path: root/Demo/tkinter/guido/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Demo/tkinter/guido/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 636 deletions
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/guido/ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/
deleted file mode 100644
index 326baecc91..0000000000
--- a/Demo/tkinter/guido/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-"""Sorting algorithms visualizer using Tkinter.
-This module is comprised of three ``components'':
-- an array visualizer with methods that implement basic sorting
-operations (compare, swap) as well as methods for ``annotating'' the
-sorting algorithm (e.g. to show the pivot element);
-- a number of sorting algorithms (currently quicksort, insertion sort,
-selection sort and bubble sort, as well as a randomization function),
-all using the array visualizer for its basic operations and with calls
-to its annotation methods;
-- and a ``driver'' class which can be used as a Grail applet or as a
-stand-alone application.
-from tkinter import *
-import random
-XGRID = 10
-YGRID = 10
-WIDTH = 6
-class Array:
- class Cancelled(BaseException):
- pass
- def __init__(self, master, data=None):
- self.master = master
- self.frame = Frame(self.master)
- self.frame.pack(fill=X)
- self.label = Label(self.frame)
- self.label.pack()
- self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame)
- self.canvas.pack()
- = Label(self.frame)
- self.left = self.canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.right = self.canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.pivot = self.canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.items = []
- self.size = self.maxvalue = 0
- if data:
- self.setdata(data)
- def setdata(self, data):
- olditems = self.items
- self.items = []
- for item in olditems:
- item.delete()
- self.size = len(data)
- self.maxvalue = max(data)
- self.canvas.config(width=(self.size+1)*XGRID,
- height=(self.maxvalue+1)*YGRID)
- for i in range(self.size):
- self.items.append(ArrayItem(self, i, data[i]))
- self.reset("Sort demo, size %d" % self.size)
- speed = "normal"
- def setspeed(self, speed):
- self.speed = speed
- def destroy(self):
- self.frame.destroy()
- in_mainloop = 0
- stop_mainloop = 0
- def cancel(self):
- self.stop_mainloop = 1
- if self.in_mainloop:
- self.master.quit()
- def step(self):
- if self.in_mainloop:
- self.master.quit()
- def wait(self, msecs):
- if self.speed == "fastest":
- msecs = 0
- elif self.speed == "fast":
- msecs = msecs//10
- elif self.speed == "single-step":
- msecs = 1000000000
- if not self.stop_mainloop:
- self.master.update()
- id = self.master.after(msecs, self.master.quit)
- self.in_mainloop = 1
- self.master.mainloop()
- self.master.after_cancel(id)
- self.in_mainloop = 0
- if self.stop_mainloop:
- self.stop_mainloop = 0
- self.message("Cancelled")
- raise Array.Cancelled
- def getsize(self):
- return self.size
- def show_partition(self, first, last):
- for i in range(self.size):
- item = self.items[i]
- if first <= i < last:
- self.canvas.itemconfig(item, fill='red')
- else:
- self.canvas.itemconfig(item, fill='orange')
- self.hide_left_right_pivot()
- def hide_partition(self):
- for i in range(self.size):
- item = self.items[i]
- self.canvas.itemconfig(item, fill='red')
- self.hide_left_right_pivot()
- def show_left(self, left):
- if not 0 <= left < self.size:
- self.hide_left()
- return
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.items[left].position()
-## top, bot = HIRO
- self.canvas.coords(self.left, (x1 - 2, 0, x1 - 2, 9999))
- self.master.update()
- def show_right(self, right):
- if not 0 <= right < self.size:
- self.hide_right()
- return
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.items[right].position()
- self.canvas.coords(self.right, (x2 + 2, 0, x2 + 2, 9999))
- self.master.update()
- def hide_left_right_pivot(self):
- self.hide_left()
- self.hide_right()
- self.hide_pivot()
- def hide_left(self):
- self.canvas.coords(self.left, (0, 0, 0, 0))
- def hide_right(self):
- self.canvas.coords(self.right, (0, 0, 0, 0))
- def show_pivot(self, pivot):
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.items[pivot].position()
- self.canvas.coords(self.pivot, (0, y1 - 2, 9999, y1 - 2))
- def hide_pivot(self):
- self.canvas.coords(self.pivot, (0, 0, 0, 0))
- def swap(self, i, j):
- if i == j: return
- self.countswap()
- item = self.items[i]
- other = self.items[j]
- self.items[i], self.items[j] = other, item
- item.swapwith(other)
- def compare(self, i, j):
- self.countcompare()
- item = self.items[i]
- other = self.items[j]
- return item.compareto(other)
- def reset(self, msg):
- self.ncompares = 0
- self.nswaps = 0
- self.message(msg)
- self.updatereport()
- self.hide_partition()
- def message(self, msg):
- self.label.config(text=msg)
- def countswap(self):
- self.nswaps = self.nswaps + 1
- self.updatereport()
- def countcompare(self):
- self.ncompares = self.ncompares + 1
- self.updatereport()
- def updatereport(self):
- text = "%d cmps, %d swaps" % (self.ncompares, self.nswaps)
-class ArrayItem:
- def __init__(self, array, index, value):
- self.array = array
- self.index = index
- self.value = value
- self.canvas = array.canvas
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.position()
- self.item_id = array.canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2,
- fill='red', outline='black', width=1)
- self.canvas.tag_bind(self.item_id, '<Button-1>', self.mouse_down)
- self.canvas.tag_bind(self.item_id, '<Button1-Motion>', self.mouse_move)
- self.canvas.tag_bind(self.item_id, '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.mouse_up)
- def delete(self):
- item_id = self.item_id
- self.array = None
- self.item_id = None
- self.canvas.delete(item_id)
- def mouse_down(self, event):
- self.lastx = event.x
- self.lasty = event.y
- self.origx = event.x
- self.origy = event.y
- self.canvas.tag_raise(self.item_id)
- def mouse_move(self, event):
- self.canvas.move(self.item_id,
- event.x - self.lastx, event.y - self.lasty)
- self.lastx = event.x
- self.lasty = event.y
- def mouse_up(self, event):
- i = self.nearestindex(event.x)
- if i >= self.array.getsize():
- i = self.array.getsize() - 1
- if i < 0:
- i = 0
- other = self.array.items[i]
- here = self.index
- self.array.items[here], self.array.items[i] = other, self
- self.index = i
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.position()
- self.canvas.coords(self.item_id, (x1, y1, x2, y2))
- other.setindex(here)
- def setindex(self, index):
- nsteps = steps(self.index, index)
- if not nsteps: return
- if self.array.speed == "fastest":
- nsteps = 0
- oldpts = self.position()
- self.index = index
- newpts = self.position()
- trajectory = interpolate(oldpts, newpts, nsteps)
- self.canvas.tag_raise(self.item_id)
- for pts in trajectory:
- self.canvas.coords(self.item_id, pts)
- self.array.wait(50)
- def swapwith(self, other):
- nsteps = steps(self.index, other.index)
- if not nsteps: return
- if self.array.speed == "fastest":
- nsteps = 0
- myoldpts = self.position()
- otheroldpts = other.position()
- self.index, other.index = other.index, self.index
- mynewpts = self.position()
- othernewpts = other.position()
- myfill = self.canvas.itemcget(self.item_id, 'fill')
- otherfill = self.canvas.itemcget(other.item_id, 'fill')
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.item_id, fill='green')
- self.canvas.itemconfig(other.item_id, fill='yellow')
- self.array.master.update()
- if self.array.speed == "single-step":
- self.canvas.coords(self.item_id, mynewpts)
- self.canvas.coords(other.item_id, othernewpts)
- self.array.master.update()
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.item_id, fill=myfill)
- self.canvas.itemconfig(other.item_id, fill=otherfill)
- self.array.wait(0)
- return
- mytrajectory = interpolate(myoldpts, mynewpts, nsteps)
- othertrajectory = interpolate(otheroldpts, othernewpts, nsteps)
- if self.value > other.value:
- self.canvas.tag_raise(self.item_id)
- self.canvas.tag_raise(other.item_id)
- else:
- self.canvas.tag_raise(other.item_id)
- self.canvas.tag_raise(self.item_id)
- try:
- for i in range(len(mytrajectory)):
- mypts = mytrajectory[i]
- otherpts = othertrajectory[i]
- self.canvas.coords(self.item_id, mypts)
- self.canvas.coords(other.item_id, otherpts)
- self.array.wait(50)
- finally:
- mypts = mytrajectory[-1]
- otherpts = othertrajectory[-1]
- self.canvas.coords(self.item_id, mypts)
- self.canvas.coords(other.item_id, otherpts)
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.item_id, fill=myfill)
- self.canvas.itemconfig(other.item_id, fill=otherfill)
- def compareto(self, other):
- myfill = self.canvas.itemcget(self.item_id, 'fill')
- otherfill = self.canvas.itemcget(other.item_id, 'fill')
- if self.value < other.value:
- myflash = 'white'
- otherflash = 'black'
- outcome = -1
- elif self.value > other.value:
- myflash = 'black'
- otherflash = 'white'
- outcome = 1
- else:
- myflash = otherflash = 'grey'
- outcome = 0
- try:
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.item_id, fill=myflash)
- self.canvas.itemconfig(other.item_id, fill=otherflash)
- self.array.wait(500)
- finally:
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.item_id, fill=myfill)
- self.canvas.itemconfig(other.item_id, fill=otherfill)
- return outcome
- def position(self):
- x1 = (self.index+1)*XGRID - WIDTH//2
- x2 = x1+WIDTH
- y2 = (self.array.maxvalue+1)*YGRID
- y1 = y2 - (self.value)*YGRID
- return x1, y1, x2, y2
- def nearestindex(self, x):
- return int(round(float(x)/XGRID)) - 1
-# Subroutines that don't need an object
-def steps(here, there):
- nsteps = abs(here - there)
- if nsteps <= 3:
- nsteps = nsteps * 3
- elif nsteps <= 5:
- nsteps = nsteps * 2
- elif nsteps > 10:
- nsteps = 10
- return nsteps
-def interpolate(oldpts, newpts, n):
- if len(oldpts) != len(newpts):
- raise ValueError("can't interpolate arrays of different length")
- pts = [0]*len(oldpts)
- res = [tuple(oldpts)]
- for i in range(1, n):
- for k in range(len(pts)):
- pts[k] = oldpts[k] + (newpts[k] - oldpts[k])*i//n
- res.append(tuple(pts))
- res.append(tuple(newpts))
- return res
-# Various (un)sorting algorithms
-def uniform(array):
- size = array.getsize()
- array.setdata([(size+1)//2] * size)
- array.reset("Uniform data, size %d" % size)
-def distinct(array):
- size = array.getsize()
- array.setdata(range(1, size+1))
- array.reset("Distinct data, size %d" % size)
-def randomize(array):
- array.reset("Randomizing")
- n = array.getsize()
- for i in range(n):
- j = random.randint(0, n-1)
- array.swap(i, j)
- array.message("Randomized")
-def insertionsort(array):
- size = array.getsize()
- array.reset("Insertion sort")
- for i in range(1, size):
- j = i-1
- while j >= 0:
- if, j+1) <= 0:
- break
- array.swap(j, j+1)
- j = j-1
- array.message("Sorted")
-def selectionsort(array):
- size = array.getsize()
- array.reset("Selection sort")
- try:
- for i in range(size):
- array.show_partition(i, size)
- for j in range(i+1, size):
- if, j) > 0:
- array.swap(i, j)
- array.message("Sorted")
- finally:
- array.hide_partition()
-def bubblesort(array):
- size = array.getsize()
- array.reset("Bubble sort")
- for i in range(size):
- for j in range(1, size):
- if, j) > 0:
- array.swap(j-1, j)
- array.message("Sorted")
-def quicksort(array):
- size = array.getsize()
- array.reset("Quicksort")
- try:
- stack = [(0, size)]
- while stack:
- first, last = stack[-1]
- del stack[-1]
- array.show_partition(first, last)
- if last-first < 5:
- array.message("Insertion sort")
- for i in range(first+1, last):
- j = i-1
- while j >= first:
- if, j+1) <= 0:
- break
- array.swap(j, j+1)
- j = j-1
- continue
- array.message("Choosing pivot")
- j, i, k = first, (first+last) // 2, last-1
- if, i) < 0:
- array.swap(k, i)
- if, j) < 0:
- array.swap(k, j)
- if, i) < 0:
- array.swap(j, i)
- pivot = j
- array.show_pivot(pivot)
- array.message("Pivot at left of partition")
- array.wait(1000)
- left = first
- right = last
- while 1:
- array.message("Sweep right pointer")
- right = right-1
- array.show_right(right)
- while right > first and, pivot) >= 0:
- right = right-1
- array.show_right(right)
- array.message("Sweep left pointer")
- left = left+1
- array.show_left(left)
- while left < last and, pivot) <= 0:
- left = left+1
- array.show_left(left)
- if left > right:
- array.message("End of partition")
- break
- array.message("Swap items")
- array.swap(left, right)
- array.message("Swap pivot back")
- array.swap(pivot, right)
- n1 = right-first
- n2 = last-left
- if n1 > 1: stack.append((first, right))
- if n2 > 1: stack.append((left, last))
- array.message("Sorted")
- finally:
- array.hide_partition()
-def demosort(array):
- while 1:
- for alg in [quicksort, insertionsort, selectionsort, bubblesort]:
- randomize(array)
- alg(array)
-# Sort demo class -- usable as a Grail applet
-class SortDemo:
- def __init__(self, master, size=15):
- self.master = master
- self.size = size
- self.busy = 0
- self.array = Array(self.master)
- self.botframe = Frame(master)
- self.botframe.pack(side=BOTTOM)
- self.botleftframe = Frame(self.botframe)
- self.botleftframe.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y)
- self.botrightframe = Frame(self.botframe)
- self.botrightframe.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
- self.b_qsort = Button(self.botleftframe,
- text="Quicksort", command=self.c_qsort)
- self.b_qsort.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_isort = Button(self.botleftframe,
- text="Insertion sort", command=self.c_isort)
- self.b_isort.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_ssort = Button(self.botleftframe,
- text="Selection sort", command=self.c_ssort)
- self.b_ssort.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_bsort = Button(self.botleftframe,
- text="Bubble sort", command=self.c_bsort)
- self.b_bsort.pack(fill=X)
- # Terrible hack to overcome limitation of OptionMenu...
- class MyIntVar(IntVar):
- def __init__(self, master, demo):
- self.demo = demo
- IntVar.__init__(self, master)
- def set(self, value):
- IntVar.set(self, value)
- if str(value) != '0':
- self.demo.resize(value)
- self.v_size = MyIntVar(self.master, self)
- self.v_size.set(size)
- sizes = [1, 2, 3, 4] + list(range(5, 55, 5))
- if self.size not in sizes:
- sizes.append(self.size)
- sizes.sort()
- self.m_size = OptionMenu(self.botleftframe, self.v_size, *sizes)
- self.m_size.pack(fill=X)
- self.v_speed = StringVar(self.master)
- self.v_speed.set("normal")
- self.m_speed = OptionMenu(self.botleftframe, self.v_speed,
- "single-step", "normal", "fast", "fastest")
- self.m_speed.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_step = Button(self.botleftframe,
- text="Step", command=self.c_step)
- self.b_step.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_randomize = Button(self.botrightframe,
- text="Randomize", command=self.c_randomize)
- self.b_randomize.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_uniform = Button(self.botrightframe,
- text="Uniform", command=self.c_uniform)
- self.b_uniform.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_distinct = Button(self.botrightframe,
- text="Distinct", command=self.c_distinct)
- self.b_distinct.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_demo = Button(self.botrightframe,
- text="Demo", command=self.c_demo)
- self.b_demo.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_cancel = Button(self.botrightframe,
- text="Cancel", command=self.c_cancel)
- self.b_cancel.pack(fill=X)
- self.b_cancel.config(state=DISABLED)
- self.b_quit = Button(self.botrightframe,
- text="Quit", command=self.c_quit)
- self.b_quit.pack(fill=X)
- def resize(self, newsize):
- if self.busy:
- self.master.bell()
- return
- self.size = newsize
- self.array.setdata(range(1, self.size+1))
- def c_qsort(self):
- def c_isort(self):
- def c_ssort(self):
- def c_bsort(self):
- def c_demo(self):
- def c_randomize(self):
- def c_uniform(self):
- def c_distinct(self):
- def run(self, func):
- if self.busy:
- self.master.bell()
- return
- self.busy = 1
- self.array.setspeed(self.v_speed.get())
- self.b_cancel.config(state=NORMAL)
- try:
- func(self.array)
- except Array.Cancelled:
- pass
- self.b_cancel.config(state=DISABLED)
- self.busy = 0
- def c_cancel(self):
- if not self.busy:
- self.master.bell()
- return
- self.array.cancel()
- def c_step(self):
- if not self.busy:
- self.master.bell()
- return
- self.v_speed.set("single-step")
- self.array.setspeed("single-step")
- self.array.step()
- def c_quit(self):
- if self.busy:
- self.array.cancel()
- self.master.after_idle(self.master.quit)
-# Main program -- for stand-alone operation outside Grail
-def main():
- root = Tk()
- demo = SortDemo(root)
- root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', demo.c_quit)
- root.mainloop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()