path: root/docs/src/tutorial/parallelization.rst
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+.. _parallel-tutorial:
+Writing parallel code with Cython
+.. include::
+ ../two-syntax-variants-used
+One method of speeding up your Cython code is parallelization:
+you write code that can be run on multiple cores of your CPU simultaneously.
+For code that lends itself to parallelization this can produce quite
+dramatic speed-ups, equal to the number of cores your CPU has (for example
+a 4× speed-up on a 4-core CPU).
+This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with Cython's
+:ref:`"typed memoryviews"<memoryviews>` (since code using memoryviews is often
+the sort of code that's easy to parallelize with Cython), and also that you're
+somewhat familiar with the pitfalls of writing parallel code in general
+(it aims to be a Cython tutorial rather than a complete introduction
+to parallel programming).
+Before starting, a few notes:
+- Not all code can be parallelized - for some code the algorithm simply
+ relies on being executed in order and you should not attempt to
+ parallelize it. A cumulative sum is a good example.
+- Not all code is worth parallelizing. There's a reasonable amount of
+ overhead in starting a parallel section and so you need to make sure
+ that you're operating on enough data to make this overhead worthwhile.
+ Additionally, make sure that you are doing actual work on the data!
+ Multiple threads simply reading the same data tends not to parallelize
+ too well. If in doubt, time it.
+- Cython requires the contents of parallel blocks to be ``nogil``. If
+ your algorithm requires access to Python objects then it may not be
+ suitable for parallelization.
+- Cython's inbuilt parallelization uses the OpenMP constructs
+ ``omp parallel for`` and ``omp parallel``. These are ideal
+ for parallelizing relatively small, self-contained blocks of code
+ (especially loops). However, If you want to use other models of
+ parallelization such as spawning and waiting for tasks, or
+ off-loading some "side work" to a continuously running secondary
+ thread, then you might be better using other methods (such as
+ Python's ``threading`` module).
+- Actually implementing your parallel Cython code should probably be
+ one of the last steps in your optimization. You should start with
+ some working serial code first. However, it's worth planning for
+ early since it may affect your choice of algorithm.
+This tutorial does not aim to explore all the options available to
+customize parallelization. See the
+:ref:`main parallelism documentation<parallel>` for details.
+You should also be aware that a lot of the choices Cython makes
+about how your code is parallelized are fairly fixed and if you want
+specific OpenMP behaviour that Cython doesn't provide by default you
+may be better writing it in C yourself.
+OpenMP requires support from your C/C++ compiler. This support is
+usually enabled through a special command-line argument:
+on GCC this is ``-fopenmp`` while on MSVC it is
+``/openmp``. If your compiler doesn't support OpenMP (or if you
+forget to pass the argument) then the code will usually still
+compile but will not run in parallel.
+The following ```` file can be used to compile the
+examples in this tutorial:
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/
+Element-wise parallel operations
+The easiest and most common parallel operation in Cython is to
+iterate across an array element-wise, performing the same
+operation on each array element. In the simple example
+below we calculate the ``sin`` of every element in an array:
+.. tabs::
+ .. group-tab:: Cython
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/parallel_sin.pyx
+ .. group-tab:: Pure Python
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/
+We parallelize the outermost loop. This is usually a good idea
+since there is some overhead to entering and leaving a parallel block.
+However, you should also consider the likely size of your arrays.
+If ``input`` usually had a size of ``(2, 10000000)`` then parallelizing
+over the dimension of length ``2`` would likely be a worse choice.
+The body of the loop itself is ``nogil`` - i.e. you cannot perform
+"Python" operations. This is a fairly strong limitation and if you
+find that you need to use the GIL then it is likely that Cython's
+parallelization features are not suitable for you. It is possible
+to throw exceptions from within the loop, however -- Cython simply
+regains the GIL and raises an exception, then terminates the loop
+on all threads.
+It's necessary to explicitly type the loop variable ``i`` as a
+C integer. For a non-parallel loop Cython can infer this, but it
+does not currently infer the loop variable for parallel loops,
+so not typing ``i`` will lead to compile errors since it will be
+a Python object and so unusable without the GIL.
+The C code generated is shown below, for the benefit of experienced
+users of OpenMP. It is simplified a little for readability here:
+.. code-block:: C
+ #pragma omp parallel
+ {
+ #pragma omp for firstprivate(i) lastprivate(i) lastprivate(j)
+ for (__pyx_t_8 = 0; __pyx_t_8 < __pyx_t_9; __pyx_t_8++){
+ i = __pyx_t_8;
+ /* body goes here */
+ }
+ }
+Private variables
+One useful point to note from the generated C code above - variables
+used in the loops like ``i`` and ``j`` are marked as ``firstprivate``
+and ``lastprivate``. Within the loop each thread has its own copy of
+the data, the data is initialized
+according to its value before the loop, and after the loop the "global"
+copy is set equal to the last iteration (i.e. as if the loop were run
+in serial).
+The basic rules that Cython applies are:
+- C scalar variables within a ``prange`` block are made
+ ``firstprivate`` and ``lastprivate``,
+- C scalar variables assigned within a
+ :ref:`parallel block<parallel-block>`
+ are ``private`` (which means they can't be used to pass data in
+ and out of the block),
+- array variables (e.g. memoryviews) are not made private. Instead
+ Cython assumes that you have structured your loop so that each iteration
+ is acting on different data,
+- Python objects are also not made private, although access to them
+ is controlled via Python's GIL.
+Cython does not currently provide much opportunity of override these
+The second most common parallel operation in Cython is the "reduction"
+operation. A common example is to accumulate a sum over the whole
+array, such as in the calculation of a vector norm below:
+.. tabs::
+ .. group-tab:: Cython
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/norm.pyx
+ .. group-tab:: Pure Python
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/
+Cython is able to infer reductions for ``+=``, ``*=``, ``-=``,
+``&=``, ``|=``, and ``^=``. These only apply to C scalar variables
+so you cannot easily reduce a 2D memoryview to a 1D memoryview for
+The C code generated is approximately:
+.. code-block:: C
+ #pragma omp parallel reduction(+:total)
+ {
+ #pragma omp for firstprivate(i) lastprivate(i)
+ for (__pyx_t_2 = 0; __pyx_t_2 < __pyx_t_3; __pyx_t_2++){
+ i = __pyx_t_2;
+ total = total + /* some indexing code */;
+ }
+ }
+.. _parallel-block:
+``parallel`` blocks
+Much less frequently used than ``prange`` is Cython's ``parallel``
+operator. ``parallel`` generates a block of code that is run simultaneously
+on multiple threads at once. Unlike ``prange``, however, work is
+not automatically divided between threads.
+Here we present three common uses for the ``parallel`` block:
+Stringing together prange blocks
+There is some overhead in entering and leaving a parallelized section.
+Therefore, if you have multiple parallel sections with small
+serial sections in between it can be more efficient to
+write one large parallel block. Any small serial
+sections are duplicated, but the overhead is reduced.
+In the example below we do an in-place normalization of a vector.
+The first parallel loop calculates the norm, the second parallel
+loop applies the norm to the vector, and we avoid jumping in and out of serial
+code in between.
+.. tabs::
+ .. group-tab:: Cython
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/normalize.pyx
+ .. group-tab:: Pure Python
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/
+The C code is approximately:
+.. code-block:: C
+ #pragma omp parallel private(norm) reduction(+:total)
+ {
+ /* some calculations of array size... */
+ #pragma omp for firstprivate(i) lastprivate(i)
+ for (__pyx_t_2 = 0; __pyx_t_2 < __pyx_t_3; __pyx_t_2++){
+ /* ... */
+ }
+ norm = sqrt(total);
+ #pragma omp for firstprivate(i) lastprivate(i)
+ for (__pyx_t_2 = 0; __pyx_t_2 < __pyx_t_3; __pyx_t_2++){
+ /* ... */
+ }
+ }
+Allocating "scratch space" for each thread
+Suppose that each thread requires a small amount of scratch space
+to work in. They cannot share scratch space because that would
+lead to data races. In this case the allocation and deallocation
+is done in a parallel section (so occurs on a per-thread basis)
+surrounding a loop which then uses the scratch space.
+Our example here uses C++ to find the median of each column in
+a 2D array (just a parallel version of ``numpy.median(x, axis=0)``).
+We must reorder each column to find the median of it, but don't want
+to modify the input array. Therefore, we allocate a C++ vector per
+thread to use as scratch space, and work in that. For efficiency
+the vector is allocated outside the ``prange`` loop.
+.. tabs::
+ .. group-tab:: Cython
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/median.pyx
+ .. group-tab:: Pure Python
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/
+.. note::
+ Pure and classic syntax examples are not quite identical
+ since pure Python syntax does not support C++ "new", so we allocate the
+ scratch space slightly differently
+In the generated code the ``scratch`` variable is marked as
+``private`` in the outer parallel block. A rough outline is:
+.. code-block:: C++
+ #pragma omp parallel private(scratch)
+ {
+ scratch = new std::vector<double> ((x.shape[0]))
+ #pragma omp for firstprivate(i) lastprivate(i) lastprivate(j) lastprivate(median_it)
+ for (__pyx_t_9 = 0; __pyx_t_9 < __pyx_t_10; __pyx_t_9++){
+ i = __pyx_t_9;
+ /* implementation goes here */
+ }
+ /* some exception handling detail omitted */
+ delete scratch;
+ }
+Performing different tasks on each thread
+Finally, if you manually specify the number of threads and
+then identify each thread using ``omp.get_thread_num()``
+you can manually split work between threads. This is
+a fairly rare use-case in Cython, and probably suggests
+that the ``threading`` module is more suitable for what
+you're trying to do. However it is an option.
+.. tabs::
+ .. group-tab:: Cython
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/manual_work.pyx
+ :lines: 2-
+ .. group-tab:: Pure Python
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/parallelization/
+ :lines: 2-
+The utility of this kind of block is limited by the fact that
+variables assigned to in the block are ``private`` to each thread,
+so cannot be accessed in the serial section afterwards.
+The generated C code for the example above is fairly simple:
+.. code-block:: C
+ #pragma omp parallel private(thread_num)
+ {
+ thread_num = omp_get_thread_num();
+ switch (thread_num) {
+ /* ... */
+ }
+ }