path: root/bench.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bench.cpp')
1 files changed, 655 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bench.cpp b/bench.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a38a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bench.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+// bench.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "crc.h"
+#include "adler32.h"
+#include "md2.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "md5mac.h"
+#include "sha.h"
+#include "haval.h"
+#include "tiger.h"
+#include "ripemd.h"
+#include "panama.h"
+#include "idea.h"
+#include "des.h"
+#include "rc2.h"
+#include "arc4.h"
+#include "rc5.h"
+#include "blowfish.h"
+#include "diamond.h"
+#include "wake.h"
+#include "3way.h"
+#include "safer.h"
+#include "gost.h"
+#include "shark.h"
+#include "cast.h"
+#include "square.h"
+#include "skipjack.h"
+#include "seal.h"
+#include "rc6.h"
+#include "mars.h"
+#include "rijndael.h"
+#include "twofish.h"
+#include "serpent.h"
+#include "hmac.h"
+#include "xormac.h"
+#include "cbcmac.h"
+#include "dmac.h"
+#include "blumshub.h"
+#include "rsa.h"
+#include "nr.h"
+#include "dsa.h"
+#include "luc.h"
+#include "rabin.h"
+#include "rw.h"
+#include "eccrypto.h"
+#include "ecp.h"
+#include "ec2n.h"
+#include "asn.h"
+#include "rng.h"
+#include "files.h"
+#include "hex.h"
+#include "modes.h"
+#include "mdc.h"
+#include "lubyrack.h"
+#include "sapphire.h"
+#include "tea.h"
+#include "dh.h"
+#include "mqv.h"
+#include "xtrcrypt.h"
+#include "esign.h"
+#include "bench.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+static const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+#elif defined(CLK_TCK)
+static const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = (double)CLK_TCK;
+static const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = 1000000.0;
+static const byte *const key=(byte *)"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
+static double logtotal = 0;
+static unsigned int logcount = 0;
+void OutputResultBytes(const char *name, unsigned long length, double timeTaken)
+ double mbs = length / timeTaken / (1024*1024);
+ cout << "<TR><TH>" << name;
+ cout << "<TD>" << length;
+ cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
+ cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(3) << timeTaken;
+ cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(3) << mbs << endl;
+ cout << resetiosflags(ios::fixed);
+ logtotal += log(mbs);
+ logcount++;
+void OutputResultOperations(const char *name, const char *operation, bool pc, unsigned long iterations, double timeTaken)
+ cout << "<TR><TH>" << name << " " << operation << (pc ? " with precomputation" : "");
+ cout << "<TD>" << iterations;
+ cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
+ cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(3) << timeTaken;
+ cout << "<TD>" << setprecision(2) << (1000*timeTaken/iterations) << endl;
+ cout << resetiosflags(ios::fixed);
+ logtotal += log(iterations/timeTaken);
+ logcount++;
+void BenchMark(const char *name, BlockTransformation &cipher, double timeTotal)
+ const int BUF_SIZE = RoundDownToMultipleOf(1024U, cipher.OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks() * cipher.BlockSize());
+ SecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
+ const int nBlocks = BUF_SIZE / cipher.BlockSize();
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned long i=0, length=BUF_SIZE;
+ double timeTaken;
+ do
+ {
+ length *= 2;
+ for (; i<length; i+=BUF_SIZE)
+ cipher.ProcessAndXorMultipleBlocks(buf, NULL, buf, nBlocks);
+ timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
+ }
+ while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
+ OutputResultBytes(name, length, timeTaken);
+void BenchMark(const char *name, StreamTransformation &cipher, double timeTotal)
+ const int BUF_SIZE=1024;
+ SecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned long i=0, length=BUF_SIZE;
+ double timeTaken;
+ do
+ {
+ length *= 2;
+ for (; i<length; i+=BUF_SIZE)
+ cipher.ProcessString(buf, BUF_SIZE);
+ timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
+ }
+ while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
+ OutputResultBytes(name, length, timeTaken);
+void BenchMark(const char *name, HashTransformation &hash, double timeTotal)
+ const int BUF_SIZE=1024;
+ SecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ rng.GenerateBlock(buf, BUF_SIZE);
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned long i=0, length=BUF_SIZE;
+ double timeTaken;
+ do
+ {
+ length *= 2;
+ for (; i<length; i+=BUF_SIZE)
+ hash.Update(buf, BUF_SIZE);
+ timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
+ }
+ while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
+ OutputResultBytes(name, length, timeTaken);
+void BenchMark(const char *name, BufferedTransformation &bt, double timeTotal)
+ const int BUF_SIZE=1024;
+ SecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ rng.GenerateBlock(buf, BUF_SIZE);
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned long i=0, length=BUF_SIZE;
+ double timeTaken;
+ do
+ {
+ length *= 2;
+ for (; i<length; i+=BUF_SIZE)
+ bt.Put(buf, BUF_SIZE);
+ timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
+ }
+ while (timeTaken < 2.0/3*timeTotal);
+ OutputResultBytes(name, length, timeTaken);
+void BenchMarkEncryption(const char *name, PK_Encryptor &key, double timeTotal, bool pc=false)
+ unsigned int len = 16;
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock plaintext(len), ciphertext(key.CiphertextLength(len));
+ rng.GenerateBlock(plaintext, len);
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++)
+ key.Encrypt(rng, plaintext, len, ciphertext);
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Encryption", pc, i, timeTaken);
+ if (!pc && key.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation())
+ {
+ key.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16);
+ BenchMarkEncryption(name, key, timeTotal, true);
+ }
+void BenchMarkDecryption(const char *name, PK_Decryptor &priv, PK_Encryptor &pub, double timeTotal)
+ unsigned int len = 16;
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock ciphertext(pub.CiphertextLength(len));
+ SecByteBlock plaintext(pub.MaxPlaintextLength(ciphertext.size()));
+ rng.GenerateBlock(plaintext, len);
+ pub.Encrypt(rng, plaintext, len, ciphertext);
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++)
+ priv.Decrypt(ciphertext, ciphertext.size(), plaintext);
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Decryption", false, i, timeTaken);
+void BenchMarkSigning(const char *name, PK_Signer &key, double timeTotal, bool pc=false)
+ unsigned int len = 16;
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock message(len), signature(key.SignatureLength());
+ rng.GenerateBlock(message, len);
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++)
+ key.SignMessage(rng, message, len, signature);
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Signature", pc, i, timeTaken);
+ if (!pc && key.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation())
+ {
+ key.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16);
+ BenchMarkSigning(name, key, timeTotal, true);
+ }
+void BenchMarkVerification(const char *name, const PK_Signer &priv, PK_Verifier &pub, double timeTotal, bool pc=false)
+ unsigned int len = 16;
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock message(len), signature(pub.SignatureLength());
+ rng.GenerateBlock(message, len);
+ priv.SignMessage(rng, message, len, signature);
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++)
+ pub.VerifyMessage(message, len, signature);
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Verification", pc, i, timeTaken);
+ if (!pc && pub.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation())
+ {
+ pub.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16);
+ BenchMarkVerification(name, priv, pub, timeTotal, true);
+ }
+void BenchMarkKeyGen(const char *name, SimpleKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false)
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock priv(d.PrivateKeyLength()), pub(d.PublicKeyLength());
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++)
+ d.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv, pub);
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Key-Pair Generation", pc, i, timeTaken);
+ if (!pc && d.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation())
+ {
+ d.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16);
+ BenchMarkKeyGen(name, d, timeTotal, true);
+ }
+void BenchMarkKeyGen(const char *name, AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false)
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock priv(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()), pub(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength());
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++)
+ d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng, priv, pub);
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Key-Pair Generation", pc, i, timeTaken);
+ if (!pc && d.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation())
+ {
+ d.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16);
+ BenchMarkKeyGen(name, d, timeTotal, true);
+ }
+void BenchMarkAgreement(const char *name, SimpleKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false)
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock priv1(d.PrivateKeyLength()), priv2(d.PrivateKeyLength());
+ SecByteBlock pub1(d.PublicKeyLength()), pub2(d.PublicKeyLength());
+ d.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv1, pub1);
+ d.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv2, pub2);
+ SecByteBlock val(d.AgreedValueLength());
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i+=2)
+ {
+ d.Agree(val, priv1, pub2);
+ d.Agree(val, priv2, pub1);
+ }
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Key Agreement", pc, i, timeTaken);
+void BenchMarkAgreement(const char *name, AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false)
+ LC_RNG rng(time(NULL));
+ SecByteBlock spriv1(d.StaticPrivateKeyLength()), spriv2(d.StaticPrivateKeyLength());
+ SecByteBlock epriv1(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()), epriv2(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength());
+ SecByteBlock spub1(d.StaticPublicKeyLength()), spub2(d.StaticPublicKeyLength());
+ SecByteBlock epub1(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()), epub2(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength());
+ d.GenerateStaticKeyPair(rng, spriv1, spub1);
+ d.GenerateStaticKeyPair(rng, spriv2, spub2);
+ d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng, epriv1, epub1);
+ d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng, epriv2, epub2);
+ SecByteBlock val(d.AgreedValueLength());
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ unsigned int i;
+ double timeTaken;
+ for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i+=2)
+ {
+ d.Agree(val, spriv1, epriv1, spub2, epub2);
+ d.Agree(val, spriv2, epriv2, spub1, epub1);
+ }
+ OutputResultOperations(name, "Key Agreement", pc, i, timeTaken);
+//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
+template <class T>
+void BenchMarkKeyed(const char *name, double timeTotal, T *x=NULL)
+ T c;
+ c.SetKeyWithIV(key, c.DefaultKeyLength(), key);
+ BenchMark(name, c, timeTotal);
+//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
+template <class T>
+void BenchMarkKeyedVariable(const char *name, double timeTotal, unsigned int keyLength, T *x=NULL)
+ T c;
+ c.SetKeyWithIV(key, keyLength, key);
+ BenchMark(name, c, timeTotal);
+//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
+template <class T>
+void BenchMarkKeyless(const char *name, double timeTotal, T *x=NULL)
+ T c;
+ BenchMark(name, c, timeTotal);
+//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
+template <class SCHEME>
+void BenchMarkCrypto(const char *filename, const char *name, double timeTotal, SCHEME *x=NULL)
+ FileSource f(filename, true, new HexDecoder());
+ typename SCHEME::Decryptor priv(f);
+ typename SCHEME::Encryptor pub(priv);
+ BenchMarkEncryption(name, pub, timeTotal);
+ BenchMarkDecryption(name, priv, pub, timeTotal);
+//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
+template <class SCHEME>
+void BenchMarkSignature(const char *filename, const char *name, double timeTotal, SCHEME *x=NULL)
+ FileSource f(filename, true, new HexDecoder());
+ typename SCHEME::Signer priv(f);
+ typename SCHEME::Verifier pub(priv);
+ BenchMarkSigning(name, priv, timeTotal);
+ BenchMarkVerification(name, priv, pub, timeTotal);
+//VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters
+template <class D>
+void BenchMarkKeyAgreement(const char *filename, const char *name, double timeTotal, D *x=NULL)
+ FileSource f(filename, true, new HexDecoder());
+ D d(f);
+ BenchMarkKeyGen(name, d, timeTotal);
+ BenchMarkAgreement(name, d, timeTotal);
+void BenchMarkAll(double t)
+#if 1
+ logtotal = 0;
+ logcount = 0;
+ cout << "<TABLE border=1><COLGROUP><COL align=left><COL align=right><COL align=right><COL align=right>" << endl;
+ cout << "<THEAD><TR><TH>Algorithm<TH>Bytes Processed<TH>Time Taken<TH>Megabytes(2^20 bytes)/Second\n<TBODY>" << endl;
+ BenchMarkKeyless<CRC32>("CRC-32", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<Adler32>("Adler-32", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<MD2>("MD2", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<MD5>("MD5", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<SHA>("SHA-1", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<SHA256>("SHA-256", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<SHA512>("SHA-512", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<HAVAL3>("HAVAL (pass=3)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<HAVAL4>("HAVAL (pass=4)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<HAVAL5>("HAVAL (pass=5)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<Tiger>("Tiger", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<RIPEMD160>("RIPE-MD160", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<PanamaHash<LittleEndian> >("Panama Hash (little endian)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyless<PanamaHash<BigEndian> >("Panama Hash (big endian)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<MDC<MD5>::Encryption>("MDC/MD5", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<LR<MD5>::Encryption>("Luby-Rackoff/MD5", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<DES::Encryption>("DES", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<DES_XEX3::Encryption>("DES-XEX3", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<DES_EDE3::Encryption>("DES-EDE3", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<IDEA::Encryption>("IDEA", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<RC2::Encryption>("RC2", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<RC5::Encryption>("RC5 (r=16)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<Blowfish::Encryption>("Blowfish", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<Diamond2::Encryption>("Diamond2", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<Diamond2Lite::Encryption>("Diamond2 Lite", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<ThreeWayDecryption>("3-WAY", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<TEA::Encryption>("TEA", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<SAFER_SK::Encryption>("SAFER (r=8)", t, 8);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<GOST::Encryption>("GOST", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<SHARK::Encryption>("SHARK (r=6)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<CAST128::Encryption>("CAST-128", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<CAST256::Encryption>("CAST-256", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<Square::Encryption>("Square", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<SKIPJACK::Encryption>("SKIPJACK", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<RC6::Encryption>("RC6", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<MARS::Encryption>("MARS", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<Rijndael::Encryption>("Rijndael (128-bit key)", t, 16);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<Rijndael::Encryption>("Rijndael (192-bit key)", t, 24);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<Rijndael::Encryption>("Rijndael (256-bit key)", t, 32);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<CTR_Mode<Rijndael>::Encryption>("Rijndael (128) CTR", t, 16);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<OFB_Mode<Rijndael>::Encryption>("Rijndael (128) OFB", t, 16);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<CFB_Mode<Rijndael>::Encryption>("Rijndael (128) CFB", t, 16);
+ BenchMarkKeyedVariable<CBC_Mode<Rijndael>::Encryption>("Rijndael (128) CBC", t, 16);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<Twofish::Encryption>("Twofish", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<Serpent::Encryption>("Serpent", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<ARC4>("ARC4", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<SEAL<BigEndian>::Encryption>("SEAL-3.0-BE", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<SEAL<LittleEndian>::Encryption>("SEAL-3.0-LE", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<WAKE_CFB<BigEndian>::Encryption>("WAKE-CFB-BE", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<WAKE_CFB<LittleEndian>::Encryption>("WAKE-CFB-LE", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<WAKE_OFB<BigEndian>::Encryption>("WAKE-OFB-BE", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<WAKE_OFB<LittleEndian>::Encryption>("WAKE-OFB-LE", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<PanamaCipher<LittleEndian>::Encryption>("Panama Cipher (little endian)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<PanamaCipher<BigEndian>::Encryption>("Panama Cipher (big endian)", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<MD5MAC>("MD5-MAC", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<XMACC<MD5> >("XMACC/MD5", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<HMAC<MD5> >("HMAC/MD5", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<CBC_MAC<Rijndael> >("CBC-MAC/Rijndael", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyed<DMAC<Rijndael> >("DMAC/Rijndael", t);
+ {
+ Integer p("CB6C,B8CE,6351,164F,5D0C,0C9E,9E31,E231,CF4E,D551,CBD0,E671,5D6A,7B06,D8DF,C4A7h");
+ Integer q("FD2A,8594,A132,20CC,4E6D,DE77,3AAA,CF15,CD9E,E447,8592,FF46,CC77,87BE,9876,A2AFh");
+ Integer s("63239752671357255800299643604761065219897634268887145610573595874544114193025997412441121667211431");
+ BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s);
+ BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 512", c, t);
+ }
+ {
+ Integer p("FD2A,8594,A132,20CC,4E6D,DE77,3AAA,CF15,CD9E,E447,8592,FF46,CC77,87BE,9876,9E2C,"
+ "8572,64C3,4CF4,188A,44D4,2130,1135,7982,6FF6,EDD3,26F0,5FAA,BAF4,A81E,7ADC,B80Bh");
+ Integer q("C8B9,5797,B349,6BA3,FD72,F2C0,A796,8A65,EE0F,B4BA,272F,4FEE,4DB1,06D5,ECEB,7142,"
+ "E8A8,E5A8,6BF9,A32F,BA37,BACC,8A75,8A6B,2DCE,D6EC,B515,980A,4BB1,08FB,6F2C,2383h");
+ Integer s("3578,8F00,2965,71A4,4382,699F,45FD,3922,8238,241B,CEBA,0543,3443,E8D9,12FB,AC46,"
+ "7EC4,8505,EC9E,7EE8,5A23,9B2A,B615,D0C4,9448,F23A,ADEE,E850,1A7A,CA30,0B5B,A408,"
+ "D936,21BA,844E,BDD6,7848,3D1E,9137,CC87,DAA5,773B,D45A,C8BB,5392,1393,108B,6992,"
+ "74E3,C5E2,C235,A321,0111,3BA4,BAB4,1A2F,17EE,C371,DE67,01C9,0F3D,907A,B252,9BDDh");
+ BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s);
+ BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 1024", c, t);
+ }
+ {
+ Integer p("EB56,978A,7BA7,B5D9,1383,4611,94F5,4766,FCEF,CF41,958A,FC41,43D0,839F,C56B,B568,"
+ "4ED3,9E5A,BABB,5ACE,8B11,CEBC,88A2,7C12,FFEE,E6E8,CF0A,E231,5BC2,DEDE,80B7,32F6,"
+ "340E,D8A6,B7DE,C779,7EE5,0E16,9C88,FC9F,2A0E,EE6C,7D47,C5F2,6B06,EB8C,F1C8,2E67,"
+ "5B82,8C28,4FB8,542F,2874,C355,CEEE,7A54,1B06,A8AB,8B66,6A5C,9DB2,72B8,74F3,7BC7h");
+ Integer q("EB6B,3645,4591,8343,7331,7CAC,B02E,4BB9,DEF5,8EDC,1772,DB9B,9571,5FAB,1CDD,4FB1,"
+ "7B9A,07CD,E715,D448,F552,CBBD,D387,C037,DE70,6661,F360,D0E8,D42E,292A,9321,DDCB,"
+ "0BF9,C514,BFAC,3F2C,C06E,DF64,A9B8,50D6,AC4F,B9E4,014B,5624,2B40,A0D4,5D0B,6DD4,"
+ "0989,D00E,0268,99AB,21DB,0BB4,DB38,84DA,594F,575F,95AC,1B70,45E4,96C8,C6AD,CE67h");
+ Integer s("C75A,8A0D,E231,295F,C08A,1716,8611,D5EC,E9EF,B565,90EC,58C0,57D0,DA7D,C6E6,DB00,"
+ "2282,1CA7,EA31,D64E,768C,0B19,8563,36DF,2226,F4EC,74A4,2844,2E8D,37E8,53DC,0172,"
+ "5F56,8CF9,B444,CA02,78B3,17AF,7C78,D320,16AE,AC3D,B97F,7259,1B8F,9C84,6A16,B878,"
+ "0595,70BB,9C52,18B5,9100,9C1F,E85A,4035,06F3,5F38,7462,F01D,0462,BFBC,A4CD,4A45,"
+ "3A77,E7F8,DED1,D6EF,CEF7,0937,CD3F,3AF1,4F88,932D,6D4B,002C,3735,304C,C5D3,B88A,"
+ "B57B,24B6,5346,9B46,5153,B7ED,B216,C181,B1C6,C52E,CD2B,E0AA,B1BB,0A93,C92E,4F79,"
+ "4931,E303,7C8F,A408,8ACF,56CD,6EC0,76A2,5015,6BA4,4C50,C44D,53B9,E168,5F84,B381,"
+ "2514,10B2,00E5,B4D1,4156,A2FE,0BF6,6F33,0A1B,91C6,31B8,1C90,02F1,FB1F,C494,8B65h");
+ BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s);
+ BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 2048", c, t);
+ }
+ cout << "</TABLE>" << endl;
+ cout << "<TABLE border=1><COLGROUP><COL align=left><COL align=right><COL align=right><COL align=right>" << endl;
+ cout << "<THEAD><TR><TH>Operation<TH>Iterations<TH>Total Time<TH>Milliseconds/Operation" << endl;
+ cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl;
+ BenchMarkCrypto<RSAES<OAEP<SHA> > >("rsa1024.dat", "RSA 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<RabinES<OAEP<SHA> > >("rabi1024.dat", "Rabin 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<LUCES<OAEP<SHA> > >("luc1024.dat", "LUC 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<DLIES<> >("dlie1024.dat", "DLIES 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<LUC_IES<> >("lucc512.dat", "LUCELG 512", t);
+ cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: white\">" << endl;
+ BenchMarkCrypto<RSAES<OAEP<SHA> > >("rsa2048.dat", "RSA 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<RabinES<OAEP<SHA> > >("rabi2048.dat", "Rabin 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<LUCES<OAEP<SHA> > >("luc2048.dat", "LUC 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<DLIES<> >("dlie2048.dat", "DLIES 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkCrypto<LUC_IES<> >("lucc1024.dat", "LUCELG 1024", t);
+ cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl;
+ BenchMarkSignature<RSASSA<PKCS1v15, SHA> >("rsa1024.dat", "RSA 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<RabinPSSR<SHA> >("rabi1024.dat", "Rabin 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<RWSSA<SHA> >("rw1024.dat", "RW 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<LUCSSA<SHA> >("luc1024.dat", "LUC 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<NR<SHA> >("nr1024.dat", "NR 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<DSA>("dsa1024.dat", "DSA 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<LUC_HMP<SHA> >("lucs512.dat", "LUC-HMP 512", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<ESIGN<SHA> >("esig1023.dat", "ESIGN 1023", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<ESIGN<SHA> >("esig1536.dat", "ESIGN 1536", t);
+ cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: white\">" << endl;
+ BenchMarkSignature<RSASSA<PKCS1v15, SHA> >("rsa2048.dat", "RSA 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<RabinPSSR<SHA> >("rabi2048.dat", "Rabin 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<RWSSA<SHA> >("rw2048.dat", "RW 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<LUCSSA<SHA> >("luc2048.dat", "LUC 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<NR<SHA> >("nr2048.dat", "NR 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<LUC_HMP<SHA> >("lucs1024.dat", "LUC-HMP 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkSignature<ESIGN<SHA> >("esig2046.dat", "ESIGN 2046", t);
+ cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl;
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<XTR_DH>("xtrdh171.dat", "XTR-DH 171", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<XTR_DH>("xtrdh342.dat", "XTR-DH 342", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<DH>("dh1024.dat", "DH 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<DH>("dh2048.dat", "DH 2048", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<LUC_DH>("lucd512.dat", "LUCDIF 512", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<LUC_DH>("lucd1024.dat", "LUCDIF 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<MQV>("mqv1024.dat", "MQV 1024", t);
+ BenchMarkKeyAgreement<MQV>("mqv2048.dat", "MQV 2048", t);
+ cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: white\">" << endl;
+ {
+ Integer modulus("199999999999999999999999980586675243082581144187569");
+ Integer a("659942,b7261b,249174,c86bd5,e2a65b,45fe07,37d110h");
+ Integer b("3ece7d,09473d,666000,5baef5,d4e00e,30159d,2df49ah");
+ Integer x("25dd61,4c0667,81abc0,fe6c84,fefaa3,858ca6,96d0e8h");
+ Integer y("4e2477,05aab0,b3497f,d62b5e,78a531,446729,6c3fach");
+ Integer r("100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000151");
+ Integer k(2);
+ Integer d("76572944925670636209790912427415155085360939712345");
+ ECP ec(modulus, a, b);
+ ECP::Point P(x, y);
+ P = ec.Multiply(k, P);
+ ECP::Point Q(ec.Multiply(d, P));
+ ECIES<ECP>::Decryptor cpriv(ec, P, r, d);
+ ECIES<ECP>::Encryptor cpub(cpriv);
+ ECDSA<ECP, SHA>::Signer spriv(cpriv);
+ ECDSA<ECP, SHA>::Verifier spub(spriv);
+ ECDH<ECP>::Domain ecdhc(ec, P, r, k);
+ ECMQV<ECP>::Domain ecmqvc(ec, P, r, k);
+ BenchMarkEncryption("ECIES over GF(p) 168", cpub, t);
+ BenchMarkDecryption("ECIES over GF(p) 168", cpriv, cpub, t);
+ BenchMarkSigning("ECNR over GF(p) 168", spriv, t);
+ BenchMarkVerification("ECNR over GF(p) 168", spriv, spub, t);
+ BenchMarkKeyGen("ECDHC over GF(p) 168", ecdhc, t);
+ BenchMarkAgreement("ECDHC over GF(p) 168", ecdhc, t);
+ BenchMarkKeyGen("ECMQVC over GF(p) 168", ecmqvc, t);
+ BenchMarkAgreement("ECMQVC over GF(p) 168", ecmqvc, t);
+ }
+ cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl;
+ {
+ Integer r("3805993847215893016155463826195386266397436443");
+ Integer k(12);
+ Integer d("2065729449256706362097909124274151550853609397");
+ GF2NT gf2n(155, 62, 0);
+ byte b[]={0x7, 0x33, 0x8f};
+ EC2N ec(gf2n, PolynomialMod2::Zero(), PolynomialMod2(b,3));
+ EC2N::Point P(0x7B, 0x1C8);
+ P = ec.Multiply(k, P);
+ EC2N::Point Q(ec.Multiply(d, P));
+ ECIES<EC2N>::Decryptor cpriv(ec, P, r, d);
+ ECIES<EC2N>::Encryptor cpub(cpriv);
+ ECDSA<EC2N, SHA>::Signer spriv(cpriv);
+ ECDSA<EC2N, SHA>::Verifier spub(spriv);
+ ECDH<EC2N>::Domain ecdhc(ec, P, r, k);
+ ECMQV<EC2N>::Domain ecmqvc(ec, P, r, k);
+ BenchMarkEncryption("ECIES over GF(2^n) 155", cpub, t);
+ BenchMarkDecryption("ECIES over GF(2^n) 155", cpriv, cpub, t);
+ BenchMarkSigning("ECNR over GF(2^n) 155", spriv, t);
+ BenchMarkVerification("ECNR over GF(2^n) 155", spriv, spub, t);
+ BenchMarkKeyGen("ECDHC over GF(2^n) 155", ecdhc, t);
+ BenchMarkAgreement("ECDHC over GF(2^n) 155", ecdhc, t);
+ BenchMarkKeyGen("ECMQVC over GF(2^n) 155", ecmqvc, t);
+ BenchMarkAgreement("ECMQVC over GF(2^n) 155", ecmqvc, t);
+ }
+ cout << "</TABLE>" << endl;
+ cout << "Throughput Geometric Average: " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << exp(logtotal/logcount) << endl;
+ time_t endTime = time(NULL);
+ cout << "\nTest ended at " << asctime(localtime(&endTime));