path: root/compiler
diff options
authorkaroly <karoly@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2014-08-17 18:18:07 +0000
committerkaroly <karoly@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2014-08-17 18:18:07 +0000
commit1ac50486c657670aa1672ad7fbc5fd29b9e77964 (patch)
tree6af338d8c1f3e310f3ff5ad39d51ff5d2172abea /compiler
parentfc9d0389030b203f31e33f0c4704a8cb16813e75 (diff)
merged/updated AROS/i386 target to trunk from AROS branch, to support Marcus Sackrow's work on AROS support which will hopefully benefit all Amiga-like targets (classic, MorphOS) on the long run. Compiler only, RTL comes in the next run.
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
12 files changed, 66 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cfileutl.pas b/compiler/cfileutl.pas
index 049bde3646..1531d0e42f 100644
--- a/compiler/cfileutl.pas
+++ b/compiler/cfileutl.pas
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ interface
{ * Since native Amiga commands can't handle Unix-style relative paths used by the compiler,
and some GNU tools, Unix2AmigaPath is needed to handle such situations (KB) * }
{ * PATHCONV is implemented in the Amiga/MorphOS system unit * }
{$NOTE TODO Amiga: implement PathConv() in System unit, which works with AnsiString}
function Unix2AmigaPath(path: ShortString): ShortString; external name 'PATHCONV';
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ implementation
DirCache : TDirectoryCache;
{ Stub function for Unix2Amiga Path conversion functionality, only available in
Amiga/MorphOS RTL. I'm open for better solutions. (KB) }
function Unix2AmigaPath(path: String): String;{$IFDEF USEINLINE}inline;{$ENDIF}
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ end;
{$if defined(unix)}
if (length(s)>0) and (s[1] in AllowDirectorySeparators) then
-{$elseif defined(amiga) or defined(morphos)}
+{$elseif defined(hasamiga)}
(* An Amiga path is absolute, if it has a volume/device name in it (contains ":"),
otherwise it's always a relative path, no matter if it starts with a directory
separator or not. (KB) *)
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ end;
if (CurrentDir<>'') and (Copy(currPath,1,length(CurrentDir))=CurrentDir) then
-{$if defined(amiga) and defined(morphos)}
+{$ifdef hasamiga}
currPath:= CurrentDir+Copy(currPath,length(CurrentDir)+1,length(currPath));
currPath:= CurDirRelPath(source_info)+Copy(currPath,length(CurrentDir)+1,length(currPath));
diff --git a/compiler/compiler.pas b/compiler/compiler.pas
index 45f29688e8..ad9278dab7 100644
--- a/compiler/compiler.pas
+++ b/compiler/compiler.pas
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ uses
{$ifdef android}
{$endif android}
+{$ifdef aros}
+ ,i_aros
{$ifdef atari}
{$endif atari}
diff --git a/compiler/i386/cputarg.pas b/compiler/i386/cputarg.pas
index 64cd649c87..427cc1196b 100644
--- a/compiler/i386/cputarg.pas
+++ b/compiler/i386/cputarg.pas
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ implementation
+ {$ifndef NOTARGETAROS}
+ ,t_aros
+ {$endif}
diff --git a/compiler/impdef.pas b/compiler/impdef.pas
index dbbe56327f..d70e5e79bc 100644
--- a/compiler/impdef.pas
+++ b/compiler/impdef.pas
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ const
{$ifdef unix}
DirSep = '/';
- {$if defined(amiga) or defined(morphos)}
+ {$ifdef hasamiga}
DirSep = '/';
DirSep = '\';
diff --git a/compiler/msg/errore.msg b/compiler/msg/errore.msg
index 0ca5fbdb3b..0ffdefa336 100644
--- a/compiler/msg/errore.msg
+++ b/compiler/msg/errore.msg
@@ -3625,6 +3625,7 @@ F*2P<x>_Set target CPU (arm,i386,m68k,mips,mipsel,powerpc,powerpc64,sparc,x86_64
**2st_Generate script to link on target
**2sr_Skip register allocation phase (use with -alr)
**1T<x>_Target operating system:
3*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS X
3*2Temx_OS/2 via EMX (including EMX/RSX extender)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 5cb8c96833..a4dd8ab495 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ const
- MsgTxtSize = 72030;
+ MsgTxtSize = 72044;
MsgIdxMax : array[1..20] of longint=(
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a88223b68c..3fb51bd8e6 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -1498,15 +1498,16 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000300,1..240] of char=(
'**2st_Generate script to link on target'#010+
'**2sr_Skip register allocation phase (use with -alr)'#010+
'**1T<x>_Target operating system:'#010+
+ '3*2Taros_AROS'#010+
'3*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS X'#010+
- '3*2Temx_OS/2 via EMX (includ','ing EMX/RSX extender)'#010+
+ '3*2Temx_OS/2 v','ia EMX (including EMX/RSX extender)'#010+
'3*2Tgo32v2_Version 2 of DJ Delorie DOS extender'#010+
'3*2Tiphonesim_ iPhoneSimulator from iOS SDK 3.2+ (older versions: -Tda'+
'3*2Tnativent_Native NT API (experimental)'#010+
- '3*2Tnetbsd_NetBS','D'#010+
+ '3*','2Tnetbsd_NetBSD'#010+
'3*2Tnetware_Novell Netware Module (clib)'#010+
'3*2Tnetwlibc_Novell Netware Module (libc)'#010+
@@ -1514,7 +1515,7 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000300,1..240] of char=(
'3*2Tsymbian_Symbian OS'#010+
- '3*2Twatcom_Watcom compatible DOS extender',#010+
+ '3*2Twatcom_Watcom compatibl','e DOS extender'#010+
'3*2Twdosx_WDOSX DOS extender'#010+
'3*2Twin32_Windows 32 Bit'#010+
'3*2Twince_Windows CE'#010+
@@ -1523,8 +1524,8 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000300,1..240] of char=(
'4*2Twin64_Win64 (64 bit Windows systems)'#010+
'6*2Tamiga_Commodore Amiga'#010+
'6*2Tatari_Atari ST/STe/TT'#010+
- '6*2Tlinux_Linux'#010+
- '6*2Tpalmos_P','almOS'#010+
+ '6*2Tlinux_Linu','x'#010+
+ '6*2Tpalmos_PalmOS'#010+
'A*2Twince_Windows CE'#010+
@@ -1535,123 +1536,123 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000300,1..240] of char=(
- '**1u<x>_Undefines the ','symbol <x>'#010+
+ '**1u<x>_','Undefines the symbol <x>'#010+
'**1U_Unit options:'#010+
'**2Un_Do not check where the unit name matches the file name'#010+
'**2Ur_Generate release unit files (never automatically recompiled)'#010+
'**2Us_Compile a system unit'#010+
- '**1v<x>_Be verbose. <x> is a combination of the follow','ing letters:'#010+
+ '**1v<x>_Be verbose. <x> is a combination',' of the following letters:'#010+
'**2*_e : Show errors (default) 0 : Show nothing (except errors)'#010+
'**2*_w : Show warnings u : Show unit info'#010+
'**2*_n : Show notes t : Show tried/used files'#010+
- '**2*_h : Show hints c',' : Show conditionals'#010+
+ '**2*_h : Show hints ',' c : Show conditionals'#010+
'**2*_i : Show general info d : Show debug info'#010+
'**2*_l : Show linenumbers r : Rhide/GCC compatibility mode'#010+
'**2*_s : Show time stamps q : Show message numbers'#010+
- '**2*_a : Show everything ',' x : Executable info (Win32 only'+
+ '**2*_a : Show ev','erything x : Executable info (Win32 only'+
'**2*_b : Write file names messages p : Write tree.log with parse tre'+
'**2*_ with full path v : Write fpcdebug.txt with'#010+
- '**2*_ lots of debugging info',#010+
+ '**2*_ lots of ','debugging info'#010+
'**2*_m<x>,<y> : Do not show messages numbered <x> and <y>'#010+
'F*1V<x>_Append '#039'-<x>'#039' to the used compiler binary name (e.g. f'+
'or version)'#010+
'**1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)'#010+
'3*2WA_Specify native type application (Windows)'#010+
- '4*2WA_Specify nat','ive type application (Windows)'#010+
+ '4*2','WA_Specify native type application (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WA_Specify native type application (Windows)'#010+
'3*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
'P*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
- 'p*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
- 'A*2Wb','_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'p*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library ','(Darwin)'#010+
+ 'A*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
'4*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
'3*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
'3*2WBxxxx_Set image base to xxxx (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
- '4*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Win','dows)'#010+
+ '4*2WB_Create a relocata','ble image (Windows)'#010+
'4*2WBxxxx_Set image base to xxxx (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
'A*2WBxxxx_Set image base to xxxx (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
'3*2WC_Specify console type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
- '4*2WC_Specify console type ','application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
+ '4*2WC_Specify',' console type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
'A*2WC_Specify console type application (Windows)'#010+
'P*2WC_Specify console type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
'3*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
- '4*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of',' DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
+ '4*2WD_Use DEFFILE to expor','t functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
'3*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
'4*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
'A*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'P*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'p*2W','e_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'P*2We_Use external resources',' (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'p*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
'3*2WF_Specify full-screen type application (EMX, OS/2)'#010+
'3*2WG_Specify graphic type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
'4*2WG_Specify graphic type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
- 'A*2WG_Specify graphic type appl','ication (Windows)'#010+
+ 'A*2WG_Specify gra','phic type application (Windows)'#010+
'P*2WG_Specify graphic type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
'3*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
'4*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
'A*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'P*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'p*2Wi_Use inte','rnal resources (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'P*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010,
+ 'p*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
'3*2WI_Turn on/off the usage of import sections (Windows)'#010+
'4*2WI_Turn on/off the usage of import sections (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WI_Turn on/off the usage of import sections (Windows)'#010+
'8*2Wm<x>_Set memory model'#010+
- '8*3WmTiny_Tiny memo','ry model'#010+
+ '8*3Wm','Tiny_Tiny memory model'#010+
'8*3WmSmall_Small memory model (default)'#010+
'8*3WmMedium_Medium memory model'#010+
'8*3WmCompact_Compact memory model'#010+
'8*3WmLarge_Large memory model'#010+
'3*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Darwi'+
- '4*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac O','S X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Dar'+
+ '4*2WM<x>','_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Dar'+
'p*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Darwi'+
'P*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Darwi'+
- '3*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, need','ed for debugging (Windows'+
+ '3*2WN_Do not generate relocat','ion code, needed for debugging (Windows'+
'4*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, needed for debugging (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, needed for debugging (Windows)'#010+
- 'A*2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type, see fpc -i for possible values'#010+
- 'V*2','Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type, see fpc -i for possible value'+
+ 'A*2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type, see fpc -i for possi','ble value'+
+ 'V*2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type, see fpc -i for possible values'#010+
'3*2WP<x>_Minimum iOS deployment version: 3.0, 5.0.1, ... (iphonesim)'#010+
'A*2WP<x>_Minimum iOS deployment version: 3.0, 5.0.1, ... (Darwin)'#010+
- '3*2WR_Generate relocation code (Window','s)'#010+
+ '3*2WR_Generate relocatio','n code (Windows)'#010+
'4*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)'#010+
'8*2Wt<x>_Set the target executable format'#010+
'8*3Wtexe_Create a DOS .EXE file (default)'#010+
- '8*3Wtcom_Create a DOS .COM file (requires tiny memory model)'#010+
- 'P*2WT_Spec','ify MPW tool type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
+ '8*3Wtcom_Create a DOS .COM file (requires tiny memory mod','el)'#010+
+ 'P*2WT_Specify MPW tool type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
'**2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)'#010+
'**1X_Executable options:'#010+
'**2Xc_Pass --shared/-dynamic to the linker (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD, Lin'+
- '**2Xd_Do not search default library path (sometimes requ','ired for cro'+
+ '**2Xd_Do not search default library path (','sometimes required for cro'+
'ss-compiling when not using -XR)'#010+
'**2Xe_Use external linker'#010+
'**2Xg_Create debuginfo in a separate file and add a debuglink section '+
'to executable'#010+
'**2XD_Try to link units dynamically (defines FPC_LINK_DYNAMIC)'#010+
- '**2Xi_Use interna','l linker'#010+
+ '**2','Xi_Use internal linker'#010+
'**2Xm_Generate link map'#010+
'**2XM<x>_Set the name of the '#039'main'#039' program routine (default i'+
's '#039'main'#039')'#010+
'F*2Xp<x>_First search for the compiler binary in the directory <x>'#010+
- '**2XP<x>_Prepend the binutils names with the prefix <x>'#010+
- '**2Xr<x>_Set',' the linker'#039's rlink-path to <x> (needed for cross co'+
- 'mpile, see the ld manual for more information) (BeOS, Linux)'#010+
+ '**2XP<x>_Prepend the binutils names with the prefix <x','>'#010+
+ '**2Xr<x>_Set the linker'#039's rlink-path to <x> (needed for cross comp'+
+ 'ile, see the ld manual for more information) (BeOS, Linux)'#010+
'**2XR<x>_Prepend <x> to all linker search paths (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD'+
', Linux, Mac OS, Solaris)'#010+
- '**2Xs_Strip all symbols from ex','ecutable'#010+
+ '**2Xs_Strip all s','ymbols from executable'#010+
'**2XS_Try to link units statically (default, defines FPC_LINK_STATIC)'#010+
'**2Xt_Link with static libraries (-static is passed to linker)'#010+
'**2XX_Try to smartlink units (defines FPC_LINK_SMART)'#010+
- '**1?_Show this help'#010+
- '**1h_S','hows this help without waiting'
+ '**1?_Show th','is help'#010+
+ '**1h_Shows this help without waiting'
diff --git a/compiler/options.pas b/compiler/options.pas
index 6d687fdd55..6c8cd583d2 100644
--- a/compiler/options.pas
+++ b/compiler/options.pas
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Type
FileLevel : longint;
QuickInfo : string;
FPCBinaryPath: string;
- ParaIncludeCfgPath,
+ ParaIncludeCfgPath,
diff --git a/compiler/parser.pas b/compiler/parser.pas
index 15f262e783..ffad2f1291 100644
--- a/compiler/parser.pas
+++ b/compiler/parser.pas
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ implementation
+ system_i386_aros:
+ include(supported_calling_conventions,pocall_syscall);
{$ifdef i8086}
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 23c91706db..14219ee956 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -162,7 +162,9 @@
system_i8086_msdos, { 79 }
system_mipsel_android, { 80 }
system_mipseb_embedded, { 81 }
- system_mipsel_embedded { 82 }
+ system_mipsel_embedded, { 82 }
+ system_i386_aros, { 83 }
+ system_x86_64_aros { 84 }
@@ -213,6 +215,7 @@
tlink = (ld_none,
ld_aix, { external linkers (one per OS, handles all CPUs) }
+ ld_aros,
diff --git a/compiler/utils/fpc.pp b/compiler/utils/fpc.pp
index 9d2de163ad..7da8dd2e1a 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/fpc.pp
+++ b/compiler/utils/fpc.pp
@@ -29,19 +29,15 @@ program fpc;
{$ifdef UNIX}
{$else UNIX}
- {$ifdef AMIGA}
+ {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
- {$ifdef MORPHOS}
- exeext='';
- {$else}
- {$ifdef NETWARE}
+ {$ifdef NETWARE}
- {$else}
+ {$else}
- {$endif NETWARE}
- {$endif MORPHOS}
- {$endif AMIGA}
+ {$endif NETWARE}
+ {$endif HASAMIGA}
{$endif UNIX}
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ppuutils/ppudump.pp b/compiler/utils/ppuutils/ppudump.pp
index e336731ca0..a31137e4a5 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/ppuutils/ppudump.pp
+++ b/compiler/utils/ppuutils/ppudump.pp
@@ -164,7 +164,9 @@ const
{ 79 } 'MSDOS-i8086',
{ 80 } 'Android-MIPSel',
{ 81 } 'Embedded-mipseb',
- { 82 } 'Embedded-mipsel'
+ { 82 } 'Embedded-mipsel',
+ { 83 } 'AROS-i386',
+ { 84 } 'AROS-x86-64'