path: root/compiler/arm
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authorflorian <florian@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2020-04-15 20:21:29 +0000
committerflorian <florian@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2020-04-15 20:21:29 +0000
commitbb4c6b5122193996239fff8c103c282f8d56f3ed (patch)
tree0a9dd0113f41d3b78ecbb1a3351f1fe776f38f9a /compiler/arm
parent3352e591982823a0c4a004dd05d5bf659c25a58d (diff)
* factored out TARMAsmOptimizer.OptPass1UXTB
* several other routines being very similar for ARM and AAarch64 moved to aoptarm git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/arm')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/arm/aoptcpu.pas b/compiler/arm/aoptcpu.pas
index 07d17045e3..bf3b565e0b 100644
--- a/compiler/arm/aoptcpu.pas
+++ b/compiler/arm/aoptcpu.pas
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ Type
function PeepHoleOptPass1Cpu(var p: tai): boolean; override;
procedure PeepHoleOptPass2;override;
Function RegInInstruction(Reg: TRegister; p1: tai): Boolean;override;
- function RemoveSuperfluousMove(const p: tai; movp: tai; const optimizer: string): boolean;
function RemoveSuperfluousVMov(const p : tai; movp : tai; const optimizer : string) : boolean;
{ gets the next tai object after current that contains info relevant
@@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ Type
change in program flow.
If there is none, it returns false and
sets p1 to nil }
- Function GetNextInstructionUsingReg(Current: tai; Out Next: tai; reg: TRegister): Boolean;
Function GetNextInstructionUsingRef(Current: tai; Out Next: tai; const ref: TReference; StopOnStore: Boolean = true): Boolean;
{ outputs a debug message into the assembler file }
@@ -112,63 +110,6 @@ Implementation
- function RefsEqual(const r1, r2: treference): boolean;
- begin
- refsequal :=
- (r1.offset = r2.offset) and
- (r1.base = r2.base) and
- (r1.index = r2.index) and (r1.scalefactor = r2.scalefactor) and
- (r1.symbol=r2.symbol) and (r1.refaddr = r2.refaddr) and
- (r1.relsymbol = r2.relsymbol) and
- (r1.signindex = r2.signindex) and
- (r1.shiftimm = r2.shiftimm) and
- (r1.addressmode = r2.addressmode) and
- (r1.shiftmode = r2.shiftmode) and
- (r1.volatility=[]) and
- (r2.volatility=[]);
- end;
- function MatchInstruction(const instr: tai; const op: TCommonAsmOps; const cond: TAsmConds; const postfix: TOpPostfixes): boolean;
- begin
- result :=
- (instr.typ = ait_instruction) and
- ((op = []) or ((ord(taicpu(instr).opcode)<256) and (taicpu(instr).opcode in op))) and
- ((cond = []) or (taicpu(instr).condition in cond)) and
- ((postfix = []) or (taicpu(instr).oppostfix in postfix));
- end;
- function MatchInstruction(const instr: tai; const op: TAsmOp; const cond: TAsmConds; const postfix: TOpPostfixes): boolean;
- begin
- result :=
- (instr.typ = ait_instruction) and
- (taicpu(instr).opcode = op) and
- ((cond = []) or (taicpu(instr).condition in cond)) and
- ((postfix = []) or (taicpu(instr).oppostfix in postfix));
- end;
- function MatchOperand(const oper1: TOper; const oper2: TOper): boolean; inline;
- begin
- result := oper1.typ = oper2.typ;
- if result then
- case oper1.typ of
- top_const:
- Result:=oper1.val = oper2.val;
- top_reg:
- Result:=oper1.reg = oper2.reg;
- top_conditioncode:
- =;
- top_ref:
- Result:=RefsEqual(oper1.ref^, oper2.ref^);
- else Result:=false;
- end
- end;
- function MatchOperand(const oper: TOper; const reg: TRegister): boolean; inline;
- begin
- result := (oper.typ = top_reg) and (oper.reg = reg);
- end;
function RemoveRedundantMove(const cmpp: tai; movp: tai; asml: TAsmList):Boolean;
@@ -332,20 +273,6 @@ Implementation
- function TCpuAsmOptimizer.GetNextInstructionUsingReg(Current: tai;
- Out Next: tai; reg: TRegister): Boolean;
- begin
- Next:=Current;
- repeat
- Result:=GetNextInstruction(Next,Next);
- until not (Result) or
- not(cs_opt_level3 in current_settings.optimizerswitches) or
- (Next.typ<>ait_instruction) or
- RegInInstruction(reg,Next) or
- is_calljmp(taicpu(Next).opcode) or
- RegModifiedByInstruction(NR_PC,Next);
- end;
function TCpuAsmOptimizer.GetNextInstructionUsingRef(Current: tai;
Out Next: tai; const ref: TReference; StopOnStore: Boolean = true): Boolean;
@@ -395,92 +322,6 @@ Implementation
- function TCpuAsmOptimizer.RemoveSuperfluousMove(const p: tai; movp: tai; const optimizer: string):boolean;
- var
- alloc,
- dealloc : tai_regalloc;
- hp1 : tai;
- begin
- Result:=false;
- if MatchInstruction(movp, A_MOV, [taicpu(p).condition], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(movp).ops=2) and {We can't optimize if there is a shiftop}
- MatchOperand(taicpu(movp).oper[1]^, taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- { don't mess with moves to pc }
- (taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg<>NR_PC) and
- { don't mess with moves to lr }
- (taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg<>NR_R14) and
- { the destination register of the mov might not be used beween p and movp }
- not(RegUsedBetween(taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg,p,movp)) and
- { cb[n]z are thumb instructions which require specific registers, with no wide forms }
- (taicpu(p).opcode<>A_CBZ) and
- (taicpu(p).opcode<>A_CBNZ) and
- {There is a special requirement for MUL and MLA, oper[0] and oper[1] are not allowed to be the same}
- not (
- (taicpu(p).opcode in [A_MLA, A_MUL]) and
- (taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg = taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg) and
- (current_settings.cputype < cpu_armv6)
- ) and
- { Take care to only do this for instructions which REALLY load to the first register.
- Otherwise
- str reg0, [reg1]
- mov reg2, reg0
- will be optimized to
- str reg2, [reg1]
- }
- regLoadedWithNewValue(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg, p) then
- begin
- dealloc:=FindRegDeAlloc(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg,tai(movp.Next));
- if assigned(dealloc) then
- begin
- DebugMsg('Peephole '+optimizer+' removed superfluous mov', movp);
- result:=true;
- { taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg is not used anymore, try to find its allocation
- and remove it if possible }
- asml.Remove(dealloc);
- alloc:=FindRegAllocBackward(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg,tai(p.previous));
- if assigned(alloc) then
- begin
- asml.Remove(alloc);
- end
- else
- asml.InsertAfter(dealloc,p);
- { try to move the allocation of the target register }
- GetLastInstruction(movp,hp1);
- alloc:=FindRegAlloc(taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg,tai(hp1.Next));
- if assigned(alloc) then
- begin
- asml.Remove(alloc);
- asml.InsertBefore(alloc,p);
- { adjust used regs }
- IncludeRegInUsedRegs(taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg,UsedRegs);
- end;
- { finally get rid of the mov }
- taicpu(p).loadreg(0,taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg);
- { Remove preindexing and postindexing for LDR in some cases.
- For example:
- ldr reg2,[reg1, xxx]!
- mov reg1,reg2
- must be translated to:
- ldr reg1,[reg1, xxx]
- Preindexing must be removed there, since the same register is used as the base and as the target.
- Such case is not allowed for ARM CPU and produces crash. }
- if (taicpu(p).opcode = A_LDR) and (taicpu(p).oper[1]^.typ = top_ref)
- and (taicpu(movp).oper[0]^.reg = taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^.base)
- then
- taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^.addressmode:=AM_OFFSET;
- asml.remove(movp);
- end;
- end;
- end;
function TCpuAsmOptimizer.RemoveSuperfluousVMov(const p: tai; movp: tai; const optimizer: string):boolean;
@@ -2049,117 +1890,7 @@ Implementation
{$endif dummy}
- begin
- {
- change
- uxtb reg2,reg1
- strb reg2,[...]
- dealloc reg2
- to
- strb reg1,[...]
- }
- if MatchInstruction(p, taicpu(p).opcode, [C_None], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(p).ops=2) and
- GetNextInstructionUsingReg(p,hp1,taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- MatchInstruction(hp1, A_STR, [C_None], [PF_B]) and
- assigned(FindRegDealloc(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg,tai(hp1.Next))) and
- { the reference in strb might not use reg2 }
- not(RegInRef(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg,taicpu(hp1).oper[1]^.ref^)) and
- { reg1 might not be modified inbetween }
- not(RegModifiedBetween(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg,p,hp1)) then
- begin
- DebugMsg('Peephole UxtbStrb2Strb done', p);
- taicpu(hp1).loadReg(0,taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg);
- GetNextInstruction(p,hp2);
- asml.remove(p);
- p:=hp2;
- result:=true;
- end
- {
- change
- uxtb reg2,reg1
- uxth reg3,reg2
- dealloc reg2
- to
- uxtb reg3,reg1
- }
- else if MatchInstruction(p, A_UXTB, [C_None], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(p).ops=2) and
- GetNextInstructionUsingReg(p,hp1,taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- MatchInstruction(hp1, A_UXTH, [C_None], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(hp1).ops = 2) and
- MatchOperand(taicpu(hp1).oper[1]^, taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- RegEndofLife(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg,taicpu(hp1)) and
- { reg1 might not be modified inbetween }
- not(RegModifiedBetween(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg,p,hp1)) then
- begin
- DebugMsg('Peephole UxtbUxth2Uxtb done', p);
- AllocRegBetween(taicpu(hp1).oper[0]^.reg,p,hp1,UsedRegs);
- taicpu(p).loadReg(0,taicpu(hp1).oper[0]^.reg);
- asml.remove(hp1);
- result:=true;
- end
- {
- change
- uxtb reg2,reg1
- uxtb reg3,reg2
- dealloc reg2
- to
- uxtb reg3,reg1
- }
- else if MatchInstruction(p, A_UXTB, [C_None], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(p).ops=2) and
- GetNextInstructionUsingReg(p,hp1,taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- MatchInstruction(hp1, A_UXTB, [C_None], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(hp1).ops = 2) and
- MatchOperand(taicpu(hp1).oper[1]^, taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- RegEndofLife(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg,taicpu(hp1)) and
- { reg1 might not be modified inbetween }
- not(RegModifiedBetween(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg,p,hp1)) then
- begin
- DebugMsg('Peephole UxtbUxtb2Uxtb done', p);
- AllocRegBetween(taicpu(hp1).oper[0]^.reg,p,hp1,UsedRegs);
- taicpu(p).loadReg(0,taicpu(hp1).oper[0]^.reg);
- asml.remove(hp1);
- result:=true;
- end
- {
- change
- uxtb reg2,reg1
- and reg3,reg2,#0x*FF
- dealloc reg2
- to
- uxtb reg3,reg1
- }
- else if MatchInstruction(p, A_UXTB, [C_None], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(p).ops=2) and
- GetNextInstructionUsingReg(p,hp1,taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- MatchInstruction(hp1, A_AND, [C_None], [PF_None]) and
- (taicpu(hp1).ops=3) and
- (taicpu(hp1).oper[2]^.typ=top_const) and
- ((taicpu(hp1).oper[2]^.val and $FF)=$FF) and
- MatchOperand(taicpu(hp1).oper[1]^, taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- RegEndofLife(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg,taicpu(hp1)) and
- { reg1 might not be modified inbetween }
- not(RegModifiedBetween(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg,p,hp1)) then
- begin
- DebugMsg('Peephole UxtbAndImm2Uxtb done', p);
- taicpu(hp1).opcode:=A_UXTB;
- taicpu(hp1).ops:=2;
- taicpu(hp1).loadReg(1,taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg);
- GetNextInstruction(p,hp2);
- asml.remove(p);
- p:=hp2;
- result:=true;
- end
- else if GetNextInstructionUsingReg(p, hp1, taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg) and
- RemoveSuperfluousMove(p, hp1, 'UxtbMov2Data') then
- Result:=true;
- end;
+ Result:=OptPass1UXTB(p);