path: root/magic
diff options
authorChristos Zoulas <>2023-04-17 16:39:19 +0000
committerChristos Zoulas <>2023-04-17 16:39:19 +0000
commite6e40262b70bc6f911408f57bd771868790cc469 (patch)
tree2b5aa03cf0f3315032ae87fa65f48fda55328363 /magic
parent69c96fd444c81f4913a9439f6dfc8bda6b98957d (diff)
Add windows/msdos .lnk file support (Joerg Jenderek)
Diffstat (limited to 'magic')
2 files changed, 204 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/magic/Magdir/msdos b/magic/Magdir/msdos
index 0760b239..aacf8594 100644
--- a/magic/Magdir/msdos
+++ b/magic/Magdir/msdos
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $File: msdos,v 1.168 2023/03/29 22:50:03 christos Exp $
+# $File: msdos,v 1.169 2023/04/17 16:39:19 christos Exp $
# msdos: file(1) magic for MS-DOS files
@@ -1717,8 +1717,6 @@
1 string RDC-meg MegaDots
>8 byte >0x2F version %c
>9 byte >0x2F \b.%c file
-0 lelong 0x4C
->4 lelong 0x00021401 Windows shortcut file
# .PIF files added by Joerg Jenderek from
# only for windows versions equal or greater 3.0
diff --git a/magic/Magdir/windows b/magic/Magdir/windows
index 8e9a2db2..d580f3d8 100644
--- a/magic/Magdir/windows
+++ b/magic/Magdir/windows
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $File: windows,v 1.57 2023/04/17 16:35:03 christos Exp $
+# $File: windows,v 1.58 2023/04/17 16:39:19 christos Exp $
# windows: file(1) magic for Microsoft Windows
# This file is mainly reserved for files where programs
@@ -494,54 +494,233 @@
# lnk_the_windows_shortcut_file_format.pdf
# Summary: Windows shortcut
-# Extension: .lnk
# Created by: unknown
+# Update: Joerg Jenderek
+# URL:
+# Reference:
+# Note: called "Windows Shortcut" by TrID, "Microsoft Windows Shortcut" by DROID via PUID x-fmt/428 and "Windows shortcut file" by ./msdos (v 1.158)
+# partly verified by command like `lnkinfo AOL.lnk`
# 'L' + GUUID
+# HeaderSize + LinkCLSID 00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
0 string \114\0\0\0\001\024\002\0\0\0\0\0\300\0\0\0\0\0\0\106 MS Windows shortcut
!:mime application/x-ms-shortcut
!:ext lnk
+# LinkFlags
+# HasLinkTargetIDList; if set a LinkTargetIDList structure MUST follow the ShellLinkHeader; If is not set, structure MUST NOT be present
>20 lelong&1 1 \b, Item id list present
+# HasLinkInfo; if set a LinkInfo structure MUST follow the ShellLinkHeader or LinkTargetIDList; If is not set, structure MUST NOT be present
>20 lelong&2 2 \b, Points to a file or directory
>20 lelong&4 4 \b, Has Description string
>20 lelong&8 8 \b, Has Relative path
>20 lelong&16 16 \b, Has Working directory
>20 lelong&32 32 \b, Has command line arguments
>20 lelong&64 64 \b, Icon
+# IconIndex
>>56 lelong x \b number=%d
+# IsUnicode; If set then StringData section contains Unicode-encoded strings
+>20 lelong&128 128 \b, Unicoded
+# ForceNoLinkInfo; LinkInfo structure is ignored
+>20 lelong&256 256 \b, NoLinkInfo
+# HasExpString; with an EnvironmentVariableDataBlock
+>20 lelong&512 512 \b, HasEnvironment
+# look for BlockSize 314h and EnvironmentVariableDataBlock BlockSignature A0000001h
+>>76 search/1972 \x14\x03\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\xa0
+# TargetAnsi (260 bytes); NULL-terminated path to environment variable encoded with system default code page
+#>>>&0 string x '%s'
+# TargetUnicode (520 bytes): optional NULL-terminated path to same environment variable Unicode encoded
+# like: "%windir%\system32\calc.exe"
+>>>&260 lestring16 x "%s"
+# RunInSeparateProcess; run in a separate virtual machine when launching a 16-bit application; no examples found
+>20 lelong&1024 1024 \b, RunInSeparateProcess
+# Unused1; undefined and MUST be ignored
+#>20 lelong&2048 2048 \b, Unused1
+# HasDarwinID; with a DarwinDataBlock
+>20 lelong&4096 4096 \b, HasDarwinID
+# look for BlockSize 314h and DarwinDataBlock BlockSignature A0000006h
+>>76 search/1972 \x14\x03\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\xa0
+# DarwinDataAnsi (260 bytes); NULL-terminated application identifier encoded with system default code page; SHOULD be ignored
+#>>>&0 string x '%s'
+# DarwinDataUnicode (520 bytes); NULL-terminated application identifier Unicode encoded
+>>>&260 lestring16 x "%s"
+# RunAsUser; target application is run as a different user
+>20 lelong&8192 8192 \b, RunAsUser
+# HasExpIcon; with an IconEnvironmentDataBlock
+>20 lelong&16384 16384 \b, HasExpIcon
+# look for BlockSize 314h and IconEnvironmentDataBlock BlockSignature A0000007h
+>>76 search/1972 \x14\x03\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\xa0
+# TargetAnsi (260 bytes); NULL-terminated path to environment icon variable encoded with system default code page
+#>>>&0 string x '%s'
+# TargetUnicode (520 bytes); optional NULL-terminated path to same icon environment variable Unicode encoded
+# like: "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\YaCy\addon\YaCy.ico"
+>>>&260 lestring16 x "%s"
+# NoPidlAlias; represented in the shell namespace; no examples found
+>20 lelong&32768 32768 \b, NoPidlAlias
+# Unused2; undefined and MUST be ignored
+#>20 lelong&65536 65536 \b, Unused2
+# RunWithShimLayer; with a ShimDataBlock; no examples found
+>20 lelong&131072 131072 \b, RunWithShimLayer
+# ForceNoLinkTrack; TrackerDataBlock is ignored; no examples found
+>20 lelong&262144 262144 \b, ForceNoLinkTrack
+>20 lelong&262144 0
+# look for BlockSize 60h, TrackerDataBlock BlockSignature A0000003h, it length 58h and Version 0
+>>76 search/1972 \x60\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\xa0\x58\x00\x00\x00\0\0\0\0
+# MachineID (16 bytes); a NULL-terminated NetBIOS name encoded with system default code page of the machine
+>>>&0 string x \b, MachineID %0.16s
+# Droid (32 bytes)
+# DroidBirth (32 bytes)
+# EnableTargetMetadata; collect target properties and store in PropertyStoreDataBlock
+>20 lelong&524288 524288 \b, EnableTargetMetadata
+# look for BlockSize >= Ch, PropertyStoreDataBlock BlockSignature A0000009h
+#>>76 search/1972 \x00\x00\x09\x00\x00\xa0
+# PropertyStore (variable)
+# DisableLinkPathTracking; EnvironmentVariableDataBlock is ignored; no examples found
+>20 lelong&1048576 1048576 \b, DisableLinkPathTracking
+# DisableKnownFolderTracking; SpecialFolderDataBlock and KnownFolderDataBlock are ignored and not saved
+>20 lelong&2097152 2097152 \b, DisableKnownFolderTracking
+>20 lelong&2097152 0
+# look for BlockSize 1Ch and KnownFolderDataBlock BlockSignature A000000Bh
+>>76 search/1972 \x1c\x00\x00\x00\x0B\x00\x00\xa0
+# KnownFolderID specifies the folder GUID ID
+# ProgramFiles 905E63B6-C1BF-494E-B29C-65B732D3D21A
+# ProgramFilesX86 7C5A40EF-A0FB-4BFC-874A-C0F2E0B9FA8E
+>>>&0 guid x KnownFolderID %s
+# DisableKnownFolderAlias; unaliased form of the known folder IDList SHOULD be used; no examples found
+>20 lelong&4194304 4194304 \b, DisableKnownFolderAlias
+# AllowLinkToLink; link that references another link is enabled; no examples found
+>20 lelong&8388608 8388608 \b, AllowLinkToLink
+# UnaliasOnSave; unaliased form of that known folder or the target IDList SHOULD be used; no examples found
+>20 lelong&16777216 16777216 \b, UnaliasOnSave
+# PreferEnvironmentPath; path specified in the EnvironmentVariableDataBlock SHOULD be used
+>20 lelong&33554432 33554432 \b, PreferEnvironmentPath
+# KeepLocalIDListForUNCTarget; UNC name SHOULD be stored in local path IDList in PropertyStoreDataBlock; no examples found
+>20 lelong&67108864 67108864 \b, KeepLocalIDListForUNCTarget
+# FileAttributes
>24 lelong&1 1 \b, Read-Only
>24 lelong&2 2 \b, Hidden
>24 lelong&4 4 \b, System
->24 lelong&8 8 \b, Volume Label
+# Reserved1; MUST be zero
+>24 lelong&8 8 \b, Reserved1
>24 lelong&16 16 \b, Directory
>24 lelong&32 32 \b, Archive
->24 lelong&64 64 \b, Encrypted
+# Reserved2; MUST be zero
+>24 lelong&64 64 \b, Reserved2
>24 lelong&128 128 \b, Normal
>24 lelong&256 256 \b, Temporary
+# no examples found
>24 lelong&512 512 \b, Sparse
+# no examples found
>24 lelong&1024 1024 \b, Reparse point
>24 lelong&2048 2048 \b, Compressed
>24 lelong&4096 4096 \b, Offline
->28 leqwdate x \b, ctime=%s
->36 leqwdate x \b, mtime=%s
->44 leqwdate x \b, atime=%s
+# FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED; contents need to be indexed
+>24 lelong&8192 8192 \b, NeedIndexed
+# FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED; file or directory is encrypted
+>24 lelong&16384 16384 \b, Encrypted
+# value zero means there is no time set on the target
+>28 leqwdate !0 \b, ctime=%s
+# Access time of target in UTC
+>36 leqwdate !0 \b, atime=%s
+# write time of target in UTC
+>44 leqwdate !0 \b, mtime=%s
+# FileSize; 32 bit size of target in bytes
>52 lelong x \b, length=%u, window=
->60 lelong&1 1 \bhide
->60 lelong&2 2 \bnormal
->60 lelong&4 4 \bshowminimized
->60 lelong&8 8 \bshowmaximized
->60 lelong&16 16 \bshownoactivate
->60 lelong&32 32 \bminimize
->60 lelong&64 64 \bshowminnoactive
->60 lelong&128 128 \bshowna
->60 lelong&256 256 \brestore
->60 lelong&512 512 \bshowdefault
-#>20 lelong&1 0
-#>>20 lelong&2 2
-#>>>(72.l-64) pstring/h x \b [%s]
-#>20 lelong&1 1
-#>>20 lelong&2 2
-#>>>(72.s) leshort x
-#>>>&75 pstring/h x \b [%s]
+# ShowCommand; 1~SW_SHOWNORMAL 3~SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED HerzlichMEDION.lnk 7~SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE YaCy.lnk Privoxy.lnk; All other values like 2 MUST be treated as SW_SHOWNORMAL
+#>60 lelong x ShowCommand=%#x
+>60 lelong x
+>>60 lelong 3 \bshowmaximized
+>>60 lelong 7 \bshowminnoactive
+>>60 default x \bnormal
+# Hotkey
+>64 uleshort >0 \b, hot key
+# 41h~A 42h~B ...
+>>64 ubyte x %c
+# modifier keys: 0x01~HOTKEYF_SHIFT 0x02~HOTKEYF_CONTROL 0x04~HOTKEYF_ALT
+>>65 ubyte&1 1 \b+SHIFT
+>>65 ubyte&2 2 \b+CONTROL
+>>65 ubyte&4 4 \b+ALT
+# Reserved; MUST be zero
+#>66 uleshort !0 \b, reserved %#x
+# Reserved2; MUST be zero
+#>68 ulelong !0 \b, reserved2 %#x
+# Reserved3; MUST be zero
+#>72 ulelong !0 \b, reserved3 %#x
+# optional LINKTARGET_IDLIST if LinkFlags bit HasLinkTargetIDList is set
+>20 lelong&1 1
+# IDListSize; size of IDList
+>>76 uleshort x \b, IDListSize %#4.4x
+# 1st item
+>>78 use lnk-item
+# 2nd possible item
+>>(78.s+78) uleshort >0
+>>>(78.s+78) use lnk-item
+# 3rd possible item
+>>>&(&-2.s-2) uleshort >0
+>>>>&-2 use lnk-item
+# 4th possible item
+>>>>&(&-2.s-2) uleshort >0
+>>>>>&-2 use lnk-item
+# Because HasLinkInfo is set, a LinkInfo structure follows
+>20 lelong&2 2
+# if no LINKTARGET_IDLIST (no HasLinkTargetIDList) then direct after header; no example found
+>>20 lelong&1 =0
+>>>76 use lnk-info
+# if LINKTARGET_IDLIST (HasLinkTargetIDList) then after LINKTARGET_IDLIST by addtional IDListSize bytes
+>>20 lelong&1 =1
+>>>76 uleshort >0
+#>>>>(76.s+78) use lnk-info
+>>>>(76.s+78) ubelong x
+# move pointer to beginnig of LinkInfo structure
+>>>>>&-8 ubelong x
+#>>>>>>&16 ulelong x \b, LocalBasePathOffset=%#8.8x
+>>>>>>&(&16.l) string x \b, LocalBasePath "%s"
+# check and then display link item (size,data)
+0 name lnk-item
+# size value 0x0000 means TerminalID; indicates the end of the item IDs list
+>0 uleshort >0
+#>>0 uleshort x \b, ItemIDSize %#4.4x
+# item Data
+#>>2 ubequad x \b, Item data=%#16.16llx
+#>>2 ubyte x \b, Item type=%#x
+>>2 ubyte =0x1f \b, Root folder
+# like: "26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683" Control Panel
+# "20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D" My Computer
+# "871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D" Internet Explorer
+>>>4 guid x "%s"
+>>2 ubyte =0x2f \b, Volume
+# like: "C:\" "D:\"
+>>>3 string x "%s"
+# Control panel category
+#>>2 ubyte foo \b, Control panel category
+# display LinkInfo structure (size,flags,offsets)
+0 name lnk-info
+# LinkInfoSize; size of the LinkInfo structure
+>0 ulelong x \b, LinkInfoSize %#x
+# LinkInfoHeaderSize; if 1C no optional fields; >=24 optional fields are specified
+>4 ulelong x \b, LinkInfoHeaderSize %#x
+# LinkInfoFlags;
+#>8 ulelong x \b, LinkInfoFlags=%#x
+>8 ulelong&1 1 \b, VolumeIDAndLocalBasePath
+# VolumeIDOffset; location of the VolumeID field (VolumeIDSize DriveType DriveSerialNumber VolumeLabelOffset ... ) inside LinkInfo structure
+>>12 ulelong x \b, VolumeIDOffset %#x
+# LocalBasePathOffset; location of LocalBasePath field like "C:\test\a.txt" inside LinkInfo structure
+>>16 ulelong x \b, LocalBasePathOffset %#x
+# LocalBasePathOffsetUnicode; location of the LocalBasePathUnicode field inside LinkInfo structure
+>>4 ulelong >23
+>>>28 ulelong x \b, LocalBasePathOffsetUnicode %#x
+>8 ulelong&2 2 \b, CommonNetworkRelativeLinkAndPathSuffix
+# CommonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset; location of the CommonNetworkRelativeLink field inside LinkInfo structure
+>>20 ulelong x \b, CommonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset %#x
+# CommonPathSuffixOffset; location of CommonPathSuffix field
+>24 ulelong x \b, CommonPathSuffixOffset %#x
+# CommonPathSuffixOffsetUnicode; location of CommonPathSuffixUnicode field inside LinkInfo structure
+>4 ulelong >23
+>>32 ulelong x \b, CommonPathSuffixOffsetUnicode %#x
# Summary: Outlook Personal Folders
# Created by: unknown