path: root/compiler/aoptobj.pas
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authorfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
committerfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
commitf206a9c2b1ae1d8727ca27a96d448b61fdb4c766 (patch)
treef28256ff9964c1fc7c0f7fb00891268a117b745d /compiler/aoptobj.pas
initial import
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/aoptobj.pas')
1 files changed, 1105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/aoptobj.pas b/compiler/aoptobj.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff75dd00d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/aoptobj.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+ $Id: aoptobj.pas,v 1.17 2005/02/26 01:26:59 jonas Exp $
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2004 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal
+ Development Team
+ This unit contains the processor independent assembler optimizer
+ object, base for the dataflow analyzer, peepholeoptimizer and
+ common subexpression elimination objects.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+Unit AoptObj;
+ {$i}
+ { general, processor independent objects for use by the assembler optimizer }
+ Interface
+ uses
+ globtype,
+ aasmbase,aasmcpu,aasmtai,
+ cclasses,
+ cgbase,cgutils,
+ cpubase,
+ aoptbase,aoptcpub,aoptda;
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { ********************************* Constants ***************************** }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ Const
+ {Possible register content types}
+ con_Unknown = 0;
+ con_ref = 1;
+ con_const = 2;
+ {***************** Types ****************}
+ Type
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { ************************* Some general type definitions ***************** }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ TRefCompare = Function(r1, r2: TReference): Boolean;
+ //!!! FIXME
+ TRegArray = Array[byte] of tsuperregister;
+ TRegSet = Set of byte;
+ { possible actions on an operand: read, write or modify (= read & write) }
+ TOpAction = (OpAct_Read, OpAct_Write, OpAct_Modify, OpAct_Unknown);
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { * Object to hold information on which regiters are in use and which not * }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ TUsedRegs = class
+ Constructor create;
+ Constructor create_regset(Const _RegSet: TRegSet);
+ Destructor Destroy;override;
+ { update the info with the pairegalloc objects coming after }
+ { p }
+ Procedure Update(p: Tai);
+ { is Reg currently in use }
+ Function IsUsed(Reg: TRegister): Boolean;
+ { get all the currently used registers }
+ Function GetUsedRegs: TRegSet;
+ Private
+ UsedRegs: TRegSet;
+ End;
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { ******************* Contents of the integer registers ******************* }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { size of the integer that holds the state number of a register. Can be any }
+ { integer type, so it can be changed to reduce the size of the TContent }
+ { structure or to improve alignment }
+ TStateInt = Byte;
+ TContent = Record
+ { start and end of block instructions that defines the }
+ { content of this register. If Typ = con_const, then }
+ { Longint(StartMod) = value of the constant) }
+ StartMod: Tai;
+ { starts at 0, gets increased everytime the register is }
+ { written to }
+ WState: TStateInt;
+ { starts at 0, gets increased everytime the register is read }
+ { from }
+ RState: TStateInt;
+ { how many instructions starting with StarMod does the block }
+ { consist of }
+ NrOfMods: Byte;
+ { the type of the content of the register: unknown, memory }
+ { (variable) or constant }
+ Typ: Byte;
+ End;
+ //!!! FIXME
+ TRegContent = Array[byte] Of TContent;
+ { ************************************************************************** }
+ { information object with the contents of every register. Every Tai object }
+ { gets one of these assigned: a pointer to it is stored in the OptInfo field }
+ { ************************************************************************** }
+ TPaiProp = class(TAoptBaseCpu)
+ Regs: TRegContent;
+ { info about allocation of general purpose integer registers }
+ UsedRegs: TUsedRegs;
+ { can this instruction be removed? }
+ CanBeRemoved: Boolean;
+ Constructor create;
+ { checks the whole sequence of which (so regs[which].StartMod and and }
+ { the next NrOfMods Tai objects) to see whether Reg is used somewhere, }
+ { without it being loaded with something else first }
+ Function RegInSequence(Reg, which: TRegister): Boolean;
+ { destroy the contents of a register, as well as those whose contents }
+ { are based on those of that register }
+ Procedure DestroyReg(Reg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { if the contents of WhichReg (can be R_NO in case of a constant) are }
+ { written to memory at the location Ref, the contents of the registers }
+ { that depend on Ref have to be destroyed }
+ Procedure DestroyRefs(Const Ref: TReference; WhichReg: TRegister; var
+ InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { an instruction reads from operand o }
+ Procedure ReadOp(const o:toper);
+ { an instruction reads from reference Ref }
+ Procedure ReadRef(Ref: PReference);
+ { an instruction reads from register Reg }
+ Procedure ReadReg(Reg: TRegister);
+ { an instruction writes/modifies operand o and this has special }
+ { side-effects or modifies the contents in such a way that we can't }
+ { simply add this instruction to the sequence of instructions that }
+ { describe the contents of the operand, so destroy it }
+ Procedure DestroyOp(const o:Toper; var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { destroy the contents of all registers }
+ Procedure DestroyAllRegs(var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { a register's contents are modified, but not destroyed (the new value }
+ { depends on the old one) }
+ Procedure ModifyReg(reg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { an operand's contents are modified, but not destroyed (the new value }
+ { depends on the old one) }
+ Procedure ModifyOp(const oper: TOper; var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { increase the write state of a register (call every time a register is }
+ { written to) }
+ Procedure IncWState(Reg: TRegister);
+ { increase the read state of a register (call every time a register is }
+ { read from) }
+ Procedure IncRState(Reg: TRegister);
+ { get the write state of a register }
+ Function GetWState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt;
+ { get the read state of a register }
+ Function GetRState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt;
+ { get the type of contents of a register }
+ Function GetRegContentType(Reg: TRegister): Byte;
+ Destructor Done;
+ Private
+ Procedure IncState(var s: TStateInt);
+ { returns whether the reference Ref is used somewhere in the loading }
+ { sequence Content }
+ Function RefInSequence(Const Ref: TReference; Content: TContent;
+ RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean;
+ { returns whether the instruction P reads from and/or writes }
+ { to Reg }
+ Function RefInInstruction(Const Ref: TReference; p: Tai;
+ RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean;
+ { returns whether two references with at least one pointing to an array }
+ { may point to the same memory location }
+ End;
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { ************************ Label information ****************************** }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ TLabelTableItem = Record
+ PaiObj: Tai;
+ End;
+ {$ifndef TP}
+ TLabelTable = Array[0..2500000] Of TLabelTableItem;
+ {$else TP}
+ TLabelTable = Array[0..(65520 div sizeof(TLabelTableItem))] Of TLabelTableItem;
+ {$endif TP}
+ PLabelTable = ^TLabelTable;
+ PLabelInfo = ^TLabelInfo;
+ TLabelInfo = Record
+ { the highest and lowest label number occurring in the current code }
+ { fragment }
+ LowLabel, HighLabel: AWord;
+ LabelDif: AWord;
+ { table that contains the addresses of the Pai_Label objects associated
+ with each label number }
+ LabelTable: PLabelTable;
+ End;
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { ********** General optimizer object, used to derive others from ********* }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ TAOptObj = class(TAoptBaseCpu)
+ { the PAasmOutput list this optimizer instance works on }
+ AsmL: TAasmOutput;
+ { The labelinfo record contains the addresses of the Tai objects }
+ { that are labels, how many labels there are and the min and max }
+ { label numbers }
+ LabelInfo: PLabelInfo;
+ { Start and end of the block that is currently being optimized }
+ BlockStart, BlockEnd: Tai;
+ { _AsmL is the PAasmOutpout list that has to be optimized, }
+ { _BlockStart and _BlockEnd the start and the end of the block }
+ { that has to be optimized and _LabelInfo a pointer to a }
+ { TLabelInfo record }
+ Constructor create(_AsmL: TAasmOutput; _BlockStart, _BlockEnd: Tai;
+ _LabelInfo: PLabelInfo);
+ { processor independent methods }
+ { returns true if the label L is found between hp and the next }
+ { instruction }
+ Function FindLabel(L: TasmLabel; Var hp: Tai): Boolean;
+ { inserts new_one between prev and foll in AsmL }
+ Procedure InsertLLItem(prev, foll, new_one: TLinkedListItem);
+ { If P is a Tai object releveant to the optimizer, P is returned
+ If it is not relevant tot he optimizer, the first object after P
+ that is relevant is returned }
+ Function SkipHead(P: Tai): Tai;
+ { returns true if the operands o1 and o2 are completely equal }
+ Function OpsEqual(const o1,o2:toper): Boolean;
+ { Returns true if a ait_alloc object for Reg is found in the block
+ of Tai's starting with StartPai and ending with the next "real"
+ instruction }
+ Function FindRegAlloc(Reg: TRegister; StartPai: Tai): Boolean;
+ { traces sucessive jumps to their final destination and sets it, e.g.
+ je l1 je l3
+ <code> <code>
+ l1: becomes l1:
+ je l2 je l3
+ <code> <code>
+ l2: l2:
+ jmp l3 jmp l3
+ the level parameter denotes how deeep we have already followed the jump,
+ to avoid endless loops with constructs such as "l5: ; jmp l5" }
+ function GetFinalDestination(hp: taicpu; level: longint): boolean;
+ function getlabelwithsym(sym: tasmlabel): tai;
+ { peephole optimizer }
+ procedure PrePeepHoleOpts;virtual;
+ procedure PeepHoleOptPass1;virtual;
+ procedure PeepHoleOptPass2;virtual;
+ procedure PostPeepHoleOpts;virtual;
+ { processor dependent methods }
+ End;
+ Function ArrayRefsEq(const r1, r2: TReference): Boolean;
+ { ***************************** Implementation **************************** }
+ Implementation
+ uses
+ globals,
+ verbose,
+ procinfo;
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { ******************************** TUsedRegs ****************************** }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ Constructor TUsedRegs.create;
+ Begin
+ UsedRegs := [];
+ End;
+ Constructor TUsedRegs.create_regset(Const _RegSet: TRegSet);
+ Begin
+ UsedRegs := _RegSet;
+ End;
+ Procedure TUsedRegs.Update(p: Tai);
+ {updates UsedRegs with the RegAlloc Information coming after P}
+ Begin
+ Repeat
+ While Assigned(p) And
+ ((p.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_RegAlloc])) or
+ ((p.typ = ait_label) And
+ Not(Tai_Label(p).l.is_used))) Do
+ p := Tai(;
+ While Assigned(p) And
+ (p.typ=ait_RegAlloc) Do
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!! FIXME
+ if tai_regalloc(p).ratype=ra_alloc then
+ UsedRegs := UsedRegs + [tai_regalloc(p).Reg]
+ else
+ UsedRegs := UsedRegs - [tai_regalloc(p).Reg];
+ p := Tai(;
+ }
+ End;
+ Until Not(Assigned(p)) Or
+ (Not(p.typ in SkipInstr) And
+ Not((p.typ = ait_label) And
+ Not(Tai_Label(p).l.is_used)));
+ End;
+ Function TUsedRegs.IsUsed(Reg: TRegister): Boolean;
+ Begin
+ //!!!!!!!!!!! IsUsed := Reg in UsedRegs
+ End;
+ Function TUsedRegs.GetUsedRegs: TRegSet;
+ Begin
+ GetUsedRegs := UsedRegs;
+ End;
+ Destructor TUsedRegs.Destroy;
+ Begin
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { **************************** TPaiProp *********************************** }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ Constructor TPaiProp.Create;
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!
+ UsedRegs.Init;
+ CondRegs.init;
+ }
+ { DirFlag: TFlagContents; I386 specific}
+ End;
+ Function TPaiProp.RegInSequence(Reg, which: TRegister): Boolean;
+ Var p: Tai;
+ RegsChecked: TRegSet;
+ content: TContent;
+ Counter: Byte;
+ TmpResult: Boolean;
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!!!!1
+ RegsChecked := [];
+ content := regs[which];
+ p := content.StartMod;
+ TmpResult := False;
+ Counter := 1;
+ While Not(TmpResult) And
+ (Counter <= Content.NrOfMods) Do
+ Begin
+ If IsLoadMemReg(p) Then
+ With PInstr(p)^.oper[LoadSrc]^.ref^ Do
+ If (Base = ProcInfo.FramePointer)
+ {$ifdef RefsHaveIndexReg}
+ And (Index = R_NO)
+ {$endif RefsHaveIndexReg} Then
+ Begin
+ RegsChecked := RegsChecked +
+ [RegMaxSize(PInstr(p)^.oper[LoadDst]^.reg)];
+ If Reg = RegMaxSize(PInstr(p)^.oper[LoadDst]^.reg) Then
+ Break;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ If (Base = Reg) And
+ Not(Base In RegsChecked)
+ Then TmpResult := True;
+ {$ifdef RefsHaveIndexReg}
+ If Not(TmpResult) And
+ (Index = Reg) And
+ Not(Index In RegsChecked)
+ Then TmpResult := True;
+ {$Endif RefsHaveIndexReg}
+ End
+ Else TmpResult := RegInInstruction(Reg, p);
+ Inc(Counter);
+ GetNextInstruction(p,p)
+ End;
+ RegInSequence := TmpResult
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyReg(Reg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { Destroys the contents of the register Reg in the PPaiProp p1, as well as }
+ { the contents of registers are loaded with a memory location based on Reg }
+ Var TmpWState, TmpRState: Byte;
+ Counter: TRegister;
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!
+ Reg := RegMaxSize(Reg);
+ If (Reg in [LoGPReg..HiGPReg]) Then
+ For Counter := LoGPReg to HiGPReg Do
+ With Regs[Counter] Do
+ If (Counter = reg) Or
+ ((Typ = Con_Ref) And
+ RegInSequence(Reg, Counter)) Then
+ Begin
+ InstrSinceLastMod[Counter] := 0;
+ IncWState(Counter);
+ TmpWState := GetWState(Counter);
+ TmpRState := GetRState(Counter);
+ FillChar(Regs[Counter], SizeOf(TContent), 0);
+ WState := TmpWState;
+ RState := TmpRState
+ End
+ }
+ End;
+ Function ArrayRefsEq(const r1, r2: TReference): Boolean;
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!!!!
+ ArrayRefsEq := (R1.Offset+R1.OffsetFixup = R2.Offset+R2.OffsetFixup) And
+ {$ifdef refsHaveSegmentReg}
+ (R1.Segment = R2.Segment) And
+ {$endif}
+ (R1.Base = R2.Base) And
+ (R1.Symbol=R2.Symbol);
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyRefs(Const Ref: TReference; WhichReg: TRegister;
+ var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ { destroys all registers which possibly contain a reference to Ref, WhichReg }
+ { is the register whose contents are being written to memory (if this proc }
+ { is called because of a "mov?? %reg, (mem)" instruction) }
+ Var RefsEq: TRefCompare;
+ Counter: TRegister;
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!!!!!
+ WhichReg := RegMaxSize(WhichReg);
+ If (Ref.base = procinfo.FramePointer) or
+ Assigned(Ref.Symbol) Then
+ Begin
+ If
+ {$ifdef refsHaveIndexReg}
+ (Ref.Index = R_NO) And
+ {$endif refsHaveIndexReg}
+ (Not(Assigned(Ref.Symbol)) or
+ (Ref.base = R_NO)) Then
+ { local variable which is not an array }
+ RefsEq := {$ifdef fpc}@{$endif}RefsEqual
+ Else
+ { local variable which is an array }
+ RefsEq := {$ifdef fpc}@{$endif}ArrayRefsEq;
+ {write something to a parameter, a local or global variable, so
+ * with uncertain optimizations on:
+ - destroy the contents of registers whose contents have somewhere a
+ "mov?? (Ref), %reg". WhichReg (this is the register whose contents
+ are being written to memory) is not destroyed if it's StartMod is
+ of that form and NrOfMods = 1 (so if it holds ref, but is not a
+ pointer or value based on Ref)
+ * with uncertain optimizations off:
+ - also destroy registers that contain any pointer}
+ For Counter := LoGPReg to HiGPReg Do
+ With Regs[Counter] Do
+ Begin
+ If (typ = Con_Ref) And
+ ((Not(cs_UncertainOpts in aktglobalswitches) And
+ (NrOfMods <> 1)
+ ) Or
+ (RefInSequence(Ref,Regs[Counter], RefsEq) And
+ ((Counter <> WhichReg) Or
+ ((NrOfMods <> 1) And
+ {StarMod is always of the type ait_instruction}
+ (PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].typ = top_ref) And
+ RefsEq(PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].ref^, Ref)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ Then
+ DestroyReg(Counter, InstrSinceLastMod)
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ {write something to a pointer location, so
+ * with uncertain optimzations on:
+ - do not destroy registers which contain a local/global variable or a
+ parameter, except if DestroyRefs is called because of a "movsl"
+ * with uncertain optimzations off:
+ - destroy every register which contains a memory location
+ }
+ For Counter := LoGPReg to HiGPReg Do
+ With Regs[Counter] Do
+ If (typ = Con_Ref) And
+ (Not(cs_UncertainOpts in aktglobalswitches) Or
+ {$ifdef x86}
+ {for movsl}
+ (Ref.Base = R_EDI) Or
+ {$endif}
+ {don't destroy if reg contains a parameter, local or global variable}
+ Not((NrOfMods = 1) And
+ (PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].typ = top_ref) And
+ ((PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].ref^.base = ProcInfo.FramePointer) Or
+ Assigned(PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].ref^.Symbol)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ Then DestroyReg(Counter, InstrSinceLastMod)
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyAllRegs(var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ Var Counter: TRegister;
+ Begin {initializes/desrtoys all registers}
+ {!!!!!!!!!
+ For Counter := LoGPReg To HiGPReg Do
+ Begin
+ ReadReg(Counter);
+ DestroyReg(Counter, InstrSinceLastMod);
+ End;
+ CondRegs.Init;
+ { FPURegs.Init; }
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyOp(const o:Toper; var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!
+ Case o.typ Of
+ top_reg: DestroyReg(o.reg, InstrSinceLastMod);
+ top_ref:
+ Begin
+ ReadRef(o.ref);
+ DestroyRefs(o.ref^, R_NO, InstrSinceLastMod);
+ End;
+ top_symbol:;
+ End;
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.ReadReg(Reg: TRegister);
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!
+ Reg := RegMaxSize(Reg);
+ If Reg in General_Registers Then
+ IncRState(RegMaxSize(Reg))
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.ReadRef(Ref: PReference);
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!
+ If Ref^.Base <> R_NO Then
+ ReadReg(Ref^.Base);
+ {$ifdef refsHaveIndexReg}
+ If Ref^.Index <> R_NO Then
+ ReadReg(Ref^.Index);
+ {$endif}
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.ReadOp(const o:toper);
+ Begin
+ Case o.typ Of
+ top_reg: ReadReg(o.reg);
+ top_ref: ReadRef(o.ref);
+ else
+ internalerror(200410241);
+ End;
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.ModifyReg(reg: TRegister; Var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ Begin
+ {!!!!!!!
+ With Regs[reg] Do
+ If (Typ = Con_Ref)
+ Then
+ Begin
+ IncState(WState);
+ {also store how many instructions are part of the sequence in the first
+ instructions PPaiProp, so it can be easily accessed from within
+ CheckSequence}
+ Inc(NrOfMods, InstrSinceLastMod[Reg]);
+ PPaiProp(StartMod.OptInfo)^.Regs[Reg].NrOfMods := NrOfMods;
+ InstrSinceLastMod[Reg] := 0;
+ End
+ Else
+ DestroyReg(Reg, InstrSinceLastMod);
+ }
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.ModifyOp(const oper: TOper; var InstrSinceLastMod:
+ TInstrSinceLastMod);
+ Begin
+ If oper.typ = top_reg Then
+ ModifyReg(RegMaxSize(oper.reg),InstrSinceLastMod)
+ Else
+ Begin
+ ReadOp(oper);
+ DestroyOp(oper, InstrSinceLastMod);
+ End
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.IncWState(Reg: TRegister);{$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl}
+ Begin
+ //!!!! IncState(Regs[Reg].WState);
+ End;
+ Procedure TPaiProp.IncRState(Reg: TRegister);{$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl}
+ Begin
+ //!!!! IncState(Regs[Reg].RState);
+ End;
+ Function TPaiProp.GetWState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt; {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl}
+ Begin
+ //!!!! GetWState := Regs[Reg].WState
+ End;
+ Function TPaiProp.GetRState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt; {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl}
+ Begin
+ //!!!! GetRState := Regs[Reg].RState
+ End;
+ Function TPaiProp.GetRegContentType(Reg: TRegister): Byte; {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl}
+ Begin
+ //!!!! GetRegContentType := Regs[Reg].typ
+ End;
+ Destructor TPaiProp.Done;
+ Begin
+ //!!!! UsedRegs.Done;
+ //!!!! CondRegs.Done;
+ { DirFlag: TFlagContents; I386 specific}
+ End;
+ { ************************ private TPaiProp stuff ************************* }
+ Procedure TPaiProp.IncState(Var s: TStateInt); {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl}
+ Begin
+ If s <> High(TStateInt) Then Inc(s)
+ Else s := 0
+ End;
+ Function TPaiProp.RefInInstruction(Const Ref: TReference; p: Tai;
+ RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean;
+ Var Count: AWord;
+ TmpResult: Boolean;
+ Begin
+ TmpResult := False;
+ If (p.typ = ait_instruction) Then
+ Begin
+ Count := 0;
+ Repeat
+ If (TInstr(p).oper[Count]^.typ = Top_Ref) Then
+ TmpResult := RefsEq(Ref, PInstr(p)^.oper[Count]^.ref^);
+ Inc(Count);
+ Until (Count = MaxOps) or TmpResult;
+ End;
+ RefInInstruction := TmpResult;
+ End;
+ Function TPaiProp.RefInSequence(Const Ref: TReference; Content: TContent;
+ RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean;
+ Var p: Tai;
+ Counter: Byte;
+ TmpResult: Boolean;
+ Begin
+ p := Content.StartMod;
+ TmpResult := False;
+ Counter := 1;
+ While Not(TmpResult) And
+ (Counter <= Content.NrOfMods) Do
+ Begin
+ If (p.typ = ait_instruction) And
+ RefInInstruction(Ref, p, {$ifdef fpc}@{$endif}references_equal)
+ Then TmpResult := True;
+ Inc(Counter);
+ GetNextInstruction(p,p)
+ End;
+ RefInSequence := TmpResult
+ End;
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ { ***************************** TAoptObj ********************************** }
+ { ************************************************************************* }
+ Constructor TAoptObj.create(_AsmL: TAasmOutput; _BlockStart, _BlockEnd: Tai;
+ _LabelInfo: PLabelInfo);
+ Begin
+ AsmL := _AsmL;
+ BlockStart := _BlockStart;
+ BlockEnd := _BlockEnd;
+ LabelInfo := _LabelInfo
+ End;
+ Function TAOptObj.FindLabel(L: TasmLabel; Var hp: Tai): Boolean;
+ Var TempP: Tai;
+ Begin
+ TempP := hp;
+ While Assigned(TempP) and
+ (TempP.typ In SkipInstr + [ait_label]) Do
+ If (TempP.typ <> ait_Label) Or
+ (Tai_label(TempP).l <> L)
+ Then GetNextInstruction(TempP, TempP)
+ Else
+ Begin
+ hp := TempP;
+ FindLabel := True;
+ exit
+ End;
+ FindLabel := False;
+ End;
+ Procedure TAOptObj.InsertLLItem(prev, foll, new_one : TLinkedListItem);
+ Begin
+ If Assigned(prev) Then
+ If Assigned(foll) Then
+ Begin
+ If Assigned(new_one) Then
+ Begin
+ new_one.previous := prev;
+ := foll;
+ := new_one;
+ foll.previous := new_one;
+ { should we update line information? }
+ if (not (tai(new_one).typ in SkipLineInfo)) and
+ (not (tai(foll).typ in SkipLineInfo)) then
+ Tailineinfo(new_one).fileinfo := Tailineinfo(foll).fileinfo
+ End
+ End
+ Else AsmL.Concat(new_one)
+ Else If Assigned(Foll) Then AsmL.Insert(new_one)
+ End;
+ Function TAOptObj.SkipHead(P: Tai): Tai;
+ Var OldP: Tai;
+ Begin
+ Repeat
+ OldP := P;
+ If (P.typ in SkipInstr) Or
+ ((P.typ = ait_marker) And
+ (Tai_Marker(P).Kind = AsmBlockEnd)) Then
+ GetNextInstruction(P, P)
+ Else If ((P.Typ = Ait_Marker) And
+ (Tai_Marker(P).Kind = NoPropInfoStart)) Then
+ { a marker of the type NoPropInfoStart can't be the first instruction of a }
+ { paasmoutput list }
+ GetNextInstruction(Tai(P.Previous),P);
+ If (P.Typ = Ait_Marker) And
+ (Tai_Marker(P).Kind = AsmBlockStart) Then
+ Begin
+ P := Tai(P.Next);
+ While (P.typ <> Ait_Marker) Or
+ (Tai_Marker(P).Kind <> AsmBlockEnd) Do
+ P := Tai(P.Next)
+ End;
+ Until P = OldP;
+ SkipHead := P;
+ End;
+ Function TAOptObj.OpsEqual(const o1,o2:toper): Boolean;
+ Begin
+ if o1.typ=o2.typ then
+ Case o1.typ Of
+ Top_Reg :
+ OpsEqual:=o1.reg=o2.reg;
+ Top_Ref :
+ OpsEqual := references_equal(o1.ref^, o2.ref^);
+ Top_Const :
+ OpsEqual:=o1.val=o2.val;
+ Top_None :
+ OpsEqual := True
+ else OpsEqual := False
+ End;
+ End;
+ Function TAOptObj.FindRegAlloc(Reg: TRegister; StartPai: Tai): Boolean;
+ Begin
+ FindRegAlloc:=False;
+ Repeat
+ While Assigned(StartPai) And
+ ((StartPai.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_regAlloc])) Or
+ ((StartPai.typ = ait_label) and
+ Not(Tai_Label(StartPai).l.Is_Used))) Do
+ StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Next);
+ If Assigned(StartPai) And
+ (StartPai.typ = ait_regAlloc) and (tai_regalloc(StartPai).ratype=ra_alloc) Then
+ Begin
+ if tai_regalloc(StartPai).Reg = Reg then
+ begin
+ FindRegAlloc:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Next);
+ End
+ else
+ exit;
+ Until false;
+ End;
+ function SkipLabels(hp: tai; var hp2: tai): boolean;
+ {skips all labels and returns the next "real" instruction}
+ begin
+ while assigned( and
+ (tai( in SkipInstr + [ait_label,ait_align]) Do
+ hp := tai(;
+ if assigned( then
+ begin
+ SkipLabels := True;
+ hp2 := tai(
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ hp2 := hp;
+ SkipLabels := False
+ end;
+ end;
+ function FindAnyLabel(hp: tai; var l: tasmlabel): Boolean;
+ begin
+ FindAnyLabel := false;
+ while assigned( and
+ (tai( in (SkipInstr+[ait_align])) Do
+ hp := tai(;
+ if assigned( and
+ (tai( = ait_label) then
+ begin
+ FindAnyLabel := true;
+ l := tai_label(;
+ end
+ end;
+{$ifopt r+}
+{$define rangewason}
+ function tAOptObj.getlabelwithsym(sym: tasmlabel): tai;
+ begin
+ if (sym.labelnr >= labelinfo^.lowlabel) and
+ (sym.labelnr <= labelinfo^.highlabel) then { range check, a jump can go past an assembler block! }
+ getlabelwithsym := labelinfo^.labeltable^[sym.labelnr-labelinfo^.lowlabel].paiobj
+ else
+ getlabelwithsym := nil;
+ end;
+{$ifdef rangewason}
+{$undef rangewason}
+ function TAOptObj.GetFinalDestination(hp: taicpu; level: longint): boolean;
+ {traces sucessive jumps to their final destination and sets it, e.g.
+ je l1 je l3
+ <code> <code>
+ l1: becomes l1:
+ je l2 je l3
+ <code> <code>
+ l2: l2:
+ jmp l3 jmp l3
+ the level parameter denotes how deeep we have already followed the jump,
+ to avoid endless loops with constructs such as "l5: ; jmp l5" }
+ var p1, p2: tai;
+ l: tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ GetfinalDestination := false;
+ if level > 20 then
+ exit;
+ p1 := getlabelwithsym(tasmlabel(hp.oper[0]^.ref^.symbol));
+ if assigned(p1) then
+ begin
+ SkipLabels(p1,p1);
+ if (tai(p1).typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(p1).is_jmp) then
+ if { the next instruction after the label where the jump hp arrives}
+ { is unconditional or of the same type as hp, so continue }
+ ((taicpu(p1).opcode = aopt_uncondjmp) or
+ conditions_equal(taicpu(p1).condition,hp.condition)) or
+ { the next instruction after the label where the jump hp arrives}
+ { is the opposite of hp (so this one is never taken), but after }
+ { that one there is a branch that will be taken, so perform a }
+ { little hack: set p1 equal to this instruction (that's what the}
+ { last SkipLabels is for, only works with short bool evaluation)}
+ (conditions_equal(taicpu(p1).condition,inverse_cond(hp.condition)) and
+ SkipLabels(p1,p2) and
+ (p2.typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(p2).is_jmp) and
+ ((taicpu(p2).opcode = aopt_uncondjmp) or
+ (conditions_equal(taicpu(p2).condition,hp.condition))) and
+ SkipLabels(p1,p1)) then
+ begin
+ { quick check for loops of the form "l5: ; jmp l5 }
+ if (tasmlabel(taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol).labelnr =
+ tasmlabel(hp.oper[0]^.ref^.symbol).labelnr) then
+ exit;
+ if not GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p1),succ(level)) then
+ exit;
+ tasmlabel(hp.oper[0]^.ref^.symbol).decrefs;
+ hp.oper[0]^.ref^.symbol:=taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol;
+ tasmlabel(hp.oper[0]^.ref^.symbol).increfs;
+ end
+ else
+ if conditions_equal(taicpu(p1).condition,inverse_cond(hp.condition)) then
+ if not FindAnyLabel(p1,l) then
+ begin
+ {$ifdef finaldestdebug}
+ insertllitem(asml,p1,,tai_comment.Create(
+ strpnew('previous label inserted'))));
+ {$endif finaldestdebug}
+ objectlibrary.getlabel(l);
+ insertllitem(p1,,tai_label.Create(l));
+ tasmlabel(taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol).decrefs;
+ hp.oper[0]^.ref^.symbol := l;
+ l.increfs;
+ { this won't work, since the new label isn't in the labeltable }
+ { so it will fail the rangecheck. Labeltable should become a }
+ { hashtable to support this: }
+ { GetFinalDestination(asml, hp); }
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ {$ifdef finaldestdebug}
+ insertllitem(asml,p1,,tai_comment.Create(
+ strpnew('next label reused'))));
+ {$endif finaldestdebug}
+ l.increfs;
+ hp.oper[0]^.ref^.symbol := l;
+ if not GetFinalDestination(hp,succ(level)) then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ GetFinalDestination := true;
+ end;
+ procedure TAOptObj.PrePeepHoleOpts;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TAOptObj.PeepHoleOptPass1;
+ var
+ p,hp1,hp2 : tai;
+ begin
+ p := BlockStart;
+ //!!!! UsedRegs := [];
+ while (p <> BlockEnd) Do
+ begin
+ //!!!! UpDateUsedRegs(UsedRegs, tai(;
+ case p.Typ Of
+ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ { Handle Jmp Optimizations }
+ if taicpu(p).is_jmp then
+ begin
+ { the following if-block removes all code between a jmp and the next label,
+ because it can never be executed
+ }
+ if (taicpu(p).opcode = aopt_uncondjmp) then
+ begin
+ while GetNextInstruction(p, hp1) and
+ (hp1.typ <> ait_label) do
+ if not(hp1.typ in ([ait_label,ait_align]+skipinstr)) then
+ begin
+ asml.remove(hp1);
+ end
+ else break;
+ end;
+ { remove jumps to a label coming right after them }
+ if GetNextInstruction(p, hp1) then
+ begin
+ if FindLabel(tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol), hp1) and
+ {$warning FIXME removing the first instruction fails}
+ (p<>blockstart) then
+ begin
+ hp2:=tai(;
+ asml.remove(p);
+ p:=hp2;
+ continue;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if hp1.typ = ait_label then
+ SkipLabels(hp1,hp1);
+ if (tai(hp1).typ=ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(hp1).opcode=aopt_uncondjmp) and
+ GetNextInstruction(hp1, hp2) and
+ FindLabel(tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol), hp2) then
+ begin
+ if taicpu(p).opcode=aopt_condjmp then
+ begin
+ taicpu(p).condition:=inverse_cond(taicpu(p).condition);
+ tai_label(hp2).l.decrefs;
+ taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol:=taicpu(hp1).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol;
+ taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol.increfs;
+{$ifdef SPARC}
+ hp2:=tai(;
+ asml.remove(hp2);
+{$endif SPARC}
+ asml.remove(hp1);
+ GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p),0);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p),0);
+ p:=tai(;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p),0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ { All other optimizes }
+ begin
+ end; { if is_jmp }
+ end;
+ end;
+ //!!!!!!!! updateUsedRegs(UsedRegs,p);
+ p:=tai(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TAOptObj.PeepHoleOptPass2;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TAOptObj.PostPeepHoleOpts;
+ begin
+ end;
+ $Log: aoptobj.pas,v $
+ Revision 1.17 2005/02/26 01:26:59 jonas
+ * fixed generic jumps optimizer and enabled it for ppc (the label table
+ was not being initialised -> getfinaldestination always failed, which
+ caused wrong optimizations in some cases)
+ * changed the inverse_cond into a function, because tasmcond is a record
+ on ppc
+ + added a compare_conditions() function for the same reason
+ Revision 1.16 2005/02/25 20:50:53 jonas
+ * fixed uninitialised function result in getfinaldestination() when
+ maximum recursion reached
+ Revision 1.15 2005/02/14 17:13:06 peter
+ * truncate log