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1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Cython/Shadow.pyi b/Cython/Shadow.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad6e434c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cython/Shadow.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+# cython.* namespace for pure mode.
+### BEGIN: copy from ###
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import typing
+from .Shadow import __version__
+ from __builtin__ import basestring
+except ImportError:
+ basestring = str
+# BEGIN shameless copy from Cython/minivect/
+class _ArrayType(object):
+ is_array = True
+ subtypes = ['dtype']
+ def __init__(self, dtype, ndim, is_c_contig=False, is_f_contig=False,
+ inner_contig=False, broadcasting=None):
+ self.dtype = dtype
+ self.ndim = ndim
+ self.is_c_contig = is_c_contig
+ self.is_f_contig = is_f_contig
+ self.inner_contig = inner_contig or is_c_contig or is_f_contig
+ self.broadcasting = broadcasting
+ def __repr__(self):
+ axes = [":"] * self.ndim
+ if self.is_c_contig:
+ axes[-1] = "::1"
+ elif self.is_f_contig:
+ axes[0] = "::1"
+ return "%s[%s]" % (self.dtype, ", ".join(axes))
+def index_type(base_type, item):
+ """
+ Support array type creation by slicing, e.g. double[:, :] specifies
+ a 2D strided array of doubles. The syntax is the same as for
+ Cython memoryviews.
+ """
+ class InvalidTypeSpecification(Exception):
+ pass
+ def verify_slice(s):
+ if s.start or s.stop or s.step not in (None, 1):
+ raise InvalidTypeSpecification(
+ "Only a step of 1 may be provided to indicate C or "
+ "Fortran contiguity")
+ if isinstance(item, tuple):
+ step_idx = None
+ for idx, s in enumerate(item):
+ verify_slice(s)
+ if s.step and (step_idx or idx not in (0, len(item) - 1)):
+ raise InvalidTypeSpecification(
+ "Step may only be provided once, and only in the "
+ "first or last dimension.")
+ if s.step == 1:
+ step_idx = idx
+ return _ArrayType(base_type, len(item),
+ is_c_contig=step_idx == len(item) - 1,
+ is_f_contig=step_idx == 0)
+ elif isinstance(item, slice):
+ verify_slice(item)
+ return _ArrayType(base_type, 1, is_c_contig=bool(item.step))
+ else:
+ # int[8] etc.
+ assert int(item) == item # array size must be a plain integer
+ array(base_type, item)
+# END shameless copy
+compiled = False
+_Unspecified = object()
+# Function decorators
+def _empty_decorator(x):
+ return x
+def locals(**arg_types):
+ return _empty_decorator
+def test_assert_path_exists(*paths):
+ return _empty_decorator
+def test_fail_if_path_exists(*paths):
+ return _empty_decorator
+class _EmptyDecoratorAndManager(object):
+ def __call__(self, x):
+ return x
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ pass
+class _Optimization(object):
+ pass
+cclass = ccall = cfunc = _EmptyDecoratorAndManager()
+returns = wraparound = boundscheck = initializedcheck = nonecheck = \
+ overflowcheck = embedsignature = cdivision = cdivision_warnings = \
+ always_allows_keywords = profile = linetrace = infer_type = \
+ unraisable_tracebacks = freelist = \
+ lambda arg: _EmptyDecoratorAndManager()
+optimization = _Optimization()
+overflowcheck.fold = optimization.use_switch = \
+ optimization.unpack_method_calls = lambda arg: _EmptyDecoratorAndManager()
+final = internal = type_version_tag = no_gc_clear = no_gc = _empty_decorator
+def inline(f, *args, **kwds):
+ if isinstance(f, basestring):
+ from Cython.Build.Inline import cython_inline
+ return cython_inline(f, *args, **kwds)
+ else:
+ assert len(args) == len(kwds) == 0
+ return f
+def compile(f):
+ from Cython.Build.Inline import RuntimeCompiledFunction
+ return RuntimeCompiledFunction(f)
+# Special functions
+def cdiv(a, b):
+ q = a / b
+ if q < 0:
+ q += 1
+def cmod(a, b):
+ r = a % b
+ if (a*b) < 0:
+ r -= b
+ return r
+# Emulated language constructs
+def cast(type, *args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.pop('typecheck', None)
+ assert not kwargs
+ if hasattr(type, '__call__'):
+ return type(*args)
+ else:
+ return args[0]
+def sizeof(arg):
+ return 1
+def typeof(arg):
+ return arg.__class__.__name__
+ # return type(arg)
+def address(arg):
+ return pointer(type(arg))([arg])
+def declare(type=None, value=_Unspecified, **kwds):
+ if type not in (None, object) and hasattr(type, '__call__'):
+ if value is not _Unspecified:
+ return type(value)
+ else:
+ return type()
+ else:
+ return value
+class _nogil(object):
+ """Support for 'with nogil' statement
+ """
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, exc_class, exc, tb):
+ return exc_class is None
+nogil = _nogil()
+gil = _nogil()
+del _nogil
+### END: copy from ###
+# Emulated types - TODO: convert to PEP 484 typing declaration
+class CythonMetaType(type):
+ def __getitem__(type, ix):
+ return array(type, ix)
+CythonTypeObject = CythonMetaType('CythonTypeObject', (object,), {})
+class CythonType(CythonTypeObject):
+ def _pointer(self, n=1):
+ for i in range(n):
+ self = pointer(self)
+ return self
+class PointerType(CythonType):
+ def __init__(self, value=None):
+ if isinstance(value, (ArrayType, PointerType)):
+ self._items = [cast(self._basetype, a) for a in value._items]
+ elif isinstance(value, list):
+ self._items = [cast(self._basetype, a) for a in value]
+ elif value is None or value == 0:
+ self._items = []
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+ def __getitem__(self, ix):
+ if ix < 0:
+ raise IndexError("negative indexing not allowed in C")
+ return self._items[ix]
+ def __setitem__(self, ix, value):
+ if ix < 0:
+ raise IndexError("negative indexing not allowed in C")
+ self._items[ix] = cast(self._basetype, value)
+ def __eq__(self, value):
+ if value is None and not self._items:
+ return True
+ elif type(self) != type(value):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return not self._items and not value._items
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s *" % (self._basetype,)
+class ArrayType(PointerType):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._items = [None] * self._n
+class StructType(CythonType):
+ def __init__(self, cast_from=_Unspecified, **data):
+ if cast_from is not _Unspecified:
+ # do cast
+ if len(data) > 0:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot accept keyword arguments when casting.')
+ if type(cast_from) is not type(self):
+ raise ValueError('Cannot cast from %s'%cast_from)
+ for key, value in cast_from.__dict__.items():
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+ else:
+ for key, value in data.items():
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+ def __setattr__(self, key, value):
+ if key in self._members:
+ self.__dict__[key] = cast(self._members[key], value)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError("Struct has no member '%s'" % key)
+class UnionType(CythonType):
+ def __init__(self, cast_from=_Unspecified, **data):
+ if cast_from is not _Unspecified:
+ # do type cast
+ if len(data) > 0:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot accept keyword arguments when casting.')
+ if isinstance(cast_from, dict):
+ datadict = cast_from
+ elif type(cast_from) is type(self):
+ datadict = cast_from.__dict__
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot cast from %s'%cast_from)
+ else:
+ datadict = data
+ if len(datadict) > 1:
+ raise AttributeError("Union can only store one field at a time.")
+ for key, value in datadict.items():
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+ def __setattr__(self, key, value):
+ if key in '__dict__':
+ CythonType.__setattr__(self, key, value)
+ elif key in self._members:
+ self.__dict__ = {key: cast(self._members[key], value)}
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError("Union has no member '%s'" % key)
+def pointer(basetype):
+ class PointerInstance(PointerType):
+ _basetype = basetype
+ return PointerInstance
+def array(basetype, n):
+ class ArrayInstance(ArrayType):
+ _basetype = basetype
+ _n = n
+ return ArrayInstance
+def struct(**members):
+ class StructInstance(StructType):
+ _members = members
+ for key in members:
+ setattr(StructInstance, key, None)
+ return StructInstance
+def union(**members):
+ class UnionInstance(UnionType):
+ _members = members
+ for key in members:
+ setattr(UnionInstance, key, None)
+ return UnionInstance
+class typedef(CythonType):
+ def __init__(self, type, name=None):
+ self._basetype = type
+ = name
+ def __call__(self, *arg):
+ value = cast(self._basetype, *arg)
+ return value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return or str(self._basetype)
+ __getitem__ = index_type
+class _FusedType(CythonType):
+ pass
+def fused_type(*args):
+ if not args:
+ raise TypeError("Expected at least one type as argument")
+ # Find the numeric type with biggest rank if all types are numeric
+ rank = -1
+ for type in args:
+ if type not in (py_int, py_long, py_float, py_complex):
+ break
+ if type_ordering.index(type) > rank:
+ result_type = type
+ else:
+ return result_type
+ # Not a simple numeric type, return a fused type instance. The result
+ # isn't really meant to be used, as we can't keep track of the context in
+ # pure-mode. Casting won't do anything in this case.
+ return _FusedType()
+def _specialized_from_args(signatures, args, kwargs):
+ "Perhaps this should be implemented in a TreeFragment in Cython code"
+ raise Exception("yet to be implemented")
+py_int = typedef(int, "int")
+ py_long = typedef(long, "long")
+except NameError: # Py3
+ py_long = typedef(int, "long")
+py_float = typedef(float, "float")
+py_complex = typedef(complex, "double complex")
+# Predefined types
+int_types = ['char', 'short', 'Py_UNICODE', 'int', 'Py_UCS4', 'long', 'longlong', 'Py_ssize_t', 'size_t']
+float_types = ['longdouble', 'double', 'float']
+complex_types = ['longdoublecomplex', 'doublecomplex', 'floatcomplex', 'complex']
+other_types = ['bint', 'void']
+to_repr = {
+ 'longlong': 'long long',
+ 'longdouble': 'long double',
+ 'longdoublecomplex': 'long double complex',
+ 'doublecomplex': 'double complex',
+ 'floatcomplex': 'float complex',
+gs = globals()
+# note: cannot simply name the unicode type here as 2to3 gets in the way and replaces it by str
+ import __builtin__ as builtins
+except ImportError: # Py3
+ import builtins
+gs['unicode'] = typedef(getattr(builtins, 'unicode', str), 'unicode')
+del builtins
+for name in int_types:
+ reprname = to_repr(name, name)
+ gs[name] = typedef(py_int, reprname)
+ if name not in ('Py_UNICODE', 'Py_UCS4') and not name.endswith('size_t'):
+ gs['u'+name] = typedef(py_int, "unsigned " + reprname)
+ gs['s'+name] = typedef(py_int, "signed " + reprname)
+for name in float_types:
+ gs[name] = typedef(py_float, to_repr(name, name))
+for name in complex_types:
+ gs[name] = typedef(py_complex, to_repr(name, name))
+bint = typedef(bool, "bint")
+void = typedef(int, "void")
+for t in int_types + float_types + complex_types + other_types:
+ for i in range(1, 4):
+ gs["%s_%s" % ('p'*i, t)] = globals()[t]._pointer(i)
+void = typedef(None, "void")
+NULL = p_void(0)
+integral = floating = numeric = _FusedType()
+type_ordering = [py_int, py_long, py_float, py_complex]
+class CythonDotParallel(object):
+ """
+ The cython.parallel module.
+ """
+ __all__ = ['parallel', 'prange', 'threadid']
+ def parallel(self, num_threads=None):
+ return nogil
+ def prange(self, start=0, stop=None, step=1, schedule=None, nogil=False):
+ if stop is None:
+ stop = start
+ start = 0
+ return range(start, stop, step)
+ def threadid(self):
+ return 0
+ # def threadsavailable(self):
+ # return 1
+import sys
+sys.modules['cython.parallel'] = CythonDotParallel()
+del sys