path: root/ide/fp.pas
diff options
authorfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
committerfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
commitf206a9c2b1ae1d8727ca27a96d448b61fdb4c766 (patch)
treef28256ff9964c1fc7c0f7fb00891268a117b745d /ide/fp.pas
initial import
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/fp.pas')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/fp.pas b/ide/fp.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5017ce4c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/fp.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+ $Id: fp.pas,v 1.29 2005/04/25 08:19:10 marco Exp $
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Berczi Gabor
+ Main program of the IDE
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+program FP;
+{$ifdef IncRes}
+{$ifdef win32}
+{$R fpw32t.rc}
+{$R fpw32ico.rc}
+{$endif win32}
+{$endif IncRes}
+(* - NODEBUG No Debugging support *)
+(* - TP Turbo Pascal mode *)
+(* - i386 Target is an i386 IDE *)
+{$ifndef NODEBUG}
+{$ifdef win32}
+ fpcygwin,
+{$endif win32}
+{$endif NODEBUG}
+{$ifdef IDEHeapTrc}
+ PPheap,
+{$endif IDEHeapTrc}
+{$ifdef Use_DBGHEAP}
+ dbgheap,
+{$endif Use_DBGHEAP}
+{$ifdef go32v2}
+ dpmiexcp,
+{$endif go32v2}
+{$ifdef fpc}
+ keyboard,video,mouse,
+{$endif fpc}
+{$ifdef HasSignal}
+ fpcatch,
+{$endif HasSignal}
+ Dos,Objects,
+ BrowCol,Version,
+{$ifndef NODEBUG}
+ gdbint,
+{$endif NODEBUG}
+ FVConsts,
+ Drivers,Views,App,Dialogs,HistList,
+ Menus,StdDlg,Validate,
+ WEditor,WCEdit,
+{$ifdef COLORSEL}
+ ColorSel,
+{$endif COLORSEL}
+ WUtils,WViews,WHTMLScn,WHelp,
+ FPIDE,FPCalc,FPCompil,FPString,
+ FPIni,FPViews,FPConst,FPVars,FPUtils,FPHelp,FPSwitch,FPUsrScr,
+ FPTools,
+{$ifndef NODEBUG}
+ FPDebug,FPRegs,
+ FPTemplt,FPRedir,FPDesk,
+ FPCodTmp,FPCodCmp,
+ systems;
+{$ifdef fpc}
+ DummyMouseDriver : TMouseDriver = (
+ useDefaultQueue : true;
+ InitDriver : nil;
+ DoneDriver : nil;
+ DetectMouse : nil;
+ ShowMouse : nil;
+ HideMouse : nil;
+ GetMouseX : nil;
+ GetMouseY : nil;
+ GetMouseButtons : nil;
+ SetMouseXY : nil;
+ GetMouseEvent : nil;
+ PollMouseEvent : nil;
+ PutMouseEvent : nil;
+ );
+{$endif fpc}
+{$ifdef DEBUG}
+ CloseImmediately : boolean = false;
+ StartTime : real;
+ function getrealtime : real;
+ var
+ h,m,s,s100 : word;
+ begin
+ gettime(h,m,s,s100);
+ getrealtime:=h*3600.0+m*60.0+s+s100/100.0;
+ end;
+{$endif DEBUG}
+procedure ProcessParams(BeforeINI: boolean);
+ function IsSwitch(const Param: string): boolean;
+ begin
+ IsSwitch:=(Param<>'') and (Param[1]<>DirSep) { <- allow UNIX root-relative paths }
+ and (Param[1] in ['-','/']); { <- but still accept dos switch char, eg. '/' }
+ end;
+var I: Sw_integer;
+ Param: string;
+ for I:=1 to ParamCount do
+ begin
+ Param:=System.ParamStr(I);
+ if IsSwitch(Param) then
+ begin
+ Param:=copy(Param,2,255);
+ if Param<>'' then
+ if UpcaseStr(copy(Param,1,2))='HM' then
+ { HeapMonitor }
+ begin
+ if (copy(Param,3,1)='+') or (copy(Param,3,1)='') then
+ StartupOptions:=StartupOptions or soHeapMonitor
+ else
+ if (copy(Param,3,1)='-') then
+ StartupOptions:=StartupOptions and not soHeapMonitor;
+ end else
+{$ifdef go32v2}
+ if UpcaseStr(Param)='NOLFN' then
+ begin
+ LFNSupport:=false;
+ end else
+{$endif go32v2}
+ if UpcaseStr(Param)='README' then
+ begin
+ ShowReadme:=true;
+ end else
+ case Upcase(Param[1]) of
+ 'C' : { custom config file (BP compatiblity) }
+ if BeforeINI then
+ begin
+ if (length(Param)>=1) and (Param[1] in['=',':']) then
+ Delete(Param,1,1); { eat separator }
+ IniFileName:=Param;
+ end;
+ 'R' : { enter the directory last exited from (BP comp.) }
+ begin
+ Param:=copy(Param,2,255);
+ if (Param='') or (Param='+') then
+ StartupOptions:=StartupOptions or soReturnToLastDir
+ else
+ if (Param='-') then
+ StartupOptions:=StartupOptions and (not soReturnToLastDir);
+ end;
+ 'S' :
+ if Length(Param)=1 then
+ begin
+ UseMouse:=false;
+{$ifdef fpc}
+ DoneMouse;
+ SetMouseDriver(DummyMouseDriver);
+{$endif fpc}
+ ButtonCount:=0;
+ end;
+{$ifdef fpc}
+ 'F' :
+ if Length(Param)=1 then
+ NoExtendedFrame:=true;
+{$ifdef Unix}
+ 'T' : DebuggeeTTY:=Copy(Param,2,High(Param));
+{$endif Unix}
+ { 'M' : TryToMaximizeScreen:=true;}
+{$endif fpc}
+{$ifdef DEBUG}
+ 'Z' : UseOldBufStreamMethod:=true;
+ 'X' : CloseImmediately:=true;
+{$endif DEBUG}
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ if not BeforeINI then
+ TryToOpenFile(nil,Param,0,0,{false}true);
+ end;
+Procedure MyStreamError(Var S: TStream); {$ifndef FPC}far;{$endif}
+var ErrS: string;
+ case S.Status of
+ stGetError : ErrS:='Get of unregistered object type';
+ stPutError : ErrS:='Put of unregistered object type';
+ else ErrS:='';
+ end;
+ if ErrS<>'' then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(Application) then
+ ErrorBox('Stream error: '+#13+ErrS,nil)
+ else
+ writeln('Error: ',ErrS);
+ end;
+procedure DelTempFiles;
+ DeleteFile(FPOutFileName);
+ DeleteFile(FPErrFileName);
+ DeleteFile(GDBOutFileName);
+ DeleteFile(GDBOutPutFileName);
+ DeleteFile(GREPOutName);
+ DeleteFile(GREPErrName);
+procedure RegisterIDEObjects;
+ RegisterApp;
+ RegisterCodeComplete;
+ RegisterCodeTemplates;
+{$ifdef COLORSEL}
+ RegisterColorSel;
+{$endif COLORSEL}
+ RegisterAsciiTab;
+ RegisterDialogs;
+ RegisterWEditor;
+ RegisterWCEdit;
+ RegisterFPCalc;
+ RegisterFPCompile;
+ RegisterFPTools;
+ RegisterFPViews;
+{$ifndef NODEBUG}
+ RegisterFPDebugViews;
+ RegisterFPRegsViews;
+ RegisterMenus;
+ RegisterStdDlg;
+ RegisterSymbols;
+ RegisterObjects;
+ RegisterValidate;
+ RegisterViews;
+ RegisterWHTMLScan;
+ RegisterWUtils;
+ RegisterWViews;
+var CanExit : boolean;
+ SetJmpRes : longint;
+ StoreExitProc : pointer;
+ ErrS : String;
+ P : record
+ l1 : longint;
+ s : pstring;
+ end;
+ ExitIntercepted : boolean = false;
+ SeenExitCode : longint =0;
+ SeenErrorAddr : pointer = nil;
+ UserWantsToGoOn: boolean = false;
+procedure InterceptExit;
+{$IFDEF HasSignal}
+ if StopJmpValid then
+ begin
+ ExitIntercepted:=true;
+ SeenExitCode:=ExitCode;
+ SeenErrorAddr:=ErrorAddr;
+ LongJmp(StopJmp,1);
+ end;
+{$IFDEF HasSignal}
+ EnableCatchSignals;
+{$ifdef DEV}
+ HeapLimit:=4096;
+ HistorySize:=16384;
+ { Startup info }
+ writeln('þ Free Pascal IDE Version '+VersionStr+' ['+{$i %date%}+']');
+ writeln('þ Compiler Version '+Version_String);
+{$ifndef NODEBUG}
+ writeln('þ GBD Version '+GDBVersion);
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ writeln('þ Cygwin "',GetCygwinFullName,'" version ',GetCygwinVersionString);
+ CheckCygwinVersion;
+ {$endif win32}
+{$endif NODEBUG}
+ ProcessParams(true);
+{$ifdef DEBUG}
+ StartTime:=getrealtime;
+{$endif DEBUG}
+ InitDirs;
+ RegisterIDEObjects;
+ StreamError:=@MyStreamError;
+ ShowReadme:=ShowReadme or (LocateFile(INIFileName)='');
+{$ifdef VESA}
+ InitVESAScreenModes;
+ InitRedir;
+{$ifndef NODEBUG}
+ InitBreakpoints;
+ InitWatches;
+ InitReservedWords;
+ InitHelpFiles;
+ InitSwitches;
+ InitINIFile;
+ InitUserScreen;
+ InitTools;
+ InitTemplates;
+ InitCodeTemplates;
+ InitCodeComplete;
+ { init target information etc. }
+ InitSystems;
+ IDEApp.Init;
+ CheckINIFile;
+ ReadSwitches(SwitchesPath);
+ { load all options after init because of open files }
+ ReadINIFile;
+ InitDesktopFile;
+ LoadDesktop;
+ { Handle Standard Units }
+ if UseAllUnitsInCodeComplete then
+ AddAvailableUnitsToCodeComplete(false);
+ if UseStandardUnitsInCodeComplete and not assigned(UnitsCodeCompleteWords) then
+ AddStandardUnitsToCodeComplete;
+ { why are the screen contents parsed at startup? Gabor
+ to be able to find location of error in last compilation
+ from command line PM }
+ ParseUserScreen;
+ { Update IDE }
+ IDEApp.Update;
+ IDEApp.UpdateMode;
+ IDEApp.UpdateTarget;
+ ProcessParams(false);
+ if ShowReadme then
+ begin
+ PutCommand(Application,evCommand,cmShowReadme,nil);
+ ShowReadme:=false; { do not show next time }
+ end;
+ StoreExitProc:=ExitProc;
+ ExitProc:=@InterceptExit;
+ repeat
+{$IFDEF HasSignal}
+ SetJmpRes:=setjmp(StopJmp);
+ StopJmpValid:=true;
+ UserWantsToGoOn:=false;
+ if SetJmpRes=0 then
+ begin
+{$ifdef DEBUG}
+ if not CloseImmediately then
+{$endif DEBUG}
+ IDEApp.Run;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (SetJmpRes=1) and ExitIntercepted then
+ begin
+ { If ExitProc=@InterceptExit then
+ ExitProc:=StoreExitProc;}
+ Str(SeenExitCode,ErrS);
+ if Assigned(Application) then
+ begin
+ P.l1:=SeenExitCode;
+ ErrS:=hexstr(longint(SeenErrorAddr),8);
+ P.s:=@ErrS;
+ if OKCancelBox(error_programexitedwitherror,@P)=cmCancel then
+ UserWantsToGoOn:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ writeln('Abnormal exit error: ',ErrS);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Str(SetJmpRes,ErrS);
+ { Longjmp was called by fpcatch }
+ if Assigned(Application) then
+ begin
+ P.l1:=SetJmpRes;
+ if OKCancelBox(error_programexitedwithsignal,@P)=cmCancel then
+ UserWantsToGoOn:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ writeln('Signal error: ',ErrS);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (AutoSaveOptions and asEditorFiles)=0 then
+ CanExit:=IDEApp.AskSaveAll
+ else
+ CanExit:=IDEApp.SaveAll;
+{$IFDEF HasSignal}
+ StopJmpValid:=false;
+ if (SetJmpRes<>0) then
+ begin
+ if (not CanExit) or UserWantsToGoOn then
+ begin
+ if ConfirmBox(continue_despite_error,nil,false)=cmNo then
+ CanExit:=true
+ else
+ CanExit:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ErrorBox(leaving_after_error,nil);
+ end;
+ end;
+ until CanExit;
+ If ExitProc=pointer(@InterceptExit) then
+ ExitProc:=StoreExitProc;
+ IDEApp.AutoSave;
+ DoneDesktopFile;
+ DelTempFiles;
+ IDEApp.Done;
+ WriteSwitches(SwitchesPath);
+{$IFDEF HasSignal}
+ DisableCatchSignals;
+ DoneCodeComplete;
+ DoneCodeTemplates;
+ DoneTemplates;
+ DoneTools;
+ DoneUserScreen;
+ DoneSwitches;
+ DoneHelpFiles;
+ DoneHelpFilesTypes;
+ DoneReservedWords;
+ DoneToolMessages;
+ DoneBrowserCol;
+{$ifndef NODEBUG}
+ DoneDebugger;
+ DoneBreakpoints;
+ DoneWatches;
+{$ifdef fpc}
+{$ifdef unix}
+ Video.ClearScreen;
+{$endif unix}
+ Video.DoneVideo;
+ Keyboard.DoneKeyboard;
+{$endif fpc}
+{$ifdef VESA}
+ DoneVESAScreenModes;
+{$ifdef unix}
+ Keyboard.RestoreStartMode;
+{$endif unix}
+ StreamError:=nil;
+{$ifdef DEBUG}
+ if CloseImmediately then
+ writeln('Used time is ',getrealtime-StartTime:0:2);
+{$endif DEBUG}
+ $Log: fp.pas,v $
+ Revision 1.29 2005/04/25 08:19:10 marco
+ * checkmem removed
+ Revision 1.28 2005/02/14 17:13:18 peter
+ * truncate log