path: root/utils/fpdoc
diff options
authormichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2012-12-18 13:03:53 +0000
committermichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2012-12-18 13:03:53 +0000
commitfcd6570756bb0649d33ffd8ec789d84798e75669 (patch)
tree87c1ad923566eafff708de6d1e1b394d87caa0a2 /utils/fpdoc
parent6d586b20ce74fcaada65a77b07a89116550eeebb (diff)
* Patch from Graeme geldenhuys to introduce class hierarchy in IPF
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/fpdoc')
3 files changed, 132 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/utils/fpdoc/dglobals.pp b/utils/fpdoc/dglobals.pp
index 9855fec520..6bcadf8128 100644
--- a/utils/fpdoc/dglobals.pp
+++ b/utils/fpdoc/dglobals.pp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ resourcestring
SDocPrograms = 'Programs';
SDocUnits = 'Units';
SDocUnitTitle = 'Reference for unit ''%s''';
+ SDocInheritanceHierarchy = 'Inheritance Hierarchy';
SDocInterfaceSection = 'Interface section';
SDocImplementationSection = 'Implementation section';
SDocUsedUnits = 'Used units';
@@ -462,7 +463,6 @@ begin
{ No child found, let's create one if we are at the end of the path }
if DotPos > 0 then
- // !!!: better throw an exception
Raise Exception.CreateFmt('Link path does not exist: %s',[APathName]);
Result := TLinkNode.Create(ChildName, ALinkTo);
if Assigned(LastChild) then
diff --git a/utils/fpdoc/dw_ipflin.pas b/utils/fpdoc/dw_ipflin.pas
index f29a3e2d05..27ae54f637 100644
--- a/utils/fpdoc/dw_ipflin.pas
+++ b/utils/fpdoc/dw_ipflin.pas
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ type
constructor Create(APackage: TPasPackage; AEngine: TFPDocEngine); override;
class function FileNameExtension: string; override;
+ procedure WriteClassInheritanceOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType); override;
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ type
- SysUtils, dwriter;
+ SysUtils, dwriter, dbugintf;
{ TFPDocWriter overrides }
@@ -500,6 +501,119 @@ begin
InTypesDeclaration := False;
+procedure TIPFNewWriter.WriteClassInheritanceOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
+ DocNode: TDocNode;
+ ancestor: TPasClassType;
+ ancestor2: TPasType;
+ List: TStringList;
+ i: integer;
+ indent: integer;
+ procedure WriteDescription(const Idx: integer);
+ var
+ s: string;
+ o: TPasClassType;
+ t: string;
+ begin
+ if List.Objects[i] <> nil then
+ begin
+ o := List.Objects[i] as TPasClassType;
+ DocNode := Engine.FindDocNode(o);
+ if Assigned(DocNode) then
+ begin
+ s := ExtractFileName(o.SourceFilename);
+ t := ExtractFileExt(s);
+ s := StringReplace(s, t, '', []);
+ s := s + '.' + o.Name;
+ DescrBeginLink(s);
+ Write(o.Name);
+ DescrEndLink;
+ writeln('');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ writeln(List[i]);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { we only have text for it. }
+ Writeln(List[i]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ List := TStringList.Create;
+ List.Sorted := False;
+ { add the initial class }
+ List.AddObject(ClassDecl.Name, ClassDecl);
+ ancestor := nil;
+ if Assigned(ClassDecl.AncestorType) and ClassDecl.AncestorType.InheritsFrom(TPasClassType) then
+ { all is well, we have our first ancestor to get us started with the hierarchy traversal }
+ ancestor := TPasClassType(ClassDecl.AncestorType)
+ else
+ begin
+ { here we only have one history item to output - and not part of fpdoc hierarchy data }
+ if Assigned(ClassDecl.AncestorType) then
+ begin
+ ancestor2 := ClassDecl.AncestorType;
+ if Assigned(ancestor2) then
+ begin
+ List.AddObject(ancestor2.Name, nil);
+ ancestor2 := nil; { prevent any further attempts at traversal }
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ while Assigned(ancestor) do
+ begin
+ List.AddObject(ancestor.Name, ancestor);
+ if Assigned(ancestor.AncestorType) and ancestor.AncestorType.InheritsFrom(TPasClassType) then
+ ancestor := TPasClassType(ancestor.AncestorType)
+ else
+ begin
+ { we hit the end of the road }
+ ancestor2 := ancestor.AncestorType;
+ if Assigned(ancestor2) then
+ List.AddObject(ancestor2.Name, nil);
+ ancestor := nil; { prevent any further attempts at traversal }
+ end;
+ end;
+ if List.Count > 1 then
+ begin
+ { output a title }
+ Writeln(':p.');
+ writeln(':lm margin=1.');
+ DescrBeginBold;
+ WriteLn(SDocInheritanceHierarchy);
+ DescrEndBold;
+ { now output the hierarchy }
+ indent := 3;
+ { we go from least significant to most, hence the reversed loop }
+ for i := List.Count-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ Write(Format(':lm margin=%d.', [indent]));
+ { each level is indented 2 character positions more than the previous one }
+ if (indent > 3) then
+ begin
+ writeln('|');
+ write('+--');
+ end
+ else
+ write(':xmp.');
+ WriteDescription(i);
+ inc(indent, 2);
+ end;
+ WriteLn(':lm margin=1.:exmp.');
+ end;
+ List.Free;
{ TLinearWriter overrides}
class function TIPFNewWriter.FileNameExtension: String;
@@ -611,7 +725,7 @@ begin
fColCount := 0;
WriteComment('This file has been created automatically by FPDoc');
- WriteComment('IPF output (c) 2010 by Graeme Geldenhuys (');
+ WriteComment('IPF output (c) 2010-2012 by Graeme Geldenhuys (');
Writeln(':docprof toc=12345.');
WriteLn(':title.' + PackageName);
@@ -735,9 +849,9 @@ begin
// writeln(':lm margin=3.');
- end;
+ end
- if InPackageOverview then
+ else if InPackageOverview then
FInHeadingText := ':h2%s. ' + SectionName;
// Writeln(':h2.' + SectionName);
diff --git a/utils/fpdoc/dwlinear.pp b/utils/fpdoc/dwlinear.pp
index 0a5d831656..470a2f6d24 100644
--- a/utils/fpdoc/dwlinear.pp
+++ b/utils/fpdoc/dwlinear.pp
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ Type
procedure WriteClassDecl(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
procedure WriteClassMethodOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
procedure WriteClassPropertyOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
- procedure WriteClassInterfacesOverView(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
+ procedure WriteClassInterfacesOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
+ procedure WriteClassInheritanceOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType); virtual;
procedure WriteProperty(PropDecl: TPasProperty);
procedure WriteExample(ADocNode: TDocNode);
procedure WriteSeeAlso(ADocNode: TDocNode);
@@ -415,6 +416,10 @@ begin
+ // graemeg: this must move above SeeAlso, Version and Notes written above.
+ // Write Class Hierarchy (Inheritance) Overview;
+ WriteClassInheritanceOverView(ClassDecl);
// Write Interfaces Overview;
// Write method overview
@@ -517,7 +522,7 @@ begin
-procedure TLinearWriter.WriteClassInterfacesOverView(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
+procedure TLinearWriter.WriteClassInterfacesOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
lInterface: TPasElement;
i: Integer;
@@ -571,6 +576,12 @@ begin
+procedure TLinearWriter.WriteClassInheritanceOverview(ClassDecl: TPasClassType);
+ { Do nothing by default. This will be implemented by descendant writers. See
+ the IPF Writer for an example. }
function TLinearWriter.ConstValue(ConstDecl: TPasConst): String;