path: root/Doc/library/select.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/library/select.rst')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/library/select.rst b/Doc/library/select.rst
index a81386a4fb..f97118ebe0 100644
--- a/Doc/library/select.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/select.rst
@@ -268,35 +268,43 @@ Edge and Level Trigger Polling (epoll) Objects
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | Constant | Meaning |
- +=======================+===============================================+
- | :const:`EPOLLIN` | Available for read |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLOUT` | Available for write |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLPRI` | Urgent data for read |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLERR` | Error condition happened on the assoc. fd |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLHUP` | Hang up happened on the assoc. fd |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLET` | Set Edge Trigger behavior, the default is |
- | | Level Trigger behavior |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLONESHOT` | Set one-shot behavior. After one event is |
- | | pulled out, the fd is internally disabled |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLRDNORM` | Equivalent to :const:`EPOLLIN` |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLRDBAND` | Priority data band can be read. |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLWRNORM` | Equivalent to :const:`EPOLLOUT` |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLWRBAND` | Priority data may be written. |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- | :const:`EPOLLMSG` | Ignored. |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | Constant | Meaning |
+ +=========================+===============================================+
+ | :const:`EPOLLIN` | Available for read |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLOUT` | Available for write |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLPRI` | Urgent data for read |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLERR` | Error condition happened on the assoc. fd |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLHUP` | Hang up happened on the assoc. fd |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLET` | Set Edge Trigger behavior, the default is |
+ | | Level Trigger behavior |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLONESHOT` | Set one-shot behavior. After one event is |
+ | | pulled out, the fd is internally disabled |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLEXCLUSIVE` | Wake only one epoll object when the |
+ | | associated fd has an event. The default (if |
+ | | this flag is not set) is to wake all epoll |
+ | | objects polling on on a fd. |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLRDHUP` | Stream socket peer closed connection or shut |
+ | | down writing half of connection. |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLRDNORM` | Equivalent to :const:`EPOLLIN` |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLRDBAND` | Priority data band can be read. |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLWRNORM` | Equivalent to :const:`EPOLLOUT` |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLWRBAND` | Priority data may be written. |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | :const:`EPOLLMSG` | Ignored. |
+ +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
.. method:: epoll.close()
@@ -385,6 +393,9 @@ linearly scanned again. :c:func:`select` is O(highest file descriptor), while
| :const:`POLLHUP` | Hung up |
+ | :const:`POLLRDHUP`| Stream socket peer closed connection, or |
+ | | shut down writing half of connection |
+ +-------------------+------------------------------------------+
| :const:`POLLNVAL` | Invalid request: descriptor not open |