path: root/compiler/i8086/cpupara.pas
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1 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/i8086/cpupara.pas b/compiler/i8086/cpupara.pas
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index 0000000000..765c2a6d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/i8086/cpupara.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Generates the argument location information for i8086
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit cpupara;
+ interface
+ uses
+ globtype,
+ aasmtai,aasmdata,cpubase,cgbase,cgutils,
+ symconst,symtype,symsym,symdef,
+ parabase,paramgr;
+ type
+ ti8086paramanager = class(tparamanager)
+ function param_use_paraloc(const cgpara:tcgpara):boolean;override;
+ function ret_in_param(def:tdef;pd:tabstractprocdef):boolean;override;
+ function push_addr_param(varspez:tvarspez;def : tdef;calloption : tproccalloption) : boolean;override;
+ function get_para_align(calloption : tproccalloption):byte;override;
+ function get_volatile_registers_int(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;override;
+ function get_volatile_registers_fpu(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;override;
+ function get_volatile_registers_mm(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;override;
+ { Returns the location for the nr-st 16 Bit int parameter
+ if every parameter before is an 16 Bit int parameter as well
+ and if the calling conventions for the helper routines of the
+ rtl are used.
+ TODO: This allocates 32-bit ints on other CPU architectures. Since
+ we're small/tiny model only, for now we can get away with allocating
+ always 16-bit int parameters, but in the future, when we implement
+ other memory models, this mechanism has to be extended somehow to
+ support 32-bit addresses on a 16-bit CPU.
+ }
+ procedure getintparaloc(pd : tabstractprocdef; nr : longint; var cgpara : tcgpara);override;
+ function create_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee):longint;override;
+ function create_varargs_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; varargspara:tvarargsparalist):longint;override;
+ procedure createtempparaloc(list: TAsmList;calloption : tproccalloption;parasym : tparavarsym;can_use_final_stack_loc : boolean;var cgpara:TCGPara);override;
+ function get_funcretloc(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee; forcetempdef: tdef): TCGPara;override;
+ private
+ procedure create_stdcall_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee;paras:tparalist;var parasize:longint);
+ procedure create_register_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee;paras:tparalist;var parareg,parasize:longint);
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ cutils,
+ systems,verbose,
+ symtable,
+ defutil;
+ const
+ parasupregs : array[0..2] of tsuperregister = (RS_AX,RS_DX,RS_CX);
+ ti8086paramanager
+ function ti8086paramanager.param_use_paraloc(const cgpara:tcgpara):boolean;
+ var
+ paraloc : pcgparalocation;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(cgpara.location) then
+ internalerror(200410102);
+ result:=true;
+ { All locations are LOC_REFERENCE }
+ paraloc:=cgpara.location;
+ while assigned(paraloc) do
+ begin
+ if (paraloc^.loc<>LOC_REFERENCE) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ paraloc:=paraloc^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.ret_in_param(def:tdef;pd:tabstractprocdef):boolean;
+ var
+ size: longint;
+ begin
+ if handle_common_ret_in_param(def,pd,result) then
+ exit;
+ { 64-bit types are returned as a parameter pointer, since putting them
+ in registers would require 4 registers on the i8086 }
+ if (def.size > 4) and (def.typ <> floatdef) then
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=inherited ret_in_param(def,pd);
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.push_addr_param(varspez:tvarspez;def : tdef;calloption : tproccalloption) : boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ { var,out,constref always require address }
+ if varspez in [vs_var,vs_out,vs_constref] then
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Only vs_const, vs_value here }
+ case def.typ of
+ variantdef :
+ begin
+ { variants are small enough to be passed by value except if
+ required by the windows api
+ variants are somethings very delphi/windows specific so do it like
+ windows/delphi (FK)
+ }
+ if ((target_info.system=system_i386_win32) and
+ (calloption in [pocall_stdcall,pocall_safecall]) and
+ (varspez=vs_const)) or
+ (calloption=pocall_register) then
+ result:=true
+ else
+ result:=false;
+ end;
+ formaldef :
+ result:=true;
+ recorddef :
+ begin
+ { Delphi stdcall passes records on the stack for call by value }
+ if (target_info.system=system_i386_win32) and
+ (calloption=pocall_stdcall) and
+ (varspez=vs_value) then
+ result:=false
+ else
+ result:=
+ (not(calloption in (cdecl_pocalls)) and
+ (def.size>sizeof(aint))) or
+ (((calloption = pocall_mwpascal) or (target_info.system=system_i386_wince)) and
+ (varspez=vs_const));
+ end;
+ arraydef :
+ begin
+ { array of const values are pushed on the stack as
+ well as dyn. arrays }
+ if (calloption in cdecl_pocalls) then
+ result:=not(is_array_of_const(def) or
+ is_dynamic_array(def))
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=(
+ (tarraydef(def).highrange>=tarraydef(def).lowrange) and
+ (def.size>sizeof(aint))
+ ) or
+ is_open_array(def) or
+ is_array_of_const(def) or
+ is_array_constructor(def);
+ end;
+ end;
+ objectdef :
+ result:=is_object(def);
+ stringdef :
+ result:= (tstringdef(def).stringtype in [st_shortstring,st_longstring]);
+ procvardef :
+ result:=not(calloption in cdecl_pocalls) and not tprocvardef(def).is_addressonly;
+ setdef :
+ result:=not(calloption in cdecl_pocalls) and (not is_smallset(def));
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.get_para_align(calloption : tproccalloption):byte;
+ begin
+ result:=std_param_align;
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;
+ begin
+ case calloption of
+ pocall_internproc :
+ result:=[];
+ pocall_register,
+ pocall_safecall,
+ pocall_stdcall,
+ pocall_cdecl,
+ pocall_cppdecl,
+ pocall_mwpascal :
+ result:=[RS_AX,RS_DX,RS_CX];
+ pocall_far16,
+ pocall_pascal,
+ pocall_oldfpccall :
+ result:=[RS_AX,RS_DX,RS_CX,RS_SI,RS_DI,RS_BX];
+ else
+ internalerror(200309071);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;
+ begin
+ result:=[0..first_fpu_imreg-1];
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.get_volatile_registers_mm(calloption : tproccalloption):tcpuregisterset;
+ begin
+ result:=[0..first_mm_imreg-1];
+ end;
+ procedure ti8086paramanager.getintparaloc(pd : tabstractprocdef; nr : longint; var cgpara : tcgpara);
+ var
+ paraloc : pcgparalocation;
+ def : tdef;
+ begin
+ def:=tparavarsym(pd.paras[nr-1]).vardef;
+ cgpara.reset;
+ cgpara.size:=def_cgsize(def);
+ cgpara.intsize:=tcgsize2size[cgpara.size];
+ cgpara.alignment:=get_para_align(pd.proccalloption);
+ cgpara.def:=def;
+ paraloc:=cgpara.add_location;
+ with paraloc^ do
+ begin
+ size:=OS_INT;
+ if pd.proccalloption=pocall_register then
+ begin
+ if (nr<=length(parasupregs)) then
+ begin
+ if nr=0 then
+ internalerror(200309271);
+ register:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,parasupregs[nr-1],R_SUBWHOLE);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ { the previous parameters didn't take up room in memory }
+ reference.offset:=sizeof(aint)*(nr-length(parasupregs)-1)
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG;
+ reference.offset:=sizeof(aint)*nr;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.get_funcretloc(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee; forcetempdef: tdef): TCGPara;
+ var
+ retcgsize : tcgsize;
+ paraloc : pcgparalocation;
+ sym: tfieldvarsym;
+ usedef: tdef;
+ handled: boolean;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(forcetempdef) then
+ usedef:=p.returndef
+ else
+ usedef:=forcetempdef;
+ { on darwin/i386, if a record has only one field and that field is a
+ single or double, it has to be returned like a single/double }
+ if (target_info.system in [system_i386_darwin,system_i386_iphonesim]) and
+ ((usedef.typ=recorddef) or
+ is_object(usedef)) and
+ tabstractrecordsymtable(tabstractrecorddef(usedef).symtable).has_single_field(sym) and
+ (sym.vardef.typ=floatdef) and
+ (tfloatdef(sym.vardef).floattype in [s32real,s64real]) then
+ usedef:=sym.vardef;
+ handled:=set_common_funcretloc_info(p,usedef,retcgsize,result);
+ { normally forcetempdef is passed straight through to
+ set_common_funcretloc_info and that one will correctly determine whether
+ the location is a temporary one, but that doesn't work here because we
+ sometimes have to change the type }
+ result.temporary:=assigned(forcetempdef);
+ if handled then
+ exit;
+ { darwin/x86 requires that results < sizeof(aint) are sign/zero
+ extended to sizeof(aint) }
+ if (target_info.system in [system_i386_darwin,system_i386_iphonesim]) and
+ (side=calleeside) and
+ (result.intsize>0) and
+ (result.intsize<sizeof(aint)) then
+ begin
+ result.def:=sinttype;
+ result.intsize:=sizeof(aint);
+ retcgsize:=OS_SINT;
+ result.size:=retcgsize;
+ end;
+ { Return in FPU register? }
+ if result.def.typ=floatdef then
+ begin
+ paraloc:=result.add_location;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER;
+ paraloc^.register:=NR_FPU_RESULT_REG;
+ paraloc^.size:=retcgsize;
+ end
+ else
+ { Return in register }
+ begin
+ paraloc:=result.add_location;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ if retcgsize in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
+ internalerror(2013031201);
+ if retcgsize in [OS_32,OS_S32] then
+ begin
+ { low 16bits }
+ if side=callerside then
+ paraloc^.register:=NR_FUNCTION_RESULT32_LOW_REG
+ else
+ paraloc^.register:=NR_FUNCTION_RETURN32_LOW_REG;
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_16;
+ { high 16bits }
+ paraloc:=result.add_location;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ if side=callerside then
+ paraloc^.register:=NR_FUNCTION_RESULT32_HIGH_REG
+ else
+ paraloc^.register:=NR_FUNCTION_RETURN32_HIGH_REG;
+ paraloc^.size:=OS_16;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ paraloc^.size:=retcgsize;
+ if side=callerside then
+ paraloc^.register:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,RS_FUNCTION_RESULT_REG,cgsize2subreg(R_INTREGISTER,retcgsize))
+ else
+ paraloc^.register:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,RS_FUNCTION_RETURN_REG,cgsize2subreg(R_INTREGISTER,retcgsize));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ti8086paramanager.create_stdcall_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee;paras:tparalist;var parasize:longint);
+ var
+ i : integer;
+ hp : tparavarsym;
+ paradef : tdef;
+ paraloc : pcgparalocation;
+ l,
+ paralen,
+ varalign : longint;
+ paraalign : shortint;
+ pushaddr : boolean;
+ paracgsize : tcgsize;
+ begin
+ paraalign:=get_para_align(p.proccalloption);
+ { we push Flags and CS as long
+ to cope with the IRETD
+ and we save 6 register + 4 selectors }
+ if po_interrupt in p.procoptions then
+ inc(parasize,8+6*4+4*2);
+ { Offset is calculated like:
+ sub esp,12
+ mov [esp+8],para3
+ mov [esp+4],para2
+ mov [esp],para1
+ call function
+ That means for pushes the para with the
+ highest offset (see para3) needs to be pushed first
+ }
+ if p.proccalloption in pushleftright_pocalls then
+ i:=paras.count-1
+ else
+ i:=0;
+ while ((p.proccalloption in pushleftright_pocalls) and (i>=0)) or
+ (not(p.proccalloption in pushleftright_pocalls) and (i<=paras.count-1)) do
+ begin
+ hp:=tparavarsym(paras[i]);
+ paradef:=hp.vardef;
+ pushaddr:=push_addr_param(hp.varspez,paradef,p.proccalloption);
+ if pushaddr then
+ begin
+ paralen:=sizeof(aint);
+ paracgsize:=OS_ADDR;
+ paradef:=getpointerdef(paradef);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ paralen:=push_size(hp.varspez,paradef,p.proccalloption);
+ { darwin/x86 requires that parameters < sizeof(aint) are sign/ }
+ { zero extended to sizeof(aint) }
+ if (target_info.system in [system_i386_darwin,system_i386_iphonesim]) and
+ (side = callerside) and
+ (paralen > 0) and
+ (paralen < sizeof(aint)) then
+ begin
+ paralen:=sizeof(aint);
+ paracgsize:=OS_SINT;
+ paradef:=sinttype;
+ end
+ else
+ paracgsize:=def_cgsize(paradef);
+ end;
+ hp.paraloc[side].reset;
+ hp.paraloc[side].size:=paracgsize;
+ hp.paraloc[side].intsize:=paralen;
+ hp.paraloc[side].def:=paradef;
+ hp.paraloc[side].Alignment:=paraalign;
+ { Copy to stack? }
+ if (paracgsize=OS_NO) or
+ (use_fixed_stack) then
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].add_location;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ paraloc^.size:=paracgsize;
+ if side=callerside then
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG
+ else
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG;
+ varalign:=used_align(size_2_align(paralen),paraalign,paraalign);
+ { don't let push_size return 16, because then we can }
+ { read past the end of the heap since the value is only }
+ { 10 bytes long (JM) }
+ if (paracgsize = OS_F80) and
+ (target_info.system in [system_i386_darwin,system_i386_iphonesim]) then
+ paralen:=16;
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=parasize;
+ if side=calleeside then
+ inc(paraloc^.reference.offset,target_info.first_parm_offset);
+ parasize:=align(parasize+paralen,varalign);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if paralen=0 then
+ internalerror(200501163);
+ while (paralen>0) do
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].add_location;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ { single and double need a single location }
+ if (paracgsize in [OS_F64,OS_F32]) then
+ begin
+ paraloc^.size:=paracgsize;
+ l:=paralen;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { We can allocate at maximum 32 bits per location }
+ if paralen>sizeof(aint) then
+ l:=sizeof(aint)
+ else
+ l:=paralen;
+ paraloc^.size:=int_cgsize(l);
+ end;
+ if (side=callerside) or
+ (po_nostackframe in p.procoptions) then
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG
+ else
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG;
+ varalign:=used_align(size_2_align(l),paraalign,paraalign);
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=parasize;
+ if side=calleeside then
+ if not(po_nostackframe in p.procoptions) then
+ inc(paraloc^.reference.offset,target_info.first_parm_offset)
+ else
+ { return addres }
+ inc(paraloc^.reference.offset,4);
+ parasize:=align(parasize+l,varalign);
+ dec(paralen,l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p.proccalloption in pushleftright_pocalls then
+ dec(i)
+ else
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ti8086paramanager.create_register_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee;paras:tparalist;
+ var parareg,parasize:longint);
+ var
+ hp : tparavarsym;
+ paradef : tdef;
+ paraloc : pcgparalocation;
+ paracgsize : tcgsize;
+ i : integer;
+ l,
+ paralen,
+ varalign : longint;
+ pushaddr : boolean;
+ paraalign : shortint;
+ pass : byte;
+ begin
+ if paras.count=0 then
+ exit;
+ paraalign:=get_para_align(p.proccalloption);
+ { clean up here so we can later detect properly if a parameter has been
+ assigned or not
+ }
+ for i:=0 to paras.count-1 do
+ tparavarsym(paras[i]).paraloc[side].reset;
+ { Register parameters are assigned from left to right,
+ stack parameters from right to left so assign first the
+ register parameters in a first pass, in the second
+ pass all unhandled parameters are done }
+ for pass:=1 to 2 do
+ begin
+ if pass=1 then
+ i:=0
+ else
+ i:=paras.count-1;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ hp:=tparavarsym(paras[i]);
+ paradef:=hp.vardef;
+ if not(assigned(hp.paraloc[side].location)) then
+ begin
+ pushaddr:=push_addr_param(hp.varspez,hp.vardef,p.proccalloption);
+ if pushaddr then
+ begin
+ paralen:=sizeof(aint);
+ paracgsize:=OS_ADDR;
+ paradef:=getpointerdef(paradef);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ paralen:=push_size(hp.varspez,hp.vardef,p.proccalloption);
+ paracgsize:=def_cgsize(hp.vardef);
+ end;
+ hp.paraloc[side].size:=paracgsize;
+ hp.paraloc[side].intsize:=paralen;
+ hp.paraloc[side].Alignment:=paraalign;
+ hp.paraloc[side].def:=paradef;
+ {
+ Stack
+ Stack
+ 64bit values,floats,arrays and records are always
+ on the stack.
+ In case of po_delphi_nested_cc, the parent frame pointer
+ is also always passed on the stack.
+ }
+ if (parareg<=high(parasupregs)) and
+ (paralen<=sizeof(aint)) and
+ (not(hp.vardef.typ in [floatdef,recorddef,arraydef]) or
+ pushaddr) and
+ (not(vo_is_parentfp in hp.varoptions) or
+ not(po_delphi_nested_cc in p.procoptions)) then
+ begin
+ if pass=1 then
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].add_location;
+ paraloc^.size:=paracgsize;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REGISTER;
+ paraloc^.register:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,parasupregs[parareg],cgsize2subreg(R_INTREGISTER,paracgsize));
+ inc(parareg);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ if pass=2 then
+ begin
+ { Copy to stack? }
+ if (use_fixed_stack) or
+ (paracgsize=OS_NO) then
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].add_location;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ paraloc^.size:=paracgsize;
+ if side=callerside then
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG
+ else
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG;
+ varalign:=used_align(size_2_align(paralen),paraalign,paraalign);
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=parasize;
+ if side=calleeside then
+ inc(paraloc^.reference.offset,target_info.first_parm_offset);
+ parasize:=align(parasize+paralen,varalign);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if paralen=0 then
+ internalerror(200501163);
+ while (paralen>0) do
+ begin
+ paraloc:=hp.paraloc[side].add_location;
+ paraloc^.loc:=LOC_REFERENCE;
+ { Extended and double need a single location }
+ if (paracgsize in [OS_F64,OS_F32]) then
+ begin
+ paraloc^.size:=paracgsize;
+ l:=paralen;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { We can allocate at maximum 32 bits per location }
+ if paralen>sizeof(aint) then
+ l:=sizeof(aint)
+ else
+ l:=paralen;
+ paraloc^.size:=int_cgsize(l);
+ end;
+ if side=callerside then
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG
+ else
+ paraloc^.reference.index:=NR_FRAME_POINTER_REG;
+ varalign:=used_align(size_2_align(l),paraalign,paraalign);
+ paraloc^.reference.offset:=parasize;
+ if side=calleeside then
+ inc(paraloc^.reference.offset,target_info.first_parm_offset);
+ parasize:=align(parasize+l,varalign);
+ dec(paralen,l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case pass of
+ 1:
+ begin
+ if i=paras.count-1 then
+ break;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ if i=0 then
+ break;
+ dec(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.create_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; side: tcallercallee):longint;
+ var
+ parasize,
+ parareg : longint;
+ begin
+ parasize:=0;
+ parareg:=0;
+ case p.proccalloption of
+ pocall_register :
+ create_register_paraloc_info(p,side,p.paras,parareg,parasize);
+ pocall_internproc :
+ begin
+ { Use default calling }
+{$warnings off}
+ if (pocall_default=pocall_register) then
+ create_register_paraloc_info(p,side,p.paras,parareg,parasize)
+ else
+ create_stdcall_paraloc_info(p,side,p.paras,parasize);
+{$warnings on}
+ end;
+ else
+ create_stdcall_paraloc_info(p,side,p.paras,parasize);
+ end;
+ create_funcretloc_info(p,side);
+ result:=parasize;
+ end;
+ function ti8086paramanager.create_varargs_paraloc_info(p : tabstractprocdef; varargspara:tvarargsparalist):longint;
+ var
+ parasize : longint;
+ begin
+ parasize:=0;
+ { calculate the registers for the normal parameters }
+ create_stdcall_paraloc_info(p,callerside,p.paras,parasize);
+ { append the varargs }
+ create_stdcall_paraloc_info(p,callerside,varargspara,parasize);
+ result:=parasize;
+ end;
+ procedure ti8086paramanager.createtempparaloc(list: TAsmList;calloption : tproccalloption;parasym : tparavarsym;can_use_final_stack_loc : boolean;var cgpara:TCGPara);
+ begin
+ { Never a need for temps when value is pushed (calls inside parameters
+ will simply allocate even more stack space for their parameters) }
+ if not(use_fixed_stack) then
+ can_use_final_stack_loc:=true;
+ inherited createtempparaloc(list,calloption,parasym,can_use_final_stack_loc,cgpara);
+ end;
+ paramanager:=ti8086paramanager.create;