path: root/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/idlelib/idle_test/')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec86868bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
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+"""Test idlelib.query.
+Non-gui tests for Query, SectionName, ModuleName, and HelpSource use
+dummy versions that extract the non-gui methods and add other needed
+attributes. GUI tests create an instance of each class and simulate
+entries and button clicks. Subclass tests only target the new code in
+the subclass definition.
+The appearance of the widgets is checked by the Query and
+HelpSource htests. These are run by running
+Coverage: 94% (100% for Query and SectionName).
+6 of 8 missing are ModuleName exceptions I don't know how to trigger.
+from import requires
+from tkinter import Tk
+import unittest
+from unittest import mock
+from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Var, Mbox_func
+from idlelib import query
+# Mock entry.showerror messagebox so don't need click to continue
+# when entry_ok and path_ok methods call it to display errors.
+orig_showerror = query.showerror
+showerror = Mbox_func() # Instance has __call__ method.
+def setUpModule():
+ query.showerror = showerror
+def tearDownModule():
+ query.showerror = orig_showerror
+class QueryTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test Query base class."
+ class Dummy_Query:
+ # Test the following Query methods.
+ entry_ok = query.Query.entry_ok
+ ok = query.Query.ok
+ cancel = query.Query.cancel
+ # Add attributes needed for the tests.
+ entry = Var()
+ result = None
+ destroyed = False
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.destroyed = True
+ dialog = Dummy_Query()
+ def setUp(self):
+ showerror.title = None
+ self.dialog.result = None
+ self.dialog.destroyed = False
+ def test_entry_ok_blank(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set(' ')
+ Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), None)
+ Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), (None, False))
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'Entry Error')
+ self.assertIn('Blank', showerror.message)
+ def test_entry_ok_good(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set(' good ')
+ Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), 'good')
+ Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), (None, False))
+ Equal(showerror.title, None)
+ def test_ok_blank(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set('')
+ dialog.entry.focus_set = mock.Mock()
+ Equal(dialog.ok(), None)
+ self.assertTrue(dialog.entry.focus_set.called)
+ del dialog.entry.focus_set
+ Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), (None, False))
+ def test_ok_good(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set('good')
+ Equal(dialog.ok(), None)
+ Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), ('good', True))
+ def test_cancel(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ Equal(self.dialog.cancel(), None)
+ Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), (None, True))
+class SectionNameTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test SectionName subclass of Query."
+ class Dummy_SectionName:
+ entry_ok = query.SectionName.entry_ok # Function being tested.
+ used_names = ['used']
+ entry = Var()
+ dialog = Dummy_SectionName()
+ def setUp(self):
+ showerror.title = None
+ def test_blank_section_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set(' ')
+ Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'Name Error')
+ self.assertIn('No', showerror.message)
+ def test_used_section_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set('used')
+ Equal(self.dialog.entry_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'Name Error')
+ self.assertIn('use', showerror.message)
+ def test_long_section_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set('good'*8)
+ Equal(self.dialog.entry_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'Name Error')
+ self.assertIn('too long', showerror.message)
+ def test_good_section_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set(' good ')
+ Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), 'good')
+ Equal(showerror.title, None)
+class ModuleNameTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test ModuleName subclass of Query."
+ class Dummy_ModuleName:
+ entry_ok = query.ModuleName.entry_ok # Function being tested.
+ text0 = ''
+ entry = Var()
+ dialog = Dummy_ModuleName()
+ def setUp(self):
+ showerror.title = None
+ def test_blank_module_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set(' ')
+ Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'Name Error')
+ self.assertIn('No', showerror.message)
+ def test_bogus_module_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set('__name_xyz123_should_not_exist__')
+ Equal(self.dialog.entry_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'Import Error')
+ self.assertIn('not found', showerror.message)
+ def test_c_source_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set('itertools')
+ Equal(self.dialog.entry_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'Import Error')
+ self.assertIn('source-based', showerror.message)
+ def test_good_module_name(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.entry.set('idlelib')
+ self.assertTrue(dialog.entry_ok().endswith(''))
+ Equal(showerror.title, None)
+# 3 HelpSource test classes each test one function.
+orig_platform = query.platform
+class HelpsourceBrowsefileTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test browse_file method of ModuleName subclass of Query."
+ class Dummy_HelpSource:
+ browse_file = query.HelpSource.browse_file
+ pathvar = Var()
+ dialog = Dummy_HelpSource()
+ def test_file_replaces_path(self):
+ # Path is widget entry, file is file dialog return.
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ for path, func, result in (
+ # We need all combination to test all (most) code paths.
+ ('', lambda a,b,c:'', ''),
+ ('', lambda a,b,c: __file__, __file__),
+ ('htest', lambda a,b,c:'', 'htest'),
+ ('htest', lambda a,b,c: __file__, __file__)):
+ with self.subTest():
+ dialog.pathvar.set(path)
+ dialog.askfilename = func
+ dialog.browse_file()
+ self.assertEqual(dialog.pathvar.get(), result)
+class HelpsourcePathokTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test path_ok method of ModuleName subclass of Query."
+ class Dummy_HelpSource:
+ path_ok = query.HelpSource.path_ok
+ path = Var()
+ dialog = Dummy_HelpSource()
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ query.platform = orig_platform
+ def setUp(self):
+ showerror.title = None
+ def test_path_ok_blank(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.path.set(' ')
+ Equal(dialog.path_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'File Path Error')
+ self.assertIn('No help', showerror.message)
+ def test_path_ok_bad(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ dialog.path.set(__file__ + 'bad-bad-bad')
+ Equal(dialog.path_ok(), None)
+ Equal(showerror.title, 'File Path Error')
+ self.assertIn('not exist', showerror.message)
+ def test_path_ok_web(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ for url in '', '':
+ with self.subTest():
+ dialog.path.set(url)
+ Equal(dialog.path_ok(), url)
+ Equal(showerror.title, None)
+ def test_path_ok_file(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ for platform, prefix in ('darwin', 'file://'), ('other', ''):
+ with self.subTest():
+ query.platform = platform
+ dialog.path.set(__file__)
+ Equal(dialog.path_ok(), prefix + __file__)
+ Equal(showerror.title, None)
+class HelpsourceEntryokTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ "Test entry_ok method of ModuleName subclass of Query."
+ class Dummy_HelpSource:
+ entry_ok = query.HelpSource.entry_ok
+ def item_ok(self):
+ return
+ def path_ok(self):
+ return self.path
+ dialog = Dummy_HelpSource()
+ def test_entry_ok_helpsource(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ for name, path, result in ((None, None, None),
+ (None, 'doc.txt', None),
+ ('doc', None, None),
+ ('doc', 'doc.txt', ('doc', 'doc.txt'))):
+ with self.subTest():
+, dialog.path = name, path
+ self.assertEqual(self.dialog.entry_ok(), result)
+class QueryGuiTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ requires('gui')
+ cls.root = root = Tk()
+ cls.dialog = query.Query(root, 'TEST', 'test', _utest=True)
+ cls.dialog.destroy = mock.Mock()
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ del cls.dialog
+ cls.root.destroy()
+ del cls.root
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.dialog.entry.delete(0, 'end')
+ self.dialog.result = None
+ self.dialog.destroy.reset_mock()
+ def test_click_ok(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ dialog.entry.insert(0, 'abc')
+ dialog.button_ok.invoke()
+ self.assertEqual(dialog.result, 'abc')
+ self.assertTrue(dialog.destroy.called)
+ def test_click_blank(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ dialog.button_ok.invoke()
+ self.assertEqual(dialog.result, None)
+ self.assertFalse(dialog.destroy.called)
+ def test_click_cancel(self):
+ dialog = self.dialog
+ dialog.entry.insert(0, 'abc')
+ dialog.button_cancel.invoke()
+ self.assertEqual(dialog.result, None)
+ self.assertTrue(dialog.destroy.called)
+class SectionnameGuiTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ requires('gui')
+ def test_click_section_name(self):
+ root = Tk()
+ dialog = query.SectionName(root, 'T', 't', {'abc'}, _utest=True)
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ Equal(dialog.used_names, {'abc'})
+ dialog.entry.insert(0, 'okay')
+ dialog.button_ok.invoke()
+ Equal(dialog.result, 'okay')
+ del dialog
+ root.destroy()
+ del root
+class ModulenameGuiTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ requires('gui')
+ def test_click_module_name(self):
+ root = Tk()
+ dialog = query.ModuleName(root, 'T', 't', 'idlelib', _utest=True)
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ Equal(dialog.text0, 'idlelib')
+ Equal(dialog.entry.get(), 'idlelib')
+ dialog.button_ok.invoke()
+ self.assertTrue(dialog.result.endswith(''))
+ del dialog
+ root.destroy()
+ del root
+class HelpsourceGuiTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ requires('gui')
+ def test_click_help_source(self):
+ root = Tk()
+ dialog = query.HelpSource(root, 'T', menuitem='__test__',
+ filepath=__file__, _utest=True)
+ Equal = self.assertEqual
+ Equal(dialog.entry.get(), '__test__')
+ Equal(dialog.path.get(), __file__)
+ dialog.button_ok.invoke()
+ Equal(dialog.result, ('__test__', __file__))
+ del dialog
+ root.destroy()
+ del root
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=False)