path: root/rtl/openbsd
diff options
authormichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-19 21:14:45 +0000
committermichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-19 21:14:45 +0000
commit15013f3c580b4bf44204fe31e9f9a9687b51e3b1 (patch)
tree2782331d8266dbdb02c74fb4f2456f1f1c22ff77 /rtl/openbsd
parent36917010ad86a5424f9d676f5fcb493e4182c5ed (diff)
+ Removed VER1_0 defines
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/openbsd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 269 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/openbsd/ b/rtl/openbsd/
index e54f45c0a1..a22e97496d 100644
--- a/rtl/openbsd/
+++ b/rtl/openbsd/
@@ -15,274 +15,6 @@
-{$IFDEF VER1_0} // leaving the old implementation in for now...
- PThreadRec=^TThreadRec;
- TThreadRec=record
- thread : TThread;
- next : PThreadRec;
- end;
- ThreadRoot : PThreadRec;
- ThreadsInited : boolean;
-// MainThreadID: longint;
- ThreadCount: longint = 0;
-function ThreadSelf:TThread;
- hp : PThreadRec;
- sp : Pointer;
- sp:=SPtr;
- hp:=ThreadRoot;
- while assigned(hp) do
- begin
- if (sp<=hp^.Thread.FStackPointer) and
- (sp>(hp^.Thread.FStackPointer-hp^.Thread.FStackSize)) then
- begin
- Result:=hp^.Thread;
- exit;
- end;
- hp:=hp^.next;
- end;
- Result:=nil;
-//function SIGCHLDHandler(Sig: longint): longint; cdecl;//this is std linux C declaration as function
-procedure SIGCHLDHandler(Sig: longint); cdecl;
- fpwaitpid(-1, nil, WNOHANG);
-procedure InitThreads;
- Act, OldAct: Baseunix.PSigActionRec;
- ThreadRoot:=nil;
- ThreadsInited:=true;
-// This will install SIGCHLD signal handler
-// signal() installs "one-shot" handler,
-// so it is better to install and set up handler with sigaction()
- GetMem(Act, SizeOf(SigActionRec));
- GetMem(OldAct, SizeOf(SigActionRec));
- Act^.sa_handler := TSigAction(@SIGCHLDHandler);
- Act^.sa_flags := SA_NOCLDSTOP {or SA_NOMASK or SA_RESTART};
- Fillchar(Act^.sa_mask,sizeof(Act^.sa_mask),0); //Do not block all signals ??. Don't need if SA_NOMASK in flags
- FpSigAction(SIGCHLD, Act, OldAct);
- FreeMem(Act, SizeOf(SigActionRec));
- FreeMem(OldAct, SizeOf(SigActionRec));
-procedure DoneThreads;
- hp : PThreadRec;
- while assigned(ThreadRoot) do
- begin
- ThreadRoot^.Thread.Destroy;
- hp:=ThreadRoot;
- ThreadRoot:=ThreadRoot^.Next;
- dispose(hp);
- end;
- ThreadsInited:=false;
-procedure AddThread(t:TThread);
- hp : PThreadRec;
- { Need to initialize threads ? }
- if not ThreadsInited then
- InitThreads;
- { Put thread in the linked list }
- new(hp);
- hp^.Thread:=t;
- hp^.next:=ThreadRoot;
- ThreadRoot:=hp;
- inc(ThreadCount, 1);
-procedure RemoveThread(t:TThread);
- lasthp,hp : PThreadRec;
- hp:=ThreadRoot;
- lasthp:=nil;
- while assigned(hp) do
- begin
- if hp^.Thread=t then
- begin
- if assigned(lasthp) then
- lasthp^.next:=hp^.next
- else
- ThreadRoot:=hp^.next;
- dispose(hp);
- exit;
- end;
- lasthp:=hp;
- hp:=hp^.next;
- end;
- Dec(ThreadCount, 1);
- if ThreadCount = 0 then DoneThreads;
-{ TThread }
-function ThreadProc(args:pointer): Integer;cdecl;
- FreeThread: Boolean;
- Thread : TThread absolute args;
- while Thread.FHandle = 0 do fpsleep(1);
- if Thread.FSuspended then Thread.suspend();
- try
- Thread.Execute;
- except
- Thread.FFatalException := TObject(AcquireExceptionObject);
- end;
- FreeThread := Thread.FFreeOnTerminate;
- Result := Thread.FReturnValue;
- Thread.FFinished := True;
- Thread.DoTerminate;
- if FreeThread then
- Thread.Free;
- fpexit(Result);
-constructor TThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean);
- Flags: Integer;
- inherited Create;
- AddThread(self);
- FSuspended := CreateSuspended;
- { Setup 16k of stack }
- FStackSize:=16384;
- Getmem(FStackPointer,FStackSize);
- inc(FStackPointer,FStackSize);
- FCallExitProcess:=false;
- { Clone }
- FHandle:= Clone(@ThreadProc,FStackPointer,Flags,self);
-// if FSuspended then Suspend;
- FThreadID := FHandle;
- IsMultiThread := TRUE;
- FFatalException := nil;
-destructor TThread.Destroy;
- if not FFinished and not Suspended then
- begin
- Terminate;
- WaitFor;
- end;
- if FHandle <> -1 then
- fpkill(FHandle, SIGKILL);
- dec(FStackPointer,FStackSize);
- Freemem(FStackPointer);
- FFatalException.Free;
- FFatalException := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- RemoveThread(self);
-procedure TThread.CallOnTerminate;
- FOnTerminate(Self);
-procedure TThread.DoTerminate;
- if Assigned(FOnTerminate) then
- Synchronize(@CallOnTerminate);
-{ I Don't know idle or timecritical, value is also 20, so the largest other
- possibility is 19 (PFV) }
- Priorities: array [TThreadPriority] of Integer =
- (-20,-19,-10,9,10,19,20);
-function TThread.GetPriority: TThreadPriority;
- P: Integer;
- I: TThreadPriority;
- P := fpGetPriority(Prio_Process,FHandle);
- Result := tpNormal;
- for I := Low(TThreadPriority) to High(TThreadPriority) do
- if Priorities[I] = P then
- Result := I;
-procedure TThread.SetPriority(Value: TThreadPriority);
- fpSetPriority(Prio_Process,FHandle,Priorities[Value]);
-procedure TThread.SetSuspended(Value: Boolean);
- if Value <> FSuspended then
- if Value then
- Suspend
- else
- Resume;
-procedure TThread.Suspend;
- FSuspended := true;
- fpKill(FHandle, SIGSTOP);
-procedure TThread.Resume;
- fpKill(FHandle, SIGCONT);
- FSuspended := False;
-procedure TThread.Terminate;
- FTerminated := True;
-function TThread.WaitFor: Integer;
- status : longint;
- if FThreadID = MainThreadID then
- fpwaitpid(0,@status,0)
- else
- fpwaitpid(FHandle,@status,0);
- Result:=status;
What follows, is a short description on my implementation of TThread.
@@ -580,7 +312,6 @@ procedure TThread.SetPriority(Value: TThreadPriority);
ThreadSetPriority(FHandle, Priorities[Value]);
$Log:,v $