path: root/src/bin/tools/fprint/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/tools/fprint/')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/tools/fprint/ b/src/bin/tools/fprint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27a3b2840e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/tools/fprint/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+##### project
+#project('e-fprint-gui', 'c',
+# version : '0.1',
+ # license : 'BSD 2 clause',
+# default_options: [ 'c_std=gnu99' ],
+# meson_version : '>= 0.40.0')
+#base_url = ''
+##### convenience variables for later
+proj = meson.project_name()
+ver = meson.project_version()
+cfg = configuration_data()
+##### dependencies
+efl_version = '>= 1.19.0'
+elm = dependency('elementary', required: true, version: efl_version)
+edje = dependency('edje', required: true, version: efl_version)
+ecore = dependency('ecore', required: true, version: efl_version)
+ecorex = dependency('ecore-x', required: true, version: efl_version)
+depe = dependency('enlightenment', required: false)
+#curl_dep = dependency('libcurl', version : '>= 7.35.0', required: true)
+##### check for windows dependency
+#if build_machine.system() == 'windows'
+# win = dependency('evil', version: efl_version)
+##### dir locations
+#dir_prefix = get_option('prefix')
+#dir_bin = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('bindir'))
+#dir_lib = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('libdir'))
+#dir_data = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('datadir'))
+#dir_locale = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('localedir'))
+##### config.h
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE' , proj)
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME' , proj)
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION' , ver)
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE_STRING' , proj + ' ' + ver)
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE_URL' , base_url + proj)
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE_BIN_DIR' , dir_bin)
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE_LIB_DIR' , dir_lib)
+#cfg.set_quoted('BINDIR' , dir_bin)
+#cfg.set_quoted('DATADIR' , dir_data)
+#cfg.set_quoted('PACKAGE_DATA_DIR' , join_paths(dir_data, proj))
+#cfg.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR' , dir_locale)
+#add_global_arguments('-DPACKAGE_BIN_DIR="@0@"'.format(dir_bin), language: 'c')
+#add_global_arguments('-DPACKAGE_LIB_DIR="@0@"'.format(dir_lib), language: 'c')
+#add_global_arguments('-DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR="@0@"'.format(join_paths(dir_data, proj)), language: 'c')
+##### get C compiler
+#cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+##### get edje command
+#edje_cmd = join_paths(edje.get_pkgconfig_variable('prefix'),
+# 'bin', 'edje_cc')
+##### Check for windows
+#if build_machine.system() == 'windows'
+# cfg.set ('_WIN32' , 1)
+##### Check for arpa/inet and netinet/in.h
+#if cc.has_header('arpa/inet.h') == true
+# cfg.set ('HAVE_ARPA_INET_H' , 1)
+#if cc.has_header('netinet/in.h') == true
+# cfg.set ('HAVE_NETINET_IN_H' , 1)
+#if exif.found() == true
+# cfg.set ('HAVE_LIBEXIF' , 1)
+#if depe.found() == true
+# build_gadget = true
+# cfg.set ('HAVE_E' , 1)
+###### translations
+#use_translations = false
+#depnls = []
+#intl_lib = cc.find_library('intl', required: false)
+#if intl_lib.found()
+# cfg.set('HAVE_GETTEXT', 1)
+# cfg.set('ENABLE_NLS', 1)
+# depnls = [intl_lib]
+# use_translations = true
+# gettext_code = '''
+# #include <libintl.h>
+# int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+# (void)ngettext("", "", 0);
+# return 0;
+# }
+# '''
+# if cc.links(gettext_code)
+# cfg.set('HAVE_GETTEXT', 1)
+# cfg.set('ENABLE_NLS', 1)
+# use_translations = true
+# endif
+#configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: cfg)
+# install_dir: join_paths(dir_data, 'e-fprint-gui'))
+#if use_translations
+# subdir('po')
+eldbus_codegen = find_program('eldbus-codegen')