diff options
authorTuncer Ayaz <>2016-08-26 06:12:05 +0200
committerTuncer Ayaz <>2016-08-26 06:23:48 +0200
commitaf08edb8707a2b2474a34352c14671b717869c5e (patch)
parent1387a83e24eba0a794e9890c3351871a0fb7262e (diff)
port_compiler: auto-select C++ specific link template
Even though "$CC foo.o -lstdc++ -o" works if foo.o was built with $CXX, depending on the platform and toolchain and C++ standard used, it may not. In order to ensure this works reliably, we introduce EXE_LINK_CXX_TEMPLATE and DRV_LINK_CXX_TEMPLATE and auto-select if the port spec being built consists of at least one C++ source.
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
index 10f8f69..18683d9 100644
--- a/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
@@ -36,10 +36,11 @@
-record(spec, {type::'drv' | 'exe',
+ link_lang::'cc' | 'cxx',
sources = [] :: [file:filename(), ...],
objects = [] :: [file:filename(), ...],
- opts = [] ::list() | []}).
+ opts = [] :: list() | []}).
%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
@@ -65,13 +66,15 @@ compile(Config, AppFile) ->
%% Only relink if necessary, given the Target
%% and list of new binaries
- fun(#spec{target=Target, objects=Bins, opts=Opts}) ->
+ fun(#spec{target=Target, objects=Bins, opts=Opts,
+ link_lang=LinkLang}) ->
AllBins = [sets:from_list(Bins),
Intersection = sets:intersection(AllBins),
case needs_link(Target, sets:to_list(Intersection)) of
true ->
- LinkTemplate = select_link_template(Target),
+ LinkTemplate = select_link_template(LinkLang,
+ Target),
Env = proplists:get_value(env, Opts, SharedEnv),
Cmd = expand_command(LinkTemplate, Env,
string:join(Bins, " "),
@@ -140,12 +143,14 @@ info_help(Description) ->
" EXE_CFLAGS - flags that will be used for compiling~n"
" EXE_LDFLAGS - flags that will be used for linking~n"
" ERL_EI_LIBDIR - ei library directory~n"
- " DRV_CXX_TEMPLATE - C++ command template~n"
- " DRV_CC_TEMPLATE - C command template~n"
- " DRV_LINK_TEMPLATE - Linker command template~n"
- " EXE_CXX_TEMPLATE - C++ command template~n"
- " EXE_CC_TEMPLATE - C command template~n"
- " EXE_LINK_TEMPLATE - Linker command template~n"
+ " DRV_CXX_TEMPLATE - C++ command template~n"
+ " DRV_CC_TEMPLATE - C command template~n"
+ " DRV_LINK_TEMPLATE - C Linker command template~n"
+ " DRV_LINK_CXX_TEMPLATE - C++ Linker command template~n"
+ " EXE_CXX_TEMPLATE - C++ command template~n"
+ " EXE_CC_TEMPLATE - C command template~n"
+ " EXE_LINK_TEMPLATE - C Linker command template~n"
+ " EXE_LINK_CXX_TEMPLATE - C++ Linker command template~n"
" Note that if you wish to extend (vs. replace) these variables,~n"
" you MUST include a shell-style reference in your definition.~n"
@@ -361,6 +366,7 @@ port_spec_from_legacy(Config, AppFile) ->
Sources = port_sources(rebar_config:get_list(Config, port_sources,
#spec { type = target_type(Target),
+ link_lang = cc,
target = maybe_switch_extension(os:type(), Target),
sources = Sources,
objects = port_objects(Sources) }.
@@ -381,9 +387,17 @@ get_port_spec(Config, OsType, {Arch, Target, Sources}) ->
get_port_spec(Config, OsType, {Arch, Target, Sources, []});
get_port_spec(Config, OsType, {_Arch, Target, Sources, Opts}) ->
SourceFiles = port_sources(Sources),
+ LinkLang =
+ case lists:any(
+ fun(Src) -> compiler(filename:extension(Src)) == "$CXX" end,
+ SourceFiles) of
+ true -> cxx;
+ false -> cc
+ end,
ObjectFiles = port_objects(SourceFiles),
target=maybe_switch_extension(OsType, Target),
+ link_lang=LinkLang,
opts=port_opts(Config, Opts)}.
@@ -586,10 +600,12 @@ select_compile_drv_template("$CXX") -> "DRV_CXX_TEMPLATE".
select_compile_exe_template("$CC") -> "EXE_CC_TEMPLATE";
select_compile_exe_template("$CXX") -> "EXE_CXX_TEMPLATE".
-select_link_template(Target) ->
- case target_type(Target) of
+select_link_template(LinkLang, Target) ->
+ case {LinkLang, target_type(Target)} of
+ {cc, drv} -> "DRV_LINK_TEMPLATE";
+ {cxx, drv} -> "DRV_LINK_CXX_TEMPLATE";
+ {cc, exe} -> "EXE_LINK_TEMPLATE";
+ {cxx, exe} -> "EXE_LINK_CXX_TEMPLATE"
target_type(Target) -> target_type1(filename:extension(Target)).
@@ -629,12 +645,16 @@ default_env() ->
{"DRV_CFLAGS" , "-g -Wall -fPIC -MMD $ERL_CFLAGS"},
{"DRV_LDFLAGS", "-shared $ERL_LDFLAGS"},
{"EXE_CFLAGS" , "-g -Wall -fPIC -MMD $ERL_CFLAGS"},