diff options
9 files changed, 569 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/Makefile b/lib/observer/src/Makefile
index 19702d6d89..ca26afc11d 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/observer/src/Makefile
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ MODULES= \
etop_tr \
etop_txt \
observer \
+ observer_app_wx \
observer_lib \
observer_wx \
observer_pro_wx \
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_app_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_app_wx.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f35a93004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_app_wx.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% wx_object callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
+ handle_event/2, handle_sync_event/3, handle_cast/2]).
+ {
+ parent,
+ panel,
+ apps_w,
+ app_w,
+ paint,
+ current,
+ app,
+ sel,
+ appmon
+ }).
+-record(paint, {font, pen, brush, sel, links}).
+-record(app, {ptree, n2p, links, dim}).
+-record(box, {x,y, w,h, s1}).
+-record(str, {x,y,text,pid}).
+-define(BX_E, 10). %% Empty width between text and box
+-define(BX_HE, (?BX_E div 2)).
+-define(BY_E, 10). %% Empty height between text and box
+-define(BY_HE, (?BY_E div 2)).
+-define(BB_X, 16). %% Empty width between boxes
+-define(BB_Y, 12). %% Empty height between boxes
+-define(DRAWAREA, 5).
+-define(ID_PROC_INFO, 101).
+-define(ID_PROC_MSG, 102).
+-define(ID_PROC_KILL, 103).
+-define(ID_TRACE_PID, 104).
+-define(ID_TRACE_NAME, 105).
+-define(ID_TRACE_TREE_PIDS, 106).
+-define(ID_TRACE_TREE_NAMES, 107).
+start_link(Notebook, Parent) ->
+ wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Notebook, Parent], []).
+init([Notebook, Parent]) ->
+ Panel = wxPanel:new(Notebook, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Notebook)},
+ {winid, 1}
+ ]),
+ Main = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
+ Splitter = wxSplitterWindow:new(Panel, [{size, wxWindow:getClientSize(Panel)},
+ {style, ?wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE},
+ {id, 2}
+ ]),
+ Apps = wxListBox:new(Splitter, 3, []),
+ %% Need extra panel and sizer to get correct size updates
+ %% in draw area for some reason
+ P2 = wxPanel:new(Splitter, [{winid, 4}]),
+ Extra = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
+ DrawingArea = wxScrolledWindow:new(P2, [{winid, ?DRAWAREA},
+ {style,?wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE}]),
+ wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(DrawingArea, ?wxWHITE),
+ wxWindow:setVirtualSize(DrawingArea, 800, 800),
+ wxSplitterWindow:setMinimumPaneSize(Splitter,50),
+ wxSizer:add(Extra, DrawingArea, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND},{proportion, 1}]),
+ wxWindow:setSizer(P2, Extra),
+ wxSplitterWindow:splitVertically(Splitter, Apps, P2, [{sashPosition, 150}]),
+ wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Main),
+ wxSizer:add(Main, Splitter, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
+ {proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
+ wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Main),
+ wxListBox:connect(Apps, command_listbox_selected),
+ wxPanel:connect(DrawingArea, paint, [callback]),
+ wxPanel:connect(DrawingArea, size, [{skip, true}]),
+ wxPanel:connect(DrawingArea, left_up),
+ wxPanel:connect(DrawingArea, left_dclick),
+ wxPanel:connect(DrawingArea, right_down),
+ DefFont = wxSystemSettings:getFont(?wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),
+ SelCol = wxSystemSettings:getColour(?wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT),
+ SelBrush = wxBrush:new(SelCol),
+ LinkPen = wxPen:new(SelCol, [{width, 2}]),
+ %% GC = wxGraphicsContext:create(DrawingArea),
+ %% _Font = wxGraphicsContext:createFont(GC, DefFont),
+ {Panel, #state{parent=Parent,
+ panel =Panel,
+ apps_w=Apps,
+ app_w =DrawingArea,
+ paint=#paint{font= DefFont,
+ pen= ?wxBLACK_PEN,
+ brush=?wxLIGHT_GREY_BRUSH,
+ sel= SelBrush,
+ links=LinkPen
+ }
+ }}.
+setup_scrollbar(AppWin, App) ->
+ setup_scrollbar(wxWindow:getClientSize(AppWin), AppWin, App).
+setup_scrollbar({CW, CH}, AppWin, #app{dim={W0,H0}}) ->
+ W = max(W0,CW),
+ H = max(H0,CH),
+ PPC = 20,
+ if W0 =< CW, H0 =< CH ->
+ wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(AppWin, W, H, 1, 1);
+ H0 =< CH ->
+ wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(AppWin, PPC, H, W div PPC+1, 1);
+ W0 =< CW ->
+ wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(AppWin, W, PPC, 1, H div PPC+1);
+ true ->
+ wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(AppWin, PPC, PPC, W div PPC+1, H div PPC+1)
+ end;
+setup_scrollbar(_, _, undefined) -> ok.
+handle_event(#wx{event=#wxCommand{type=command_listbox_selected, cmdString=AppStr}},
+ State = #state{appmon=AppMon, current=Prev}) ->
+ case AppStr of
+ [] ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ _ ->
+ App = list_to_atom(AppStr),
+ (Prev =/= undefined) andalso appmon_info:app(AppMon, Prev, false, []),
+ appmon_info:app(AppMon, App, true, []),
+ {noreply, State#state{current=App}}
+ end;
+handle_event(#wx{id=Id, event=_Sz=#wxSize{size=Size}},
+ State=#state{app=App, app_w=AppWin}) ->
+ Id =:= ?DRAWAREA andalso setup_scrollbar(Size,AppWin,App),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{event=#wxMouse{type=Type, x=X0, y=Y0}},
+ S0=#state{app=#app{ptree=Tree}, app_w=AppWin}) ->
+ {X,Y} = wxScrolledWindow:calcUnscrolledPosition(AppWin, X0, Y0),
+ Hit = locate_node(X,Y, [Tree]),
+ State = handle_mouse_click(Hit, Type, S0),
+ {noreply, State};
+ State = #state{sel=undefined}) ->
+ observer_lib:display_info_dialog("Select process first"),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_PROC_INFO, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{panel=Panel, sel={#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}},_}}) ->
+ observer_procinfo:start(Pid, Panel, self()),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_PROC_MSG, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{panel=Panel, sel={#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}},_}}) ->
+ case observer_lib:user_term(Panel, "Enter message", "") of
+ cancel -> ok;
+ {ok, Term} -> Pid ! Term;
+ {error, Error} -> observer_lib:display_info_dialog(Error)
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_PROC_KILL, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{panel=Panel, sel={#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}},_}}) ->
+ case observer_lib:user_term(Panel, "Enter Exit Reason", "") of
+ cancel -> ok;
+ {ok, Term} -> exit(Pid, Term);
+ {error, Error} -> observer_lib:display_info_dialog(Error)
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
+%%% Trace api
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_TRACE_PID, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{sel={Box,_}}) ->
+ observer_trace_wx:add_processes(observer_wx:get_tracer(), [box_to_pid(Box)]),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_TRACE_NAME, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{sel={Box,_}}) ->
+ observer_trace_wx:add_processes(observer_wx:get_tracer(), [box_to_reg(Box)]),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_TRACE_TREE_PIDS, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{sel=Sel}) ->
+ Get = fun(Box) -> box_to_pid(Box) end,
+ observer_trace_wx:add_processes(observer_wx:get_tracer(), tree_map(Sel, Get)),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_TRACE_TREE_NAMES, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}},
+ State = #state{sel=Sel}) ->
+ Get = fun(Box) -> box_to_reg(Box) end,
+ observer_trace_wx:add_processes(observer_wx:get_tracer(), tree_map(Sel, Get)),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_event(Event, _State) ->
+ error({unhandled_event, Event}).
+handle_sync_event(#wx{event = #wxPaint{}},_,
+ #state{app_w=DA, app=App, sel=Sel, paint=Paint}) ->
+ %% PaintDC must be created in a callback to work on windows.
+ DC = wxPaintDC:new(DA),
+ wxScrolledWindow:doPrepareDC(DA,DC),
+ %% Nothing is drawn until wxPaintDC is destroyed.
+ draw(DC, App, Sel, Paint),
+ wxPaintDC:destroy(DC),
+ ok.
+handle_call(Event, From, _State) ->
+ error({unhandled_call, Event, From}).
+handle_cast(Event, _State) ->
+ error({unhandled_cast, Event}).
+handle_info({active, Node}, State = #state{parent=Parent, current=Curr, appmon=Appmon}) ->
+ create_menus(Parent, []),
+ {ok, Pid} = appmon_info:start_link(Node, self(), []),
+ case Appmon of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ Pid -> ok;
+ _ -> %% Deregister me as client (and stop appmon if last)
+ exit(Appmon, normal)
+ end,
+ appmon_info:app_ctrl(Pid, Node, true, []),
+ (Curr =/= undefined) andalso appmon_info:app(Pid, Curr, true, []),
+ {noreply, State#state{appmon=Pid}};
+handle_info(not_active, State = #state{appmon=AppMon, current=Prev}) ->
+ appmon_info:app_ctrl(AppMon, node(AppMon), false, []),
+ (Prev =/= undefined) andalso appmon_info:app(AppMon, Prev, false, []),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({delivery, Pid, app_ctrl, _, Apps0},
+ State = #state{appmon=Pid, apps_w=LBox}) ->
+ Apps = [atom_to_list(App) || {_, App, {_, _, _}} <- Apps0],
+ wxListBox:clear(LBox),
+ wxListBox:appendStrings(LBox, [App || App <- lists:sort(Apps)]),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({delivery, Pid, app, Curr, AppData},
+ State = #state{panel=Panel, appmon=Pid, current=Curr,
+ app_w=AppWin, paint=#paint{font=Font}}) ->
+ App = build_tree(AppData, {AppWin,Font}),
+ setup_scrollbar(AppWin, App),
+ wxWindow:refresh(Panel),
+ wxWindow:layout(Panel),
+ {noreply, State#state{app=App, sel=undefined}};
+handle_info(_Event, State) ->
+ %% io:format("~p:~p: ~p~n",[?MODULE,?LINE,_Event]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Event, _State) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_, _, State) ->
+ State.
+handle_mouse_click(Node = {#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}},_}, Type,
+ State=#state{app_w=AppWin,panel=Panel}) ->
+ case Type of
+ left_dclick -> observer_procinfo:start(Pid, Panel, self());
+ right_down -> popup_menu(Panel);
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ wxWindow:refresh(AppWin),
+ State#state{sel=Node};
+handle_mouse_click(_, _, State = #state{sel=undefined}) ->
+ State;
+handle_mouse_click(_, right_down, State=#state{panel=Panel}) ->
+ popup_menu(Panel),
+ State;
+handle_mouse_click(_, _, State=#state{app_w=AppWin}) ->
+ wxWindow:refresh(AppWin),
+ State#state{sel=undefined}.
+create_menus(Parent, _) ->
+ MenuEntries =
+ [{"File",
+ [#create_menu{id=?ID_PROC_INFO, text="Process info"},
+ #create_menu{id=?ID_PROC_MSG, text="Send Msg"},
+ #create_menu{id=?ID_PROC_KILL, text="Kill process"}
+ ]},
+ {"Trace",
+ [#create_menu{id=?ID_TRACE_PID, text="Trace process"},
+ #create_menu{id=?ID_TRACE_NAME, text="Trace named process"},
+ #create_menu{id=?ID_TRACE_TREE_PIDS, text="Trace process tree"},
+ #create_menu{id=?ID_TRACE_TREE_NAMES, text="Trace named process tree"}
+ ]}],
+ observer_wx:create_menus(Parent, MenuEntries).
+popup_menu(Panel) ->
+ Menu = wxMenu:new(),
+ wxMenu:append(Menu, ?ID_PROC_INFO, "Process info"),
+ wxMenu:append(Menu, ?ID_TRACE_PID, "Trace process"),
+ wxMenu:append(Menu, ?ID_TRACE_NAME, "Trace named process"),
+ wxMenu:append(Menu, ?ID_TRACE_TREE_PIDS, "Trace process tree"),
+ wxMenu:append(Menu, ?ID_TRACE_TREE_NAMES, "Trace named process tree"),
+ wxWindow:popupMenu(Panel, Menu),
+ wxMenu:destroy(Menu).
+locate_node(X, _Y, [{Box=#box{x=BX}, _Chs}|_Rest])
+ when X < BX ->
+ {left, Box};
+locate_node(X,Y, [Node={Box=#box{x=BX,y=BY,w=BW,h=BH}, _Chs}|Rest])
+ when X =< (BX+BW)->
+ if
+ Y < BY -> {above, Box}; %% Above
+ Y =< (BY+BH) -> Node;
+ true -> locate_node(X,Y,Rest)
+ end;
+locate_node(X,Y, [{_, Chs}|Rest]) ->
+ case locate_node(X,Y,Chs) of
+ Node = {#box{},_} -> Node;
+ _Miss ->
+ locate_node(X,Y,Rest)
+ end;
+locate_node(_, _, []) -> false.
+locate_box(From, [{Box=#box{s1=#str{pid=From}},_}|_]) -> Box;
+locate_box(From, [{_,Chs}|Rest]) ->
+ case locate_box(From, Chs) of
+ Box = #box{} -> Box;
+ _ -> locate_box(From, Rest)
+ end;
+locate_box(From, []) -> {false, From}.
+build_tree({Root, P2Name, Links, XLinks0}, Font) ->
+ Fam = sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(Links)),
+ Name2P = gb_trees:from_orddict(lists:sort([{Name,Pid} || {Pid,Name} <- P2Name])),
+ Lookup = gb_trees:from_orddict(sofs:to_external(Fam)),
+ {_, Tree0} = build_tree2(Root, Lookup, Name2P, Font),
+ {Tree, Dim} = calc_tree_size(Tree0),
+ Fetch = fun({From, To}, Acc) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(To, Name2P) of
+ {value, ToPid} ->
+ FromPid = gb_trees:get(From, Name2P),
+ [{locate_box(FromPid, [Tree]),locate_box(ToPid, [Tree])}|Acc];
+ none ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end,
+ XLinks = lists:foldl(Fetch, [], XLinks0),
+ #app{ptree=Tree, dim=Dim, links=XLinks}.
+build_tree2(Root, Tree0, N2P, Font) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Root, Tree0) of
+ none -> {Tree0, {box(Root, N2P, Font), []}};
+ {value, Children} ->
+ Tree1 = gb_trees:delete(Root, Tree0),
+ {Tree, CHs} = lists:foldr(fun("port " ++_, Acc) ->
+ Acc; %% Skip ports
+ (Child,{T0, Acc}) ->
+ {T, C} = build_tree2(Child, T0, N2P, Font),
+ {T, [C|Acc]}
+ end, {Tree1, []}, Children),
+ {Tree, {box(Root, N2P, Font), CHs}}
+ end.
+calc_tree_size(Tree) ->
+ Cols = calc_col_start(Tree, [0]),
+ {Boxes,{W,Hs}} = calc_tree_size(Tree, Cols, ?BB_X, [?BB_Y]),
+ {Boxes, {W,lists:max(Hs)}}.
+calc_col_start({#box{w=W}, Chs}, [Max|Acc0]) ->
+ Acc = if Acc0 == [] -> [0]; true -> Acc0 end,
+ Depth = lists:foldl(fun(Child, MDepth) -> calc_col_start(Child, MDepth) end,
+ Acc, Chs),
+ [max(W,Max)|Depth].
+calc_tree_size({Box=#box{w=W,h=H}, []}, _, X, [Y|Ys]) ->
+ {{Box#box{x=X,y=Y}, []}, {X+W+?BB_X,[Y+H+?BB_Y|Ys]}};
+calc_tree_size({Box, Children}, [Col|Cols], X, [H0|Hs0]) ->
+ Hs1 = calc_row_start(Children, H0, Hs0),
+ StartX = X+Col+?BB_X,
+ {Boxes, {W,Hs}} = calc_tree_sizes(Children, Cols, StartX, StartX, Hs1, []),
+ Y = middle(Boxes, H0),
+ H = Y+Box#box.h+?BB_Y,
+ {{Box#box{x=X,y=Y}, Boxes}, {W,[H|Hs]}}.
+calc_tree_sizes([Child|Chs], Cols, X0, W0, Hs0, Acc) ->
+ {Tree, {W,Hs}} = calc_tree_size(Child, Cols, X0, Hs0),
+ calc_tree_sizes(Chs, Cols, X0, max(W,W0), Hs, [Tree|Acc]);
+calc_tree_sizes([], _, _, W,Hs, Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), {W,Hs}}.
+calc_row_start(Chs = [{#box{h=H},_}|_], Start, Hs0) ->
+ NChs = length(Chs),
+ Wanted = (H*NChs + ?BB_Y*(NChs-1)) div 2 - H div 2,
+ case Hs0 of
+ [] -> [max(?BB_Y, Start - Wanted)];
+ [Next|Hs] ->
+ [max(Next, Start - Wanted)|Hs]
+ end.
+middle([], Y) -> Y;
+middle([{#box{y=Y}, _}], _) -> Y;
+middle([{#box{y=Y0},_}|List], _) ->
+ {#box{y=Y1},_} = lists:last(List),
+ (Y0+Y1) div 2.
+box(Str0, N2P, {Win,Font}) ->
+ Pid = gb_trees:get(Str0, N2P),
+ Str = if hd(Str0) =:= $< -> lists:append(io_lib:format("~w", [Pid]));
+ true -> Str0
+ end,
+ {TW,TH, _, _} = wxWindow:getTextExtent(Win, Str, [{theFont, Font}]),
+ Data = #str{text=Str, x=?BX_HE, y=?BY_HE, pid=Pid},
+ %% Add pid
+ #box{w=TW+?BX_E, h=TH+?BY_E, s1=Data}.
+box_to_pid(#box{s1=#str{pid=Pid}}) -> Pid.
+box_to_reg(#box{s1=#str{text=[$<|_], pid=Pid}}) -> Pid;
+box_to_reg(#box{s1=#str{text=Name}}) -> list_to_atom(Name).
+tree_map({Box, Chs}, Fun) ->
+ tree_map(Chs, Fun, [Fun(Box)]).
+tree_map([{Box, Chs}|Rest], Fun, Acc0) ->
+ Acc = tree_map(Chs, Fun, [Fun(Box)|Acc0]),
+ tree_map(Rest, Fun, Acc);
+tree_map([], _ , Acc) -> Acc.
+draw(_DC, undefined, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+draw(DC, #app{dim={_W,_H}, ptree=Tree, links=Links}, Sel,
+ #paint{font=Font, pen=Pen, brush=Brush, links=LPen, sel=SelBrush}) ->
+ %% Canvas = wxGraphicsContext:create(DC),
+ %% Pen = wxGraphicsContext:createPen(Canvas, ?wxBLACK_PEN),
+ %% wxGraphicsContext:setPen(Canvas, Pen),
+ %% Brush = wxGraphicsContext:createBrush(Canvas, ?wxLIGHT_GREY_BRUSH),
+ %% wxGraphicsContext:setBrush(Canvas, Brush),
+ %% Font = wxGraphicsContext:createFont(Canvas, wxSystemSettings:getFont(?wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)),
+ %% wxGraphicsContext:setFont(Canvas, Font),
+ %% draw_tree(Tree, Canvas).
+ wxDC:setPen(DC, LPen),
+ [draw_xlink(Link, DC) || Link <- Links],
+ wxDC:setPen(DC, Pen),
+ %% wxDC:drawRectangle(DC, {2,2}, {W-2,H-2}), %% DEBUG
+ wxDC:setBrush(DC, Brush),
+ wxDC:setFont(DC, Font),
+ draw_tree(Tree, root, DC),
+ case Sel of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ {#box{x=X,y=Y,w=W,h=H,s1=Str1}, _} ->
+ wxDC:setBrush(DC, SelBrush),
+ wxDC:drawRoundedRectangle(DC, {X-1,Y-1}, {W+2,H+2}, 8.0),
+ draw_str(DC, Str1, X, Y)
+ end.
+draw_tree({Box=#box{x=X,y=Y,w=W,h=H,s1=Str1}, Chs}, Parent, DC) ->
+ %%wxGraphicsContext:drawRoundedRectangle(DC, float(X), float(Y), float(W), float(H), 8.0),
+ wxDC:drawRoundedRectangle(DC, {X,Y}, {W,H}, 8.0),
+ draw_str(DC, Str1, X, Y),
+ Dot = case Chs of
+ [] -> ok;
+ [{#box{x=CX0},_}|_] ->
+ CY = Y+(H div 2),
+ CX = CX0-(?BB_X div 2),
+ wxDC:drawLine(DC, {X+W, CY}, {CX, CY}),
+ {CX, CY}
+ end,
+ draw_link(Parent, Box, DC),
+ [draw_tree(Child, Dot, DC) || Child <- Chs].
+draw_link({CX,CY}, #box{x=X,y=Y0,h=H}, DC) ->
+ Y = Y0+(H div 2),
+ case Y =:= CY of
+ true ->
+ wxDC:drawLine(DC, {CX, CY}, {X, CY});
+ false ->
+ wxDC:drawLines(DC, [{CX, CY}, {CX, Y}, {X,Y}])
+ end;
+draw_link(_, _, _) -> ok.
+draw_xlink({#box{x=X0, y=Y0, h=BH}, #box{x=X1, y=Y1}}, DC)
+ when X0 =:= X1 ->
+ draw_xlink(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,BH,DC);
+draw_xlink({#box{x=X0, y=Y0, h=BH, w=BW}, #box{x=X1, y=Y1}}, DC)
+ when X0 < X1 ->
+ draw_xlink(X0+BW,Y0,X1,Y1,BH,DC);
+draw_xlink({#box{x=X0, y=Y0, h=BH}, #box{x=X1, w=BW, y=Y1}}, DC)
+ when X0 > X1 ->
+ draw_xlink(X1+BW,Y1,X0,Y0,BH,DC);
+draw_xlink({_From, _To}, _DC) ->
+ ignore.
+draw_xlink(X0, Y00, X1, Y11, BH, DC) ->
+ {Y0,Y1} = if Y00 < Y11 -> {Y00+BH-6, Y11+6};
+ true -> {Y00+6, Y11+BH-6}
+ end,
+ wxDC:drawLines(DC, [{X0,Y0}, {X0+5,Y0}, {X1-5,Y1}, {X1,Y1}]).
+draw_str(DC, #str{x=Sx,y=Sy, text=Text}, X, Y) ->
+ %%wxGraphicsContext:drawText(DC, Text, float(Sx+X), float(Sy+Y));
+ wxDC:drawText(DC, Text, {X+Sx,Y+Sy});
+draw_str(_, _, _, _) -> ok.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
index 7763e8c60a..967baa5c7a 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_lib.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- display_info_dialog/1,
+ display_info_dialog/1, user_term/3,
interval_dialog/4, start_timer/1, stop_timer/1,
display_info/2, fill_info/2, update_info/2, to_str/1,
create_menus/3, create_menu_item/3,
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ to_str(No) when is_integer(No) ->
to_str(Term) ->
io_lib:format("~w", [Term]).
+create_menus([], _MenuBar, _Type) -> ok;
create_menus(Menus, MenuBar, Type) ->
Add = fun({Tag, Ms}, Index) ->
create_menu(Tag, Ms, Index, MenuBar, Type)
@@ -330,3 +331,25 @@ scroll_size(LCtrl) ->
false -> 0
+user_term(Parent, Title, Default) ->
+ Dialog = wxTextEntryDialog:new(Parent, Title, [{value, Default}]),
+ case wxTextEntryDialog:showModal(Dialog) of
+ ?wxID_OK ->
+ Str = wxTextEntryDialog:getValue(Dialog),
+ wxTextEntryDialog:destroy(Dialog),
+ parse_string(Str);
+ ?wxID_CANCEL ->
+ wxTextEntryDialog:destroy(Dialog)
+ end.
+parse_string(Str) ->
+ try
+ {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Str),
+ erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens)
+ catch _:{badmatch, {error, {_, _, Err}}} ->
+ {error, ["Parse error: ", Err]};
+ _Err ->
+ {error, ["Syntax error in: ", Str]}
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
index 85f84aa640..7578215ff9 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
@@ -241,10 +241,6 @@ handle_info(not_active, #state{timer=Timer0}=State) ->
Timer = observer_lib:stop_timer(Timer0),
{noreply, State#state{timer=Timer}};
-handle_info({node, Node}, #state{holder=Holder}=State) ->
- Holder ! {change_node, Node},
- {noreply, State};
handle_info(Info, State) ->
io:format("~p:~p, Unexpected info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Info]),
{noreply, State}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl
index 789728bbeb..2535b50876 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_sys_wx.erl
@@ -126,16 +126,6 @@ handle_info(refresh_interval, #sys_wx_state{panel = Panel,
{noreply, State};
-handle_info({node, Node}, #sys_wx_state{panel = Panel} = State) ->
- UpdState = State#sys_wx_state{node = Node},
- try
- update_syspage(UpdState),
- {noreply, UpdState}
- catch error:{badrpc, _} ->
- observer_wx:return_to_localnode(Panel, Node),
- {noreply, State}
- end;
handle_info({active, Node}, #sys_wx_state{parent = Parent, panel = Panel,
timer = Timer} = State) ->
UpdState = State#sys_wx_state{node = Node},
@@ -148,7 +138,6 @@ handle_info({active, Node}, #sys_wx_state{parent = Parent, panel = Panel,
{noreply, State}
handle_info(not_active, #sys_wx_state{timer = Timer} = State) ->
{noreply, State#sys_wx_state{timer = observer_lib:stop_timer(Timer)}};
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
index ef46030cc7..d0b6a1e063 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_trace_wx.erl
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ ttb_output_args(Parent, Opts) ->
ToWindow = proplists:get_value(window, Opts, true),
ToShell = proplists:get_value(shell, Opts, false),
ToFile = proplists:get_value(file, Opts, false),
- ToWindow orelse ToShell orelse ToShell orelse
+ ToWindow orelse ToShell orelse ToFile orelse
throw({error, "No output of trace"}),
{LogWin,Text} = create_logwindow(Parent, ToWindow),
Write = output_fun(Text, ToShell),
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl
index dea3526a8b..dd11ba5470 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_table.erl
@@ -221,33 +221,10 @@ search_area(Parent) ->
edit(Index, #state{pid=Pid, frame=Frame}) ->
Str = get_row(Pid, Index, all),
- Dialog = wxTextEntryDialog:new(Frame, "Edit object:", [{value, Str}]),
- case wxTextEntryDialog:showModal(Dialog) of
- ?wxID_OK ->
- New = wxTextEntryDialog:getValue(Dialog),
- wxTextEntryDialog:destroy(Dialog),
- case Str =:= New of
- true -> ok;
- false ->
- complete_edit(Index, New, Pid)
- end;
- ?wxID_CANCEL ->
- wxTextEntryDialog:destroy(Dialog)
- end.
-complete_edit(Row, New0, Pid) ->
- New = case lists:reverse(New0) of
- [$.|_] -> New0;
- _ -> New0 ++ "."
- end,
- try
- {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(New),
- {ok, Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens),
- Pid ! {edit, Row, Term}
- catch _:{badmatch, {error, {_, _, Err}}} ->
- self() ! {error, ["Parse error: ", Err]};
- _Err ->
- self() ! {error, ["Syntax error in: ", New]}
+ case observer_lib:user_term(Frame, "Edit object:", Str) of
+ cancel -> ok;
+ {ok, Term} -> Pid ! {edit, Index, Term};
+ Err = {error, _} -> self() ! Err
handle_event(#wx{id=?ID_REFRESH},State = #state{pid=Pid}) ->
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl
index c25b395fda..bf66b7178c 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl
@@ -197,12 +197,6 @@ handle_info(not_active, State = #state{timer = Timer0}) ->
Timer = observer_lib:stop_timer(Timer0),
{noreply, State#state{timer=Timer}};
-handle_info({node, Node}, State = #state{grid=Grid, opt=Opt}) ->
- Tables = get_tables(Node, Opt),
- Tabs = update_grid(Grid, Opt, Tables),
- wxWindow:setFocus(Grid),
- {noreply, State#state{node=Node, tabs=Tabs}};
handle_info({error, Error}, State) ->
{noreply, State};
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
index 5586cfcb9a..89f4afdba0 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
+ app_panel,
@@ -137,6 +138,10 @@ setup(#state{frame = Frame} = State) ->
TracePanel = observer_trace_wx:start_link(Notebook, self()),
wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, TracePanel, ?TRACE_STR, []),
+ %% App Viewer Panel
+ AppPanel = observer_app_wx:start_link(Notebook, self()),
+ wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, AppPanel, "Applications", []),
%% Force redraw (window needs it)
@@ -150,6 +155,7 @@ setup(#state{frame = Frame} = State) ->
pro_panel = ProPanel,
tv_panel = TVPanel,
trace_panel = TracePanel,
+ app_panel = AppPanel,
active_tab = SysPid,
node = node(),
nodes = Nodes
@@ -277,10 +283,13 @@ handle_cast(_Cast, State) ->
handle_call({create_menus, TabMenus}, _From,
State = #state{menubar=MenuBar, menus=PrevTabMenus}) ->
- wx:batch(fun() ->
- clean_menus(PrevTabMenus, MenuBar),
- observer_lib:create_menus(TabMenus, MenuBar, plugin)
- end),
+ if TabMenus == PrevTabMenus -> ignore;
+ true ->
+ wx:batch(fun() ->
+ clean_menus(PrevTabMenus, MenuBar),
+ observer_lib:create_menus(TabMenus, MenuBar, plugin)
+ end)
+ end,
{reply, ok, State#state{menus=TabMenus}};
handle_call({get_attrib, Attrib}, _From, State) ->
@@ -379,9 +388,8 @@ connect2(NodeName, Opts, Cookie) ->
{error, net_kernel, Reason}
-change_node_view(Node, State = #state{pro_panel=Pro, sys_panel=Sys, tv_panel=Tv}) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Pid) -> wx_object:get_pid(Pid) ! {node, Node} end,
- [Pro, Sys, Tv]),
+change_node_view(Node, State) ->
+ get_active_pid(State) ! {active, Node},
StatusText = ["Observer - " | atom_to_list(Node)],
wxFrame:setTitle(State#state.frame, StatusText),
wxStatusBar:setStatusText(State#state.status_bar, StatusText),
@@ -391,12 +399,14 @@ check_page_title(Notebook) ->
Selection = wxNotebook:getSelection(Notebook),
wxNotebook:getPageText(Notebook, Selection).
-get_active_pid(#state{notebook=Notebook, pro_panel=Pro, sys_panel=Sys, tv_panel=Tv, trace_panel=Trace}) ->
+get_active_pid(#state{notebook=Notebook, pro_panel=Pro, sys_panel=Sys,
+ tv_panel=Tv, trace_panel=Trace, app_panel=App}) ->
Panel = case check_page_title(Notebook) of
"Processes" -> Pro;
"System" -> Sys;
"Table Viewer" -> Tv;
- ?TRACE_STR -> Trace
+ ?TRACE_STR -> Trace;
+ "Applications" -> App