path: root/3rd-party/xfpt/src/dot.c
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Diffstat (limited to '3rd-party/xfpt/src/dot.c')
1 files changed, 906 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rd-party/xfpt/src/dot.c b/3rd-party/xfpt/src/dot.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bad490bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rd-party/xfpt/src/dot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+* xfpt - Simple ASCII->Docbook processor *
+/* Copyright (c) University of Cambridge, 2008 */
+/* Written by Philip Hazel. */
+/* This module contains code for processing a line that starts with a dot. */
+#include "xfpt.h"
+* Static variables *
+static uschar *circumflexes =
+ US"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
+static uschar *spaces =
+ US" ";
+static uschar *thisdir = NULL;
+* Read a single number argument *
+/* Several directives take just a single number as an argument.
+Argument: pointer in the input line
+Returns: the number, or -1 on error
+static int
+readnumber(uschar *p)
+int n = 0;
+if (!isdigit(*p)) { error(11, thisdir); return -1; }
+while (isdigit(*p)) n = n * 10 + *p++ - '0';
+while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+if (*p != 0) { error(11, thisdir); return -1; }
+return n;
+* Skip macro lines *
+/* This function skips to the end of the current macro or to the given
+terminator line. It is called only when we know we are in a macro. The current
+macro line is the conditional directive.
+ s the conditional directive
+ t the terminator directive
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+skipto(uschar *s, uschar *t)
+int nest = -1;
+int slength = Ustrlen(s);
+int tlength = Ustrlen(t);
+BOOL done = macrocurrent->nextline == NULL;
+while (!done)
+ {
+ uschar *p = macrocurrent->nextline->string;
+ done = Ustrncmp(p, t, tlength) == 0 &&
+ (p[tlength] == 0 || isspace(p[tlength])) &&
+ nest-- <= 0;
+ if (Ustrncmp(p, s, slength) == 0 && (p[slength] == 0 || isspace(p[slength])))
+ nest++;
+ macrocurrent->nextline = macrocurrent->nextline->next;
+ if (macrocurrent->nextline == NULL)
+ {
+ macroexe *temp = macrocurrent;
+ macrocurrent = macrocurrent->prev;
+ free(temp);
+ from_type_ptr--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+* Handle .arg *
+/* The .arg directive is permitted only within a macro. It must be followed by
+a positive or negative number. For a positive number, if an argument of that
+number was given to the macro and is not an empty string, nothing happens.
+Otherwise, the macro's input is skipped, either to .endarg or to the end of the
+macro. For a negative number, the test is reversed: nothing happens if that
+argument was not given or is empty.
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_arg(uschar *p)
+BOOL mustexist = TRUE;
+argstr *arg;
+int i, argn;
+if (from_type[from_type_ptr] != FROM_MACRO) { error(15, US".arg"); return; }
+if (*p == '-')
+ {
+ mustexist = FALSE;
+ p++;
+ }
+argn = readnumber(p);
+if (argn < 0) return;
+arg = macrocurrent->args;
+for (i = 1; arg != NULL && i < argn; i++) arg = arg->next;
+if (mustexist != (arg != NULL && arg->string[0] != 0))
+ skipto(US".arg", US".endarg");
+* Handle .eacharg *
+/* This may be followed by a number to specify which argument to start at. The
+lines between this and ".endeach" are repeated for each argument.
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_eacharg(uschar *p)
+argstr *arg;
+int argn, i;
+if (from_type[from_type_ptr] != FROM_MACRO) { error(15, US".eacharg"); return; }
+argn = (*p == 0)? 1 : readnumber(p);
+if (argn < 0) return;
+arg = macrocurrent->args;
+for (i = 1; arg != NULL && i < argn; i++) arg = arg->next;
+/* If we did not find the starting argument, skip. Otherwise, set up the
+substitution for relative arguments, and remember where to come back to. */
+if (arg == NULL) skipto(US"eacharg", US".endeach"); else
+ {
+ macro_argbase = arg;
+ macro_starteach = macrocurrent->nextline;
+ }
+* Handle .echo *
+/* This directive provides a debugging and commenting facility.
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_echo(uschar *p)
+(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", p);
+* Handle .endarg *
+/* We only hit this as a stand-alone directive when the argument exists and the
+previous lines have been obeyed. There is nothing to do.
+Argument: the rest of the line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_endarg(uschar *p)
+if (from_type[from_type_ptr] != FROM_MACRO) { error(15, US".endarg"); return; }
+if (*p != 0) error(19, ".endarg", p, 8, spaces, Ustrlen(p), circumflexes);
+* Handle .endeach *
+/* This marks the end of an ".eacharg" section of lines. Advance the relative
+argument base pointer by the given number (default 1). If there are still some
+arguments left, repeat the section.
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_endeach(uschar *p)
+int count;
+if (from_type[from_type_ptr] != FROM_MACRO) { error(15, US".endeach"); return; }
+count = (*p == 0)? 1 : readnumber(p);
+if (count < 0) return;
+while (count-- > 0 && macro_argbase != NULL)
+ macro_argbase = macro_argbase->next;
+if (macro_argbase == NULL) macro_starteach = NULL;
+ else macrocurrent->nextline = macro_starteach;
+* Handle .endinliteral *
+/* We only hit this as a stand-alone directive when in a literal section and
+the previous lines have been obeyed. There is nothing to do.
+Argument: the rest of the line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_endinliteral(uschar *p)
+if (from_type[from_type_ptr] != FROM_MACRO) { error(15, US".endinliteral"); return; }
+if (*p != 0) error(19, ".endinliteral", p, 8, spaces, Ustrlen(p), circumflexes);
+* Handle .flag *
+/* The .flag directive defines either a single flag (starting with &) or a pair
+of flags, the first of which must start with &. We put the data into a block
+that's added to the flaglist chain. We have to cope with all these (example)
+ .flag &+ "stuff"
+ .flag &" "stuff"
+ .flag &" "& "stuff1" "stuff2"
+Argument: the rest of the command line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_flag(uschar *p)
+uschar *pp, *q;
+int length, term;
+flagstr *f, **ff;
+f = misc_malloc(sizeof(flagstr));
+/* Check that the flag starts with & and then get a copy of the rest of it. */
+if (*p++ != '&') { error(9); return; }
+for (pp = p; *pp != 0 && !isspace(*pp); pp++);
+length = pp - p;
+if (length == 0) { error(10); return; }
+f->length1 = length;
+f->flag1 = misc_copystring(p, length);
+/* Now look backwards from the end of the line and find the last quoted string
+that is there. */
+q = pp + Ustrlen(pp);
+if (*(--q) != '\"' && *q != '\'') { error(11, thisdir); return; }
+term = *q;
+while (--q > pp)
+ {
+ if (*q == term) { if (q[-1] == term) q--; else break; }
+ }
+if (q <= pp) { error(11, thisdir); return; }
+/* If there's nothing between pp and q, we have the definition of a single,
+non-paired flag. */
+while (isspace(*pp)) pp++;
+if (pp == q)
+ {
+ f->rep1 = misc_readstring(q, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ f->length2 = 0;
+ f->flag2 = f->rep2 = NULL;
+ }
+/* Otherwise, we are dealing with a pair of flags. */
+ {
+ f->rep2 = misc_readstring(q, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ p = pp;
+ while (*pp != 0 && !isspace(*pp)) pp++;
+ length = pp - p;
+ if (length == 0) { error(10); return; }
+ f->length2 = length;
+ f->flag2 = misc_copystring(p, length);
+ while (isspace(*pp)) pp++;
+ if (*pp != '\"' && *pp != '\'') { error(11, thisdir); return; }
+ f->rep1 = misc_readstring(pp, &length, NULL, 0);
+ if (pp + length >= q) { error(11, thisdir); return; }
+ }
+/* Successfully defined the flag(s). Attach the block to the chain. The order
+is not defined, except that the longer (initial) flag comes first. */
+ff = &flaglist;
+while (*ff != NULL && f->length1 < (*ff)->length1) ff = &((*ff)->next);
+f->next = *ff;
+*ff = f;
+* Handle .include *
+/* Add to the stack of included files and push a new input type onto the
+from_type stack.
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_include(uschar *p)
+istackstr *ist;
+ist = misc_malloc(sizeof(istackstr));
+ist->prev = istack;
+istack = ist;
+ist->linenumber = 0;
+if (Ustrchr(p, '/') != NULL) Ustrcpy(ist->filename, p);
+ else sprintf(CS ist->filename, "%s/%s", xfpt_share, p);
+ist->file = Ufopen(ist->filename, "rb");
+if (ist->file == NULL) error(0, ist->filename, strerror(errno)); /* Hard */
+from_type[++from_type_ptr] = FROM_FILE;
+* Handle .inliteral *
+/* The .inliteral directive is permitted only within a macro. If we are
+handling the appropriate kind of literal text, nothing happens. Otherwise, the
+macro's input is skipped, either to .endinliteral or to the end of the macro.
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_inliteral(uschar *p)
+int state = -1;
+if (from_type[from_type_ptr] != FROM_MACRO) { error(15, US".inliteral"); return; }
+if (Ustrcmp(p, "layout") == 0) state = LITERAL_LAYOUT;
+else if (Ustrcmp(p, "text") == 0) state = LITERAL_TEXT;
+else if (Ustrcmp(p, "off") == 0) state = LITERAL_OFF;
+else if (Ustrcmp(p, "xml") == 0) state = LITERAL_XML;
+else error(5, p);
+if (literal_state != state) skipto(US"inliteral", US".endinliteral");
+* Handle .literal *
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_literal(uschar *p)
+if (Ustrcmp(p, "layout") == 0) literal_state = LITERAL_LAYOUT;
+else if (Ustrcmp(p, "text") == 0) literal_state = LITERAL_TEXT;
+else if (Ustrcmp(p, "off") == 0) literal_state = LITERAL_OFF;
+else if (Ustrcmp(p, "xml") == 0) literal_state = LITERAL_XML;
+else error(5, p);
+* Handle .macro *
+/* We set up a macro definition, whose contents are all the following lines,
+uninterpreted, until we reach .endmacro.
+Argument: the rest of the .macro line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_macro(uschar *p)
+int length;
+int nest = 0;
+argstr **pp;
+macrodef *md = misc_malloc(sizeof(macrodef));
+md->name = misc_readitem(p, NULL, &length, NULL, 0);
+md->namelength = Ustrlen(md->name);
+p += length;
+if (length == 0)
+ {
+ error(14);
+ return;
+ }
+md->lines = md->args = NULL;
+md->next = macrolist;
+macrolist = md;
+pp = &(md->args);
+while (*p != 0)
+ {
+ argstr *as = misc_malloc(sizeof(argstr));
+ as->next = NULL;
+ *pp = as;
+ pp = &(as->next);
+ as->string = misc_readitem(p, NULL, &length, NULL, 0);
+ p += length;
+ }
+pp = &(md->lines);
+for (;;)
+ {
+ argstr *as;
+ uschar *line = read_nextline();
+ if (line == NULL) { error(13, ".endmacro"); return; }
+ if (Ustrncmp(line, ".macro ", 7) == 0) nest++;
+ else if (Ustrncmp(line, ".endmacro", 9) == 0)
+ {
+ if (isspace(line[9]) || line[9] == '\n')
+ if (--nest < 0) break;
+ }
+ as = misc_malloc(sizeof(argstr));
+ as->next = NULL;
+ *pp = as;
+ pp = &(as->next);
+ as->string = misc_copystring(line, Ustrlen(line));
+ }
+/* If there aren't any replacement lines, fake up a comment so that there's
+always something for a macro to generate. */
+if (md->lines == NULL)
+ {
+ md->lines = misc_malloc(sizeof(argstr));
+ md->lines->next = NULL;
+ md->lines->string = misc_copystring(US". Dummy line\n", 13);
+ }
+* Handle .nest *
+/* This processing happens when .nest is encountered when not in the middle of
+reading a normal paragraph. That is, it's either between paragraphs or in a
+literal section. Otherwise .nest is handled in read_paragraph().
+Argument: the rest of the line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_nest(uschar *p)
+if (Ustrcmp(p, "begin") == 0)
+ {
+ if (nest_level >= MAXNEST) error(27); else
+ {
+ nest_literal_stack[nest_level++] = literal_state;
+ literal_state = LITERAL_OFF;
+ }
+ }
+else if (Ustrcmp(p, "end") == 0)
+ {
+ if (nest_level <= 0) error(28);
+ else literal_state = nest_literal_stack[--nest_level];
+ }
+else error(26, p);
+* Handle .nonl *
+/* The argument is handled as a line without a terminating newline by putting
+it into a buffer and pointing next_line at it.
+Argument: the rest of the line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_nonl(uschar *p)
+static uschar nonlbuffer[INBUFFSIZE];
+int len = Ustrlen(p) + 1;
+if (len > INBUFFSIZE) len = INBUFFSIZE;
+Ustrncpy(nonlbuffer, p, len);
+next_line = nonlbuffer;
+* Handle .pop *
+/* This may optionally be followed by an upper case letter identifier. This
+causes a search down the stack for an item with that letter. If one is found,
+we arrange for the stack to pop back to it. If not, nothing happens. If no
+letter is specified, arrange to pop just one item.
+Argument: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_pop(uschar *p)
+pushstr *ps;
+if (*p == 0)
+ {
+ popto = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+if (!isupper(*p) || p[1] != 0) { error(11, thisdir); return; }
+for (ps = pushed; ps != NULL; ps = ps->next)
+ { if (ps->letter == *p) break; }
+if (ps != NULL) popto = *p;
+* Handle .push *
+/* This directive pushes the rest of the line onto a stack. If the first thing
+on the line is a single upper case letter followed by space, we set that as the
+stack marker letter. Following that we either have a quoted item, or the rest
+of the line unquoted. After a quoted item, the word "check" means we should
+record the base file line number for a warning if the item is not popped by the
+end of the input.
+Argument: the rest of the line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_push(uschar *p)
+int length;
+int letter = 0;
+int check = 0;
+pushstr *ps;
+uschar *macname = NULL;
+uschar *porig = p;
+uschar buffer[INBUFFSIZE];
+if (isupper(*p) && (p[1] == 0 || isspace(p[1])))
+ {
+ letter = *p++;
+ while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+ }
+if (*p == '"')
+ {
+ uschar *s = misc_readitem(p, NULL, &length, buffer, INBUFFSIZE);
+ p += length;
+ while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+ if (Ustrncmp(p, "check", 5) == 0 && (p[5] == 0 || isspace(p[5])))
+ {
+ p += 5;
+ while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+ check = istackbase->linenumber;
+ if (from_type[from_type_ptr] == FROM_MACRO)
+ macname = macrocurrent->macro->name;
+ }
+ if (*p != 0) error(19, ".push", porig, p - porig + 6, spaces, Ustrlen(p),
+ circumflexes);
+ p = s;
+ }
+length = Ustrlen(p);
+ps = misc_malloc(sizeof(pushstr) + length);
+ps->letter = letter;
+ps->check = check;
+ps->macname = macname;
+memcpy(ps->string, p, length);
+ps->string[length] = 0;
+ps->next = pushed;
+pushed = ps;
+* Handle .revision *
+/* Set or unset a text for <revisionflag= in many elements. If the text if
+"off", treat it as empty.
+Arguments: a single argument string
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_revision(uschar *p)
+if (revision != NULL)
+ {
+ free(revision);
+ revision = NULL;
+ }
+if (*p != 0 && Ustrcmp(p, "off") != 0)
+ {
+ revision = misc_malloc(Ustrlen(p) + 1);
+ Ustrcpy(revision, p);
+ }
+* Handle .set *
+/* Set the value of a locally-defined entity.
+Arguments: the rest of the command line
+Returns: nothing
+static void
+do_set(uschar *p)
+int length;
+tree_node *t;
+uschar *porig = p;
+uschar buffer[INBUFFSIZE];
+uschar *name = misc_readitem(p, NULL, &length, buffer, INBUFFSIZE);
+p += length;
+while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+t = misc_malloc(sizeof(tree_node) + Ustrlen(name));
+Ustrcpy(t->name, name);
+t->data = misc_readitem(p, NULL, &length, NULL, 0);
+p += length;
+while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+if (*p != 0) error(19, ".set", porig, p - porig + 5, spaces, Ustrlen(p),
+ circumflexes);
+if (!tree_insertnode(&entities, t)) error(21, name);
+* Table of directives *
+/* Quite a few directives have a single argument that can either be quoted, or
+just the rest of the line. These are flagged up so that the code to read that
+argument can be central. Only those directives that control macro behaviour are
+permitted in macros that are called inline. */
+typedef struct dirstr {
+ uschar *name;
+ int length;
+ void (*function)(uschar *);
+ BOOL onearg;
+ BOOL okinline;
+} dirstr;
+static dirstr dirs[] = {
+ { US".arg", 4, do_arg, TRUE, TRUE },
+ { US".eacharg", 8, do_eacharg, TRUE, TRUE },
+ { US".echo", 5, do_echo, TRUE, FALSE },
+ { US".endarg", 7, do_endarg, FALSE, TRUE },
+ { US".endeach", 8, do_endeach, TRUE, TRUE },
+ { US".endinliteral", 13, do_endinliteral, FALSE, TRUE },
+ { US".flag", 5, do_flag, FALSE, FALSE },
+ { US".include", 8, do_include, TRUE, FALSE },
+ { US".inliteral", 10, do_inliteral, TRUE, TRUE },
+ { US".literal", 8, do_literal, TRUE, FALSE },
+ { US".macro", 6, do_macro, FALSE, FALSE },
+ { US".nest", 5, do_nest, TRUE, FALSE },
+ { US".nonl", 5, do_nonl, TRUE, FALSE },
+ { US".pop", 4, do_pop, TRUE, FALSE },
+ { US".push", 5, do_push, FALSE, FALSE },
+ { US".revision", 9, do_revision, TRUE, FALSE },
+ { US".set", 4, do_set, FALSE, FALSE },
+static int cmdcount = sizeof(dirs)/sizeof(dirstr);
+* Process a line starting with a dot *
+/* There are a small number of built-in commands, but many more may be defined
+as macros. When we are in literal text or literal xml states, unknown lines
+starting with dot are treated as data.
+Argument: the line to be processed
+Returns: nothing
+dot_process(uschar *p)
+macrodef *md;
+macroexe *me;
+argstr **pp;
+int top, bot, length;
+thisdir = p; /* Save for error messages */
+if (p[1] == 0 || isspace(p[1])) return; /* Comment */
+/* Seek a built-in directive by binary chop. */
+bot = 0;
+top = cmdcount;
+while (top > bot)
+ {
+ int c;
+ int mid = (top + bot)/2;
+ dirstr *dir = dirs + mid;
+ length = dir->length;
+ c = Ustrncmp(p, dir->name, length);
+ /* Found a built-in directive; if it takes a single argument, read it here
+ to avoid repeating the code in the individual directive functions. If there
+ is text after the argument, give a warning. */
+ if (c == 0 && (p[length] == 0 || isspace(p[length])))
+ {
+ uschar buffer[INBUFFSIZE];
+ p += length;
+ while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+ if (dir->onearg)
+ {
+ int alength;
+ uschar *s = misc_readitem(p, NULL, &alength, buffer, INBUFFSIZE);
+ if (p[alength] != 0)
+ error(19, dir->name, p, alength + length + 1, spaces,
+ Ustrlen(p) - alength, circumflexes);
+ p = s;
+ }
+ /* If we are in an inline macro, only certain directives are permitted */
+ if (para_inline_macro == 0 || dir->okinline) (dir->function)(p);
+ else error(22, dir->name);
+ return; /* Dealt with this directive line */
+ }
+ /* No match; do the chop and continue */
+ if (c < 0) top = mid; else bot = mid + 1;
+ }
+/* If we can't match a built-in directive, we normally seek a macro. However,
+this is not permitted if we are already expanding an inline macro call. */
+if (para_inline_macro > 0)
+ {
+ error(22, p);
+ return;
+ }
+for (md = macrolist; md != NULL; md = md->next)
+ {
+ length = md->namelength;
+ if (Ustrncmp(p+1, md->name, length) == 0 &&
+ (p[length+1] == 0 || isspace(p[length+1])))
+ {
+ p += length + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Could not find a macro. In literal text and xml states, treat as data. Note
+that the newline has been removed. */
+if (md == NULL)
+ {
+ switch(literal_state)
+ {
+ fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", CS p);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error(2, p);
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+/* Found a macro. Add it to the chain, and set the input type. */
+me = misc_malloc(sizeof(macroexe));
+me->prev = macrocurrent;
+macrocurrent = me;
+me->macro = md;
+me->nextline = md->lines;
+from_type[++from_type_ptr] = FROM_MACRO;
+me->args = NULL;
+pp = &(me->args);
+while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+while (*p != 0)
+ {
+ argstr *as = misc_malloc(sizeof(argstr));
+ as->next = NULL;
+ *pp = as;
+ pp = &(as->next);
+ as->string = misc_readitem(p, NULL, &length, NULL, 0);
+ p += length;
+ }
+/* End of dot.c */