "ChildD",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildD->new },
+ handles => sub {
+ my ( $class, $delegate_class ) = @_;
+ return;
+ }
+ );
+ }, undef, "can't create attr with generative handles parameter and no isa" );
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_e => (
+ isa => "ChildE",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildE->new },
+ handles => ["child_e_method_2"],
+ );
+ }, undef, "can delegate to non moose class using explicit method list" );
+ my $delegate_class;
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_f => (
+ isa => "ChildF",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildF->new },
+ handles => sub {
+ $delegate_class = $_[1]->name;
+ return;
+ },
+ );
+ }, undef, "subrefs on non moose class give no meta" );
+ ::is( $delegate_class, "ChildF", "plain classes are handed down to subs" );
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_g => (
+ isa => "ChildG",
+ default => sub { ChildG->new },
+ handles => ["child_g_method_1"],
+ );
+ }, undef, "can delegate to object even without explicit reader" );
+ ::can_ok('Parent', 'parent_method_1');
+ ::isnt( ::exception {
+ has child_h => (
+ isa => "ChildH",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildH->new },
+ handles => sub { map { $_, $_ } $_[1]->get_all_method_names },
+ );
+ }, undef, "Can't override exisiting class method in delegate" );
+ ::can_ok('Parent', 'parent_method_1');
+ ::is( ::exception {
+ has child_i => (
+ isa => "ChildI",
+ is => "ro",
+ default => sub { ChildI->new },
+ handles => sub {
+ map { $_, $_ } grep { !/^parent_method_1|meta$/ }
+ $_[1]->get_all_method_names;
+ },
+ );
+ }, undef, "Test handles code ref for skipping predefined methods" );
+ sub parent_method { "p" }
+# sanity
+isa_ok( my $p = Parent->new, "Parent" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_a, "ChildA" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_b, "ChildB" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_c, "ChildC" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_d, "ChildD" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_e, "ChildE" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_f, "ChildF" );
+isa_ok( $p->child_i, "ChildI" );
+ok(!$p->can('child_g'), '... no child_g accessor defined');
+ok(!$p->can('child_h'), '... no child_h accessor defined');
+is( $p->parent_method, "p", "parent method" );
+is( $p->child_a->child_a_super_method, "as", "child supermethod" );
+is( $p->child_a->child_a_method_1, "a1", "child method" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_a_super_method" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_a_method_1" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_a_method_2" );
+ok( !$p->can( "child_a_method_3" ), "but not subclass of delegate class" );
+is( $p->child_a_method_1, $p->child_a->child_a_method_1, "delegate behaves the same" );
+is( $p->child_a_method_2, "ChildA a2", "delegates are their own invocants" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_b_method_1" );
+ok( !$p->can("child_b_method_2"), "but not ChildB's unspecified siblings" );
+ok( !$p->can($_), "none of ChildD's methods ($_)" )
+ for grep { /^child/ } map { $_->name } ChildD->meta->get_all_methods();
+can_ok( $p, "child_c_method_3_la" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_c_method_4_la" );
+is( $p->child_c_method_3_la, "c3", "ChildC method delegated OK" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_e_method_2" );
+ok( !$p->can("child_e_method_1"), "but not child_e_method_1");
+is( $p->child_e_method_2, "e2", "delegate to non moose class (child_e_method_2)" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_g_method_1" );
+is( $p->child_g_method_1, "g1", "delegate to moose class without reader (child_g_method_1)" );
+can_ok( $p, "child_i_method_1" );
+is( $p->parent_method_1, "parent_1", "delegate doesn't override existing method" );