path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 2040 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 85eb8da..73cbf93 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,2040 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2013 dotCloud inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import base64
-import contextlib
-import errno
-import json
-import io
-import os
-import random
-import shutil
-import signal
-import socket
-import struct
-import tarfile
-import tempfile
-import threading
-import time
-import unittest
-import warnings
-import pytest
-import six
-from six.moves import BaseHTTPServer
-from six.moves import socketserver
-import docker
-from docker.errors import APIError, NotFound
-from docker.utils import kwargs_from_env
-from . import helpers
-from .base import requires_api_version
-from .test import Cleanup
-# FIXME: missing tests for
-# export; history; insert; port; push; tag; get; load; stats
-compare_version = docker.utils.compare_version
-BUSYBOX = 'busybox:buildroot-2014.02'
-def exec_driver_is_native():
- global EXEC_DRIVER
- if not EXEC_DRIVER:
- c = docker_client()
- EXEC_DRIVER =['ExecutionDriver']
- c.close()
- return EXEC_DRIVER.startswith('native')
-def docker_client(**kwargs):
- return docker.Client(**docker_client_kwargs(**kwargs))
-def docker_client_kwargs(**kwargs):
- client_kwargs = kwargs_from_env(assert_hostname=False)
- client_kwargs.update(kwargs)
- return client_kwargs
-def setup_module():
- c = docker_client()
- try:
- c.inspect_image(BUSYBOX)
- except NotFound:
- os.write(2, "\npulling busybox\n".encode('utf-8'))
- for data in c.pull(BUSYBOX, stream=True):
- data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8'))
- os.write(2, ("%c[2K\r" % 27).encode('utf-8'))
- status = data.get("status")
- progress = data.get("progress")
- detail = "{0} - {1}".format(status, progress).encode('utf-8')
- os.write(2, detail)
- os.write(2, "\npulled busybox\n".encode('utf-8'))
- # Double make sure we now have busybox
- c.inspect_image(BUSYBOX)
- c.close()
-class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- tmp_imgs = []
- tmp_containers = []
- tmp_folders = []
- tmp_volumes = []
- def setUp(self):
- if six.PY2:
- self.assertRegex = self.assertRegexpMatches
- self.assertCountEqual = self.assertItemsEqual
- self.client = docker_client(timeout=60)
- self.tmp_imgs = []
- self.tmp_containers = []
- self.tmp_folders = []
- self.tmp_volumes = []
- self.tmp_networks = []
- def tearDown(self):
- for img in self.tmp_imgs:
- try:
- self.client.remove_image(img)
- except docker.errors.APIError:
- pass
- for container in self.tmp_containers:
- try:
- self.client.stop(container, timeout=1)
- self.client.remove_container(container)
- except docker.errors.APIError:
- pass
- for network in self.tmp_networks:
- try:
- self.client.remove_network(network)
- except docker.errors.APIError:
- pass
- for folder in self.tmp_folders:
- shutil.rmtree(folder)
- for volume in self.tmp_volumes:
- try:
- self.client.remove_volume(volume)
- except docker.errors.APIError:
- pass
- self.client.close()
- def run_container(self, *args, **kwargs):
- container = self.client.create_container(*args, **kwargs)
- self.tmp_containers.append(container)
- self.client.start(container)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(container)
- if exitcode != 0:
- output = self.client.logs(container)
- raise Exception(
- "Container exited with code {}:\n{}"
- .format(exitcode, output))
- return container
-class TestVersion(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.version()
- self.assertIn('GoVersion', res)
- self.assertIn('Version', res)
- self.assertEqual(len(res['Version'].split('.')), 3)
-class TestInfo(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res =
- self.assertIn('Containers', res)
- self.assertIn('Images', res)
- self.assertIn('Debug', res)
-class TestSearch(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- self.client = docker_client(timeout=10)
- res ='busybox')
- self.assertTrue(len(res) >= 1)
- base_img = [x for x in res if x['name'] == 'busybox']
- self.assertEqual(len(base_img), 1)
- self.assertIn('description', base_img[0])
-class TestImages(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res1 = self.client.images(all=True)
- self.assertIn('Id', res1[0])
- res10 = res1[0]
- self.assertIn('Created', res10)
- self.assertIn('RepoTags', res10)
- distinct = []
- for img in res1:
- if img['Id'] not in distinct:
- distinct.append(img['Id'])
- self.assertEqual(len(distinct),['Images'])
-class TestImageIds(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res1 = self.client.images(quiet=True)
- self.assertEqual(type(res1[0]), six.text_type)
-class TestListContainers(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res0 = self.client.containers(all=True)
- size = len(res0)
- res1 = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'true')
- self.assertIn('Id', res1)
- self.client.start(res1['Id'])
- self.tmp_containers.append(res1['Id'])
- res2 = self.client.containers(all=True)
- self.assertEqual(size + 1, len(res2))
- retrieved = [x for x in res2 if x['Id'].startswith(res1['Id'])]
- self.assertEqual(len(retrieved), 1)
- retrieved = retrieved[0]
- self.assertIn('Command', retrieved)
- self.assertEqual(retrieved['Command'], six.text_type('true'))
- self.assertIn('Image', retrieved)
- self.assertRegex(retrieved['Image'], r'busybox:.*')
- self.assertIn('Status', retrieved)
-class TestCreateContainer(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'true')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- self.tmp_containers.append(res['Id'])
-class TestCreateContainerWithBinds(BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCreateContainerWithBinds, self).setUp()
- self.mount_dest = '/mnt'
- # Get a random pathname - we don't need it to exist locally
- self.mount_origin = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- shutil.rmtree(self.mount_origin)
- self.filename = 'shared.txt'
- self.run_with_volume(
- False,
- ['touch', os.path.join(self.mount_dest, self.filename)],
- )
- def run_with_volume(self, ro, *args, **kwargs):
- return self.run_container(
- *args,
- volumes={self.mount_dest: {}},
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- binds={
- self.mount_origin: {
- 'bind': self.mount_dest,
- 'ro': ro,
- },
- },
- network_mode='none'
- ),
- **kwargs
- )
- def test_rw(self):
- container = self.run_with_volume(
- False,
- ['ls', self.mount_dest],
- )
- logs = self.client.logs(container)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- self.assertIn(self.filename, logs)
- inspect_data = self.client.inspect_container(container)
- self.check_container_data(inspect_data, True)
- def test_ro(self):
- container = self.run_with_volume(
- True,
- ['ls', self.mount_dest],
- )
- logs = self.client.logs(container)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- self.assertIn(self.filename, logs)
- inspect_data = self.client.inspect_container(container)
- self.check_container_data(inspect_data, False)
- def check_container_data(self, inspect_data, rw):
- if docker.utils.compare_version('1.20', self.client._version) < 0:
- self.assertIn('Volumes', inspect_data)
- self.assertIn(self.mount_dest, inspect_data['Volumes'])
- self.assertEqual(
- self.mount_origin, inspect_data['Volumes'][self.mount_dest]
- )
- self.assertIn(self.mount_dest, inspect_data['VolumesRW'])
- self.assertFalse(inspect_data['VolumesRW'][self.mount_dest])
- else:
- self.assertIn('Mounts', inspect_data)
- filtered = list(filter(
- lambda x: x['Destination'] == self.mount_dest,
- inspect_data['Mounts']
- ))
- self.assertEqual(len(filtered), 1)
- mount_data = filtered[0]
- self.assertEqual(mount_data['Source'], self.mount_origin)
- self.assertEqual(mount_data['RW'], rw)
-class CreateContainerWithGroupAddTest(BaseTestCase):
- def test_group_id_ints(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'id -G',
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(group_add=[1000, 1001])
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(container)
- self.client.start(container)
- self.client.wait(container)
- logs = self.client.logs(container)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- groups = logs.strip().split(' ')
- self.assertIn('1000', groups)
- self.assertIn('1001', groups)
- def test_group_id_strings(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'id -G', host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- group_add=['1000', '1001']
- )
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(container)
- self.client.start(container)
- self.client.wait(container)
- logs = self.client.logs(container)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- groups = logs.strip().split(' ')
- self.assertIn('1000', groups)
- self.assertIn('1001', groups)
-class CreateContainerWithLogConfigTest(BaseTestCase):
- def test_valid_log_driver_and_log_opt(self):
- log_config = docker.utils.LogConfig(
- type='json-file',
- config={'max-file': '100'}
- )
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['true'],
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(log_config=log_config)
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(container['Id'])
- self.client.start(container)
- info = self.client.inspect_container(container)
- container_log_config = info['HostConfig']['LogConfig']
- self.assertEqual(container_log_config['Type'], log_config.type)
- self.assertEqual(container_log_config['Config'], log_config.config)
- def test_invalid_log_driver_raises_exception(self):
- log_config = docker.utils.LogConfig(
- type='asdf-nope',
- config={}
- )
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['true'],
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(log_config=log_config)
- )
- expected_msg = "logger: no log driver named 'asdf-nope' is registered"
- with pytest.raises(APIError) as excinfo:
- # raises an internal server error 500
- self.client.start(container)
- assert expected_msg in str(excinfo.value)
- @pytest.mark.skipif(True,
- reason="")
- def test_valid_no_log_driver_specified(self):
- log_config = docker.utils.LogConfig(
- type="",
- config={'max-file': '100'}
- )
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['true'],
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(log_config=log_config)
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(container['Id'])
- self.client.start(container)
- info = self.client.inspect_container(container)
- container_log_config = info['HostConfig']['LogConfig']
- self.assertEqual(container_log_config['Type'], "json-file")
- self.assertEqual(container_log_config['Config'], log_config.config)
- def test_valid_no_config_specified(self):
- log_config = docker.utils.LogConfig(
- type="json-file",
- config=None
- )
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['true'],
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(log_config=log_config)
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(container['Id'])
- self.client.start(container)
- info = self.client.inspect_container(container)
- container_log_config = info['HostConfig']['LogConfig']
- self.assertEqual(container_log_config['Type'], "json-file")
- self.assertEqual(container_log_config['Config'], {})
-class GetArchiveTest(BaseTestCase):
- def test_get_file_archive_from_container(self):
- data = 'The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood'
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'sh -c "echo {0} > /vol1/data.txt"'.format(data),
- volumes=['/vol1']
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr)
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- self.client.wait(ctnr)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as destination:
- strm, stat = self.client.get_archive(ctnr, '/vol1/data.txt')
- for d in strm:
- destination.write(d)
- retrieved_data = helpers.untar_file(destination, 'data.txt')
- if six.PY3:
- retrieved_data = retrieved_data.decode('utf-8')
- self.assertEqual(data, retrieved_data.strip())
- def test_get_file_stat_from_container(self):
- data = 'The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood'
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'sh -c "echo -n {0} > /vol1/data.txt"'.format(data),
- volumes=['/vol1']
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr)
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- self.client.wait(ctnr)
- strm, stat = self.client.get_archive(ctnr, '/vol1/data.txt')
- self.assertIn('name', stat)
- self.assertEqual(stat['name'], 'data.txt')
- self.assertIn('size', stat)
- self.assertEqual(stat['size'], len(data))
-class PutArchiveTest(BaseTestCase):
- def test_copy_file_to_container(self):
- data = b'Deaf To All But The Song'
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as test_file:
- test_file.write(data)
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(
- 'cat {0}'.format(
- os.path.join('/vol1', os.path.basename(
- ),
- volumes=['/vol1']
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr)
- with helpers.simple_tar( as test_tar:
- self.client.put_archive(ctnr, '/vol1', test_tar)
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- self.client.wait(ctnr)
- logs = self.client.logs(ctnr)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- data = data.decode('utf-8')
- self.assertEqual(logs.strip(), data)
- def test_copy_directory_to_container(self):
- files = ['', '', 'foo/']
- dirs = ['foo', 'bar']
- base = helpers.make_tree(dirs, files)
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'ls -p /vol1', volumes=['/vol1']
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr)
- with docker.utils.tar(base) as test_tar:
- self.client.put_archive(ctnr, '/vol1', test_tar)
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- self.client.wait(ctnr)
- logs = self.client.logs(ctnr)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- results = logs.strip().split()
- self.assertIn('', results)
- self.assertIn('', results)
- self.assertIn('foo/', results)
- self.assertIn('bar/', results)
-class TestCreateContainerReadOnlyFs(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if not exec_driver_is_native():
- pytest.skip('Exec driver not native')
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['mkdir', '/shrine'],
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- read_only=True, network_mode='none'
- )
- )
- self.assertIn('Id', ctnr)
- self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr['Id'])
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- res = self.client.wait(ctnr)
- self.assertNotEqual(res, 0)
-class TestCreateContainerWithName(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'true', name='foobar')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- self.tmp_containers.append(res['Id'])
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(res['Id'])
- self.assertIn('Name', inspect)
- self.assertEqual('/foobar', inspect['Name'])
-class TestRenameContainer(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- version = self.client.version()['Version']
- name = 'hong_meiling'
- res = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'true')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- self.tmp_containers.append(res['Id'])
- self.client.rename(res, name)
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(res['Id'])
- self.assertIn('Name', inspect)
- if version == '1.5.0':
- self.assertEqual(name, inspect['Name'])
- else:
- self.assertEqual('/{0}'.format(name), inspect['Name'])
-class TestStartContainer(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'true')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- self.tmp_containers.append(res['Id'])
- self.client.start(res['Id'])
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(res['Id'])
- self.assertIn('Config', inspect)
- self.assertIn('Id', inspect)
- self.assertTrue(inspect['Id'].startswith(res['Id']))
- self.assertIn('Image', inspect)
- self.assertIn('State', inspect)
- self.assertIn('Running', inspect['State'])
- if not inspect['State']['Running']:
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', inspect['State'])
- self.assertEqual(inspect['State']['ExitCode'], 0)
-class TestStartContainerWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'true')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- self.tmp_containers.append(res['Id'])
- self.client.start(res)
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(res['Id'])
- self.assertIn('Config', inspect)
- self.assertIn('Id', inspect)
- self.assertTrue(inspect['Id'].startswith(res['Id']))
- self.assertIn('Image', inspect)
- self.assertIn('State', inspect)
- self.assertIn('Running', inspect['State'])
- if not inspect['State']['Running']:
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', inspect['State'])
- self.assertEqual(inspect['State']['ExitCode'], 0)
-class TestCreateContainerPrivileged(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'true', host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- privileged=True, network_mode='none'
- )
- )
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- self.tmp_containers.append(res['Id'])
- self.client.start(res['Id'])
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(res['Id'])
- self.assertIn('Config', inspect)
- self.assertIn('Id', inspect)
- self.assertTrue(inspect['Id'].startswith(res['Id']))
- self.assertIn('Image', inspect)
- self.assertIn('State', inspect)
- self.assertIn('Running', inspect['State'])
- if not inspect['State']['Running']:
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', inspect['State'])
- self.assertEqual(inspect['State']['ExitCode'], 0)
- # Since Nov 2013, the Privileged flag is no longer part of the
- # container's config exposed via the API (safety concerns?).
- #
- if 'Privileged' in inspect['Config']:
- self.assertEqual(inspect['Config']['Privileged'], True)
-class TestWait(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '3'])
- id = res['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.start(id)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('Running', inspect['State'])
- self.assertEqual(inspect['State']['Running'], False)
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', inspect['State'])
- self.assertEqual(inspect['State']['ExitCode'], exitcode)
-class TestWaitWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '3'])
- id = res['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.start(res)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(res)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(res)
- self.assertIn('Running', inspect['State'])
- self.assertEqual(inspect['State']['Running'], False)
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', inspect['State'])
- self.assertEqual(inspect['State']['ExitCode'], exitcode)
-class TestLogs(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- snippet = 'Flowering Nights (Sakuya Iyazoi)'
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'echo {0}'.format(snippet)
- )
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
- logs = self.client.logs(id)
- self.assertEqual(logs, (snippet + '\n').encode(encoding='ascii'))
-class TestLogsWithTailOption(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- snippet = '''Line1
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'echo "{0}"'.format(snippet)
- )
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
- logs = self.client.logs(id, tail=1)
- self.assertEqual(logs, ('Line2\n').encode(encoding='ascii'))
-# class TestLogsStreaming(BaseTestCase):
-# def runTest(self):
-# snippet = 'Flowering Nights (Sakuya Iyazoi)'
-# container = self.client.create_container(
-# BUSYBOX, 'echo {0}'.format(snippet)
-# )
-# id = container['Id']
-# self.client.start(id)
-# self.tmp_containers.append(id)
-# logs = bytes() if six.PY3 else str()
-# for chunk in self.client.logs(id, stream=True):
-# logs += chunk
-# exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
-# self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
-# self.assertEqual(logs, (snippet + '\n').encode(encoding='ascii'))
-class TestLogsWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- snippet = 'Flowering Nights (Sakuya Iyazoi)'
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'echo {0}'.format(snippet)
- )
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
- logs = self.client.logs(container)
- self.assertEqual(logs, (snippet + '\n').encode(encoding='ascii'))
-class TestDiff(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['touch', '/test'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
- diff = self.client.diff(id)
- test_diff = [x for x in diff if x.get('Path', None) == '/test']
- self.assertEqual(len(test_diff), 1)
- self.assertIn('Kind', test_diff[0])
- self.assertEqual(test_diff[0]['Kind'], 1)
-class TestDiffWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['touch', '/test'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
- diff = self.client.diff(container)
- test_diff = [x for x in diff if x.get('Path', None) == '/test']
- self.assertEqual(len(test_diff), 1)
- self.assertIn('Kind', test_diff[0])
- self.assertEqual(test_diff[0]['Kind'], 1)
-class TestStop(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.stop(id, timeout=2)
- container_info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', container_info)
- state = container_info['State']
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', state)
- if exec_driver_is_native():
- self.assertNotEqual(state['ExitCode'], 0)
- self.assertIn('Running', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Running'], False)
-class TestStopWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'])
- self.assertIn('Id', container)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(container)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.stop(container, timeout=2)
- container_info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', container_info)
- state = container_info['State']
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', state)
- if exec_driver_is_native():
- self.assertNotEqual(state['ExitCode'], 0)
- self.assertIn('Running', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Running'], False)
-class TestKill(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.kill(id)
- container_info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', container_info)
- state = container_info['State']
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', state)
- if exec_driver_is_native():
- self.assertNotEqual(state['ExitCode'], 0)
- self.assertIn('Running', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Running'], False)
-class TestKillWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.kill(container)
- container_info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', container_info)
- state = container_info['State']
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', state)
- if exec_driver_is_native():
- self.assertNotEqual(state['ExitCode'], 0)
- self.assertIn('Running', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Running'], False)
-class TestKillWithSignal(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '60'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.kill(id, signal=signal.SIGKILL)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertNotEqual(exitcode, 0)
- container_info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', container_info)
- state = container_info['State']
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', state)
- self.assertNotEqual(state['ExitCode'], 0)
- self.assertIn('Running', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Running'], False, state)
-class TestPort(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- port_bindings = {
- '1111': ('', '4567'),
- '2222': ('', '4568')
- }
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '60'], ports=list(port_bindings.keys()),
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- port_bindings=port_bindings, network_mode='bridge'
- )
- )
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(container)
- # Call the port function on each biding and compare expected vs actual
- for port in port_bindings:
- actual_bindings = self.client.port(container, port)
- port_binding = actual_bindings.pop()
- ip, host_port = port_binding['HostIp'], port_binding['HostPort']
- self.assertEqual(ip, port_bindings[port][0])
- self.assertEqual(host_port, port_bindings[port][1])
- self.client.kill(id)
-class TestMacAddress(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- mac_address_expected = "02:42:ac:11:00:0a"
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '60'], mac_address=mac_address_expected)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(container)
- res = self.client.inspect_container(container['Id'])
- self.assertEqual(mac_address_expected,
- res['NetworkSettings']['MacAddress'])
- self.client.kill(id)
-class TestContainerTop(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '60'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(container)
- res =['Id'])
- self.assertEqual(
- res['Titles'],
- ['UID', 'PID', 'PPID', 'C', 'STIME', 'TTY', 'TIME', 'CMD']
- )
- self.assertEqual(len(res['Processes']), 1)
- self.assertEqual(res['Processes'][0][7], 'sleep 60')
- self.client.kill(id)
-class TestContainerTopWithPsArgs(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '60'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(container)
- res =['Id'], 'waux')
- self.assertEqual(
- res['Titles'],
- ['USER', 'PID', '%CPU', '%MEM', 'VSZ', 'RSS',
- )
- self.assertEqual(len(res['Processes']), 1)
- self.assertEqual(res['Processes'][0][10], 'sleep 60')
- self.client.kill(id)
-class TestRestart(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', info)
- self.assertIn('StartedAt', info['State'])
- start_time1 = info['State']['StartedAt']
- self.client.restart(id, timeout=2)
- info2 = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', info2)
- self.assertIn('StartedAt', info2['State'])
- start_time2 = info2['State']['StartedAt']
- self.assertNotEqual(start_time1, start_time2)
- self.assertIn('Running', info2['State'])
- self.assertEqual(info2['State']['Running'], True)
- self.client.kill(id)
-class TestRestartWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'])
- self.assertIn('Id', container)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(container)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', info)
- self.assertIn('StartedAt', info['State'])
- start_time1 = info['State']['StartedAt']
- self.client.restart(container, timeout=2)
- info2 = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', info2)
- self.assertIn('StartedAt', info2['State'])
- start_time2 = info2['State']['StartedAt']
- self.assertNotEqual(start_time1, start_time2)
- self.assertIn('Running', info2['State'])
- self.assertEqual(info2['State']['Running'], True)
- self.client.kill(id)
-class TestRemoveContainer(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['true'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.client.wait(id)
- self.client.remove_container(id)
- containers = self.client.containers(all=True)
- res = [x for x in containers if 'Id' in x and x['Id'].startswith(id)]
- self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
-class TestRemoveContainerWithDictInsteadOfId(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['true'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.client.wait(id)
- self.client.remove_container(container)
- containers = self.client.containers(all=True)
- res = [x for x in containers if 'Id' in x and x['Id'].startswith(id)]
- self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
-class TestCreateContainerWithVolumesFrom(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- vol_names = ['foobar_vol0', 'foobar_vol1']
- res0 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'true', name=vol_names[0]
- )
- container1_id = res0['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container1_id)
- self.client.start(container1_id)
- res1 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'true', name=vol_names[1]
- )
- container2_id = res1['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container2_id)
- self.client.start(container2_id)
- with self.assertRaises(docker.errors.DockerException):
- self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'cat', detach=True, stdin_open=True,
- volumes_from=vol_names
- )
- res2 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'cat', detach=True, stdin_open=True,
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- volumes_from=vol_names, network_mode='none'
- )
- )
- container3_id = res2['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container3_id)
- self.client.start(container3_id)
- info = self.client.inspect_container(res2['Id'])
- self.assertCountEqual(info['HostConfig']['VolumesFrom'], vol_names)
-class TestCreateContainerWithLinks(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- res0 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True,
- environment={'FOO': '1'})
- container1_id = res0['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container1_id)
- self.client.start(container1_id)
- res1 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True,
- environment={'FOO': '1'})
- container2_id = res1['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container2_id)
- self.client.start(container2_id)
- # we don't want the first /
- link_path1 = self.client.inspect_container(container1_id)['Name'][1:]
- link_alias1 = 'mylink1'
- link_env_prefix1 = link_alias1.upper()
- link_path2 = self.client.inspect_container(container2_id)['Name'][1:]
- link_alias2 = 'mylink2'
- link_env_prefix2 = link_alias2.upper()
- res2 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'env', host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- links={link_path1: link_alias1, link_path2: link_alias2},
- network_mode='none'
- )
- )
- container3_id = res2['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container3_id)
- self.client.start(container3_id)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.wait(container3_id), 0)
- logs = self.client.logs(container3_id)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- self.assertIn('{0}_NAME='.format(link_env_prefix1), logs)
- self.assertIn('{0}_ENV_FOO=1'.format(link_env_prefix1), logs)
- self.assertIn('{0}_NAME='.format(link_env_prefix2), logs)
- self.assertIn('{0}_ENV_FOO=1'.format(link_env_prefix2), logs)
-class TestRestartingContainer(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '2'],
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- restart_policy={"Name": "always", "MaximumRetryCount": 0},
- network_mode='none'
- )
- )
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.client.wait(id)
- with self.assertRaises(docker.errors.APIError) as exc:
- self.client.remove_container(id)
- err = exc.exception.response.text
- self.assertIn(
- 'You cannot remove a running container', err
- )
- self.client.remove_container(id, force=True)
-class TestExecuteCommand(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if not exec_driver_is_native():
- pytest.skip('Exec driver not native')
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- res = self.client.exec_create(id, ['echo', 'hello'])
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- exec_log = self.client.exec_start(res)
- self.assertEqual(exec_log, b'hello\n')
-class TestExecuteCommandString(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if not exec_driver_is_native():
- pytest.skip('Exec driver not native')
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- res = self.client.exec_create(id, 'echo hello world')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- exec_log = self.client.exec_start(res)
- self.assertEqual(exec_log, b'hello world\n')
-class TestExecuteCommandStringAsUser(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if not exec_driver_is_native():
- pytest.skip('Exec driver not native')
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- res = self.client.exec_create(id, 'whoami', user='default')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- exec_log = self.client.exec_start(res)
- self.assertEqual(exec_log, b'default\n')
-class TestExecuteCommandStringAsRoot(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if not exec_driver_is_native():
- pytest.skip('Exec driver not native')
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- res = self.client.exec_create(id, 'whoami')
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- exec_log = self.client.exec_start(res)
- self.assertEqual(exec_log, b'root\n')
-class TestExecuteCommandStreaming(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if not exec_driver_is_native():
- pytest.skip('Exec driver not native')
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exec_id = self.client.exec_create(id, ['echo', 'hello\nworld'])
- self.assertIn('Id', exec_id)
- res = b''
- for chunk in self.client.exec_start(exec_id, stream=True):
- res += chunk
- self.assertEqual(res, b'hello\nworld\n')
-class TestExecInspect(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if not exec_driver_is_native():
- pytest.skip('Exec driver not native')
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, 'cat',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exec_id = self.client.exec_create(id, ['mkdir', '/does/not/exist'])
- self.assertIn('Id', exec_id)
- self.client.exec_start(exec_id)
- exec_info = self.client.exec_inspect(exec_id)
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', exec_info)
- self.assertNotEqual(exec_info['ExitCode'], 0)
-class TestRunContainerStreaming(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, '/bin/sh',
- detach=True, stdin_open=True)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- sock = self.client.attach_socket(container, ws=False)
- self.assertTrue(sock.fileno() > -1)
-class TestRunContainerReadingSocket(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- line = 'hi there and stuff and things, words!'
- command = "echo '{0}'".format(line)
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, command,
- detach=True, tty=False)
- ident = container['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(ident)
- opts = {"stdout": 1, "stream": 1, "logs": 1}
- pty_stdout = self.client.attach_socket(ident, opts)
- self.client.start(ident)
- recoverable_errors = (errno.EINTR, errno.EDEADLK, errno.EWOULDBLOCK)
- def read(n=4096):
- """Code stolen from dockerpty to read the socket"""
- try:
- if hasattr(pty_stdout, 'recv'):
- return pty_stdout.recv(n)
- return, n)
- except EnvironmentError as e:
- if e.errno not in recoverable_errors:
- raise
- def next_packet_size():
- """Code stolen from dockerpty to get the next packet size"""
- data = six.binary_type()
- while len(data) < 8:
- next_data = read(8 - len(data))
- if not next_data:
- return 0
- data = data + next_data
- if data is None:
- return 0
- if len(data) == 8:
- _, actual = struct.unpack('>BxxxL', data)
- return actual
- next_size = next_packet_size()
- self.assertEqual(next_size, len(line)+1)
- data = six.binary_type()
- while len(data) < next_size:
- next_data = read(next_size - len(data))
- if not next_data:
- assert False, "Failed trying to read in the dataz"
- data += next_data
- self.assertEqual(data.decode('utf-8'), "{0}\n".format(line))
- pty_stdout.close()
- # Prevent segfault at the end of the test run
- if hasattr(pty_stdout, "_response"):
- del pty_stdout._response
-class TestPauseUnpauseContainer(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- self.client.start(container)
- self.client.pause(id)
- container_info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', container_info)
- state = container_info['State']
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['ExitCode'], 0)
- self.assertIn('Running', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Running'], True)
- self.assertIn('Paused', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Paused'], True)
- self.client.unpause(id)
- container_info = self.client.inspect_container(id)
- self.assertIn('State', container_info)
- state = container_info['State']
- self.assertIn('ExitCode', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['ExitCode'], 0)
- self.assertIn('Running', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Running'], True)
- self.assertIn('Paused', state)
- self.assertEqual(state['Paused'], False)
-class TestCreateContainerWithHostPidMode(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'true', host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- pid_mode='host', network_mode='none'
- )
- )
- self.assertIn('Id', ctnr)
- self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr['Id'])
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- inspect = self.client.inspect_container(ctnr)
- self.assertIn('HostConfig', inspect)
- host_config = inspect['HostConfig']
- self.assertIn('PidMode', host_config)
- self.assertEqual(host_config['PidMode'], 'host')
-class TestRemoveLink(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- # Create containers
- container1 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'cat', detach=True, stdin_open=True
- )
- container1_id = container1['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container1_id)
- self.client.start(container1_id)
- # Create Link
- # we don't want the first /
- link_path = self.client.inspect_container(container1_id)['Name'][1:]
- link_alias = 'mylink'
- container2 = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, 'cat', host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- links={link_path: link_alias}, network_mode='none'
- )
- )
- container2_id = container2['Id']
- self.tmp_containers.append(container2_id)
- self.client.start(container2_id)
- # Remove link
- linked_name = self.client.inspect_container(container2_id)['Name'][1:]
- link_name = '%s/%s' % (linked_name, link_alias)
- self.client.remove_container(link_name, link=True)
- # Link is gone
- containers = self.client.containers(all=True)
- retrieved = [x for x in containers if link_name in x['Names']]
- self.assertEqual(len(retrieved), 0)
- # Containers are still there
- retrieved = [
- x for x in containers if x['Id'].startswith(container1_id) or
- x['Id'].startswith(container2_id)
- ]
- self.assertEqual(len(retrieved), 2)
-class TestPull(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- try:
- self.client.remove_image('hello-world')
- except docker.errors.APIError:
- pass
- res = self.client.pull('hello-world')
- self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world')
- self.assertEqual(type(res), six.text_type)
- self.assertGreaterEqual(
- len(self.client.images('hello-world')), 1
- )
- img_info = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world')
- self.assertIn('Id', img_info)
-class TestPullStream(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- try:
- self.client.remove_image('hello-world')
- except docker.errors.APIError:
- pass
- stream = self.client.pull('hello-world', stream=True)
- self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world')
- for chunk in stream:
- if six.PY3:
- chunk = chunk.decode('utf-8')
- json.loads(chunk) # ensure chunk is a single, valid JSON blob
- self.assertGreaterEqual(
- len(self.client.images('hello-world')), 1
- )
- img_info = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world')
- self.assertIn('Id', img_info)
-class TestCommit(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['touch', '/test'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- res = self.client.commit(id)
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- img_id = res['Id']
- self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id)
- img = self.client.inspect_image(img_id)
- self.assertIn('Container', img)
- self.assertTrue(img['Container'].startswith(id))
- self.assertIn('ContainerConfig', img)
- self.assertIn('Image', img['ContainerConfig'])
- self.assertEqual(BUSYBOX, img['ContainerConfig']['Image'])
- busybox_id = self.client.inspect_image(BUSYBOX)['Id']
- self.assertIn('Parent', img)
- self.assertEqual(img['Parent'], busybox_id)
-class TestRemoveImage(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['touch', '/test'])
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- res = self.client.commit(id)
- self.assertIn('Id', res)
- img_id = res['Id']
- self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id)
- self.client.remove_image(img_id, force=True)
- images = self.client.images(all=True)
- res = [x for x in images if x['Id'].startswith(img_id)]
- self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
-class ImportTestCase(BaseTestCase):
- '''Base class for `docker import` test cases.'''
- TAR_SIZE = 512 * 1024
- def write_dummy_tar_content(self, n_bytes, tar_fd):
- def extend_file(f, n_bytes):
- - 1)
- f.write(bytearray([65]))
- tar = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=tar_fd, mode='w')
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
- extend_file(f, n_bytes)
- tarinfo = tar.gettarinfo(, arcname='testdata')
- tar.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=f)
- tar.close()
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def dummy_tar_stream(self, n_bytes):
- '''Yields a stream that is valid tar data of size n_bytes.'''
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tar_file:
- self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file)
- yield tar_file
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def dummy_tar_file(self, n_bytes):
- '''Yields the name of a valid tar file of size n_bytes.'''
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tar_file:
- self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file)
- yield
-class TestImportFromBytes(ImportTestCase):
- '''Tests importing an image from in-memory byte data.'''
- def runTest(self):
- with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=500) as f:
- content =
- # The generic import_image() function cannot import in-memory bytes
- # data that happens to be represented as a string type, because
- # import_image() will try to use it as a filename and usually then
- # trigger an exception. So we test the import_image_from_data()
- # function instead.
- statuses = self.client.import_image_from_data(
- content, repository='test/import-from-bytes')
- result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
- result = json.loads(result_text)
- self.assertNotIn('error', result)
- img_id = result['status']
- self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id)
-class TestImportFromFile(ImportTestCase):
- '''Tests importing an image from a tar file on disk.'''
- def runTest(self):
- with self.dummy_tar_file(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_filename:
- # statuses = self.client.import_image(
- # src=tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file')
- statuses = self.client.import_image_from_file(
- tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file')
- result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
- result = json.loads(result_text)
- self.assertNotIn('error', result)
- self.assertIn('status', result)
- img_id = result['status']
- self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id)
-class TestImportFromStream(ImportTestCase):
- '''Tests importing an image from a stream containing tar data.'''
- def runTest(self):
- with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_stream:
- statuses = self.client.import_image(
- src=tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream')
- # statuses = self.client.import_image_from_stream(
- # tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream')
- result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
- result = json.loads(result_text)
- self.assertNotIn('error', result)
- self.assertIn('status', result)
- img_id = result['status']
- self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id)
-class TestImportFromURL(ImportTestCase):
- '''Tests downloading an image over HTTP.'''
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def temporary_http_file_server(self, stream):
- '''Serve data from an IO stream over HTTP.'''
- class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- def do_GET(self):
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-tar')
- self.end_headers()
- shutil.copyfileobj(stream, self.wfile)
- server = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 0), Handler)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
- thread.setDaemon(True)
- thread.start()
- yield 'http://%s:%s' % (socket.gethostname(), server.server_address[1])
- server.shutdown()
- @pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Doesn't work inside a container - FIXME")
- def runTest(self):
- # The crappy test HTTP server doesn't handle large files well, so use
- # a small file.
- TAR_SIZE = 10240
- with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=TAR_SIZE) as tar_data:
- with self.temporary_http_file_server(tar_data) as url:
- statuses = self.client.import_image(
- src=url, repository='test/import-from-url')
- result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1]
- result = json.loads(result_text)
- self.assertNotIn('error', result)
- self.assertIn('status', result)
- img_id = result['status']
- self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id)
-class TestVolumes(BaseTestCase):
- def test_create_volume(self):
- name = 'perfectcherryblossom'
- self.tmp_volumes.append(name)
- result = self.client.create_volume(name)
- self.assertIn('Name', result)
- self.assertEqual(result['Name'], name)
- self.assertIn('Driver', result)
- self.assertEqual(result['Driver'], 'local')
- def test_create_volume_invalid_driver(self):
- driver_name = 'invalid.driver'
- with pytest.raises(docker.errors.NotFound):
- self.client.create_volume('perfectcherryblossom', driver_name)
- def test_list_volumes(self):
- name = 'imperishablenight'
- self.tmp_volumes.append(name)
- volume_info = self.client.create_volume(name)
- result = self.client.volumes()
- self.assertIn('Volumes', result)
- volumes = result['Volumes']
- self.assertIn(volume_info, volumes)
- def test_inspect_volume(self):
- name = 'embodimentofscarletdevil'
- self.tmp_volumes.append(name)
- volume_info = self.client.create_volume(name)
- result = self.client.inspect_volume(name)
- self.assertEqual(volume_info, result)
- def test_inspect_nonexistent_volume(self):
- name = 'embodimentofscarletdevil'
- with pytest.raises(docker.errors.NotFound):
- self.client.inspect_volume(name)
- def test_remove_volume(self):
- name = 'shootthebullet'
- self.tmp_volumes.append(name)
- self.client.create_volume(name)
- result = self.client.remove_volume(name)
- self.assertTrue(result)
- def test_remove_nonexistent_volume(self):
- name = 'shootthebullet'
- with pytest.raises(docker.errors.NotFound):
- self.client.remove_volume(name)
-class TestBuildStream(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- script = io.BytesIO('\n'.join([
- 'FROM busybox',
- 'MAINTAINER docker-py',
- 'RUN mkdir -p /tmp/test',
- 'EXPOSE 8080',
- 'ADD'
- ' /tmp/silence.tar.gz'
- ]).encode('ascii'))
- stream =, stream=True)
- logs = ''
- for chunk in stream:
- if six.PY3:
- chunk = chunk.decode('utf-8')
- json.loads(chunk) # ensure chunk is a single, valid JSON blob
- logs += chunk
- self.assertNotEqual(logs, '')
-class TestBuildFromStringIO(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- if six.PY3:
- return
- script = io.StringIO(six.text_type('\n').join([
- 'FROM busybox',
- 'MAINTAINER docker-py',
- 'RUN mkdir -p /tmp/test',
- 'EXPOSE 8080',
- 'ADD'
- ' /tmp/silence.tar.gz'
- ]))
- stream =, stream=True)
- logs = ''
- for chunk in stream:
- if six.PY3:
- chunk = chunk.decode('utf-8')
- logs += chunk
- self.assertNotEqual(logs, '')
-class TestBuildWithDockerignore(Cleanup, BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, base_dir)
- with open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'Dockerfile'), 'w') as f:
- f.write("\n".join([
- 'FROM busybox',
- 'MAINTAINER docker-py',
- 'ADD . /test',
- ]))
- with open(os.path.join(base_dir, '.dockerignore'), 'w') as f:
- f.write("\n".join([
- 'ignored',
- 'Dockerfile',
- '.dockerignore',
- '', # empty line
- ]))
- with open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'not-ignored'), 'w') as f:
- f.write("this file should not be ignored")
- subdir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'ignored', 'subdir')
- os.makedirs(subdir)
- with open(os.path.join(subdir, 'file'), 'w') as f:
- f.write("this file should be ignored")
- tag = 'docker-py-test-build-with-dockerignore'
- stream =
- path=base_dir,
- tag=tag,
- )
- for chunk in stream:
- pass
- c = self.client.create_container(tag, ['ls', '-1A', '/test'])
- self.client.start(c)
- self.client.wait(c)
- logs = self.client.logs(c)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- self.assertEqual(
- list(filter(None, logs.split('\n'))),
- ['not-ignored'],
- )
-class TestNetworks(BaseTestCase):
- def create_network(self, *args, **kwargs):
- net_name = 'dockerpy{}'.format(random.getrandbits(24))[:14]
- net_id = self.client.create_network(net_name, *args, **kwargs)['id']
- self.tmp_networks.append(net_id)
- return (net_name, net_id)
- def test_list_networks(self):
- networks = self.client.networks()
- initial_size = len(networks)
- net_name, net_id = self.create_network()
- networks = self.client.networks()
- self.assertEqual(len(networks), initial_size + 1)
- self.assertTrue(net_id in [n['id'] for n in networks])
- networks_by_name = self.client.networks(names=[net_name])
- self.assertEqual([n['id'] for n in networks_by_name], [net_id])
- networks_by_partial_id = self.client.networks(ids=[net_id[:8]])
- self.assertEqual([n['id'] for n in networks_by_partial_id], [net_id])
- def test_inspect_network(self):
- net_name, net_id = self.create_network()
- net = self.client.inspect_network(net_id)
- self.assertEqual(net, {
- u'name': net_name,
- u'id': net_id,
- u'driver': 'bridge',
- u'containers': {},
- })
- def test_create_network_with_host_driver_fails(self):
- net_name = 'dockerpy{}'.format(random.getrandbits(24))[:14]
- with pytest.raises(APIError):
- self.client.create_network(net_name, driver='host')
- def test_remove_network(self):
- initial_size = len(self.client.networks())
- net_name, net_id = self.create_network()
- self.assertEqual(len(self.client.networks()), initial_size + 1)
- self.client.remove_network(net_id)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.client.networks()), initial_size)
- def test_connect_and_disconnect_container(self):
- net_name, net_id = self.create_network()
- container = self.client.create_container('busybox', 'top')
- self.tmp_containers.append(container)
- self.client.start(container)
- network_data = self.client.inspect_network(net_id)
- self.assertFalse(network_data.get('containers'))
- self.client.connect_container_to_network(container, net_id)
- network_data = self.client.inspect_network(net_id)
- self.assertEqual(
- list(network_data['containers'].keys()),
- [container['Id']])
- self.client.disconnect_container_from_network(container, net_id)
- network_data = self.client.inspect_network(net_id)
- self.assertFalse(network_data.get('containers'))
- def test_connect_on_container_create(self):
- net_name, net_id = self.create_network()
- container = self.client.create_container(
- image='busybox',
- command='top',
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(network_mode=net_name),
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(container)
- self.client.start(container)
- network_data = self.client.inspect_network(net_id)
- self.assertEqual(
- list(network_data['containers'].keys()),
- [container['Id']])
- self.client.disconnect_container_from_network(container, net_id)
- network_data = self.client.inspect_network(net_id)
- self.assertFalse(network_data.get('containers'))
-class TestRunShlex(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- commands = [
- 'true',
- 'echo "The Young Descendant of Tepes & Septette for the '
- 'Dead Princess"',
- 'echo -n "The Young Descendant of Tepes & Septette for the '
- 'Dead Princess"',
- '/bin/sh -c "echo Hello World"',
- '/bin/sh -c \'echo "Hello World"\'',
- 'echo "\"Night of Nights\""',
- 'true && echo "Night of Nights"'
- ]
- for cmd in commands:
- container = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, cmd)
- id = container['Id']
- self.client.start(id)
- self.tmp_containers.append(id)
- exitcode = self.client.wait(id)
- self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0, msg=cmd)
-class TestLoadConfig(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- self.tmp_folders.append(folder)
- cfg_path = os.path.join(folder, '.dockercfg')
- f = open(cfg_path, 'w')
- auth_ = base64.b64encode(b'sakuya:izayoi').decode('ascii')
- f.write('auth = {0}\n'.format(auth_))
- f.write('email =')
- f.close()
- cfg = docker.auth.load_config(cfg_path)
- self.assertNotEqual(cfg[docker.auth.INDEX_NAME], None)
- cfg = cfg[docker.auth.INDEX_NAME]
- self.assertEqual(cfg['username'], 'sakuya')
- self.assertEqual(cfg['password'], 'izayoi')
- self.assertEqual(cfg['email'], '')
- self.assertEqual(cfg.get('Auth'), None)
-class TestLoadJSONConfig(BaseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- self.tmp_folders.append(folder)
- cfg_path = os.path.join(folder, '.dockercfg')
- f = open(os.path.join(folder, '.dockercfg'), 'w')
- auth_ = base64.b64encode(b'sakuya:izayoi').decode('ascii')
- email_ = ''
- f.write('{{"{0}": {{"auth": "{1}", "email": "{2}"}}}}\n'.format(
- docker.auth.INDEX_URL, auth_, email_))
- f.close()
- cfg = docker.auth.load_config(cfg_path)
- self.assertNotEqual(cfg[docker.auth.INDEX_URL], None)
- cfg = cfg[docker.auth.INDEX_URL]
- self.assertEqual(cfg['username'], 'sakuya')
- self.assertEqual(cfg['password'], 'izayoi')
- self.assertEqual(cfg['email'], '')
- self.assertEqual(cfg.get('Auth'), None)
-class TestAutoDetectVersion(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_client_init(self):
- client = docker_client(version='auto')
- client_version = client._version
- api_version = client.version(api_version=False)['ApiVersion']
- self.assertEqual(client_version, api_version)
- api_version_2 = client.version()['ApiVersion']
- self.assertEqual(client_version, api_version_2)
- client.close()
- def test_auto_client(self):
- client = docker.AutoVersionClient(**docker_client_kwargs())
- client_version = client._version
- api_version = client.version(api_version=False)['ApiVersion']
- self.assertEqual(client_version, api_version)
- api_version_2 = client.version()['ApiVersion']
- self.assertEqual(client_version, api_version_2)
- client.close()
- with self.assertRaises(docker.errors.DockerException):
- docker.AutoVersionClient(**docker_client_kwargs(version='1.11'))
-class TestConnectionTimeout(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.timeout = 0.5
- self.client = docker.client.Client(base_url='',
- timeout=self.timeout)
- def runTest(self):
- start = time.time()
- res = None
- # This call isn't supposed to complete, and it should fail fast.
- try:
- res = self.client.inspect_container('id')
- except:
- pass
- end = time.time()
- self.assertTrue(res is None)
- self.assertTrue(end - start < 2 * self.timeout)
-class UnixconnTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test UNIX socket connection adapter.
- """
- def test_resource_warnings(self):
- """
- Test no warnings are produced when using the client.
- """
- with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
- warnings.simplefilter('always')
- client = docker_client()
- client.images()
- client.close()
- del client
- assert len(w) == 0, \
- "No warnings produced: {0}".format(w[0].message)
-class TestRegressions(BaseTestCase):
- def test_443(self):
- dfile = io.BytesIO()
- with self.assertRaises(docker.errors.APIError) as exc:
- for line in, tag="a/b/c"):
- pass
- self.assertEqual(exc.exception.response.status_code, 500)
- dfile.close()
- def test_542(self):
- self.client.start(
- self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['true'])
- )
- result = self.client.containers(all=True, trunc=True)
- self.assertEqual(len(result[0]['Id']), 12)
- def test_647(self):
- with self.assertRaises(docker.errors.APIError):
- self.client.inspect_image('')
- def test_649(self):
- self.client.timeout = None
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '2'])
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- self.client.stop(ctnr)
- def test_715(self):
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(BUSYBOX, ['id', '-u'], user=1000)
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- self.client.wait(ctnr)
- logs = self.client.logs(ctnr)
- if six.PY3:
- logs = logs.decode('utf-8')
- assert logs == '1000\n'
- def test_792_explicit_port_protocol(self):
- tcp_port, udp_port = random.sample(range(9999, 32000), 2)
- ctnr = self.client.create_container(
- BUSYBOX, ['sleep', '9999'], ports=[2000, (2000, 'udp')],
- host_config=self.client.create_host_config(
- port_bindings={'2000/tcp': tcp_port, '2000/udp': udp_port}
- )
- )
- self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr)
- self.client.start(ctnr)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.port(ctnr, 2000)[0]['HostPort'],
- six.text_type(tcp_port)
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.port(ctnr, '2000/tcp')[0]['HostPort'],
- six.text_type(tcp_port)
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- self.client.port(ctnr, '2000/udp')[0]['HostPort'],
- six.text_type(udp_port)
- )
+# FIXME: placeholder while we transition to the new folder architecture
+# Remove when merged in master and Jenkins is updated to find the tests
+# in the new location.
+from .integration import * # flake8: noqa