path: root/utils/unicode
diff options
authorjonas <jonas@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2016-05-20 07:09:45 +0000
committerjonas <jonas@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2016-05-20 07:09:45 +0000
commit59d15ac5eb57f441222556bac97a9b82be0ff305 (patch)
treebe034405be1b2d70101221169e2d06c2278a026c /utils/unicode
parent5d0f48b01feec111f7718cbff83504591cc594d6 (diff)
* file forgotten to commit in r33708
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/unicode')
1 files changed, 687 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/unicode/cldrtxt.pas b/utils/unicode/cldrtxt.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44dd796adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/unicode/cldrtxt.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+{ Parser of the CLDR collation tailoring files.
+ This parser handle the textual syntax for CLDR version > 23
+ Copyright (c) 2014,2015 by Inoussa OUEDRAOGO
+ The source code is distributed under the Library GNU
+ General Public License with the following modification:
+ - object files and libraries linked into an application may be
+ distributed without source code.
+ If you didn't receive a copy of the file COPYING, contact:
+ Free Software Foundation
+ 675 Mass Ave
+ Cambridge, MA 02139
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+unit cldrtxt;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+{$TypedAddress on}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ cldrhelper, helper;
+ procedure ParseInitialDocument(ASequence : POrderedCharacters; ADoc : TCustomMemoryStream);overload;
+ procedure ParseInitialDocument(ASequence : POrderedCharacters; AFileName : string);overload;
+ function ParseStatement(
+ AData : PAnsiChar;
+ AStartPosition,
+ AMaxLen : Integer;
+ AStatement : PReorderSequence;
+ var ANextPos,
+ ALineCount : Integer
+ ) : Boolean;
+ unicodedata;
+ s_BEFORE = 'before';
+function String2UnicodeCodePointArray(const AValue : UTF8String): TUnicodeCodePointArray;
+ u4str : UCS4String;
+ k : Integer;
+ if (Length(AValue) = 0) then
+ exit(nil);
+ if (Length(AValue) = 1) then begin
+ SetLength(Result,1);
+ Result[0] := Ord(AValue[1])
+ end else begin
+ u4str := UnicodeStringToUCS4String(UTF8Decode(AValue));
+ k := Length(u4str) - 1; // remove the last #0
+ SetLength(Result,k);
+ for k := 0 to k - 1 do
+ Result[k] := u4str[k];
+ end;
+function TryStringToReorderWeigthKind(
+ const AStr : UTF8String;
+ out AResult : TReorderWeigthKind
+) : Boolean;
+ Result := True;
+ if (AStr = '=') then
+ AResult := TReorderWeigthKind.Identity
+ else if (AStr = '<') or (AStr = '>') then
+ AResult := TReorderWeigthKind.Primary
+ else if (AStr = '<<') or (AStr = '>>') then
+ AResult := TReorderWeigthKind.Secondary
+ else if (AStr = '<<<') or (AStr = '>>>') then
+ AResult := TReorderWeigthKind.Tertiary
+ else begin
+ AResult := TReorderWeigthKind.Identity;
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+function ParseStatement(
+ AData : PAnsiChar;
+ AStartPosition,
+ AMaxLen : Integer;
+ AStatement : PReorderSequence;
+ var ANextPos,
+ ALineCount : Integer
+) : Boolean;
+ LINE_LENGTH = 1024;
+ p : PAnsiChar;
+ bufferLength, bufferPos, lineLength, linePos, lineIndex : Integer;
+ line : UTF8String;
+ statement : PReorderSequence;
+ elementActualCount : Integer;
+ specialChararter : Boolean;
+ historyItemIndex : Integer;
+ historyItems : array[0..31] of record
+ p : PAnsiChar;
+ bufferLength,
+ bufferPos,
+ lineLength,
+ linePos,
+ lineIndex : Integer;
+ line : UTF8String;
+ end;
+ procedure SaveState();
+ begin
+ if (historyItemIndex >= High(historyItems)) then
+ raise Exception.Create('History buffer is full.');
+ historyItemIndex := historyItemIndex+1;
+ historyItems[historyItemIndex].p := p;
+ historyItems[historyItemIndex].bufferLength := bufferLength;
+ historyItems[historyItemIndex].bufferPos := bufferPos;
+ historyItems[historyItemIndex].lineLength := lineLength;
+ historyItems[historyItemIndex].linePos := linePos;
+ historyItems[historyItemIndex].lineIndex := lineIndex;
+ historyItems[historyItemIndex].line := line;
+ end;
+ procedure RestoreState();
+ begin
+ if (historyItemIndex < 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('History buffer is empty.');
+ p := historyItems[historyItemIndex].p;
+ bufferLength := historyItems[historyItemIndex].bufferLength;
+ bufferPos := historyItems[historyItemIndex].bufferPos;
+ lineLength := historyItems[historyItemIndex].lineLength;
+ linePos := historyItems[historyItemIndex].linePos;
+ lineIndex := historyItems[historyItemIndex].lineIndex;
+ line := historyItems[historyItemIndex].line;
+ historyItemIndex := historyItemIndex-1;
+ end;
+ procedure DiscardState();
+ begin
+ if (historyItemIndex < 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('History buffer is empty.');
+ historyItemIndex := historyItemIndex-1;
+ end;
+ function CurrentLine() : UTF8String; inline;
+ begin
+ Result := Copy(line,1,lineLength);
+ end;
+ function NextLine() : Boolean;
+ var
+ locOldPos : Integer;
+ locOldPointer : PAnsiChar;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if (p^ = #10) then begin
+ Inc(p);
+ Inc(bufferPos);
+ end;
+ locOldPos := bufferPos;
+ locOldPointer := p;
+ while (bufferPos < bufferLength) and (p^ <> #10) do begin
+ Inc(p);
+ Inc(bufferPos);
+ end;
+ if (locOldPos = bufferPos) and (p^ = #10) then begin
+ lineLength := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ Inc(bufferPos);
+ linePos := 1;
+ Result := True;
+ end else if (locOldPos < bufferPos) then begin
+ lineLength := (bufferPos - locOldPos);
+ if (lineLength >= Length(line)) then
+ SetLength(line,(2*lineLength));
+ Move(locOldPointer^,line[1],lineLength);
+ {if (p^ = #10) then begin
+ //Dec(lineLength);
+ Inc(p);
+ Inc(bufferPos);
+ end;}
+ linePos := 1;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ if Result and (locOldPos < bufferPos) then
+ lineIndex := lineIndex+1;
+ end;
+ procedure CheckLineLength(const ALength : Integer);
+ begin
+ if (ALength > lineLength) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected end of line : "%s".',[CurrentLine()]);
+ end;
+ function ReadChar(out AResult : UTF8String) : Boolean;
+ var
+ k : Integer;
+ us : UnicodeString;
+ begin
+ AResult := '';
+ Result := False;
+ if (linePos > lineLength) then
+ exit;
+ {if CharInSet(line[linePos],['#','=','&','[',']']) then begin
+ AResult := line[linePos];
+ Inc(linePos);
+ exit(True);
+ end;}
+ if (line[linePos] <> '\') then begin
+ AResult := line[linePos];
+ Inc(linePos);
+ exit(True);
+ end;
+ CheckLineLength(linePos+1);
+ Inc(linePos);
+ case line[linePos] of
+ '''': begin
+ AResult := '\';
+ exit(True);
+ end;
+ {'\' : begin
+ AResult := '\';
+ exit(True);
+ end;}
+ 'u' : begin
+ CheckLineLength(linePos+4);
+ AResult := '$'+Copy(line,(linePos+1),4);
+ if not TryStrToInt(AResult,k) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Hexadecimal Integer expected but found "%s", line = "%s".',[AResult,CurrentLine()]);
+ SetLength(us,1);
+ us[1] := UnicodeChar(k);
+ AResult := UTF8Encode(us);
+ Inc(linePos,5);
+ exit(True);
+ end;
+ 'U' : begin
+ CheckLineLength(linePos+8);
+ AResult := '$'+Copy(line,(linePos+1),8);
+ if not TryStrToInt(AResult,k) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Hexadecimal Integer expected but found "%s".',[AResult]);
+ if (k > High(Word)) then begin
+ SetLength(us,2);
+ FromUCS4(k,us[1],us[2]);
+ if (Ord(us[2]) = 0) then
+ SetLength(us,1);
+ end else begin
+ SetLength(us,1);
+ us[1] := UnicodeChar(k);
+ end;
+ AResult := UTF8Encode(us);
+ Inc(linePos,9);
+ exit(True);
+ end;
+ else
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Invalide escaped string "%s", at %d position.',[CurrentLine(),linePos]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ReadQuotedString() : UTF8String;
+ var
+ ks : UTF8String;
+ begin
+ if (line[linePos] <> '''') then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected character found "%s", a quote expected: "%s".',[line[linePos],CurrentLine()]);
+ Inc(linePos);
+ if (linePos > lineLength) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected end of line, a quote expected: "%s".',[CurrentLine()]);
+ if (line[linePos] = '''') then begin
+ Inc(linePos);
+ Result := '''';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := '';
+ while (linePos <= lineLength) and ReadChar(ks) do begin
+ Result := Result + ks;
+ if (line[linePos] = '''') then
+ break;
+ end;
+ if (line[linePos] = '''') then begin
+ Inc(linePos);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected end of line, a quote expected: "%s".',[line]);
+ end;
+ function ReadUnQuotedString() : UTF8String;
+ var
+ k : Integer;
+ begin
+ k := linePos;
+ while (linePos <= lineLength) and
+ not(CharInSet(line[linePos],[' ',#9,'#', '=','&','[',']','<','>','''','/','|']))
+ do begin
+ Inc(linePos);
+ end;
+ if (linePos > k) then begin
+ if (line[linePos] in [' ',#9,'#', '=','&','[',']','<','>','''','/','|']) then
+ Result := Copy(line,k,(linePos-k))
+ else
+ Result := Copy(line,k,(linePos-k)); //Result := Copy(line,k,(linePos-k+1));
+ end else begin
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ function NextToken() : UTF8String; overload;
+ var
+ k : Integer;
+ ks : UTF8String;
+ begin
+ specialChararter := False;
+ while True do begin
+ while (linePos <= lineLength) and CharInSet(line[linePos],[' ', #9, #13]) do begin
+ Inc(linePos);
+ end;
+ if (linePos > lineLength) or (line[linePos] = '#') then begin
+ if not NextLine() then
+ exit('');
+ Continue;
+ end ;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ if (linePos > lineLength) then
+ exit('');
+ if (line[linePos] = '*') then begin
+ linePos := linePos+1;
+ specialChararter := True;
+ exit('*');
+ end;
+ k := linePos;
+ if (linePos <= lineLength) and CharInSet(line[linePos],['<','>']) then begin
+ ks := line[linePos];
+ while (linePos <= lineLength) and (line[linePos] = ks) do begin
+ Inc(linePos);
+ end;
+ Result := Copy(line,k,(linePos-k));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (linePos <= lineLength) and
+ CharInSet(line[linePos],['=','&','[',']','<','>','/','|'])
+ then begin
+ Inc(linePos);
+ Result := Copy(line,k,(linePos-k));
+ specialChararter := True;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {if (line[linePos] = '''') then
+ exit(ReadQuotedString()); }
+ Result := '';
+ while (linePos <= lineLength) do begin
+ if CharInSet(line[linePos],[' ',#9,#13,'#', '=','&','[',']','<','>','/','|']) then
+ Break;
+ if (line[linePos] <> '''') then
+ ks := ReadUnQuotedString()
+ else
+ ks := ReadQuotedString();
+ if (ks = '') then
+ Break;
+ Result := Result + ks;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function NextToken(const AMustSucceed : Boolean) : UTF8String; overload;
+ begin
+ Result := NextToken();
+ if (Result = '') and AMustSucceed then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected end of line(%d) : "%s".',[lineIndex,CurrentLine()]);
+ end;
+ procedure CheckToken(const AActual, AExpectedToken : UTF8String);
+ begin
+ if (AActual <> AExpectedToken) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt(
+ '"%s" expected but "%s" found at position %d, BufferPosition(%d), line(%d) = "%s".',
+ [AExpectedToken,AActual,linePos,bufferPos,lineIndex,CurrentLine()]
+ );
+ end;
+ function parse_reset() : Boolean;
+ var
+ s, s1 : UTF8String;
+ logicalPos : TReorderLogicalReset;
+ k : Integer;
+ begin
+ s := NextToken();
+ if (s = '') then
+ exit(False);
+ CheckToken(s,'&');
+ s := NextToken(True);
+ if (s = '[') then begin
+ s := NextToken();
+ if (s = s_BEFORE) then begin
+ s := NextToken();
+ if not(TryStrToInt(s,k)) or (k < 1) or (k > 3) then
+ CheckToken(s,'"1" or "2" or "3"');
+ CheckToken(NextToken(True),']');
+ statement^.Reset := String2UnicodeCodePointArray(NextToken(True));
+ statement^.Before := True;
+ end else begin
+ while True do begin
+ s1 := NextToken();
+ if (s1 = '') or (s1 = ']') then
+ break;
+ s := s + Trim(s1)
+ end;
+ CheckToken(s1,']');
+ if (s = '') then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected end of line : "%s".',[CurrentLine()]);
+ if not TryStrToLogicalReorder(s,logicalPos) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt(sUnknownResetLogicalPosition,[s]);
+ statement^.LogicalPosition := logicalPos;
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ statement^.Reset := String2UnicodeCodePointArray(s);
+ end;
+ if (statement^.LogicalPosition = TReorderLogicalReset.None) and
+ (Length(statement^.Reset) = 0)
+ then
+ raise Exception.Create(sInvalidResetClause);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ procedure EnsureElementLength(const ALength : Integer);
+ var
+ k, d : Integer;
+ begin
+ k := Length(statement^.Elements);
+ if (k < ALength) then begin
+ k := ALength;
+ if (k = 0) then begin
+ k := 50;
+ end else begin
+ if (k < 10) then
+ d := 10
+ else
+ d := 2;
+ k := k * d;
+ end;
+ statement^.SetElementCount(k);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure AddElement(
+ const AChars : array of UCS4Char;
+ const AWeigthKind : TReorderWeigthKind;
+ const AContext : UTF8String
+ );overload;
+ var
+ kp : PReorderUnit;
+ kc, k : Integer;
+ begin
+ EnsureElementLength(elementActualCount+1);
+ kp := @statement^.Elements[elementActualCount];
+ kc := Length(AChars)-1;
+ if (kc < 0) then
+ kc := 0;
+ SetLength(kp^.Characters,kc);
+ for k := 0 to kc - 1 do
+ kp^.Characters[k] := AChars[k];
+ kp^.WeigthKind := AWeigthKind;
+ elementActualCount := elementActualCount + 1;
+ if (AContext <> '') then
+ kp^.Context := String2UnicodeCodePointArray(AContext);
+ end;
+ procedure AddElement(
+ const AChar : UCS4Char;
+ const AWeigthKind : TReorderWeigthKind;
+ const AContext : UTF8String
+ );overload;
+ var
+ kp : PReorderUnit;
+ kc, k : Integer;
+ begin
+ EnsureElementLength(elementActualCount+1);
+ kp := @statement^.Elements[elementActualCount];
+ SetLength(kp^.Characters,1);
+ kp^.Characters[0] := AChar;
+ kp^.WeigthKind := AWeigthKind;
+ elementActualCount := elementActualCount + 1;
+ if (AContext <> '') then
+ kp^.Context := String2UnicodeCodePointArray(AContext);
+ end;
+ function ReadNextItem() : Boolean;
+ var
+ contextStr : UTF8String;
+ w : TReorderWeigthKind;
+ last : PReorderUnit;
+ u4str : UCS4String;
+ s, ts : UTF8String;
+ expandStr : TUnicodeCodePointArray;
+ k, kc, x : Integer;
+ us : UnicodeString;
+ begin
+ contextStr := '';
+ expandStr := nil;
+ Result := False;
+ SaveState();
+ s := NextToken();
+ if (s = '') then begin
+ DiscardState();
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if specialChararter and (s = '&') then begin
+ RestoreState();
+ exit;
+ end;
+ DiscardState();
+ if not TryStringToReorderWeigthKind(s,w) then
+ CheckToken(s,'Reorder Weigth');
+ s := NextToken(True);
+ if specialChararter then begin
+ if (s = '[') then begin
+ k := 1;
+ while True do begin
+ ts := NextToken(True);
+ s := s + ts;
+ if specialChararter then begin
+ if (ts = '[') then
+ k := k+1
+ else if (ts = ']') then begin
+ k := k-1;
+ if (k = 0) then
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Pos('variable',s) > 0) then
+ exit(True);
+ end else if (s = '*') then begin
+ s := NextToken(True);
+ us := UTF8Decode(s);
+ u4str := UnicodeStringToUCS4String(us);
+ kc := Length(u4str)-1;
+ k := 0;
+ while (k <= (kc-1)) do begin
+ if (k > 0) and (u4str[k] = Ord('-')) then begin
+ if (k = (kc-1)) then begin
+ AddElement(u4str[k],w,contextStr);
+ end else begin
+ for x := (u4str[k-1]+1) to u4str[k+1] do
+ AddElement(x,w,contextStr);
+ k := k+1;
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ AddElement(u4str[k],w,contextStr);
+ end;
+ k := k+1;
+ end;
+ exit(True);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SaveState();
+ ts := NextToken();
+ if (ts = '') or not(specialChararter) then begin
+ RestoreState();
+ us := UTF8Decode(s);
+ u4str := UnicodeStringToUCS4String(us);
+ end else begin
+ if (ts = '|') then begin
+ DiscardState();
+ contextStr := s;
+ s := NextToken(True);
+ SaveState();
+ ts := NextToken();
+ end;
+ if specialChararter and (ts = '/') then begin
+ expandStr := String2UnicodeCodePointArray(NextToken(True));
+ DiscardState();
+ end else begin
+ RestoreState();
+ end;
+ u4str := UnicodeStringToUCS4String(UTF8Decode(s));
+ end;
+ AddElement(u4str,w,contextStr);
+ if (Length(expandStr) > 0) then begin
+ last := @statement^.Elements[elementActualCount-1];
+ last^.ExpansionChars := expandStr;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ Result := False;
+ elementActualCount := 0;
+ if (AStartPosition >= AMaxLen) then
+ exit;
+ historyItemIndex := -1;
+ lineIndex := ALineCount;
+ bufferLength := AMaxLen;
+ bufferPos := AStartPosition;
+ p := AData+AStartPosition;
+ SetLength(line,LINE_LENGTH);
+ statement := AStatement;
+ statement^.Clear();
+ if not NextLine() then
+ exit;
+ if not parse_reset() then
+ exit;
+ while ReadNextItem() do begin
+ // All done in the condition
+ end;
+ statement^.SetElementCount(elementActualCount);
+ if (linePos > lineLength) then
+ linePos := lineLength;
+ ANextPos := bufferPos-lineLength+linePos;
+ Result := (ANextPos > AStartPosition);
+ ALineCount := lineIndex;
+procedure ParseInitialDocument(ASequence : POrderedCharacters; ADoc : TCustomMemoryStream);
+ buffer : PAnsiChar;
+ bufferLength : Integer;
+ i, nextPost : Integer;
+ statement : TReorderSequence;
+ p : PReorderUnit;
+ lineCount : Integer;
+ if (ADoc.Size < 1) then
+ exit;
+ buffer := ADoc.Memory; //0xEF,0xBB,0xBF
+ bufferLength := ADoc.Size;
+ if (bufferLength >= 3) and
+ (Byte(buffer[0]) = $EF) and
+ (Byte(buffer[1]) = $BB) and
+ (Byte(buffer[2]) = $BF)
+ then begin
+ Inc(buffer,3);
+ Dec(bufferLength,3);
+ end;
+ lineCount := 0;
+ ASequence^.Clear();
+ SetLength(ASequence^.Data,50000);
+ nextPost := 0;
+ i := 0;
+ while (i < bufferLength) do begin
+ statement.Clear();
+ if not ParseStatement(buffer,i,bufferLength,@statement,nextPost,lineCount) then
+ Break;
+ i := nextPost;
+ try
+ ASequence^.ApplyStatement(@statement);
+ except
+ on e : Exception do begin
+ e.Message := Format('%s Position = %d',[e.Message,i]);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (ASequence^.ActualLength > 0) then begin
+ p := @ASequence^.Data[0];
+ for i := 0 to ASequence^.ActualLength - 1 do begin
+ p^.Changed := False;
+ Inc(p);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure ParseInitialDocument(ASequence : POrderedCharacters; AFileName : string);
+ doc : TMemoryStream;
+ doc := TMemoryStream.Create();
+ try
+ doc.LoadFromFile(AFileName);
+ doc.Position := 0;
+ ParseInitialDocument(ASequence,doc);
+ finally
+ doc.Free();
+ end;