path: root/Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst
index 9148743dc0..580790f5a6 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
:Release: |release|
:Date: |today|
-.. Fix accents on Kristjan Valur Jonsson, Fuerstenau.
+.. Fix accents on Kristjan Valur Jonsson, Fuerstenau, Tarek Ziade.
.. $Id$
Rules for maintenance:
@@ -55,12 +55,32 @@ No release schedule has been decided yet for 2.7.
.. Compare with previous release in 2 - 3 sentences here.
add hyperlink when the documentation becomes available online.
+Python 3.1
+Much as Python 2.6 incorporated features from Python 3.0,
+version 2.7 is influenced by features from 3.1.
+XXX mention importlib; anything else?
+One porting change: the :option:`-3` switch now automatically
+enables the :option:`-Qwarn` switch that causes warnings
+about using classic division with integers and long integers.
.. ========================================================================
.. Large, PEP-level features and changes should be described here.
-.. Should there be a new section here for 3k migration?
-.. Or perhaps a more general section describing module changes/deprecation?
.. ========================================================================
+PEP 372: Adding an ordered dictionary to collections
+XXX write this
+Several modules will now use :class:`OrderedDict` by default. The
+:mod:`ConfigParser` module uses :class:`OrderedDict` for the list
+of sections and the options within a section.
+The :meth:`namedtuple._asdict` method returns an :class:`OrderedDict`
+as well.
Other Language Changes
@@ -85,6 +105,43 @@ Some smaller changes made to the core Python language are:
(Contributed by Fredrik Johansson and Victor Stinner; :issue:`3439`.)
+* The :class:`bytearray` type's :meth:`translate` method will
+ now accept None as its first argument. (Fixed by Georg Brandl;
+ :issue:`4759`.)
+.. ======================================================================
+Several performance enhancements have been added:
+.. * A new :program:`configure` option, :option:`--with-computed-gotos`,
+ compiles the main bytecode interpreter loop using a new dispatch
+ mechanism that gives speedups of up to 20%, depending on the system
+ and benchmark. The new mechanism is only supported on certain
+ compilers, such as gcc, SunPro, and icc.
+* The garbage collector now performs better when many objects are
+ being allocated without deallocating any. A full garbage collection
+ pass is only performed when the middle generation has been collected
+ 10 times and when the number of survivor objects from the middle
+ generation exceeds 10% of the number of objects in the oldest
+ generation. The second condition was added to reduce the number
+ of full garbage collections as the number of objects on the heap grows,
+ avoiding quadratic performance when allocating very many objects.
+ (Suggested by Martin von Loewis and implemented by Antoine Pitrou;
+ :issue:`4074`.)
+* The garbage collector tries to avoid tracking simple containers
+ which can't be part of a cycle. In Python 2.7, this is now true for
+ tuples and dicts containing atomic types (such as ints, strings,
+ etc.). Transitively, a dict containing tuples of atomic types won't
+ be tracked either. This helps reduce the cost of each
+ garbage collection by decreasing the number of objects to be
+ considered and traversed by the collector.
+ (Contributed by Antoine Pitrou; :issue:`4688`.)
* Integers are now stored internally either in base 2**15 or in base
2**30, the base being determined at build time. Previously, they
@@ -93,7 +150,7 @@ Some smaller changes made to the core Python language are:
benchmark results on 32-bit machines have been mixed. Therefore,
the default is to use base 2**30 on 64-bit machines and base 2**15
on 32-bit machines; on Unix, there's a new configure option
- --enable-big-digits that can be used to override this default.
+ :option:`--enable-big-digits` that can be used to override this default.
Apart from the performance improvements this change should be
invisible to end users, with one exception: for testing and
@@ -106,41 +163,28 @@ Some smaller changes made to the core Python language are:
>>> sys.long_info
sys.long_info(bits_per_digit=30, sizeof_digit=4)
(Contributed by Mark Dickinson; :issue:`4258`.)
+ Another set of changes made long objects a few bytes smaller: 2 bytes
+ smaller on 32-bit systems and 6 bytes on 64-bit.
+ (Contributed by Mark Dickinson; :issue:`5260`.)
-.. ======================================================================
+* The division algorithm for long integers has been made faster
+ by tightening the inner loop, doing shifts instead of multiplications,
+ and fixing an unnecessary extra iteration.
+ Various benchmarks show speedups of between 50% and 150% for long
+ integer divisions and modulo operations.
+ (Contributed by Mark Dickinson; :issue:`5512`.)
-A few performance enhancements have been added:
-* The garbage collector now performs better when many objects are
- being allocated without deallocating any. A full garbage collection
- pass is only performed when the middle generation has been collected
- 10 times and when the number of survivor objects from the middle
- generation exceeds 10% of the number of objects in the oldest
- generation. The second condition was added to reduce the number
- of full garbage collections as the number of objects on the heap grows,
- avoiding quadratic performance when allocating very many objects.
- (Suggested by Martin von Loewis and implemented by Antoine Pitrou;
- :issue:`4074`.)
-* The garbage collector tries to avoid tracking simple containers which
- can't be part of a cycle. As of now, this is true for tuples and dicts
- containing atomic types (such as ints, strings, etc.). Transitively, a dict
- containing tuples of atomic types won't be tracked either. This helps bring
- down the individual cost of each garbage collection, since it decreases the
- number of objects to be considered and traversed by the collector.
- To help diagnosing this optimization, a new function in the :mod:`gc`
- module, :func:`is_tracked`, returns True if a given instance is tracked
- by the garbage collector, False otherwise.
- (Contributed by Antoine Pitrou; :issue:`4688`.)
+* The implementation of ``%`` checks for the left-side operand being
+ a Python string and special-cases it; this results in a 1-3%
+ performance increase for applications that frequently use ``%``
+ with strings, such as templating libraries.
+ (Implemented by Collin Winter; :issue:`5176`.)
+* List comprehensions with an ``if`` condition are compiled into
+ faster bytecode. (Patch by Antoine Pitrou, back-ported to 2.7
+ by Jeffrey Yasskin; :issue:`4715`.)
.. ======================================================================
@@ -153,15 +197,6 @@ changes, sorted alphabetically by module name. Consult the
:file:`Misc/NEWS` file in the source tree for a more complete list of
changes, or look through the Subversion logs for all the details.
-* In Distutils, distutils.sdist.add_defaults now uses package_dir and data_files
- to feed MANIFEST.
-* It is not mandatory anymore to store clear text passwords in the
- :file:`.pypirc` file when registering and uploading packages to PyPI. As long
- as the username is present in that file, the :mod:`distutils` package will
- prompt for the password if not present. (Added by tarek, with the initial
- contribution of Nathan Van Gheem; :issue:`4394`.)
* The :mod:`bz2` module's :class:`BZ2File` now supports the context
management protocol, so you can write ``with bz2.BZ2File(...) as f: ...``.
(Contributed by Hagen Fuerstenau; :issue:`3860`.)
@@ -200,21 +235,100 @@ changes, or look through the Subversion logs for all the details.
Contributed by Raymond Hettinger; :issue:`1696199`.
+ The :class:`namedtuple` class now has an optional *rename* parameter.
+ If *rename* is True, field names that are invalid because they've
+ been repeated or that aren't legal Python identifiers will be
+ renamed to legal names that are derived from the field's
+ position within the list of fields:
+ >>> T=namedtuple('T', ['field1', '$illegal', 'for', 'field2'], rename=True)
+ >>> T._fields
+ ('field1', '_1', '_2', 'field2')
+ (Added by Raymond Hettinger; :issue:`1818`.)
+* In Distutils, :func:`distutils.sdist.add_defaults` now uses
+ *package_dir* and *data_files* to create the MANIFEST file.
+ It is no longer mandatory to store clear-text passwords in the
+ :file:`.pypirc` file when registering and uploading packages to PyPI. As long
+ as the username is present in that file, the :mod:`distutils` package will
+ prompt for the password if not present. (Added by Tarek Ziade,
+ based on an initial contribution by Nathan Van Gheem; :issue:`4394`.)
+* New method: the :class:`Decimal` class gained a
+ :meth:`from_float` class method that performs an exact conversion
+ of a floating-point number to a :class:`Decimal`.
+ Note that this is an **exact** conversion that strives for the
+ closest decimal approximation to the floating-point representation's value;
+ the resulting decimal value will therefore still include the inaccuracy,
+ if any.
+ For example, ``Decimal.from_float(0.1)`` returns
+ ``Decimal('0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625')``.
+ (Implemented by Raymond Hettinger; :issue:`4796`.)
+* A new function in the :mod:`gc` module, :func:`is_tracked`, returns
+ True if a given instance is tracked by the garbage collector, False
+ otherwise. (Contributed by Antoine Pitrou; :issue:`4688`.)
* The :mod:`gzip` module's :class:`GzipFile` now supports the context
management protocol, so you can write ``with gzip.GzipFile(...) as f: ...``.
(Contributed by Hagen Fuerstenau; :issue:`3860`.)
+ It's now possible to override the modification time
+ recorded in a gzipped file by providing an optional timestamp to
+ the constructor. (Contributed by Jacques Frechet; :issue:`4272`.)
* The :class:`io.FileIO` class now raises an :exc:`OSError` when passed
an invalid file descriptor. (Implemented by Benjamin Peterson;
+* New function: ``itertools.compress(*data*, *selectors*)`` takes two
+ iterators. Elements of *data* are returned if the corresponding
+ value in *selectors* is True::
+ itertools.compress('ABCDEF', [1,0,1,0,1,1]) =>
+ A, C, E, F
+ New function: ``itertools.combinations_with_replacement(*iter*, *r*)``
+ returns all the possible *r*-length combinations of elements from the
+ iterable *iter*. Unlike :func:`combinations`, individual elements
+ can be repeated in the generated combinations::
+ itertools.combinations_with_replacement('abc', 2) =>
+ ('a', 'a'), ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'),
+ ('b', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'c')
+ Note that elements are treated as unique depending on their position
+ in the input, not their actual values.
+ The :class:`itertools.count` function now has a *step* argument that
+ allows incrementing by values other than 1. :func:`count` also
+ now allows keyword arguments, and using non-integer values such as
+ floats or :class:`Decimal` instances. (Implemented by Raymond
+ Hettinger; :issue:`5032`.)
+ :func:`itertools.combinations` and :func:`itertools.product` were
+ previously raising :exc:`ValueError` for values of *r* larger than
+ the input iterable. This was deemed a specification error, so they
+ now return an empty iterator. (Fixed by Raymond Hettinger; :issue:`4816`.)
+* The :mod:`json` module was upgraded to version 2.0.9 of the
+ simplejson package, which includes a C extension that makes
+ encoding and decoding faster.
+ (Contributed by Bob Ippolito; :issue:`4136`.)
+ To support the new :class:`OrderedDict` type, :func:`json.load`
+ now has an optional *object_pairs_hook* parameter that will be called
+ with any object literal that decodes to a list of pairs.
+ (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger; :issue:`5381`.)
* The :mod:`pydoc` module now has help for the various symbols that Python
uses. You can now do ``help('<<')`` or ``help('@')``, for example.
(Contributed by David Laban; :issue:`4739`.)
* A new function in the :mod:`subprocess` module,
:func:`check_output`, runs a command with a specified set of arguments
- and returns the command's output as a string if the command runs without
+ and returns the command's output as a string when the command runs without
error, or raises a :exc:`CalledProcessError` exception otherwise.
@@ -229,13 +343,41 @@ changes, or look through the Subversion logs for all the details.
(Contributed by Gregory P. Smith.)
+* The ``sys.version_info`` value is now a named tuple, with attributes
+ named ``major``, ``minor``, ``micro``, ``releaselevel``, and ``serial``.
+ (Contributed by Ross Light; :issue:`4285`.)
+* The :mod:`unittest` module was enhanced in several ways.
+ Test cases can raise the :exc:`SkipTest` exception to skip a test.
+ (:issue:`1034053`.)
+ It will now use 'x' for expected failures
+ and 'u' for unexpected successes when run in its verbose mode.
+ (Contributed by Benjamin Peterson.)
+ The :meth:`assertRaises` and :meth:`failUnlessRaises` methods now
+ return a context handler when called without providing a callable
+ object to run. For example, you can write this::
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ raise ValueError
+ (Implemented by Antoine Pitrou; :issue:`4444`.)
* The :func:`is_zipfile` function in the :mod:`zipfile` module will now
accept a file object, in addition to the path names accepted in earlier
versions. (Contributed by Gabriel Genellina; :issue:`4756`.)
+ :mod:`zipfile` now supports archiving empty directories and
+ extracts them correctly. (Fixed by Kuba Wieczorek; :issue:`4710`.)
.. ======================================================================
.. whole new modules get described in subsections here
+importlib: Importing Modules
+XXX write this
ttk: Themed Widgets for Tk
@@ -266,11 +408,16 @@ Changes to Python's build process and to the C API include:
debugged doesn't hold the GIL; the macro will now acquire it before printing.
(Contributed by Victor Stinner; :issue:`3632`.)
-* :cfunc:`Py_AddPendingCall` is now thread safe, letting any
+* :cfunc:`Py_AddPendingCall` is now thread-safe, letting any
worker thread submit notifications to the main Python thread. This
is particularly useful for asynchronous IO operations.
(Contributed by Kristjan Valur Jonsson; :issue:`4293`.)
+* The :program:`configure` script now checks for floating-point rounding bugs
+ on certain 32-bit Intel chips and defines a :cmacro:`X87_DOUBLE_ROUNDING`
+ preprocessor definition. No code currently uses this definition,
+ but it's available if anyone wishes to use it.
+ (Added by Mark Dickinson; :issue:`2937`.)
.. ======================================================================
@@ -293,6 +440,28 @@ Port-Specific Changes: Windows
Port-Specific Changes: Mac OS X
+* The ``/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages`` is now appended to
+ ``sys.path``, in order to share added packages between the system
+ installation and a user-installed copy of the same version.
+ (Changed by Ronald Oussoren; :issue:`4865`.)
+Other Changes and Fixes
+* When importing a module from a :file:`.pyc` or :file:`.pyo` file
+ with an existing :file:`.py` counterpart, the :attr:`co_filename`
+ attributes of all code objects if the original filename is obsolete,
+ which can happen if the file has been renamed, moved, or is accessed
+ through different paths. (Patch by Ziga Seilnacht and Jean-Paul
+ Calderone; :issue:`1180193`.)
+* The :file:`` script now takes a :option:`--randseed=`
+ switch that takes an integer that will be used as the random seed
+ for the :option:`-r` option that executes tests in random order.
+ The :option:`-r` option also now reports the seed that was used
+ (Added by Collin Winter.)
.. ======================================================================