path: root/Mac/OSXResources/app/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/scripting.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/OSXResources/app/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/scripting.html')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/OSXResources/app/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/scripting.html b/Mac/OSXResources/app/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/scripting.html
index 58b1fe263b..16321cb28e 100644
--- a/Mac/OSXResources/app/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/scripting.html
+++ b/Mac/OSXResources/app/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation/scripting.html
@@ -17,25 +17,25 @@ you to control scriptable applications from your Python program,
and with a fairly pythonic interface. This piece of
import Finder
f = Finder.Finder()
print f.get(f.window(1).name)
<p>is identical to the following piece of AppleScript:</p>
tell application "Finder"
get name of window 1
end tell
<p>To send AppleEvents to an application you must first create the Python
modules interfacing to the terminology of the application (what
<tt>Script Editor</tt> calls the "Dictionary"). Use the IDE menu command
-<tt>File->Generate OSA Suite...</tt> for this. For more control run</p>
+<tt>File-&gt;Generate OSA Suite...</tt> for this. For more control run</p>
pythonw .../Lib/plat-mac/ --help