path: root/compiler/alpha/radirect.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/alpha/radirect.pas')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/alpha/radirect.pas b/compiler/alpha/radirect.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68f56bc747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/alpha/radirect.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Reads inline Alpha assembler and writes the lines direct to the output
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+ This unit reads Alpha inline assembler and writes the lines direct to the output file.
+unit radirect;
+ uses
+ node;
+ function assemble : tnode;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ { common }
+ cutils,
+ { global }
+ globals,verbose,
+ systems,
+ { aasm }
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmcpu,
+ { symtable }
+ symconst,symbase,symtype,symsym,symtable,defbase,
+ { pass 1 }
+ nbas,
+ { parser }
+ scanner,
+ { codegen }
+ cgbase,
+ { constants }
+ agaxpgas,
+ cpubase
+ ;
+ function assemble : tnode;
+ var
+ retstr,s,hs : string;
+ c : char;
+ ende : boolean;
+ srsym,sym : tsym;
+ srsymtable : tsymtable;
+ code : TAAsmoutput;
+ i,l : longint;
+ procedure writeasmline;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ i:=length(s);
+ while (i>0) and (s[i] in [' ',#9]) do
+ dec(i);
+ s[0]:=chr(i);
+ if s<>'' then
+ code.concat(Tai_direct.Create(strpnew(s)));
+ { consider it set function set if the offset was loaded }
+ if assigned(aktprocdef.funcretsym) and
+ (pos(retstr,upper(s))>0) then
+ tfuncretsym(aktprocdef.funcretsym).funcretstate:=vs_assigned;
+ s:='';
+ end;
+ begin
+ ende:=false;
+ s:='';
+ if assigned(aktprocdef.funcretsym) and
+ is_fpu(aktprocdef.rettype.def) then
+ tfuncretsym(aktprocdef.funcretsym).funcretstate:=vs_assigned;
+ { !!!!!
+ if (not is_void(aktprocdef.rettype.def)) then
+ retstr:=upper(tostr(procinfo^.return_offset)+'('+gas_reg2str[procinfo^.framepointer]+')')
+ else
+ }
+ retstr:='';
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ code:=TAAsmoutput.Create;
+ while not(ende) do
+ begin
+ { wrong placement
+ current_scanner.gettokenpos; }
+ case c of
+ 'A'..'Z','a'..'z','_':
+ begin
+ current_scanner.gettokenpos;
+ i:=0;
+ hs:='';
+ while ((ord(c)>=ord('A')) and (ord(c)<=ord('Z')))
+ or ((ord(c)>=ord('a')) and (ord(c)<=ord('z')))
+ or ((ord(c)>=ord('0')) and (ord(c)<=ord('9')))
+ or (c='_') do
+ begin
+ inc(i);
+ hs[i]:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ hs[0]:=chr(i);
+ if upper(hs)='END' then
+ ende:=true
+ else
+ begin
+ if c=':' then
+ begin
+ searchsym(upper(hs),srsym,srsymtable);
+ if srsym<>nil then
+ if (srsym.typ = labelsym) then
+ Begin
+ hs:=tlabelsym(srsym);
+ tlabelsym(srsym).lab.is_set:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_w_using_defined_as_local);
+ end
+ else
+ { access to local variables }
+ if assigned(aktprocdef) then
+ begin
+ { I don't know yet, what the ppc port requires }
+ { we'll see how things settle down }
+ { is the last written character an special }
+ { char ? }
+ { !!!
+ if (s[length(s)]='%') and
+ ret_in_acc(aktprocdef.rettype.def) and
+ ((pos('AX',upper(hs))>0) or
+ (pos('AL',upper(hs))>0)) then
+ tfuncretsym(aktprocdef.funcretsym).funcretstate:=vs_assigned;
+ }
+ if ((s[length(s)]<>'0') or (hs[1]<>'x')) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(aktprocdef.localst) and
+ (lexlevel >= normal_function_level) then
+ sym:=tsym(
+ else
+ sym:=nil;
+ if assigned(sym) then
+ begin
+ if (sym.typ=labelsym) then
+ Begin
+ hs:=tlabelsym(sym);
+ end
+ else if sym.typ=varsym then
+ begin
+ if (vo_is_external in tvarsym(sym).varoptions) then
+ hs:=tvarsym(sym).mangledname
+ else
+ begin
+ if (tvarsym(sym).reg<>R_NO) then
+ hs:=gas_reg2str[procinfo.framepointer]
+ else
+ hs:=tostr(tvarsym(sym).address)+
+ '('+gas_reg2str[procinfo.framepointer]+')';
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ { call to local function }
+ if (sym.typ=procsym) and (pos('BL',upper(s))>0) then
+ hs:=tprocsym(sym).first_procdef.mangledname;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if assigned(aktprocdef.parast) then
+ sym:=tsym(
+ else
+ sym:=nil;
+ if assigned(sym) then
+ begin
+ if sym.typ=varsym then
+ begin
+ l:=tvarsym(sym).address;
+ { set offset }
+ inc(l,aktprocdef.parast.address_fixup);
+ hs:=tostr(l)+'('+gas_reg2str[procinfo.framepointer]+')';
+ if pos(',',s) > 0 then
+ tvarsym(sym).varstate:=vs_used;
+ end;
+ end
+ { I added that but it creates a problem in line.ppi
+ because there is a local label wbuffer and
+ a static variable WBUFFER ...
+ what would you decide, florian ?}
+ else
+ begin
+ searchsym(upper(hs),sym,srsymtable);
+ if assigned(sym) and (sym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) then
+ begin
+ case sym.typ of
+ varsym :
+ begin
+ Message2(asmr_h_direct_global_to_mangled,hs,tvarsym(sym).mangledname);
+ hs:=tvarsym(sym).mangledname;
+ inc(tvarsym(sym).refs);
+ end;
+ typedconstsym :
+ begin
+ Message2(asmr_h_direct_global_to_mangled,hs,ttypedconstsym(sym).mangledname);
+ hs:=ttypedconstsym(sym).mangledname;
+ end;
+ procsym :
+ begin
+ { procs can be called or the address can be loaded }
+ if (pos('BL',upper(s))>0) {or (pos('LEA',upper(s))>0))} then
+ begin
+ if Tprocsym(sym).procdef_count>1 then
+ Message1(asmr_w_direct_global_is_overloaded_func,hs);
+ Message2(asmr_h_direct_global_to_mangled,hs,tprocsym(sym).first_procdef.mangledname);
+ hs:=tprocsym(sym).first_procdef.mangledname;
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type);
+ end;
+ end
+{$ifdef dummy}
+ else if upper(hs)='__SELF' then
+ begin
+ if assigned(procinfo^._class) then
+ hs:=tostr(procinfo^.selfpointer_offset)+
+ '('+gas_reg2str[procinfo^.framepointer]+')'
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_cannot_use_SELF_outside_a_method);
+ end
+ else if upper(hs)='__RESULT' then
+ begin
+ if (not is_void(aktprocdef.rettype.def)) then
+ hs:=retstr
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_void_function);
+ end
+ { implement old stack/frame pointer access for nested procedures }
+ {!!!!
+ else if upper(hs)='__OLDSP' then
+ begin
+ { complicate to check there }
+ { we do it: }
+ if lexlevel>normal_function_level then
+ hs:=tostr(procinfo^.framepointer_offset)+
+ '('+gas_reg2str[procinfo^.framepointer]+')'
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_cannot_use_OLDEBP_outside_nested_procedure);
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+{$endif dummy}
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ s:=s+hs;
+ end;
+ end;
+ '{',';',#10,#13:
+ begin
+ if pos(retstr,s) > 0 then
+ tfuncretsym(aktprocdef.funcretsym).funcretstate:=vs_assigned;
+ writeasmline;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ #26:
+ Message(scan_f_end_of_file);
+ else
+ begin
+ current_scanner.gettokenpos;
+ inc(byte(s[0]));
+ s[length(s)]:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ writeasmline;
+ assemble:=casmnode.create(code);
+ end;
+ Initialize
+ asmmode_ppc_direct_info : tasmmodeinfo =
+ (
+ id : asmmode_direct;
+ idtxt : 'DIRECT'
+ );
+ RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_ppc_direct_info);