path: root/Lib/ctypes/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/ctypes/test/')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ctypes/test/ b/Lib/ctypes/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b17eda5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/ctypes/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+import unittest
+from ctypes import *
+import _ctypes_test
+ctype_types = [c_byte, c_ubyte, c_short, c_ushort, c_int, c_uint,
+ c_long, c_ulong, c_longlong, c_ulonglong, c_double, c_float]
+python_types = [int, int, int, int, int, long,
+ int, long, long, long, float, float]
+class PointersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_pointer_crash(self):
+ class A(POINTER(c_ulong)):
+ pass
+ POINTER(c_ulong)(c_ulong(22))
+ # Pointer can't set contents: has no _type_
+ self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, A, c_ulong(33))
+ def test_pass_pointers(self):
+ dll = cdll.load(_ctypes_test.__file__)
+ func = dll._testfunc_p_p
+ func.restype = c_long
+ i = c_int(12345678)
+## func.argtypes = (POINTER(c_int),)
+ address = func(byref(i))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(c_int.from_address(address).value, 12345678)
+ func.restype = POINTER(c_int)
+ res = func(pointer(i))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(res.contents.value, 12345678)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(res[0], 12345678)
+ def test_change_pointers(self):
+ dll = cdll.load(_ctypes_test.__file__)
+ func = dll._testfunc_p_p
+ i = c_int(87654)
+ func.restype = POINTER(c_int)
+ func.argtypes = (POINTER(c_int),)
+ res = func(pointer(i))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(res[0], 87654)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(res.contents.value, 87654)
+ # C code: *res = 54345
+ res[0] = 54345
+ self.failUnlessEqual(i.value, 54345)
+ # C code:
+ # int x = 12321;
+ # res = &x
+ res.contents = c_int(12321)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(i.value, 54345)
+ def test_callbacks_with_pointers(self):
+ # a function type receiving a pointer
+ self.result = []
+ def func(arg):
+ for i in range(10):
+## print arg[i],
+ self.result.append(arg[i])
+## print
+ return 0
+ callback = PROTOTYPE(func)
+ dll = cdll.load(_ctypes_test.__file__)
+ # This function expects a function pointer,
+ # and calls this with an integer pointer as parameter.
+ # The int pointer points to a table containing the numbers 1..10
+ doit = dll._testfunc_callback_with_pointer
+## i = c_int(42)
+## callback(byref(i))
+## self.failUnless(i.value == 84)
+ doit(callback)
+## print self.result
+ doit(callback)
+## print self.result
+ def test_basics(self):
+ from operator import delitem
+ for ct, pt in zip(ctype_types, python_types):
+ i = ct(42)
+ p = pointer(i)
+## print type(p.contents), ct
+ self.failUnless(type(p.contents) is ct)
+ # p.contents is the same as p[0]
+## print p.contents
+## self.failUnless(p.contents == 42)
+## self.failUnless(p[0] == 42)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, delitem, p, 0)
+ def test_from_address(self):
+ from array import array
+ a = array('i', [100, 200, 300, 400, 500])
+ addr = a.buffer_info()[0]
+ p = POINTER(POINTER(c_int))
+## print dir(p)
+## print p.from_address
+## print p.from_address(addr)[0][0]
+ def test_other(self):
+ class Table(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("a", c_int),
+ ("b", c_int),
+ ("c", c_int)]
+ pt = pointer(Table(1, 2, 3))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(pt.contents.a, 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(pt.contents.b, 2)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(pt.contents.c, 3)
+ pt.contents.c = 33
+ from ctypes import _pointer_type_cache
+ del _pointer_type_cache[Table]
+ def test_basic(self):
+ p = pointer(c_int(42))
+ # Although a pointer can be indexed, it ha no length
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, len, p)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p[0], 42)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.contents.value, 42)
+ def test_incomplete(self):
+ lpcell = POINTER("cell")
+ class cell(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("value", c_int),
+ ("next", lpcell)]
+ SetPointerType(lpcell, cell)
+ # Make a structure containing a pointer to itself:
+ c = cell()
+ c.value = 42
+ = pointer(c)
+ result = []
+ for i in range(8):
+ result.append(c.value)
+ c =[0]
+ self.failUnlessEqual(result, [42] * 8)
+ from ctypes import _pointer_type_cache
+ del _pointer_type_cache[cell]
+ def test_charpp( self ):
+ """Test that a character pointer-to-pointer is correctly passed"""
+ dll = cdll.load(_ctypes_test.__file__)
+ func = dll._testfunc_c_p_p
+ func.restype = c_char_p
+ argv = (c_char_p * 2)()
+ argc = c_int( 2 )
+ argv[0] = 'hello'
+ argv[1] = 'world'
+ result = func( byref(argc), argv )
+ assert result == 'world', result
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()