path: root/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_devil.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'DevIL/src-IL/src/il_devil.cpp')
1 files changed, 1068 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_devil.cpp b/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_devil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc2f7b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DevIL/src-IL/src/il_devil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1068 @@
+// ImageLib Sources
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2009 by Denton Woods
+// Last modified: 02/01/2009
+// Filename: src-IL/src/il_devil.c
+// Description: Functions for working with the ILimage's and the current image
+#include "il_internal.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilInitImage(ILimage *Image, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, void *Data)
+ ILubyte BpcType = ilGetBpcType(Type);
+ if (BpcType == 0) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ memset(Image, 0, sizeof(ILimage));
+ ////
+ if (Width == 0) Width = 1;
+ if (Height == 0) Height = 1;
+ if (Depth == 0) Depth = 1;
+ Image->Width = Width;
+ Image->Height = Height;
+ Image->Depth = Depth;
+ Image->Bpp = Bpp;
+ Image->Bpc = BpcType;
+ Image->Bps = Width * Bpp * Image->Bpc;
+ Image->SizeOfPlane = Image->Bps * Height;
+ Image->SizeOfData = Image->SizeOfPlane * Depth;
+ Image->Format = Format;
+ Image->Type = Type;
+ Image->Origin = IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT;
+ Image->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_NONE;
+ Image->DxtcFormat = IL_DXT_NO_COMP;
+ Image->DxtcData = NULL;
+ Image->Data = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Image->SizeOfData);
+ if (Image->Data == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (Data != NULL) {
+ memcpy(Image->Data, Data, Image->SizeOfData);
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+// Creates a new ILimage based on the specifications given
+ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY ilNewImage(ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILubyte Bpc)
+ ILimage *Image;
+ if (Bpp == 0 || Bpp > 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Image = (ILimage*)ialloc(sizeof(ILimage));
+ if (Image == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!ilInitImage(Image, Width, Height, Depth, Bpp, ilGetFormatBpp(Bpp), ilGetTypeBpc(Bpc), NULL)) {
+ if (Image->Data != NULL) {
+ ifree(Image->Data);
+ }
+ ifree(Image);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return Image;
+// Same as above but allows specification of Format and Type
+ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY ilNewImageFull(ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, void *Data)
+ ILimage *Image;
+ if (Bpp == 0 || Bpp > 4) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Image = (ILimage*)ialloc(sizeof(ILimage));
+ if (Image == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!ilInitImage(Image, Width, Height, Depth, Bpp, Format, Type, Data)) {
+ if (Image->Data != NULL) {
+ ifree(Image->Data);
+ }
+ ifree(Image);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return Image;
+//! Changes the current bound image to use these new dimensions (current data is destroyed).
+/*! \param Width Specifies the new image width. This cannot be 0.
+ \param Height Specifies the new image height. This cannot be 0.
+ \param Depth Specifies the new image depth. This cannot be 0.
+ \param Bpp Number of channels (ex. 3 for RGB)
+ \param Format Enum of the desired format. Any format values are accepted.
+ \param Type Enum of the desired type. Any type values are accepted.
+ \param Data Specifies data that should be copied to the new image. If this parameter is NULL, no data is copied, and the new image data consists of undefined values.
+ \exception IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION No currently bound image.
+ \exception IL_INVALID_PARAM One of the parameters is incorrect, such as one of the dimensions being 0.
+ \exception IL_OUT_OF_MEMORY Could not allocate enough memory.
+ \return Boolean value of failure or success*/
+ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTexImage(ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, void *Data)
+ return ilTexImage_(iCurImage, Width, Height, Depth, Bpp, Format, Type, Data);
+// Internal version of ilTexImage.
+ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTexImage_(ILimage *Image, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, void *Data)
+ if (Image == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ ////
+ // Not sure if we should be getting rid of the palette...
+ if (Image->Pal.Palette && Image->Pal.PalSize && Image->Pal.PalType != IL_PAL_NONE) {
+ ifree(Image->Pal.Palette);
+ }
+ ilCloseImage(Image->Mipmaps);
+ ilCloseImage(Image->Next);
+ ilCloseImage(Image->Faces);
+ ilCloseImage(Image->Layers);
+ if (Image->AnimList) ifree(Image->AnimList);
+ if (Image->Profile) ifree(Image->Profile);
+ if (Image->DxtcData) ifree(Image->DxtcData);
+ if (Image->Data) ifree(Image->Data);
+ ////
+ //@TODO: Also check against format?
+ /*if (Width == 0 || Height == 0 || Depth == 0 || Bpp == 0) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }*/
+ return ilInitImage(Image, Width, Height, Depth, Bpp, Format, Type, Data);
+//! Uploads Data of the same size to replace the current image's data.
+/*! \param Data New image data to update the currently bound image
+ \exception IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION No currently bound image
+ \exception IL_INVALID_PARAM Data was NULL.
+ \return Boolean value of failure or success
+ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSetData(void *Data)
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ return ilTexSubImage_(iCurImage, Data);
+// Internal version of ilTexSubImage.
+ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTexSubImage_(ILimage *Image, void *Data)
+ if (Image == NULL || Data == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!Image->Data) {
+ Image->Data = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Image->SizeOfData);
+ if (Image->Data == NULL)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy(Image->Data, Data, Image->SizeOfData);
+ return IL_TRUE;
+//! Returns a pointer to the current image's data.
+/*! The pointer to the image data returned by this function is only valid until any
+ operations are done on the image. After any operations, this function should be
+ called again. The pointer can be cast to other types for images that have more
+ than one byte per channel for easier access to data.
+ \exception IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION No currently bound image
+ \return ILubyte pointer to image data.*/
+ILubyte* ILAPIENTRY ilGetData(void)
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return iCurImage->Data;
+//! Returns a pointer to the current image's palette data.
+/*! The pointer to the image palette data returned by this function is only valid until
+ any operations are done on the image. After any operations, this function should be
+ called again.
+ \exception IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION No currently bound image
+ \return ILubyte pointer to image palette data.*/
+ILubyte* ILAPIENTRY ilGetPalette(void)
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return iCurImage->Pal.Palette;
+//ILfloat ClearRed = 0.0f, ClearGreen = 0.0f, ClearBlue = 0.0f, ClearAlpha = 0.0f;
+// Changed to the colour of the Universe
+// (
+// *(*
+//ILfloat ClearRed = 0.269f, ClearGreen = 0.388f, ClearBlue = 0.342f, ClearAlpha = 0.0f;
+static ILfloat ClearRed = 1.0f;
+static ILfloat ClearGreen = 0.972549f;
+static ILfloat ClearBlue = 0.90588f;
+static ILfloat ClearAlpha = 0.0f;
+static ILfloat ClearLum = 1.0f;
+void ILAPIENTRY ilClearColour(ILclampf Red, ILclampf Green, ILclampf Blue, ILclampf Alpha)
+ // Clamp to 0.0f - 1.0f.
+ ClearRed = Red < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (Red > 1.0f ? 1.0f : Red);
+ ClearGreen = Green < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (Green > 1.0f ? 1.0f : Green);
+ ClearBlue = Blue < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (Blue > 1.0f ? 1.0f : Blue);
+ ClearAlpha = Alpha < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (Alpha > 1.0f ? 1.0f : Alpha);
+ if ((Red == Green) && (Red == Blue) && (Green == Blue)) {
+ ClearLum = Red < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (Red > 1.0f ? 1.0f : Red);
+ }
+ else {
+ ClearLum = 0.212671f * ClearRed + 0.715160f * ClearGreen + 0.072169f * ClearBlue;
+ ClearLum = ClearLum < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (ClearLum > 1.0f ? 1.0f : ClearLum);
+ }
+ return;
+ILAPI void ILAPIENTRY ilGetClear(void *Colours, ILenum Format, ILenum Type)
+ ILubyte *BytePtr;
+ ILushort *ShortPtr;
+ ILuint *IntPtr;
+ ILfloat *FloatPtr;
+ ILdouble *DblPtr;
+ switch (Type)
+ {
+ case IL_BYTE:
+ BytePtr = (ILubyte*)Colours;
+ switch (Format)
+ {
+ case IL_RGB:
+ BytePtr[0] = (ILubyte)(ClearRed * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[1] = (ILubyte)(ClearGreen * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[2] = (ILubyte)(ClearBlue * UCHAR_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_RGBA:
+ BytePtr[0] = (ILubyte)(ClearRed * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[1] = (ILubyte)(ClearGreen * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[2] = (ILubyte)(ClearBlue * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[3] = (ILubyte)(ClearAlpha * UCHAR_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_BGR:
+ BytePtr[2] = (ILubyte)(ClearRed * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[1] = (ILubyte)(ClearGreen * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[0] = (ILubyte)(ClearBlue * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[3] = (ILubyte)(ClearAlpha * UCHAR_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_BGRA:
+ BytePtr[2] = (ILubyte)(ClearRed * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[1] = (ILubyte)(ClearGreen * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[0] = (ILubyte)(ClearBlue * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[3] = (ILubyte)(ClearAlpha * UCHAR_MAX);
+ break;
+ BytePtr[0] = (ILubyte)(ClearAlpha * UCHAR_MAX);
+ break;
+ BytePtr[0] = (ILubyte)(ClearLum * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[1] = (ILubyte)(ClearAlpha * UCHAR_MAX);
+ BytePtr[0] = (ILubyte)(ClearAlpha * UCHAR_MAX);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_SHORT:
+ ShortPtr = (ILushort*)Colours;
+ switch (Format)
+ {
+ case IL_RGB:
+ ShortPtr[0] = (ILushort)(ClearRed * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[1] = (ILushort)(ClearGreen * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[2] = (ILushort)(ClearBlue * USHRT_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_RGBA:
+ ShortPtr[0] = (ILushort)(ClearRed * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[1] = (ILushort)(ClearGreen * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[2] = (ILushort)(ClearBlue * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[3] = (ILushort)(ClearAlpha * USHRT_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_BGR:
+ ShortPtr[2] = (ILushort)(ClearRed * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[1] = (ILushort)(ClearGreen * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[0] = (ILushort)(ClearBlue * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[3] = (ILushort)(ClearAlpha * USHRT_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_BGRA:
+ ShortPtr[2] = (ILushort)(ClearRed * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[1] = (ILushort)(ClearGreen * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[0] = (ILushort)(ClearBlue * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[3] = (ILushort)(ClearAlpha * USHRT_MAX);
+ break;
+ ShortPtr[0] = (ILushort)(ClearAlpha * USHRT_MAX);
+ break;
+ ShortPtr[0] = (ILushort)(ClearLum * USHRT_MAX);
+ ShortPtr[1] = (ILushort)(ClearAlpha * USHRT_MAX);
+ break;
+ ShortPtr[0] = (ILushort)(ClearAlpha * USHRT_MAX);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_INT:
+ IntPtr = (ILuint*)Colours;
+ switch (Format)
+ {
+ case IL_RGB:
+ IntPtr[0] = (ILuint)(ClearRed * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[1] = (ILuint)(ClearGreen * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[2] = (ILuint)(ClearBlue * UINT_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_RGBA:
+ IntPtr[0] = (ILuint)(ClearRed * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[1] = (ILuint)(ClearGreen * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[2] = (ILuint)(ClearBlue * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[3] = (ILuint)(ClearAlpha * UINT_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_BGR:
+ IntPtr[2] = (ILuint)(ClearRed * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[1] = (ILuint)(ClearGreen * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[0] = (ILuint)(ClearBlue * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[3] = (ILuint)(ClearAlpha * UINT_MAX);
+ break;
+ case IL_BGRA:
+ IntPtr[2] = (ILuint)(ClearRed * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[1] = (ILuint)(ClearGreen * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[0] = (ILuint)(ClearBlue * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[3] = (ILuint)(ClearAlpha * UINT_MAX);
+ break;
+ IntPtr[0] = (ILuint)(ClearAlpha * UINT_MAX);
+ break;
+ IntPtr[0] = (ILuint)(ClearLum * UINT_MAX);
+ IntPtr[1] = (ILuint)(ClearAlpha * UINT_MAX);
+ break;
+ IntPtr[0] = (ILuint)(ClearAlpha * UINT_MAX);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_FLOAT:
+ FloatPtr = (ILfloat*)Colours;
+ switch (Format)
+ {
+ case IL_RGB:
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearRed;
+ FloatPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ FloatPtr[2] = ClearBlue;
+ break;
+ case IL_RGBA:
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearRed;
+ FloatPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ FloatPtr[2] = ClearBlue;
+ FloatPtr[3] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ case IL_BGR:
+ FloatPtr[2] = ClearRed;
+ FloatPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearBlue;
+ FloatPtr[3] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ case IL_BGRA:
+ FloatPtr[2] = ClearRed;
+ FloatPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearBlue;
+ FloatPtr[3] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearLum;
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ FloatPtr[0] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_DOUBLE:
+ DblPtr = (ILdouble*)Colours;
+ switch (Format)
+ {
+ case IL_RGB:
+ DblPtr[0] = ClearRed;
+ DblPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ DblPtr[2] = ClearBlue;
+ break;
+ case IL_RGBA:
+ DblPtr[0] = ClearRed;
+ DblPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ DblPtr[2] = ClearBlue;
+ DblPtr[3] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ case IL_BGR:
+ DblPtr[2] = ClearRed;
+ DblPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ DblPtr[0] = ClearBlue;
+ DblPtr[3] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ case IL_BGRA:
+ DblPtr[2] = ClearRed;
+ DblPtr[1] = ClearGreen;
+ DblPtr[0] = ClearBlue;
+ DblPtr[3] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ DblPtr[0] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ DblPtr[0] = ClearLum;
+ DblPtr[1] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ DblPtr[0] = ClearAlpha;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+//! Clears the current bound image to the values specified in ilClearColour
+ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilClearImage()
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ return ilClearImage_(iCurImage);
+ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilClearImage_(ILimage *Image)
+ ILuint i, c, NumBytes;
+ ILubyte Colours[32]; // Maximum is sizeof(double) * 4 = 32
+ ILubyte *BytePtr;
+ ILushort *ShortPtr;
+ ILuint *IntPtr;
+ ILfloat *FloatPtr;
+ ILdouble *DblPtr;
+ NumBytes = Image->Bpp * Image->Bpc;
+ ilGetClear(Colours, Image->Format, Image->Type);
+ if (Image->Format != IL_COLOUR_INDEX) {
+ switch (Image->Type)
+ {
+ case IL_BYTE:
+ BytePtr = (ILubyte*)Colours;
+ for (c = 0; c < NumBytes; c += Image->Bpc) {
+ for (i = c; i < Image->SizeOfData; i += NumBytes) {
+ Image->Data[i] = BytePtr[c];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_SHORT:
+ ShortPtr = (ILushort*)Colours;
+ for (c = 0; c < NumBytes; c += Image->Bpc) {
+ for (i = c; i < Image->SizeOfData; i += NumBytes) {
+ *((ILushort*)(Image->Data + i)) = ShortPtr[c / Image->Bpc];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_INT:
+ IntPtr = (ILuint*)Colours;
+ for (c = 0; c < NumBytes; c += Image->Bpc) {
+ for (i = c; i < Image->SizeOfData; i += NumBytes) {
+ *((ILuint*)(Image->Data + i)) = IntPtr[c / Image->Bpc];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_FLOAT:
+ FloatPtr = (ILfloat*)Colours;
+ for (c = 0; c < NumBytes; c += Image->Bpc) {
+ for (i = c; i < Image->SizeOfData; i += NumBytes) {
+ *((ILfloat*)(Image->Data + i)) = FloatPtr[c / Image->Bpc];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IL_DOUBLE:
+ DblPtr = (ILdouble*)Colours;
+ for (c = 0; c < NumBytes; c += Image->Bpc) {
+ for (i = c; i < Image->SizeOfData; i += NumBytes) {
+ *((ILdouble*)(Image->Data + i)) = DblPtr[c / Image->Bpc];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ imemclear(Image->Data, Image->SizeOfData);
+ if (Image->Pal.Palette)
+ ifree(Image->Pal.Palette);
+ Image->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(4);
+ if (Image->Pal.Palette == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ Image->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_RGBA32;
+ Image->Pal.PalSize = 4;
+ Image->Pal.Palette[0] = Colours[0] * UCHAR_MAX;
+ Image->Pal.Palette[1] = Colours[1] * UCHAR_MAX;
+ Image->Pal.Palette[2] = Colours[2] * UCHAR_MAX;
+ Image->Pal.Palette[3] = Colours[3] * UCHAR_MAX;
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+//! Overlays the image found in Src on top of the current bound image at the coords specified.
+ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilOverlayImage(ILuint Source, ILint XCoord, ILint YCoord, ILint ZCoord)
+ ILuint Width, Height, Depth;
+ ILuint Dest;
+ Dest = ilGetCurName();
+ ilBindImage(Source);
+ Width = iCurImage->Width; Height = iCurImage->Height; Depth = iCurImage->Depth;
+ ilBindImage(Dest);
+ return ilBlit(Source, XCoord, YCoord, ZCoord, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height, Depth);
+//@NEXT DestX,DestY,DestZ must be set to ILuint
+ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilBlit(ILuint Source, ILint DestX, ILint DestY, ILint DestZ,
+ ILuint SrcX, ILuint SrcY, ILuint SrcZ,
+ ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth)
+ ILuint x, y, z, ConvBps, ConvSizePlane;
+ ILimage *Dest,*Src;
+ ILubyte *Converted;
+ ILuint DestName = ilGetCurName();
+ ILuint c;
+ ILuint StartX, StartY, StartZ;
+ ILboolean DestFlipped = IL_FALSE;
+ ILubyte *SrcTemp;
+ ILfloat Back;
+ // Check if the desiination image really exists
+ if (DestName == 0 || iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ Dest = iCurImage;
+ // set the destination image to upper left origin
+ if (Dest->Origin == IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT) { // Dest
+ DestFlipped = IL_TRUE;
+ ilFlipImage();
+ }
+ //DestOrigin = Dest->Origin;
+ ilBindImage(Source);
+ // Check if the source image really exists
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ Src = iCurImage;
+ //@TODO test if coordinates are inside the images (hard limit for source)
+ // set the source image to upper left origin
+ if (Src->Origin == IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT)
+ {
+ SrcTemp = iGetFlipped(iCurImage);
+ if (SrcTemp == NULL)
+ {
+ ilBindImage(DestName);
+ if (DestFlipped)
+ ilFlipImage();
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SrcTemp = iCurImage->Data;
+ }
+ // convert source image to match the destination image type and format
+ Converted = (ILubyte*)ilConvertBuffer(Src->SizeOfData, Src->Format, Dest->Format, Src->Type, Dest->Type, NULL, SrcTemp);
+ if (Converted == NULL)
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ ConvBps = Dest->Bpp * Src->Width;
+ ConvSizePlane = ConvBps * Src->Height;
+ //@NEXT in next version this would have to be removed since Dest* will be unsigned
+ StartX = DestX >= 0 ? 0 : -DestX;
+ StartY = DestY >= 0 ? 0 : -DestY;
+ StartZ = DestZ >= 0 ? 0 : -DestZ;
+ // Limit the copy of data inside of the destination image
+ if (Width + DestX > Dest->Width) Width = Dest->Width - DestX;
+ if (Height + DestY > Dest->Height) Height = Dest->Height - DestY;
+ if (Depth + DestZ > Dest->Depth) Depth = Dest->Depth - DestZ;
+ //@TODO: non funziona con rgba
+ if (Src->Format == IL_RGBA || Src->Format == IL_BGRA || Src->Format == IL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA) {
+ const ILuint bpp_without_alpha = Dest->Bpp - 1;
+ for (z = 0; z < Depth; z++) {
+ for (y = 0; y < Height; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < Width; x++) {
+ const ILuint SrcIndex = (z+SrcZ)*ConvSizePlane + (y+SrcY)*ConvBps + (x+SrcX)*Dest->Bpp;
+ const ILuint DestIndex = (z+DestZ)*Dest->SizeOfPlane + (y+DestY)*Dest->Bps + (x+DestX)*Dest->Bpp;
+ const ILuint AlphaIdx = SrcIndex + bpp_without_alpha;
+ ILfloat Front = 0;
+ switch (Dest->Type)
+ {
+ case IL_BYTE:
+ Front = Converted[AlphaIdx]/((float)IL_MAX_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
+ break;
+ case IL_SHORT:
+ Front = ((ILshort*)Converted)[AlphaIdx]/((float)IL_MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
+ break;
+ case IL_INT:
+ Front = ((ILint*)Converted)[AlphaIdx]/((float)IL_MAX_UNSIGNED_INT);
+ break;
+ case IL_FLOAT:
+ Front = ((ILfloat*)Converted)[AlphaIdx];
+ break;
+ case IL_DOUBLE:
+ Front = (ILfloat)(((ILdouble*)Converted)[AlphaIdx]);
+ break;
+ }
+ Back = 1.0f - Front;
+ // In case of Alpha channel, the data is blended. Keeps the original alpha.
+ if (ilIsEnabled(IL_BLIT_BLEND)) {
+ for (c = 0; c < bpp_without_alpha; c++)
+ {
+ Dest->Data[DestIndex + c] =
+ (ILubyte)(Converted[SrcIndex + c] * Front
+ + Dest->Data[DestIndex + c] * Back);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (c = 0; c < Dest->Bpp; c++)
+ {
+ Dest->Data[DestIndex + c] = (ILubyte)(Converted[SrcIndex + c]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for( z = 0; z < Depth; z++ ) {
+ for( y = 0; y < Height; y++ ) {
+ for( x = 0; x < Width; x++ ) {
+ for( c = 0; c < Dest->Bpp; c++ ) {
+ Dest->Data[(z+DestZ)*Dest->SizeOfPlane + (y+DestY)*Dest->Bps + (x+DestX)*Dest->Bpp + c] =
+ Converted[(z+SrcZ)*ConvSizePlane + (y+SrcY)*ConvBps + (x+SrcX)*Dest->Bpp + c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SrcTemp != iCurImage->Data)
+ ifree(SrcTemp);
+ ilBindImage(DestName);
+ if (DestFlipped)
+ ilFlipImage();
+ ifree(Converted);
+ return IL_TRUE;
+ILboolean iCopySubImage(ILimage *Dest, ILimage *Src)
+ ILimage *DestTemp, *SrcTemp;
+ DestTemp = Dest;
+ SrcTemp = Src;
+ do {
+ ilCopyImageAttr(DestTemp, SrcTemp);
+ DestTemp->Data = (ILubyte*)ialloc(SrcTemp->SizeOfData);
+ if (DestTemp->Data == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy(DestTemp->Data, SrcTemp->Data, SrcTemp->SizeOfData);
+ if (SrcTemp->Next) {
+ DestTemp->Next = (ILimage*)icalloc(1, sizeof(ILimage));
+ if (!DestTemp->Next) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ DestTemp->Next = NULL;
+ }
+ DestTemp = DestTemp->Next;
+ SrcTemp = SrcTemp->Next;
+ } while (SrcTemp);
+ return IL_TRUE;
+ILboolean iCopySubImages(ILimage *Dest, ILimage *Src)
+ if (Src->Faces) {
+ Dest->Faces = (ILimage*)icalloc(1, sizeof(ILimage));
+ if (!Dest->Faces) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!iCopySubImage(Dest->Faces, Src->Faces))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (Src->Layers) {
+ Dest->Layers = (ILimage*)icalloc(1, sizeof(ILimage));
+ if (!Dest->Layers) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!iCopySubImage(Dest->Layers, Src->Layers))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (Src->Mipmaps) {
+ Dest->Mipmaps = (ILimage*)icalloc(1, sizeof(ILimage));
+ if (!Dest->Mipmaps) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!iCopySubImage(Dest->Mipmaps, Src->Mipmaps))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (Src->Next) {
+ Dest->Next = (ILimage*)icalloc(1, sizeof(ILimage));
+ if (!Dest->Next) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!iCopySubImage(Dest->Next, Src->Next))
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;
+// Copies everything but the Data from Src to Dest.
+ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilCopyImageAttr(ILimage *Dest, ILimage *Src)
+ if (Dest == NULL || Src == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (Dest->Pal.Palette && Dest->Pal.PalSize && Dest->Pal.PalType != IL_PAL_NONE) {
+ ifree(Dest->Pal.Palette);
+ Dest->Pal.Palette = NULL;
+ }
+ if (Dest->Faces) {
+ ilCloseImage(Dest->Faces);
+ Dest->Faces = NULL;
+ }
+ if (Dest->Layers) {
+ ilCloseImage(Dest->Layers);
+ Dest->Layers = NULL;
+ }
+ if (Dest->Mipmaps) {
+ ilCloseImage(Dest->Mipmaps);
+ Dest->Mipmaps = NULL;
+ }
+ if (Dest->Next) {
+ ilCloseImage(Dest->Next);
+ Dest->Next = NULL;
+ }
+ if (Dest->Profile) {
+ ifree(Dest->Profile);
+ Dest->Profile = NULL;
+ Dest->ProfileSize = 0;
+ }
+ if (Dest->DxtcData) {
+ ifree(Dest->DxtcData);
+ Dest->DxtcData = NULL;
+ Dest->DxtcFormat = IL_DXT_NO_COMP;
+ Dest->DxtcSize = 0;
+ }
+ if (Src->AnimList && Src->AnimSize) {
+ Dest->AnimList = (ILuint*)ialloc(Src->AnimSize * sizeof(ILuint));
+ if (Dest->AnimList == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy(Dest->AnimList, Src->AnimList, Src->AnimSize * sizeof(ILuint));
+ }
+ if (Src->Profile) {
+ Dest->Profile = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Src->ProfileSize);
+ if (Dest->Profile == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy(Dest->Profile, Src->Profile, Src->ProfileSize);
+ Dest->ProfileSize = Src->ProfileSize;
+ }
+ if (Src->Pal.Palette) {
+ Dest->Pal.Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Src->Pal.PalSize);
+ if (Dest->Pal.Palette == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy(Dest->Pal.Palette, Src->Pal.Palette, Src->Pal.PalSize);
+ }
+ else {
+ Dest->Pal.Palette = NULL;
+ }
+ Dest->Pal.PalSize = Src->Pal.PalSize;
+ Dest->Pal.PalType = Src->Pal.PalType;
+ Dest->Width = Src->Width;
+ Dest->Height = Src->Height;
+ Dest->Depth = Src->Depth;
+ Dest->Bpp = Src->Bpp;
+ Dest->Bpc = Src->Bpc;
+ Dest->Bps = Src->Bps;
+ Dest->SizeOfPlane = Src->SizeOfPlane;
+ Dest->SizeOfData = Src->SizeOfData;
+ Dest->Format = Src->Format;
+ Dest->Type = Src->Type;
+ Dest->Origin = Src->Origin;
+ Dest->Duration = Src->Duration;
+ Dest->CubeFlags = Src->CubeFlags;
+ Dest->AnimSize = Src->AnimSize;
+ Dest->OffX = Src->OffX;
+ Dest->OffY = Src->OffY;
+ return IL_TRUE/*iCopySubImages(Dest, Src)*/;
+//! Copies everything from Src to the current bound image.
+ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilCopyImage(ILuint Src)
+ ILuint DestName = ilGetCurName();
+ ILimage *DestImage = iCurImage, *SrcImage;
+ if (iCurImage == NULL || DestName == 0) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ ilBindImage(Src);
+ SrcImage = iCurImage;
+ ilBindImage(DestName);
+ ilTexImage(SrcImage->Width, SrcImage->Height, SrcImage->Depth, SrcImage->Bpp, SrcImage->Format, SrcImage->Type, SrcImage->Data);
+ ilCopyImageAttr(DestImage, SrcImage);
+ return IL_TRUE;
+// Creates a copy of Src and returns it.
+ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY ilCopyImage_(ILimage *Src)
+ ILimage *Dest;
+ if (Src == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Dest = ilNewImage(Src->Width, Src->Height, Src->Depth, Src->Bpp, Src->Bpc);
+ if (Dest == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ilCopyImageAttr(Dest, Src) == IL_FALSE)
+ return NULL;
+ memcpy(Dest->Data, Src->Data, Src->SizeOfData);
+ return Dest;
+ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilCloneCurImage()
+ ILuint Id;
+ ILimage *CurImage;
+ if (iCurImage == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ilGenImages(1, &Id);
+ if (Id == 0)
+ return 0;
+ CurImage = iCurImage;
+ ilBindImage(Id);
+ ilTexImage(CurImage->Width, CurImage->Height, CurImage->Depth, CurImage->Bpp, CurImage->Format, CurImage->Type, CurImage->Data);
+ ilCopyImageAttr(iCurImage, CurImage);
+ iCurImage = CurImage;
+ return Id;
+// Like ilTexImage but doesn't destroy the palette.
+ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilResizeImage(ILimage *Image, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILubyte Bpc)
+ if (Image == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (Image->Data != NULL)
+ ifree(Image->Data);
+ Image->Depth = Depth;
+ Image->Width = Width;
+ Image->Height = Height;
+ Image->Bpp = Bpp;
+ Image->Bpc = Bpc;
+ Image->Bps = Bpp * Bpc * Width;
+ Image->SizeOfPlane = Image->Bps * Height;
+ Image->SizeOfData = Image->SizeOfPlane * Depth;
+ Image->Data = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Image->SizeOfData);
+ if (Image->Data == NULL) {
+ return IL_FALSE;
+ }
+ return IL_TRUE;