path: root/compiler/arm
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40 files changed, 10383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas b/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..534ca0099f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2399 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Contains the assembler object for the ARM
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit aasmcpu;
+ cclasses,globtype,globals,verbose,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,
+ symtype,
+ cpubase,cpuinfo,cgbase,cgutils;
+ const
+ { "mov reg,reg" source operand number }
+ { "mov reg,reg" source operand number }
+ O_MOV_DEST = 0;
+ { Operand types }
+ OT_NONE = $00000000;
+ OT_BITS8 = $00000001; { size, and other attributes, of the operand }
+ OT_BITS16 = $00000002;
+ OT_BITS32 = $00000004;
+ OT_BITS64 = $00000008; { FPU only }
+ OT_BITS80 = $00000010;
+ OT_FAR = $00000020; { this means 16:16 or 16:32, like in CALL/JMP }
+ OT_NEAR = $00000040;
+ OT_SHORT = $00000080;
+ OT_BITSTINY = $00000100; { fpu constant }
+ $00000200;
+ OT_SIZE_MASK = $000003FF; { all the size attributes }
+ OT_NON_SIZE = longint(not OT_SIZE_MASK);
+ OT_SIGNED = $00000100; { the operand need to be signed -128-127 }
+ OT_TO = $00000200; { operand is followed by a colon }
+ { reverse effect in FADD, FSUB &c }
+ OT_COLON = $00000400;
+ OT_SHIFTEROP = $00000800;
+ OT_REGISTER = $00001000;
+ OT_IMMEDIATE = $00002000;
+ OT_REGLIST = $00008000;
+ OT_IMM8 = $00002001;
+ OT_IMM24 = $00002002;
+ OT_IMM32 = $00002004;
+ OT_IMM64 = $00002008;
+ OT_IMM80 = $00002010;
+ OT_IMMTINY = $00002100;
+ OT_IMMSHIFTER= $00002200;
+ OT_REGMEM = $00200000; { for r/m, ie EA, operands }
+ OT_REGNORM = $00201000; { 'normal' reg, qualifies as EA }
+ OT_REG8 = $00201001;
+ OT_REG16 = $00201002;
+ OT_REG32 = $00201004;
+ OT_REG64 = $00201008;
+ OT_VREG = $00201010; { vector register }
+ OT_MEMORY = $00204000; { register number in 'basereg' }
+ OT_MEM8 = $00204001;
+ OT_MEM16 = $00204002;
+ OT_MEM32 = $00204004;
+ OT_MEM64 = $00204008;
+ OT_MEM80 = $00204010;
+ { word/byte load/store }
+ OT_AM2 = $00010000;
+ { misc ld/st operations }
+ OT_AM3 = $00020000;
+ { multiple ld/st operations }
+ OT_AM4 = $00040000;
+ { co proc. ld/st operations }
+ OT_AM5 = $00080000;
+ OT_AMMASK = $000f0000;
+ OT_FPUREG = $01000000; { floating point stack registers }
+ OT_REG_SMASK = $00070000; { special register operands: these may be treated differently }
+ { a mask for the following }
+ OT_MEM_OFFS = $00604000; { special type of EA }
+ { simple [address] offset }
+ OT_ONENESS = $00800000; { special type of immediate operand }
+ OT_UNITY = $00802000; { for shift/rotate instructions }
+ instabentries = {$i}
+ maxinfolen = 5;
+ IF_NONE = $00000000;
+ IF_ARMMASK = $000F0000;
+ IF_ARM7 = $00070000;
+ IF_FPMASK = $00F00000;
+ IF_FPA = $00100000;
+ { if the instruction can change in a second pass }
+ IF_PASS2 = longint($80000000);
+ type
+ TInsTabCache=array[TasmOp] of longint;
+ PInsTabCache=^TInsTabCache;
+ tinsentry = record
+ opcode : tasmop;
+ ops : byte;
+ optypes : array[0..3] of longint;
+ code : array[0..maxinfolen] of char;
+ flags : longint;
+ end;
+ pinsentry=^tinsentry;
+ const
+ InsTab : array[0..instabentries-1] of TInsEntry={$i}
+ var
+ InsTabCache : PInsTabCache;
+ type
+ taicpu = class(tai_cpu_abstract)
+ oppostfix : TOpPostfix;
+ roundingmode : troundingmode;
+ procedure loadshifterop(opidx:longint;const so:tshifterop);
+ procedure loadregset(opidx:longint;const s:tcpuregisterset);
+ constructor op_none(op : tasmop);
+ constructor op_reg(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister);
+ constructor op_const(op : tasmop;_op1 : longint);
+ constructor op_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister);
+ constructor op_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;const _op2 : treference);
+ constructor op_reg_const(op:tasmop; _op1: tregister; _op2: aint);
+ constructor op_ref_regset(op:tasmop; _op1: treference; _op2: tcpuregisterset);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_const(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: aint);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: tasmsymbol;_op3ofs: longint);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; const _op3: treference);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_shifterop(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister;_op3 : tshifterop);
+ { SFM/LFM }
+ constructor op_reg_const_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2 : aint;_op3 : treference);
+ { *M*LL }
+ constructor op_reg_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3,_op4 : tregister);
+ { this is for Jmp instructions }
+ constructor op_cond_sym(op : tasmop;cond:TAsmCond;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ constructor op_sym(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ constructor op_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint);
+ constructor op_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2:tasmsymbol;_op2ofs : longint);
+ constructor op_sym_ofs_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;const _op2 : treference);
+ function is_same_reg_move(regtype: Tregistertype):boolean; override;
+ function spilling_get_operation_type(opnr: longint): topertype;override;
+ { assembler }
+ public
+ { the next will reset all instructions that can change in pass 2 }
+ procedure ResetPass1;
+ procedure ResetPass2;
+ function CheckIfValid:boolean;
+ function GetString:string;
+ function Pass1(offset:longint):longint;override;
+ procedure Pass2(objdata:TAsmObjectdata);override;
+ protected
+ procedure ppuloadoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;var o:toper);override;
+ procedure ppuwriteoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;const o:toper);override;
+ procedure ppubuildderefimploper(var o:toper);override;
+ procedure ppuderefoper(var o:toper);override;
+ private
+ { next fields are filled in pass1, so pass2 is faster }
+ inssize : shortint;
+ insoffset : longint;
+ LastInsOffset : longint; { need to be public to be reset }
+ insentry : PInsEntry;
+ function InsEnd:longint;
+ procedure create_ot;
+ function Matches(p:PInsEntry):longint;
+ function calcsize(p:PInsEntry):shortint;
+ procedure gencode(objdata:TAsmObjectData);
+ function NeedAddrPrefix(opidx:byte):boolean;
+ procedure Swapoperands;
+ function FindInsentry:boolean;
+ end;
+ tai_align = class(tai_align_abstract)
+ { nothing to add }
+ end;
+ function spilling_create_load(const ref:treference;r:tregister): tai;
+ function spilling_create_store(r:tregister; const ref:treference): tai;
+ function setoppostfix(i : taicpu;pf : toppostfix) : taicpu;
+ function setroundingmode(i : taicpu;rm : troundingmode) : taicpu;
+ function setcondition(i : taicpu;c : tasmcond) : taicpu;
+ { inserts pc relative symbols at places where they are reachable }
+ procedure insertpcrelativedata(list,listtoinsert : taasmoutput);
+ procedure InitAsm;
+ procedure DoneAsm;
+ uses
+ cutils,rgobj,itcpugas;
+ procedure taicpu.loadshifterop(opidx:longint;const so:tshifterop);
+ begin
+ allocate_oper(opidx+1);
+ with oper[opidx]^ do
+ begin
+ if typ<>top_shifterop then
+ begin
+ clearop(opidx);
+ new(shifterop);
+ end;
+ shifterop^:=so;
+ typ:=top_shifterop;
+ if assigned(add_reg_instruction_hook) then
+ add_reg_instruction_hook(self,shifterop^.rs);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.loadregset(opidx:longint;const s:tcpuregisterset);
+ var
+ i : byte;
+ begin
+ allocate_oper(opidx+1);
+ with oper[opidx]^ do
+ begin
+ if typ<>top_regset then
+ clearop(opidx);
+ new(regset);
+ regset^:=s;
+ typ:=top_regset;
+ for i:=RS_R0 to RS_R15 do
+ begin
+ if assigned(add_reg_instruction_hook) and (i in regset^) then
+ add_reg_instruction_hook(self,newreg(R_INTREGISTER,i,R_SUBWHOLE));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ taicpu Constructors
+ constructor taicpu.op_none(op : tasmop);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_const(op : tasmop;_op1 : longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadconst(0,aint(_op1));
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_const(op:tasmop; _op1: tregister; _op2: aint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadconst(1,aint(_op2));
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_ref_regset(op:tasmop; _op1: treference; _op2: tcpuregisterset);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadref(0,_op1);
+ loadregset(1,_op2);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;const _op2 : treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadref(1,_op2);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadreg(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3,_op4 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=4;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadreg(2,_op3);
+ loadreg(3,_op4);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: aint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadconst(2,aint(_op3));
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2 : aint;_op3 : treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadconst(1,_op2);
+ loadref(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: tasmsymbol;_op3ofs: longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadsymbol(0,_op3,_op3ofs);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; const _op3: treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadref(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister;_op3 : tshifterop);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadshifterop(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_cond_sym(op : tasmop;cond:TAsmCond;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ condition:=cond;
+ ops:=1;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,0);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_sym(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,0);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,_op1ofs);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2:tasmsymbol;_op2ofs : longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadsymbol(1,_op2,_op2ofs);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_sym_ofs_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;const _op2 : treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,_op1ofs);
+ loadref(1,_op2);
+ end;
+ function taicpu.is_same_reg_move(regtype: Tregistertype):boolean;
+ begin
+ { allow the register allocator to remove unnecessary moves }
+ result:=(((opcode=A_MOV) and (regtype = R_INTREGISTER)) or
+ ((opcode=A_MVF) and (regtype = R_FPUREGISTER))
+ ) and
+ (condition=C_None) and
+ (ops=2) and
+ (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (oper[0]^.reg=oper[1]^.reg);
+ end;
+ function spilling_create_load(const ref:treference;r:tregister): tai;
+ begin
+ case getregtype(r) of
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,r,ref);
+ { use lfm because we don't know the current internal format
+ and avoid exceptions
+ }
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(A_LFM,r,1,ref);
+ else
+ internalerror(200401041);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function spilling_create_store(r:tregister; const ref:treference): tai;
+ begin
+ case getregtype(r) of
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_STR,r,ref);
+ { use sfm because we don't know the current internal format
+ and avoid exceptions
+ }
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(A_SFM,r,1,ref);
+ else
+ internalerror(200401041);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.spilling_get_operation_type(opnr: longint): topertype;
+ begin
+ case opcode of
+ A_LFM:
+ if opnr=0 then
+ result:=operand_write
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ result:=operand_read;
+ if opnr in [0,1] then
+ result:=operand_readwrite
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ if opnr in [0,1] then
+ result:=operand_write
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ { important is what happens with the involved registers }
+ if opnr=0 then
+ result := operand_read
+ else
+ { check for pre/post indexed }
+ result := operand_read;
+ else
+ internalerror(200403151);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure BuildInsTabCache;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ new(instabcache);
+ FillChar(instabcache^,sizeof(tinstabcache),$ff);
+ i:=0;
+ while (i<InsTabEntries) do
+ begin
+ if InsTabCache^[InsTab[i].Opcode]=-1 then
+ InsTabCache^[InsTab[i].Opcode]:=i;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure InitAsm;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(instabcache) then
+ BuildInsTabCache;
+ end;
+ procedure DoneAsm;
+ begin
+ if assigned(instabcache) then
+ begin
+ dispose(instabcache);
+ instabcache:=nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function setoppostfix(i : taicpu;pf : toppostfix) : taicpu;
+ begin
+ i.oppostfix:=pf;
+ result:=i;
+ end;
+ function setroundingmode(i : taicpu;rm : troundingmode) : taicpu;
+ begin
+ i.roundingmode:=rm;
+ result:=i;
+ end;
+ function setcondition(i : taicpu;c : tasmcond) : taicpu;
+ begin
+ i.condition:=c;
+ result:=i;
+ end;
+ procedure insertpcrelativedata(list,listtoinsert : taasmoutput);
+ var
+ curpos : longint;
+ lastpos : longint;
+ curop : longint;
+ curtai : tai;
+ curdatatai,hp : tai;
+ curdata : taasmoutput;
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ curdata:=taasmoutput.create;
+ lastpos:=-1;
+ curpos:=0;
+ curtai:=tai(list.first);
+ while assigned(curtai) do
+ begin
+ { instruction? }
+ if curtai.typ=ait_instruction then
+ begin
+ { walk through all operand of the instruction }
+ for curop:=0 to taicpu(curtai).ops-1 do
+ begin
+ { reference? }
+ if (taicpu(curtai).oper[curop]^.typ=top_ref) then
+ begin
+ { pc relative symbol? }
+ curdatatai:=tai(taicpu(curtai).oper[curop]^.ref^.symboldata);
+ if assigned(curdatatai) then
+ begin
+ { if yes, insert till next symbol }
+ repeat
+ hp:=tai(;
+ listtoinsert.remove(curdatatai);
+ curdata.concat(curdatatai);
+ curdatatai:=hp;
+ until (curdatatai=nil) or (curdatatai.typ=ait_label);
+ if lastpos=-1 then
+ lastpos:=curpos;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(curpos);
+ end;
+ { split only at real instructions else the test below fails }
+ if ((curpos-lastpos)>1016) and (curtai.typ=ait_instruction) and
+ (
+ { don't split loads of pc to lr and the following move }
+ not(
+ (taicpu(curtai).opcode=A_MOV) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[0]^.reg=NR_R14) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[1]^.reg=NR_PC)
+ )
+ ) then
+ begin
+ lastpos:=curpos;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(l);
+ curdata.insert(taicpu.op_sym(A_B,l));
+ curdata.concat(tai_label.create(l));
+ list.insertlistafter(curtai,curdata);
+ curtai:=hp;
+ end
+ else
+ curtai:=tai(;
+ end;
+ list.concatlist(curdata);
+ end;
+ Floating point instruction format information, taken from the linux kernel
+ ARM Floating Point Instruction Classes
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+ |c o n d|1 1 0 P|U|u|W|L| Rn |v| Fd |0|0|0|1| o f f s e t | CPDT
+ |c o n d|1 1 0 P|U|w|W|L| Rn |x| Fd |0|0|1|0| o f f s e t | CPDT (copro 2)
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+ |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|d|e| Fn |j| Fd |0|0|0|1|f|g|h|0|i| Fm | CPDO
+ |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|L|e| Fn | Rd |0|0|0|1|f|g|h|1|i| Fm | CPRT
+ |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|1|e| Fn |1|1|1|1|0|0|0|1|f|g|h|1|i| Fm | comparisons
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+ CPDT data transfer instructions
+ LDF, STF, LFM (copro 2), SFM (copro 2)
+ CPDO dyadic arithmetic instructions
+ CPDO monadic arithmetic instructions
+ CPRT joint arithmetic/data transfer instructions
+ FIX (arithmetic followed by load/store)
+ FLT (load/store followed by arithmetic)
+ CMF, CNF CMFE, CNFE (comparisons)
+ WFS, RFS (write/read floating point status register)
+ WFC, RFC (write/read floating point control register)
+ cond condition codes
+ P pre/post index bit: 0 = postindex, 1 = preindex
+ U up/down bit: 0 = stack grows down, 1 = stack grows up
+ W write back bit: 1 = update base register (Rn)
+ L load/store bit: 0 = store, 1 = load
+ Rn base register
+ Rd destination/source register
+ Fd floating point destination register
+ Fn floating point source register
+ Fm floating point source register or floating point constant
+ uv transfer length (TABLE 1)
+ wx register count (TABLE 2)
+ abcd arithmetic opcode (TABLES 3 & 4)
+ ef destination size (rounding precision) (TABLE 5)
+ gh rounding mode (TABLE 6)
+ j dyadic/monadic bit: 0 = dyadic, 1 = monadic
+ i constant bit: 1 = constant (TABLE 6)
+ */
+ /*
+ +-------------------------+---+---+---------+---------+
+ | Precision | u | v | FPSR.EP | length |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+---------+---------+
+ | Single | 0 | 0 | x | 1 words |
+ | Double | 1 | 1 | x | 2 words |
+ | Extended | 1 | 1 | x | 3 words |
+ | Packed decimal | 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 words |
+ | Expanded packed decimal | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 words |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+---------+---------+
+ Note: x = don't care
+ */
+ /*
+ +---+---+---------------------------------+
+ | w | x | Number of registers to transfer |
+ +---+---+---------------------------------+
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 |
+ | 1 | 0 | 2 |
+ | 1 | 1 | 3 |
+ | 0 | 0 | 4 |
+ +---+---+---------------------------------+
+ */
+ /*
+ TABLE 3: Dyadic Floating Point Opcodes
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | a | b | c | d | Mnemonic | Description | Operation |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ADF | Add | Fd := Fn + Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | MUF | Multiply | Fd := Fn * Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | SUF | Subtract | Fd := Fn - Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | RSF | Reverse subtract | Fd := Fm - Fn |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | DVF | Divide | Fd := Fn / Fm |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | RDF | Reverse divide | Fd := Fm / Fn |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | POW | Power | Fd := Fn ^ Fm |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | RPW | Reverse power | Fd := Fm ^ Fn |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | RMF | Remainder | Fd := IEEE rem(Fn/Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | FML | Fast Multiply | Fd := Fn * Fm |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | FDV | Fast Divide | Fd := Fn / Fm |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | FRD | Fast reverse divide | Fd := Fm / Fn |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | POL | Polar angle (ArcTan2) | Fd := arctan2(Fn,Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | | undefined instruction | trap |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | | undefined instruction | trap |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | undefined instruction | trap |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ Note: POW, RPW, POL are deprecated, and are available for backwards
+ compatibility only.
+ */
+ /*
+ TABLE 4: Monadic Floating Point Opcodes
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | a | b | c | d | Mnemonic | Description | Operation |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | MVF | Move | Fd := Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | MNF | Move negated | Fd := - Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ABS | Absolute value | Fd := abs(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | RND | Round to integer | Fd := int(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | SQT | Square root | Fd := sqrt(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | LOG | Log base 10 | Fd := log10(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LGN | Log base e | Fd := ln(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | EXP | Exponent | Fd := e ^ Fm |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SIN | Sine | Fd := sin(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | COS | Cosine | Fd := cos(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | TAN | Tangent | Fd := tan(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ASN | Arc Sine | Fd := arcsin(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ACS | Arc Cosine | Fd := arccos(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | ATN | Arc Tangent | Fd := arctan(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | URD | Unnormalized round | Fd := int(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NRM | Normalize | Fd := norm(Fm) |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ Note: LOG, LGN, EXP, SIN, COS, TAN, ASN, ACS, ATN are deprecated, and are
+ available for backwards compatibility only.
+ */
+ /*
+ +-------------------------+---+---+
+ | Rounding Precision | e | f |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+
+ | IEEE Single precision | 0 | 0 |
+ | IEEE Double precision | 0 | 1 |
+ | IEEE Extended precision | 1 | 0 |
+ | undefined (trap) | 1 | 1 |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+
+ */
+ /*
+ +---------------------------------+---+---+
+ | Rounding Mode | g | h |
+ +---------------------------------+---+---+
+ | Round to nearest (default) | 0 | 0 |
+ | Round toward plus infinity | 0 | 1 |
+ | Round toward negative infinity | 1 | 0 |
+ | Round toward zero | 1 | 1 |
+ +---------------------------------+---+---+
+ function taicpu.GetString:string;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ s : string;
+ addsize : boolean;
+ begin
+ s:='['+gas_op2str[opcode];
+ for i:=0 to ops-1 do
+ begin
+ with oper[i]^ do
+ begin
+ if i=0 then
+ s:=s+' '
+ else
+ s:=s+',';
+ { type }
+ addsize:=false;
+ if (ot and OT_VREG)=OT_VREG then
+ s:=s+'vreg'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_FPUREG)=OT_FPUREG then
+ s:=s+'fpureg'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_REGISTER)=OT_REGISTER then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'reg';
+ addsize:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_REGLIST)=OT_REGLIST then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'reglist';
+ addsize:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_IMMEDIATE)=OT_IMMEDIATE then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'imm';
+ addsize:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_MEMORY)=OT_MEMORY then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'mem';
+ addsize:=true;
+ if (ot and OT_AM2)<>0 then
+ s:=s+' am2 ';
+ end
+ else
+ s:=s+'???';
+ { size }
+ if addsize then
+ begin
+ if (ot and OT_BITS8)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'8'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_BITS16)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'24'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_BITS32)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'32'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_BITSSHIFTER)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'shifter'
+ else
+ s:=s+'??';
+ { signed }
+ if (ot and OT_SIGNED)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'s';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ GetString:=s+']';
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ResetPass1;
+ begin
+ { we need to reset everything here, because the choosen insentry
+ can be invalid for a new situation where the previously optimized
+ insentry is not correct }
+ InsEntry:=nil;
+ InsSize:=0;
+ LastInsOffset:=-1;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ResetPass2;
+ begin
+ { we are here in a second pass, check if the instruction can be optimized }
+ if assigned(InsEntry) and
+ ((InsEntry^.flags and IF_PASS2)<>0) then
+ begin
+ InsEntry:=nil;
+ InsSize:=0;
+ end;
+ LastInsOffset:=-1;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.CheckIfValid:boolean;
+ begin
+ end;
+ function taicpu.Pass1(offset:longint):longint;
+ var
+ ldr2op : array[PF_B..PF_T] of tasmop = (
+ str2op : array[PF_B..PF_T] of tasmop = (
+ begin
+ Pass1:=0;
+ { Save the old offset and set the new offset }
+ InsOffset:=Offset;
+ { Error? }
+ if (Insentry=nil) and (InsSize=-1) then
+ exit;
+ { set the file postion }
+ aktfilepos:=fileinfo;
+ { tranlate LDR+postfix to complete opcode }
+ if (opcode=A_LDR) and (oppostfix<>PF_None) then
+ begin
+ if (oppostfix in [low(ldr2op)..high(ldr2op)]) then
+ opcode:=ldr2op[oppostfix]
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091001);
+ if opcode=A_None then
+ internalerror(2005091004);
+ { postfix has been added to opcode }
+ oppostfix:=PF_None;
+ end
+ else if (opcode=A_STR) and (oppostfix<>PF_None) then
+ begin
+ if (oppostfix in [low(str2op)..high(str2op)]) then
+ opcode:=str2op[oppostfix]
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091002);
+ if opcode=A_None then
+ internalerror(2005091003);
+ { postfix has been added to opcode }
+ oppostfix:=PF_None;
+ end;
+ { Get InsEntry }
+ if FindInsEntry then
+ begin
+ InsSize:=4;
+ LastInsOffset:=InsOffset;
+ Pass1:=InsSize;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ LastInsOffset:=-1;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.Pass2(objdata:TAsmObjectdata);
+ begin
+ { error in pass1 ? }
+ if insentry=nil then
+ exit;
+ aktfilepos:=fileinfo;
+ { Generate the instruction }
+ GenCode(objdata);
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppuloadoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;var o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppuwriteoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;const o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppubuildderefimploper(var o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppuderefoper(var o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ function taicpu.InsEnd:longint;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.create_ot;
+ var
+ i,l,relsize : longint;
+ dummy : byte;
+ begin
+ if ops=0 then
+ exit;
+ { update oper[].ot field }
+ for i:=0 to ops-1 do
+ with oper[i]^ do
+ begin
+ case typ of
+ top_regset:
+ begin
+ end;
+ top_reg :
+ begin
+ case getregtype(reg) of
+ ot:=OT_FPUREG;
+ else
+ internalerror(2005090901);
+ end;
+ end;
+ top_ref :
+ begin
+ if ref^.refaddr=addr_no then
+ begin
+ { create ot field }
+ { we should get the size here dependend on the
+ instruction }
+ if (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK)=0 then
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or OT_BITS32
+ else
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK);
+ if (ref^.base=NR_NO) and (ref^.index=NR_NO) then
+ ot:=ot or OT_MEM_OFFS;
+ { if we need to fix a reference, we do it here }
+ { pc relative addressing }
+ if (ref^.base=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.index=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None)
+ { at least we should check if the destination symbol
+ is in a text section }
+ { and
+ (ref^.symbol^.owner="text") } then
+ ref^.base:=NR_PC;
+ { determine possible address modes }
+ if (ref^.base<>NR_NO) and
+ (
+ (
+ (ref^.index=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None) and
+ (ref^.offset>=-4097) and
+ (ref^.offset<=4097)
+ ) or
+ (
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None) and
+ (ref^.offset=0)
+ ) or
+ (
+ (ref^.index<>NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode<>SM_None) and
+ (ref^.shiftimm<=31) and
+ (ref^.offset=0)
+ )
+ ) then
+ ot:=ot or OT_AM2;
+ if (ref^.index<>NR_NO) and
+ (oppostfix in [PF_IA,PF_IB,PF_DA,PF_DB,PF_FD,PF_FA,PF_ED,PF_EA]) and
+ (
+ (ref^.base=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None) and
+ (ref^.offset=0)
+ ) then
+ ot:=ot or OT_AM4;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ l:=ref^.offset;
+ if assigned(ref^.symbol) then
+ inc(l,ref^.symbol.address);
+ relsize:=(InsOffset+2)-l;
+ if (relsize<-33554428) or (relsize>33554428) then
+ ot:=OT_IMM32
+ else
+ ot:=OT_IMM24;
+ end;
+ end;
+ top_local :
+ begin
+ { we should get the size here dependend on the
+ instruction }
+ if (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK)=0 then
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or OT_BITS32
+ else
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK);
+ end;
+ top_const :
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(val,dummy) then
+ else
+ ot:=OT_IMM32
+ end;
+ top_none :
+ begin
+ { generated when there was an error in the
+ assembler reader. It never happends when generating
+ assembler }
+ end;
+ top_shifterop:
+ begin
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200402261);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.Matches(p:PInsEntry):longint;
+ { * IF_SM stands for Size Match: any operand whose size is not
+ * explicitly specified by the template is `really' intended to be
+ * the same size as the first size-specified operand.
+ * Non-specification is tolerated in the input instruction, but
+ * _wrong_ specification is not.
+ *
+ * IF_SM2 invokes Size Match on only the first _two_ operands, for
+ * three-operand instructions such as SHLD: it implies that the
+ * first two operands must match in size, but that the third is
+ * required to be _unspecified_.
+ *
+ * IF_SB invokes Size Byte: operands with unspecified size in the
+ * template are really bytes, and so no non-byte specification in
+ * the input instruction will be tolerated. IF_SW similarly invokes
+ * Size Word, and IF_SD invokes Size Doubleword.
+ *
+ * (The default state if neither IF_SM nor IF_SM2 is specified is
+ * that any operand with unspecified size in the template is
+ * required to have unspecified size in the instruction too...)
+ }
+ var
+ i,j,asize,oprs : longint;
+ siz : array[0..3] of longint;
+ begin
+ Matches:=100;
+ writeln(getstring,'---');
+ { Check the opcode and operands }
+ if (p^.opcode<>opcode) or (p^.ops<>ops) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Check that no spurious colons or TOs are present }
+ for i:=0 to p^.ops-1 do
+ if (oper[i]^.ot and (not p^.optypes[i]) and (OT_COLON or OT_TO))<>0 then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Check that the operand flags all match up }
+ for i:=0 to p^.ops-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and (not oper[i]^.ot)) or
+ ((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK) and
+ ((p^.optypes[i] xor oper[i]^.ot) and OT_SIZE_MASK)))<>0 then
+ begin
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and (not oper[i]^.ot) and OT_NON_SIZE) or
+ (oper[i]^.ot and OT_SIZE_MASK))<>0 then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ Matches:=1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { check postfixes:
+ the existance of a certain postfix requires a
+ particular code }
+ { update condition flags
+ or floating point single }
+ if (oppostfix=PF_S) and
+ not(p^.code[0] in [#$04]) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { floating point size }
+ if (oppostfix in [PF_D,PF_E,PF_P,PF_EP]) and
+ not(p^.code[0] in []) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { multiple load/store address modes }
+ if (oppostfix in [PF_IA,PF_IB,PF_DA,PF_DB,PF_FD,PF_FA,PF_ED,PF_EA]) and
+ not(p^.code[0] in [
+ // ldr,str,ldrb,strb
+ #$17,
+ // stm,ldm
+ #$26
+ ]) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { we shouldn't see any opsize prefixes here }
+ if (oppostfix in [PF_B,PF_SB,PF_BT,PF_H,PF_SH,PF_T]) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (roundingmode<>RM_None) and not(p^.code[0] in []) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Check operand sizes }
+ { as default an untyped size can get all the sizes, this is different
+ from nasm, but else we need to do a lot checking which opcodes want
+ size or not with the automatic size generation }
+ asize:=longint($ffffffff);
+ (*
+ if (p^.flags and IF_SB)<>0 then
+ asize:=OT_BITS8
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_SW)<>0 then
+ asize:=OT_BITS16
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_SD)<>0 then
+ asize:=OT_BITS32;
+ if (p^.flags and IF_ARMASK)<>0 then
+ begin
+ siz[0]:=0;
+ siz[1]:=0;
+ siz[2]:=0;
+ if (p^.flags and IF_AR0)<>0 then
+ siz[0]:=asize
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_AR1)<>0 then
+ siz[1]:=asize
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_AR2)<>0 then
+ siz[2]:=asize;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { we can leave because the size for all operands is forced to be
+ the same
+ but not if IF_SB IF_SW or IF_SD is set PM }
+ if asize=-1 then
+ exit;
+ siz[0]:=asize;
+ siz[1]:=asize;
+ siz[2]:=asize;
+ end;
+ if (p^.flags and (IF_SM or IF_SM2))<>0 then
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and IF_SM2)<>0 then
+ oprs:=2
+ else
+ oprs:=p^.ops;
+ for i:=0 to oprs-1 do
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ for j:=0 to oprs-1 do
+ siz[j]:=p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ oprs:=2;
+ { Check operand sizes }
+ for i:=0 to p^.ops-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK)=0) and
+ ((oper[i]^.ot and OT_SIZE_MASK and (not siz[i]))<>0) and
+ { Immediates can always include smaller size }
+ ((oper[i]^.ot and OT_IMMEDIATE)=0) and
+ (((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK) or siz[i])<(oper[i]^.ot and OT_SIZE_MASK)) then
+ Matches:=2;
+ end;
+ *)
+ end;
+ function taicpu.calcsize(p:PInsEntry):shortint;
+ begin
+ result:=4;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.NeedAddrPrefix(opidx:byte):boolean;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.Swapoperands;
+ begin
+ end;
+ function taicpu.FindInsentry:boolean;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ { Things which may only be done once, not when a second pass is done to
+ optimize }
+ if (Insentry=nil) or ((InsEntry^.flags and IF_PASS2)<>0) then
+ begin
+ { create the .ot fields }
+ create_ot;
+ { set the file postion }
+ aktfilepos:=fileinfo;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { we've already an insentry so it's valid }
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Lookup opcode in the table }
+ InsSize:=-1;
+ i:=instabcache^[opcode];
+ if i=-1 then
+ begin
+ Message1(asmw_e_opcode_not_in_table,gas_op2str[opcode]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ insentry:=@instab[i];
+ while (insentry^.opcode=opcode) do
+ begin
+ if matches(insentry)=100 then
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ insentry:=@instab[i];
+ end;
+ Message1(asmw_e_invalid_opcode_and_operands,GetString);
+ { No instruction found, set insentry to nil and inssize to -1 }
+ insentry:=nil;
+ inssize:=-1;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.gencode(objdata:TAsmObjectData);
+ var
+ bytes : dword;
+ i_field : byte;
+ procedure setshifterop(op : byte);
+ begin
+ case oper[op]^.typ of
+ top_const:
+ begin
+ i_field:=1;
+ bytes:=bytes or (oper[op]^.val and $fff);
+ end;
+ top_reg:
+ begin
+ i_field:=0;
+ bytes:=bytes or (getsupreg(oper[op]^.reg) shl 16);
+ { does a real shifter op follow? }
+ if (op+1<=op) and (oper[op+1]^.typ=top_shifterop) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091103);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ bytes:=$0;
+ { evaluate and set condition code }
+ { condition code allowed? }
+ { setup rest of the instruction }
+ case insentry^.code[0] of
+ #$08:
+ begin
+ { set instruction code }
+ bytes:=bytes or (ord(insentry^.code[1]) shl 26);
+ bytes:=bytes or (ord(insentry^.code[2]) shl 21);
+ { set destination }
+ bytes:=bytes or (getsupreg(oper[0]^.reg) shl 12);
+ { create shifter op }
+ setshifterop(1);
+ { set i field }
+ bytes:=bytes or (i_field shl 25);
+ { set s if necessary }
+ if oppostfix=PF_S then
+ bytes:=bytes or (1 shl 20);
+ end;
+ #$ff:
+ internalerror(2005091101);
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091102);
+ end;
+ { we're finished, write code }
+ objdata.writebytes(bytes,sizeof(bytes));
+ end;
+{$ifdef dummy}
+ (*
+static void gencode (long segment, long offset, int bits,
+ insn *ins, char *codes, long insn_end)
+ int has_S_code; /* S - setflag */
+ int has_B_code; /* B - setflag */
+ int has_T_code; /* T - setflag */
+ int has_W_code; /* ! => W flag */
+ int has_F_code; /* ^ => S flag */
+ int keep;
+ unsigned char c;
+ unsigned char bytes[4];
+ long data, size;
+ static int cc_code[] = /* bit pattern of cc */
+ { /* order as enum in */
+ 0x0E, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, /* nasm.h */
+ 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x0D,
+ 0x09, 0x0B, 0x04, 0x01,
+ 0x05, 0x07, 0x06,
+ };
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static char *CC[] =
+ { /* condition code names */
+ "AL", "CC", "CS", "EQ",
+ "GE", "GT", "HI", "LE",
+ "LS", "LT", "MI", "NE",
+ "PL", "VC", "VS", "",
+ "S"
+ has_S_code = (ins->condition & C_SSETFLAG);
+ has_B_code = (ins->condition & C_BSETFLAG);
+ has_T_code = (ins->condition & C_TSETFLAG);
+ has_W_code = (ins->condition & C_EXSETFLAG);
+ has_F_code = (ins->condition & C_FSETFLAG);
+ ins->condition = (ins->condition & 0x0F);
+ if (rt_debug)
+ {
+ printf ("gencode: instruction: %s%s", insn_names[ins->opcode],
+ CC[ins->condition & 0x0F]);
+ if (has_S_code)
+ printf ("S");
+ if (has_B_code)
+ printf ("B");
+ if (has_T_code)
+ printf ("T");
+ if (has_W_code)
+ printf ("!");
+ if (has_F_code)
+ printf ("^");
+ printf ("\n");
+ c = *codes;
+ printf (" (%d) decode - '0x%02X'\n", ins->operands, c);
+ bytes[0] = 0xB;
+ bytes[1] = 0xE;
+ bytes[2] = 0xE;
+ bytes[3] = 0xF;
+ }
+ // First condition code in upper nibble
+ if (ins->condition < C_NONE)
+ {
+ c = cc_code[ins->condition] << 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = cc_code[C_AL] << 4; // is often ALWAYS but not always
+ }
+ switch (keep = *codes)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ // B, BL
+ ++codes;
+ c |= *codes++;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ if (ins->oprs[0].segment != segment)
+ {
+ // fais une relocation
+ c = 1;
+ data = 0; // Let the linker locate ??
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = 0;
+ data = ins->oprs[0].offset - (offset + 8);
+ if (data % 4)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "offset not aligned on 4 bytes");
+ }
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x1000)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ data = data >> 2;
+ bytes[1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[3] = (data ) & 0xFF;
+ if (c == 1)
+ {
+// out (offset, segment, &bytes[0], OUT_RAWDATA+1, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ out (offset, segment, &bytes[0], OUT_REL3ADR+4, ins->oprs[0].segment, NO_SEG);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out (offset, segment, &bytes[0], OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ }
+ return;
+ case 2:
+ // SWI
+ ++codes;
+ c |= *codes++;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ data = ins->oprs[0].offset;
+ bytes[1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[3] = (data) & 0xFF;
+ out (offset, segment, &bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ // BX
+ ++codes;
+ c |= *codes++;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ if (c == 15) // PC
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_WARNING, "'BX' with R15 has undefined behaviour");
+ }
+ else if (c > 15)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "Illegal register specified for 'BX'");
+ }
+ bytes[3] |= (c & 0x0F);
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 4: // AND Rd,Rn,Rm
+ case 5: // AND Rd,Rn,Rm,<shift>Rs
+ case 6: // AND Rd,Rn,Rm,<shift>imm
+ case 7: // AND Rd,Rn,<shift>imm
+ ++codes;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (rt_debug)
+ {
+ printf (" decode - '0x%02X'\n", keep);
+ printf (" code - '0x%02X'\n", (unsigned char) ( *codes));
+ }
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes;
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[1] = *codes;
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ // Rn in low nibble
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ // Rd in high nibble
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (keep != 7)
+ {
+ // Rm in low nibble
+ bytes[3] = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ }
+ // Shifts if any
+ if (keep == 5 || keep == 6)
+ {
+ // Shift in bytes 2 and 3
+ if (keep == 5)
+ {
+ // Rs
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[3],1);
+ bytes[2] |= c;
+ c = 0x10; // Set bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ if (keep == 6)
+ {
+ c = (ins->oprs[3].offset) & 0x1F;
+ // #imm
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = 0; // Clr bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ // <shift>
+ c |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[3]) << 5;
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ // reg,reg,imm
+ if (keep == 7)
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[2].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 8: // MOV Rd,Rm
+ case 9: // MOV Rd,Rm,<shift>Rs
+ case 0xA: // MOV Rd,Rm,<shift>imm
+ case 0xB: // MOV Rd,<shift>imm
+ ++codes;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (rt_debug)
+ {
+ printf (" decode - '0x%02X'\n", keep);
+ printf (" code - '0x%02X'\n", (unsigned char) ( *codes));
+ }
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes;
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[1] = *codes;
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ // Rd in high nibble
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (keep != 0x0B)
+ {
+ // Rm in low nibble
+ bytes[3] = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ }
+ // Shifts if any
+ if (keep == 0x09 || keep == 0x0A)
+ {
+ // Shift in bytes 2 and 3
+ if (keep == 0x09)
+ {
+ // Rs
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[2] |= c;
+ c = 0x10; // Set bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ if (keep == 0x0A)
+ {
+ c = (ins->oprs[2].offset) & 0x1F;
+ // #imm
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = 0; // Clr bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ // <shift>
+ c |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[2]) << 5;
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ // reg,imm
+ if (keep == 0x0B)
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[1].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 0xC: // CMP Rn,Rm
+ case 0xD: // CMP Rn,Rm,<shift>Rs
+ case 0xE: // CMP Rn,Rm,<shift>imm
+ case 0xF: // CMP Rn,<shift>imm
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes;
+ // Implicit S code
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ // Rn in low nibble
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ // No destination
+ bytes[2] = 0;
+ if (keep != 0x0B)
+ {
+ // Rm in low nibble
+ bytes[3] = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ }
+ // Shifts if any
+ if (keep == 0x0D || keep == 0x0E)
+ {
+ // Shift in bytes 2 and 3
+ if (keep == 0x0D)
+ {
+ // Rs
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[2] |= c;
+ c = 0x10; // Set bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ if (keep == 0x0E)
+ {
+ c = (ins->oprs[2].offset) & 0x1F;
+ // #imm
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = 0; // Clr bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ // <shift>
+ c |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[2]) << 5;
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ // reg,imm
+ if (keep == 0x0F)
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[1].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 0x10: // MRS Rd,<psr>
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ bytes[2] = c << 4;
+ bytes[3] = 0;
+ c = ins->oprs[1].basereg;
+ if (c == R_CPSR || c == R_SPSR)
+ {
+ if (c == R_SPSR)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "CPSR or SPSR expected");
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 0x11: // MSR <psr>,Rm
+ case 0x12: // MSR <psrf>,Rm
+ case 0x13: // MSR <psrf>,#expression
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] = *codes;
+ if (keep == 0x11 || keep == 0x12)
+ {
+ // Rm
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[3] = c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[1].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ c = ins->oprs[0].basereg;
+ if ( keep == 0x11)
+ {
+ if ( c == R_CPSR || c == R_SPSR)
+ {
+ if ( c== R_SPSR)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "CPSR or SPSR expected");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( c == R_CPSR_FLG || c == R_SPSR_FLG)
+ {
+ if ( c== R_SPSR_FLG)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "CPSR_flg or SPSR_flg expected");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x14: // MUL Rd,Rm,Rs
+ case 0x15: // MULA Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] = *codes;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[1] |= regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ // Rm
+ bytes[3] |= regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ // Rs
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ if (keep == 0x15)
+ {
+ bytes[2] |= regval (&ins->oprs[3],1) << 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x16: // SMLAL RdHi,RdLo,Rm,Rs
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] = *codes;
+ // RdHi
+ bytes[1] |= regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ // RdLo
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rm
+ bytes[3] |= regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ // Rs
+ bytes[2] |= regval (&ins->oprs[3],1);
+ break;
+ case 0x17: // LDR Rd, expression
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (has_B_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ if (has_T_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'T' not allowed in pre-index mode");
+ }
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'!' not allowed");
+ }
+ // Rn - implicit R15
+ bytes[1] |= 0xF;
+ if (ins->oprs[1].segment != segment)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "label not in same segment");
+ }
+ data = ins->oprs[1].offset - (offset + 8);
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x1000)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF00) >> 8);
+ bytes[3] = data & 0xFF;
+ break;
+ case 0x18: // LDR Rd, [Rn]
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (has_B_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ if (has_T_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20; // write-back
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[0] |= 0x01; // implicit pre-index mode
+ }
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20; // write-back
+ }
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (c == 0x15) // R15
+ data = -8;
+ else
+ data = 0;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF00) >> 8);
+ bytes[3] = data & 0xFF;
+ break;
+ case 0x19: // LDR Rd, [Rn,#expression]
+ case 0x20: // LDR Rd, [Rn,Rm]
+ case 0x21: // LDR Rd, [Rn,Rm,shift]
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (has_B_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (ins->oprs[ins->operands-1].bracket) // FIXME: Bracket on last operand -> pre-index <--
+ {
+ bytes[0] |= 0x01; // pre-index mode
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ if (has_T_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'T' not allowed in pre-index mode");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (has_T_code) // Forced write-back in post-index mode
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'!' not allowed in post-index mode");
+ }
+ }
+ if (keep == 0x19)
+ {
+ data = ins->oprs[2].offset;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x1000)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF00) >> 8);
+ bytes[3] = data & 0xFF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ins->oprs[2].minus == 0)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[3] = c;
+ if (keep == 0x21)
+ {
+ c = ins->oprs[3].offset;
+ if (c > 0x1F)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too large shiftvalue");
+ c = c & 0x1F;
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ bytes[3] |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[3]) << 5;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x22: // LDRH Rd, expression
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | 0x01; // Implicit pre-index
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rn - implicit R15
+ bytes[1] |= 0xF;
+ if (ins->oprs[1].segment != segment)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "label not in same segment");
+ }
+ data = ins->oprs[1].offset - (offset + 8);
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x100)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ bytes[3] |= data & 0xF;
+ break;
+ case 0x23: // LDRH Rd, Rn
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | 0x01; // Implicit pre-index
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (c == 0x15) // R15
+ data = -8;
+ else
+ data = 0;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x100)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ bytes[3] |= data & 0xF;
+ break;
+ case 0x24: // LDRH Rd, Rn, expression
+ case 0x25: // LDRH Rd, Rn, Rm
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (ins->oprs[ins->operands-1].bracket) // FIXME: Bracket on last operand -> pre-index <--
+ {
+ bytes[0] |= 0x01; // pre-index mode
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'!' not allowed in post-index mode");
+ }
+ }
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ if (keep == 0x24)
+ {
+ data = ins->oprs[2].offset;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x100)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ bytes[3] |= data & 0xF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ins->oprs[2].minus == 0)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x26: // LDM/STM Rn, {reg-list}
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[0] |= ( *codes >> 4) & 0xF;
+ bytes[1] = ( *codes << 4) & 0xF0;
+ ++codes;
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ if (has_F_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ // Rn
+ bytes[1] |= regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ data = ins->oprs[1].basereg;
+ bytes[2] = ((data >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ bytes[3] = (data & 0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 0x27: // SWP Rd, Rm, [Rn]
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[0] |= *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ if (has_B_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] |= regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ errfunc (ERR_FATAL, "unknown decoding of instruction");
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ // And a fix nibble
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] |= *codes++;
+ if ( *codes == 0x01) // An I bit
+ {
+ }
+ if ( *codes == 0x02) // An I bit
+ {
+ }
+ ++codes;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+{$endif dummy
diff --git a/compiler/arm/agarmgas.pas b/compiler/arm/agarmgas.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7622ceaa85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/agarmgas.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit implements an asm for the ARM
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+{ This unit implements the GNU Assembler writer for the ARM
+unit agarmgas;
+ interface
+ uses
+ aasmtai,
+ aggas,
+ cpubase;
+ type
+ PARMGNUAssembler=^TARMGNUAssembler;
+ TARMGNUAssembler=class(TGNUassembler)
+ procedure WriteInstruction(hp : tai);override;
+ end;
+ const
+ gas_shiftmode2str : array[tshiftmode] of string[3] = (
+ '','lsl','lsr','asr','ror','rrx');
+ implementation
+ uses
+ cutils,globals,verbose,
+ systems,
+ assemble,
+ aasmcpu,
+ itcpugas,
+ cgbase,cgutils;
+ const
+ as_arm_gas_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_gas;
+ idtxt : 'AS';
+ asmbin : 'as';
+ asmcmd : '-o $OBJ $ASM';
+ supported_target : system_any;
+ flags : [af_allowdirect,af_needar,af_smartlink_sections];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ comment : '# ';
+ );
+ function getreferencestring(var ref : treference) : string;
+ var
+ s : string;
+ begin
+ with ref do
+ begin
+{$ifdef extdebug}
+ // if base=NR_NO then
+ // internalerror(200308292);
+ // if ((index<>NR_NO) or (shiftmode<>SM_None)) and ((offset<>0) or (symbol<>nil)) then
+ // internalerror(200308293);
+{$endif extdebug}
+ if assigned(symbol) then
+ begin
+ if (base<>NR_NO) and not(is_pc(base)) then
+ internalerror(200309011);
+ if offset<0 then
+ s:=s+tostr(offset)
+ else if offset>0 then
+ s:=s+'+'+tostr(offset);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ s:='['+gas_regname(base);
+ if addressmode=AM_POSTINDEXED then
+ s:=s+']';
+ if index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if signindex<0 then
+ s:=s+', -'
+ else
+ s:=s+', ';
+ s:=s+gas_regname(index);
+ if shiftmode<>SM_None then
+ s:=s+' ,'+gas_shiftmode2str[shiftmode]+' #'+tostr(shiftimm);
+ end
+ else if offset<>0 then
+ s:=s+', #'+tostr(offset);
+ case addressmode of
+ s:=s+']';
+ s:=s+']!';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ getreferencestring:=s;
+ end;
+ const
+ shiftmode2str: array[tshiftmode] of string[3] = ('','lsl','lsr','asr','ror','rrx');
+ function getopstr(const o:toper) : string;
+ var
+ hs : string;
+ first : boolean;
+ r : tsuperregister;
+ begin
+ case o.typ of
+ top_reg:
+ getopstr:=gas_regname(o.reg);
+ top_shifterop:
+ begin
+ if (o.shifterop^.rs<>NR_NO) and (o.shifterop^.shiftimm=0) then
+ getopstr:=shiftmode2str[o.shifterop^.shiftmode]+' '+gas_regname(o.shifterop^.rs)
+ else if (o.shifterop^.rs=NR_NO) then
+ getopstr:=shiftmode2str[o.shifterop^.shiftmode]+' #'+tostr(o.shifterop^.shiftimm)
+ else internalerror(200308282);
+ end;
+ top_const:
+ getopstr:='#'+tostr(longint(o.val));
+ top_regset:
+ begin
+ getopstr:='{';
+ first:=true;
+ for r:=RS_R0 to RS_R15 do
+ if r in o.regset^ then
+ begin
+ if not(first) then
+ getopstr:=getopstr+',';
+ getopstr:=getopstr+gas_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,r,R_SUBWHOLE));
+ first:=false;
+ end;
+ getopstr:=getopstr+'}';
+ end;
+ top_ref:
+ if o.ref^.refaddr=addr_full then
+ begin
+ hs:=o.ref^;
+ if o.ref^.offset>0 then
+ hs:=hs+'+'+tostr(o.ref^.offset)
+ else
+ if o.ref^.offset<0 then
+ hs:=hs+tostr(o.ref^.offset);
+ getopstr:=hs;
+ end
+ else
+ getopstr:=getreferencestring(o.ref^);
+ else
+ internalerror(2002070604);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Procedure TARMGNUAssembler.WriteInstruction(hp : tai);
+ var op: TAsmOp;
+ s: string;
+ i: byte;
+ sep: string[3];
+ begin
+ op:=taicpu(hp).opcode;
+ s:=#9+gas_op2str[op]+cond2str[taicpu(hp).condition]+oppostfix2str[taicpu(hp).oppostfix];
+ if taicpu(hp).ops<>0 then
+ begin
+ sep:=#9;
+ for i:=0 to taicpu(hp).ops-1 do
+ begin
+ // debug code
+ // writeln(s);
+ // writeln(taicpu(hp).fileinfo.line);
+ { LDM and STM use references as first operand but they are written like a register }
+ if (i=0) and (op in [A_LDM,A_STM]) then
+ begin
+ case taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.typ of
+ top_ref:
+ begin
+ s:=s+sep+gas_regname(taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.ref^.index);
+ if taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.ref^.addressmode=AM_PREINDEXED then
+ s:=s+'!';
+ end;
+ top_reg:
+ s:=s+sep+gas_regname(taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.reg);
+ else
+ internalerror(200311292);
+ end;
+ end
+ { register count of SFM and LFM is written without # }
+ else if (i=1) and (op in [A_SFM,A_LFM]) then
+ begin
+ case taicpu(hp).oper[1]^.typ of
+ top_const:
+ s:=s+sep+tostr(taicpu(hp).oper[1]^.val);
+ else
+ internalerror(200311292);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ s:=s+sep+getopstr(taicpu(hp).oper[i]^);
+ sep:=',';
+ end;
+ end;
+ AsmWriteLn(s);
+ end;
+ RegisterAssembler(as_arm_gas_info,TARMGNUAssembler);
diff --git a/compiler/arm/aoptcpu.pas b/compiler/arm/aoptcpu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e15acceb04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/aoptcpu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal
+ Development Team
+ This unit implements the ARM optimizer object
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+Unit aoptcpu;
+uses cpubase, aopt, aoptcpub;
+ TCpuAsmOptimizer = class(TAsmOptimizer)
+ { uses the same constructor as TAopObj }
+ End;
+ casmoptimizer:=TCpuAsmOptimizer;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/aoptcpub.pas b/compiler/arm/aoptcpub.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9bc456bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/aoptcpub.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ {
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal
+ Development Team
+ This unit contains several types and constants necessary for the
+ optimizer to work on the ARM architecture
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+Unit aoptcpub; { Assembler OPTimizer CPU specific Base }
+{ enable the following define if memory references can have both a base and }
+{ index register in 1 operand }
+{$define RefsHaveIndexReg}
+{ enable the following define if memory references can have a scaled index }
+{ define RefsHaveScale}
+{ enable the following define if memory references can have a segment }
+{ override }
+{ define RefsHaveSegment}
+ cpubase,aasmcpu,AOptBase;
+{ type of a normal instruction }
+ TInstr = Taicpu;
+ PInstr = ^TInstr;
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+{ **************************** TCondRegs ********************************** }
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+{ Info about the conditional registers }
+ TCondRegs = Object
+ Constructor Init;
+ Destructor Done;
+ End;
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+{ **************************** TAoptBaseCpu ******************************* }
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+ TAoptBaseCpu = class(TAoptBase)
+ End;
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+{ ******************************* Constants ******************************* }
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+{ the maximum number of things (registers, memory, ...) a single instruction }
+{ changes }
+ MaxCh = 3;
+{ the maximum number of operands an instruction has }
+ MaxOps = 3;
+{Oper index of operand that contains the source (reference) with a load }
+{instruction }
+ LoadSrc = 0;
+{Oper index of operand that contains the destination (register) with a load }
+{instruction }
+ LoadDst = 1;
+{Oper index of operand that contains the source (register) with a store }
+{instruction }
+ StoreSrc = 0;
+{Oper index of operand that contains the destination (reference) with a load }
+{instruction }
+ StoreDst = 1;
+ aopt_uncondjmp = A_B;
+ aopt_condjmp = A_B;
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+{ **************************** TCondRegs ********************************** }
+{ ************************************************************************* }
+Constructor TCondRegs.init;
+Destructor TCondRegs.Done; {$ifdef inl} inline; {$endif inl}
diff --git a/compiler/arm/aoptcpuc.pas b/compiler/arm/aoptcpuc.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7532a77fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/aoptcpuc.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ {
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal
+ Development Team
+ This unit contains the processor specific implementation of the
+ assembler optimizer common subexpression elimination object.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit aoptcpuc;
+ AOptCs;
+ TRegInfoCpu = Object(TRegInfo)
+ End;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/aoptcpud.pas b/compiler/arm/aoptcpud.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2df7e2e49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/aoptcpud.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal
+ Development Team
+ This unit contains the processor specific implementation of the
+ assembler optimizer data flow analyzer.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+Unit aoptcpud;
+ AOptDA;
+ TAOptDFACpu = class(TAOptDFA)
+ End;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e29160bef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armins.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb08065e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armins.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/armins.dat b/compiler/arm/armins.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f4958b86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/armins.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+; Table of assembler instructions for Free Pascal
+; adapted from Netwide Assembler by Florian Klaempfl
+; The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
+; Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
+; redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
+; distributed in the NASM archive.
+; Format of file: all four fields must be present on every functional
+; line. Hence `void' for no-operand instructions, and `\0' for such
+; as EQU. If the last three fields are all `ignore', no action is
+; taken except to register the opcode as being present.
+; 'ignore' means no instruc
+; 'void' means instruc with zero operands
+; Third field has a first byte indicating how to
+; put together the bits, and then some codes
+; that may be used at will (see assemble.c)
+; \1 - 24 bit pc-rel offset [B, BL]
+; \2 - 24 bit imm value [SWI]
+; \3 - 3 byte code [BX]
+; \4 - reg,reg,reg [AND,EOR,SUB,RSB,ADD,ADC,SBC,RSC,ORR,BIC]
+; \5 - reg,reg,reg,<shift>reg [-"-]
+; \6 - reg,reg,reg,<shift>#imm [-"-]
+; \7 - reg,reg,#imm [-"-]
+; \x8 - reg,reg [MOV,MVN]
+; \x9 - reg,reg,<shift>reg [-"-]
+; \xA - reg,reg,<shift>#imm [-"-]
+; \xB - reg,#imm [-"-]
+; \xC - reg,reg [CMP,CMN,TEQ,TST]
+; \xD - reg,reg,<shift>reg [-"-]
+; \xE - reg,reg,<shift>#imm [-"-]
+; \xF - reg,#imm [-"-]
+; \xFx - floating point instructions
+; Floating point instruction format information, taken from the linux kernel,
+; for detailed tables, see aasmcpu.pas
+; ARM Floating Point Instruction Classes
+; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+; |c o n d|1 1 0 P|U|u|W|L| Rn |v| Fd |0|0|0|1| o f f s e t | CPDT
+; |c o n d|1 1 0 P|U|w|W|L| Rn |x| Fd |0|0|1|0| o f f s e t | CPDT (copro 2)
+; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+; |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|d|e| Fn |j| Fd |0|0|0|1|f|g|h|0|i| Fm | CPDO
+; |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|L|e| Fn | Rd |0|0|0|1|f|g|h|1|i| Fm | CPRT
+; |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|1|e| Fn |1|1|1|1|0|0|0|1|f|g|h|1|i| Fm | comparisons
+; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+; CPDT data transfer instructions
+; LDF, STF, LFM (copro 2), SFM (copro 2)
+; CPDO dyadic arithmetic instructions
+; CPDO monadic arithmetic instructions
+; CPRT joint arithmetic/data transfer instructions
+; FIX (arithmetic followed by load/store)
+; FLT (load/store followed by arithmetic)
+; CMF, CNF CMFE, CNFE (comparisons)
+; WFS, RFS (write/read floating point status register)
+; WFC, RFC (write/read floating point control register)
+; \xF0 - CPDT
+; code 1: copro (1/2)
+; code 2: load/store bit
+; \xF1 - CPDO
+; \xF2 - CPDO monadic
+; \xF3 - CPRT
+; \xF4 - CPRT comparison
+; \xFF - fix me
+void void none
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\xA0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\xA0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\xA0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\xA0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\x00 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\x00 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\x00 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\x00 ARM7
+mem32 \1\x0A ARM7
+imm24 \1\x0A ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x1\xC0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x1\xC0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x1\xC0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x3\xC0 ARM7
+mem32 \1\x0B ARM7
+imm24 \1\x0B ARM7
+mem32 \xff ARM7
+imm24 \xff ARM7
+reg32 \3\x01\x2F\xFF\x10 ARM7
+reg8,reg8 \300\1\x10\101 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \xC\x1\x60 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \xD\x1\x60 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \xE\x1\x60 ARM7
+reg32,imm \xF\x3\x60 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \xC\x1\x40 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \xD\x1\x40 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \xE\x1\x40 ARM7
+reg32,imm \xF\x3\x40 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \x27\x01\x01 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\x20 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\x20 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\x20 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\x20 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \321\300\1\x11\101 ARM7
+memam4,reglist \x26\x81 ARM7
+reg32,memam2 \x17\x07\x10 ARM7
+reg32,memam2 \x17\x05\x10 ARM7
+; reg32,imm32 \x17\x05\x10 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32 \x18\x04\x10 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,imm32 \x19\x04\x10 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,reg32 \x20\x06\x10 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,reg32,imm32 \x21\x06\x10 ARM7
+reg32,imm32 \x22\x50\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \x23\x50\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm32 \x24\x50\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x25\x10\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,imm32 \x22\x50\xD0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \x23\x50\xD0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm32 \x24\x50\xD0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x25\x10\xD0 ARM7
+reg32,imm32 \x22\x50\xF0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \x23\x50\xF0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm32 \x24\x50\xF0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x25\x10\xF0 ARM7
+reg32,imm8,fpureg \xF0\x02\x01 FPA
+reg32,mem32 \320\301\1\x13\110 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \x15\x00\x20\x90 ARM7
+reg32,shifterop \x8\x0\0xd ARM7
+reg32,immshifter \x8\x0\0xd ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,reg32 \x9\x1\xA0 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,imm \xA\x1\xA0 ARM7
+; reg32,imm \xB\x3\xA0 ARM7
+; [MRC]
+; reg32,reg32 \321\301\1\x13\110 ARM7
+; [MRScc]
+; reg32,reg32 \x10\x01\x0F ARM7
+; [MSRcc]
+; reg32,reg32 \x11\x01\x29\xF0 ARM7
+; regf,reg32 \x12\x01\x28\xF0 ARM7
+; regf,imm \x13\x03\x28\xF0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x14\x00\x00\x90 ARM7
+fpureg,fpureg \xF2 FPA
+fpureg,immfpu \xF2 FPA
+reg32,reg32 \x8\x0\0xf ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x9\x1\xE0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \xA\x1\xE0 ARM7
+reg32,imm \xB\x3\xE0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x1\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x1\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x1\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x3\x80 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\x60 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\x60 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\x60 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\x60 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\xE0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\xE0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\xE0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\xE0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\xC0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\xC0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\xC0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\xC0 ARM7
+reg32,imm8,fpureg \xF0\x02\x00 FPA
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \x16\x00\xE0\x90 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \x16\x00\xC0\x90 ARM7
+memam4,reglist \x26\x80 ARM7
+reg32,memam2 \x17\x04\x00 ARM7
+; reg32,imm32 \x17\x05\x00 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32 \x18\x04\x00 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,imm32 \x19\x04\x00 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,reg32 \x20\x06\x00 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,reg32,imm32 \x21\x06\x00 ARM7
+reg32,memam2 \x17\x06\x00 ARM7
+; A dummy since it is parsed as STR{cond}H
+reg32,imm32 \x22\x40\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \x23\x40\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm32 \x24\x40\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x25\x00\xB0 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,shifterop \4\x0\x40 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,immshifter \4\x0\x40 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \4\x0\x40 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \5\x0\x40 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,reg32,imm \6\x0\x40 ARM7
+; reg32,reg32,imm \7\x2\x40 ARM7
+imm \2\x0F ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x27\x01\x90 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \x27\x01\x90 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \xC\x1\x20 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \xD\x1\x20 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \xE\x1\x20 ARM7
+reg32,imm \xF\x3\x20 ARM7
+reg32,reg32 \xC\x1\x00 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32 \xD\x1\x00 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,imm \xE\x1\x00 ARM7
+reg32,imm \xF\x3\x00 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \x16\x00\xA0\x90 ARM7
+reg32,reg32,reg32,reg32 \x16\x00\x80\x90 ARM7
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5566510957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armins.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..134a8c8069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armins.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/armreg.dat b/compiler/arm/armreg.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80b7fa00ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/armreg.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+; ARM registers
+; layout
+; <name>,<type>,<value>,<stdname>,<stab idx>,<dwarf idx>
+; Integer registers
+; Float registers
+; MM registers
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a81a1eed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armins.dat }
+ (
+ opcode : A_NONE;
+ ops : 0;
+ optypes : (ot_none,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #0;
+ flags : if_none
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#160;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#0#160;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#0#160;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#2#160;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADD;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADD;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#0#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADD;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#0#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ADD;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#2#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_AND;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_AND;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#0#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_AND;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#0#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_AND;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#2#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_B;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_memory or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #1#10;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_B;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_immediate24,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #1#10;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BIC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#1#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BIC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#1#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BIC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#1#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BIC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#3#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BL;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_memory or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #1#11;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BL;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_immediate24,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #1#11;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BLX;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_memory or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #15#15;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BLX;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_immediate24,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #15#15;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_BX;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #3#1#47#255#16;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CDP;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg8,ot_reg8,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #192#1#16#65;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMN;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #12#1#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMN;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #13#1#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMN;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #14#1#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMN;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #15#3#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMP;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #12#1#64;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMP;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #13#1#64;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMP;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #14#1#64;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CMP;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #15#3#64;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_CLZ;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #39#1#1;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_EOR;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_EOR;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#0#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_EOR;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#0#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_EOR;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#2#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDC;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #209#192#1#17#65;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDM;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_memoryam4,ot_reglist,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #38#129;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRB;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_memoryam2,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #23#7#16;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDR;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_memoryam2,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #23#5#16;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRH;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #34#80#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRH;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #35#80#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRH;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none);
+ code : #36#80#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRH;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #37#16#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSB;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #34#80#208;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSB;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #35#80#208;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none);
+ code : #36#80#208;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #37#16#208;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSH;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #34#80#240;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSH;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #35#80#240;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSH;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none);
+ code : #36#80#240;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LDRSH;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #37#16#240;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_LFM;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits8,ot_fpureg,ot_none);
+ code : #240#2#1;
+ flags : if_fpa
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MCR;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_memory or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #208#193#1#19#72;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MLA;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #21#0#32#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MOV;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_shifterop,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #8#1#160;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MOV;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediateshifter,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #8#1#160;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MUL;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #20#0#0#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MVF;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_fpureg,ot_fpureg,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #242;
+ flags : if_fpa
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MVF;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_fpureg,ot_immediatefpu,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #242;
+ flags : if_fpa
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MVN;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #8#1#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MVN;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #9#1#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MVN;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #10#1#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_MVN;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #11#3#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ORR;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#1#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ORR;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#1#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ORR;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#1#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_ORR;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#3#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSB;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#0#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSB;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#0#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#2#96;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#0#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#0#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_RSC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#2#224;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SBC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SBC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #5#0#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SBC;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate);
+ code : #6#0#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SBC;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #7#2#192;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SFM;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits8,ot_fpureg,ot_none);
+ code : #240#2#0;
+ flags : if_fpa
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SMLAL;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #22#0#224#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SMULL;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #22#0#192#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_STM;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_memoryam4,ot_reglist,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #38#128;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_STR;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_memoryam2,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #23#4#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_STRB;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_memoryam2,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #23#6#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_STRH;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #34#64#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_STRH;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #35#64#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_STRH;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate or ot_bits32,ot_none);
+ code : #36#64#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_STRH;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #37#0#176;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SUB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_shifterop,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#64;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SUB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediateshifter,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#64;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SUB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #4#0#64;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SWI;
+ ops : 1;
+ optypes : (ot_immediate,ot_none,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #2#15;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SWP;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #39#1#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_SWPB;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #39#1#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TEQ;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #12#1#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TEQ;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #13#1#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TEQ;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #14#1#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TEQ;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #15#3#32;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TST;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #12#1#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TST;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_none);
+ code : #13#1#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TST;
+ ops : 3;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none);
+ code : #14#1#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_TST;
+ ops : 2;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_immediate,ot_none,ot_none);
+ code : #15#3#0;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_UMLAL;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #22#0#160#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ ),
+ (
+ opcode : A_UMULL;
+ ops : 4;
+ optypes : (ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32,ot_reg32);
+ code : #22#0#128#144;
+ flags : if_arm7
+ )
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cgcpu.pas b/compiler/arm/cgcpu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d168b47bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cgcpu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1712 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Member of the Free Pascal development team
+ This unit implements the code generator for the ARM
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit cgcpu;
+ interface
+ uses
+ globtype,symtype,symdef,
+ cgbase,cgutils,cgobj,
+ aasmbase,aasmcpu,aasmtai,
+ parabase,
+ cpubase,cpuinfo,node,cg64f32,rgcpu;
+ type
+ tcgarm = class(tcg)
+ { true, if the next arithmetic operation should modify the flags }
+ cgsetflags : boolean;
+ procedure init_register_allocators;override;
+ procedure done_register_allocators;override;
+ procedure a_param_const(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;a : aint;const paraloc : TCGPara);override;
+ procedure a_param_ref(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;const r : treference;const paraloc : TCGPara);override;
+ procedure a_paramaddr_ref(list : taasmoutput;const r : treference;const paraloc : TCGPara);override;
+ procedure a_call_name(list : taasmoutput;const s : string);override;
+ procedure a_call_reg(list : taasmoutput;reg: tregister); override;
+ procedure a_op_const_reg(list : taasmoutput; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; a: aint; reg: TRegister); override;
+ procedure a_op_reg_reg(list : taasmoutput; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; src, dst: TRegister); override;
+ procedure a_op_const_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg;
+ size: tcgsize; a: aint; src, dst: tregister); override;
+ procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg;
+ size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister); override;
+ procedure a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; a: aint; src, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);override;
+ procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);override;
+ { move instructions }
+ procedure a_load_const_reg(list : taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; a : aint;reg : tregister);override;
+ procedure a_load_reg_ref(list : taasmoutput; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize; reg : tregister;const ref : treference);override;
+ procedure a_load_ref_reg(list : taasmoutput; fromsize, tosize : tcgsize;const Ref : treference;reg : tregister);override;
+ procedure a_load_reg_reg(list : taasmoutput; fromsize, tosize : tcgsize;reg1,reg2 : tregister);override;
+ { fpu move instructions }
+ procedure a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; reg1, reg2: tregister); override;
+ procedure a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list: taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; const ref: treference; reg: tregister); override;
+ procedure a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list: taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; reg: tregister; const ref: treference); override;
+ procedure a_paramfpu_ref(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;const ref : treference;const paraloc : TCGPara);override;
+ { comparison operations }
+ procedure a_cmp_const_reg_label(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;a : aint;reg : tregister;
+ l : tasmlabel);override;
+ procedure a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;reg1,reg2 : tregister;l : tasmlabel); override;
+ procedure a_jmp_name(list : taasmoutput;const s : string); override;
+ procedure a_jmp_always(list : taasmoutput;l: tasmlabel); override;
+ procedure a_jmp_flags(list : taasmoutput;const f : TResFlags;l: tasmlabel); override;
+ procedure g_flags2reg(list: taasmoutput; size: TCgSize; const f: TResFlags; reg: TRegister); override;
+ procedure g_proc_entry(list : taasmoutput;localsize : longint;nostackframe:boolean);override;
+ procedure g_proc_exit(list : taasmoutput;parasize : longint;nostackframe:boolean); override;
+ procedure a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list : taasmoutput;const ref : treference;r : tregister);override;
+ procedure g_concatcopy(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);override;
+ procedure g_concatcopy_unaligned(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);override;
+ procedure g_concatcopy_move(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);
+ procedure g_concatcopy_internal(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint;aligned : boolean);
+ procedure g_overflowcheck(list: taasmoutput; const l: tlocation; def: tdef); override;
+ procedure g_overflowCheck_loc(List:TAasmOutput;const Loc:TLocation;def:TDef;ovloc : tlocation);override;
+ procedure g_save_standard_registers(list : taasmoutput);override;
+ procedure g_restore_standard_registers(list : taasmoutput);override;
+ procedure a_jmp_cond(list : taasmoutput;cond : TOpCmp;l: tasmlabel);
+ procedure fixref(list : taasmoutput;var ref : treference);
+ procedure handle_load_store(list:taasmoutput;op: tasmop;oppostfix : toppostfix;reg:tregister;ref: treference);
+ procedure g_intf_wrapper(list: taasmoutput; procdef: tprocdef; const labelname: string; ioffset: longint);override;
+ end;
+ tcg64farm = class(tcg64f32)
+ procedure a_op64_reg_reg(list : taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc,regdst : tregister64);override;
+ procedure a_op64_const_reg(list : taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;reg : tregister64);override;
+ procedure a_op64_const_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regsrc,regdst : tregister64);override;
+ procedure a_op64_reg_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64);override;
+ procedure a_op64_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regsrc,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);override;
+ procedure a_op64_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);override;
+ end;
+ const
+ OpCmp2AsmCond : Array[topcmp] of TAsmCond = (C_NONE,C_EQ,C_GT,
+ function get_fpu_postfix(def : tdef) : toppostfix;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ globals,verbose,systems,cutils,
+ fmodule,
+ symconst,symsym,
+ tgobj,
+ procinfo,cpupi,
+ paramgr;
+ function get_fpu_postfix(def : tdef) : toppostfix;
+ begin
+ if def.deftype=floatdef then
+ begin
+ case tfloatdef(def).typ of
+ s32real:
+ result:=PF_S;
+ s64real:
+ result:=PF_D;
+ s80real:
+ result:=PF_E;
+ else
+ internalerror(200401272);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ internalerror(200401271);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.init_register_allocators;
+ begin
+ inherited init_register_allocators;
+ { currently, we save R14 always, so we can use it }
+ [RS_R0,RS_R1,RS_R2,RS_R3,RS_R4,RS_R5,RS_R6,RS_R7,RS_R8,
+ RS_R9,RS_R10,RS_R12,RS_R14],first_int_imreg,[]);
+ [RS_F0,RS_F1,RS_F2,RS_F3,RS_F4,RS_F5,RS_F6,RS_F7],first_fpu_imreg,[]);
+ [RS_S0,RS_S1,RS_R2,RS_R3,RS_R4,RS_S31],first_mm_imreg,[]);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.done_register_allocators;
+ begin
+ rg[R_INTREGISTER].free;
+ rg[R_FPUREGISTER].free;
+ rg[R_MMREGISTER].free;
+ inherited done_register_allocators;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_param_const(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;a : aint;const paraloc : TCGPara);
+ var
+ ref: treference;
+ begin
+ paraloc.check_simple_location;
+ case paraloc.location^.loc of
+ a_load_const_reg(list,size,a,paraloc.location^.register);
+ begin
+ reference_reset(ref);
+ ref.base:=paraloc.location^.reference.index;
+ ref.offset:=paraloc.location^.reference.offset;
+ a_load_const_ref(list,size,a,ref);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2002081101);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_param_ref(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;const r : treference;const paraloc : TCGPara);
+ var
+ tmpref, ref: treference;
+ location: pcgparalocation;
+ sizeleft: aint;
+ begin
+ location := paraloc.location;
+ tmpref := r;
+ sizeleft := paraloc.intsize;
+ while assigned(location) do
+ begin
+ case location^.loc of
+ a_load_ref_reg(list,location^.size,location^.size,tmpref,location^.register);
+ begin
+ reference_reset_base(ref,location^.reference.index,location^.reference.offset);
+ g_concatcopy(list,tmpref,ref,sizeleft);
+ if assigned(location^.next) then
+ internalerror(2005010710);
+ end;
+ case location^.size of
+ OS_F32, OS_F64:
+ a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list,location^.size,tmpref,location^.register);
+ else
+ internalerror(2002072801);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // nothing to do
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2002081103);
+ end;
+ inc(tmpref.offset,tcgsize2size[location^.size]);
+ dec(sizeleft,tcgsize2size[location^.size]);
+ location := location^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_paramaddr_ref(list : taasmoutput;const r : treference;const paraloc : TCGPara);
+ var
+ ref: treference;
+ tmpreg: tregister;
+ begin
+ paraloc.check_simple_location;
+ case paraloc.location^.loc of
+ a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,r,paraloc.location^.register);
+ begin
+ reference_reset(ref);
+ ref.base := paraloc.location^.reference.index;
+ ref.offset := paraloc.location^.reference.offset;
+ tmpreg := getintregister(list,OS_ADDR);
+ a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,r,tmpreg);
+ a_load_reg_ref(list,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,tmpreg,ref);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2002080701);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_call_name(list : taasmoutput;const s : string);
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(A_BL,objectlibrary.newasmsymbol(s,AB_EXTERNAL,AT_FUNCTION)));
+ the compiler does not properly set this flag anymore in pass 1, and
+ for now we only need it after pass 2 (I hope) (JM)
+ if not(pi_do_call in current_procinfo.flags) then
+ internalerror(2003060703);
+ include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_call_reg(list : taasmoutput;reg: tregister);
+ var
+ r : tregister;
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,NR_R14,NR_PC));
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,NR_PC,reg));
+ the compiler does not properly set this flag anymore in pass 1, and
+ for now we only need it after pass 2 (I hope) (JM)
+ if not(pi_do_call in current_procinfo.flags) then
+ internalerror(2003060703);
+ include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_op_const_reg(list : taasmoutput; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; a: aint; reg: TRegister);
+ begin
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,op,size,a,reg,reg);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_op_reg_reg(list : taasmoutput; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; src, dst: TRegister);
+ begin
+ case op of
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_RSB,dst,src,0));
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MVN,dst,src));
+ case size of
+ OS_8 :
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,$ff,dst,dst);
+ OS_16 :
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,$ffff,dst,dst);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,OS_32,src,dst,dst);
+ end;
+ end;
+ const
+ op_reg_reg_opcg2asmop: array[TOpCG] of tasmop =
+ procedure tcgarm.a_op_const_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg;
+ size: tcgsize; a: aint; src, dst: tregister);
+ var
+ ovloc : tlocation;
+ begin
+ a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list,op,size,a,src,dst,false,ovloc);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg;
+ size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister);
+ var
+ ovloc : tlocation;
+ begin
+ a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list,op,size,src1,src2,dst,false,ovloc);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; a: aint; src, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);
+ var
+ shift : byte;
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ so : tshifterop;
+ l1 : longint;
+ begin
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID;
+ if is_shifter_const(-a,shift) then
+ case op of
+ begin
+ op:=OP_SUB;
+ a:=dword(-a);
+ end;
+ begin
+ op:=OP_ADD;
+ a:=dword(-a);
+ end
+ end;
+ if is_shifter_const(a,shift) and not(op in [OP_IMUL,OP_MUL]) then
+ case op of
+ internalerror(200308281);
+ begin
+ if a>32 then
+ internalerror(200308291);
+ if a<>0 then
+ begin
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSL;
+ so.shiftimm:=a;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,dst,src,so));
+ end
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,dst,src));
+ end;
+ begin
+ if a>32 then
+ internalerror(200308292);
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ if a<>0 then
+ begin
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSR;
+ so.shiftimm:=a;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,dst,src,so));
+ end
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,dst,src));
+ end;
+ begin
+ if a>32 then
+ internalerror(200308291);
+ if a<>0 then
+ begin
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_ASR;
+ so.shiftimm:=a;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,dst,src,so));
+ end
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,dst,src));
+ end;
+ else
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(
+ taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(op_reg_reg_opcg2asmop[op],dst,src,a),toppostfix(ord(cgsetflags or setflags)*ord(PF_S))
+ ));
+ if (cgsetflags or setflags) and (size in [OS_8,OS_16,OS_32]) then
+ begin
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_FLAGS;
+ case op of
+ ovloc.resflags:=F_CS;
+ ovloc.resflags:=F_CC;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { there could be added some more sophisticated optimizations }
+ if (op in [OP_MUL,OP_IMUL]) and (a=1) then
+ a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src,dst)
+ else if (op in [OP_MUL,OP_IMUL]) and (a=0) then
+ a_load_const_reg(list,size,0,dst)
+ else if (op in [OP_IMUL]) and (a=-1) then
+ a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NEG,size,src,dst)
+ { we do this here instead in the peephole optimizer because
+ it saves us a register }
+ else if (op in [OP_MUL,OP_IMUL]) and ispowerof2(a,l1) and not(cgsetflags or setflags) then
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,size,l1,src,dst)
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size);
+ a_load_const_reg(list,size,a,tmpreg);
+ a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list,op,size,tmpreg,src,dst,setflags,ovloc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);
+ var
+ so : tshifterop;
+ tmpreg,overflowreg : tregister;
+ asmop : tasmop;
+ begin
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID;
+ case op of
+ internalerror(200308281);
+ begin
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSL;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,dst,src2,so));
+ end;
+ begin
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSR;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,dst,src2,so));
+ end;
+ begin
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_ASR;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,dst,src2,so));
+ end;
+ begin
+ if cgsetflags or setflags then
+ begin
+ overflowreg:=getintregister(list,size);
+ if op=OP_IMUL then
+ asmop:=A_SMULL
+ else
+ asmop:=A_UMULL;
+ { the arm doesn't allow that rd and rm are the same }
+ if dst=src2 then
+ begin
+ if dst<>src1 then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg_reg(asmop,dst,overflowreg,src1,src2))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size);
+ a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src2,dst);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg_reg(asmop,dst,overflowreg,tmpreg,src1));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg_reg(asmop,dst,overflowreg,src2,src1));
+ if op=OP_IMUL then
+ begin
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_ASR;
+ so.shiftimm:=31;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_CMP,overflowreg,dst,so));
+ end
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_CMP,overflowreg,0));
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_FLAGS;
+ ovloc.resflags:=F_NE;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { the arm doesn't allow that rd and rm are the same }
+ if dst=src2 then
+ begin
+ if dst<>src1 then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_MUL,dst,src1,src2))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size);
+ a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src2,dst);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_MUL,dst,tmpreg,src1));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_MUL,dst,src2,src1));
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(
+ taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(op_reg_reg_opcg2asmop[op],dst,src2,src1),toppostfix(ord(cgsetflags or setflags)*ord(PF_S))
+ ));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_load_const_reg(list : taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; a : aint;reg : tregister);
+ var
+ imm_shift : byte;
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ hr : treference;
+ begin
+ if not(size in [OS_8,OS_S8,OS_16,OS_S16,OS_32,OS_S32]) then
+ internalerror(2002090902);
+ if is_shifter_const(a,imm_shift) then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_MOV,reg,a))
+ else if is_shifter_const(not(a),imm_shift) then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_MVN,reg,not(a)))
+ else
+ begin
+ reference_reset(hr);
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(l);
+ cg.a_label(current_procinfo.aktlocaldata,l);
+ hr.symboldata:=current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.last;
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_const.Create_32bit(longint(a)));
+ hr.symbol:=l;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,reg,hr));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.handle_load_store(list:taasmoutput;op: tasmop;oppostfix : toppostfix;reg:tregister;ref: treference);
+ var
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ tmpref : treference;
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=NR_NO;
+ { Be sure to have a base register }
+ if (ref.base=NR_NO) then
+ begin
+ if ref.shiftmode<>SM_None then
+ internalerror(200308294);
+ ref.base:=ref.index;
+ ref.index:=NR_NO;
+ end;
+ { absolute symbols can't be handled directly, we've to store the symbol reference
+ in the text segment and access it pc relative
+ For now, we assume that references where base or index equals to PC are already
+ relative, all other references are assumed to be absolute and thus they need
+ to be handled extra.
+ A proper solution would be to change refoptions to a set and store the information
+ if the symbol is absolute or relative there.
+ }
+ if (assigned(ref.symbol) and
+ not(is_pc(ref.base)) and
+ not(is_pc(ref.index))
+ ) or
+ { [#xxx] isn't a valid address operand }
+ ((ref.base=NR_NO) and (ref.index=NR_NO)) or
+ (ref.offset<-4095) or
+ (ref.offset>4095) or
+ ((oppostfix in [PF_SB,PF_H,PF_SH]) and
+ ((ref.offset<-255) or
+ (ref.offset>255)
+ )
+ ) or
+ ((op in [A_LDF,A_STF]) and
+ ((ref.offset<-1020) or
+ (ref.offset>1020)
+ )
+ ) then
+ begin
+ reference_reset(tmpref);
+ { load symbol }
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_INT);
+ if assigned(ref.symbol) then
+ begin
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(l);
+ cg.a_label(current_procinfo.aktlocaldata,l);
+ tmpref.symboldata:=current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.last;
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_const.create_sym_offset(ref.symbol,ref.offset));
+ { load consts entry }
+ tmpref.symbol:=l;
+ tmpref.base:=NR_R15;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,tmpreg,tmpref));
+ end
+ else
+ a_load_const_reg(list,OS_ADDR,ref.offset,tmpreg);
+ if (ref.base<>NR_NO) then
+ begin
+ if ref.index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,tmpreg,ref.base,tmpreg));
+ ref.base:=tmpreg;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ref.index:=tmpreg;
+ ref.shiftimm:=0;
+ ref.signindex:=1;
+ ref.shiftmode:=SM_None;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ ref.base:=tmpreg;
+ ref.offset:=0;
+ ref.symbol:=nil;
+ end;
+ if (ref.base<>NR_NO) and (ref.index<>NR_NO) and (ref.offset<>0) then
+ begin
+ if tmpreg<>NR_NO then
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_ADDR,ref.offset,tmpreg,tmpreg)
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_ADDR);
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_ADDR,ref.offset,ref.base,tmpreg);
+ ref.base:=tmpreg;
+ end;
+ ref.offset:=0;
+ end;
+ { floating point operations have only limited references
+ we expect here, that a base is already set }
+ if (op in [A_LDF,A_STF]) and (ref.index<>NR_NO) then
+ begin
+ if ref.shiftmode<>SM_none then
+ internalerror(200309121);
+ if tmpreg<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if ref.base=tmpreg then
+ begin
+ if ref.signindex<0 then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,tmpreg,tmpreg,ref.index))
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,tmpreg,tmpreg,ref.index));
+ ref.index:=NR_NO;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if ref.index<>tmpreg then
+ internalerror(200403161);
+ if ref.signindex<0 then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,tmpreg,ref.base,tmpreg))
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,tmpreg,ref.base,tmpreg));
+ ref.base:=tmpreg;
+ ref.index:=NR_NO;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_ADDR);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,tmpreg,ref.base,ref.index));
+ ref.base:=tmpreg;
+ ref.index:=NR_NO;
+ end;
+ end;
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_ref(op,reg,ref),oppostfix));
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_load_reg_ref(list : taasmoutput; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize; reg : tregister;const ref : treference);
+ var
+ oppostfix:toppostfix;
+ begin
+ case ToSize of
+ { signed integer registers }
+ OS_8,
+ OS_S8:
+ oppostfix:=PF_B;
+ OS_16,
+ OS_S16:
+ oppostfix:=PF_H;
+ OS_32,
+ OS_S32:
+ oppostfix:=PF_None;
+ else
+ InternalError(200308295);
+ end;
+ handle_load_store(list,A_STR,oppostfix,reg,ref);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_load_ref_reg(list : taasmoutput; fromsize, tosize : tcgsize;const Ref : treference;reg : tregister);
+ var
+ oppostfix:toppostfix;
+ begin
+ case FromSize of
+ { signed integer registers }
+ OS_8:
+ oppostfix:=PF_B;
+ OS_S8:
+ oppostfix:=PF_SB;
+ OS_16:
+ oppostfix:=PF_H;
+ OS_S16:
+ oppostfix:=PF_SH;
+ OS_32,
+ OS_S32:
+ oppostfix:=PF_None;
+ else
+ InternalError(200308291);
+ end;
+ handle_load_store(list,A_LDR,oppostfix,reg,ref);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_load_reg_reg(list : taasmoutput; fromsize, tosize : tcgsize;reg1,reg2 : tregister);
+ var
+ instr: taicpu;
+ so : tshifterop;
+ begin
+ shifterop_reset(so);
+ if (tcgsize2size[tosize] < tcgsize2size[fromsize]) or
+ (
+ (tcgsize2size[tosize] = tcgsize2size[fromsize]) and
+ (tosize <> fromsize) and
+ not(fromsize in [OS_32,OS_S32])
+ ) then
+ begin
+ case tosize of
+ OS_8:
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_AND,
+ reg2,reg1,$ff));
+ OS_S8:
+ begin
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSL;
+ so.shiftimm:=24;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,reg2,reg1,so));
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_ASR;
+ so.shiftimm:=24;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,reg2,reg2,so));
+ end;
+ OS_16:
+ begin
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSL;
+ so.shiftimm:=16;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,reg2,reg1,so));
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSR;
+ so.shiftimm:=16;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,reg2,reg2,so));
+ end;
+ OS_S16:
+ begin
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_LSL;
+ so.shiftimm:=16;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,reg2,reg1,so));
+ so.shiftmode:=SM_ASR;
+ so.shiftimm:=16;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(A_MOV,reg2,reg2,so));
+ end;
+ OS_32,OS_S32:
+ begin
+ instr:=taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,reg2,reg1);
+ list.concat(instr);
+ add_move_instruction(instr);
+ end;
+ else internalerror(2002090901);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if reg1<>reg2 then
+ begin
+ { same size, only a register mov required }
+ instr:=taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,reg2,reg1);
+ list.Concat(instr);
+ { Notify the register allocator that we have written a move instruction so
+ it can try to eliminate it. }
+ add_move_instruction(instr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_paramfpu_ref(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;const ref : treference;const paraloc : TCGPara);
+ var
+ href,href2 : treference;
+ hloc : pcgparalocation;
+ begin
+ href:=ref;
+ hloc:=paraloc.location;
+ while assigned(hloc) do
+ begin
+ case hloc^.loc of
+ a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list,size,ref,hloc^.register);
+ a_load_ref_reg(list,hloc^.size,hloc^.size,href,hloc^.register);
+ begin
+ reference_reset_base(href2,hloc^.reference.index,hloc^.reference.offset);
+ a_load_ref_ref(list,hloc^.size,hloc^.size,href,href2);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200408241);
+ end;
+ inc(href.offset,tcgsize2size[hloc^.size]);
+ hloc:=hloc^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; reg1, reg2: tregister);
+ begin
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MVF,reg2,reg1),cgsize2fpuoppostfix[size]));
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list: taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; const ref: treference; reg: tregister);
+ var
+ oppostfix:toppostfix;
+ begin
+ case size of
+ OS_F32:
+ oppostfix:=PF_S;
+ OS_F64:
+ oppostfix:=PF_D;
+ OS_F80:
+ oppostfix:=PF_E;
+ else
+ InternalError(200309021);
+ end;
+ handle_load_store(list,A_LDF,oppostfix,reg,ref);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list: taasmoutput; size: tcgsize; reg: tregister; const ref: treference);
+ var
+ oppostfix:toppostfix;
+ begin
+ case size of
+ OS_F32:
+ oppostfix:=PF_S;
+ OS_F64:
+ oppostfix:=PF_D;
+ OS_F80:
+ oppostfix:=PF_E;
+ else
+ InternalError(200309022);
+ end;
+ handle_load_store(list,A_STF,oppostfix,reg,ref);
+ end;
+ { comparison operations }
+ procedure tcgarm.a_cmp_const_reg_label(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;a : aint;reg : tregister;
+ l : tasmlabel);
+ var
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ b : byte;
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(a,b) then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_CMP,reg,a))
+ { CMN reg,0 and CMN reg,$80000000 are different from CMP reg,$ffffffff
+ and CMP reg,$7fffffff regarding the flags according to the ARM manual }
+ else if (a<>$7fffffff) and (a<>-1) and is_shifter_const(-a,b) then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_CMN,reg,-a))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size);
+ a_load_const_reg(list,size,a,tmpreg);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,reg,tmpreg));
+ end;
+ a_jmp_cond(list,cmp_op,l);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list : taasmoutput;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;reg1,reg2 : tregister;l : tasmlabel);
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,reg2,reg1));
+ a_jmp_cond(list,cmp_op,l);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_jmp_name(list : taasmoutput;const s : string);
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(A_B,objectlibrary.newasmsymbol(s,AB_EXTERNAL,AT_FUNCTION)));
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_jmp_always(list : taasmoutput;l: tasmlabel);
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(A_B,l));
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_jmp_flags(list : taasmoutput;const f : TResFlags;l: tasmlabel);
+ var
+ ai : taicpu;
+ begin
+ ai:=setcondition(taicpu.op_sym(A_B,l),flags_to_cond(f));
+ ai.is_jmp:=true;
+ list.concat(ai);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_flags2reg(list: taasmoutput; size: TCgSize; const f: TResFlags; reg: TRegister);
+ var
+ ai : taicpu;
+ begin
+ list.concat(setcondition(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_MOV,reg,1),flags_to_cond(f)));
+ list.concat(setcondition(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_MOV,reg,0),inverse_cond(flags_to_cond(f))));
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_proc_entry(list : taasmoutput;localsize : longint;nostackframe:boolean);
+ var
+ ref : treference;
+ shift : byte;
+ firstfloatreg,lastfloatreg,
+ r : byte;
+ begin
+ LocalSize:=align(LocalSize,4);
+ if not(nostackframe) then
+ begin
+ firstfloatreg:=RS_NO;
+ { save floating point registers? }
+ for r:=RS_F0 to RS_F7 do
+ if r in rg[R_FPUREGISTER].used_in_proc-paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_stdcall) then
+ begin
+ if firstfloatreg=RS_NO then
+ firstfloatreg:=r;
+ lastfloatreg:=r;
+ end;
+ a_reg_alloc(list,NR_STACK_POINTER_REG);
+ a_reg_alloc(list,NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG);
+ a_reg_alloc(list,NR_R12);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,NR_R12,NR_STACK_POINTER_REG));
+ { save int registers }
+ reference_reset(ref);
+ ref.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ ref.addressmode:=AM_PREINDEXED;
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_ref_regset(A_STM,ref,
+ rg[R_INTREGISTER].used_in_proc-paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_stdcall)+[RS_R11,RS_R12,RS_R14,RS_R15]),
+ PF_FD));
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_SUB,NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG,NR_R12,4));
+ { allocate necessary stack size }
+ { don't use a_op_const_reg_reg here because we don't allow register allocations
+ in the entry/exit code }
+ if not(is_shifter_const(localsize,shift)) then
+ begin
+ a_load_const_reg(list,OS_ADDR,LocalSize,NR_R12);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,NR_STACK_POINTER_REG,NR_STACK_POINTER_REG,NR_R12));
+ a_reg_dealloc(list,NR_R12);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ a_reg_dealloc(list,NR_R12);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_SUB,NR_STACK_POINTER_REG,NR_STACK_POINTER_REG,LocalSize));
+ end;
+ if firstfloatreg<>RS_NO then
+ begin
+ reference_reset(ref);
+ if not(is_shifter_const(-tarmprocinfo(current_procinfo).floatregstart,shift)) then
+ begin
+ a_load_const_reg(list,OS_ADDR,-tarmprocinfo(current_procinfo).floatregstart,NR_R12);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,NR_R12,NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG,NR_R12));
+ ref.base:=NR_R12;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ref.offset:=tarmprocinfo(current_procinfo).floatregstart;
+ end;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(A_SFM,newreg(R_FPUREGISTER,firstfloatreg,R_SUBWHOLE),
+ lastfloatreg-firstfloatreg+1,ref));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_proc_exit(list : taasmoutput;parasize : longint;nostackframe:boolean);
+ var
+ ref : treference;
+ firstfloatreg,lastfloatreg,
+ r : byte;
+ shift : byte;
+ begin
+ if not(nostackframe) then
+ begin
+ { restore floating point register }
+ firstfloatreg:=RS_NO;
+ { save floating point registers? }
+ for r:=RS_F0 to RS_F7 do
+ if r in rg[R_FPUREGISTER].used_in_proc-paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_stdcall) then
+ begin
+ if firstfloatreg=RS_NO then
+ firstfloatreg:=r;
+ lastfloatreg:=r;
+ end;
+ if firstfloatreg<>RS_NO then
+ begin
+ reference_reset(ref);
+ if not(is_shifter_const(-tarmprocinfo(current_procinfo).floatregstart,shift)) then
+ begin
+ a_load_const_reg(list,OS_ADDR,-tarmprocinfo(current_procinfo).floatregstart,NR_R12);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,NR_R12,NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG,NR_R12));
+ ref.base:=NR_R12;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ref.offset:=tarmprocinfo(current_procinfo).floatregstart;
+ end;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(A_LFM,newreg(R_FPUREGISTER,firstfloatreg,R_SUBWHOLE),
+ lastfloatreg-firstfloatreg+1,ref));
+ end;
+ if (current_procinfo.framepointer=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,NR_R15,NR_R14))
+ else
+ begin
+ { restore int registers and return }
+ reference_reset(ref);
+ ref.index:=NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG;
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_ref_regset(A_LDM,ref,rg[R_INTREGISTER].used_in_proc-paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_stdcall)+[RS_R11,RS_R13,RS_R15]),PF_EA));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,NR_PC,NR_R14));
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list : taasmoutput;const ref : treference;r : tregister);
+ var
+ b : byte;
+ tmpref : treference;
+ instr : taicpu;
+ begin
+ if ref.addressmode<>AM_OFFSET then
+ internalerror(200309071);
+ tmpref:=ref;
+ { Be sure to have a base register }
+ if (tmpref.base=NR_NO) then
+ begin
+ if tmpref.shiftmode<>SM_None then
+ internalerror(200308294);
+ if tmpref.signindex<0 then
+ internalerror(200312023);
+ tmpref.base:=tmpref.index;
+ tmpref.index:=NR_NO;
+ end;
+ if assigned(tmpref.symbol) or
+ not((is_shifter_const(tmpref.offset,b)) or
+ (is_shifter_const(-tmpref.offset,b))
+ ) then
+ fixref(list,tmpref);
+ { expect a base here if there is an index }
+ if (tmpref.base=NR_NO) and (tmpref.index<>NR_NO) then
+ internalerror(200312022);
+ if tmpref.index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if tmpref.shiftmode<>SM_None then
+ internalerror(200312021);
+ if tmpref.signindex<0 then
+ a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_ADDR,tmpref.base,tmpref.index,r)
+ else
+ a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_ADDR,tmpref.base,tmpref.index,r);
+ if tmpref.offset<>0 then
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_ADDR,tmpref.offset,r,r);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if tmpref.offset<>0 then
+ begin
+ if tmpref.base<>NR_NO then
+ a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_ADDR,tmpref.offset,tmpref.base,r)
+ else
+ a_load_const_reg(list,OS_ADDR,tmpref.offset,r);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ instr:=taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,r,tmpref.base);
+ list.concat(instr);
+ add_move_instruction(instr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.fixref(list : taasmoutput;var ref : treference);
+ var
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ tmpref : treference;
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ { absolute symbols can't be handled directly, we've to store the symbol reference
+ in the text segment and access it pc relative
+ For now, we assume that references where base or index equals to PC are already
+ relative, all other references are assumed to be absolute and thus they need
+ to be handled extra.
+ A proper solution would be to change refoptions to a set and store the information
+ if the symbol is absolute or relative there.
+ }
+ { create consts entry }
+ reference_reset(tmpref);
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(l);
+ cg.a_label(current_procinfo.aktlocaldata,l);
+ tmpref.symboldata:=current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.last;
+ if assigned(ref.symbol) then
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_const.create_sym_offset(ref.symbol,ref.offset))
+ else
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_const.Create_32bit(ref.offset));
+ { load consts entry }
+ tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_INT);
+ tmpref.symbol:=l;
+ tmpref.base:=NR_PC;
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,tmpreg,tmpref));
+ if (ref.base<>NR_NO) then
+ begin
+ if ref.index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,tmpreg,ref.base,tmpreg));
+ ref.base:=tmpreg;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ref.index:=tmpreg;
+ ref.shiftimm:=0;
+ ref.signindex:=1;
+ ref.shiftmode:=SM_None;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ ref.base:=tmpreg;
+ ref.offset:=0;
+ ref.symbol:=nil;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_concatcopy_move(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);
+ var
+ paraloc1,paraloc2,paraloc3 : TCGPara;
+ begin
+ paraloc1.init;
+ paraloc2.init;
+ paraloc3.init;
+ paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,paraloc1);
+ paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,paraloc2);
+ paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,3,paraloc3);
+ paramanager.allocparaloc(list,paraloc3);
+ a_param_const(list,OS_INT,len,paraloc3);
+ paramanager.allocparaloc(list,paraloc2);
+ a_paramaddr_ref(list,dest,paraloc2);
+ paramanager.allocparaloc(list,paraloc2);
+ a_paramaddr_ref(list,source,paraloc1);
+ paramanager.freeparaloc(list,paraloc3);
+ paramanager.freeparaloc(list,paraloc2);
+ paramanager.freeparaloc(list,paraloc1);
+ alloccpuregisters(list,R_INTREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_default));
+ alloccpuregisters(list,R_FPUREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_default));
+ a_call_name(list,'FPC_MOVE');
+ dealloccpuregisters(list,R_FPUREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_default));
+ dealloccpuregisters(list,R_INTREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_default));
+ paraloc3.done;
+ paraloc2.done;
+ paraloc1.done;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_concatcopy_internal(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint;aligned : boolean);
+ var
+ srcref,dstref:treference;
+ srcreg,destreg,countreg,r:tregister;
+ helpsize:aword;
+ copysize:byte;
+ cgsize:Tcgsize;
+ procedure genloop(count : aword;size : byte);
+ const
+ size2opsize : array[1..4] of tcgsize = (OS_8,OS_16,OS_NO,OS_32);
+ var
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(l);
+ a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,count,countreg);
+ cg.a_label(list,l);
+ srcref.addressmode:=AM_POSTINDEXED;
+ dstref.addressmode:=AM_POSTINDEXED;
+ srcref.offset:=size;
+ dstref.offset:=size;
+ r:=getintregister(list,size2opsize[size]);
+ a_load_ref_reg(list,size2opsize[size],size2opsize[size],srcref,r);
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_SUB,countreg,countreg,1),PF_S));
+ a_load_reg_ref(list,size2opsize[size],size2opsize[size],r,dstref);
+ list.concat(setcondition(taicpu.op_sym(A_B,l),C_NE));
+ { keep the registers alive }
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,countreg,countreg));
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,srcreg,srcreg));
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,destreg,destreg));
+ end;
+ begin
+ if len=0 then
+ exit;
+ helpsize:=12;
+ dstref:=dest;
+ srcref:=source;
+ if cs_littlesize in aktglobalswitches then
+ helpsize:=8;
+ if (len<=helpsize) and aligned then
+ begin
+ copysize:=4;
+ cgsize:=OS_32;
+ while len<>0 do
+ begin
+ if len<2 then
+ begin
+ copysize:=1;
+ cgsize:=OS_8;
+ end
+ else if len<4 then
+ begin
+ copysize:=2;
+ cgsize:=OS_16;
+ end;
+ dec(len,copysize);
+ r:=getintregister(list,cgsize);
+ a_load_ref_reg(list,cgsize,cgsize,srcref,r);
+ a_load_reg_ref(list,cgsize,cgsize,r,dstref);
+ inc(srcref.offset,copysize);
+ inc(dstref.offset,copysize);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ destreg:=getintregister(list,OS_ADDR);
+ a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,dest,destreg);
+ reference_reset_base(dstref,destreg,0);
+ srcreg:=getintregister(list,OS_ADDR);
+ a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,source,srcreg);
+ reference_reset_base(srcref,srcreg,0);
+ countreg:=getintregister(list,OS_32);
+// if cs_littlesize in aktglobalswitches then
+ genloop(len,1);
+ else
+ begin
+ helpsize:=len shr 2;
+ len:=len and 3;
+ if helpsize>1 then
+ begin
+ a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,helpsize,countreg);
+ list.concat(Taicpu.op_none(A_REP,S_NO));
+ end;
+ if helpsize>0 then
+ list.concat(Taicpu.op_none(A_MOVSD,S_NO));
+ if len>1 then
+ begin
+ dec(len,2);
+ list.concat(Taicpu.op_none(A_MOVSW,S_NO));
+ end;
+ if len=1 then
+ list.concat(Taicpu.op_none(A_MOVSB,S_NO));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_concatcopy_unaligned(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);
+ begin
+ g_concatcopy_internal(list,source,dest,len,false);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_concatcopy(list : taasmoutput;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);
+ begin
+ g_concatcopy_internal(list,source,dest,len,true);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_overflowCheck(list : taasmoutput;const l : tlocation;def : tdef);
+ var
+ ovloc : tlocation;
+ begin
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID;
+ g_overflowCheck_loc(list,l,def,ovloc);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_overflowCheck_loc(List:TAasmOutput;const Loc:TLocation;def:TDef;ovloc : tlocation);
+ var
+ hl : tasmlabel;
+ ai:TAiCpu;
+ hflags : tresflags;
+ begin
+ if not(cs_check_overflow in aktlocalswitches) then
+ exit;
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(hl);
+ case ovloc.loc of
+ begin
+ ai:=taicpu.op_sym(A_B,hl);
+ ai.is_jmp:=true;
+ if not((def.deftype=pointerdef) or
+ ((def.deftype=orddef) and
+ (torddef(def).typ in [u64bit,u16bit,u32bit,u8bit,uchar,bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit]))) then
+ ai.SetCondition(C_VC)
+ else
+ ai.SetCondition(C_CC);
+ list.concat(ai);
+ end;
+ begin
+ hflags:=ovloc.resflags;
+ inverse_flags(hflags);
+ cg.a_jmp_flags(list,hflags,hl);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200409281);
+ end;
+ a_call_name(list,'FPC_OVERFLOW');
+ a_label(list,hl);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_save_standard_registers(list : taasmoutput);
+ begin
+ { this work is done in g_proc_entry }
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_restore_standard_registers(list : taasmoutput);
+ begin
+ { this work is done in g_proc_exit }
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.a_jmp_cond(list : taasmoutput;cond : TOpCmp;l: tasmlabel);
+ var
+ ai : taicpu;
+ begin
+ ai:=Taicpu.Op_sym(A_B,l);
+ ai.SetCondition(OpCmp2AsmCond[cond]);
+ ai.is_jmp:=true;
+ list.concat(ai);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgarm.g_intf_wrapper(list: taasmoutput; procdef: tprocdef; const labelname: string; ioffset: longint);
+ procedure loadvmttor12;
+ var
+ href : treference;
+ begin
+ reference_reset_base(href,NR_R0,0);
+ cg.a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,href,NR_R12);
+ end;
+ procedure op_onr12methodaddr;
+ var
+ href : treference;
+ begin
+ if (procdef.extnumber=$ffff) then
+ Internalerror(200006139);
+ { call/jmp vmtoffs(%eax) ; method offs }
+ reference_reset_base(href,NR_R12,procdef._class.vmtmethodoffset(procdef.extnumber));
+ cg.a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,href,NR_R12);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,NR_PC,NR_R12));
+ end;
+ var
+ lab : tasmsymbol;
+ make_global : boolean;
+ href : treference;
+ begin
+ if not(procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_function,potype_procedure]) then
+ Internalerror(200006137);
+ if not assigned(procdef._class) or
+ (procdef.procoptions*[po_classmethod, po_staticmethod,
+ po_methodpointer, po_interrupt, po_iocheck]<>[]) then
+ Internalerror(200006138);
+ if procdef.owner.symtabletype<>objectsymtable then
+ Internalerror(200109191);
+ make_global:=false;
+ if (not current_module.is_unit) or
+ (cs_create_smart in aktmoduleswitches) or
+ (procdef.owner.defowner.owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable) then
+ make_global:=true;
+ if make_global then
+ list.concat(Tai_symbol.Createname_global(labelname,AT_FUNCTION,0))
+ else
+ list.concat(Tai_symbol.Createname(labelname,AT_FUNCTION,0));
+ { set param1 interface to self }
+ g_adjust_self_value(list,procdef,ioffset);
+ { case 4 }
+ if po_virtualmethod in procdef.procoptions then
+ begin
+ loadvmttor12;
+ op_onr12methodaddr;
+ end
+ { case 0 }
+ else
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(A_B,objectlibrary.newasmsymbol(procdef.mangledname,AB_EXTERNAL,AT_FUNCTION)));
+ list.concat(Tai_symbol_end.Createname(labelname));
+ end;
+ procedure tcg64farm.a_op64_reg_reg(list : taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc,regdst : tregister64);
+ var
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ begin
+ case op of
+ begin
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_RSB,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,0),PF_S));
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_RSC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,0));
+ end;
+ begin
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NOT,OS_INT,regsrc.reglo,regdst.reglo);
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NOT,OS_INT,regsrc.reghi,regdst.reghi);
+ end;
+ else
+ a_op64_reg_reg_reg(list,op,size,regsrc,regdst,regdst);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcg64farm.a_op64_const_reg(list : taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;reg : tregister64);
+ begin
+ a_op64_const_reg_reg(list,op,size,value,reg,reg);
+ end;
+ procedure tcg64farm.a_op64_const_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regsrc,regdst : tregister64);
+ var
+ ovloc : tlocation;
+ begin
+ a_op64_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list,op,size,value,regsrc,regdst,false,ovloc);
+ end;
+ procedure tcg64farm.a_op64_reg_reg_reg(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64);
+ var
+ ovloc : tlocation;
+ begin
+ a_op64_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list,op,size,regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst,false,ovloc);
+ end;
+ procedure tcg64farm.a_op64_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regsrc,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);
+ var
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ b : byte;
+ begin
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID;
+ case op of
+ OP_NOT :
+ internalerror(200306017);
+ end;
+ if (setflags or tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags) and (op in [OP_ADD,OP_SUB]) then
+ begin
+ case op of
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(lo(value),b) then
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_ADD,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,lo(value)),PF_S))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,lo(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,tmpreg),PF_S));
+ end;
+ if is_shifter_const(hi(value),b) then
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_ADC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,hi(value)),PF_S))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,hi(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,tmpreg),PF_S));
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(lo(value),b) then
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_SUB,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,lo(value)),PF_S))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,lo(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,tmpreg),PF_S));
+ end;
+ if is_shifter_const(hi(value),b) then
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_SBC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,hi(value)),PF_S))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,hi(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SBC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,tmpreg),PF_S));
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200502131);
+ end;
+ if size=OS_64 then
+ begin
+ { the arm has an weired opinion how flags for SUB/ADD are handled }
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_FLAGS;
+ case op of
+ ovloc.resflags:=F_CS;
+ ovloc.resflags:=F_CC;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case op of
+ begin
+ cg.a_op_const_reg_reg(list,op,OS_32,lo(value),regsrc.reglo,regdst.reglo);
+ cg.a_op_const_reg_reg(list,op,OS_32,hi(value),regsrc.reghi,regdst.reghi);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(lo(value),b) then
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_ADD,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,lo(value)),PF_S))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,lo(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,tmpreg),PF_S));
+ end;
+ if is_shifter_const(hi(value),b) then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_ADC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,hi(value)))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,hi(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,tmpreg));
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(lo(value),b) then
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_SUB,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,lo(value)),PF_S))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,lo(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,regdst.reglo,regsrc.reglo,tmpreg),PF_S));
+ end;
+ if is_shifter_const(hi(value),b) then
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_SBC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,hi(value)))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(list,OS_32,hi(value),tmpreg);
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SBC,regdst.reghi,regsrc.reghi,tmpreg));
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2003083101);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcg64farm.a_op64_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: taasmoutput;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);
+ var
+ op1,op2:TAsmOp;
+ begin
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID;
+ case op of
+ OP_NOT :
+ internalerror(200306017);
+ end;
+ if (setflags or tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags) and (op in [OP_ADD,OP_SUB]) then
+ begin
+ case op of
+ begin
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,regdst.reglo,regsrc1.reglo,regsrc2.reglo),PF_S));
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADC,regdst.reghi,regsrc1.reghi,regsrc2.reghi),PF_S));
+ end;
+ begin
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,regdst.reglo,regsrc2.reglo,regsrc1.reglo),PF_S));
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SBC,regdst.reghi,regsrc2.reghi,regsrc1.reghi),PF_S));
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2003083101);
+ end;
+ if size=OS_64 then
+ begin
+ { the arm has an weired opinion how flags for SUB/ADD are handled }
+ ovloc.loc:=LOC_FLAGS;
+ case op of
+ ovloc.resflags:=F_CC;
+ ovloc.resflags:=F_CS;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case op of
+ begin
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,OS_32,regsrc1.reglo,regsrc2.reglo,regdst.reglo);
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,OS_32,regsrc1.reghi,regsrc2.reghi,regdst.reghi);
+ end;
+ begin
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADD,regdst.reglo,regsrc1.reglo,regsrc2.reglo),PF_S));
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_ADC,regdst.reghi,regsrc1.reghi,regsrc2.reghi));
+ end;
+ begin
+ list.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SUB,regdst.reglo,regsrc2.reglo,regsrc1.reglo),PF_S));
+ list.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_SBC,regdst.reghi,regsrc2.reghi,regsrc1.reghi));
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2003083101);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ cg:=tcgarm.create;
+ cg64:=tcg64farm.create;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cpubase.pas b/compiler/arm/cpubase.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..097854076b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cpubase.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl and Peter Vreman
+ Contains the base types for the ARM
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+{# Base unit for processor information. This unit contains
+ enumerations of registers, opcodes, sizes, and other
+ such things which are processor specific.
+unit cpubase;
+ interface
+ uses
+ cutils,cclasses,
+ globtype,globals,
+ cpuinfo,
+ aasmbase,
+ cgbase
+ ;
+ Assembler Opcodes
+ type
+ TAsmOp= {$i}
+ { This should define the array of instructions as string }
+ op2strtable=array[tasmop] of string[11];
+ const
+ { First value of opcode enumeration }
+ firstop = low(tasmop);
+ { Last value of opcode enumeration }
+ lastop = high(tasmop);
+ Registers
+ type
+ { Number of registers used for indexing in tables }
+ tregisterindex=0..{$i}-1;
+ const
+ { Available Superregisters }
+ {$i}
+ RS_PC = RS_R15;
+ { No Subregisters }
+ { Available Registers }
+ {$i}
+ { aliases }
+ NR_PC = NR_R15;
+ { Integer Super registers first and last }
+ first_int_supreg = RS_R0;
+ first_int_imreg = $10;
+ { Float Super register first and last }
+ first_fpu_supreg = RS_F0;
+ first_fpu_imreg = $08;
+ { MM Super register first and last }
+ first_mm_supreg = RS_S0;
+ first_mm_imreg = $20;
+{$warning TODO Calculate bsstart}
+ regnumber_count_bsstart = 64;
+ regnumber_table : array[tregisterindex] of tregister = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ regstabs_table : array[tregisterindex] of shortint = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ regdwarf_table : array[tregisterindex] of shortint = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ { registers which may be destroyed by calls }
+ type
+ totherregisterset = set of tregisterindex;
+ Instruction post fixes
+ type
+ { ARM instructions load/store and arithmetic instructions
+ can have several instruction post fixes which are collected
+ in this enumeration
+ }
+ TOpPostfix = (PF_None,
+ { update condition flags
+ or floating point single }
+ PF_S,
+ { floating point size }
+ { load/store }
+ { multiple load/store address modes }
+ );
+ TRoundingMode = (RM_None,RM_P,RM_M,RM_Z);
+ const
+ cgsize2fpuoppostfix : array[OS_NO..OS_F128] of toppostfix = (
+ PF_E,
+ PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,PF_None,
+ PF_S,PF_D,PF_E,PF_None,PF_None);
+ oppostfix2str : array[TOpPostfix] of string[2] = ('',
+ 's',
+ 'd','e','p','ep',
+ 'b','sb','bt','h','sh','t',
+ 'ia','ib','da','db','fd','fa','ed','ea');
+ roundingmode2str : array[TRoundingMode] of string[1] = ('',
+ 'p','m','z');
+ Conditions
+ type
+ TAsmCond=(C_None,
+ );
+ const
+ cond2str : array[TAsmCond] of string[2]=('',
+ 'eq','ne','cs','cc','mi','pl','vs','vc','hi','ls',
+ 'ge','lt','gt','le','al','nv'
+ );
+ uppercond2str : array[TAsmCond] of string[2]=('',
+ 'EQ','NE','CS','CC','MI','PL','VS','VC','HI','LS',
+ 'GE','LT','GT','LE','AL','NV'
+ );
+ Flags
+ type
+ Operands
+ tshiftmode = (SM_None,SM_LSL,SM_LSR,SM_ASR,SM_ROR,SM_RRX);
+ tupdatereg = (UR_None,UR_Update);
+ pshifterop = ^tshifterop;
+ tshifterop = record
+ shiftmode : tshiftmode;
+ rs : tregister;
+ shiftimm : byte;
+ end;
+ Constants
+ const
+ max_operands = 4;
+ {# Constant defining possibly all registers which might require saving }
+ general_superregisters = [RS_R0..RS_PC];
+ {# Table of registers which can be allocated by the code generator
+ internally, when generating the code.
+ }
+ { legend: }
+ { xxxregs = set of all possibly used registers of that type in the code }
+ { generator }
+ { usableregsxxx = set of all 32bit components of registers that can be }
+ { possible allocated to a regvar or using getregisterxxx (this }
+ { excludes registers which can be only used for parameter }
+ { passing on ABI's that define this) }
+ { c_countusableregsxxx = amount of registers in the usableregsxxx set }
+ maxintregs = 15;
+ { to determine how many registers to use for regvars }
+ maxintscratchregs = 3;
+ usableregsint = [RS_R4..RS_R10];
+ c_countusableregsint = 7;
+ maxfpuregs = 8;
+ fpuregs = [RS_F0..RS_F7];
+ usableregsfpu = [RS_F4..RS_F7];
+ c_countusableregsfpu = 4;
+ mmregs = [RS_D0..RS_D15];
+ usableregsmm = [RS_D8..RS_D15];
+ c_countusableregsmm = 8;
+ maxaddrregs = 0;
+ addrregs = [];
+ usableregsaddr = [];
+ c_countusableregsaddr = 0;
+ Operand Sizes
+ type
+ topsize = (S_NO,
+ );
+ Constants
+ const
+ firstsaveintreg = RS_R4;
+ lastsaveintreg = RS_R10;
+ firstsavefpureg = RS_F4;
+ lastsavefpureg = RS_F7;
+ firstsavemmreg = RS_D8;
+ lastsavemmreg = RS_D15;
+ maxvarregs = 7;
+ varregs : Array [1..maxvarregs] of tsuperregister =
+ (RS_R4,RS_R5,RS_R6,RS_R7,RS_R8,RS_R9,RS_R10);
+ maxfpuvarregs = 4;
+ fpuvarregs : Array [1..maxfpuvarregs] of tsuperregister =
+ (RS_F4,RS_F5,RS_F6,RS_F7);
+ Default generic sizes
+ { Defines the default address size for a processor, }
+ OS_ADDR = OS_32;
+ { the natural int size for a processor, }
+ OS_INT = OS_32;
+ OS_SINT = OS_S32;
+ { the maximum float size for a processor, }
+ OS_FLOAT = OS_F64;
+ { the size of a vector register for a processor }
+ Generic Register names
+ { Stack pointer register }
+ { Frame pointer register }
+ { Register for addressing absolute data in a position independant way,
+ such as in PIC code. The exact meaning is ABI specific. For
+ further information look at GCC source : PIC_OFFSET_TABLE_REGNUM
+ }
+ { Results are returned in this register (32-bit values) }
+ { Low part of 64bit return value }
+ { High part of 64bit return value }
+ { The value returned from a function is available in this register }
+ { The lowh part of 64bit value returned from a function }
+ { The high part of 64bit value returned from a function }
+ { Offset where the parent framepointer is pushed }
+ GCC /ABI linking information
+ const
+ { Registers which must be saved when calling a routine declared as
+ cppdecl, cdecl, stdcall, safecall, palmossyscall. The registers
+ saved should be the ones as defined in the target ABI and / or GCC.
+ This value can be deduced from the CALLED_USED_REGISTERS array in the
+ GCC source.
+ }
+ saved_standard_registers : array[0..6] of tsuperregister =
+ (RS_R4,RS_R5,RS_R6,RS_R7,RS_R8,RS_R9,RS_R10);
+ { Required parameter alignment when calling a routine declared as
+ stdcall and cdecl. The alignment value should be the one defined
+ by GCC or the target ABI.
+ The value of this constant is equal to the constant
+ }
+ std_param_align = 4;
+ Helpers
+ { Returns the tcgsize corresponding with the size of reg.}
+ function reg_cgsize(const reg: tregister) : tcgsize;
+ function cgsize2subreg(s:Tcgsize):Tsubregister;
+ function is_calljmp(o:tasmop):boolean;
+ procedure inverse_flags(var f: TResFlags);
+ function flags_to_cond(const f: TResFlags) : TAsmCond;
+ function findreg_by_number(r:Tregister):tregisterindex;
+ function std_regnum_search(const s:string):Tregister;
+ function std_regname(r:Tregister):string;
+ function inverse_cond(const c: TAsmCond): TAsmCond; {$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif USEINLINE}
+ function conditions_equal(const c1, c2: TAsmCond): boolean; {$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif USEINLINE}
+ procedure shifterop_reset(var so : tshifterop);
+ function is_pc(const r : tregister) : boolean;
+ function is_shifter_const(d : aint;var imm_shift : byte) : boolean;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ rgBase,verbose;
+ const
+ std_regname_table : array[tregisterindex] of string[7] = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ regnumber_index : array[tregisterindex] of tregisterindex = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ std_regname_index : array[tregisterindex] of tregisterindex = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ function cgsize2subreg(s:Tcgsize):Tsubregister;
+ begin
+ cgsize2subreg:=R_SUBWHOLE;
+ end;
+ function reg_cgsize(const reg: tregister): tcgsize;
+ const subreg2cgsize:array[Tsubregister] of Tcgsize =
+ (OS_NO,OS_8,OS_8,OS_16,OS_32,OS_64,OS_NO,OS_NO,OS_NO,OS_NO,OS_NO);
+ begin
+ case getregtype(reg) of
+ reg_cgsize:=OS_32;
+ reg_cgsize:=OS_F80;
+ else
+ internalerror(200303181);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function is_calljmp(o:tasmop):boolean;
+ begin
+ { This isn't 100% perfect because the arm allows jumps also by writing to PC=R15.
+ To overcome this problem we simply forbid that FPC generates jumps by loading R15 }
+ is_calljmp:= o in [A_B,A_BL,A_BX,A_BLX];
+ end;
+ procedure inverse_flags(var f: TResFlags);
+ const
+ inv_flags: array[TResFlags] of TResFlags =
+ begin
+ f:=inv_flags[f];
+ end;
+ function flags_to_cond(const f: TResFlags) : TAsmCond;
+ const
+ flag_2_cond: array[F_EQ..F_LE] of TAsmCond =
+ begin
+ if f>high(flag_2_cond) then
+ internalerror(200112301);
+ result:=flag_2_cond[f];
+ end;
+ function findreg_by_number(r:Tregister):tregisterindex;
+ begin
+ result:=rgBase.findreg_by_number_table(r,regnumber_index);
+ end;
+ function std_regnum_search(const s:string):Tregister;
+ begin
+ result:=regnumber_table[findreg_by_name_table(s,std_regname_table,std_regname_index)];
+ end;
+ function std_regname(r:Tregister):string;
+ var
+ p : tregisterindex;
+ begin
+ p:=findreg_by_number_table(r,regnumber_index);
+ if p<>0 then
+ result:=std_regname_table[p]
+ else
+ result:=generic_regname(r);
+ end;
+ procedure shifterop_reset(var so : tshifterop);
+ begin
+ FillChar(so,sizeof(so),0);
+ end;
+ function is_pc(const r : tregister) : boolean;
+ begin
+ is_pc:=(r=NR_R15);
+ end;
+ function inverse_cond(const c: TAsmCond): TAsmCond; {$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif USEINLINE}
+ const
+ inverse: array[TAsmCond] of TAsmCond=(C_None,
+ C_LT,C_GE,C_LE,C_GT,C_None,C_None
+ );
+ begin
+ result := inverse[c];
+ end;
+ function conditions_equal(const c1, c2: TAsmCond): boolean; {$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif USEINLINE}
+ begin
+ result := c1 = c2;
+ end;
+ function rotl(d : dword;b : byte) : dword;
+ begin
+ result:=(d shr (32-b)) or (d shl b);
+ end;
+ function is_shifter_const(d : aint;var imm_shift : byte) : boolean;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to 15 do
+ begin
+ if (dword(d) and not(rotl($ff,i*2)))=0 then
+ begin
+ imm_shift:=i*2;
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=false;
+ end;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cpuinfo.pas b/compiler/arm/cpuinfo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9aba464a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cpuinfo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by the Free Pascal development team
+ Basic Processor information for the ARM
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+Unit CPUInfo;
+ uses
+ globtype;
+ bestreal = double;
+ ts32real = single;
+ ts64real = double;
+ ts80real = type extended;
+ ts128real = type extended;
+ ts64comp = comp;
+ pbestreal=^bestreal;
+ { possible supported processors for this target }
+ tprocessors =
+ (no_processor,
+ armv3,
+ armv4,
+ armv5
+ );
+ tfputype =
+ (no_fpuprocessor,
+ fpu_soft,
+ fpu_libgcc,
+ fpu_fpa,
+ fpu_fpa10,
+ fpu_fpa11,
+ fpu_vfp
+ );
+ {# Size of native extended floating point type }
+ extended_size = 12;
+ {# Size of a multimedia register }
+ mmreg_size = 16;
+ { target cpu string (used by compiler options) }
+ target_cpu_string = 'arm';
+ { calling conventions supported by the code generator }
+ supported_calling_conventions : tproccalloptions = [
+ pocall_internproc,
+ pocall_stdcall,
+ { same as stdcall only different name mangling }
+ pocall_cdecl,
+ { same as stdcall only different name mangling }
+ pocall_cppdecl,
+ { same as stdcall but floating point numbers are handled like equal sized integers }
+ pocall_softfloat
+ ];
+ processorsstr : array[tprocessors] of string[5] = ('',
+ 'ARMV3',
+ 'ARMV4',
+ 'ARMV5'
+ );
+ fputypestr : array[tfputype] of string[6] = ('',
+ 'SOFT',
+ 'FPA',
+ 'FPA10',
+ 'FPA11',
+ 'VFP'
+ );
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cpunode.pas b/compiler/arm/cpunode.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89993d5d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cpunode.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit includes the ARM code generator into the compiler
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit cpunode;
+ interface
+ implementation
+ uses
+ { generic nodes }
+ ncgbas,ncgld,ncgflw,ncgcnv,ncgmem,ncgcon,ncgcal,ncgset,ncginl,ncgopt,ncgmat,
+ { to be able to only parts of the generic code,
+ the processor specific nodes must be included
+ after the generic one (FK)
+ }
+ narmadd,
+ narmcal,
+ narmmat,
+ narminl,
+ narmcnv,
+ narmcon
+ ;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cpupara.pas b/compiler/arm/cpupara.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f22ba181bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cpupara.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ ARM specific calling conventions
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+{ ARM specific calling conventions are handled by this unit
+unit cpupara;
+ interface
+ uses
+ globtype,globals,
+ aasmtai,
+ cpuinfo,cpubase,cgbase,
+ symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,parabase,paramgr;
+ type
+ tarmparamanager = class(tparamanager)
+ function get_volatile_registers_int(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;override;
+ function get_volatile_registers_fpu(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;override;
+ function push_addr_param(varspez:tvarspez;def : tdef;calloption : tproccalloption) : boolean;override;
+ procedure getintparaloc(calloption : tproccalloption; nr : longint;var cgpara:TCGPara);override;
+ function create_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee):longint;override;
+ function create_varargs_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; varargspara:tvarargsparalist):longint;override;
+ private
+ procedure init_values(var curintreg, curfloatreg, curmmreg: tsuperregister; var cur_stack_offset: aword);
+ function create_paraloc_info_intern(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee; paras: tparalist;
+ var curintreg, curfloatreg, curmmreg: tsuperregister; var cur_stack_offset: aword):longint;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ verbose,systems,
+ rgobj,
+ defutil,symsym,
+ cgutils;
+ function tarmparamanager.get_volatile_registers_int(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;
+ begin
+ end;
+ function tarmparamanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure tarmparamanager.getintparaloc(calloption : tproccalloption; nr : longint;var cgpara:TCGPara);
+ var
+ paraloc : pcgparalocation;
+ begin
+ if nr<1 then
+ internalerror(2002070801);
+ cgpara.reset;
+ cgpara.size:=OS_INT;
+ cgpara.intsize:=tcgsize2size[OS_INT];
+ cgpara.alignment:=std_param_align;
+ paraloc:=cgpara.add_location;
+ with paraloc^ do
+ begin
+ size:=OS_INT;
+ { the four first parameters are passed into registers }
+ if nr<=4 then
+ begin
+ register:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,RS_R0+nr-1,R_SUBWHOLE);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { the other parameters are passed on the stack }
+ reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ reference.offset:=(nr-5)*4;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function getparaloc(calloption : tproccalloption; p : tdef) : tcgloc;
+ begin
+ { Later, the LOC_REFERENCE is in most cases changed into LOC_REGISTER
+ if push_addr_param for the def is true
+ }
+ case p.deftype of
+ orddef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ floatdef:
+ if (calloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl,pocall_softfloat]) or (cs_fp_emulation in aktmoduleswitches) then
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER
+ else
+ getparaloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ enumdef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ pointerdef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ formaldef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ classrefdef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ recorddef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ objectdef:
+ if is_object(p) then
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REFERENCE
+ else
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ stringdef:
+ if is_shortstring(p) or is_longstring(p) then
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REFERENCE
+ else
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ procvardef:
+ if (po_methodpointer in tprocvardef(p).procoptions) then
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REFERENCE
+ else
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ filedef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ arraydef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ setdef:
+ if is_smallset(p) then
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER
+ else
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ variantdef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ { avoid problems with errornous definitions }
+ errordef:
+ getparaloc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ else
+ internalerror(2002071001);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tarmparamanager.push_addr_param(varspez:tvarspez;def : tdef;calloption : tproccalloption) : boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ if varspez in [vs_var,vs_out] then
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ case def.deftype of
+ variantdef,
+ formaldef,
+ recorddef:
+ result:=true;
+ arraydef:
+ result:=(tarraydef(def).highrange>=tarraydef(def).lowrange) or
+ is_open_array(def) or
+ is_array_of_const(def) or
+ is_array_constructor(def);
+ objectdef :
+ result:=is_object(def);
+ setdef :
+ result:=(tsetdef(def).settype<>smallset);
+ stringdef :
+ result:=tstringdef(def).string_typ in [st_shortstring,st_longstring];
+ procvardef :
+ result:=po_methodpointer in tprocvardef(def).procoptions;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmparamanager.init_values(var curintreg, curfloatreg, curmmreg: tsuperregister; var cur_stack_offset: aword);
+ begin
+ curintreg:=RS_R0;
+ curfloatreg:=RS_F0;
+ curmmreg:=RS_D0;
+ cur_stack_offset:=0;
+ end;
+ function tarmparamanager.create_paraloc_info_intern(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee; paras: tparalist;
+ var curintreg, curfloatreg, curmmreg: tsuperregister; var cur_stack_offset: aword):longint;
+ var
+ nextintreg,nextfloatreg,nextmmreg : tsuperregister;
+ paradef : tdef;
+ paraloc : pcgparalocation;
+ stack_offset : aword;
+ hp : tparavarsym;
+ loc : tcgloc;
+ paracgsize : tcgsize;
+ paralen : longint;
+ i : integer;
+ procedure assignintreg;
+ begin
+ if nextintreg<=RS_R3 then
+ begin
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ paraloc^.register:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,nextintreg,R_SUBWHOLE);
+ inc(nextintreg);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=stack_offset;
+ inc(stack_offset,4);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ result:=0;
+ nextintreg:=curintreg;
+ nextfloatreg:=curfloatreg;
+ nextmmreg:=curmmreg;
+ stack_offset:=cur_stack_offset;
+ for i:=0 to paras.count-1 do
+ begin
+ hp:=tparavarsym(paras[i]);
+ { currently only support C-style array of const,
+ there should be no location assigned to the vararg array itself }
+ if (p.proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl]) and
+ is_array_of_const(hp.vartype.def) then
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].add_location;
+ { hack: the paraloc must be valid, but is not actually used }
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ paraloc^.register:=NR_R0;
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_ADDR;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if push_addr_param(hp.varspez,hp.vartype.def,p.proccalloption) then
+ paracgsize:=OS_ADDR
+ else
+ begin
+ paracgsize:=def_cgSize(hp.vartype.def);
+ if paracgsize=OS_NO then
+ paracgsize:=OS_ADDR;
+ end;
+ hp.paraloc[side].reset;
+ hp.paraloc[side].size:=paracgsize;
+ hp.paraloc[side].Alignment:=std_param_align;
+ if (hp.varspez in [vs_var,vs_out]) then
+ begin
+ paradef:=voidpointertype.def;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ paradef:=hp.vartype.def;
+ loc:=getparaloc(p.proccalloption,paradef);
+ end;
+ paralen:=tcgsize2size[paracgsize];
+ hp.paraloc[side].intsize:=paralen;
+{$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
+ if paralen=0 then
+ internalerror(200410311);
+{$endif EXTDEBUG}
+ while paralen>0 do
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].add_location;
+ { for things like formaldef }
+ if paracgsize=OS_NO then
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_ADDR
+ else if paracgsize in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_32
+ else if (loc=LOC_REGISTER) and (paracgsize in [OS_F32,OS_F64,OS_F80]) then
+ case paracgsize of
+ OS_F32:
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_32;
+ OS_F64:
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_64;
+ else
+ internalerror(2005082901);
+ end
+ else
+ paraloc^.size:=paracgsize;
+ case loc of
+ begin
+ { this is not abi compliant }
+ if nextintreg<=RS_R3 then
+ begin
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ paraloc^.register:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,nextintreg,R_SUBWHOLE);
+ inc(nextintreg);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { LOC_REFERENCE covers always the overleft }
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ paraloc^.size:=int_cgsize(paralen);
+ if (side=callerside) then
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=stack_offset;
+ inc(stack_offset,align(paralen,4));
+ paralen:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if nextfloatreg<=RS_F3 then
+ begin
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ paraloc^.register:=newreg(R_FPUREGISTER,nextfloatreg,R_SUBWHOLE);
+ inc(nextfloatreg);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=stack_offset;
+ case paraloc^.size of
+ OS_F32:
+ inc(stack_offset,4);
+ OS_F64:
+ inc(stack_offset,8);
+ OS_F80:
+ inc(stack_offset,10);
+ OS_F128:
+ inc(stack_offset,16);
+ else
+ internalerror(200403201);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_ADDR;
+ if push_addr_param(hp.varspez,paradef,p.proccalloption) or
+ is_open_array(paradef) or
+ is_array_of_const(paradef) then
+ assignintreg
+ else
+ begin
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=stack_offset;
+ inc(stack_offset,hp.vartype.def.size);
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2002071002);
+ end;
+ if side=calleeside then
+ begin
+ if paraloc^.loc=LOC_REFERENCE then
+ begin
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG;
+ inc(paraloc^.reference.offset,4);
+ end;
+ end;
+ dec(paralen,tcgsize2size[paraloc^.size]);
+ end;
+ { hack to swap doubles in int registers }
+ if is_double(hp.vartype.def) and (paracgsize=OS_64) and
+ (hp.paraloc[side].location^.loc=LOC_REGISTER) then
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].location;
+ hp.paraloc[side].location:=hp.paraloc[side].location^.next;
+ hp.paraloc[side].location^.next:=paraloc;
+ paraloc^.next:=nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ curintreg:=nextintreg;
+ curfloatreg:=nextfloatreg;
+ curmmreg:=nextmmreg;
+ cur_stack_offset:=stack_offset;
+ result:=cur_stack_offset;
+ end;
+ function tarmparamanager.create_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee):longint;
+ var
+ cur_stack_offset: aword;
+ curintreg, curfloatreg, curmmreg: tsuperregister;
+ retcgsize : tcgsize;
+ begin
+ init_values(curintreg,curfloatreg,curmmreg,cur_stack_offset);
+ result:=create_paraloc_info_intern(p,side,p.paras,curintreg,curfloatreg,curmmreg,cur_stack_offset);
+ { Constructors return self instead of a boolean }
+ if (p.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then
+ retcgsize:=OS_ADDR
+ else
+ retcgsize:=def_cgsize(p.rettype.def);
+ location_reset(p.funcretloc[side],LOC_INVALID,OS_NO);
+ p.funcretloc[side].size:=retcgsize;
+ { void has no location }
+ if is_void(p.rettype.def) then
+ begin
+ location_reset(p.funcretloc[side],LOC_VOID,OS_NO);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Return in FPU register? }
+ if p.rettype.def.deftype=floatdef then
+ begin
+ if (p.proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl,pocall_softfloat]) or (cs_fp_emulation in aktmoduleswitches) then
+ begin
+ case retcgsize of
+ OS_64,
+ OS_F64:
+ begin
+ { low }
+ p.funcretloc[side].loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ p.funcretloc[side].register64.reglo:=NR_FUNCTION_RESULT64_HIGH_REG;
+ p.funcretloc[side].register64.reghi:=NR_FUNCTION_RESULT64_LOW_REG;
+ p.funcretloc[side].size:=OS_64;
+ end;
+ OS_32,
+ OS_F32:
+ begin
+ p.funcretloc[side].loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ p.funcretloc[side].register:=NR_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG;
+ p.funcretloc[side].size:=OS_32;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2005082603);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p.funcretloc[side].loc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ p.funcretloc[side].register:=NR_FPU_RESULT_REG;
+ end;
+ end
+ { Return in register? }
+ else if not ret_in_param(p.rettype.def,p.proccalloption) then
+ begin
+ if retcgsize in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
+ begin
+ { low }
+ p.funcretloc[side].loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ p.funcretloc[side].register64.reglo:=NR_FUNCTION_RESULT64_LOW_REG;
+ p.funcretloc[side].register64.reghi:=NR_FUNCTION_RESULT64_HIGH_REG;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p.funcretloc[side].loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ p.funcretloc[side].register:=NR_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p.funcretloc[side].loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ p.funcretloc[side].size:=retcgsize;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tarmparamanager.create_varargs_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; varargspara:tvarargsparalist):longint;
+ var
+ cur_stack_offset: aword;
+ curintreg, curfloatreg, curmmreg: tsuperregister;
+ begin
+ init_values(curintreg,curfloatreg,curmmreg,cur_stack_offset);
+ result:=create_paraloc_info_intern(p,callerside,p.paras,curintreg,curfloatreg,curmmreg,cur_stack_offset);
+ if (p.proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl]) then
+ { just continue loading the parameters in the registers }
+ result:=create_paraloc_info_intern(p,callerside,varargspara,curintreg,curfloatreg,curmmreg,cur_stack_offset)
+ else
+ internalerror(200410231);
+ end;
+ paramanager:=tarmparamanager.create;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cpupi.pas b/compiler/arm/cpupi.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfe10e315b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cpupi.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit contains the CPU specific part of tprocinfo
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+{ This unit contains the CPU specific part of tprocinfo. }
+unit cpupi;
+ interface
+ uses
+ globtype,cutils,
+ procinfo,cpuinfo,psub;
+ type
+ tarmprocinfo = class(tcgprocinfo)
+ floatregstart : aint;
+ // procedure handle_body_start;override;
+ // procedure after_pass1;override;
+ procedure set_first_temp_offset;override;
+ procedure allocate_push_parasize(size: longint);override;
+ function calc_stackframe_size:longint;override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ globals,systems,
+ cpubase,
+ aasmtai,
+ tgobj,
+ symconst,symsym,paramgr,
+ cgbase,
+ cgobj;
+ procedure tarmprocinfo.set_first_temp_offset;
+ begin
+ { We allocate enough space to save all registers because we can't determine
+ the necessary space because the used registers aren't known before
+ secondpass is run. Even worse, patching
+ the local offsets after generating the code could cause trouble because
+ "shifter" constants could change to non-"shifter" constants. This
+ is especially a problem when taking the address of a local. For now,
+ this extra memory should hurt less than generating all local contants with offsets
+ >256 as non shifter constants }
+ tg.setfirsttemp(-12-28);
+ end;
+ procedure tarmprocinfo.allocate_push_parasize(size:longint);
+ begin
+ if size>maxpushedparasize then
+ maxpushedparasize:=size;
+ end;
+ function tarmprocinfo.calc_stackframe_size:longint;
+ var
+ firstfloatreg,lastfloatreg,
+ r : byte;
+ floatsavesize : aword;
+ begin
+ maxpushedparasize:=align(maxpushedparasize,max(aktalignment.localalignmin,4));
+ firstfloatreg:=RS_NO;
+ { save floating point registers? }
+ for r:=RS_F0 to RS_F7 do
+ if r in cg.rg[R_FPUREGISTER].used_in_proc-paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_stdcall) then
+ begin
+ if firstfloatreg=RS_NO then
+ firstfloatreg:=r;
+ lastfloatreg:=r;
+ end;
+ if firstfloatreg<>RS_NO then
+ floatsavesize:=(lastfloatreg-firstfloatreg+1)*12
+ else
+ floatsavesize:=0;
+ floatsavesize:=align(floatsavesize,max(aktalignment.localalignmin,4));
+ result:=Align(tg.direction*tg.lasttemp,max(aktalignment.localalignmin,4))+maxpushedparasize+floatsavesize;
+ floatregstart:=-result+maxpushedparasize;
+ end;
+ cprocinfo:=tarmprocinfo;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cpuswtch.pas b/compiler/arm/cpuswtch.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49ff032287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cpuswtch.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl, Pierre Muller
+ interprets the commandline options which are arm specific
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit cpuswtch;
+ options;
+ toptionarm=class(toption)
+ procedure interpret_proc_specific_options(const opt:string);override;
+ end;
+ cutils,globtype,systems,globals;
+procedure toptionarm.interpret_proc_specific_options(const opt:string);
+ more: string;
+ j: longint;
+ More:=Upper(copy(opt,3,length(opt)-2));
+ case opt[2] of
+ 'O' : Begin
+ j := 3;
+ While (j <= Length(Opt)) Do
+ Begin
+ case opt[j] of
+ '-' :
+ begin
+ initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches-[cs_optimize,cs_fastoptimize,cs_slowoptimize,cs_littlesize,
+ cs_regvars,cs_uncertainopts];
+ FillChar(ParaAlignment,sizeof(ParaAlignment),0);
+ end;
+ 'a' :
+ begin
+ UpdateAlignmentStr(Copy(Opt,j+1,255),ParaAlignment);
+ j:=length(Opt);
+ end;
+ 'g' : initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches+[cs_littlesize];
+ 'G' : initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches-[cs_littlesize];
+ 'r' :
+ begin
+ initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches+[cs_regvars];
+ Simplify_ppu:=false;
+ end;
+ 'u' : initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches+[cs_uncertainopts];
+ '1' : initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches-[cs_fastoptimize,cs_slowoptimize]+[cs_optimize];
+ '2' : initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches-[cs_slowoptimize]+[cs_optimize,cs_fastoptimize];
+ '3' : initglobalswitches:=initglobalswitches+[cs_optimize,cs_fastoptimize,cs_slowoptimize];
+{$ifdef dummy}
+ 'p' :
+ Begin
+ If j < Length(Opt) Then
+ Begin
+ Case opt[j+1] Of
+ '1': initoptprocessor := Class386;
+ '2': initoptprocessor := ClassP5;
+ '3': initoptprocessor := ClassP6
+ Else IllegalPara(Opt)
+ End;
+ Inc(j);
+ End
+ Else IllegalPara(opt)
+ End;
+{$endif dummy}
+ else IllegalPara(opt);
+ End;
+ Inc(j)
+ end;
+ end;
+{$ifdef dummy}
+ 'R' : begin
+ if More='GAS' then
+ initasmmode:=asmmode_ppc_gas
+ else
+ if More='MOTOROLA' then
+ initasmmode:=asmmode_ppc_motorola
+ else
+ if More='DIRECT' then
+ initasmmode:=asmmode_direct
+ else
+ IllegalPara(opt);
+ end;
+{$endif dummy}
+ else
+ IllegalPara(opt);
+ end;
+ coption:=toptionarm;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/cputarg.pas b/compiler/arm/cputarg.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61429d9de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/cputarg.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Peter Vreman
+ Includes the arm dependent target units
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit cputarg;
+ uses
+ systems { prevent a syntax error when nothing is included }
+ Targets
+ ,t_linux
+ {$endif}
+ ,t_win
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifndef NOTARGETGBA}
+ ,t_gba
+ {$endif}
+ Assemblers
+ {$ifndef NOAGARMGAS}
+ ,agarmgas
+ {$endif}
+ ,ogcoff
+ Assembler Readers
+ {$ifndef NoRaarmgas}
+ ,raarmgas
+ {$endif NoRaarmgas}
+ Debuginfo
+ {$ifndef NoDbgStabs}
+ ,dbgstabs
+ {$endif NoDbgStabs}
+ {$ifndef NoDbgDwarf}
+ ,dbgdwarf
+ {$endif NoDbgDwarf}
+ ;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/itcpugas.pas b/compiler/arm/itcpugas.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74a186a20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/itcpugas.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit contains the ARM GAS instruction tables
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit itcpugas;
+ uses
+ cpubase,cgbase;
+ const
+ { Standard opcode string table (for each tasmop enumeration). The
+ opcode strings should conform to the names as defined by the
+ processor manufacturer.
+ }
+ gas_op2str : op2strtable = {$i}
+ function gas_regnum_search(const s:string):Tregister;
+ function gas_regname(r:Tregister):string;
+ uses
+ cutils,verbose;
+ const
+ gas_regname_table : array[tregisterindex] of string[7] = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ gas_regname_index : array[tregisterindex] of tregisterindex = (
+ {$i}
+ );
+ function findreg_by_gasname(const s:string):tregisterindex;
+ var
+ i,p : tregisterindex;
+ begin
+ {Binary search.}
+ p:=0;
+ i:=regnumber_count_bsstart;
+ repeat
+ if (p+i<=high(tregisterindex)) and (gas_regname_table[gas_regname_index[p+i]]<=s) then
+ p:=p+i;
+ i:=i shr 1;
+ until i=0;
+ if gas_regname_table[gas_regname_index[p]]=s then
+ findreg_by_gasname:=gas_regname_index[p]
+ else
+ findreg_by_gasname:=0;
+ end;
+ function gas_regnum_search(const s:string):Tregister;
+ begin
+ result:=regnumber_table[findreg_by_gasname(s)];
+ end;
+ function gas_regname(r:Tregister):string;
+ var
+ p : tregisterindex;
+ begin
+ p:=findreg_by_number(r);
+ if p<>0 then
+ result:=gas_regname_table[p]
+ else
+ result:=generic_regname(r);
+ end;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/narmadd.pas b/compiler/arm/narmadd.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b53c9fd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/narmadd.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Code generation for add nodes on the ARM
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit narmadd;
+ uses
+ node,ncgadd,cpubase;
+ type
+ tarmaddnode = class(tcgaddnode)
+ private
+ function GetResFlags(unsigned:Boolean):TResFlags;
+ protected
+ procedure second_addfloat;override;
+ procedure second_cmpfloat;override;
+ procedure second_cmpordinal;override;
+ procedure second_cmpsmallset;override;
+ procedure second_cmp64bit;override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ globtype,systems,
+ cutils,verbose,globals,
+ symconst,symdef,paramgr,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmcpu,defutil,htypechk,
+ cgbase,cgutils,cgcpu,
+ cpuinfo,pass_1,pass_2,regvars,
+ cpupara,
+ ncon,nset,nadd,
+ ncgutil,tgobj,rgobj,rgcpu,cgobj,cg64f32;
+ TSparcAddNode
+ function tarmaddnode.GetResFlags(unsigned:Boolean):TResFlags;
+ begin
+ case NodeType of
+ equaln:
+ GetResFlags:=F_EQ;
+ unequaln:
+ GetResFlags:=F_NE;
+ else
+ if not(unsigned) then
+ begin
+ if nf_swaped in flags then
+ case NodeType of
+ ltn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_GT;
+ lten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_GE;
+ gtn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_LT;
+ gten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_LE;
+ end
+ else
+ case NodeType of
+ ltn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_LT;
+ lten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_LE;
+ gtn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_GT;
+ gten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_GE;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if nf_swaped in Flags then
+ case NodeType of
+ ltn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_HI;
+ lten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_CS;
+ gtn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_CC;
+ gten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_LS;
+ end
+ else
+ case NodeType of
+ ltn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_CC;
+ lten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_LS;
+ gtn:
+ GetResFlags:=F_HI;
+ gten:
+ GetResFlags:=F_CS;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmaddnode.second_addfloat;
+ var
+ op : TAsmOp;
+ begin
+ case aktfputype of
+ fpu_fpa,
+ fpu_fpa10,
+ fpu_fpa11:
+ begin
+ pass_left_right;
+ if (nf_swaped in flags) then
+ swapleftright;
+ case nodetype of
+ addn :
+ op:=A_ADF;
+ muln :
+ op:=A_MUF;
+ subn :
+ op:=A_SUF;
+ slashn :
+ op:=A_DVF;
+ else
+ internalerror(200308313);
+ end;
+ { force fpureg as location, left right doesn't matter
+ as both will be in a fpureg }
+ location_force_fpureg(exprasmlist,left.location,true);
+ location_force_fpureg(exprasmlist,right.location,(left.location.loc<>LOC_CFPUREGISTER));
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FPUREGISTER,def_cgsize(resulttype.def));
+ if left.location.loc<>LOC_CFPUREGISTER then
+ location.register:=left.location.register
+ else
+ location.register:=right.location.register;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(op,
+ location.register,left.location.register,right.location.register),
+ cgsize2fpuoppostfix[def_cgsize(resulttype.def)]));
+ location.loc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ end;
+ fpu_soft:
+ { this case should be handled already by pass1 }
+ internalerror(200308252);
+ else
+ internalerror(200308251);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmaddnode.second_cmpfloat;
+ begin
+ pass_left_right;
+ if (nf_swaped in flags) then
+ swapleftright;
+ { force fpureg as location, left right doesn't matter
+ as both will be in a fpureg }
+ location_force_fpureg(exprasmlist,left.location,true);
+ location_force_fpureg(exprasmlist,right.location,true);
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FLAGS,OS_NO);
+ location.resflags:=getresflags(true);
+ if nodetype in [equaln,unequaln] then
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMF,
+ left.location.register,right.location.register),
+ cgsize2fpuoppostfix[def_cgsize(resulttype.def)]))
+ else
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMFE,
+ left.location.register,right.location.register),
+ cgsize2fpuoppostfix[def_cgsize(resulttype.def)]));
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FLAGS,OS_NO);
+ location.resflags:=getresflags(false);
+ end;
+ procedure tarmaddnode.second_cmpsmallset;
+ var
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ begin
+ pass_left_right;
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FLAGS,OS_NO);
+ force_reg_left_right(false,false);
+ case nodetype of
+ equaln:
+ begin
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register,right.location.register));
+ location.resflags:=F_EQ;
+ end;
+ unequaln:
+ begin
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register,right.location.register));
+ location.resflags:=F_NE;
+ end;
+ lten,
+ gten:
+ begin
+ if (not(nf_swaped in flags) and
+ (nodetype = lten)) or
+ ((nf_swaped in flags) and
+ (nodetype = gten)) then
+ swapleftright;
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(exprasmlist,location.size);
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_AND,tmpreg,left.location.register,right.location.register));
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,tmpreg,right.location.register));
+ location.resflags:=F_EQ;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2004012401);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmaddnode.second_cmp64bit;
+ var
+ unsigned : boolean;
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ oldnodetype : tnodetype;
+ begin
+ pass_left_right;
+ force_reg_left_right(false,false);
+ unsigned:=not(is_signed(left.resulttype.def)) or
+ not(is_signed(right.resulttype.def));
+ { operation requiring proper N, Z and C flags ? }
+ if unsigned or (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then
+ begin
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FLAGS,OS_NO);
+ location.resflags:=getresflags(unsigned);
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register64.reghi,right.location.register64.reghi));
+ exprasmlist.concat(setcondition(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register64.reglo,right.location.register64.reglo),C_EQ));
+ end
+ else
+ { operation requiring proper N, Z and V flags ? }
+ begin
+ location_reset(location,LOC_JUMP,OS_NO);
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register64.reghi,right.location.register64.reghi));
+ { the jump the sequence is a little bit hairy }
+ case nodetype of
+ ltn,gtn:
+ begin
+ cg.a_jmp_flags(exprasmlist,getresflags(false),truelabel);
+ { cheat a little bit for the negative test }
+ toggleflag(nf_swaped);
+ cg.a_jmp_flags(exprasmlist,getresflags(false),falselabel);
+ toggleflag(nf_swaped);
+ end;
+ lten,gten:
+ begin
+ oldnodetype:=nodetype;
+ if nodetype=lten then
+ nodetype:=ltn
+ else
+ nodetype:=gtn;
+ cg.a_jmp_flags(exprasmlist,getresflags(unsigned),truelabel);
+ { cheat for the negative test }
+ if nodetype=ltn then
+ nodetype:=gtn
+ else
+ nodetype:=ltn;
+ cg.a_jmp_flags(exprasmlist,getresflags(unsigned),falselabel);
+ nodetype:=oldnodetype;
+ end;
+ end;
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register64.reglo,right.location.register64.reglo));
+ { the comparisaion of the low dword have to be
+ always unsigned! }
+ cg.a_jmp_flags(exprasmlist,getresflags(true),truelabel);
+ cg.a_jmp_always(exprasmlist,falselabel);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmaddnode.second_cmpordinal;
+ var
+ unsigned : boolean;
+ tmpreg : tregister;
+ b : byte;
+ begin
+ pass_left_right;
+ force_reg_left_right(true,true);
+ unsigned:=not(is_signed(left.resulttype.def)) or
+ not(is_signed(right.resulttype.def));
+ if right.location.loc = LOC_CONSTANT then
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(right.location.value,b) then
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_CMP,left.location.register,right.location.value))
+ else
+ begin
+ tmpreg:=cg.getintregister(exprasmlist,location.size);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(exprasmlist,OS_INT,
+ right.location.value,tmpreg);
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register,tmpreg));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_CMP,left.location.register,right.location.register));
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FLAGS,OS_NO);
+ location.resflags:=getresflags(unsigned);
+ end;
+ caddnode:=tarmaddnode;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/narmcal.pas b/compiler/arm/narmcal.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..432403f8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/narmcal.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Implements the ARM specific part of call nodes
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bymethodpointer
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit narmcal;
+ uses
+ symdef,node,ncal,ncgcal;
+ type
+ tarmcallnode = class(tcgcallnode)
+ // procedure push_framepointer;override;
+ end;
+ uses
+ paramgr;
+ procedure tarmcallnode.push_framepointer;
+ begin
+ framepointer_paraloc:=paramanager.getintparaloc(procdefinition.proccalloption,1);
+ end;
+ ccallnode:=tarmcallnode;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/narmcnv.pas b/compiler/arm/narmcnv.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fb0fdc62e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/narmcnv.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Generate ARM assembler for type converting nodes
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit narmcnv;
+ uses
+ node,ncnv,ncgcnv,defcmp;
+ type
+ tarmtypeconvnode = class(tcgtypeconvnode)
+ protected
+ function first_int_to_real: tnode;override;
+ { procedure second_int_to_int;override; }
+ { procedure second_string_to_string;override; }
+ { procedure second_cstring_to_pchar;override; }
+ { procedure second_string_to_chararray;override; }
+ { procedure second_array_to_pointer;override; }
+ // function first_int_to_real: tnode; override;
+ { procedure second_pointer_to_array;override; }
+ { procedure second_chararray_to_string;override; }
+ { procedure second_char_to_string;override; }
+ procedure second_int_to_real;override;
+ // procedure second_real_to_real;override;
+ { procedure second_cord_to_pointer;override; }
+ { procedure second_proc_to_procvar;override; }
+ { procedure second_bool_to_int;override; }
+ procedure second_int_to_bool;override;
+ { procedure second_load_smallset;override; }
+ { procedure second_ansistring_to_pchar;override; }
+ { procedure second_pchar_to_string;override; }
+ { procedure second_class_to_intf;override; }
+ { procedure second_char_to_char;override; }
+ end;
+ uses
+ verbose,globtype,globals,systems,
+ symconst,symdef,aasmbase,aasmtai,
+ defutil,
+ cgbase,cgutils,
+ pass_1,pass_2,
+ ncon,ncal,
+ ncgutil,
+ cpubase,aasmcpu,
+ rgobj,tgobj,cgobj,cgcpu;
+ FirstTypeConv
+ function tarmtypeconvnode.first_int_to_real: tnode;
+ var
+ fname: string[19];
+ begin
+ if cs_fp_emulation in aktmoduleswitches then
+ begin
+ if target_info.system in system_wince then
+ begin
+ { converting a 64bit integer to a float requires a helper }
+ if is_64bitint(left.resulttype.def) or
+ is_currency(left.resulttype.def) then
+ begin
+ { hack to avoid double division by 10000, as it's
+ already done by resulttypepass.resulttype_int_to_real }
+ if is_currency(left.resulttype.def) then
+ left.resulttype := s64inttype;
+ if is_signed(left.resulttype.def) then
+ fname:='I64TOD'
+ else
+ fname:='UI64TOD';
+ end
+ else
+ { other integers are supposed to be 32 bit }
+ begin
+ if is_signed(left.resulttype.def) then
+ fname:='ITOD'
+ else
+ fname:='UTOD';
+ firstpass(left);
+ end;
+ result:=ccallnode.createintern(fname,ccallparanode.create(
+ left,nil));
+ left:=nil;
+ firstpass(result);
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ internalerror(2005082803);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { converting a 64bit integer to a float requires a helper }
+ if is_64bitint(left.resulttype.def) or
+ is_currency(left.resulttype.def) then
+ begin
+ { hack to avoid double division by 10000, as it's
+ already done by resulttypepass.resulttype_int_to_real }
+ if is_currency(left.resulttype.def) then
+ left.resulttype := s64inttype;
+ if is_signed(left.resulttype.def) then
+ fname := 'fpc_int64_to_double'
+ else
+ fname := 'fpc_qword_to_double';
+ result := ccallnode.createintern(fname,ccallparanode.create(
+ left,nil));
+ left:=nil;
+ firstpass(result);
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ { other integers are supposed to be 32 bit }
+ begin
+ if is_signed(left.resulttype.def) then
+ inserttypeconv(left,s32inttype)
+ else
+ inserttypeconv(left,u32inttype);
+ firstpass(left);
+ end;
+ result := nil;
+ if registersfpu<1 then
+ registersfpu:=1;
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmtypeconvnode.second_int_to_real;
+ var
+ instr : taicpu;
+ begin
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FPUREGISTER,def_cgsize(resulttype.def));
+ location_force_reg(exprasmlist,left.location,OS_32,true);
+ location.register:=cg.getfpuregister(exprasmlist,location.size);
+ instr:=taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_FLT,location.register,left.location.register);
+ instr.oppostfix:=cgsize2fpuoppostfix[def_cgsize(resulttype.def)];
+ exprasmlist.concat(instr);
+ end;
+ procedure tarmtypeconvnode.second_int_to_bool;
+ var
+ hregister : tregister;
+ href : treference;
+ resflags : tresflags;
+ hlabel,oldtruelabel,oldfalselabel : tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ oldtruelabel:=truelabel;
+ oldfalselabel:=falselabel;
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(truelabel);
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(falselabel);
+ secondpass(left);
+ if codegenerror then
+ exit;
+ { byte(boolean) or word(wordbool) or longint(longbool) must
+ be accepted for var parameters }
+ if (nf_explicit in flags) and
+ (left.resulttype.def.size=resulttype.def.size) and
+ (left.location.loc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE,LOC_CREGISTER]) then
+ begin
+ location_copy(location,left.location);
+ truelabel:=oldtruelabel;
+ falselabel:=oldfalselabel;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Load left node into flag F_NE/F_E }
+ resflags:=F_NE;
+ case left.location.loc of
+ begin
+ if left.location.size in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
+ begin
+ hregister:=cg.getintregister(exprasmlist,OS_INT);
+ cg.a_load_ref_reg(exprasmlist,OS_32,OS_32,left.location.reference,hregister);
+ href:=left.location.reference;
+ inc(href.offset,4);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=true;
+ cg.a_op_ref_reg(exprasmlist,OP_OR,OS_32,href,hregister);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ location_force_reg(exprasmlist,left.location,left.location.size,true);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=true;
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg(exprasmlist,OP_OR,left.location.size,left.location.register,left.location.register);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ resflags:=left.location.resflags;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if left.location.size in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
+ begin
+ hregister:=cg.getintregister(exprasmlist,OS_32);
+ cg.a_load_reg_reg(exprasmlist,OS_32,OS_32,left.location.register64.reglo,hregister);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=true;
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg(exprasmlist,OP_OR,OS_32,left.location.register64.reghi,hregister);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=true;
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg(exprasmlist,OP_OR,left.location.size,left.location.register,left.location.register);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ hregister:=cg.getintregister(exprasmlist,OS_INT);
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(hlabel);
+ cg.a_label(exprasmlist,truelabel);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(exprasmlist,OS_INT,1,hregister);
+ cg.a_jmp_always(exprasmlist,hlabel);
+ cg.a_label(exprasmlist,falselabel);
+ cg.a_load_const_reg(exprasmlist,OS_INT,0,hregister);
+ cg.a_label(exprasmlist,hlabel);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=true;
+ cg.a_op_reg_reg(exprasmlist,OP_OR,OS_INT,hregister,hregister);
+ tcgarm(cg).cgsetflags:=false;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200311301);
+ end;
+ { load flags to register }
+ location_reset(location,LOC_REGISTER,def_cgsize(resulttype.def));
+ location.register:=cg.getintregister(exprasmlist,location.size);
+ cg.g_flags2reg(exprasmlist,location.size,resflags,location.register);
+ truelabel:=oldtruelabel;
+ falselabel:=oldfalselabel;
+ end;
+ ctypeconvnode:=tarmtypeconvnode;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/narmcon.pas b/compiler/arm/narmcon.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b37b240b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/narmcon.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2005 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Code generation for const nodes on the ARM
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit narmcon;
+ uses
+ node,ncgcon,cpubase;
+ type
+ tarmrealconstnode = class(tcgrealconstnode)
+ procedure pass_2;override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ verbose,
+ globtype,globals,
+ cpuinfo,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,
+ symconst,symdef,
+ defutil,
+ cgbase,cgutils,
+ procinfo,
+ ncon;
+ procedure tarmrealconstnode.pass_2;
+ { I suppose the parser/pass_1 must make sure the generated real }
+ { constants are actually supported by the target processor? (JM) }
+ const
+ floattype2ait:array[tfloattype] of taitype=
+ (ait_real_32bit,ait_real_64bit,ait_real_80bit,ait_comp_64bit,ait_comp_64bit,ait_real_128bit);
+ var
+ hp1 : tai;
+ lastlabel : tasmlabel;
+ realait : taitype;
+ hiloswapped : boolean;
+ begin
+ location_reset(location,LOC_CREFERENCE,def_cgsize(resulttype.def));
+ lastlabel:=nil;
+ realait:=floattype2ait[tfloatdef(resulttype.def).typ];
+ hiloswapped:=aktfputype in [fpu_fpa,fpu_fpa10,fpu_fpa11];
+ { const already used ? }
+ if not assigned(lab_real) then
+ begin
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(lastlabel);
+ lab_real:=lastlabel;
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(Tai_label.Create(lastlabel));
+ location.reference.symboldata:=current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.last;
+ case realait of
+ ait_real_32bit :
+ begin
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(Tai_real_32bit.Create(ts32real(value_real)));
+ { range checking? }
+ if ((cs_check_range in aktlocalswitches) or
+ (cs_check_overflow in aktlocalswitches)) and
+ (tai_real_32bit(asmlist[al_typedconsts].last).value=double(MathInf)) then
+ Message(parser_e_range_check_error);
+ end;
+ ait_real_64bit :
+ begin
+ if hiloswapped then
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(Tai_real_64bit.Create_hiloswapped(ts64real(value_real)))
+ else
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(Tai_real_64bit.Create(ts64real(value_real)));
+ { range checking? }
+ if ((cs_check_range in aktlocalswitches) or
+ (cs_check_overflow in aktlocalswitches)) and
+ (tai_real_64bit(asmlist[al_typedconsts].last).value=double(MathInf)) then
+ Message(parser_e_range_check_error);
+ end;
+ ait_real_80bit :
+ begin
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(Tai_real_80bit.Create(value_real));
+ { range checking? }
+ if ((cs_check_range in aktlocalswitches) or
+ (cs_check_overflow in aktlocalswitches)) and
+ (tai_real_80bit(asmlist[al_typedconsts].last).value=double(MathInf)) then
+ Message(parser_e_range_check_error);
+ end;
+{$ifdef cpufloat128}
+ ait_real_128bit :
+ begin
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(Tai_real_128bit.Create(value_real));
+ { range checking? }
+ if ((cs_check_range in aktlocalswitches) or
+ (cs_check_overflow in aktlocalswitches)) and
+ (tai_real_128bit(asmlist[al_typedconsts].last).value=double(MathInf)) then
+ Message(parser_e_range_check_error);
+ end;
+{$endif cpufloat128}
+ { the round is necessary for native compilers where comp isn't a float }
+ ait_comp_64bit :
+ if (value_real>9223372036854775807.0) or (value_real<-9223372036854775808.0) then
+ message(parser_e_range_check_error)
+ else
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(Tai_comp_64bit.Create(round(value_real)));
+ else
+ internalerror(2005092401);
+ end;
+ end;
+ location.reference.symbol:=lab_real;
+ location.reference.base:=NR_R15;
+ end;
+ crealconstnode:=tarmrealconstnode;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/narminl.pas b/compiler/arm/narminl.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab9453c24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/narminl.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Generates ARM inline nodes
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit narminl;
+ uses
+ node,ninl,ncginl;
+ type
+ tarminlinenode = class(tcgInlineNode)
+ function first_abs_real: tnode; override;
+ function first_sqr_real: tnode; override;
+ function first_sqrt_real: tnode; override;
+ { atn,sin,cos,lgn isn't supported by the linux fpe
+ function first_arctan_real: tnode; override;
+ function first_ln_real: tnode; override;
+ function first_cos_real: tnode; override;
+ function first_sin_real: tnode; override;
+ }
+ procedure second_abs_real; override;
+ procedure second_sqr_real; override;
+ procedure second_sqrt_real; override;
+ { atn,sin,cos,lgn isn't supported by the linux fpe
+ procedure second_arctan_real; override;
+ procedure second_ln_real; override;
+ procedure second_cos_real; override;
+ procedure second_sin_real; override;
+ }
+ private
+ procedure load_fpu_location;
+ end;
+ uses
+ globtype,systems,
+ cutils,verbose,globals,fmodule,
+ symconst,symdef,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmcpu,
+ cgbase,cgutils,
+ pass_1,pass_2,
+ cpubase,paramgr,
+ nbas,ncon,ncal,ncnv,nld,
+ tgobj,ncgutil,cgobj,cg64f32,rgobj,rgcpu,cgcpu;
+ tarminlinenode
+ procedure tarminlinenode.load_fpu_location;
+ begin
+ secondpass(left);
+ location_force_fpureg(exprasmlist,left.location,true);
+ location_copy(location,left.location);
+ if left.location.loc=LOC_CFPUREGISTER then
+ begin
+ location.register:=cg.getfpuregister(exprasmlist,location.size);
+ location.loc := LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tarminlinenode.first_abs_real : tnode;
+ begin
+ if cs_fp_emulation in aktmoduleswitches then
+ result:=inherited first_abs_real
+ else
+ begin
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ registersint:=left.registersint;
+ registersfpu:=max(left.registersfpu,1);
+ first_abs_real:=nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tarminlinenode.first_sqr_real : tnode;
+ begin
+ if cs_fp_emulation in aktmoduleswitches then
+ result:=inherited first_sqr_real
+ else
+ begin
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ registersint:=left.registersint;
+ registersfpu:=max(left.registersfpu,1);
+ first_sqr_real:=nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tarminlinenode.first_sqrt_real : tnode;
+ begin
+ if cs_fp_emulation in aktmoduleswitches then
+ result:=inherited first_sqrt_real
+ else
+ begin
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ registersint:=left.registersint;
+ registersfpu:=max(left.registersfpu,1);
+ first_sqrt_real := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { atn,sin,cos,lgn isn't supported by the linux fpe
+ function tarminlinenode.first_arctan_real: tnode;
+ begin
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ registersint:=left.registersint;
+ registersfpu:=max(left.registersfpu,1);
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ function tarminlinenode.first_ln_real: tnode;
+ begin
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ registersint:=left.registersint;
+ registersfpu:=max(left.registersfpu,1);
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ function tarminlinenode.first_cos_real: tnode;
+ begin
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ registersint:=left.registersint;
+ registersfpu:=max(left.registersfpu,1);
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ function tarminlinenode.first_sin_real: tnode;
+ begin
+ expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ registersint:=left.registersint;
+ registersfpu:=max(left.registersfpu,1);
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ }
+ procedure tarminlinenode.second_abs_real;
+ begin
+ load_fpu_location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_ABS,location.register,location.register),get_fpu_postfix(resulttype.def)));
+ end;
+ procedure tarminlinenode.second_sqr_real;
+ begin
+ load_fpu_location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(A_MUF,location.register,left.location.register,left.location.register),get_fpu_postfix(resulttype.def)));
+ end;
+ procedure tarminlinenode.second_sqrt_real;
+ begin
+ load_fpu_location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_SQT,location.register,location.register),get_fpu_postfix(resulttype.def)));
+ end;
+ { atn, sin, cos, lgn isn't supported by the linux fpe
+ procedure tarminlinenode.second_arctan_real;
+ begin
+ load_fpu_location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_ATN,location.register,location.register),get_fpu_postfix(resulttype.def)));
+ end;
+ procedure tarminlinenode.second_ln_real;
+ begin
+ load_fpu_location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_LGN,location.register,location.register),get_fpu_postfix(resulttype.def)));
+ end;
+ procedure tarminlinenode.second_cos_real;
+ begin
+ load_fpu_location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_COS,location.register,location.register),get_fpu_postfix(resulttype.def)));
+ end;
+ procedure tarminlinenode.second_sin_real;
+ begin
+ load_fpu_location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_SIN,location.register,location.register),get_fpu_postfix(resulttype.def)));
+ end;
+ }
+ cinlinenode:=tarminlinenode;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/narmmat.pas b/compiler/arm/narmmat.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..884ff77a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/narmmat.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Generate ARM assembler for math nodes
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit narmmat;
+ uses
+ node,nmat,ncgmat;
+ type
+ tarmnotnode = class(tcgnotnode)
+ procedure second_boolean;override;
+ end;
+ tarmunaryminusnode = class(tcgunaryminusnode)
+ procedure second_float;override;
+ end;
+ uses
+ globtype,systems,
+ cutils,verbose,globals,
+ symconst,symdef,
+ aasmbase,aasmcpu,aasmtai,
+ defutil,
+ cgbase,cgobj,cgutils,
+ pass_1,pass_2,
+ ncon,
+ cpubase,cpuinfo,
+ ncgutil,cgcpu,cg64f32,rgobj;
+ procedure tarmnotnode.second_boolean;
+ var
+ hl : tasmlabel;
+ ins : taicpu;
+ begin
+ { if the location is LOC_JUMP, we do the secondpass after the
+ labels are allocated
+ }
+ if left.expectloc=LOC_JUMP then
+ begin
+ hl:=truelabel;
+ truelabel:=falselabel;
+ falselabel:=hl;
+ secondpass(left);
+ maketojumpbool(exprasmlist,left,lr_load_regvars);
+ hl:=truelabel;
+ truelabel:=falselabel;
+ falselabel:=hl;
+ location.loc:=LOC_JUMP;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ secondpass(left);
+ case left.location.loc of
+ begin
+ location_copy(location,left.location);
+ inverse_flags(location.resflags);
+ end;
+ begin
+ location_force_reg(exprasmlist,left.location,def_cgsize(left.resulttype.def),true);
+ exprasmlist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_CMP,left.location.register,0));
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FLAGS,OS_NO);
+ location.resflags:=F_EQ;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2003042401);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmunaryminusnode.second_float;
+ begin
+ secondpass(left);
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FPUREGISTER,def_cgsize(resulttype.def));
+ location_force_fpureg(exprasmlist,left.location,false);
+ location:=left.location;
+ exprasmlist.concat(setoppostfix(taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(A_RSF,
+ location.register,left.location.register,0),
+ cgsize2fpuoppostfix[def_cgsize(resulttype.def)]));
+ end;
+ cnotnode:=tarmnotnode;
+ cunaryminusnode:=tarmunaryminusnode;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/raarm.pas b/compiler/arm/raarm.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b22d8a41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/raarm.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Carl Eric Codere and Peter Vreman
+ Handles the common arm assembler reader routines
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit raarm;
+ interface
+ uses
+ cpubase,
+ aasmtai,
+ rautils;
+ type
+ TARMOperand=class(TOperand)
+ end;
+ TARMInstruction=class(TInstruction)
+ oppostfix : toppostfix;
+ function ConcatInstruction(p:TAAsmoutput) : tai;override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ aasmcpu;
+ function TARMInstruction.ConcatInstruction(p:TAAsmoutput) : tai;
+ begin
+ result:=inherited ConcatInstruction(p);
+ (result as taicpu).oppostfix:=oppostfix;
+ end;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/raarmgas.pas b/compiler/arm/raarmgas.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1ceb6d00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/raarmgas.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Carl Eric Codere and Peter Vreman
+ Does the parsing for the ARM GNU AS styled inline assembler.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+Unit raarmgas;
+ Interface
+ uses
+ raatt,raarm,
+ cpubase;
+ type
+ tarmattreader = class(tattreader)
+ actoppostfix : TOpPostfix;
+ function is_asmopcode(const s: string):boolean;override;
+ function is_register(const s:string):boolean;override;
+ procedure handleopcode;override;
+ procedure BuildReference(oper : tarmoperand);
+ procedure BuildOperand(oper : tarmoperand);
+ function TryBuildShifterOp(oper : tarmoperand) : boolean;
+ procedure BuildOpCode(instr : tarminstruction);
+ procedure ReadSym(oper : tarmoperand);
+ procedure ConvertCalljmp(instr : tarminstruction);
+ end;
+ Implementation
+ uses
+ { helpers }
+ cutils,
+ { global }
+ globtype,globals,verbose,
+ systems,
+ { aasm }
+ cpuinfo,aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmcpu,
+ { symtable }
+ symconst,symbase,symtype,symsym,symtable,
+ { parser }
+ scanner,
+ procinfo,
+ itcpugas,
+ rabase,rautils,
+ cgbase,cgobj
+ ;
+ function tarmattreader.is_register(const s:string):boolean;
+ type
+ treg2str = record
+ name : string[2];
+ reg : tregister;
+ end;
+ const
+ extraregs : array[0..19] of treg2str = (
+ (name: 'A1'; reg : NR_R0),
+ (name: 'A2'; reg : NR_R1),
+ (name: 'A3'; reg : NR_R2),
+ (name: 'A4'; reg : NR_R3),
+ (name: 'V1'; reg : NR_R4),
+ (name: 'V2'; reg : NR_R5),
+ (name: 'V3'; reg : NR_R6),
+ (name: 'V4'; reg : NR_R7),
+ (name: 'V5'; reg : NR_R8),
+ (name: 'V6'; reg : NR_R9),
+ (name: 'V7'; reg : NR_R10),
+ (name: 'V8'; reg : NR_R11),
+ (name: 'WR'; reg : NR_R7),
+ (name: 'SB'; reg : NR_R9),
+ (name: 'SL'; reg : NR_R10),
+ (name: 'FP'; reg : NR_R11),
+ (name: 'IP'; reg : NR_R12),
+ (name: 'SP'; reg : NR_R13),
+ (name: 'LR'; reg : NR_R14),
+ (name: 'PC'; reg : NR_R15));
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ result:=inherited is_register(s);
+ { reg found?
+ possible aliases are always 2 char
+ }
+ if result or (length(s)<>2) then
+ exit;
+ for i:=low(extraregs) to high(extraregs) do
+ begin
+ if s=extraregs[i].name then
+ begin
+ actasmregister:=extraregs[i].reg;
+ result:=true;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_REGISTER;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmattreader.ReadSym(oper : tarmoperand);
+ var
+ tempstr : string;
+ typesize,l,k : longint;
+ begin
+ tempstr:=actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ { typecasting? }
+ if (actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN) and
+ SearchType(tempstr,typesize) then
+ begin
+ oper.hastype:=true;
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ BuildOperand(oper);
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if oper.opr.typ in [OPR_REFERENCE,OPR_LOCAL] then
+ oper.SetSize(typesize,true);
+ end
+ else
+ if not oper.SetupVar(tempstr,false) then
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,tempstr);
+ { record.field ? }
+ if actasmtoken=AS_DOT then
+ begin
+ BuildRecordOffsetSize(tempstr,l,k);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Procedure tarmattreader.BuildReference(oper : tarmoperand);
+ procedure Consume_RBracket;
+ begin
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_RBRACKET then
+ Begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_RBRACKET);
+ if not (actasmtoken in [AS_COMMA,AS_SEPARATOR,AS_END]) then
+ Begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure read_index;
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ if actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER then
+ Begin
+ oper.opr.ref.index:=actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ end
+ else if actasmtoken=AS_HASH then
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_HASH);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,BuildConstExpression(false,true));
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_LBRACKET);
+ if actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.base:=actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ { can either be a register or a right parenthesis }
+ { (reg) }
+ if actasmtoken=AS_RBRACKET then
+ Begin
+ Consume_RBracket;
+ oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_POSTINDEXED;
+ if actasmtoken=AS_COMMA then
+ read_index;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken=AS_COMMA then
+ begin
+ read_index;
+ Consume_RBracket;
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken=AS_NOT then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_NOT);
+ oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_PREINDEXED;
+ end;
+ end {end case }
+ else
+ Begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tarmattreader.TryBuildShifterOp(oper : tarmoperand) : boolean;
+ procedure handlepara(sm : tshiftmode);
+ begin
+ consume(AS_ID);
+ fillchar(oper.opr,sizeof(oper.opr),0);
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SHIFTEROP;
+ oper.opr.shifterop.shiftmode:=sm;
+ if sm<>SM_RRX then
+ begin
+ case actasmtoken of
+ begin
+ consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ end;
+ begin
+ consume(AS_HASH);
+ oper.opr.shifterop.shiftimm:=BuildConstExpression(false,false);
+ end;
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_illegal_shifterop_syntax);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ if (actasmtoken=AS_ID) then
+ begin
+ if (actasmpattern='LSL') then
+ handlepara(SM_LSL)
+ else if (actasmpattern='LSR') then
+ handlepara(SM_LSR)
+ else if (actasmpattern='ASR') then
+ handlepara(SM_ASR)
+ else if (actasmpattern='ROR') then
+ handlepara(SM_ROR)
+ else if (actasmpattern='RRX') then
+ handlepara(SM_ROR)
+ else
+ result:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=false;
+ end;
+ Procedure tarmattreader.BuildOperand(oper : tarmoperand);
+ var
+ expr : string;
+ typesize,l : longint;
+ procedure AddLabelOperand(hl:tasmlabel);
+ begin
+ if not(actasmtoken in [AS_PLUS,AS_MINUS,AS_LPAREN]) and
+ is_calljmp(actopcode) then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL;
+ oper.opr.symbol:=hl;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ oper.InitRef;
+ oper.opr.ref.symbol:=hl;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure MaybeRecordOffset;
+ var
+ hasdot : boolean;
+ l,
+ toffset,
+ tsize : longint;
+ begin
+ if not(actasmtoken in [AS_DOT,AS_PLUS,AS_MINUS]) then
+ exit;
+ l:=0;
+ hasdot:=(actasmtoken=AS_DOT);
+ if hasdot then
+ begin
+ if expr<>'' then
+ begin
+ BuildRecordOffsetSize(expr,toffset,tsize);
+ inc(l,toffset);
+ oper.SetSize(tsize,true);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken in [AS_PLUS,AS_MINUS] then
+ inc(l,BuildConstExpression(true,false));
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ { don't allow direct access to fields of parameters, because that
+ will generate buggy code. Allow it only for explicit typecasting }
+ if hasdot and
+ (not oper.hastype) and
+ (tabstractnormalvarsym(oper.opr.localsym).owner.symtabletype=parasymtable) and
+ (current_procinfo.procdef.proccalloption<>pocall_register) then
+ Message(asmr_e_cannot_access_field_directly_for_parameters);
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l)
+ end;
+ inc(oper.opr.val,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ else
+ internalerror(200309221);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function MaybeBuildReference:boolean;
+ { Try to create a reference, if not a reference is found then false
+ is returned }
+ begin
+ MaybeBuildReference:=true;
+ case actasmtoken of
+ Begin
+ oper.opr.ref.offset:=BuildConstExpression(True,False);
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_LPAREN then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax)
+ else
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ AS_ID: { only a variable is allowed ... }
+ Begin
+ ReadSym(oper);
+ case actasmtoken of
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ else
+ Begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ end;
+ end; {end case }
+ end;
+ else
+ MaybeBuildReference:=false;
+ end; { end case }
+ end;
+ var
+ tempreg : tregister;
+ ireg : tsuperregister;
+ hl : tasmlabel;
+ ofs : longint;
+ registerset : tcpuregisterset;
+ Begin
+ expr:='';
+ case actasmtoken of
+ AS_LBRACKET: { Memory reference or constant expression }
+ Begin
+ oper.InitRef;
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ AS_HASH: { Constant expression }
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_HASH);
+ BuildConstantOperand(oper);
+ end;
+ (*
+ Begin
+ { Constant memory offset }
+ { This must absolutely be followed by ( }
+ oper.InitRef;
+ oper.opr.ref.offset:=BuildConstExpression(True,False);
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_LPAREN then
+ begin
+ ofs:=oper.opr.ref.offset;
+ BuildConstantOperand(oper);
+ inc(oper.opr.val,ofs);
+ end
+ else
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ *)
+ AS_ID: { A constant expression, or a Variable ref. }
+ Begin
+ { Local Label ? }
+ if is_locallabel(actasmpattern) then
+ begin
+ CreateLocalLabel(actasmpattern,hl,false);
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ AddLabelOperand(hl);
+ end
+ else
+ { Check for label }
+ if SearchLabel(actasmpattern,hl,false) then
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ AddLabelOperand(hl);
+ end
+ else
+ { probably a variable or normal expression }
+ { or a procedure (such as in CALL ID) }
+ Begin
+ { is it a constant ? }
+ if SearchIConstant(actasmpattern,l) then
+ Begin
+ if not (oper.opr.typ in [OPR_NONE,OPR_CONSTANT]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
+ BuildConstantOperand(oper);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ expr:=actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ { typecasting? }
+ if (actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN) and
+ SearchType(expr,typesize) then
+ begin
+ oper.hastype:=true;
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ BuildOperand(oper);
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if oper.opr.typ in [OPR_REFERENCE,OPR_LOCAL] then
+ oper.SetSize(typesize,true);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if not(oper.SetupVar(expr,false)) then
+ Begin
+ { look for special symbols ... }
+ if expr= '__HIGH' then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ if not oper.setupvar('high'+actasmpattern,false) then
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,'high'+actasmpattern);
+ consume(AS_ID);
+ consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ end
+ else
+ if expr = '__RESULT' then
+ oper.SetUpResult
+ else
+ if expr = '__SELF' then
+ oper.SetupSelf
+ else
+ if expr = '__OLDEBP' then
+ oper.SetupOldEBP
+ else
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,expr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken=AS_DOT then
+ MaybeRecordOffset;
+ { add a constant expression? }
+ if (actasmtoken=AS_PLUS) then
+ begin
+ l:=BuildConstExpression(true,false);
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ inc(oper.opr.val,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ else
+ internalerror(200309202);
+ end;
+ end
+ end;
+ { Do we have a indexing reference, then parse it also }
+ if actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN then
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ { Register, a variable reference or a constant reference }
+ Begin
+ { save the type of register used. }
+ tempreg:=actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ if (actasmtoken in [AS_END,AS_SEPARATOR,AS_COMMA]) then
+ Begin
+ if not (oper.opr.typ in [OPR_NONE,OPR_REGISTER]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REGISTER;
+ oper.opr.reg:=tempreg;
+ end
+ else if (actasmtoken=AS_NOT) and (actopcode in [A_LDM,A_STM]) then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_NOT);
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REFERENCE;
+ oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_PREINDEXED;
+ oper.opr.ref.index:=tempreg;
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ end;
+ { Registerset }
+ begin
+ consume(AS_LSBRACKET);
+ registerset:=[];
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER then
+ begin
+ include(registerset,getsupreg(actasmregister));
+ tempreg:=actasmregister;
+ consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ if actasmtoken=AS_MINUS then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_MINUS);
+ for ireg:=getsupreg(tempreg) to getsupreg(actasmregister) do
+ include(registerset,ireg);
+ consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ if actasmtoken=AS_COMMA then
+ consume(AS_COMMA)
+ else
+ break;
+ end;
+ consume(AS_RSBRACKET);
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REGSET;
+ oper.opr.regset:=registerset;
+ end;
+ else
+ Begin
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ end;
+ end; { end case }
+ end;
+ tarmattreader
+ procedure tarmattreader.BuildOpCode(instr : tarminstruction);
+ var
+ operandnum : longint;
+ Begin
+ { opcode }
+ if (actasmtoken<>AS_OPCODE) then
+ Begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_or_missing_opcode);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Fill the instr object with the current state }
+ with instr do
+ begin
+ Opcode:=ActOpcode;
+ condition:=ActCondition;
+ oppostfix:=actoppostfix;
+ end;
+ { We are reading operands, so opcode will be an AS_ID }
+ operandnum:=1;
+ Consume(AS_OPCODE);
+ { Zero operand opcode ? }
+ if actasmtoken in [AS_SEPARATOR,AS_END] then
+ begin
+ operandnum:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Read the operands }
+ repeat
+ case actasmtoken of
+ AS_COMMA: { Operand delimiter }
+ Begin
+ if ((instr.opcode=A_MOV) and (operandnum=2)) or
+ ((operandnum=3) and not(instr.opcode in [A_UMLAL,A_UMULL,A_SMLAL,A_SMULL])) then
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ if not(TryBuildShifterOp(instr.Operands[4] as tarmoperand)) then
+ Message(asmr_e_illegal_shifterop_syntax);
+ Inc(operandnum);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if operandnum>Max_Operands then
+ Message(asmr_e_too_many_operands)
+ else
+ Inc(operandnum);
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ end;
+ end;
+ AS_END : { End of asm operands for this opcode }
+ begin
+ break;
+ end;
+ else
+ BuildOperand(instr.Operands[operandnum] as tarmoperand);
+ end; { end case }
+ until false;
+ instr.Ops:=operandnum;
+ end;
+ function tarmattreader.is_asmopcode(const s: string):boolean;
+ const
+ { sorted by length so longer postfixes will match first }
+ postfix2strsorted : array[1..19] of string[2] = (
+ 'EP','SB','BT','SH',
+ 'IA','IB','DA','DB','FD','FA','ED','EA',
+ 'B','D','E','P','T','H','S');
+ postfixsorted : array[1..19] of TOpPostfix = (
+ var
+ str2opentry: tstr2opentry;
+ len,
+ j,
+ sufidx : longint;
+ hs : string;
+ maxlen : longint;
+ icond : tasmcond;
+ Begin
+ { making s a value parameter would break other assembler readers }
+ hs:=s;
+ is_asmopcode:=false;
+ { clear op code }
+ actopcode:=A_None;
+ actcondition:=C_None;
+ { first, handle B else BLS is read wrong }
+ if ((hs[1]='B') and (length(hs)=3)) then
+ begin
+ for icond:=low(tasmcond) to high(tasmcond) do
+ begin
+ if copy(hs,2,3)=uppercond2str[icond] then
+ begin
+ actopcode:=A_B;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_OPCODE;
+ actcondition:=icond;
+ is_asmopcode:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ maxlen:=max(length(hs),5);
+ for j:=maxlen downto 1 do
+ begin
+ str2opentry:=tstr2opentry(,1,j)));
+ if assigned(str2opentry) then
+ begin
+ actopcode:=str2opentry.op;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_OPCODE;
+ { strip op code }
+ delete(hs,1,j);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not(assigned(str2opentry)) then
+ exit;
+ { search for condition, conditions are always 2 chars }
+ if length(hs)>1 then
+ begin
+ for icond:=low(tasmcond) to high(tasmcond) do
+ begin
+ if copy(hs,1,2)=uppercond2str[icond] then
+ begin
+ actcondition:=icond;
+ { strip condition }
+ delete(hs,1,2);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { check for postfix }
+ if length(hs)>0 then
+ begin
+ for j:=low(postfixsorted) to high(postfixsorted) do
+ begin
+ if copy(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j]))=postfix2strsorted[j] then
+ begin
+ actoppostfix:=postfixsorted[j];
+ { strip postfix }
+ delete(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j]));
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { if we stripped all postfixes, it's a valid opcode }
+ is_asmopcode:=length(hs)=0;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmattreader.ConvertCalljmp(instr : tarminstruction);
+ var
+ newopr : toprrec;
+ begin
+ if instr.Operands[1].opr.typ=OPR_REFERENCE then
+ begin
+ newopr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL;
+ newopr.symbol:=instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.symbol;
+ newopr.symofs:=instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.offset;
+ if (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.base<>NR_NO) or
+ (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.index<>NR_NO) then
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ instr.Operands[1].opr:=newopr;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tarmattreader.handleopcode;
+ var
+ instr : tarminstruction;
+ begin
+ instr:=TarmInstruction.Create(TarmOperand);
+ BuildOpcode(instr);
+ if is_calljmp(instr.opcode) then
+ ConvertCalljmp(instr);
+ {
+ instr.AddReferenceSizes;
+ instr.SetInstructionOpsize;
+ instr.CheckOperandSizes;
+ }
+ instr.ConcatInstruction(curlist);
+ instr.Free;
+ actoppostfix:=PF_None;
+ end;
+ Initialize
+ asmmode_arm_att_info : tasmmodeinfo =
+ (
+ id : asmmode_arm_gas;
+ idtxt : 'GAS';
+ casmreader : tarmattreader;
+ );
+ asmmode_arm_standard_info : tasmmodeinfo =
+ (
+ id : asmmode_standard;
+ idtxt : 'STANDARD';
+ casmreader : tarmattreader;
+ );
+ RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_arm_att_info);
+ RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_arm_standard_info);
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..910b6297dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
+NR_NO = tregister($00000000);
+NR_R0 = tregister($01000000);
+NR_R1 = tregister($01000001);
+NR_R2 = tregister($01000002);
+NR_R3 = tregister($01000003);
+NR_R4 = tregister($01000004);
+NR_R5 = tregister($01000005);
+NR_R6 = tregister($01000006);
+NR_R7 = tregister($01000007);
+NR_R8 = tregister($01000008);
+NR_R9 = tregister($01000009);
+NR_R10 = tregister($0100000a);
+NR_R11 = tregister($0100000b);
+NR_R12 = tregister($0100000c);
+NR_R13 = tregister($0100000d);
+NR_R14 = tregister($0100000e);
+NR_R15 = tregister($0100000f);
+NR_F0 = tregister($02000000);
+NR_F1 = tregister($02000001);
+NR_F2 = tregister($02000002);
+NR_F3 = tregister($02000003);
+NR_F4 = tregister($02000004);
+NR_F5 = tregister($02000005);
+NR_F6 = tregister($02000006);
+NR_F7 = tregister($02000007);
+NR_S0 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S1 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D0 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S2 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S3 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D1 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S4 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S5 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D2 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S6 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S7 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D3 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S8 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S9 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D4 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S10 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S11 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D5 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S12 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S13 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D6 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S14 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S15 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D7 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S16 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S17 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D8 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S18 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S19 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D9 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S20 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S21 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D10 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S22 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S23 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D11 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S24 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S25 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D12 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S26 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S27 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D13 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S28 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S29 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D14 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S30 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_S31 = tregister($03000000);
+NR_D15 = tregister($03000000);
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b963effed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44c9e774d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78c00db232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1de634d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cbe04bfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f72724eb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf1936e398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
diff --git a/compiler/arm/ b/compiler/arm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a92340b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ don't edit, this file is generated from armreg.dat }
+RS_NO = $00;
+RS_R0 = $00;
+RS_R1 = $01;
+RS_R2 = $02;
+RS_R3 = $03;
+RS_R4 = $04;
+RS_R5 = $05;
+RS_R6 = $06;
+RS_R7 = $07;
+RS_R8 = $08;
+RS_R9 = $09;
+RS_R10 = $0a;
+RS_R11 = $0b;
+RS_R12 = $0c;
+RS_R13 = $0d;
+RS_R14 = $0e;
+RS_R15 = $0f;
+RS_F0 = $00;
+RS_F1 = $01;
+RS_F2 = $02;
+RS_F3 = $03;
+RS_F4 = $04;
+RS_F5 = $05;
+RS_F6 = $06;
+RS_F7 = $07;
+RS_S0 = $00;
+RS_S1 = $00;
+RS_D0 = $00;
+RS_S2 = $00;
+RS_S3 = $00;
+RS_D1 = $00;
+RS_S4 = $00;
+RS_S5 = $00;
+RS_D2 = $00;
+RS_S6 = $00;
+RS_S7 = $00;
+RS_D3 = $00;
+RS_S8 = $00;
+RS_S9 = $00;
+RS_D4 = $00;
+RS_S10 = $00;
+RS_S11 = $00;
+RS_D5 = $00;
+RS_S12 = $00;
+RS_S13 = $00;
+RS_D6 = $00;
+RS_S14 = $00;
+RS_S15 = $00;
+RS_D7 = $00;
+RS_S16 = $00;
+RS_S17 = $00;
+RS_D8 = $00;
+RS_S18 = $00;
+RS_S19 = $00;
+RS_D9 = $00;
+RS_S20 = $00;
+RS_S21 = $00;
+RS_D10 = $00;
+RS_S22 = $00;
+RS_S23 = $00;
+RS_D11 = $00;
+RS_S24 = $00;
+RS_S25 = $00;
+RS_D12 = $00;
+RS_S26 = $00;
+RS_S27 = $00;
+RS_D13 = $00;
+RS_S28 = $00;
+RS_S29 = $00;
+RS_D14 = $00;
+RS_S30 = $00;
+RS_S31 = $00;
+RS_D15 = $00;
diff --git a/compiler/arm/rgcpu.pas b/compiler/arm/rgcpu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a522a4f38c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/arm/rgcpu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit implements the arm specific class for the register
+ allocator
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit rgcpu;
+ interface
+ uses
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmcpu,
+ cgbase,cgutils,
+ cpubase,
+ rgobj;
+ type
+ trgcpu = class(trgobj)
+ procedure do_spill_read(list:Taasmoutput;pos:tai;const spilltemp:treference;tempreg:tregister);override;
+ procedure do_spill_written(list:Taasmoutput;pos:tai;const spilltemp:treference;tempreg:tregister);override;
+ end;
+ trgintcpu = class(trgcpu)
+ procedure add_cpu_interferences(p : tai);override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ verbose, cutils,
+ cgobj,
+ procinfo;
+ procedure trgcpu.do_spill_read(list:Taasmoutput;pos:tai;const spilltemp:treference;tempreg:tregister);
+ var
+ helpins: tai;
+ tmpref : treference;
+ helplist : taasmoutput;
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ hreg : tregister;
+ begin
+ if abs(spilltemp.offset)>4095 then
+ begin
+ helplist:=taasmoutput.create;
+ reference_reset(tmpref);
+ { create consts entry }
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(l);
+ cg.a_label(current_procinfo.aktlocaldata,l);
+ tmpref.symboldata:=current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.last;
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_const.Create_32bit(spilltemp.offset));
+ { load consts entry }
+ if getregtype(tempreg)=R_INTREGISTER then
+ hreg:=getregisterinline(helplist,R_SUBWHOLE)
+ else
+ hreg:=cg.getintregister(helplist,OS_ADDR);
+ tmpref.symbol:=l;
+ tmpref.base:=NR_R15;
+ helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,hreg,tmpref));
+ reference_reset_base(tmpref,hreg,0);
+ if spilltemp.index<>NR_NO then
+ internalerror(200401263);
+ helpins:=spilling_create_load(tmpref,tempreg);
+ helplist.concat(helpins);
+ if pos=nil then
+ list.insertlistafter(list.first,helplist)
+ else
+ list.insertlistafter(,helplist);
+ end
+ else
+ inherited do_spill_read(list,pos,spilltemp,tempreg);
+ end;
+ procedure trgcpu.do_spill_written(list:Taasmoutput;pos:tai;const spilltemp:treference;tempreg:tregister);
+ var
+ helpins: tai;
+ tmpref : treference;
+ helplist : taasmoutput;
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ hreg : tregister;
+ begin
+ if abs(spilltemp.offset)>4095 then
+ begin
+ helplist:=taasmoutput.create;
+ reference_reset(tmpref);
+ { create consts entry }
+ objectlibrary.getjumplabel(l);
+ cg.a_label(current_procinfo.aktlocaldata,l);
+ tmpref.symboldata:=current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.last;
+ current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_const.Create_32bit(spilltemp.offset));
+ { load consts entry }
+ if getregtype(tempreg)=R_INTREGISTER then
+ hreg:=getregisterinline(helplist,R_SUBWHOLE)
+ else
+ hreg:=cg.getintregister(helplist,OS_ADDR);
+ tmpref.symbol:=l;
+ tmpref.base:=NR_R15;
+ helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,hreg,tmpref));
+ if spilltemp.index<>NR_NO then
+ internalerror(200401263);
+ reference_reset_base(tmpref,hreg,0);
+ helplist.concat(spilling_create_store(tempreg,tmpref));
+ if getregtype(tempreg)=R_INTREGISTER then
+ ungetregisterinline(helplist,hreg);
+ list.insertlistafter(pos,helplist)
+ end
+ else
+ inherited do_spill_written(list,pos,spilltemp,tempreg);
+ end;
+ procedure trgintcpu.add_cpu_interferences(p : tai);
+ begin
+ if p.typ=ait_instruction then
+ begin
+ case taicpu(p).opcode of
+ A_MUL:
+ add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg),getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg));
+ begin
+ add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg),getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg));
+ add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg),getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[2]^.reg));
+ add_edge(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg),getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[2]^.reg));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;