path: root/Doc/library/gettext.rst
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+:mod:`gettext` --- Multilingual internationalization services
+.. module:: gettext
+ :synopsis: Multilingual internationalization services.
+.. moduleauthor:: Barry A. Warsaw <>
+.. sectionauthor:: Barry A. Warsaw <>
+The :mod:`gettext` module provides internationalization (I18N) and localization
+(L10N) services for your Python modules and applications. It supports both the
+GNU ``gettext`` message catalog API and a higher level, class-based API that may
+be more appropriate for Python files. The interface described below allows you
+to write your module and application messages in one natural language, and
+provide a catalog of translated messages for running under different natural
+Some hints on localizing your Python modules and applications are also given.
+GNU :program:`gettext` API
+The :mod:`gettext` module defines the following API, which is very similar to
+the GNU :program:`gettext` API. If you use this API you will affect the
+translation of your entire application globally. Often this is what you want if
+your application is monolingual, with the choice of language dependent on the
+locale of your user. If you are localizing a Python module, or if your
+application needs to switch languages on the fly, you probably want to use the
+class-based API instead.
+.. function:: bindtextdomain(domain[, localedir])
+ Bind the *domain* to the locale directory *localedir*. More concretely,
+ :mod:`gettext` will look for binary :file:`.mo` files for the given domain using
+ the path (on Unix): :file:`localedir/language/LC_MESSAGES/`, where
+ *languages* is searched for in the environment variables :envvar:`LANGUAGE`,
+ :envvar:`LC_ALL`, :envvar:`LC_MESSAGES`, and :envvar:`LANG` respectively.
+ If *localedir* is omitted or ``None``, then the current binding for *domain* is
+ returned. [#]_
+.. function:: bind_textdomain_codeset(domain[, codeset])
+ Bind the *domain* to *codeset*, changing the encoding of strings returned by the
+ :func:`gettext` family of functions. If *codeset* is omitted, then the current
+ binding is returned.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. function:: textdomain([domain])
+ Change or query the current global domain. If *domain* is ``None``, then the
+ current global domain is returned, otherwise the global domain is set to
+ *domain*, which is returned.
+.. function:: gettext(message)
+ Return the localized translation of *message*, based on the current global
+ domain, language, and locale directory. This function is usually aliased as
+ :func:`_` in the local namespace (see examples below).
+.. function:: lgettext(message)
+ Equivalent to :func:`gettext`, but the translation is returned in the preferred
+ system encoding, if no other encoding was explicitly set with
+ :func:`bind_textdomain_codeset`.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. function:: dgettext(domain, message)
+ Like :func:`gettext`, but look the message up in the specified *domain*.
+.. function:: ldgettext(domain, message)
+ Equivalent to :func:`dgettext`, but the translation is returned in the preferred
+ system encoding, if no other encoding was explicitly set with
+ :func:`bind_textdomain_codeset`.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. function:: ngettext(singular, plural, n)
+ Like :func:`gettext`, but consider plural forms. If a translation is found,
+ apply the plural formula to *n*, and return the resulting message (some
+ languages have more than two plural forms). If no translation is found, return
+ *singular* if *n* is 1; return *plural* otherwise.
+ The Plural formula is taken from the catalog header. It is a C or Python
+ expression that has a free variable *n*; the expression evaluates to the index
+ of the plural in the catalog. See the GNU gettext documentation for the precise
+ syntax to be used in :file:`.po` files and the formulas for a variety of
+ languages.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.3
+.. function:: lngettext(singular, plural, n)
+ Equivalent to :func:`ngettext`, but the translation is returned in the preferred
+ system encoding, if no other encoding was explicitly set with
+ :func:`bind_textdomain_codeset`.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. function:: dngettext(domain, singular, plural, n)
+ Like :func:`ngettext`, but look the message up in the specified *domain*.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.3
+.. function:: ldngettext(domain, singular, plural, n)
+ Equivalent to :func:`dngettext`, but the translation is returned in the
+ preferred system encoding, if no other encoding was explicitly set with
+ :func:`bind_textdomain_codeset`.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+Note that GNU :program:`gettext` also defines a :func:`dcgettext` method, but
+this was deemed not useful and so it is currently unimplemented.
+Here's an example of typical usage for this API::
+ import gettext
+ gettext.bindtextdomain('myapplication', '/path/to/my/language/directory')
+ gettext.textdomain('myapplication')
+ _ = gettext.gettext
+ # ...
+ print _('This is a translatable string.')
+Class-based API
+The class-based API of the :mod:`gettext` module gives you more flexibility and
+greater convenience than the GNU :program:`gettext` API. It is the recommended
+way of localizing your Python applications and modules. :mod:`gettext` defines
+a "translations" class which implements the parsing of GNU :file:`.mo` format
+files, and has methods for returning either standard 8-bit strings or Unicode
+strings. Instances of this "translations" class can also install themselves in
+the built-in namespace as the function :func:`_`.
+.. function:: find(domain[, localedir[, languages[, all]]])
+ This function implements the standard :file:`.mo` file search algorithm. It
+ takes a *domain*, identical to what :func:`textdomain` takes. Optional
+ *localedir* is as in :func:`bindtextdomain` Optional *languages* is a list of
+ strings, where each string is a language code.
+ If *localedir* is not given, then the default system locale directory is used.
+ [#]_ If *languages* is not given, then the following environment variables are
+ searched: :envvar:`LANGUAGE`, :envvar:`LC_ALL`, :envvar:`LC_MESSAGES`, and
+ :envvar:`LANG`. The first one returning a non-empty value is used for the
+ *languages* variable. The environment variables should contain a colon separated
+ list of languages, which will be split on the colon to produce the expected list
+ of language code strings.
+ :func:`find` then expands and normalizes the languages, and then iterates
+ through them, searching for an existing file built of these components:
+ :file:`localedir/language/LC_MESSAGES/`
+ The first such file name that exists is returned by :func:`find`. If no such
+ file is found, then ``None`` is returned. If *all* is given, it returns a list
+ of all file names, in the order in which they appear in the languages list or
+ the environment variables.
+.. function:: translation(domain[, localedir[, languages[, class_[, fallback[, codeset]]]]])
+ Return a :class:`Translations` instance based on the *domain*, *localedir*, and
+ *languages*, which are first passed to :func:`find` to get a list of the
+ associated :file:`.mo` file paths. Instances with identical :file:`.mo` file
+ names are cached. The actual class instantiated is either *class_* if provided,
+ otherwise :class:`GNUTranslations`. The class's constructor must take a single
+ file object argument. If provided, *codeset* will change the charset used to
+ encode translated strings.
+ If multiple files are found, later files are used as fallbacks for earlier ones.
+ To allow setting the fallback, :func:`copy.copy` is used to clone each
+ translation object from the cache; the actual instance data is still shared with
+ the cache.
+ If no :file:`.mo` file is found, this function raises :exc:`IOError` if
+ *fallback* is false (which is the default), and returns a
+ :class:`NullTranslations` instance if *fallback* is true.
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+ Added the *codeset* parameter.
+.. function:: install(domain[, localedir[, unicode [, codeset[, names]]]])
+ This installs the function :func:`_` in Python's builtin namespace, based on
+ *domain*, *localedir*, and *codeset* which are passed to the function
+ :func:`translation`. The *unicode* flag is passed to the resulting translation
+ object's :meth:`install` method.
+ For the *names* parameter, please see the description of the translation
+ object's :meth:`install` method.
+ As seen below, you usually mark the strings in your application that are
+ candidates for translation, by wrapping them in a call to the :func:`_`
+ function, like this::
+ print _('This string will be translated.')
+ For convenience, you want the :func:`_` function to be installed in Python's
+ builtin namespace, so it is easily accessible in all modules of your
+ application.
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+ Added the *codeset* parameter.
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+ Added the *names* parameter.
+The :class:`NullTranslations` class
+Translation classes are what actually implement the translation of original
+source file message strings to translated message strings. The base class used
+by all translation classes is :class:`NullTranslations`; this provides the basic
+interface you can use to write your own specialized translation classes. Here
+are the methods of :class:`NullTranslations`:
+.. method:: NullTranslations.__init__([fp])
+ Takes an optional file object *fp*, which is ignored by the base class.
+ Initializes "protected" instance variables *_info* and *_charset* which are set
+ by derived classes, as well as *_fallback*, which is set through
+ :meth:`add_fallback`. It then calls ``self._parse(fp)`` if *fp* is not
+ ``None``.
+.. method:: NullTranslations._parse(fp)
+ No-op'd in the base class, this method takes file object *fp*, and reads the
+ data from the file, initializing its message catalog. If you have an
+ unsupported message catalog file format, you should override this method to
+ parse your format.
+.. method:: NullTranslations.add_fallback(fallback)
+ Add *fallback* as the fallback object for the current translation object. A
+ translation object should consult the fallback if it cannot provide a
+ translation for a given message.
+.. method:: NullTranslations.gettext(message)
+ If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`gettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
+ return the translated message. Overridden in derived classes.
+.. method:: NullTranslations.lgettext(message)
+ If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`lgettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
+ return the translated message. Overridden in derived classes.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. method:: NullTranslations.ugettext(message)
+ If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ugettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
+ return the translated message as a Unicode string. Overridden in derived
+ classes.
+.. method:: NullTranslations.ngettext(singular, plural, n)
+ If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ngettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
+ return the translated message. Overridden in derived classes.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.3
+.. method:: NullTranslations.lngettext(singular, plural, n)
+ If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ngettext` to the fallback. Otherwise,
+ return the translated message. Overridden in derived classes.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. method:: NullTranslations.ungettext(singular, plural, n)
+ If a fallback has been set, forward :meth:`ungettext` to the fallback.
+ Otherwise, return the translated message as a Unicode string. Overridden in
+ derived classes.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.3
+.. method::
+ Return the "protected" :attr:`_info` variable.
+.. method:: NullTranslations.charset()
+ Return the "protected" :attr:`_charset` variable.
+.. method:: NullTranslations.output_charset()
+ Return the "protected" :attr:`_output_charset` variable, which defines the
+ encoding used to return translated messages.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. method:: NullTranslations.set_output_charset(charset)
+ Change the "protected" :attr:`_output_charset` variable, which defines the
+ encoding used to return translated messages.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. method:: NullTranslations.install([unicode [, names]])
+ If the *unicode* flag is false, this method installs :meth:`self.gettext` into
+ the built-in namespace, binding it to ``_``. If *unicode* is true, it binds
+ :meth:`self.ugettext` instead. By default, *unicode* is false.
+ If the *names* parameter is given, it must be a sequence containing the names of
+ functions you want to install in the builtin namespace in addition to :func:`_`.
+ Supported names are ``'gettext'`` (bound to :meth:`self.gettext` or
+ :meth:`self.ugettext` according to the *unicode* flag), ``'ngettext'`` (bound to
+ :meth:`self.ngettext` or :meth:`self.ungettext` according to the *unicode*
+ flag), ``'lgettext'`` and ``'lngettext'``.
+ Note that this is only one way, albeit the most convenient way, to make the
+ :func:`_` function available to your application. Because it affects the entire
+ application globally, and specifically the built-in namespace, localized modules
+ should never install :func:`_`. Instead, they should use this code to make
+ :func:`_` available to their module::
+ import gettext
+ t = gettext.translation('mymodule', ...)
+ _ = t.gettext
+ This puts :func:`_` only in the module's global namespace and so only affects
+ calls within this module.
+ .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+ Added the *names* parameter.
+The :class:`GNUTranslations` class
+The :mod:`gettext` module provides one additional class derived from
+:class:`NullTranslations`: :class:`GNUTranslations`. This class overrides
+:meth:`_parse` to enable reading GNU :program:`gettext` format :file:`.mo` files
+in both big-endian and little-endian format. It also coerces both message ids
+and message strings to Unicode.
+:class:`GNUTranslations` parses optional meta-data out of the translation
+catalog. It is convention with GNU :program:`gettext` to include meta-data as
+the translation for the empty string. This meta-data is in :rfc:`822`\ -style
+``key: value`` pairs, and should contain the ``Project-Id-Version`` key. If the
+key ``Content-Type`` is found, then the ``charset`` property is used to
+initialize the "protected" :attr:`_charset` instance variable, defaulting to
+``None`` if not found. If the charset encoding is specified, then all message
+ids and message strings read from the catalog are converted to Unicode using
+this encoding. The :meth:`ugettext` method always returns a Unicode, while the
+:meth:`gettext` returns an encoded 8-bit string. For the message id arguments
+of both methods, either Unicode strings or 8-bit strings containing only
+US-ASCII characters are acceptable. Note that the Unicode version of the
+methods (i.e. :meth:`ugettext` and :meth:`ungettext`) are the recommended
+interface to use for internationalized Python programs.
+The entire set of key/value pairs are placed into a dictionary and set as the
+"protected" :attr:`_info` instance variable.
+If the :file:`.mo` file's magic number is invalid, or if other problems occur
+while reading the file, instantiating a :class:`GNUTranslations` class can raise
+The following methods are overridden from the base class implementation:
+.. method:: GNUTranslations.gettext(message)
+ Look up the *message* id in the catalog and return the corresponding message
+ string, as an 8-bit string encoded with the catalog's charset encoding, if
+ known. If there is no entry in the catalog for the *message* id, and a fallback
+ has been set, the look up is forwarded to the fallback's :meth:`gettext` method.
+ Otherwise, the *message* id is returned.
+.. method:: GNUTranslations.lgettext(message)
+ Equivalent to :meth:`gettext`, but the translation is returned in the preferred
+ system encoding, if no other encoding was explicitly set with
+ :meth:`set_output_charset`.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. method:: GNUTranslations.ugettext(message)
+ Look up the *message* id in the catalog and return the corresponding message
+ string, as a Unicode string. If there is no entry in the catalog for the
+ *message* id, and a fallback has been set, the look up is forwarded to the
+ fallback's :meth:`ugettext` method. Otherwise, the *message* id is returned.
+.. method:: GNUTranslations.ngettext(singular, plural, n)
+ Do a plural-forms lookup of a message id. *singular* is used as the message id
+ for purposes of lookup in the catalog, while *n* is used to determine which
+ plural form to use. The returned message string is an 8-bit string encoded with
+ the catalog's charset encoding, if known.
+ If the message id is not found in the catalog, and a fallback is specified, the
+ request is forwarded to the fallback's :meth:`ngettext` method. Otherwise, when
+ *n* is 1 *singular* is returned, and *plural* is returned in all other cases.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.3
+.. method:: GNUTranslations.lngettext(singular, plural, n)
+ Equivalent to :meth:`gettext`, but the translation is returned in the preferred
+ system encoding, if no other encoding was explicitly set with
+ :meth:`set_output_charset`.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.4
+.. method:: GNUTranslations.ungettext(singular, plural, n)
+ Do a plural-forms lookup of a message id. *singular* is used as the message id
+ for purposes of lookup in the catalog, while *n* is used to determine which
+ plural form to use. The returned message string is a Unicode string.
+ If the message id is not found in the catalog, and a fallback is specified, the
+ request is forwarded to the fallback's :meth:`ungettext` method. Otherwise,
+ when *n* is 1 *singular* is returned, and *plural* is returned in all other
+ cases.
+ Here is an example::
+ n = len(os.listdir('.'))
+ cat = GNUTranslations(somefile)
+ message = cat.ungettext(
+ 'There is %(num)d file in this directory',
+ 'There are %(num)d files in this directory',
+ n) % {'num': n}
+ .. versionadded:: 2.3
+Solaris message catalog support
+The Solaris operating system defines its own binary :file:`.mo` file format, but
+since no documentation can be found on this format, it is not supported at this
+The Catalog constructor
+.. index:: single: GNOME
+GNOME uses a version of the :mod:`gettext` module by James Henstridge, but this
+version has a slightly different API. Its documented usage was::
+ import gettext
+ cat = gettext.Catalog(domain, localedir)
+ _ = cat.gettext
+ print _('hello world')
+For compatibility with this older module, the function :func:`Catalog` is an
+alias for the :func:`translation` function described above.
+One difference between this module and Henstridge's: his catalog objects
+supported access through a mapping API, but this appears to be unused and so is
+not currently supported.
+Internationalizing your programs and modules
+Internationalization (I18N) refers to the operation by which a program is made
+aware of multiple languages. Localization (L10N) refers to the adaptation of
+your program, once internationalized, to the local language and cultural habits.
+In order to provide multilingual messages for your Python programs, you need to
+take the following steps:
+#. prepare your program or module by specially marking translatable strings
+#. run a suite of tools over your marked files to generate raw messages catalogs
+#. create language specific translations of the message catalogs
+#. use the :mod:`gettext` module so that message strings are properly translated
+In order to prepare your code for I18N, you need to look at all the strings in
+your files. Any string that needs to be translated should be marked by wrapping
+it in ``_('...')`` --- that is, a call to the function :func:`_`. For example::
+ filename = 'mylog.txt'
+ message = _('writing a log message')
+ fp = open(filename, 'w')
+ fp.write(message)
+ fp.close()
+In this example, the string ``'writing a log message'`` is marked as a candidate
+for translation, while the strings ``'mylog.txt'`` and ``'w'`` are not.
+The Python distribution comes with two tools which help you generate the message
+catalogs once you've prepared your source code. These may or may not be
+available from a binary distribution, but they can be found in a source
+distribution, in the :file:`Tools/i18n` directory.
+The :program:`pygettext` [#]_ program scans all your Python source code looking
+for the strings you previously marked as translatable. It is similar to the GNU
+:program:`gettext` program except that it understands all the intricacies of
+Python source code, but knows nothing about C or C++ source code. You don't
+need GNU ``gettext`` unless you're also going to be translating C code (such as
+C extension modules).
+:program:`pygettext` generates textual Uniforum-style human readable message
+catalog :file:`.pot` files, essentially structured human readable files which
+contain every marked string in the source code, along with a placeholder for the
+translation strings. :program:`pygettext` is a command line script that supports
+a similar command line interface as :program:`xgettext`; for details on its use,
+ --help
+Copies of these :file:`.pot` files are then handed over to the individual human
+translators who write language-specific versions for every supported natural
+language. They send you back the filled in language-specific versions as a
+:file:`.po` file. Using the :program:`` [#]_ program (in the
+:file:`Tools/i18n` directory), you take the :file:`.po` files from your
+translators and generate the machine-readable :file:`.mo` binary catalog files.
+The :file:`.mo` files are what the :mod:`gettext` module uses for the actual
+translation processing during run-time.
+How you use the :mod:`gettext` module in your code depends on whether you are
+internationalizing a single module or your entire application. The next two
+sections will discuss each case.
+Localizing your module
+If you are localizing your module, you must take care not to make global
+changes, e.g. to the built-in namespace. You should not use the GNU ``gettext``
+API but instead the class-based API.
+Let's say your module is called "spam" and the module's various natural language
+translation :file:`.mo` files reside in :file:`/usr/share/locale` in GNU
+:program:`gettext` format. Here's what you would put at the top of your
+ import gettext
+ t = gettext.translation('spam', '/usr/share/locale')
+ _ = t.lgettext
+If your translators were providing you with Unicode strings in their :file:`.po`
+files, you'd instead do::
+ import gettext
+ t = gettext.translation('spam', '/usr/share/locale')
+ _ = t.ugettext
+Localizing your application
+If you are localizing your application, you can install the :func:`_` function
+globally into the built-in namespace, usually in the main driver file of your
+application. This will let all your application-specific files just use
+``_('...')`` without having to explicitly install it in each file.
+In the simple case then, you need only add the following bit of code to the main
+driver file of your application::
+ import gettext
+ gettext.install('myapplication')
+If you need to set the locale directory or the *unicode* flag, you can pass
+these into the :func:`install` function::
+ import gettext
+ gettext.install('myapplication', '/usr/share/locale', unicode=1)
+Changing languages on the fly
+If your program needs to support many languages at the same time, you may want
+to create multiple translation instances and then switch between them
+explicitly, like so::
+ import gettext
+ lang1 = gettext.translation('myapplication', languages=['en'])
+ lang2 = gettext.translation('myapplication', languages=['fr'])
+ lang3 = gettext.translation('myapplication', languages=['de'])
+ # start by using language1
+ lang1.install()
+ # ... time goes by, user selects language 2
+ lang2.install()
+ # ... more time goes by, user selects language 3
+ lang3.install()
+Deferred translations
+In most coding situations, strings are translated where they are coded.
+Occasionally however, you need to mark strings for translation, but defer actual
+translation until later. A classic example is::
+ animals = ['mollusk',
+ 'albatross',
+ 'rat',
+ 'penguin',
+ 'python',
+ ]
+ # ...
+ for a in animals:
+ print a
+Here, you want to mark the strings in the ``animals`` list as being
+translatable, but you don't actually want to translate them until they are
+Here is one way you can handle this situation::
+ def _(message): return message
+ animals = [_('mollusk'),
+ _('albatross'),
+ _('rat'),
+ _('penguin'),
+ _('python'),
+ ]
+ del _
+ # ...
+ for a in animals:
+ print _(a)
+This works because the dummy definition of :func:`_` simply returns the string
+unchanged. And this dummy definition will temporarily override any definition
+of :func:`_` in the built-in namespace (until the :keyword:`del` command). Take
+care, though if you have a previous definition of :func:`_` in the local
+Note that the second use of :func:`_` will not identify "a" as being
+translatable to the :program:`pygettext` program, since it is not a string.
+Another way to handle this is with the following example::
+ def N_(message): return message
+ animals = [N_('mollusk'),
+ N_('albatross'),
+ N_('rat'),
+ N_('penguin'),
+ N_('python'),
+ ]
+ # ...
+ for a in animals:
+ print _(a)
+In this case, you are marking translatable strings with the function :func:`N_`,
+[#]_ which won't conflict with any definition of :func:`_`. However, you will
+need to teach your message extraction program to look for translatable strings
+marked with :func:`N_`. :program:`pygettext` and :program:`xpot` both support
+this through the use of command line switches.
+:func:`gettext` vs. :func:`lgettext`
+In Python 2.4 the :func:`lgettext` family of functions were introduced. The
+intention of these functions is to provide an alternative which is more
+compliant with the current implementation of GNU gettext. Unlike
+:func:`gettext`, which returns strings encoded with the same codeset used in the
+translation file, :func:`lgettext` will return strings encoded with the
+preferred system encoding, as returned by :func:`locale.getpreferredencoding`.
+Also notice that Python 2.4 introduces new functions to explicitly choose the
+codeset used in translated strings. If a codeset is explicitly set, even
+:func:`lgettext` will return translated strings in the requested codeset, as
+would be expected in the GNU gettext implementation.
+The following people contributed code, feedback, design suggestions, previous
+implementations, and valuable experience to the creation of this module:
+* Peter Funk
+* James Henstridge
+* Juan David Ibáñez Palomar
+* Marc-André Lemburg
+* Martin von Löwis
+* François Pinard
+* Barry Warsaw
+* Gustavo Niemeyer
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] The default locale directory is system dependent; for example, on RedHat Linux
+ it is :file:`/usr/share/locale`, but on Solaris it is :file:`/usr/lib/locale`.
+ The :mod:`gettext` module does not try to support these system dependent
+ defaults; instead its default is :file:`sys.prefix/share/locale`. For this
+ reason, it is always best to call :func:`bindtextdomain` with an explicit
+ absolute path at the start of your application.
+.. [#] See the footnote for :func:`bindtextdomain` above.
+.. [#] François Pinard has written a program called :program:`xpot` which does a
+ similar job. It is available as part of his :program:`po-utils` package at http
+ ://
+.. [#] :program:`` is binary compatible with GNU :program:`msgfmt` except that
+ it provides a simpler, all-Python implementation. With this and
+ :program:``, you generally won't need to install the GNU
+ :program:`gettext` package to internationalize your Python applications.
+.. [#] The choice of :func:`N_` here is totally arbitrary; it could have just as easily
+ been :func:`MarkThisStringForTranslation`.