path: root/fv
diff options
authordaniel <daniel@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2006-05-25 21:06:00 +0000
committerdaniel <daniel@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2006-05-25 21:06:00 +0000
commitb272ef128e00b2b85c6515c85f0f6bc5f622974b (patch)
tree00d69edacfaebf1629c94cdd6763d1dfaa2eab85 /fv
parent98da59fda375b6583a07b07c7b8a6063a2e86dfd (diff)
+ New implementation of outline.pas.
Contains some code contrinuted by Onur Sayman. git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'fv')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fv/outline.pas b/fv/outline.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..246cf66d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fv/outline.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+unit outline;
+ interface
+uses objects,views;
+type Pnode=^Tnode;
+ Tnode=record
+ next:Pnode;
+ text:Pstring;
+ childlist:Pnode;
+ expanded:boolean;
+ end;
+ Poutlineviewer=^Toutlineviewer;
+ Toutlineviewer=object(Tscroller)
+ foc:sw_integer;
+ constructor init(var bounds:Trect;
+ AHscrollbar,AVscrollbar:Pscrollbar);
+ procedure adjust(node:pointer;expand:boolean);virtual;
+ function creategraph(level:integer;lines:longint;
+ flags:word;levwidth,endwidth:integer;
+ const chars:string):string;
+ procedure draw;virtual;
+ procedure expandall(node:pointer);
+ function firstthat(test:pointer):pointer;
+ procedure focused(i:sw_integer);virtual;
+ procedure foreach(node:pointer);
+ function getgraph(level:integer;lines:longint;flags:word):string;
+ function getnumchildren(node:pointer):sw_integer;virtual;
+ function getchild(node:pointer;i:sw_integer):pointer;virtual;
+ function gettext(node:pointer):string;virtual;
+ function haschildren(node:pointer):boolean;virtual;
+ function isexpanded(node:pointer):boolean;virtual;
+ destructor done;virtual;
+ end;
+ Toutline=object(Toutlineviewer)
+ root:Pnode;
+ constructor init(var bounds:Trect;
+ AHscrollbar,AVscrollbar:Pscrollbar;
+ Aroot:Pnode);
+ procedure adjust(node:pointer;expand:boolean);virtual;
+ function getnumchildren(node:pointer):sw_integer;virtual;
+ function getchild(node:pointer;i:sw_integer):pointer;virtual;
+ function gettext(node:pointer):string;virtual;
+ function haschildren(node:pointer):boolean;virtual;
+ function isexpanded(node:pointer):boolean;virtual;
+ destructor done;virtual;
+ end;
+function newnode(const Atext:string;Achildren,Anext:Pnode):Pnode;
+procedure disposenode(node:Pnode);
+ implementation
+function newnode(const Atext:string;Achildren,Anext:Pnode):Pnode;
+ new(newnode);
+ with newnode^ do
+ begin
+ next:=Anext;
+ text:=newstr(Atext);
+ childlist:=Achildren;
+ expanded:=false;
+ end;
+procedure disposenode(node:Pnode);
+ with node^ do
+ begin
+ if childlist<>nil then
+ disposenode(childlist);
+ if next<>nil then
+ disposenode(next)
+ end;
+ dispose(node);
+{ Toutlineviewer object methods }
+constructor Toutlineviewer.init(var bounds:Trect;
+ AHscrollbar,AVscrollbar:Pscrollbar);
+ inherited init(bounds,AHscrollbar,AVscrollbar);
+ foc:=0;
+ growmode:=gfGrowHiX+gfGrowHiY;
+procedure Toutlineviewer.adjust(node:pointer;expand:boolean);virtual;
+ abstract;
+function TOutlineViewer.CreateGraph(Level: Integer; Lines: LongInt;
+ Flags: Word; LevWidth, EndWidth: Integer;
+ const Chars: String): String;
+ FillerOrBar = 0;
+ YorL = 2;
+ StraightOrTee= 4;
+ Retracted = 6;
+ Last, Children, Expanded: Boolean;
+ I , J : Byte;
+ Graph : String;
+ { Break out flags }
+ Expanded := Boolean((Flags and ovExpanded) <> 0);
+ Children := Boolean((Flags and ovChildren) <> 0);
+ Last := Boolean((Flags and ovLast) <> 0);
+ { Load registers }
+ J := Level*LevWidth+EndWidth+1;
+ Graph[0] := Char(J);
+ for I := 1 to J do
+ Graph[I] := ' ';
+ { Write bar characters }
+ J := 1;
+ while (Level > 0) do
+ begin
+ Inc(J);
+ if (Lines and 1) <> 0 then
+ Graph[J] := Chars[FillerOrBar+2]
+ else
+ Graph[J] := Chars[FillerOrBar+1];
+ for I := 1 to LevWidth - 1 do
+ begin
+ Graph[I]:= Chars[FillerOrBar+1];
+ end;
+ J := J + LevWidth - 1;
+ Dec(Level);
+ Lines := Lines shr 1;
+ end;
+ { Write end characters }
+ Dec(EndWidth);
+ if EndWidth > 0 then
+ begin
+ Inc(J);
+ if Last <> False then
+ Graph[J] := Chars[YorL+2]
+ else
+ Graph[J] := Chars[YorL+1];
+ Dec(EndWidth);
+ if EndWidth > 0 then
+ begin
+ Dec(EndWidth);
+ if EndWidth > 0 then
+ begin
+ for I := 1 to EndWidth do
+ begin
+ Graph[I]:= Chars[StraightOrTee+1];
+ end;
+ J := J + EndWidth;
+ end;
+ Inc(J);
+ if Children <> False then
+ Graph[J] := Chars[StraightOrTee+2]
+ else
+ Graph[J] := Chars[StraightOrTee+1];
+ end;
+ Inc(J);
+ if Expanded <> False then
+ Graph[J] := Chars[Retracted+2]
+ else
+ Graph[J] := Chars[Retracted+1];
+ end;
+ Graph[0] := Char(J);
+ CreateGraph := Graph;
+procedure Toutlineviewer.draw;
+procedure Toutlineviewer.expandall(node:pointer);
+var i:sw_integer;
+ for i:=0 to getnumchildren-1 do
+ expandall(getchild(i));
+function Toutlineviewer.firstthat(test:pointer):pointer;
+procedure Toutlineviewer.focused(i:sw_integer);
+ foc:=i;
+procedure Toutlineviewer.foreach(action:pointer);
+function Toutlineviewer.getgraph(level:integer;lines:longint;
+ flags:word):string;
+function Toutlineviewer.getnumchildren(node:pointer):sw_integer;
+ abstract;
+function Toutlineviewer.getchild(node:pointer;i:sw_integer):pointer;
+ abstract;
+function Toutlineviewer.gettext(node:pointer):string;
+ abstract;
+function Toutlineviewer.haschildren(node:pointer):boolean;
+ abstract;
+function Toutlineviewer.isexpanded(node:pointer):boolean;
+destructor Toutlineviewer.done;virtual;
+{ Toutline object methods }
+constructor Toutline.init(var bounds:Trect;
+ AHscrollbar,AVscrollbar:Pscrollbar;
+ Aroot:Pnode);
+ inherited init(bounds,AHscrollbar,AVscrollbar);
+ root:=Pnode;
+ update;
+procedure Toutline.adjust(node:pointer;expand:boolean);
+ Pnode(node)^.expanded:=expand;
+function Toutline.getroot:pointer;virtual;
+ getroot:=root;
+function Toutline.getnumchildren(node:pointer):sw_integer;virtual;
+var p:Pnode;
+ p:=Pnode(node)^.childlist;
+ get_num_children:=0;
+ while p<>nil do
+ begin
+ inc(get_num_children);
+ p:=p^.next;
+ end;
+function Toutline.getchild(node:pointer;i:sw_integer):pointer;virtual;
+ get_child:=Pnode(node)^.childlist;
+ while i<>0 do
+ begin
+ dec(i);
+ get_child:=get_child^.next;
+ end;
+function Toutline.gettext(node:pointer):string;
+ gettext:=Pnode(node)^.text;
+function Toutline.haschildren(node:pointer):boolean;
+ haschildren:=Pnode(node)^.childlist<>nil;
+function isexpanded(node:pointer):boolean;
+ isexpanded:=Pnode(node)^.expanded;
+destructor Toutline.done;
+ dispose(root,done);