path: root/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_bmp.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'DevIL/src-IL/src/il_bmp.cpp')
1 files changed, 1048 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_bmp.cpp b/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_bmp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4719e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_bmp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
+// ImageLib Sources
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2008 by Denton Woods
+// Last modified: 02/09/2009
+// Filename: src-IL/src/il_bmp.c
+// Description: Reads from and writes to a bitmap (.bmp) file.
+#define IL_BMP_C
+#include "il_internal.h"
+#ifndef IL_NO_BMP
+#include "il_bmp.h"
+#include "il_endian.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+void GetShiftFromMask(const ILuint Mask, ILuint * CONST_RESTRICT ShiftLeft, ILuint * CONST_RESTRICT ShiftRight);
+//! Checks if the file specified in FileName is a valid .bmp file.
+ILboolean ilIsValidBmp(ILconst_string CONST_RESTRICT FileName)
+ ILHANDLE BitmapFile;
+ ILboolean bBitmap = IL_FALSE;
+ if (!iCheckExtension(FileName, IL_TEXT("bmp"))) {
+ return bBitmap;
+ }
+ BitmapFile = iopenr(FileName);
+ if (BitmapFile == NULL) {
+ return bBitmap;
+ }
+ bBitmap = ilIsValidBmpF(BitmapFile);
+ icloser(BitmapFile);
+ return bBitmap;
+//! Checks if the ILHANDLE contains a valid .bmp file at the current position.
+ILboolean ilIsValidBmpF(ILHANDLE File)
+ ILuint FirstPos;
+ ILboolean bRet;
+ iSetInputFile(File);
+ FirstPos = itell();
+ bRet = iIsValidBmp();
+ iseek(FirstPos, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ return bRet;
+//! Checks if Lump is a valid .bmp lump.
+ILboolean ilIsValidBmpL(const void * Lump, ILuint Size)
+ iSetInputLump(Lump, Size);
+ return iIsValidBmp();
+// Internal function used to get the .bmp header from the current file.
+ILboolean iGetBmpHead(BMPHEAD * const Header)
+ Header->bfType = GetLittleUShort();
+ Header->bfSize = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->bfReserved = GetLittleUInt();
+ Header->bfDataOff = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biSize = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biWidth = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biHeight = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biPlanes = GetLittleShort();
+ Header->biBitCount = GetLittleShort();
+ Header->biCompression = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biSizeImage = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biXPelsPerMeter = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biYPelsPerMeter = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biClrUsed = GetLittleInt();
+ Header->biClrImportant = GetLittleInt();
+ return IL_TRUE;
+ILboolean iGetOS2Head(OS2_HEAD * const Header)
+ if (iread(Header, sizeof(OS2_HEAD), 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ UShort(&Header->bfType);
+ UInt(&Header->biSize);
+ Short(&Header->xHotspot);
+ Short(&Header->yHotspot);
+ UInt(&Header->DataOff);
+ UInt(&Header->cbFix);
+ //2003-09-01 changed to UShort according to MSDN
+ UShort(&Header->cx);
+ UShort(&Header->cy);
+ UShort(&Header->cPlanes);
+ UShort(&Header->cBitCount);
+ iseek((ILint)Header->cbFix - 12, IL_SEEK_CUR); // Skip rest of header, if any.
+ return IL_TRUE;
+// Internal function to get the header and check it.
+ILboolean iIsValidBmp()
+ OS2_HEAD Os2Head;
+ ILboolean IsValid;
+ iGetBmpHead(&Head);
+ iseek(-(ILint)sizeof(BMPHEAD), IL_SEEK_CUR); // Go ahead and restore to previous state
+ IsValid = iCheckBmp(&Head);
+ if (!IsValid) {
+ iGetOS2Head(&Os2Head);
+ iseek(-(ILint)sizeof(BMPHEAD), IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ IsValid = iCheckOS2(&Os2Head);
+ }
+ return IsValid;
+// Internal function used to check if the HEADER is a valid .bmp header.
+ILboolean iCheckBmp (const BMPHEAD * CONST_RESTRICT Header)
+ //if ((Header->bfType != ('B'|('M'<<8))) || ((Header->biSize != 0x28) && (Header->biSize != 0x0C)))
+ if ((Header->bfType != ('B'|('M'<<8))) || (Header->biSize != 0x28))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Header->biHeight == 0 || Header->biWidth < 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Header->biPlanes > 1) // Not sure...
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if(Header->biCompression != 0 && Header->biCompression != 1 &&
+ Header->biCompression != 2 && Header->biCompression != 3)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if(Header->biCompression == 3 && Header->biBitCount != 16 && Header->biBitCount != 32)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Header->biBitCount != 1 && Header->biBitCount != 4 && Header->biBitCount != 8 &&
+ Header->biBitCount != 16 && Header->biBitCount != 24 && Header->biBitCount != 32)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ return IL_TRUE;
+ILboolean iCheckOS2 (const OS2_HEAD * CONST_RESTRICT Header)
+ if ((Header->bfType != ('B'|('M'<<8))) || (Header->DataOff < 26) || (Header->cbFix < 12))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Header->cPlanes != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Header->cx == 0 || Header->cy == 0)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Header->cBitCount != 1 && Header->cBitCount != 4 && Header->cBitCount != 8 &&
+ Header->cBitCount != 24)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ return IL_TRUE;
+//! Reads a .bmp file
+ILboolean ilLoadBmp(ILconst_string FileName) {
+ ILHANDLE BitmapFile;
+ ILboolean bBitmap = IL_FALSE;
+ BitmapFile = iopenr(FileName);
+ if (BitmapFile == NULL) {
+ return bBitmap;
+ }
+ bBitmap = ilLoadBmpF(BitmapFile);
+ icloser(BitmapFile);
+ return bBitmap;
+//! Reads an already-opened .bmp file
+ILboolean ilLoadBmpF(ILHANDLE File)
+ ILuint FirstPos;
+ ILboolean bRet;
+ iSetInputFile(File);
+ FirstPos = itell();
+ bRet = iLoadBitmapInternal();
+ iseek(FirstPos, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ return bRet;
+//! Reads from a memory "lump" that contains a .bmp
+ILboolean ilLoadBmpL(const void *Lump, ILuint Size)
+ iSetInputLump(Lump, Size);
+ return iLoadBitmapInternal();
+// Internal function used to load the .bmp.
+ILboolean iLoadBitmapInternal()
+ BMPHEAD Header;
+ OS2_HEAD Os2Head;
+ ILboolean bBitmap;
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iGetBmpHead(&Header);
+ if (!iCheckBmp(&Header)) {
+ iseek(-(ILint)sizeof(BMPHEAD), IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ iGetOS2Head(&Os2Head);
+ if (!iCheckOS2(&Os2Head)) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ return iGetOS2Bmp(&Os2Head);
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't know what to do if it has more than one plane...
+ if (Header.biPlanes != 1) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ switch (Header.biCompression)
+ {
+ case 0: // No compression
+ case 3: // BITFIELDS compression is handled in 16 bit
+ // and 32 bit code in ilReadUncompBmp()
+ bBitmap = ilReadUncompBmp(&Header);
+ break;
+ case 1: // RLE 8-bit / pixel (BI_RLE8)
+ bBitmap = ilReadRLE8Bmp(&Header);
+ break;
+ case 2: // RLE 4-bit / pixel (BI_RLE4)
+ bBitmap = ilReadRLE4Bmp(&Header);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!ilFixImage())
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ return bBitmap;
+// Reads an uncompressed .bmp
+// One of the absolute ugliest functions I've ever written!
+ILboolean ilReadUncompBmp(BMPHEAD * Header)
+ ILuint i, j, k, c, Read;
+ ILubyte Bpp, ByteData, PadSize, Padding[4];
+ ILuint rMask, gMask, bMask; //required for bitfields packing
+ ILuint rShiftR, gShiftR, bShiftR; //required for bitfields packing
+ ILuint rShiftL, gShiftL, bShiftL; //required for bitfields packing
+ ILushort Read16; //used for 16bit bmp loading
+ if (Header->biBitCount < 8)
+ Bpp = 1; // We can't have an integral number less than one and greater than 0
+ else
+ Bpp = (ILubyte)(Header->biBitCount >> 3); // Convert to bytes per pixel
+ if(Bpp == 2 || Bpp == 4)
+ Bpp = 3;
+ // Update the current image with the new dimensions
+ if (!ilTexImage(Header->biWidth, abs(Header->biHeight), 1, Bpp, 0, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL)) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ switch (Header->biBitCount)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ //iCurImage->Format = IL_LUMINANCE;
+ iCurImage->Format = IL_COLOUR_INDEX;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR32;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = 2 * 4;
+ iCurImage->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(iCurImage->Pal.PalSize);
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ iCurImage->Format = IL_COLOUR_INDEX;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR32;
+ // if there are 256 colors biClrUsed is 0
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = Header->biClrUsed ?
+ Header->biClrUsed * 4 : 256 * 4;
+ if (Header->biBitCount == 4) // biClrUsed is 0 for 4-bit bitmaps
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = 16 * 4;
+ iCurImage->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(iCurImage->Pal.PalSize);
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ case 24:
+ case 32:
+ iCurImage->Format = IL_BGR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ // A height of 0 is illegal
+ if (Header->biHeight == 0) {
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette)
+ ifree(iCurImage->Pal.Palette);
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ // If the image height is negative, then the image is flipped
+ // (Normal is IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT)
+ if (Header->biHeight < 0) {
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT;
+ }
+ else {
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ }
+ // Read the palette
+ iseek(sizeof(BMPHEAD), IL_SEEK_SET);
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Pal.Palette, 1, iCurImage->Pal.PalSize) != iCurImage->Pal.PalSize)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ // Seek to the data from the "beginning" of the file
+ iseek(Header->bfDataOff, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ // We have to handle 1 and 4-bit images separately, because we have to expand them.
+ switch (Header->biBitCount)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ //changed 2003-09-01
+ iPreCache(iCurImage->Width / 8 * iCurImage->Height);
+ PadSize = ((32 - (iCurImage->Width % 32)) / 8) % 4; // Has to truncate
+ for (j = 0; j < iCurImage->Height; j++) {
+ Read = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < iCurImage->Width; ) {
+ if (iread(&ByteData, 1, 1) != 1) {
+ iUnCache();
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ Read++;
+ k = 128;
+ for (c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
+ iCurImage->Data[j * iCurImage->Width + i] =
+ (!!(ByteData & k) == 1 ? 1 : 0);
+ k >>= 1;
+ if (++i >= iCurImage->Width)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //iseek(PadSize, IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ iread(Padding, 1, PadSize);
+ }
+ iUnCache();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ //changed 2003-09-01
+ iPreCache(iCurImage->Width / 2 * iCurImage->Height);
+ PadSize = ((8 - (iCurImage->Width % 8)) / 2) % 4; // Has to truncate
+ for (j = 0; j < iCurImage->Height; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < iCurImage->Width; i++) {
+ if (iread(&ByteData, 1, 1) != 1) {
+ iUnCache();
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Data[j * iCurImage->Width + i] = ByteData >> 4;
+ if (++i == iCurImage->Width)
+ break;
+ iCurImage->Data[j * iCurImage->Width + i] = ByteData & 0x0F;
+ }
+ iread(Padding, 1, PadSize);//iseek(PadSize, IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ iUnCache();
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ //padding
+ //2003-09-09: changed iCurImage->Bps to iCurImage->Width*2,
+ //because iCurImage->Bps refers to the 24 bit devil image
+ PadSize = (4 - (iCurImage->Width*2 % 4)) % 4;
+ //check if bitfield compression is used
+ rMask = 0x7C00;
+ gMask = 0x03E0;
+ bMask = 0x001F;
+ rShiftR = 10;
+ gShiftR = 5;
+ bShiftR = 0;
+ rShiftL = 3;
+ gShiftL = 3;
+ bShiftL = 3;
+ if (Header->biCompression == 3) //bitfields
+ {
+ iseek(Header->bfDataOff - 12, IL_SEEK_SET); //seek to bitfield data
+ iread(&rMask, 4, 1);
+ iread(&gMask, 4, 1);
+ iread(&bMask, 4, 1);
+ UInt(&rMask);
+ UInt(&gMask);
+ UInt(&bMask);
+ GetShiftFromMask(rMask, &rShiftL, &rShiftR);
+ GetShiftFromMask(gMask, &gShiftL, &gShiftR);
+ GetShiftFromMask(bMask, &bShiftL, &bShiftR);
+ }
+ k = 0;
+ //changed 2003-09-01
+ iPreCache(iCurImage->Width * iCurImage->Height);
+ //@TODO: This may not be safe for Big Endian.
+ for (j = 0; j < iCurImage->Height; j++) {
+ for(i = 0; i < iCurImage->Width; i++, k += 3) {
+ if (iread(&Read16, 2, 1) != 1) {
+ iUnCache();
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Data[k] = ((Read16 & bMask) >> bShiftR) << bShiftL;
+ iCurImage->Data[k + 1] = ((Read16 & gMask) >> gShiftR) << gShiftL;
+ iCurImage->Data[k + 2] = ((Read16 & rMask) >> rShiftR) << rShiftL;
+ }
+ iread(Padding, 1, PadSize);
+ }
+ iUnCache();
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ case 24:
+ // For 8 and 24 bit, Bps is equal to the bmps bps
+ PadSize = (4 - (iCurImage->Bps % 4)) % 4;
+ if (PadSize == 0) {
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Data, 1, iCurImage->SizeOfPlane) != iCurImage->SizeOfPlane)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ else { // Microsoft requires lines to be padded if the widths aren't multiples of 4.
+ //changed 2003-09-01
+ iPreCache(iCurImage->Width * iCurImage->Height);
+ PadSize = (4 - (iCurImage->Bps % 4));
+ for (i = 0; i < iCurImage->SizeOfPlane; i += iCurImage->Bps) {
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Data + i, 1, iCurImage->Bps) != iCurImage->Bps) {
+ iUnCache();
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ //iseek(PadSize, IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ iread(Padding, 1, PadSize);
+ }
+ iUnCache();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ //32bit files are always padded to 4 byte...
+ //check if bitfield compression is used
+ rMask = 0xFF0000;
+ gMask = 0x00FF00;
+ bMask = 0x0000FF;
+ rShiftR = 16;
+ gShiftR = 8;
+ bShiftR = 0;
+ rShiftL = 0;
+ gShiftL = 0;
+ bShiftL = 0;
+ if (Header->biCompression == 3) //bitfields
+ {
+ iseek(Header->bfDataOff - 12, IL_SEEK_SET); //seek to bitfield data
+ iread(&rMask, 4, 1);
+ iread(&gMask, 4, 1);
+ iread(&bMask, 4, 1);
+ UInt(&rMask);
+ UInt(&gMask);
+ UInt(&bMask);
+ GetShiftFromMask(rMask, &rShiftL, &rShiftR);
+ GetShiftFromMask(gMask, &gShiftL, &gShiftR);
+ GetShiftFromMask(bMask, &bShiftL, &bShiftR);
+ }
+ //TODO: win98 supports per-pixel alpha, so
+ //load to rgba????
+ //changed 2003-09-01
+ iPreCache(iCurImage->Width * iCurImage->Height);
+ for(i = 0; i < iCurImage->SizeOfData; i += 3) {
+ if (iread(&Read, 4, 1) != 1) {
+ iUnCache();
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Data[i] = ((Read & bMask) >> bShiftR) << bShiftL;
+ iCurImage->Data[i + 1] = ((Read & gMask) >> gShiftR) << gShiftL;
+ iCurImage->Data[i + 2] = ((Read & rMask) >> rShiftR) << rShiftL;
+ }
+ iUnCache();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return IL_FALSE; //shouldn't happen, we checked that before
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+ILboolean ilReadRLE8Bmp(BMPHEAD *Header)
+ ILubyte Bytes[2];
+ size_t offset = 0, count, endOfLine = Header->biWidth;
+ // Update the current image with the new dimensions
+ if (!ilTexImage(Header->biWidth, abs(Header->biHeight), 1, 1, 0, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ // A height of 0 is illegal
+ if (Header->biHeight == 0)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ iCurImage->Format = IL_COLOUR_INDEX;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR32;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = Header->biClrUsed * 4; // 256 * 4 for most images
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.PalSize == 0)
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = 256 * 4;
+ iCurImage->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(iCurImage->Pal.PalSize);
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette == NULL)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ // If the image height is negative, then the image is flipped
+ // (Normal is IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT)
+ iCurImage->Origin = Header->biHeight < 0 ?
+ // Read the palette
+ iseek(sizeof(BMPHEAD), IL_SEEK_SET);
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Pal.Palette, iCurImage->Pal.PalSize, 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ // Seek to the data from the "beginning" of the file
+ iseek(Header->bfDataOff, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ while (offset < iCurImage->SizeOfData) {
+ if (iread(Bytes, sizeof(Bytes), 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Bytes[0] == 0x00) { // Escape sequence
+ switch (Bytes[1])
+ {
+ case 0x00: // End of line
+ offset = endOfLine;
+ endOfLine += iCurImage->Width;
+ break;
+ case 0x01: // End of bitmap
+ offset = iCurImage->SizeOfData;
+ break;
+ case 0x2:
+ if (iread(Bytes, sizeof(Bytes), 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ offset += Bytes[0] + Bytes[1] * iCurImage->Width;
+ endOfLine += Bytes[1] * iCurImage->Width;
+ break;
+ default:
+ count = IL_MIN(Bytes[1], iCurImage->SizeOfData-offset);
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Data + offset, (ILuint)count, 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ offset += count;
+ if ((count & 1) == 1) // Must be on a word boundary
+ if (iread(Bytes, 1, 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ count = IL_MIN (Bytes[0], iCurImage->SizeOfData-offset);
+ memset(iCurImage->Data + offset, Bytes[1], count);
+ offset += count;
+ }
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+//changed 2003-09-01
+//deleted ilReadRLE8Bmp() USE_POINTER version
+ILboolean ilReadRLE4Bmp(BMPHEAD *Header)
+ ILubyte Bytes[2];
+ ILuint i;
+ size_t offset = 0, count, endOfLine = Header->biWidth;
+ // Update the current image with the new dimensions
+ if (!ilTexImage(Header->biWidth, abs(Header->biHeight), 1, 1, 0, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ // A height of 0 is illegal
+ if (Header->biHeight == 0) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Format = IL_COLOUR_INDEX;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR32;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = 16 * 4; //Header->biClrUsed * 4; // 16 * 4 for most images
+ iCurImage->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(iCurImage->Pal.PalSize);
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette == NULL)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ // If the image height is negative, then the image is flipped
+ // (Normal is IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT)
+ iCurImage->Origin = Header->biHeight < 0 ?
+ // Read the palette
+ iseek(sizeof(BMPHEAD), IL_SEEK_SET);
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Pal.Palette, iCurImage->Pal.PalSize, 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ // Seek to the data from the "beginning" of the file
+ iseek(Header->bfDataOff, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ while (offset < iCurImage->SizeOfData) {
+ int align;
+ if (iread(&Bytes[0], sizeof(Bytes), 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ if (Bytes[0] == 0x0) { // Escape sequence
+ switch (Bytes[1]) {
+ case 0x0: // End of line
+ offset = endOfLine;
+ endOfLine += iCurImage->Width;
+ break;
+ case 0x1: // End of bitmap
+ offset = iCurImage->SizeOfData;
+ break;
+ case 0x2:
+ if (iread(&Bytes[0], sizeof(Bytes), 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ offset += Bytes[0] + Bytes[1] * iCurImage->Width;
+ endOfLine += Bytes[1] * iCurImage->Width;
+ break;
+ default: // Run of pixels
+ count = IL_MIN (Bytes[1], iCurImage->SizeOfData-offset);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ int byte;
+ if ((i & 0x01) == 0) {
+ if (iread(&Bytes[0], sizeof(Bytes[0]), 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ byte = (Bytes[0] >> 4);
+ }
+ else
+ byte = (Bytes[0] & 0x0F);
+ iCurImage->Data[offset++] = byte;
+ }
+ align = Bytes[1] % 4;
+ if (align == 1 || align == 2) // Must be on a word boundary
+ if (iread(&Bytes[0], sizeof(Bytes[0]), 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ count = IL_MIN (Bytes[0], iCurImage->SizeOfData-offset);
+ Bytes[0] = (Bytes[1] >> 4);
+ Bytes[1] &= 0x0F;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ iCurImage->Data[offset++] = Bytes [i & 1];
+ }
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+//changed 2003-09-01
+//deleted ilReadRLE4Bmp() USE_POINTER version
+ILboolean iGetOS2Bmp(OS2_HEAD *Header)
+ ILuint PadSize, Read, i, j, k, c;
+ ILubyte ByteData;
+ if (Header->cBitCount == 1) {
+ if (!ilTexImage(Header->cx, Header->cy, 1, 1, IL_COLOUR_INDEX, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL)) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ iCurImage->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(2 * 3);
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = 2 * 3;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR24;
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Pal.Palette, 1, 2 * 3) != 6)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ PadSize = ((32 - (iCurImage->Width % 32)) / 8) % 4; // Has to truncate.
+ iseek(Header->DataOff, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ for (j = 0; j < iCurImage->Height; j++) {
+ Read = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < iCurImage->Width; ) {
+ if (iread(&ByteData, 1, 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ Read++;
+ k = 128;
+ for (c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
+ iCurImage->Data[j * iCurImage->Width + i] =
+ (!!(ByteData & k) == 1 ? 1 : 0);
+ k >>= 1;
+ if (++i >= iCurImage->Width)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ iseek(PadSize, IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+ }
+ if (Header->cBitCount == 4) {
+ if (!ilTexImage(Header->cx, Header->cy, 1, 1, IL_COLOUR_INDEX, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL)) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ iCurImage->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(16 * 3);
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = 16 * 3;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR24;
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Pal.Palette, 1, 16 * 3) != 16*3)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ PadSize = ((8 - (iCurImage->Width % 8)) / 2) % 4; // Has to truncate
+ iseek(Header->DataOff, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ for (j = 0; j < iCurImage->Height; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < iCurImage->Width; i++) {
+ if (iread(&ByteData, 1, 1) != 1)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ iCurImage->Data[j * iCurImage->Width + i] = ByteData >> 4;
+ if (++i == iCurImage->Width)
+ break;
+ iCurImage->Data[j * iCurImage->Width + i] = ByteData & 0x0F;
+ }
+ iseek(PadSize, IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+ }
+ if (Header->cBitCount == 8) {
+ //added this line 2003-09-01...strange no-one noticed before...
+ if (!ilTexImage(Header->cx, Header->cy, 1, 1, IL_COLOUR_INDEX, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ iCurImage->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(256 * 3);
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.Palette == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalSize = 256 * 3;
+ iCurImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR24;
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Pal.Palette, 1, 256 * 3) != 256*3)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ else { //has to be 24 bpp
+ if (!ilTexImage(Header->cx, Header->cy, 1, 3, IL_BGR, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iCurImage->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ iseek(Header->DataOff, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ PadSize = (4 - (iCurImage->Bps % 4)) % 4;
+ if (PadSize == 0) {
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Data, 1, iCurImage->SizeOfData) != iCurImage->SizeOfData)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i = 0; i < iCurImage->Height; i++) {
+ if (iread(iCurImage->Data + i * iCurImage->Bps, 1, iCurImage->Bps) != iCurImage->Bps)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ iseek(PadSize, IL_SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+//! Writes a Bmp file
+ILboolean ilSaveBmp(const ILstring FileName)
+ ILHANDLE BitmapFile;
+ ILuint BitmapSize;
+ if (ilGetBoolean(IL_FILE_MODE) == IL_FALSE) {
+ if (iFileExists(FileName)) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ BitmapFile = iopenw(FileName);
+ if (BitmapFile == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ BitmapSize = ilSaveBmpF(BitmapFile);
+ iclosew(BitmapFile);
+ if (BitmapSize == 0)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ return IL_TRUE;
+//! Writes a Bmp to an already-opened file
+ILuint ilSaveBmpF(ILHANDLE File)
+ ILuint Pos;
+ iSetOutputFile(File);
+ Pos = itellw();
+ if (iSaveBitmapInternal() == IL_FALSE)
+ return 0; // Error occurred
+ return itellw() - Pos; // Return the number of bytes written.
+//! Writes a Bmp to a memory "lump"
+ILuint ilSaveBmpL(void *Lump, ILuint Size)
+ ILuint Pos;
+ iSetOutputLump(Lump, Size);
+ Pos = itellw();
+ if (iSaveBitmapInternal() == IL_FALSE)
+ return 0; // Error occurred
+ return itellw() - Pos; // Return the number of bytes written.
+// Internal function used to save the .bmp.
+ILboolean iSaveBitmapInternal()
+ //int compress_rle8 = ilGetInteger(IL_BMP_RLE);
+ int compress_rle8 = IL_FALSE; // disabled BMP RLE compression. broken
+ ILuint FileSize, i, PadSize, Padding = 0;
+ ILimage *TempImage = NULL;
+ ILpal *TempPal;
+ ILubyte *TempData;
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ iputc('B'); // Comprises the
+ iputc('M'); // "signature"
+ SaveLittleUInt(0); // Will come back and change later in this function (filesize)
+ SaveLittleUInt(0); // Reserved
+ if (compress_rle8 == IL_TRUE)
+ {
+ TempImage = iConvertImage(iCurImage, IL_COLOR_INDEX, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
+ if (TempImage == NULL)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ TempPal = iConvertPal(&TempImage->Pal, IL_PAL_BGR32);
+ if (TempPal == NULL)
+ {
+ ilCloseImage(TempImage);
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the current image has a palette, take care of it
+ TempPal = &iCurImage->Pal;
+ if( iCurImage->Pal.PalSize && iCurImage->Pal.Palette && iCurImage->Pal.PalType != IL_PAL_NONE ) {
+ // If the palette in .bmp format, write it directly
+ if (iCurImage->Pal.PalType == IL_PAL_BGR32) {
+ TempPal = &iCurImage->Pal;
+ } else {
+ TempPal = iConvertPal(&iCurImage->Pal, IL_PAL_BGR32);
+ if (TempPal == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SaveLittleUInt(54 + TempPal->PalSize); // Offset of the data
+ //Changed 20040923: moved this block above writing of
+ //BITMAPINFOHEADER, so that the written header refers to
+ //TempImage instead of the original image
+ // @TODO LUMINANCE converted to BGR insteaf of beign saved to luminance
+ if (iCurImage->Format != IL_BGR && iCurImage->Format != IL_BGRA && iCurImage->Format != IL_COLOUR_INDEX) {
+ if (iCurImage->Format == IL_RGBA) {
+ TempImage = iConvertImage(iCurImage, IL_BGRA, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
+ } else {
+ TempImage = iConvertImage(iCurImage, IL_BGR, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
+ }
+ if (TempImage == NULL)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ } else if (iCurImage->Bpc > 1) {
+ TempImage = iConvertImage(iCurImage, iCurImage->Format, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
+ if (TempImage == NULL)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ } else {
+ TempImage = iCurImage;
+ }
+ if (TempImage->Origin != IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT) {
+ TempData = iGetFlipped(TempImage);
+ if (TempData == NULL) {
+ ilCloseImage(TempImage);
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ TempData = TempImage->Data;
+ }
+ SaveLittleUInt(0x28); // Header size
+ SaveLittleUInt(iCurImage->Width);
+ // Removed because some image viewers don't like the negative height.
+ // even if it is standard. @TODO should be enabled or disabled
+ // usually enabled.
+ /*if (iCurImage->Origin == IL_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT)
+ SaveLittleInt(-(ILint)iCurImage->Height);
+ else*/
+ SaveLittleInt(TempImage->Height);
+ SaveLittleUShort(1); // Number of planes
+ SaveLittleUShort((ILushort)((ILushort)TempImage->Bpp << 3)); // Bpp
+ if( compress_rle8 == IL_TRUE ) {
+ SaveLittleInt(1); // rle8 compression
+ } else {
+ SaveLittleInt(0);
+ }
+ SaveLittleInt(0); // Size of image (Obsolete)
+ SaveLittleInt(0); // (Obsolete)
+ SaveLittleInt(0); // (Obsolete)
+ if (TempImage->Pal.PalType != IL_PAL_NONE) {
+ SaveLittleInt(ilGetInteger(IL_PALETTE_NUM_COLS)); // Num colours used
+ } else {
+ SaveLittleInt(0);
+ }
+ SaveLittleInt(0); // Important colour (none)
+ iwrite(TempPal->Palette, 1, TempPal->PalSize);
+ if( compress_rle8 == IL_TRUE ) {
+ //@TODO compress and save
+ ILubyte *Dest = (ILubyte*)ialloc((long)((double)TempImage->SizeOfPlane*130/127));
+ FileSize = ilRleCompress(TempImage->Data,TempImage->Width,TempImage->Height,
+ TempImage->Depth,TempImage->Bpp,Dest,IL_BMPCOMP,NULL);
+ iwrite(Dest,1,FileSize);
+ } else {
+ PadSize = (4 - (TempImage->Bps % 4)) % 4;
+ // No padding, so write data directly.
+ if (PadSize == 0) {
+ iwrite(TempData, 1, TempImage->SizeOfPlane);
+ } else { // Odd width, so we must pad each line.
+ for (i = 0; i < TempImage->SizeOfPlane; i += TempImage->Bps) {
+ iwrite(TempData + i, 1, TempImage->Bps); // Write data
+ iwrite(&Padding, 1, PadSize); // Write pad byte(s)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the filesize
+ FileSize = itellw();
+ iseekw(2, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ SaveLittleUInt(FileSize);
+ if (TempPal != &iCurImage->Pal) {
+ ifree(TempPal->Palette);
+ ifree(TempPal);
+ }
+ if (TempData != TempImage->Data)
+ ifree(TempData);
+ if (TempImage != iCurImage)
+ ilCloseImage(TempImage);
+ iseekw(FileSize, IL_SEEK_SET);
+ return IL_TRUE;