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diff --git a/lisp/icomplete.el b/lisp/icomplete.el
index 7defbb76a6d..a7b1872001f 100644
--- a/lisp/icomplete.el
+++ b/lisp/icomplete.el
@@ -1,155 +1,195 @@
-;;; icomplete.el - minibuffer completion incremental feedback
-;;; This package is in the public domain.
+;;;_. icomplete.el - minibuffer completion incremental feedback
+;;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; Author: Ken Manheimer <>
;;; Maintainer: Ken Manheimer <>
-;;; Version: icomplete.el,v 3.3 1993/12/11 11:27:35 klm Exp klm
+;;; Version: Id: icomplete.el,v 4.3 1994/08/31 18:48:29 klm Exp
;;; Created: Mar 1993 - first release to usenet
;;; Keywords: help, abbrev
-;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;;; Loading this package implements a more finely-grained completion
-;;; feedback scheme, indicating, within the minibuffer, the
-;;; prospective minibuffer completion candidates, as you type. See
-;;; the documentation string for 'icomplete-prompt' for a specific
-;;; description of icompletion.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
-;;; It should run on most version of Emacs 19 (including Lucid emacs
-;;; 19 - thanks to the efforts of Colin Rafferty (
-;;; - thanks, Colin!) This version of icomplete will *not* work on
-;;; Emacs 18 versions - the elisp archives, at
-;;;, probably
-;;; still has a version that works in GNU Emacs v18.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;;; Thanks to Colin Rafferty for assistance reconciling for lemacs,
-;;; and to Michael Cook, who implemented an incremental completion
-;;; style in his 'iswitch' functions that served as the basis for
-;;; icomplete.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-;;; Code:
+;;; Commentary:
-;;;_* (Allout outline root topic. Please leave this in.)
+;;; Loading this package implements a more fine-grained minibuffer
+;;; completion feedback scheme. Prospective completions are concisely
+;;; indicated within the minibuffer itself, with each successive
+;;; keystroke.
+;;; See 'icomplete-completions' docstring for a description of the
+;;; icomplete display format.
+;;; See the `icomplete-minibuffer-setup-hook' docstring for a means to
+;;; customize icomplete setup for interoperation with other
+;;; minibuffer-oriented packages.
+;;; To activate icomplete mode, simply load the package. You can
+;;; subsequently deactivate it by invoking the function icomplete-mode
+;;; with a negative prefix-arg (C-U -1 ESC-x icomplete-mode). Also,
+;;; you can prevent activation of the mode during package load by
+;;; first setting the variable `icomplete-mode' to nil. Icompletion
+;;; can be enabled any time after the package is loaded by invoking
+;;; icomplete-mode without a prefix arg.
+;;; This version of icomplete runs on Emacs 19.18 and later. (It
+;;; depends on the incorporation of minibuffer-setup-hook.) The elisp
+;;; archives,,
+;;; probably still has a version that works in GNU Emacs v18.
+;;; Thanks to everyone for their suggestions for refinements of this
+;;; package. I particularly have to credit Michael Cook, who
+;;; implemented an incremental completion style in his 'iswitch'
+;;; functions that served as a model for icomplete. Some other
+;;; contributors: Noah Freidman (restructuring as minor mode), Colin
+;;; Rafferty (lemacs reconciliation), Lars Lindberg, RMS, and
+;;; others.
+;;; klm.
-;;;_ + Provide
+;;; Code:
+;;;_* Provide
(provide 'icomplete)
-;;;_ + User Customization variables
-;;;_ = icomplete-inhibit
-(defvar icomplete-inhibit nil
- "*Set this variable to t at any time to inhibit icomplete.")
+;;;_* User Customization variables
+;;;_* Initialization
+;;;_ = icomplete-minibuffer-setup-hook
+(defvar icomplete-minibuffer-setup-hook nil
+ "*Icomplete-specific customization of minibuffer setup.
+This hook is run during minibuffer setup iff icomplete will be active.
+It is intended for use in customizing icomplete for interoperation
+with other packages. For instance:
+ \(add-hook 'icomplete-minibuffer-setup-hook
+ \(function
+ \(lambda ()
+ \(make-local-variable 'resize-minibuffer-window-max-height)
+ \(setq resize-minibuffer-window-max-height 3))))
+will constrain rsz-mini to a maximum minibuffer height of 3 lines when
+icompletion is occurring.")
;;;_ + Internal Variables
+;;;_ = icomplete-mode
+(defvar icomplete-mode t
+ "Non-nil enables incremental minibuffer completion, once
+`\\[icomplete-mode]' function has set things up.")
;;;_ = icomplete-eoinput 1
(defvar icomplete-eoinput 1
"Point where minibuffer input ends and completion info begins.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'icomplete-eoinput)
-;;;_ > icomplete-prime-session ()
+;;;_ = icomplete-pre-command-hook
+(defvar icomplete-pre-command-hook nil
+ "Incremental-minibuffer-completion pre-command-hook.
+Is run in minibuffer before user input when `icomplete-mode' is non-nil.
+Use `icomplete-mode' function to set it up properly for incremental
+minibuffer completion.")
+(add-hook 'icomplete-pre-command-hook 'icomplete-tidy)
+;;;_ = icomplete-post-command-hook
+(defvar icomplete-post-command-hook nil
+ "Incremental-minibuffer-completion post-command-hook.
+Is run in minibuffer after user input when `icomplete-mode' is non-nil.
+Use `icomplete-mode' function to set it up properly for incremental
+minibuffer completion.")
+(add-hook 'icomplete-post-command-hook 'icomplete-exhibit)
+;;;_ > icomplete-mode (&optional prefix)
-(defun icomplete-prime-session ()
- "Prep emacs v 19 for more finely-grained minibuffer completion-feedback.
-You can inhibit icomplete after loading by setting icomplete-inhibit
-non-nil. Set the var back to nil to re-enable icomplete."
- ;; For emacs v19.18 and later revs, the icomplete key function is
- ;; installed in 'minibuffer-setup-hook'. Global pre- and post-
- ;; command-hook functions are used in v19.17 and earlier v19 revs."
- (let* ((v19-rev (and (string-match "^19\\.\\([0-9]+\\)" emacs-version)
- (string-to-int (substring emacs-version
- (match-beginning 1)
- (match-end 1))))))
- (cond ((and v19-rev ; emacs v 19, some rev,
- (> v19-rev 17))
- ;; Post v19rev17, has minibuffer-setup-hook, use it:
- (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'icomplete-prime-minibuffer))
- (v19-rev
- ;; v19rev17 and prior (including lucid): use global
- ;; pre- and post-command-hooks, instead:
- (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'icomplete-pre-command-hook 'append)
- (add-hook 'post-command-hook
- 'icomplete-post-command-hook 'append))
- ((format "icomplete: non v19 emacs, %s - %s"
- emacs-version "try elisp-archive icomplete")))))
-;;;_ > icomplete-prime-minibuffer ()
-(defun icomplete-prime-minibuffer ()
- "Prep emacs, v 19.18 or later, for icomplete.
-\(In emacs v19.17 and earlier, and in lemacs, icomplete-prime-session
-is used, instead to establish global hooks.\)
-Run via `minibuffer-setup-hook', adds icomplete pre- and post-command
-hooks at the start of each minibuffer."
- ;; Append the hooks to avoid as much as posssible interference from
- ;; other hooks that foul up minibuffer quit.
- (make-local-variable 'pre-command-hook)
- (make-local-variable 'post-command-hook)
- (setq pre-command-hook (copy-sequence pre-command-hook))
- (setq post-command-hook (copy-sequence post-command-hook))
- (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'icomplete-pre-command-hook)
- (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'icomplete-post-command-hook))
-;;;_ > icomplete-window-minibuffer-p ()
-(defmacro icomplete-window-minibuffer-p ()
- "Returns non-nil if current window is a minibuffer window.
-Trivially equates to '(window-minibuffer-p (selected-window))', with
-the argument definitely provided for emacsen that require it, eg Lucid."
- '(window-minibuffer-p (selected-window)))
-;;;_ + Completion
-;;;_ - Completion feedback hooks
-;;;_ > icomplete-pre-command-hook ()
-(defun icomplete-pre-command-hook ()
- "Cleanup completions display before user's new command is dealt with."
- (if (and (icomplete-window-minibuffer-p)
- (not executing-macro)
- (not (symbolp minibuffer-completion-table))
- (not icomplete-inhibit))
+(defun icomplete-mode (&optional prefix)
+ "Activate incremental minibuffer completion for this emacs session,
+or deactivate with negative prefix arg."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (or prefix (setq prefix 0))
+ (cond ((>= prefix 0)
+ (setq icomplete-mode t)
+ ;; The following is not really necessary after first time -
+ ;; no great loss.
+ (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'icomplete-minibuffer-setup))
+ (t (setq icomplete-mode nil))))
+;;;_ > icomplete-simple-completing-p ()
+(defun icomplete-simple-completing-p ()
+ "Non-nil if current window is minibuffer that's doing simple completion.
+Conditions are:
+ the selected window is a minibuffer,
+ and not in the middle of macro execution,
+ and minibuffer-completion-table is not a symbol (which would
+ indicate some non-standard, non-simple completion mechansm,
+ like file-name and other custom-func completions)."
+ (and (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window))
+ (not executing-macro)
+ (not (symbolp minibuffer-completion-table))))
+;;;_ > icomplete-minibuffer-setup ()
+(defun icomplete-minibuffer-setup ()
+ "Run in minibuffer on activation to establish incremental completion.
+Usually run by inclusion in minibuffer-setup-hook."
+ (cond ((and icomplete-mode (icomplete-simple-completing-p))
+ (make-local-variable 'pre-command-hook)
+ (setq pre-command-hook (copy-sequence pre-command-hook))
+ (add-hook 'pre-command-hook
+ (function (lambda ()
+ (run-hooks 'icomplete-pre-command-hook))))
+ (make-local-variable 'post-command-hook)
+ (setq post-command-hook (copy-sequence post-command-hook))
+ (add-hook 'post-command-hook
+ (function (lambda ()
+ (run-hooks 'icomplete-post-command-hook))))
+ (run-hooks 'icomplete-minibuffer-setup-hook))))
+;;;_* Completion
+;;;_ > icomplete-tidy ()
+(defun icomplete-tidy ()
+ "Remove completions display \(if any) prior to new user input.
+Should be run in on the minibuffer pre-command-hook. See `icomplete-mode'
+and `minibuffer-setup-hook'."
+ (if (icomplete-simple-completing-p)
(if (and (boundp 'icomplete-eoinput)
(if (> icomplete-eoinput (point-max))
;; Oops, got rug pulled out from under us - reinit:
(setq icomplete-eoinput (point-max))
(let ((buffer-undo-list buffer-undo-list )) ; prevent entry
(delete-region icomplete-eoinput (point-max))))
;; Reestablish the local variable 'cause minibuffer-setup is weird:
(make-local-variable 'icomplete-eoinput)
(setq icomplete-eoinput 1))))
-;;;_ > icomplete-post-command-hook ()
-(defun icomplete-post-command-hook ()
- "Exhibit completions, leaving bookkeeping so pre- hook can tidy up."
- (if (and (icomplete-window-minibuffer-p) ; ... in a minibuffer.
- (not executing-macro)
- (not icomplete-inhibit) ; ... not specifically inhibited.
- ;(sit-for 0) ; ... redisplay and if there's input
- ; waiting, then don't icomplete
- ; (stigs suggestion) (too jumpy!)
- ;; Inhibit for file-name and other custom-func completions:
- (not (symbolp minibuffer-completion-table))
- )
- (let ((buffer-undo-list buffer-undo-list )) ; prevent entry
- (icomplete-exhibit))))
-;;;_ > icomplete-window-setup-hook ()
-(defun icomplete-window-setup-hook ()
- "Exhibit completions, leaving bookkeeping so pre- hook can tidy up."
- (if (and (icomplete-window-minibuffer-p) ; ... in a minibuffer.
- )
- (message "ic ws doing")(sit-for 1)))
-;;;_ > icomplete-exhibit ()
+;;;_ > icomplete-exhibit ()
(defun icomplete-exhibit ()
- "Insert icomplete completions display."
- (if (not (symbolp minibuffer-completion-table))
+ "Insert icomplete completions display.
+Should be run via minibuffer post-command-hook. See `icomplete-mode'
+and `minibuffer-setup-hook'."
+ (if (icomplete-simple-completing-p)
(let ((contents (buffer-substring (point-min)(point-max)))
(buffer-undo-list t))
@@ -164,15 +204,13 @@ the argument definitely provided for emacsen that require it, eg Lucid."
; Insert the match-status information:
(if (> (point-max) 1)
- (icomplete-prompt contents
- minibuffer-completion-table
- minibuffer-completion-predicate
- (not
- minibuffer-completion-confirm))))))))
-;;;_ - Completion feedback producer
-;;;_ > icomplete-prompt (name candidates predicate require-match)
-(defun icomplete-prompt (name candidates predicate require-match)
+ (icomplete-completions contents
+ minibuffer-completion-table
+ minibuffer-completion-predicate
+ (not
+ minibuffer-completion-confirm))))))))
+;;;_ > icomplete-completions (name candidates predicate require-match)
+(defun icomplete-completions (name candidates predicate require-match)
"Identify prospective candidates for minibuffer completion.
The display is updated with each minibuffer keystroke during
@@ -215,20 +253,21 @@ matches exist."
- 'concat
- (cdr (apply 'append
- (mapcar '(lambda (com)
- (if (= (length com) most-len)
- ;; Most is one exact match,
- ;; note that and leave out
- ;; for later indication:
- (progn
- (setq most-is-exact t)
- ())
- (list ","
- (substring com
- most-len))))
- comps))))))
+ (function concat)
+ (cdr (apply
+ (function nconc)
+ (mapcar '(lambda (com)
+ (if (= (length com) most-len)
+ ;; Most is one exact match,
+ ;; note that and leave out
+ ;; for later indication:
+ (progn
+ (setq most-is-exact t)
+ ())
+ (list ","
+ (substring com
+ most-len))))
+ comps))))))
(concat (and (> most-len (length name))
(concat open-bracket-determined
(substring most (length name))
@@ -239,25 +278,17 @@ matches exist."
-;;;_ - Initialization
-;;;_ + Local emacs vars.
-Local variables:
-eval: (save-excursion
- (if (not (condition-case err (outline-mode t)
- (wrong-number-of-arguments nil)))
- (progn
- (message
- "Allout outline-mode not loaded, not adjusting buffer exposure")
- (sit-for 1))
- (message "Adjusting '%s' visibility" (buffer-name))
- (outline-lead-with-comment-string ";;;_")
- (goto-char 0)
- (outline-exposure -1 0)))
+;;;_ + Initialization
+;;; If user hasn't setq-default icomplete-mode to nil, then setup for
+;;; activation:
+(if icomplete-mode
+ (icomplete-mode))
+;;;_* Local emacs vars.
+;;;Local variables:
+;;;outline-layout: (-2 :)
;;; icomplete.el ends here