path: root/erts/emulator/internal_doc
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authorRickard Green <>2021-03-15 17:04:49 +0100
committerRickard Green <>2021-03-15 17:04:49 +0100
commit6d565ff43d3454c90de57588deacf5f4d69703c2 (patch)
tree356c9feaed76acf5610c51a4788adfce72be0430 /erts/emulator/internal_doc
parent5bbd989be91f21dea3b2f1b8b0aaca11d450e476 (diff)
parentdfa0ee7cef6930aa0b60896292d1b9387e457657 (diff)
Merge branch 'rickard/link-protocol-fix/OTP-17127' into rickard/link-protocol-fix/master/OTP-17127
* rickard/link-protocol-fix/OTP-17127: Improve documentation of links Document the new link protocol
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/internal_doc')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/internal_doc/NewLinking.tla b/erts/emulator/internal_doc/NewLinking.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..832bbaf037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/internal_doc/NewLinking.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+\* %CopyrightBegin%
+\* Copyright Ericsson AB 2021. All Rights Reserved.
+\* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+\* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+\* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+\* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+\* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+\* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+\* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+\* limitations under the License.
+\* %CopyrightEnd%
+ --- Model of the new link protocol introduced in Erlang/OTP 23.3 ---
+ The protocol is documented in the ERTS User's Guide ->
+ Distribution Protocol -> Protocol Between Connected Nodes ->
+ Link Protocol -> New Link Protocol
+ This model only models a link between two processes. This since a link
+ between one pair of processes is completely independent of links between
+ other pairs of processes. This model also assumes that the connection
+ between the processes does not fail. In the real world a connection can
+ of course fail. This is however taken care of by clearing the link
+ information on both ends when a connection fails, and tracking which
+ instantiation of a connection between the nodes signals arrive on and
+ ignoring signals from old instantiations of connections. That is,
+ connection loss is trivially taken care of since we just start over
+ again from scratch if the connection is lost.
+ The documentation of the protocol talks about "process local information
+ about links". This information is stored in the process state record below.
+ The 'other' field contains the identifier of the other process. The 'type'
+ field acts as "active flag". The link is active when 'type' equals
+ "linked" and not active when 'type' equals "unlinked". If the
+ 'wait_unlink_ack' field contains a value larger than or equal to zero
+ it is the "unlink id" of an unlink request we have issued and are waiting
+ for to get acknowledged. If the 'wait_unlink_ack' field contains -1 we
+ are not waiting for an acknowledgment. When 'type' equals "unlinked" and
+ 'wait_unlink_ack' equals -1, we would in the documented protocol have
+ removed the "process local information about the link". In this model we,
+ however, keep the state, but in this state instead of removing it.
+ Messages are tagged with a message number in order to model the signal
+ order of Erlang. The message number of the unlink signal is also used as
+ "unlink id".
+ The model has been checked with the following parameters:
+ Declared constants:
+ PROCS <- {"a", "b"}
+ Temporal formula:
+ FairSpec
+ Deadlock:
+ disabled
+ Invariants:
+ TypeOK
+ ValidState
+ State Constraint:
+ /\ \E proc \in PROCS : procState[proc].next_send =< 15
+ /\ Cardinality(msgs) =< 10
+ That is, we have checked all states where processes send up to 15 signals
+ with at most 10 outstanding signals.
+ Deadlock checking has been disabled since we intentionally stop when
+ we have no outstanding signals (in 'Next') in order to avoid checking
+ signal sequences equivalent to sequences we already have checked.
+------------------------------ MODULE NewLinking ------------------------------
+EXTENDS Integers, TLC, FiniteSets
+CONSTANTS PROCS \* PROCS should be a set of exactly two process names
+ procState, \* Set of process states; procState[proc] is state of proc
+ msgs \* Set of messages sent
+vars == <<procState, msgs>>
+\* Set of possible process states...
+procStateRec ==
+ [self : PROCS,
+ other: PROCS,
+ type : {"linked", "unlinked"},
+ wait_unlink_ack : Nat \cup {-1},
+ next_send : Nat,
+ next_recv : Nat]
+\* Set of possible messages...
+Messages ==
+ [type : {"link", "unlink", "unlink_ack"}, from : PROCS, to : PROCS, msg_no : Nat, ack : Nat \cup {-1}]
+TypeOK ==
+ /\ procState \in [PROCS -> procStateRec]
+ /\ msgs \subseteq Messages
+Init ==
+ /\ msgs = {}
+ /\ procState = [p \in PROCS |-> [self |-> p,
+ other |-> CHOOSE p2 \in PROCS : p2 /= p,
+ type |-> "unlinked",
+ next_send |-> 0,
+ next_recv |-> 0,
+ wait_unlink_ack |-> -1]]
+MkMsg(self, mtype, accnr) ==
+ [type |-> mtype,
+ from |-> procState[self].self,
+ to |-> procState[self].other,
+ msg_no |-> procState[self].next_send,
+ ack |-> accnr]
+Link(self) ==
+ /\ procState[self].type = "unlinked"
+ /\ msgs' = msgs \cup {MkMsg(self, "link", -1)}
+ /\ procState' = [procState EXCEPT ![self].type = "linked",
+ ![self].next_send = @ + 1,
+ ![self].wait_unlink_ack = -1]
+Unlink(self) ==
+ /\ procState[self].type = "linked"
+ /\ msgs' = msgs \cup {MkMsg(self, "unlink", -1)}
+ /\ procState' = [procState EXCEPT ![self].type = "unlinked",
+ ![self].next_send = @ + 1,
+ ![self].wait_unlink_ack = procState[self].next_send]
+RecvLink(self, msg) ==
+ LET type == IF procState[self].wait_unlink_ack /= -1
+ THEN "unlinked"
+ ELSE "linked"
+ IN /\ msgs' = msgs \ {msg}
+ /\ procState' = [procState EXCEPT ![self].type = type,
+ ![self].next_recv = @ + 1]
+RecvUnlink(self, msg) ==
+ /\ msgs' = (msgs \ {msg}) \cup {MkMsg(self,
+ "unlink_ack",
+ procState[self].next_recv)}
+ /\ procState' = [procState EXCEPT ![self].type = "unlinked",
+ ![self].next_recv = @ + 1,
+ ![self].next_send = @ + 1]
+RecvUnlinkAck(self, msg) ==
+ LET wack == IF procState[self].wait_unlink_ack = msg.ack
+ THEN -1
+ ELSE procState[self].wait_unlink_ack
+ IN /\ msgs' = msgs \ {msg}
+ /\ procState' = [procState EXCEPT ![self].next_recv = @ + 1,
+ ![self].wait_unlink_ack = wack]
+Recv(self) ==
+ /\ \E m \in msgs : /\ = self
+ /\ m.msg_no = procState[self].next_recv
+ /\ LET msg == CHOOSE m \in msgs : /\ = self
+ /\ m.msg_no = procState[self].next_recv
+ IN CASE msg.type = "link" -> RecvLink(self, msg)
+ [] msg.type = "unlink" -> RecvUnlink(self, msg)
+ [] msg.type = "unlink_ack" -> RecvUnlinkAck(self, msg)
+ If we have no outstanding messages; both processes should
+ have the same view about whether they are linked or not...
+ValidState ==
+ IF msgs /= {}
+ ELSE \A p \in PROCS : \A p2 \in PROCS : procState[p].type = procState[p2].type
+Next ==
+ /\ (msgs /= {} \/ \A p \in PROCS : procState[p].next_send = 0)
+ /\ \E p \in PROCS : \/ Recv(p)
+ \/ Link(p)
+ \/ Unlink(p)
+Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
+FairSpec == Spec /\ WF_vars(Next)
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Mon Jan 25 11:26:06 CET 2021 by
+\* Created Wed Jan 20 13:11:46 CET 2021 by