path: root/ide/wvphelp.pas
diff options
authorfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
committerfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
commitf206a9c2b1ae1d8727ca27a96d448b61fdb4c766 (patch)
treef28256ff9964c1fc7c0f7fb00891268a117b745d /ide/wvphelp.pas
initial import
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/wvphelp.pas')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/wvphelp.pas b/ide/wvphelp.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5164cb73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/wvphelp.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ $Id: wvphelp.pas,v 1.5 2005/02/14 17:13:19 peter Exp $
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment
+ Copyright (c) 2000 by Berczi Gabor
+ Help support for (.VPH) help files
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+unit WVPHelp;
+uses Objects,
+ WUtils,WHelp;
+ VPHFileSignature = 'HS';
+ TVPHFileHeader = packed record
+ SectionCount: byte; { #1 }
+ TotalTopics : word;
+ end;
+ TVPHTopicEntry = packed record
+ TopicOfs : word;
+ Dunno : byte;
+ end;
+ PVPHTopicTable = ^TVPHTopicTable;
+ TVPHTopicTable = packed array[0..(MaxBytes div sizeof(TVPHTopicEntry))-1] of TVPHTopicEntry;
+ PVPHSectionTable = ^TVPHSectionTable;
+ TVPHSectionTable = packed array[0..4095] of longint;
+ PVPHHelpFile = ^TVPHHelpFile;
+ TVPHHelpFile = object(THelpFile)
+ constructor Init(AFileName: string; AID: word);
+ destructor Done; virtual;
+ public
+ function LoadIndex: boolean; virtual;
+ function ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean; virtual;
+ private
+ F: PStream;
+ Header: TVPHFileHeader;
+ TopicTable: PVPHTopicTable;
+ TopicTableSize: longint;
+ SectionTable: PVPHSectionTable;
+ SectionTableSize: longint;
+ TopicBaseOfs: longint;
+ function ReadHeader: boolean;
+ function ReadTopicTable: boolean;
+ function ReadBlock(Data: pointer; DataSize: longint): boolean;
+ end;
+ TVPHGetAttrColorProc = function(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean;
+function DefVPHGetAttrColor(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean;
+const VPHGetAttrColor : TVPHGetAttrColorProc = {$ifdef fpc}@{$endif}DefVPHGetAttrColor;
+procedure RegisterHelpType;
+function DefVPHGetAttrColor(TextStyle, TextColor: byte; var Color: byte): boolean;
+ DefVPHGetAttrColor:=false;
+constructor TVPHHelpFile.Init(AFileName: string; AID: word);
+var OK: boolean;
+ if inherited Init(AID)=false then Fail;
+ F:=New(PFastBufStream, Init(AFileName, stOpenRead, HelpStreamBufSize));
+ OK:=F<>nil;
+ if OK then OK:=(F^.Status=stOK);
+ if OK then
+ begin
+ OK:=ReadHeader;
+ if OK then
+ begin
+ SectionTableSize:=sizeof(SectionTable^[0])*Header.SectionCount;
+ GetMem(SectionTable,SectionTableSize);
+ F^.Read(SectionTable^,SectionTableSize);
+ OK:=(F^.Status=stOK);
+ end;
+ if OK then
+ OK:=ReadBlock(nil,2);
+ if OK then
+ begin
+ TopicTableSize:=sizeof(TopicTable^[0])*Header.TotalTopics;
+ GetMem(TopicTable,TopicTableSize);
+ OK:=ReadTopicTable;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if OK=false then
+ begin
+ Done;
+ Fail;
+ end;
+function TVPHHelpFile.ReadHeader: boolean;
+var OK: boolean;
+ F^.Read(Header,sizeof(Header));
+ OK:=(F^.Status=stOK);
+ ReadHeader:=OK;
+function TVPHHelpFile.LoadIndex: boolean;
+var OK: boolean;
+ OK:=false;
+ LoadIndex:=OK;
+function TVPHHelpFile.ReadBlock(Data: pointer; DataSize: longint): boolean;
+var OK: boolean;
+ C: char;
+ F^.Read(C,sizeof(C));
+ OK:=(F^.Status=stOK) and (C='þ');
+ if OK then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(Data) then
+ F^.Read(Data^,DataSize)
+ else
+ F^.Seek(F^.GetPos+DataSize);
+ OK:=(F^.Status=stOK);
+ end;
+ ReadBlock:=OK;
+function TVPHHelpFile.ReadTopicTable: boolean;
+var OK: boolean;
+ OK:=ReadBlock(TopicTable,TopicTableSize);
+ TopicBaseOfs:=F^.GetPos;
+ ReadTopicTable:=OK;
+function TVPHHelpFile.ReadTopic(T: PTopic): boolean;
+var OK: boolean;
+ OK:=false;
+ ReadTopic:=OK;
+destructor TVPHHelpFile.Done;
+ if Assigned(TopicTable) and (TopicTableSize>0) then
+ FreeMem(TopicTable{$ifndef FP},TopicTableSize{$endif});
+ TopicTable:=nil;
+ if Assigned(SectionTable) and (SectionTableSize>0) then
+ FreeMem(SectionTable{$ifndef FP},SectionTableSize{$endif});
+ SectionTable:=nil;
+ if Assigned(F) then Dispose(F, Done); F:=nil;
+ inherited Done;
+function CreateProc(const FileName,Param: string;Index : longint): PHelpFile; {$ifndef FPC}far;{$endif}
+ CreateProc:=New(PVPHHelpFile, Init(FileName,Index));
+procedure RegisterHelpType;
+ RegisterHelpFileType({$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}CreateProc);
+ $Log: wvphelp.pas,v $
+ Revision 1.5 2005/02/14 17:13:19 peter
+ * truncate log