path: root/tests/tbs
diff options
authorsvenbarth <svenbarth@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2019-11-24 00:04:35 +0000
committersvenbarth <svenbarth@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2019-11-24 00:04:35 +0000
commite7d9ed6d4d532b471f93391bba3c2b769cd993a3 (patch)
treeee29da568285da247a5a2e6976ddb86d3f57ed50 /tests/tbs
parente348846aab8177ac8a410d417801c0274db8ad69 (diff)
+ add test for a problem reported by Michael van Canneyt which is fixed by the previous revision
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/tbs')
1 files changed, 915 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/tbs/tb0664.pp b/tests/tbs/tb0664.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..386258ccb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tbs/tb0664.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
+unit tb0664;
+{$mode delphi}
+uses Generics.Defaults, Generics.Collections, SysUtils;
+ TuList<T> = class
+ type
+ TArrayT = Array of T;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ private
+ function GetCapacity: integer;
+ procedure SetCapacity(const Value: integer);
+ protected
+ FData: TArrayT;
+ {$ELSE}
+ FData: TArray<T>;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ FCount : integer;
+ function GetItem(Index: Integer): T;
+ procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: T);
+ public
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ constructor Create(const aCapacity: integer); overload;
+ function Add(const item: T): integer;
+ property Count: integer read FCount;
+ property Items[Index: Integer]: T read GetItem write SetItem; default;
+ procedure Clear; virtual;
+ function ToArray: TArrayT;
+ {$ELSE}
+ function ToArray: TArray<T>;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure TrimExcess;
+ property Capacity: integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
+ end;
+ ListHelper = record
+ public
+ class procedure Reverse<T>(const List: TuList<T>); static;
+ class function ToArray<T>(const List: TuList<T>): TArray<T>; static;
+ class procedure Sort<T>(const List: TuList<T>); overload; static;
+ class procedure Sort<T>(const List: TuList<T>; AComparer: IComparer<T>); overload; static;
+ class procedure StableSort<T>(const List: TuList<T>; AComparer: IComparer<T>); overload; static;
+ class function BinarySearch<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const Item: T): Integer; overload; static;
+ class function BinarySearch<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const Item: T; AComparer: IComparer<T>): SizeInt; overload; static;
+ class procedure Insert<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const index: integer; const Item: T); static;
+ class procedure Delete<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const index: integer); static;
+ class procedure InsertRange<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const index: integer; const Items: TArray<T>); static;
+ class procedure DeleteRange<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const index: integer; const dCount: integer); static;
+ class procedure Remove<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const obj: T; AComparer: IComparer<T>); static;
+ class procedure AddManyInts(const List: TuList<UInt32>; const obj: UInt32; const aCount: Int32); static;
+ class procedure AddArrayByte(const List: TuList<UInt32>; const Source: TArray<Byte>; const aCount: Int32); static;
+ end;
+ TuObjectList = class(TuList<TObject>)
+ private
+ FDontFree: Boolean;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const aCapacity: integer; const OwnsObjects: boolean);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Clear; override;
+ procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: TObject);
+ procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
+ procedure DeleteAndNotFree(Index: Integer);
+ procedure RemoveRange(Index, Count: Integer);
+ procedure SetCount(const a: integer);
+ function IndexOfPointer(const Value: TObject): Integer;
+ procedure RemovePointer(const obj: TObject);
+ procedure SetButDontDestroy(const i: integer; const r: TObject);
+ property DontFree: Boolean read FDontFree write FDontFree;
+ end;
+ {TuVListEnumerator<T> = class(TEnumerator<T>)
+ private
+ FList: TObject; //silly generics don't allow forward decl
+ Position: integer;
+ protected
+ function DoGetCurrent: T; override;
+ function DoMoveNext: Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const aList: TObject);
+ end;}
+ TuVList<T: class> = class(TuObjectList)
+ protected
+ function GetItemTyped(Index: Integer): T;
+ procedure SetItemTyped(Index: Integer; const Value: T);
+ protected
+ FComparer: IComparer<T>;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const aCapacity: integer; const OwnsObjects: boolean); overload;
+ constructor Create(const aComparer: IComparer<T>); overload;
+ property ItemTyped[Index: Integer]: T read GetItemTyped write SetItemTyped; default;
+ //function GetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>;
+ function ToArray: TArray<T>;
+ procedure Sort; overload;
+ procedure Sort(aComparer: IComparer<T>); overload;
+ procedure StableSort(aComparer: IComparer<T>);
+ function BinarySearch(const Item: T): Integer; overload;
+ function BinarySearch(const Item: T; aComparer: IComparer<T>): Integer; overload;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef blubb}
+ TuStack<T> = class
+ private
+ FData: TArray<T>;
+ FCount: integer;
+ public
+ procedure Push(const v: T);
+ function Pop: T;
+ function Peek: T;
+ function Count: integer;
+ procedure Clear;
+ end;
+ TuOStack<T: class> = class
+ private
+ FData: TArray<T>;
+ FCount: integer;
+ public
+ procedure Push(const v: T);
+ procedure Pop;
+ function Peek: T;
+ function Count: integer;
+ procedure Clear;
+ end;
+{ //can't create an instance in XE6 android
+ TKeyComparer<K, V> = class(TInterfacedObject, IComparer<TPair<K, V>>)
+ function Compare(const Left, Right: TPair<K, V>): Integer;
+ end; }
+ TuSortedList<K, V> = class
+ type
+ TPairKV = TPair<K, V>;
+ private
+ List: TuList<TPairKV>;
+ function GetItems(const key: K): V;
+ procedure SetItems(const key: K; const value: V);
+ protected
+ FComparer: IComparer<K>;
+ public
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ constructor Create(const aComparer: IComparer<K>); overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Add(const key: K; const value: V);
+ procedure Remove(const key: K);
+ function ContainsKey(const key: K): boolean;
+ function IndexOfKey(const key: K): integer;
+ function TryGetValue(const key: K; out value: V): boolean;
+ property Items[const key: K]: V read GetItems write SetItems; default;
+ function Count: integer;
+ function Values(const index: integer): V;
+ function Keys(const index: integer): K;
+ end;
+ {$endif}
+ procedure TrueFree(const obj: TObject); inline;
+ procedure FreeObj(var obj); inline;
+procedure RaiseArgEx;
+function GetNextCapacity(const c: integer): integer;
+//uses b;
+procedure TrueFree(const obj: TObject);
+ obj.DisposeOf;
+ obj.Free;
+procedure FreeObj(var obj);
+ if (Pointer(obj) <> nil) then TObject(obj).DisposeOf;
+ TObject(obj) := nil;
+ Temp: TObject;
+ Temp := TObject(Obj);
+ Pointer(Obj) := nil;
+ Temp.Free;
+procedure RaiseArgEx;
+ raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.Create('Index out of bounds');
+function GetNextCapacity(const c: integer): integer;
+ if (c = 0) then exit(4);
+ if c < 1000 then exit (c * 2);
+ exit(c + 1000);
+procedure FillDWord(var Dest; Count, Value: UInt32);
+ IntArray = array[0..0] of integer;
+ PIntArray = ^IntArray;
+ i: integer;
+ Arr: PIntArray;
+ Arr := PIntArray(@Dest);
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Arr[i] := Value;
+{ TuList<T> }
+constructor TuList<T>.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+constructor TuList<T>.Create(const aCapacity: integer);
+ inherited Create;
+ Capacity := aCapacity;
+function TuList<T>.Add(const item: T): integer;
+ if FCount >= Length(FData) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(FData, GetNextCapacity(FCount));
+ end;
+ FData[FCount] := item;
+ Result := FCount;
+ inc(FCount);
+procedure TuList<T>.Clear;
+ FData := nil;
+ FCount := 0;
+function TuList<T>.GetItem(Index: Integer): T;
+ {$R-}
+ if (Index >= Count) or (Index < 0)then RaiseArgEx;
+ Result := FData[Index];
+ {$R+}
+procedure TuList<T>.SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: T);
+ {$R-}
+ if (Index >= Count) or (Index < 0)then RaiseArgEx;
+ FData[Index] := Value;
+ {$R+}
+function TuList<T>.ToArray: TArrayT;
+function TuList<T>.ToArray: TArray<T>;
+ SetLength(FData, FCount);
+ Result := FData; //we won't return a deep copy.
+procedure TuList<T>.TrimExcess;
+ SetLength(FData, FCount);
+function TuList<T>.GetCapacity: integer;
+ Result := Length(FData);
+procedure TuList<T>.SetCapacity(const Value: integer);
+ if Value > FCount then SetLength(FData, value) else SetLength(FData, FCount);
+{ TuVList<T> }
+function TuVList<T>.BinarySearch(const Item: T): Integer;
+ Result := ListHelper.BinarySearch<T>(TuList<T>(self), Item, FComparer);
+function TuVList<T>.BinarySearch(const Item: T;
+ aComparer: IComparer<T>): Integer;
+ Result := ListHelper.BinarySearch<T>(TuList<T>(self), Item, aComparer);
+constructor TuVList<T>.Create(const aCapacity: integer;
+ const OwnsObjects: boolean);
+ Tmp: T;
+ inherited Create(aCapacity, OwnsObjects);
+// Tmp := Default(T);
+// if Supports(TObject(Tmp), IComparable<T>) then FComparer := TComparableComparer<T>.Create();
+constructor TuVList<T>.Create(const aComparer: IComparer<T>);
+ inherited Create(4, true);
+ FComparer := aComparer;
+{function TuVList<T>.GetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>;
+ Result := TuVListEnumerator<T>.Create(self);
+function TuVList<T>.GetItemTyped(Index: Integer): T;
+ {$R-}
+ if (Index >= Count) or (Index < 0)then RaiseArgEx;
+ Result := T(FData[Index]);
+ {$R+}
+procedure TuVList<T>.SetItemTyped(Index: Integer; const Value: T);
+ {$R-}
+ if (Index >= Count) or (Index < 0)then RaiseArgEx;
+ if not DontFree then TrueFree(FData[Index]);
+ FData[Index] := Value;
+ {$R+}
+procedure TuVList<T>.Sort(aComparer: IComparer<T>);
+ ListHelper.Sort<T>(TuList<T>(self), aComparer);
+procedure TuVList<T>.StableSort(aComparer: IComparer<T>);
+ CastData: TArray<T>;
+ TrimExcess;
+ CastData := TArray<T>(FData);
+// MergeSort.Sort<T>(CastData, aComparer);
+procedure TuVList<T>.Sort;
+ ListHelper.Sort<T>(TuList<T>(self), FComparer);
+function TuVList<T>.ToArray: TArray<T>;
+ i: integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ SetLength(Result, FCount);
+ for i := 0 to FCount - 1 do Result[i] := T(FData[i]);
+{ ListHelper }
+class function ListHelper.BinarySearch<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const Item: T): Integer;
+ Result := BinarySearch<T>(List, Item, TComparer<T>.Default);
+class function ListHelper.BinarySearch<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const Item: T;
+ AComparer: IComparer<T>): SizeInt;
+ b: boolean;
+ if AComparer = nil then AComparer := TComparer<T>.Default;
+ b := {$IFDEF FPC}TArrayHelper<T>.BinarySearch{$ELSE}TArray.BinarySearch<T>{$ENDIF}(List.FData, Item, Result, AComparer, 0, List.Count);
+ if not b then Result := not Result;
+class procedure ListHelper.Delete<T>(const List: TuList<T>;
+ const index: integer);
+ if (index > List.Count) or (index < 0) then RaiseArgEx;
+ List[index] := Default(T); //clear strings or interfaces.
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$if (CompilerVersion = 33.0) and (Defined(MACOS32) or Defined(IOS))} //see We don't do it for the future since it should be fixed after RIO (and likely in a RIO ServicePack.)
+ Finalize(List.FData[Index]);
+ {$else}
+ List[index] := Default(T); //clear strings or interfaces.
+ {$ifend}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if index + 1 < List.Count then
+ begin
+ Move(List.FData[index + 1], List.FData[index], SizeOf(T) * (List.Count - (index + 1)));
+ FillChar(List.FData[List.FCount - 1], SizeOf(T), 0); //avoid having those records finalized
+ end;
+ dec(List.FCount);
+class procedure ListHelper.DeleteRange<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const index,
+ dCount: integer);
+ i: integer;
+ remaining, ToClean: integer;
+ if dCount = 0 then exit;
+ if (index > List.Count) or (index < 0) or (dCount < 0) or (dCount + index > List.Count) then RaiseArgEx;
+ for i := 0 to dCount - 1 do List[index + i] := Default(T); //clear strings or interfaces.
+ if index + dCount < List.Count then
+ begin
+ remaining := List.Count - (index + dcount);
+ Move(List.FData[index + dCount], List.FData[index], SizeOf(T) * remaining);
+ ToClean := remaining; if ToClean > dCount then ToClean := dCount;
+ FillChar(List.FData[List.FCount - ToClean], ToClean * SizeOf(T), 0); //avoid having those records finalized
+ end;
+ dec(List.FCount, dCount);
+class procedure ListHelper.Insert<T>(const List: TuList<T>;
+ const index: integer; const Item: T);
+ if (index > List.Count) or (index < 0) then RaiseArgEx;
+ if List.Count >= Length(List.FData) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(List.FData, GetNextCapacity(List.FCount));
+ end;
+ if index < List.Count then
+ begin
+ Move(List.FData[index], List.FData[index + 1], SizeOf(T) * (List.Count - index));
+ FillChar(List.FData[index], SizeOf(T), 0); //avoid having those records finalized
+ end;
+ List.FData[index] := item;
+ inc(List.FCount);
+class procedure ListHelper.InsertRange<T>(const List: TuList<T>;
+ const index: integer; const Items: TArray<T>);
+ i: integer;
+ if Length(Items) = 0 then exit;
+ if (index > List.Count) or (index < 0) then RaiseArgEx;
+ if List.Count + Length(Items) > Length(List.FData) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(List.FData, GetNextCapacity(List.FCount + Length(Items)));
+ end;
+ if index < List.Count then
+ begin
+ Move(List.FData[index], List.FData[index + Length(Items)], SizeOf(T) * (List.Count - index));
+ FillChar(List.FData[index], Length(Items) * SizeOf(T), 0); //avoid having those records finalized
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do List.FData[index + i] := Items[i];
+ inc(List.FCount, Length(Items));
+class procedure ListHelper.AddManyInts(const List: TuList<UInt32>; const obj: UInt32; const aCount: Int32);
+ if (aCount <= 0) then exit;
+ if List.Count + aCount > Length(List.FData) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(List.FData, GetNextCapacity(List.FCount + aCount));
+ end;
+ FillDWord(List.FData[List.Count], aCount, Obj);
+ inc(List.FCount, aCount);
+class procedure ListHelper.AddArrayByte(const List: TuList<UInt32>; const Source: TArray<Byte>; const aCount: Int32);
+ if (aCount <= 0) then exit;
+ if List.Count + aCount > Length(List.FData) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(List.FData, GetNextCapacity(List.FCount + aCount));
+ end;
+ System.Move(Source[0], List.FData[List.Count], aCount * SizeOf(UInt32));
+ inc(List.FCount, aCount);
+class procedure ListHelper.Remove<T>(const List: TuList<T>; const obj: T; AComparer: IComparer<T>);
+ i: Integer;
+ if (AComparer = nil) then AComparer := TComparer<T>.Default;
+ for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if AComparer.Compare(List[i], obj) = 0 then
+ begin
+ Delete<T>(List, i);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+class procedure ListHelper.Reverse<T>(const List: TuList<T>);
+ i, k: integer;
+ Tmp: T;
+ k := List.Count - 1;
+ for i := 0 to (List.Count div 2) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Tmp := List[i];
+ List[i] := List[k];
+ List[k] := Tmp;
+ dec(k);
+ end;
+class procedure ListHelper.Sort<T>(const List: TuList<T>;
+ AComparer: IComparer<T>);
+ if AComparer = nil then AComparer := TComparer<T>.Default;
+ {$IFDEF FPC}TArrayHelper<T>.Sort{$ELSE}TArray.Sort<T>{$ENDIF}(List.FData, AComparer, 0, List.Count);
+class procedure ListHelper.Sort<T>(const List: TuList<T>);
+ {$IFDEF FPC}TArrayHelper<T>.Sort{$ELSE}TArray.Sort<T>{$ENDIF}(List.FData, TComparer<T>.Default, 0, List.Count);
+class procedure ListHelper.StableSort<T>(const List: TuList<T>;
+ AComparer: IComparer<T>);
+ if AComparer = nil then AComparer := TComparer<T>.Default;
+ List.TrimExcess;
+// MergeSort.Sort<T>(List.FData, AComparer);
+class function ListHelper.ToArray<T>(const List: TuList<T>): TArray<T>;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(Result, List.Count);
+ for i := 0 to Length(Result) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result[i] := List[i];
+ end;
+{ TuObjectList }
+procedure TuObjectList.Clear;
+ i: integer;
+ if not DontFree then for i := 0 to FCount - 1 do TrueFree(FData[i]);
+ inherited;
+constructor TuObjectList.Create(const aCapacity: integer;
+ const OwnsObjects: boolean);
+ inherited Create;
+ SetLength(FData, aCapacity);
+ DontFree := not OwnsObjects;
+procedure TuObjectList.Delete(Index: Integer);
+ if not DontFree then TrueFree(Self[Index]);
+ ListHelper.Delete<TObject>(self, Index);
+procedure TuObjectList.DeleteAndNotFree(Index: Integer);
+ ListHelper.Delete<TObject>(self, Index);
+procedure TuObjectList.RemoveRange(Index, Count: Integer);
+ i: integer;
+ if not DontFree then for i := Index to Index + Count - 1 do TrueFree(Self[i]);
+ ListHelper.DeleteRange<TObject>(self, Index, Count);
+destructor TuObjectList.Destroy;
+ if not DontFree then Clear;
+ inherited;
+function TuObjectList.IndexOfPointer(const Value: TObject): Integer;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Items[i] = Value then
+ Exit(i);
+ Result := -1;
+procedure TuObjectList.Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: TObject);
+ ListHelper.Insert<TObject>(self, Index, Value);
+procedure TuObjectList.RemovePointer(const obj: TObject);
+ i: integer;
+ i := IndexOfPointer(obj);
+ if i >= 0 then Delete(i);
+procedure TuObjectList.SetButDontDestroy(const i: integer; const r: TObject);
+ SetItem(i, r);
+procedure TuObjectList.SetCount(const a: integer);
+ FCount := a;
+ Capacity := a;
+{ TuVListEnumerator<T> }
+{$ifdef blubb}
+constructor TuVListEnumerator<T>.Create(const aList: TObject);
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := aList;
+ Position := -1;
+function TuVListEnumerator<T>.DoGetCurrent: T;
+ Result := TuList<T>(FList)[Position];
+function TuVListEnumerator<T>.DoMoveNext: Boolean;
+ if Position >= (TuList<T>(FList)).Count then exit(false);
+ inc(Position);
+ Result := Position < (TuList<T>(FList)).Count;
+{ TuStack<T> }
+procedure TuStack<T>.Clear;
+ FData := nil;
+ FCount := 0;
+function TuStack<T>.Count: integer;
+ Result := FCount;
+function TuStack<T>.Peek: T;
+ if (FCount <= 0) then RaiseArgEx;
+ Result := FData[FCount - 1];
+function TuStack<T>.Pop: T;
+ if (FCount <= 0) then RaiseArgEx;
+ dec(FCount);
+ Result := FData[FCount];
+ FData[FCount] := Default(T);
+procedure TuStack<T>.Push(const v: T);
+ if FCount >= Length(FData) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(FData, GetNextCapacity(FCount));
+ end;
+ FData[FCount] := v;
+ inc(FCount);
+{ TuStack<T> }
+procedure TuOStack<T>.Clear;
+ FData := nil;
+ FCount := 0;
+function TuOStack<T>.Count: integer;
+ Result := FCount;
+function TuOStack<T>.Peek: T;
+ if (FCount <= 0) then RaiseArgEx;
+ Result := FData[FCount - 1];
+procedure TuOStack<T>.Pop;
+ if (FCount <= 0) then RaiseArgEx;
+ dec(FCount);
+ TrueFree(FData[Count]);
+ FData[FCount] := Default(T);
+procedure TuOStack<T>.Push(const v: T);
+ if FCount >= Length(FData) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(FData, GetNextCapacity(FCount));
+ end;
+ FData[FCount] := v;
+ inc(FCount);
+{ TuSortedList<K, V> }
+constructor TuSortedList<K, V>.Create;
+ Create(TComparer<K>.Default);
+constructor TuSortedList<K, V>.Create(const aComparer: IComparer<K>);
+ List := TuList<TPairKV>.Create;
+ FComparer := aComparer;
+destructor TuSortedList<K, V>.Destroy;
+ FreeObj(List);
+ inherited;
+procedure TuSortedList<K, V>.Add(const key: K; const value: V);
+ index: integer;
+ index := IndexOfKey(key);
+ if index >= 0 then RaiseArgEx;
+ index := not index;
+ ListHelper.Insert<TPairKV>(List, index, TPairKV.Create(key, value));
+procedure TuSortedList<K, V>.Remove(const key: K);
+ index: integer;
+ index := IndexOfKey(key);
+ if index < 0 then RaiseArgEx;
+ ListHelper.Delete<TPairKV>(List, index);
+function TuSortedList<K, V>.IndexOfKey(const key: K): integer;
+// fails in android /iosdevice XE6 Result := ListHelper.BinarySearch<TPairKV>(List, TPairKV.Create(key, Default(V)), TKeyComparer<K, V>.Create);
+ L, H: Integer;
+ mid, cmp: Integer;
+ found: boolean;
+ found := false;
+ if Count = 0 then exit(not 0);
+ L := 0;
+ H := Count - 1;
+ while L <= H do
+ begin
+ mid := L + (H - L) shr 1;
+ cmp := FComparer.Compare(List[mid].Key, key);
+ if cmp < 0 then
+ L := mid + 1
+ else
+ begin
+ H := mid - 1;
+ if cmp = 0 then
+ begin
+ found := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := L;
+ if (not found) then Result := not Result;
+function TuSortedList<K, V>.GetItems(const key: K): V;
+ Result := List[IndexOfKey(key)].Value;
+function TuSortedList<K, V>.Keys(const index: integer): K;
+ Result := List[index].Key;
+procedure TuSortedList<K, V>.SetItems(const key: K; const value: V);
+ index: integer;
+ index := IndexOfKey(key);
+ if (index >= 0) then List[index] := TPairKV.Create(key, value)
+ else Add(key, value);
+function TuSortedList<K, V>.TryGetValue(const key: K; out value: V): boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ i := IndexOfKey(key);
+ if (i < 0) then
+ begin
+ value := Default(V);
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ value := List[i].Value;
+ Result := true;
+function TuSortedList<K, V>.Values(const index: integer): V;
+ Result := List[index].Value;
+function TuSortedList<K, V>.ContainsKey(const key: K): boolean;
+ Result := IndexOfKey(key) >= 0;
+function TuSortedList<K, V>.Count: integer;
+ Result := List.Count;
+{ TKeyComparer<K, V> }
+function TKeyComparer<K, V>.Compare(const Left, Right: TPairKV): Integer;
+ Result := TComparer<K>.Default.Compare(Left.Key, Right.Key);