path: root/bin86-0.3/bccfp/fadd.x
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1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin86-0.3/bccfp/fadd.x b/bin86-0.3/bccfp/fadd.x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e60b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin86-0.3/bccfp/fadd.x
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+! bcc 386 floating point routines (version 2)
+! -- Fadd, Faddd, Faddf, Fsub, Fsubd, Fsubf, normalize2
+! author: Bruce Evans
+#include "fplib.h"
+ .extern Fpushf
+ .extern fpdenormal
+ .extern fpoverflow
+ .extern fpunderflow
+ .globl Fadd
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ push ebp
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov eax,FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp]
+ mov edx,FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp]
+ mov ebx,FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_LOW[esp]
+ mov ecx,FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp]
+ call addition
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_LOW[esp],eax
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp],edx
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ebp
+ ret #D_SIZE
+ .globl Faddd
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ push ebp
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov eax,FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp]
+ mov edx,FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp]
+ mov ecx,D_HIGH[ebx]
+ mov ebx,D_LOW[ebx]
+ call addition
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp],eax
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp],edx
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+ .globl Faddf
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ push ebp
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ call Fpushf
+ pop ebx ! yl
+ pop ecx ! yu
+ mov eax,FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp] ! xl
+ mov edx,FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp] ! xu
+ call addition
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp],eax
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp],edx
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+ .globl Fsub
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ push ebp
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov eax,FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp]
+ mov edx,FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp]
+ mov ebx,FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_LOW[esp]
+ mov ecx,FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp]
+ xor ecx,#D_SIGN_MASK ! complement sign
+ call addition
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_LOW[esp],eax
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp],edx
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ebp
+ ret #D_SIZE
+ .globl Fsubd
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ push ebp
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ mov eax,FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp]
+ mov edx,FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp]
+ mov ecx,D_HIGH[ebx]
+ mov ebx,D_LOW[ebx]
+ xor ecx,#D_SIGN_MASK ! complement sign
+ call addition
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp],eax
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp],edx
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+ .globl Fsubf
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ push ebp
+ push edi
+ push esi
+ call Fpushf
+ pop ebx ! yl
+ pop ecx ! yu
+ mov eax,FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp] ! xl
+ mov edx,FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp] ! xu
+ xor ecx,#D_SIGN_MASK ! complement sign
+ call addition
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_LOW[esp],eax
+ mov FRAME_SIZE+D_HIGH[esp],edx
+ pop esi
+ pop edi
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+! Check for x denormal, to split off special case where both are denormal,
+! so the norm bit (or 1 higher) is known to be set for addition, so addition
+! can be done faster
+ test esi,#D_EXP_MASK
+ jnz x_normal_exp_y_0
+ test esi,esi ! test top bits of x fraction
+ jnz both_denorm ! denormal iff nonzero fraction with zero exp
+ test eax,eax ! test rest of fraction
+ jz return_edx_eax ! everything 0 (XXX - do signs matter?)
+ call fpdenormal
+ test ebp,#D_SIGN_MASK
+ jnz denorm_subtract
+! Add denormal x to denormal or zero y
+#include "error, carry into norm bit does not go into exponent"
+ add eax,ebx
+ adc esi,edi
+ or edx,esi
+ ret
+ sub eax,ebx
+ sbb esi,edi
+ or edx,esi
+ ret
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ test edi,edi ! this is like the check for x denormal
+ jnz y_denorm
+ test ebx,ebx
+ jz return_edx_eax ! y = 0
+ call fpdenormal
+ or ecx,#1 << D_EXP_SHIFT ! normalize y by setting exponent to 1
+ jmp got_y
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ ret
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ cmp ecx,#D_FRAC_BIT+2
+ jae return_edx_eax ! x dominates y
+ sub ecx,#REG_BIT
+ shrd ebp,ebx,cl
+ shrd ebx,edi,cl
+ shr edi,cl
+ add eax,edi
+ adc esi,#0
+ xchg ebp,ebx
+ br normalize
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ mov esi,edx ! this mainly for consistent naming
+ and esi,#D_EXP_MASK | D_FRAC_MASK ! discard sign so comparison is simple
+ mov edi,ecx ! free cl for shifts
+ and edi,#D_EXP_MASK | D_FRAC_MASK
+ cmp esi,edi
+ ja xbigger
+ jb swap
+ cmp eax,ebx
+ jae xbigger
+ xchg edx,ecx
+ xchg eax,ebx
+ xchg esi,edi
+! edx holds sign of result from here on
+! and exponent of result before the normalization step
+ mov ebp,edx ! prepare difference of signs
+ xor ebp,ecx
+ and ecx,#D_EXP_MASK ! extract exp_y and check for y 0 or denormal
+ beq exp_y_0 ! otherwise x is not 0 or denormal either
+ and edi,#D_FRAC_MASK ! extract fraction
+ or edi,#D_NORM_MASK ! normalize
+ and esi,#D_FRAC_MASK ! extract fraction
+ or esi,#D_NORM_MASK ! normalize
+ sub ecx,edx ! carries from non-exp bits in edx killed later
+ neg ecx
+ and ecx,#D_EXP_MASK
+ shr ecx,#D_EXP_SHIFT ! difference of exponents
+ and ebp,#D_SIGN_MASK ! see if signs are same
+ bne subtract ! else roundoff reg ebp has been cleared
+ cmp cl,#REG_BIT
+ bhis add_bigshift
+ shrd ebp,ebx,cl
+ shrd ebx,edi,cl
+ shr edi,cl
+ add eax,ebx
+ adc esi,edi
+! result edx(D_SIGN_MASK | D_EXP_MASK bits):esi:eax:ebp but needs normalization
+ mov edi,edx
+ and edi,#D_EXP_MASK
+ test esi,#D_NORM_MASK << 1
+ jnz add_loverflow
+ cmp ebp,#1 << (REG_BIT-1) ! test roundoff register
+ jb add_done ! no rounding
+ jz tie
+ add eax,#1
+ adc esi,#0
+ test esi,#D_NORM_MASK << 1
+ jnz pre_add_loverflow ! rounding may cause overflow!
+ mov ecx,edx ! duplicated code from 'done'
+ and edx,#D_SIGN_MASK
+ or edx,edi
+ and esi,#D_FRAC_MASK
+ or edx,esi
+ ret
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ test al,#1 ! tie case, round to even
+ jz add_done ! even, no rounding
+ jmp add_roundup
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ sub ebp,ebp ! clear rounding register
+ ! probably avoiding tests for more rounding
+ shrd ebp,eax,#1
+ jnc over_set_sticky_bit
+ or ebp,#1
+ shrd eax,esi,#1
+ shr esi,#1
+ add edi,1 << D_EXP_SHIFT
+ jl add_round
+ call fpoverflow
+ mov eax,ecx ! XXX - wrong reg
+ ret
+! result edx(D_SIGN_MASK | D_EXP_MASK bits):
+! esi((D_NORM_MASK << 1) | D_NORM_MASK | D_FRAC_MASK bits):eax:ebp:ebx
+! but needs normalization
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ mov edi,edx
+ and edi,#D_EXP_MASK
+ test esi,#D_NORM_MASK << 1
+ bne loverflow
+! result edx(D_SIGN_MASK bit):edi(D_EXP_MASK bits):
+! esi(D_NORM_MASK | D_FRAC_MASK bits):eax:ebp:ebx
+! but needs normalization
+ .globl normalize2
+ test esi,#D_NORM_MASK ! already-normalized is very common
+ jz normalize3
+ cmp ebp,#1 << (REG_BIT-1) ! test roundoff register
+ jb done ! no rounding
+ jz near_tie
+ add eax,#1
+ adc esi,#0
+ test esi,#D_NORM_MASK << 1
+ bne pre_loverflow ! rounding may cause overflow!
+jae overflow
+ and edx,#D_SIGN_MASK ! extract sign of largest and result
+ or edx,edi ! include exponent with sign
+ and esi,#D_FRAC_MASK ! discard norm bit
+ or edx,esi ! include fraction with sign and exponent
+ ret
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ test ebx,ebx
+ jnz roundup
+ test al,#1 ! tie case, round to even
+ jz done ! even, no rounding
+ jmp roundup
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ shld ecx,esi,#REG_BIT-D_NORM_BIT+16 ! in 9 to 16 below?
+ jz not_in_16_below ! must be way below (17-20 for usual D_NORM_BIT)
+ mov cl,bsr_table[ecx] ! bsr(esi) - (D_NORM_BIT-16)
+ neg ecx ! (D_NORM_BIT-16) - bsr(esi)
+ add ecx,#16
+ jmp got_shift
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ mov cl,bsr_table[esi] ! bsr(esi) directly
+ neg ecx ! -bsr(esi)
+ add ecx,#D_NORM_BIT ! D_NORM_BIT - bsr(esi)
+ jmp got_shift
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ test esi,esi
+ jz shift32
+! Find first nonzero bit in esi
+! Don't use bsr, it is very slow (const + 3 * bit_found)
+! We know that there is some nonzero bit, and the norm bit and above are clear
+ sub ecx,ecx ! prepare unsigned extension of cl
+ shld ecx,esi,#REG_BIT-D_NORM_BIT+8 ! any bits in 8 below norm bit?
+ jz not_in_8_below
+ mov cl,bsr_table[ecx] ! bsr(esi) - (D_NORM_BIT-8)
+ neg ecx ! (D_NORM_BIT-8) - bsr(esi)
+ add ecx,#8 ! D_NORM_BIT - bsr(esi)
+ shld esi,eax,cl
+ shld eax,ebp,cl
+ shld ebp,ebx,cl
+ shl ebx,cl
+ shl ecx,D_EXP_SHIFT
+ sub edi,ecx
+ bhi round ! XXX - can rounding change the exponent to > 0?
+ ! not bgt since edi may be 0x80000000
+ neg edi
+ shr edi,#D_EXP_SHIFT
+ inc edi
+ br fpunderflow
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ sub ebp,ebp ! clear rounding registers
+ sub ebx,ebx ! probably avoiding tests for more rounding
+ shr esi,#1 ! carry bit stayed in the reg
+ rcr eax,#1
+ rcr ebp,#1
+ rcr ebx,#1
+ add edi,1 << D_EXP_SHIFT
+ blt round
+ call fpoverflow
+ mov eax,ecx ! XXX - wrong reg
+ ret
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ test eax,eax
+ jz shift64
+ mov esi,eax
+ mov eax,ebp
+ mov ebp,ebx
+ sub ebx,ebx
+ sub edi,#REG_BIT << D_EXP_SHIFT
+ test esi,#~(D_NORM_MASK | D_FRAC_MASK)
+ jz over_adjust ! else too big already
+ shrd ebx,ebp,#D_BIT-D_FRAC_BIT
+ shrd ebp,eax,#D_BIT-D_FRAC_BIT
+ shrd eax,esi,#D_BIT-D_FRAC_BIT
+ shr esi,#D_BIT-D_FRAC_BIT
+ add edi,#(D_BIT-D_FRAC_BIT) << D_EXP_SHIFT
+ test edi,edi
+ bgt normalize2
+ neg edi
+ shr edi,#D_EXP_SHIFT
+ inc edi
+ br fpunderflow
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ test ebp,ebp
+ jz shift96
+ mov esi,ebp
+ mov eax,ebx
+ sub ebp,ebp
+ mov ebx,ebp
+ sub edi,#(2*REG_BIT) << D_EXP_SHIFT
+ jmp shiftxx
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ test ebx,ebx ! XXX - this test is probably unnecessary
+ ! since the shift must be small unless we
+ ! are subtracting 2 almost-equal numbers,
+ ! and then the bits beyond 64 will mostly
+ ! be 0
+ jz return_esi_eax ! all zero
+ mov esi,ebx
+ sub ebx,ebx
+ sub edi,#(3*REG_BIT) << D_EXP_SHIFT
+ jmp shiftxx
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ mov edx,esi
+ ret
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ sub ebp,ebp ! set up roundoff register
+ cmp ecx,#REG_BIT
+ jae subtract_bigshift
+ shrd ebp,ebx,cl
+ shrd ebx,edi,cl
+ shr edi,cl
+ neg ebp ! begin subtraction esi:eax:0 - edi:ebx:ebp
+ sbb eax,ebx
+ sbb esi,edi
+ sub ebx,ebx
+ mov edi,edx
+ and edi,#D_EXP_MASK
+ br normalize2
+ .align ALIGNMENT
+ cmp ecx,#D_FRAC_BIT+2
+ bhis return_edx_eax ! x dominates y
+ sub ecx,#REG_BIT
+ shrd ebp,ebx,cl
+ shrd ebx,edi,cl
+ shr edi,cl
+ not ebp ! begin subtraction esi:eax:0:0 - 0:edi:ebx:ebp
+ not ebx
+ add ebp,#1
+ adc ebx,#0
+ cmc
+ sbb eax,edi
+ sbb esi,#0
+ xchg ebp,ebx
+ mov edi,edx
+ and edi,#D_EXP_MASK
+ br normalize2
+ .data
+ .extern bsr_table