diff options
2 files changed, 123 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex
index d0e05dd15..d0454c964 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex
@@ -1278,8 +1278,13 @@ defmodule String do
Returns a new string created by replacing occurrences of `pattern` in
`subject` with `replacement`.
+ The `subject` is always a string.
The `pattern` may be a string, a regular expression, or a compiled pattern.
+ The `replacement` may be a string or a function that receives the matched
+ pattern and must return the replacement as a string or iodata.
By default it replaces all occurrences but this behaviour can be controlled
through the `:global` option; see the "Options" section below.
@@ -1289,12 +1294,6 @@ defmodule String do
with `replacement`, otherwise only the first occurrence is
replaced. Defaults to `true`
- * `:insert_replaced` - (integer or list of integers) specifies the position
- where to insert the replaced part inside the `replacement`. If any
- position given in the `:insert_replaced` option is larger than the
- replacement string, or is negative, an `ArgumentError` is raised. See the
- examples below
## Examples
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-")
@@ -1303,6 +1302,12 @@ defmodule String do
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-", global: false)
+ The pattern may also be a list of strings and the replacement may also
+ be a function that receives the matched patterns:
+ iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ["a", "c"], fn <<char>> -> <<char + 1>> end)
+ "b,b,d"
When the pattern is a regular expression, one can give `\N` or
`\g{N}` in the `replacement` string to access a specific capture in the
regular expression:
@@ -1315,25 +1320,11 @@ defmodule String do
giving `\0`, one can inject the whole matched pattern in the replacement
- When the pattern is a string, a developer can use the replaced part inside
- the `replacement` by using the `:insert_replaced` option and specifying the
- position(s) inside the `replacement` where the string pattern will be
- inserted:
- iex> String.replace("a,b,c", "b", "[]", insert_replaced: 1)
- "a,[b],c"
- iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "[]", insert_replaced: 2)
- "a[],b[],c"
- iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "[]", insert_replaced: [1, 1])
- "a[,,]b[,,]c"
A compiled pattern can also be given:
iex> pattern = :binary.compile_pattern(",")
- iex> String.replace("a,b,c", pattern, "[]", insert_replaced: 2)
- "a[],b[],c"
+ iex> String.replace("a,b,c", pattern, "[]")
+ "a[]b[]c"
When an empty string is provided as a `pattern`, the function will treat it as
an implicit empty string between each grapheme and the string will be
@@ -1347,43 +1338,89 @@ defmodule String do
- @spec replace(t, pattern | Regex.t(), t, keyword) :: t
+ @spec replace(t, pattern | Regex.t(), t | (t -> t | iodata), keyword) :: t
def replace(subject, pattern, replacement, options \\ [])
- def replace(subject, "", "", _), do: subject
- def replace(subject, "", replacement, options) do
+ def replace(subject, %{__struct__: Regex} = regex, replacement, options)
+ when is_binary(replacement) or is_function(replacement, 1) do
+ Regex.replace(regex, subject, replacement, options)
+ end
+ def replace(subject, "", "", _) when is_binary(subject) do
+ subject
+ end
+ def replace(subject, "", replacement, options)
+ when is_binary(subject) and is_binary(replacement) do
if Keyword.get(options, :global, true) do
- IO.iodata_to_binary([replacement | intersperse(subject, replacement)])
+ IO.iodata_to_binary([replacement | intersperse_bin(subject, replacement)])
replacement <> subject
- def replace(subject, pattern, replacement, options) when is_binary(replacement) do
- if Regex.regex?(pattern) do
- Regex.replace(pattern, subject, replacement, global: options[:global])
+ def replace(subject, "", replacement, options)
+ when is_binary(subject) and is_function(replacement, 1) do
+ if Keyword.get(options, :global, true) do
+ IO.iodata_to_binary([replacement.("") | intersperse_fun(subject, replacement)])
- opts = translate_replace_options(options)
- :binary.replace(subject, pattern, replacement, opts)
+ IO.iodata_to_binary([replacement.("") | subject])
- defp intersperse(subject, replacement) do
+ def replace(subject, pattern, replacement, options) when is_binary(subject) do
+ if insert = Keyword.get(options, :insert_replaced) do
+ IO.warn(
+ "String.replace/4 with :insert_replaced option is deprecated. " <>
+ "Please :binary.replace/4 instead or pass an anonymous function as replacement"
+ )
+ binary_options = if Keyword.get(options, :global) != false, do: [:global], else: []
+ :binary.replace(subject, pattern, replacement, [insert_replaced: insert] ++ binary_options)
+ else
+ matches =
+ if Keyword.get(options, :global, true) do
+ :binary.matches(subject, pattern)
+ else
+ case :binary.match(subject, pattern) do
+ :nomatch -> []
+ match -> [match]
+ end
+ end
+ IO.iodata_to_binary(do_replace(subject, matches, replacement, 0))
+ end
+ end
+ defp intersperse_bin(subject, replacement) do
+ case next_grapheme(subject) do
+ {current, rest} -> [current, replacement | intersperse_bin(rest, replacement)]
+ nil -> []
+ end
+ end
+ defp intersperse_fun(subject, replacement) do
case next_grapheme(subject) do
- {current, rest} -> [current, replacement | intersperse(rest, replacement)]
+ {current, rest} -> [current, replacement.("") | intersperse_fun(rest, replacement)]
nil -> []
- defp translate_replace_options(options) do
- global = if Keyword.get(options, :global) != false, do: [:global], else: []
+ defp do_replace(subject, [], _, n) do
+ [binary_part(subject, n, byte_size(subject) - n)]
+ end
+ defp do_replace(subject, [{start, length} | matches], replacement, n) do
+ prefix = binary_part(subject, n, start - n)
- insert =
- if insert = Keyword.get(options, :insert_replaced),
- do: [{:insert_replaced, insert}],
- else: []
+ middle =
+ if is_binary(replacement) do
+ replacement
+ else
+ replacement.(binary_part(subject, start, length))
+ end
- global ++ insert
+ [prefix, middle | do_replace(subject, matches, replacement, start + length)]
@doc ~S"""
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/string_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/string_test.exs
index 18dd31e4d..fcfb66efe 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/string_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/string_test.exs
@@ -394,25 +394,56 @@ defmodule StringTest do
assert String.reverse(String.reverse("Hello \r\n World")) == "Hello \r\n World"
- test "replace/3" do
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-") == "a-b-c"
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", [",", "b"], "-") == "a---c"
+ describe "replace/3" do
+ test "with empty string and string replacement" do
+ assert String.replace("elixir", "", "") == "elixir"
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", ".") == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", ".", global: true) == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", ".", global: false) == ".ELIXIR"
+ end
+ test "with match pattern and string replacement" do
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-") == "a-b-c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", [",", "b"], "-") == "a---c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-", global: false) == "a-b,c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", [",", "b"], "-", global: false) == "a-b,c"
+ assert String.replace("ãéã", "é", "e", global: false) == "ãeã"
+ end
+ test "with regex and string replacement" do
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, ",\\1\\1") == "a,bb,cc"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, ",\\1\\1", global: false) == "a,bb,c"
+ end
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-", global: false) == "a-b,c"
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", [",", "b"], "-", global: false) == "a-b,c"
- assert String.replace("ãéã", "é", "e", global: false) == "ãeã"
+ test "with empty string and function replacement" do
+ assert String.replace("elixir", "", fn "" -> "" end) == "elixir"
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", fn "" -> "." end) == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", fn "" -> "." end, global: true) == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", fn "" -> "." end, global: false) == ".ELIXIR"
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "[]", insert_replaced: 2) == "a[],b[],c"
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "[]", insert_replaced: [1, 1]) == "a[,,]b[,,]c"
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", "b", "[]", insert_replaced: 1, global: false) == "a,[b],c"
+ assert String.replace("elixir", "", fn "" -> [""] end) == "elixir"
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", fn "" -> ["."] end) == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", fn "" -> ["."] end, global: true) == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
+ assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", fn "" -> ["."] end, global: false) == ".ELIXIR"
+ end
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, ",\\1\\1") == "a,bb,cc"
- assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, ",\\1\\1", global: false) == "a,bb,c"
+ test "with match pattern and function replacement" do
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", fn "," -> "-" end) == "a-b-c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", [",", "b"], fn x -> "[#{x}]" end) == "a[,][b][,]c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", [",", "b"], fn x -> [?[, x, ?]] end) == "a[,][b][,]c"
- assert String.replace("elixir", "", "") == "elixir"
- assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", ".") == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
- assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", ".", global: true) == ".E.L.I.X.I.R."
- assert String.replace("ELIXIR", "", ".", global: false) == ".ELIXIR"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ",", fn "," -> "-" end, global: false) == "a-b,c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", [",", "b"], fn x -> "[#{x}]" end, global: false) == "a[,]b,c"
+ assert String.replace("ãéã", "é", fn "é" -> "e" end, global: false) == "ãeã"
+ end
+ test "with regex and function replacement" do
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, fn x -> "#{x}#{x}" end) == "a,b,b,c,c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, fn x -> [x, x] end) == "a,b,b,c,c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, fn x -> "#{x}#{x}" end, global: false) == "a,b,b,c"
+ assert String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, fn x -> [x, x] end, global: false) == "a,b,b,c"
+ end
test "duplicate/2" do