path: root/Lib/packaging/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/packaging/tests/')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/packaging/tests/ b/Lib/packaging/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcb55fb727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/packaging/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+"""Tests for packaging.config."""
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+from io import StringIO
+from packaging import command
+from packaging.dist import Distribution
+from packaging.errors import PackagingFileError, PackagingOptionError
+from packaging.compiler import new_compiler, _COMPILERS
+from packaging.command.sdist import sdist
+from packaging.tests import unittest, support
+from import requires_zlib
+SETUP_CFG = """
+name = RestingParrot
+version = 0.6.4
+author = Carl Meyer
+author_email =
+maintainer = Éric Araujo
+maintainer_email =
+summary = A sample project demonstrating packaging
+description-file = %(description-file)s
+keywords = packaging, sample project
+classifier =
+ Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+ Environment :: Console (Text Based)
+ Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK; python_version < '3'
+ License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+ Programming Language :: Python
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+requires_python = >=2.4, <3.2
+requires_dist =
+ PetShoppe
+ MichaelPalin (> 1.1)
+ pywin32; sys.platform == 'win32'
+ pysqlite2; python_version < '2.5'
+ inotify (0.0.1); sys.platform == 'linux2'
+requires_external = libxml2
+provides_dist = packaging-sample-project (0.2)
+ unittest2-sample-project
+project_url =
+ Main repository,
+ Fork in progress,
+packages_root = src
+packages = one
+ two
+ three
+modules = haven
+scripts =
+ scripts/find-coconuts
+ bin/taunt
+package_data =
+ cheese = data/templates/*
+extra_files = %(extra-files)s
+# Replaces
+sdist_extra =
+ recursive-include examples *.txt *.py
+ prune examples/sample?/build
+ bm/ {b1,b2}.gif = {icon}
+ Cf*/ *.CFG = {config}/baBar/
+ init_script = {script}/JunGle/
+commands =
+ packaging.tests.test_config.FooBarBazTest
+compilers =
+ packaging.tests.test_config.DCompiler
+setup_hooks = %(setup-hooks)s
+sub_commands = foo
+# Can not be merged with SETUP_CFG else install_dist
+# command will fail when trying to compile C sources
+# TODO use a DummyCommand to mock build_ext
+packages = one
+ two
+ parent.undeclared
+sources = c_src/speed_coconuts.c
+extra_link_args = "`gcc -print-file-name=libgcc.a`" -shared
+define_macros = HAVE_CAIRO HAVE_GTK2
+libraries = gecodeint gecodekernel -- sys.platform != 'win32'
+ GecodeInt GecodeKernel -- sys.platform == 'win32'
+[extension: two.fast_taunt]
+sources = cxx_src/utils_taunt.cxx
+ cxx_src/python_module.cxx
+include_dirs = /usr/include/gecode
+ /usr/include/blitz
+extra_compile_args = -fPIC -O2
+ -DGECODE_VERSION=$(./gecode_version) -- sys.platform != 'win32'
+ /DGECODE_VERSION='win32' -- sys.platform == 'win32'
+language = cxx
+# corner case: if the parent package of an extension is declared but
+# not its grandparent, it's legal
+[extension: parent.undeclared._speed]
+sources = parent/undeclared/_speed.c
+[extension: realname]
+name = crash_here
+packages = ham
+[extension: spam.eggs]
+packages = ok
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('packaging')
+def logging_hook(config):
+ logger.warning('logging_hook called')
+class DCompiler:
+ name = 'd'
+ description = 'D Compiler'
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ pass
+def version_hook(config):
+ config['metadata']['version'] += '.dev1'
+def first_hook(config):
+ config['files']['modules'] += '\n first'
+def third_hook(config):
+ config['files']['modules'] += '\n third'
+class FooBarBazTest:
+ def __init__(self, dist):
+ self.distribution = dist
+ @classmethod
+ def get_command_name(cls):
+ return 'foo'
+ def run(self):
+ self.distribution.foo_was_here = True
+ def nothing(self):
+ pass
+ def get_source_files(self):
+ return []
+ ensure_finalized = finalize_options = initialize_options = nothing
+class ConfigTestCase(support.TempdirManager,
+ support.EnvironRestorer,
+ support.LoggingCatcher,
+ unittest.TestCase):
+ restore_environ = ['PLAT']
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(ConfigTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stdout', sys.stdout)
+ self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stderr', sys.stderr)
+ sys.stdout = StringIO()
+ sys.stderr = StringIO()
+ self.addCleanup(os.chdir, os.getcwd())
+ tempdir = self.mkdtemp()
+ self.working_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(tempdir)
+ self.tempdir = tempdir
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.chdir(self.working_dir)
+ super(ConfigTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def write_setup(self, kwargs=None):
+ opts = {'description-file': 'README', 'extra-files': '',
+ 'setup-hooks': 'packaging.tests.test_config.version_hook'}
+ if kwargs:
+ opts.update(kwargs)
+ self.write_file('setup.cfg', SETUP_CFG % opts, encoding='utf-8')
+ def get_dist(self):
+ dist = Distribution()
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ return dist
+ def test_config(self):
+ self.write_setup()
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ os.mkdir('bm')
+ self.write_file(('bm', 'b1.gif'), '')
+ self.write_file(('bm', 'b2.gif'), '')
+ os.mkdir('Cfg')
+ self.write_file(('Cfg', 'data.CFG'), '')
+ self.write_file('init_script', '')
+ # try to load the metadata now
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ # check what was done
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Author'], 'Carl Meyer')
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Author-Email'], '')
+ # the hook adds .dev1
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Version'], '0.6.4.dev1')
+ wanted = [
+ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
+ 'Environment :: Console (Text Based)',
+ "Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK; python_version < '3'",
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3']
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Classifier'], wanted)
+ wanted = ['packaging', 'sample project']
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Keywords'], wanted)
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Requires-Python'], '>=2.4, <3.2')
+ wanted = ['PetShoppe',
+ 'MichaelPalin (> 1.1)',
+ "pywin32; sys.platform == 'win32'",
+ "pysqlite2; python_version < '2.5'",
+ "inotify (0.0.1); sys.platform == 'linux2'"]
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Requires-Dist'], wanted)
+ urls = [('Main repository',
+ ''),
+ ('Fork in progress',
+ '')]
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Project-Url'], urls)
+ self.assertEqual(dist.packages, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
+ self.assertEqual(dist.py_modules, ['haven'])
+ self.assertEqual(dist.package_data, {'cheese': 'data/templates/*'})
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'bm/b1.gif': '{icon}/b1.gif',
+ 'bm/b2.gif': '{icon}/b2.gif',
+ 'Cfg/data.CFG': '{config}/baBar/data.CFG',
+ 'init_script': '{script}/JunGle/init_script'},
+ dist.data_files)
+ self.assertEqual(dist.package_dir, 'src')
+ # Make sure we get the foo command loaded. We use a string comparison
+ # instead of assertIsInstance because the class is not the same when
+ # this test is run directly: foo is packaging.tests.test_config.Foo
+ # because get_command_class uses the full name, but a bare "Foo" in
+ # this file would be __main__.Foo when run as "python".
+ # The name FooBarBazTest should be unique enough to prevent
+ # collisions.
+ self.assertEqual('FooBarBazTest',
+ dist.get_command_obj('foo').__class__.__name__)
+ # did the README got loaded ?
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['description'], 'yeah')
+ # do we have the D Compiler enabled ?
+ self.assertIn('d', _COMPILERS)
+ d = new_compiler(compiler='d')
+ self.assertEqual(d.description, 'D Compiler')
+ def test_multiple_description_file(self):
+ self.write_setup({'description-file': 'README CHANGES'})
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ self.write_file('CHANGES', 'changelog2')
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata.requires_files, ['README', 'CHANGES'])
+ def test_multiline_description_file(self):
+ self.write_setup({'description-file': 'README\n CHANGES'})
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ self.write_file('CHANGES', 'changelog')
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['description'], 'yeah\nchangelog')
+ self.assertEqual(dist.metadata.requires_files, ['README', 'CHANGES'])
+ def test_parse_extensions_in_config(self):
+ self.write_file('setup.cfg', EXT_SETUP_CFG)
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ ext_modules = dict((, mod) for mod in dist.ext_modules)
+ self.assertEqual(len(ext_modules), 3)
+ ext = ext_modules.get('one.speed_coconuts')
+ self.assertEqual(ext.sources, ['c_src/speed_coconuts.c'])
+ self.assertEqual(ext.define_macros, ['HAVE_CAIRO', 'HAVE_GTK2'])
+ libs = ['gecodeint', 'gecodekernel']
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ libs = ['GecodeInt', 'GecodeKernel']
+ self.assertEqual(ext.libraries, libs)
+ self.assertEqual(ext.extra_link_args,
+ ['`gcc -print-file-name=libgcc.a`', '-shared'])
+ ext = ext_modules.get('two.fast_taunt')
+ self.assertEqual(ext.sources,
+ ['cxx_src/utils_taunt.cxx', 'cxx_src/python_module.cxx'])
+ self.assertEqual(ext.include_dirs,
+ ['/usr/include/gecode', '/usr/include/blitz'])
+ cargs = ['-fPIC', '-O2']
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ cargs.append("/DGECODE_VERSION=win32")
+ else:
+ cargs.append('-DGECODE_VERSION=$(./gecode_version)')
+ self.assertEqual(ext.extra_compile_args, cargs)
+ self.assertEqual(ext.language, 'cxx')
+ self.write_file('setup.cfg', EXT_SETUP_CFG_BUGGY_1)
+ self.assertRaises(PackagingOptionError, self.get_dist)
+ self.write_file('setup.cfg', EXT_SETUP_CFG_BUGGY_2)
+ self.assertRaises(PackagingOptionError, self.get_dist)
+ self.write_file('setup.cfg', EXT_SETUP_CFG_BUGGY_3)
+ self.assertRaises(PackagingOptionError, self.get_dist)
+ def test_project_setup_hook_works(self):
+ # Bug #11637: ensure the project directory is on sys.path to allow
+ # project-specific hooks
+ self.write_setup({'setup-hooks': 'hooks.logging_hook'})
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ self.write_file('', HOOKS_MODULE)
+ self.get_dist()
+ logs = self.get_logs(logging.WARNING)
+ self.assertEqual(['logging_hook called'], logs)
+ self.assertIn('hooks', sys.modules)
+ def test_missing_setup_hook_warns(self):
+ self.write_setup({'setup-hooks': 'this.does._not.exist'})
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ self.get_dist()
+ logs = self.get_logs(logging.WARNING)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(logs))
+ self.assertIn('cannot find setup hook', logs[0])
+ def test_multiple_setup_hooks(self):
+ self.write_setup({
+ 'setup-hooks': '\n packaging.tests.test_config.first_hook'
+ '\n packaging.tests.test_config.missing_hook'
+ '\n packaging.tests.test_config.third_hook',
+ })
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ self.assertEqual(['haven', 'first', 'third'], dist.py_modules)
+ logs = self.get_logs(logging.WARNING)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(logs))
+ self.assertIn('cannot find setup hook', logs[0])
+ def test_metadata_requires_description_files_missing(self):
+ self.write_setup({'description-file': 'README README2'})
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ self.write_file('README2', 'yeah')
+ os.mkdir('src')
+ self.write_file(('src', ''), '#')
+ self.write_file('', '#')
+ os.mkdir('scripts')
+ self.write_file(('scripts', 'find-coconuts'), '#')
+ os.mkdir('bin')
+ self.write_file(('bin', 'taunt'), '#')
+ for pkg in ('one', 'two', 'three'):
+ pkg = os.path.join('src', pkg)
+ os.mkdir(pkg)
+ self.write_file((pkg, ''), '#')
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.finalize_options()
+ cmd.get_file_list()
+ self.assertRaises(PackagingFileError, cmd.make_distribution)
+ @requires_zlib
+ def test_metadata_requires_description_files(self):
+ # Create the following file structure:
+ #
+ # scripts/
+ # find-coconuts
+ # bin/
+ # taunt
+ # src/
+ #
+ # one/
+ # two/
+ # three/
+ self.write_setup({'description-file': 'README\n README2',
+ 'extra-files': '\n README3'})
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah 1')
+ self.write_file('README2', 'yeah 2')
+ self.write_file('README3', 'yeah 3')
+ os.mkdir('src')
+ self.write_file(('src', ''), '#')
+ self.write_file('', '#')
+ os.mkdir('scripts')
+ self.write_file(('scripts', 'find-coconuts'), '#')
+ os.mkdir('bin')
+ self.write_file(('bin', 'taunt'), '#')
+ for pkg in ('one', 'two', 'three'):
+ pkg = os.path.join('src', pkg)
+ os.mkdir(pkg)
+ self.write_file((pkg, ''), '#')
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ self.assertIn('yeah 1\nyeah 2', dist.metadata['description'])
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.finalize_options()
+ cmd.get_file_list()
+ self.assertRaises(PackagingFileError, cmd.make_distribution)
+ self.write_setup({'description-file': 'README\n README2',
+ 'extra-files': '\n README2\n README'})
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ cmd = sdist(dist)
+ cmd.finalize_options()
+ cmd.get_file_list()
+ cmd.make_distribution()
+ with open('MANIFEST') as fp:
+ self.assertIn('README\nREADME2\n',
+ def test_sub_commands(self):
+ self.write_setup()
+ self.write_file('README', 'yeah')
+ os.mkdir('src')
+ self.write_file(('src', ''), '#')
+ self.write_file('', '#')
+ os.mkdir('scripts')
+ self.write_file(('scripts', 'find-coconuts'), '#')
+ os.mkdir('bin')
+ self.write_file(('bin', 'taunt'), '#')
+ for pkg in ('one', 'two', 'three'):
+ pkg = os.path.join('src', pkg)
+ os.mkdir(pkg)
+ self.write_file((pkg, ''), '#')
+ # try to run the install command to see if foo is called
+ dist = self.get_dist()
+ self.assertIn('foo', command.get_command_names())
+ self.assertEqual('FooBarBazTest',
+ dist.get_command_obj('foo').__class__.__name__)
+def test_suite():
+ return unittest.makeSuite(ConfigTestCase)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')