path: root/Modules/_sha3/keccak/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/_sha3/keccak/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c')
1 files changed, 510 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/_sha3/keccak/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c b/Modules/_sha3/keccak/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f19b18b36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/_sha3/keccak/KeccakF-1600-opt64.c
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
+Michaƫl Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
+questions, please refer to our website:
+Implementation by the designers,
+hereby denoted as "the implementer".
+To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
+and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
+#include <string.h>
+/* #include "brg_endian.h" */
+#include "KeccakF-1600-opt64-settings.h"
+#include "KeccakF-1600-interface.h"
+typedef unsigned char UINT8;
+/* typedef unsigned long long int UINT64; */
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define ALIGN __attribute__ ((aligned(32)))
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define ALIGN __declspec(align(32))
+#define ALIGN
+#if defined(UseSSE)
+ #include <x86intrin.h>
+ typedef __m128i V64;
+ typedef __m128i V128;
+ typedef union {
+ V128 v128;
+ UINT64 v64[2];
+ } V6464;
+ #define ANDnu64(a, b) _mm_andnot_si128(a, b)
+ #define LOAD64(a) _mm_loadl_epi64((const V64 *)&(a))
+ #define CONST64(a) _mm_loadl_epi64((const V64 *)&(a))
+ #define ROL64(a, o) _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi64(a, o), _mm_srli_epi64(a, 64-(o)))
+ #define STORE64(a, b) _mm_storel_epi64((V64 *)&(a), b)
+ #define XOR64(a, b) _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define XOReq64(a, b) a = _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define SHUFFLEBYTES128(a, b) _mm_shuffle_epi8(a, b)
+ #define ANDnu128(a, b) _mm_andnot_si128(a, b)
+ #define LOAD6464(a, b) _mm_set_epi64((__m64)(a), (__m64)(b))
+ #define CONST128(a) _mm_load_si128((const V128 *)&(a))
+ #define LOAD128(a) _mm_load_si128((const V128 *)&(a))
+ #define LOAD128u(a) _mm_loadu_si128((const V128 *)&(a))
+ #define ROL64in128(a, o) _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi64(a, o), _mm_srli_epi64(a, 64-(o)))
+ #define STORE128(a, b) _mm_store_si128((V128 *)&(a), b)
+ #define XOR128(a, b) _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define XOReq128(a, b) a = _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define GET64LOLO(a, b) _mm_unpacklo_epi64(a, b)
+ #define GET64HIHI(a, b) _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a, b)
+ #define COPY64HI2LO(a) _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0xEE)
+ #define COPY64LO2HI(a) _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0x44)
+ #define ZERO128() _mm_setzero_si128()
+ #ifdef UseOnlySIMD64
+ #include "KeccakF-1600-simd64.macros"
+ #else
+ALIGN const UINT64 rho8_56[2] = {0x0605040302010007, 0x080F0E0D0C0B0A09};
+ #include "KeccakF-1600-simd128.macros"
+ #endif
+ #ifdef UseBebigokimisa
+ #error "UseBebigokimisa cannot be used in combination with UseSSE"
+ #endif
+#elif defined(UseXOP)
+ #include <x86intrin.h>
+ typedef __m128i V64;
+ typedef __m128i V128;
+ #define LOAD64(a) _mm_loadl_epi64((const V64 *)&(a))
+ #define CONST64(a) _mm_loadl_epi64((const V64 *)&(a))
+ #define STORE64(a, b) _mm_storel_epi64((V64 *)&(a), b)
+ #define XOR64(a, b) _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define XOReq64(a, b) a = _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define ANDnu128(a, b) _mm_andnot_si128(a, b)
+ #define LOAD6464(a, b) _mm_set_epi64((__m64)(a), (__m64)(b))
+ #define CONST128(a) _mm_load_si128((const V128 *)&(a))
+ #define LOAD128(a) _mm_load_si128((const V128 *)&(a))
+ #define LOAD128u(a) _mm_loadu_si128((const V128 *)&(a))
+ #define STORE128(a, b) _mm_store_si128((V128 *)&(a), b)
+ #define XOR128(a, b) _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define XOReq128(a, b) a = _mm_xor_si128(a, b)
+ #define ZERO128() _mm_setzero_si128()
+ #define SWAP64(a) _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0x4E)
+ #define GET64LOLO(a, b) _mm_unpacklo_epi64(a, b)
+ #define GET64HIHI(a, b) _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a, b)
+ #define GET64LOHI(a, b) ((__m128i)_mm_blend_pd((__m128d)a, (__m128d)b, 2))
+ #define GET64HILO(a, b) SWAP64(GET64LOHI(b, a))
+ #define COPY64HI2LO(a) _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0xEE)
+ #define COPY64LO2HI(a) _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0x44)
+ #define ROL6464same(a, o) _mm_roti_epi64(a, o)
+ #define ROL6464(a, r1, r2) _mm_rot_epi64(a, CONST128( rot_##r1##_##r2 ))
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_0_20[2] = { 0, 20};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_44_3[2] = {44, 3};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_43_45[2] = {43, 45};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_21_61[2] = {21, 61};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_14_28[2] = {14, 28};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_1_36[2] = { 1, 36};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_6_10[2] = { 6, 10};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_25_15[2] = {25, 15};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_8_56[2] = { 8, 56};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_18_27[2] = {18, 27};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_62_55[2] = {62, 55};
+ALIGN const UINT64 rot_39_41[2] = {39, 41};
+#if defined(UseSimulatedXOP)
+ /* For debugging purposes, when XOP is not available */
+ #undef ROL6464
+ #undef ROL6464same
+ #define ROL6464same(a, o) _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi64(a, o), _mm_srli_epi64(a, 64-(o)))
+ V128 ROL6464(V128 a, int r0, int r1)
+ {
+ V128 a0 = ROL64(a, r0);
+ V128 a1 = COPY64HI2LO(ROL64(a, r1));
+ return GET64LOLO(a0, a1);
+ }
+ #include "KeccakF-1600-xop.macros"
+ #ifdef UseBebigokimisa
+ #error "UseBebigokimisa cannot be used in combination with UseXOP"
+ #endif
+#elif defined(UseMMX)
+ #include <mmintrin.h>
+ typedef __m64 V64;
+ #define ANDnu64(a, b) _mm_andnot_si64(a, b)
+ #if (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__INTEL_COMPILER))
+ #define LOAD64(a) *(V64*)&(a)
+ #define CONST64(a) *(V64*)&(a)
+ #define STORE64(a, b) *(V64*)&(a) = b
+ #else
+ #define LOAD64(a) (V64)a
+ #define CONST64(a) (V64)a
+ #define STORE64(a, b) a = (UINT64)b
+ #endif
+ #define ROL64(a, o) _mm_or_si64(_mm_slli_si64(a, o), _mm_srli_si64(a, 64-(o)))
+ #define XOR64(a, b) _mm_xor_si64(a, b)
+ #define XOReq64(a, b) a = _mm_xor_si64(a, b)
+ #include "KeccakF-1600-simd64.macros"
+ #ifdef UseBebigokimisa
+ #error "UseBebigokimisa cannot be used in combination with UseMMX"
+ #endif
+ #if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ #define ROL64(a, offset) _rotl64(a, offset)
+ #elif defined(UseSHLD)
+ #define ROL64(x,N) ({ \
+ register UINT64 __out; \
+ register UINT64 __in = x; \
+ __asm__ ("shld %2,%0,%0" : "=r"(__out) : "0"(__in), "i"(N)); \
+ __out; \
+ })
+ #else
+ #define ROL64(a, offset) ((((UINT64)a) << offset) ^ (((UINT64)a) >> (64-offset)))
+ #endif
+ #include "KeccakF-1600-64.macros"
+#include "KeccakF-1600-unrolling.macros"
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWords(UINT64 *state)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ copyFromState(A, state)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring(UINT64 *state, const UINT64 *input, unsigned int laneCount)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int j;
+ for(j=0; j<laneCount; j++)
+ state[j] ^= input[j];
+ copyFromState(A, state)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+#ifdef ProvideFast576
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring576bits(UINT64 *state, const UINT64 *input)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ copyFromStateAndXor576bits(A, state, input)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+#ifdef ProvideFast832
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring832bits(UINT64 *state, const UINT64 *input)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ copyFromStateAndXor832bits(A, state, input)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+#ifdef ProvideFast1024
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1024bits(UINT64 *state, const UINT64 *input)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ copyFromStateAndXor1024bits(A, state, input)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+#ifdef ProvideFast1088
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1088bits(UINT64 *state, const UINT64 *input)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ copyFromStateAndXor1088bits(A, state, input)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+#ifdef ProvideFast1152
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1152bits(UINT64 *state, const UINT64 *input)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ copyFromStateAndXor1152bits(A, state, input)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+#ifdef ProvideFast1344
+static void KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1344bits(UINT64 *state, const UINT64 *input)
+ declareABCDE
+#if (Unrolling != 24)
+ unsigned int i;
+ copyFromStateAndXor1344bits(A, state, input)
+ rounds
+#if defined(UseMMX)
+ _mm_empty();
+static void KeccakInitialize()
+static void KeccakInitializeState(unsigned char *state)
+ memset(state, 0, 200);
+#ifdef UseBebigokimisa
+ ((UINT64*)state)[ 1] = ~(UINT64)0;
+ ((UINT64*)state)[ 2] = ~(UINT64)0;
+ ((UINT64*)state)[ 8] = ~(UINT64)0;
+ ((UINT64*)state)[12] = ~(UINT64)0;
+ ((UINT64*)state)[17] = ~(UINT64)0;
+ ((UINT64*)state)[20] = ~(UINT64)0;
+static void KeccakPermutation(unsigned char *state)
+ /* We assume the state is always stored as words */
+ KeccakPermutationOnWords((UINT64*)state);
+static void fromBytesToWord(UINT64 *word, const UINT8 *bytes)
+ unsigned int i;
+ *word = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<(64/8); i++)
+ *word |= (UINT64)(bytes[i]) << (8*i);
+#ifdef ProvideFast576
+static void KeccakAbsorb576bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data)
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring576bits((UINT64*)state, (const UINT64*)data);
+ UINT64 dataAsWords[9];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<9; i++)
+ fromBytesToWord(dataAsWords+i, data+(i*8));
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring576bits((UINT64*)state, dataAsWords);
+#ifdef ProvideFast832
+static void KeccakAbsorb832bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data)
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring832bits((UINT64*)state, (const UINT64*)data);
+ UINT64 dataAsWords[13];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<13; i++)
+ fromBytesToWord(dataAsWords+i, data+(i*8));
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring832bits((UINT64*)state, dataAsWords);
+#ifdef ProvideFast1024
+static void KeccakAbsorb1024bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data)
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1024bits((UINT64*)state, (const UINT64*)data);
+ UINT64 dataAsWords[16];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<16; i++)
+ fromBytesToWord(dataAsWords+i, data+(i*8));
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1024bits((UINT64*)state, dataAsWords);
+#ifdef ProvideFast1088
+static void KeccakAbsorb1088bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data)
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1088bits((UINT64*)state, (const UINT64*)data);
+ UINT64 dataAsWords[17];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<17; i++)
+ fromBytesToWord(dataAsWords+i, data+(i*8));
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1088bits((UINT64*)state, dataAsWords);
+#ifdef ProvideFast1152
+static void KeccakAbsorb1152bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data)
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1152bits((UINT64*)state, (const UINT64*)data);
+ UINT64 dataAsWords[18];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<18; i++)
+ fromBytesToWord(dataAsWords+i, data+(i*8));
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1152bits((UINT64*)state, dataAsWords);
+#ifdef ProvideFast1344
+static void KeccakAbsorb1344bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data)
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1344bits((UINT64*)state, (const UINT64*)data);
+ UINT64 dataAsWords[21];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<21; i++)
+ fromBytesToWord(dataAsWords+i, data+(i*8));
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring1344bits((UINT64*)state, dataAsWords);
+static void KeccakAbsorb(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int laneCount)
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring((UINT64*)state, (const UINT64*)data, laneCount);
+ UINT64 dataAsWords[25];
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<laneCount; i++)
+ fromBytesToWord(dataAsWords+i, data+(i*8));
+ KeccakPermutationOnWordsAfterXoring((UINT64*)state, dataAsWords, laneCount);
+static void fromWordToBytes(UINT8 *bytes, const UINT64 word)
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<(64/8); i++)
+ bytes[i] = (word >> (8*i)) & 0xFF;
+#ifdef ProvideFast1024
+static void KeccakExtract1024bits(const unsigned char *state, unsigned char *data)
+ memcpy(data, state, 128);
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<16; i++)
+ fromWordToBytes(data+(i*8), ((const UINT64*)state)[i]);
+#ifdef UseBebigokimisa
+ ((UINT64*)data)[ 1] = ~((UINT64*)data)[ 1];
+ ((UINT64*)data)[ 2] = ~((UINT64*)data)[ 2];
+ ((UINT64*)data)[ 8] = ~((UINT64*)data)[ 8];
+ ((UINT64*)data)[12] = ~((UINT64*)data)[12];
+static void KeccakExtract(const unsigned char *state, unsigned char *data, unsigned int laneCount)
+ memcpy(data, state, laneCount*8);
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i=0; i<laneCount; i++)
+ fromWordToBytes(data+(i*8), ((const UINT64*)state)[i]);
+#ifdef UseBebigokimisa
+ if (laneCount > 1) {
+ ((UINT64*)data)[ 1] = ~((UINT64*)data)[ 1];
+ if (laneCount > 2) {
+ ((UINT64*)data)[ 2] = ~((UINT64*)data)[ 2];
+ if (laneCount > 8) {
+ ((UINT64*)data)[ 8] = ~((UINT64*)data)[ 8];
+ if (laneCount > 12) {
+ ((UINT64*)data)[12] = ~((UINT64*)data)[12];
+ if (laneCount > 17) {
+ ((UINT64*)data)[17] = ~((UINT64*)data)[17];
+ if (laneCount > 20) {
+ ((UINT64*)data)[20] = ~((UINT64*)data)[20];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }