path: root/doc/help/ref-subscriptions-conf.html
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-<!-- SECTION: References -->
- <TITLE>subscriptions.conf</TITLE>
- <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../cups-printable.css">
-<H1 CLASS="title">subscriptions.conf</H1>
-<P>The CUPS scheduler (cupsd) uses the
-<VAR>/etc/cups/subscriptions.conf</VAR> file to store the list
-of active subscriptions. Each directive is listed on a line by
-itself followed by its value. Comments are introduced using the
-number sign ("#") character at the beginning of a line.
-<P>While the subscriptions configuration file consists of plain
-text and can be modified using your favorite text editor, you
-should normally use the command-line programs (<A
-HREF="man-lp.html">lp(1)</A> and <A
-HREF="man-lpr.html">lpr(1)</A>) or specific applications via IPP
-requests to manage your subscriptions.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="Events">Events</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- Events job-completed
-<P>The <CODE>Events</CODE> directive lists the events, separated
-by spaces, that the subscriber is interested in. Table 1 lists
-the supported event names.</P>
-<P>The <CODE>Events</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<DIV CLASS="table"><TABLE SUMMARY="Event Names">
-<CAPTION>Table 1: <A NAME="TABLE1">Event Names</A></CAPTION>
- <TH>Name</TH>
- <TH>Description</TH>
- <TD>all</TD>
- <TD>All events</TD>
- <TD>job-completed</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the job is completed</TD>
- <TD>job-config-changed</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the job is changed</TD>
- <TD>job-created</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a job is created</TD>
- <TD>job-progress</TD>
- <TD>Send notification for job progress</TD>
- <TD>job-state-changed</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the job-state changes</TD>
- <TD>job-stopped</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the job is stopped</TD>
- <TD>printer-added</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a printer is added</TD>
- <TD>printer-changed</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a printer is changed</TD>
- <TD>printer-config-changed</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a printer's configuration is changed</TD>
- <TD>printer-deleted</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a printer is deleted</TD>
- <TD>printer-modified</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a printer is modified</TD>
- <TD>printer-state-changed</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the printer-state changes</TD>
- <TD>printer-stopped</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a printer is stopped</TD>
- <TD>server-audit</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when a bad request, security error, or
- authentication error occurs</TD>
- <TD>server-restarted</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the server is restarted</TD>
- <TD>server-started</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the server is initially started</TD>
- <TD>server-stopped</TD>
- <TD>Send notification when the server is shutdown</TD>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="ExpirationTime">ExpirationTime</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- ExpirationTime 1012563145
-<P>The <CODE>ExpirationTime</CODE> directive specifies the
-expiration time of the subscription as a UNIX time value. It is 0
-for subscriptions with no predefined expiration time.</P>
-<P>The <CODE>ExpirationTime</CODE> directive must appear inside a
-<A HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="Interval">Interval</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- Interval 30
-<P>The <CODE>Interval</CODE> directive specifies the preferred
-time interval for event notifications in seconds.</P>
-<P>The <CODE>Interval</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="JobId">JobId</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- JobId 123
-<P>The <CODE>JobId</CODE> directive specifies the
-<CODE>job-id</CODE> for job subscriptions.</P>
-<P>The <CODE>JobId</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="LeaseDuration">LeaseDuration</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- LeaseDuration
-<P>The <CODE>LeaseDuration</CODE> directive specifies the number
-of seconds that the subscription is valid. A value of 0 means
-that the subscription will last forever or the life of the print
-job the subscription is attached to.</P>
-<P>The <CODE>LeaseDuration</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="NextEventId">NextEventId</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- NextEventId 999
-<P>The <CODE>NextEventId</CODE> directive specifies the
-<CODE>notify-sequence-number</CODE> value for the next
-notification event. It starts at 1 and increases for every event
-that is delivered for the subscription.</P>
-<P>The <CODE>NextEventId</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="NextSubscriptionId">NextSubscriptionId</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-NextSubscriptionId 999
-<P>The <CODE>NextSubscriptionId</CODE> directive specifies the
-next subscription ID to use. It defaults to 1 more than the
-highest subscription number seen.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="Owner">Owner</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- Owner username
-<P>The <CODE>Owner</CODE> directive specifies the user that owns
-this subscription.</P>
-<P>The <CODE>Owner</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="PrinterName">PrinterName</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- PrinterName name
-<P>The <CODE>PrinterName</CODE> directive specifies the name of
-the printer or class that is associated with this
-<P>The <CODE>PrinterName</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="Recipient">Recipient</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- Recipient
-<P>The <CODE>Recipient</CODE> directive specifies the
-<CODE>notify-recipient-uri</CODE> value for push-type
-notifications. The URI scheme name determines which notifier
-program is used to send the event(s).</P>
-<P>The <CODE>Recipient</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="Subscription">Subscription</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
-<P>The <CODE>Subscription</CODE> section defines a single
-subscription in the system. Each subscription is assigned a
-unique (to the server) number starting at 1.</P>
-<H2 CLASS="title"><A NAME="UserData">UserData</A></H2>
-<PRE CLASS="command">
-&lt;Subscription NNN&gt;
- ...
- UserData mailto:bar&lt;40&gt;
-<P>The <CODE>UserData</CODE> directive specifies the
-<CODE>notify-user-data</CODE> value, which is normally the "to"
-address used in <CODE>mailto</CODE> notifications. Binary values
-are introduced by encoding the bytes as hexadecimal values inside
-angle brackets, e.g. "&lt;1234&gt;".</P>
-<P>The <CODE>UserData</CODE> directive must appear inside a <A
-HREF="#Subscription"><CODE>Subscription</CODE></A> section.</P>