path: root/rtl/powerpc/
diff options
authorfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
committerfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
commitf206a9c2b1ae1d8727ca27a96d448b61fdb4c766 (patch)
treef28256ff9964c1fc7c0f7fb00891268a117b745d /rtl/powerpc/
initial import
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/powerpc/')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/powerpc/ b/rtl/powerpc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e9081602b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/powerpc/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ $Id:,v 1.39 2005/02/14 17:13:31 peter Exp $
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2000 by Jonas Maebe and other members of the
+ Free Pascal development team
+ Implementation of mathematical Routines (only for real)
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+ longint_to_real_helper: int64 = $4330000080000000;
+ cardinal_to_real_helper: int64 = $4330000000000000;
+ int_to_real_factor: double = double(high(cardinal))+1.0;
+ EXTENDED data type routines
+ ****************************************************************************}
+ {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_PI}
+ function fpc_pi_real : valreal;compilerproc;
+ begin
+ { Function is handled internal in the compiler }
+ runerror(207);
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+ {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ABS}
+ function fpc_abs_real(d : valreal) : valreal;compilerproc;
+ begin
+ { Function is handled internal in the compiler }
+ runerror(207);
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+ {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR}
+ function fpc_sqr_real(d : valreal) : valreal;compilerproc;
+ begin
+ { Function is handled internal in the compiler }
+ runerror(207);
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+ {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_PI}
+ function pi : double;[internproc:fpc_in_pi];
+ {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ABS}
+ function abs(d : extended) : extended;[internproc:fpc_in_abs_real];
+ {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_SQR}
+ function sqr(d : extended) : extended;[internproc:fpc_in_sqr_real];
+{$endif ndef INTERNCONSTINTF}
+ const
+ factor: double = double(int64(1) shl 32);
+ factor2: double = double(int64(1) shl 31);
+ function fpc_trunc_real(d : valreal) : int64;assembler;compilerproc;
+ {$else}
+ function trunc(d : extended) : int64;assembler;[internconst:fpc_in_const_trunc];
+ {$endif}
+ { input: d in fr1 }
+ { output: result in r3 }
+ assembler;
+ var
+ temp: packed record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (l1,l2: longint);
+ 1: (d: double);
+ end;
+ asm
+ // store d in temp
+ stfd f1,temp
+ // extract sign bit (record in cr0)
+ lwz r3,temp
+ rlwinm. r3,r3,1,31,31
+ // make d positive
+ fabs f1,f1
+ // load 2^32 in f2
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,factor@ha
+ lfd f2,factor@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,factor(r2)
+ lfd f2,0(r4)
+ {$endif}
+ // check if value is < 0
+ // f3 := d / 2^32;
+ fdiv f3,f1,f2
+ // round
+ fctiwz f4,f3
+ // store
+ stfd f4,temp
+ // and load into r4
+ lwz r3,temp+4
+ // convert back to float
+ lis r0,0x4330
+ stw r0,temp
+ xoris r0,r3,0x8000
+ stw r0,temp+4
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,longint_to_real_helper@ha
+ lfd f0,longint_to_real_helper@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,longint_to_real_helper(r2)
+ lfd f0,0(r4)
+ {$endif}
+ lfd f3,temp
+ fsub f3,f3,f0
+ // f4 := d "mod" 2^32 ( = d - ((d / 2^32) * 2^32))
+ fnmsub f4,f3,f2,f1
+ // now, convert to unsigned 32 bit
+ // load 2^31 in f2
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,factor2@ha
+ lfd f2,factor2@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,factor2(r2)
+ lfd f2,0(r4)
+ {$endif}
+ // subtract 2^31
+ fsub f3,f4,f2
+ // was the value > 2^31?
+ fcmpu cr1,f4,f2
+ // use diff if >= 2^31
+ fsel f4,f3,f3,f4
+ // next part same as conversion to signed integer word
+ fctiwz f4,f4
+ stfd f4,temp
+ lwz r4,temp+4
+ // add 2^31 if value was >=2^31
+ blt cr1, .LTruncNoAdd
+ xoris r4,r4,0x8000
+ // negate value if it was negative to start with
+ beq cr0,.LTruncPositive
+ subfic r4,r4,0
+ subfze r3,r3
+ end;
+{$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_TRUNC}
+{$ifdef hascompilerproc}
+ function round(d : extended) : int64;{$ifndef INTERNCONSTINTF}[internconst:fpc_in_const_round, external name 'FPC_ROUND'];{$endif}
+ function fpc_round(d : extended) : int64;assembler;[public, alias:'FPC_ROUND'];{$ifdef hascompilerproc}compilerproc;{$endif hascompilerproc}
+ function round(d : extended) : int64;assembler;{$ifndef INTERNCONSTINTF}[internconst:fpc_in_const_round];{$endif}
+{$endif hascompilerproc}
+ { exactly the same as trunc, except that one fctiwz has become fctiw }
+ { input: d in fr1 }
+ { output: result in r3 }
+ assembler;
+ var
+ temp: packed record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (l1,l2: longint);
+ 1: (d: double);
+ end;
+ asm
+ // store d in temp
+ stfd f1, temp
+ // extract sign bit (record in cr0)
+ lwz r4,temp
+ rlwinm. r4,r4,1,31,31
+ // make d positive
+ fabs f1,f1
+ // load 2^32 in f2
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,factor@ha
+ lfd f2,factor@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,factor(r2)
+ lfd f2,0(r4)
+ {$endif}
+ // check if value is < 0
+ // f3 := d / 2^32;
+ fdiv f3,f1,f2
+ // round
+ fctiwz f4,f3
+ // store
+ stfd f4,temp
+ // and load into r4
+ lwz r3,temp+4
+ // convert back to float
+ lis r0,0x4330
+ stw r0,temp
+ xoris r0,r3,0x8000
+ stw r0,temp+4
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,longint_to_real_helper@ha
+ lfd f0,longint_to_real_helper@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,longint_to_real_helper(r2)
+ lfd f0,0(r4)
+ {$endif}
+ lfd f3,temp
+ fsub f3,f3,f0
+ // f4 := d "mod" 2^32 ( = d - ((d / 2^32) * 2^32))
+ fnmsub f4,f3,f2,f1
+ // now, convert to unsigned 32 bit
+ // load 2^31 in f2
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,factor2@ha
+ lfd f2,factor2@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,factor2(r2)
+ lfd f2,0(r4)
+ {$endif}
+ // subtract 2^31
+ fsub f3,f4,f2
+ // was the value > 2^31?
+ fcmpu cr1,f4,f2
+ // use diff if >= 2^31
+ fsel f4,f3,f3,f4
+ // next part same as conversion to signed integer word
+ fctiw f4,f4
+ stfd f4,temp
+ lwz r4,temp+4
+ // add 2^31 if value was >=2^31
+ blt cr1, .LRoundNoAdd
+ xoris r4,r4,0x8000
+ // negate value if it was negative to start with
+ beq cr0,.LRoundPositive
+ subfic r4,r4,0
+ subfze r3,r3
+ end;
+{$endif not FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ROUND}
+ Int to real helpers
+ ****************************************************************************}
+function fpc_int64_to_double(i: int64): double; compilerproc;
+{ input: high(i) in r4, low(i) in r3 }
+{ output: double(i) in f0 }
+ temp: packed record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (l1,l2: cardinal);
+ 1: (d: double);
+ end;
+ lis r0,0x4330
+ stw r0,temp
+ xoris r3,r3,0x8000
+ stw r3,temp+4
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r3,longint_to_real_helper@ha
+ lfd f1,longint_to_real_helper@l(r3)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r3,longint_to_real_helper(r2)
+ lfd f1,0(r3)
+ {$endif}
+ lfd f0,temp
+ stw r4,temp+4
+ fsub f0,f0,f1
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,cardinal_to_real_helper@ha
+ lfd f1,cardinal_to_real_helper@l(r4)
+ lis r4,int_to_real_factor@ha
+ lfd f3,temp
+ lfd f2,int_to_real_factor@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,cardinal_to_real_helper(r2)
+ lwz r3,int_to_real_factor(r2)
+ lfd f3,temp
+ lfd f1,0(r4)
+ lfd f2,0(r3)
+ {$endif}
+ fsub f3,f3,f1
+ fmadd f1,f0,f2,f3
+function fpc_qword_to_double(q: qword): double; compilerproc;
+{ input: high(q) in r4, low(q) in r3 }
+{ output: double(q) in f0 }
+ temp: packed record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (l1,l2: cardinal);
+ 1: (d: double);
+ end;
+ lis r0,0x4330
+ stw r0,temp
+ stw r3,temp+4
+ lfd f0,temp
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r3,cardinal_to_real_helper@ha
+ lfd f1,cardinal_to_real_helper@l(r3)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r3,longint_to_real_helper(r2)
+ lfd f1,0(r3)
+ {$endif}
+ stw r4,temp+4
+ fsub f0,f0,f1
+ lfd f3,temp
+ {$ifndef macos}
+ lis r4,int_to_real_factor@ha
+ lfd f2,int_to_real_factor@l(r4)
+ {$else}
+ lwz r4,int_to_real_factor(r2)
+ lfd f2,0(r4)
+ {$endif}
+ fsub f3,f3,f1
+ fmadd f1,f0,f2,f3
+ $Log:,v $
+ Revision 1.39 2005/02/14 17:13:31 peter
+ * truncate log