path: root/scripts
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1 files changed, 74 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/valgrind_beamasm_update.escript b/scripts/valgrind_beamasm_update.escript
index ae2dd0e170..5fa640426c 100755
--- a/scripts/valgrind_beamasm_update.escript
+++ b/scripts/valgrind_beamasm_update.escript
@@ -3,79 +3,113 @@
main([VGFile,PerfFile]) ->
+ ets:new(perf, [ordered_set, {keypos,1}, named_table]),
{ok, Perf} = file:read_file(PerfFile),
- {ok, VG} = file:read_file(VGFile),
- file:write_file(VGFile,update_vg(VG, parse_perf(Perf))).
+ {ok, VGIo} = file:open(VGFile, [read,binary]),
+ parse_perf(Perf),
+ case update_vg(VGIo) of
+ {ok, Out} ->
+ file:write_file(VGFile, Out);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "Error ~p", [Error]),
+ exit(1)
+ end.
parse_perf(Perf) ->
%% Example: 0x409b1c0 84 $global::arith_compare_shared
- lists:foldl(
- fun(<<>>, Acc) ->
- Acc;
- (Line, Acc) ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(<<>>) ->
+ ok;
+ (Line) ->
[<<"0x",Base/binary>>, Size, Name] = string:split(Line," ",all),
- Acc#{ binary_to_integer(Base, 16) =>
- {binary_to_integer(Size, 16), Name}}
- end,#{},string:split(Perf,"\n",all)).
+ Start = binary_to_integer(Base, 16),
+ End = Start + binary_to_integer(Size, 16),
+ ets:insert(perf, [{Start, End, Name}])
+ end,string:split(Perf,"\n",all)).
+update_vg(VGIo) ->
+ {ok, RegularPattern} = re:compile("(?:by|at) 0x([0-9A-F]+): (\\?\\?\\?)"),
+ {ok, XmlPattern} = re:compile("(<ip>0x([0-9A-F]+)</ip>)"),
+ update_vg(VGIo, RegularPattern, XmlPattern, [], #{}).
+update_vg(VGIo, RegularPattern, XmlPattern, Acc, AddrCache) ->
+ case io:get_line(VGIo, "") of
+ eof ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)};
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ Error;
+ Line ->
+ {Line1, AddrCache1} = update_vg0(Line, RegularPattern, XmlPattern, AddrCache),
+ update_vg(VGIo, RegularPattern, XmlPattern, [Line1|Acc], AddrCache1)
+ end.
-update_vg(VG, Perf) ->
+update_vg0(Line, RegularPattern, XmlPattern, AddrCache) ->
%% Check if regular log file
- case re:run(VG,"(?:by|at) 0x([0-9A-F]+): (\\?\\?\\?)",[global]) of
+ case re:run(Line,RegularPattern,[global]) of
{match, Matches} ->
- fun(Match, File) ->
+ fun(Match, {File, Cache}) ->
[_,Base, Replace] = Match,
- case find_replacement(binary_to_integer(binary:part(VG,Base),16), Perf) of
- undefined ->
- File;
- Replacement ->
- replace(File,Replace,Replacement)
+ case find_replacement_cached(binary_to_integer(binary:part(Line,Base),16), Cache) of
+ {undefined, Cache1} ->
+ {File, Cache1};
+ {Replacement, Cache1} ->
+ {replace(File,Replace,Replacement), Cache1}
- end, VG,
+ end, {Line, AddrCache},
%% Run replacements in reverse in order to not invalidate
%% the positions as we update the contents.
_ ->
%% Check if xml log file
- case re:run(VG,"(<ip>0x([0-9A-F]+)</ip>)",[global]) of
+ case re:run(Line,XmlPattern,[global]) of
{match, Matches} ->
- fun(Match, File) ->
+ fun(Match, {File, Cache}) ->
[_,Replace,Base] = Match,
- case find_replacement(binary_to_integer(binary:part(VG,Base),16), Perf) of
- undefined ->
- File;
- Replacement ->
- Xml = ["<ip>0x",binary:part(VG,Base),"</ip>\n"
+ case find_replacement_cached(binary_to_integer(binary:part(Line,Base),16), Cache) of
+ {undefined, Cache1} ->
+ {File, Cache1};
+ {Replacement, Cache1} ->
+ Xml = ["<ip>0x",binary:part(Line,Base),"</ip>\n"
" <obj>JIT code</obj>\n"
" <fn>",Replacement,"</fn>\n"
" <dir></dir>\n"
" <file></file>\n"
" <line></line>"],
- replace(File,Replace,Xml)
+ {replace(File,Replace,Xml), Cache1}
- end, VG,
+ end, {Line, AddrCache},
%% Run replacements in reverse in order to not invalidate
%% the positions as we update the contents.
_ ->
- VG
+ {Line, AddrCache}
-find_replacement(Addr, Perf) when is_map(Perf) ->
- find_replacement(Addr, maps:iterator(Perf));
-find_replacement(Addr, Iter) ->
- case maps:next(Iter) of
- {Base,{Size,Str},Next} ->
- if Base =< Addr andalso Addr < Base + Size ->
- [Str,"+",integer_to_list(Addr - Base, 16)];
- true ->
- find_replacement(Addr,Next)
- end;
- none ->
- undefined
+find_replacement_cached(Addr, Cache) ->
+ case Cache of
+ #{Addr := Result} ->
+ {Result, Cache};
+ _ ->
+ Result = find_replacement(Addr),
+ {Result, Cache#{Addr => Result}}
+ end.
+find_replacement(Addr) ->
+ MatchSpec = [{{'$1','$2','$3'},
+ [{'andalso',{'>=', Addr,'$1'},
+ {'=<', Addr,'$2'}}],
+ [{{'$1','$3'}}]}],
+ case ets:select(perf, MatchSpec, 1) of
+ [] ->
+ undefined;
+ '$end_of_table' ->
+ undefined;
+ {[{Start, Name}], _} ->
+ [Name,"+",integer_to_list(Addr - Start, 16)]
replace(Bin,{Start,Len},What) ->