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authorjonas <jonas@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2007-03-13 22:27:55 +0000
committerjonas <jonas@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2007-03-13 22:27:55 +0000
commitab8f27bd6dfbfa4a2105b60e0974280b93b1c005 (patch)
parent1eab1aedda302b6da25d0c313a7eb124d4263540 (diff)
+ support for simplifying simple inline functions down to a single
constant node (rather than to just a blocknode with a statement assigning a constant to a temp) git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
4 files changed, 174 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nbas.pas b/compiler/nbas.pas
index 09a69a8ceb..f83c18ce41 100644
--- a/compiler/nbas.pas
+++ b/compiler/nbas.pas
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ interface
tstatementnode = class(tbinarynode)
constructor create(l,r : tnode);virtual;
+ function simplify : tnode; override;
function pass_1 : tnode;override;
function pass_typecheck:tnode;override;
procedure printnodetree(var t:text);override;
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ interface
tblocknode = class(tunarynode)
constructor create(l : tnode);virtual;
destructor destroy; override;
+ function simplify : tnode; override;
function pass_1 : tnode;override;
function pass_typecheck:tnode;override;
{$ifdef state_tracking}
@@ -307,6 +309,58 @@ implementation
inherited create(statementn,l,r);
+ function tstatementnode.simplify : tnode;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ { these "optimizations" are only to make it more easy to recognise }
+ { blocknodes which at the end of inlining only contain one single }
+ { statement. Simplifying inside blocknode.simplify could be dangerous }
+ { because if the main blocknode which makes up a procedure/function }
+ { body were replaced with a statementn/nothingn, this could cause }
+ { problems elsewhere in the compiler which expects a blocknode }
+ { remove next statement if it's a nothing-statement (since if it's }
+ { the last, it won't remove itself -- see next simplification) }
+ while assigned(right) and
+ (tstatementnode(right).left.nodetype = nothingn) do
+ begin
+ result:=tstatementnode(right).right;
+ tstatementnode(right).right:=nil;
+ right:=result;
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ { Remove initial nothingn if there are other statements. If there }
+ { are no other statements, returning nil doesn't help (will be }
+ { interpreted as "can't be simplified") and replacing the }
+ { statementnode with a nothingnode cannot be done (because it's }
+ { possible this statementnode is a child of a blocknode, and }
+ { blocknodes are expected to only contain statementnodes) }
+ if (left.nodetype = nothingn) and
+ assigned(right) then
+ begin
+ result:=right;
+ right:=nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { if the current statement contains a block with one statement, }
+ { replace the current statement with that block's statement }
+ if (left.nodetype = blockn) and
+ assigned(tblocknode(left).left) and
+ not assigned(tstatementnode(tblocknode(left).left).right) then
+ begin
+ result:=tblocknode(left).left;
+ tstatementnode(result).right:=right;
+ right:=nil;
+ tblocknode(left).left:=nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
function tstatementnode.pass_typecheck:tnode;
@@ -387,6 +441,31 @@ implementation
inherited destroy;
+ function tblocknode.simplify: tnode;
+ var
+ hp, next: tstatementnode;
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ { Warning: never replace a blocknode with another node type, }
+ { since the block may be the main block of a procedure/function/ }
+ { main program body, and those nodes should always be blocknodes }
+ { since that's what the compiler expects elsewhere. }
+ { if the current block contains only one statement, and }
+ { this one statement only contains another block, replace }
+ { this block with that other block. }
+ if assigned(left) and
+ not assigned(tstatementnode(left).right) and
+ (tstatementnode(left).left.nodetype = blockn) then
+ begin
+ result:=tstatementnode(left).left;
+ tstatementnode(left).left:=nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
function tblocknode.pass_typecheck:tnode;
hp : tstatementnode;
diff --git a/compiler/ncal.pas b/compiler/ncal.pas
index c4e690c4c8..061dc8e0c0 100644
--- a/compiler/ncal.pas
+++ b/compiler/ncal.pas
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ interface
function replaceparaload(var n: tnode; arg: pointer): foreachnoderesult;
procedure createlocaltemps(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
function pass1_inline:tnode;
+ function getfuncretassignment(inlineblock: tblocknode): tnode;
pushedparasize : longint;
@@ -2628,6 +2629,62 @@ implementation
+ function tcallnode.getfuncretassignment(inlineblock: tblocknode): tnode;
+ var
+ hp: tstatementnode;
+ resassign: tnode;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ if not assigned(funcretnode) or
+ not(cnf_return_value_used in callnodeflags) then
+ exit;
+ { tempcreatenode for the function result }
+ hp:=tstatementnode(inlineblock.left);
+ if not(assigned(hp)) or
+ (hp.left.nodetype <> tempcreaten) then
+ exit;
+ { assignment to the result }
+ hp:=tstatementnode(hp.right);
+ if not(assigned(hp)) or
+ (hp.left.nodetype<>assignn) or
+ { left must be function result }
+ (not(tassignmentnode(hp.left).left.isequal(funcretnode)) and
+ { can have extra type conversion due to absolute mapping }
+ { of <fucntionname> on function result var }
+ not((tassignmentnode(hp.left).left.nodetype = typeconvn) and
+ (ttypeconvnode(tassignmentnode(hp.left).left).convtype = tc_equal) and
+ (ttypeconvnode(tassignmentnode(hp.left).left).left.isequal(funcretnode)))) or
+ { right must be a constant (mainly to avoid trying to reuse }
+ { local temps which may already be freed afterwards once these }
+ { checks are made looser) }
+ not is_constnode(tassignmentnode(hp.left).right) then
+ exit
+ else
+ resassign:=hp.left;
+ { tempdelete to normal of the function result }
+ hp:=tstatementnode(hp.right);
+ if not(assigned(hp)) or
+ (hp.left.nodetype <> tempdeleten) then
+ exit;
+ { the function result once more }
+ hp:=tstatementnode(hp.right);
+ if not(assigned(hp)) or
+ not(hp.left.isequal(funcretnode)) then
+ exit;
+ { should be the end }
+ if assigned(hp.right) then
+ exit;
+ { we made it! }
+ result:=tassignmentnode(resassign).right.getcopy;
+ firstpass(result);
+ end;
function tcallnode.pass1_inline:tnode;
@@ -2676,11 +2733,22 @@ implementation
- { return inlined block }
- result := createblock;
+ { if all that's left of the inlined function is an constant }
+ { assignment to the result, replace the whole block with what's }
+ { assigned to the result. There will also be a tempcreatenode for }
+ { the function result itself though, so ignore it. The statement/ }
+ { blocknode simplification code will have removed all nothingn- }
+ { statements empty nested blocks, so we don't have to care about }
+ { those }
+ result := getfuncretassignment(createblock);
+ if assigned(result) then
+ else
+ { return inlined block }
+ result := createblock;
diff --git a/compiler/pass_1.pas b/compiler/pass_1.pas
index 4faa88c5c7..8efd883e15 100644
--- a/compiler/pass_1.pas
+++ b/compiler/pass_1.pas
@@ -170,7 +170,19 @@ implementation
{ switch to new node }
- end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { inlining happens in pass_1 and can cause new }
+ { simplify opportunities }
+ hp:=p.simplify;
+ if assigned(hp) then
+ begin
+ firstpass(hp);
+ p:=hp;
+ end;
+ end;
if codegenerror then
diff --git a/tests/test/tinline7.pp b/tests/test/tinline7.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0439d49b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test/tinline7.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{$inline on}
+function f(const a,b: longint): longint; inline;
+ f:=a*b;
+ if (f(f(f(2,5),3),4) <> 120) then
+ halt(1);