path: root/compiler/ogcoff.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ogcoff.pas')
1 files changed, 1767 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ogcoff.pas b/compiler/ogcoff.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..877905ad57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/ogcoff.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1767 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Peter Vreman and Pierre Muller
+ Contains the binary coff reader and writer
+ * This code was inspired by the NASM sources
+ The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
+ Julian Hall. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit ogcoff;
+ uses
+ { common }
+ cclasses,globtype,
+ { target }
+ systems,
+ { assembler }
+ cpuinfo,cpubase,aasmbase,assemble,link,
+ { output }
+ ogbase,ogmap;
+ type
+ TCoffObjectSection = class(TAsmSection)
+ private
+ orgmempos,
+ coffrelocs,
+ coffrelocpos : longint;
+ public
+ flags : cardinal;
+ constructor create(const Aname:string;Atype:TAsmSectionType;Aalign:longint;Aoptions:TAsmSectionOptions);override;
+ procedure addsymsizereloc(ofs:longint;p:tasmsymbol;size:longint;relative:TAsmRelocationType);
+ procedure fixuprelocs;override;
+ end;
+ TDjCoffObjectSection = class(TCoffObjectSection)
+ constructor create(const Aname:string;Atype:TAsmSectionType;Aalign:longint;Aoptions:TAsmSectionOptions);override;
+ end;
+ TPECoffObjectSection = class(TCoffObjectSection)
+ constructor create(const Aname:string;Atype:TAsmSectionType;Aalign:longint;Aoptions:TAsmSectionOptions);override;
+ end;
+ tcoffobjectdata = class(TAsmObjectData)
+ private
+ win32 : boolean;
+ procedure section_mempos(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ public
+ constructor createcoff(const n:string;awin32:boolean;acasmsection:TAsmSectionClass);
+ destructor destroy;override;
+ function sectionname(atype:tasmsectiontype;const aname:string):string;override;
+ procedure writereloc(data,len:aint;p:tasmsymbol;relative:TAsmRelocationType);override;
+ procedure writesymbol(p:tasmsymbol);override;
+ procedure writestab(offset:aint;ps:tasmsymbol;nidx,nother,line:longint;p:pchar);override;
+ procedure beforealloc;override;
+ procedure beforewrite;override;
+ procedure afteralloc;override;
+ end;
+ tdjcoffobjectdata = class(TCoffObjectData)
+ constructor create(const n:string);override;
+ end;
+ tpecoffobjectdata = class(TCoffObjectData)
+ constructor create(const n:string);override;
+ end;
+ tcoffobjectoutput = class(tobjectoutput)
+ private
+ win32 : boolean;
+ initsym : longint;
+ FCoffStrs : tdynamicarray;
+ procedure write_symbol(const name:string;value,section,typ,aux:longint);
+ procedure section_write_symbol(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ procedure section_write_relocs(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ procedure write_symbols(data:TAsmObjectData);
+ procedure section_set_secsymidx(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ procedure section_set_datapos(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ procedure section_set_reloc_datapos(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ procedure section_write_header(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ procedure section_write_data(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ protected
+ function writedata(data:TAsmObjectData):boolean;override;
+ public
+ constructor createdjgpp(smart:boolean);
+ constructor createwin32(smart:boolean);
+ function newobjectdata(const n:string):TAsmObjectData;override;
+ end;
+ tcoffexeoutput = class(texeoutput)
+ private
+ FCoffsyms,
+ FCoffStrs : tdynamicarray;
+ win32 : boolean;
+ nsects,
+ nsyms,
+ sympos : longint;
+ procedure write_symbol(const name:string;value,section,typ,aux:longint);
+ procedure write_symbols;
+ protected
+ function writedata:boolean;override;
+ public
+ constructor createdjgpp;
+ constructor createwin32;
+ function newobjectinput:tobjectinput;override;
+ procedure CalculateMemoryMap;override;
+ procedure GenerateExecutable(const fn:string);override;
+ end;
+ ttasmsymbolrec = record
+ sym : tasmsymbol;
+ orgsize : longint;
+ end;
+ ttasmsymbolarray = array[0..high(word)] of ttasmsymbolrec;
+ tcoffobjectinput = class(tobjectinput)
+ private
+ Fidx2sec : array[0..255] of TAsmSection;
+ FCoffsyms,
+ FCoffStrs : tdynamicarray;
+ FSymTbl : ^ttasmsymbolarray;
+ win32 : boolean;
+ procedure read_relocs(s:TCoffObjectSection);
+ procedure handle_symbols(data:TAsmObjectData);
+ protected
+ function readobjectdata(data:TAsmObjectData):boolean;override;
+ public
+ constructor createdjgpp;
+ constructor createwin32;
+ function newobjectdata(const n:string):TAsmObjectData;override;
+ end;
+ tcoffassembler = class(tinternalassembler)
+ constructor create(smart:boolean);override;
+ end;
+ tpecoffassembler = class(tinternalassembler)
+ constructor create(smart:boolean);override;
+ end;
+ tcofflinker = class(tinternallinker)
+ constructor create;override;
+ end;
+ uses
+ strings,
+ cutils,verbose,
+ globals,fmodule;
+ const
+ COFF_FLAG_EXE = $0002;
+ COFF_FLAG_AR16WR = $0080; { 16bit little endian }
+ COFF_FLAG_AR32WR = $0100; { 32bit little endian }
+ COFF_FLAG_AR32W = $0200; { 32bit big endian }
+ COFF_FLAG_DLL = $2000;
+ COFF_SYM_FILE = 103;
+ type
+ { Structures which are written directly to the output file }
+ coffheader=packed record
+ mach : word;
+ nsects : word;
+ time : longint;
+ sympos : longint;
+ syms : longint;
+ opthdr : word;
+ flag : word;
+ end;
+ coffoptheader=packed record
+ magic : word;
+ vstamp : word;
+ tsize : longint;
+ dsize : longint;
+ bsize : longint;
+ entry : longint;
+ text_start : longint;
+ data_start : longint;
+ end;
+ coffsechdr=packed record
+ name : array[0..7] of char;
+ vsize : longint;
+ rvaofs : longint;
+ datasize : longint;
+ datapos : longint;
+ relocpos : longint;
+ lineno1 : longint;
+ nrelocs : word;
+ lineno2 : word;
+ flags : cardinal;
+ end;
+ coffsectionrec=packed record
+ len : longint;
+ nrelocs : word;
+ empty : array[0..11] of char;
+ end;
+ coffreloc=packed record
+ address : longint;
+ sym : longint;
+ relative : word;
+ end;
+ coffsymbol=packed record
+ name : array[0..3] of char; { real is [0..7], which overlaps the strpos ! }
+ strpos : longint;
+ value : longint;
+ section : smallint;
+ empty : smallint;
+ typ : byte;
+ aux : byte;
+ end;
+ coffstab=packed record
+ strpos : longint;
+ ntype : byte;
+ nother : byte;
+ ndesc : word;
+ nvalue : longint;
+ end;
+ const
+ symbolresize = 200*sizeof(coffsymbol);
+ strsresize = 8192;
+const go32v2stub : array[0..2047] of byte=(
+ $4D,$5A,$00,$00,$04,$00,$00,$00,$20,$00,$27,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,
+ $00,$60,$07,$00,$00,$54,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0D,$0A,
+ $73,$74,$75,$62,$2E,$68,$20,$67,$65,$6E,$65,$72,$61,$74,$65,
+ $64,$20,$66,$72,$6F,$6D,$20,$73,$74,$75,$62,$2E,$61,$73,$6D,
+ $20,$62,$79,$20,$64,$6A,$61,$73,$6D,$2C,$20,$6F,$6E,$20,$54,
+ $68,$75,$20,$44,$65,$63,$20,$20,$39,$20,$31,$30,$3A,$35,$39,
+ $3A,$33,$31,$20,$31,$39,$39,$39,$0D,$0A,$54,$68,$65,$20,$53,
+ $54,$55,$42,$2E,$45,$58,$45,$20,$73,$74,$75,$62,$20,$6C,$6F,
+ $61,$64,$65,$72,$20,$69,$73,$20,$43,$6F,$70,$79,$72,$69,$67,
+ $68,$74,$20,$28,$43,$29,$20,$31,$39,$39,$33,$2D,$31,$39,$39,
+ $35,$20,$44,$4A,$20,$44,$65,$6C,$6F,$72,$69,$65,$2E,$20,$0D,
+ $0A,$50,$65,$72,$6D,$69,$73,$73,$69,$6F,$6E,$20,$67,$72,$61,
+ $6E,$74,$65,$64,$20,$74,$6F,$20,$75,$73,$65,$20,$66,$6F,$72,
+ $20,$61,$6E,$79,$20,$70,$75,$72,$70,$6F,$73,$65,$20,$70,$72,
+ $6F,$76,$69,$64,$65,$64,$20,$74,$68,$69,$73,$20,$63,$6F,$70,
+ $79,$72,$69,$67,$68,$74,$20,$0D,$0A,$72,$65,$6D,$61,$69,$6E,
+ $73,$20,$70,$72,$65,$73,$65,$6E,$74,$20,$61,$6E,$64,$20,$75,
+ $6E,$6D,$6F,$64,$69,$66,$69,$65,$64,$2E,$20,$0D,$0A,$54,$68,
+ $69,$73,$20,$6F,$6E,$6C,$79,$20,$61,$70,$70,$6C,$69,$65,$73,
+ $20,$74,$6F,$20,$74,$68,$65,$20,$73,$74,$75,$62,$2C,$20,$61,
+ $6E,$64,$20,$6E,$6F,$74,$20,$6E,$65,$63,$65,$73,$73,$61,$72,
+ $69,$6C,$79,$20,$74,$68,$65,$20,$77,$68,$6F,$6C,$65,$20,$70,
+ $72,$6F,$67,$72,$61,$6D,$2E,$0A,$0D,$0A,$24,$49,$64,$3A,$20,
+ $73,$74,$75,$62,$2E,$61,$73,$6D,$20,$62,$75,$69,$6C,$74,$20,
+ $31,$32,$2F,$30,$39,$2F,$39,$39,$20,$31,$30,$3A,$35,$39,$3A,
+ $33,$31,$20,$62,$79,$20,$64,$6A,$61,$73,$6D,$20,$24,$0A,$0D,
+ $0A,$40,$28,$23,$29,$20,$73,$74,$75,$62,$2E,$61,$73,$6D,$20,
+ $62,$75,$69,$6C,$74,$20,$31,$32,$2F,$30,$39,$2F,$39,$39,$20,
+ $31,$30,$3A,$35,$39,$3A,$33,$31,$20,$62,$79,$20,$64,$6A,$61,
+ $73,$6D,$0A,$0D,$0A,$1A,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$67,$6F,$33,$32,$73,$74,$75,$62,$2C,$20,$76,$20,$32,
+ $2E,$30,$32,$54,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$08,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$40,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$43,$57,$53,$44,$50,
+ $4D,$49,$2E,$45,$58,$45,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0E,$1F,$8C,$1E,
+ $24,$00,$8C,$06,$60,$07,$FC,$B4,$30,$CD,$21,$3C,$03,$73,$08,
+ $B0,$6D,$BA,$A7,$05,$E9,$D4,$03,$A2,$69,$08,$BE,$20,$00,$8B,
+ $04,$09,$C0,$75,$02,$B4,$FE,$BB,$70,$08,$39,$C3,$73,$02,$89,
+ $C3,$89,$1C,$FE,$C7,$B9,$04,$FF,$D3,$EB,$B4,$4A,$CD,$21,$73,
+ $08,$D3,$E3,$FE,$CF,$89,$1C,$EB,$D8,$26,$8E,$06,$2C,$00,$31,
+ $FF,$30,$C0,$A9,$F2,$AE,$26,$81,$3D,$50,$41,$75,$15,$AF,$26,
+ $81,$3D,$54,$48,$75,$0D,$AF,$26,$80,$3D,$3D,$75,$06,$47,$89,
+ $3E,$8C,$04,$4F,$AE,$75,$DF,$AF,$B4,$3E,$BB,$13,$00,$CD,$21,
+ $B4,$3E,$BB,$12,$00,$CD,$21,$06,$57,$31,$C9,$74,$12,$B0,$6E,
+ $BA,$7E,$05,$E9,$5E,$03,$09,$C9,$75,$F4,$41,$E8,$A1,$03,$72,
+ $EE,$B8,$87,$16,$CD,$2F,$09,$C0,$75,$ED,$80,$E3,$01,$74,$E8,
+ $89,$3E,$00,$06,$8C,$06,$02,$06,$89,$36,$04,$06,$5F,$07,$E8,
+ $D3,$02,$89,$3E,$2A,$00,$89,$36,$62,$07,$80,$3E,$2C,$00,$00,
+ $74,$23,$B9,$08,$00,$BF,$2C,$00,$8A,$05,$47,$08,$C0,$74,$05,
+ $88,$07,$43,$E2,$F4,$66,$C7,$07,$2E,$45,$58,$45,$83,$C3,$04,
+ $C6,$07,$00,$89,$1E,$62,$07,$B8,$00,$3D,$BA,$64,$07,$CD,$21,
+ $0F,$82,$B3,$02,$A3,$06,$06,$89,$C3,$B9,$06,$00,$BA,$B5,$07,
+ $B4,$3F,$CD,$21,$31,$D2,$31,$C9,$A1,$B5,$07,$3D,$4C,$01,$74,
+ $1B,$3D,$4D,$5A,$0F,$85,$98,$02,$8B,$16,$B9,$07,$C1,$E2,$09,
+ $8B,$1E,$B7,$07,$09,$DB,$74,$05,$80,$EE,$02,$01,$DA,$89,$16,
+ $BB,$07,$89,$0E,$BD,$07,$B8,$00,$42,$8B,$1E,$06,$06,$CD,$21,
+ $B9,$A8,$00,$BA,$BF,$07,$B4,$3F,$CD,$21,$3D,$A8,$00,$75,$06,
+ $81,$3E,$BF,$07,$4C,$01,$0F,$85,$61,$02,$66,$A1,$E3,$07,$66,
+ $A3,$10,$06,$66,$8B,$0E,$BB,$07,$66,$A1,$03,$08,$66,$01,$C8,
+ $66,$A3,$08,$06,$66,$A1,$2B,$08,$66,$01,$C8,$66,$A3,$0C,$06,
+ $66,$8B,$1E,$4B,$08,$66,$A1,$4F,$08,$66,$01,$C3,$66,$B8,$01,
+ $00,$01,$00,$66,$39,$C3,$73,$03,$66,$89,$C3,$66,$81,$C3,$FF,
+ $FF,$00,$00,$31,$DB,$66,$89,$1E,$1C,$00,$E8,$F5,$02,$8B,$1E,
+ $04,$06,$09,$DB,$74,$0A,$B4,$48,$CD,$21,$0F,$82,$15,$02,$8E,
+ $C0,$E8,$08,$03,$B8,$01,$00,$FF,$1E,$00,$06,$0F,$82,$0F,$02,
+ $8C,$06,$26,$00,$8C,$0E,$28,$00,$8C,$D8,$A3,$22,$00,$8E,$C0,
+ $31,$C0,$B9,$01,$00,$CD,$31,$72,$07,$A3,$14,$06,$31,$C0,$CD,
+ $31,$0F,$82,$F3,$01,$A3,$16,$06,$66,$8B,$0E,$1C,$00,$B8,$01,
+ $05,$8B,$1E,$1E,$00,$CD,$31,$0F,$82,$E5,$01,$89,$1E,$1A,$06,
+ $89,$0E,$18,$06,$89,$36,$1A,$00,$89,$3E,$18,$00,$B8,$07,$00,
+ $8B,$1E,$14,$06,$8B,$0E,$1A,$06,$8B,$16,$18,$06,$CD,$31,$B8,
+ $09,$00,$8C,$C9,$83,$E1,$03,$C1,$E1,$05,$51,$81,$C9,$9B,$C0,
+ $CD,$31,$B8,$08,$00,$8B,$0E,$1E,$00,$49,$BA,$FF,$FF,$CD,$31,
+ $B8,$07,$00,$8B,$1E,$16,$06,$8B,$0E,$1A,$06,$8B,$16,$18,$06,
+ $CD,$31,$B8,$09,$00,$59,$81,$C9,$93,$C0,$CD,$31,$B8,$08,$00,
+ $8B,$0E,$1E,$00,$49,$BA,$FF,$FF,$CD,$31,$B8,$00,$01,$BB,$00,
+ $0F,$CD,$31,$73,$10,$3D,$08,$00,$0F,$85,$73,$01,$B8,$00,$01,
+ $CD,$31,$0F,$82,$6A,$01,$A3,$1C,$06,$89,$16,$1E,$06,$C1,$E3,
+ $04,$89,$1E,$20,$06,$66,$8B,$36,$08,$06,$66,$8B,$3E,$FB,$07,
+ $66,$8B,$0E,$FF,$07,$E8,$49,$00,$66,$8B,$36,$0C,$06,$66,$8B,
+ $3E,$23,$08,$66,$8B,$0E,$27,$08,$E8,$37,$00,$8E,$06,$16,$06,
+ $66,$8B,$3E,$4B,$08,$66,$8B,$0E,$4F,$08,$66,$31,$C0,$66,$C1,
+ $E9,$02,$67,$F3,$66,$AB,$B4,$3E,$8B,$1E,$06,$06,$CD,$21,$B8,
+ $01,$01,$8B,$16,$1E,$06,$CD,$31,$1E,$0F,$A1,$8E,$1E,$16,$06,
+ $66,$64,$FF,$2E,$10,$06,$66,$89,$F0,$66,$25,$FF,$01,$00,$00,
+ $66,$01,$C1,$29,$C6,$66,$29,$C7,$66,$89,$0E,$26,$06,$66,$89,
+ $3E,$22,$06,$E8,$0F,$01,$89,$36,$3E,$06,$66,$C1,$EE,$10,$89,
+ $36,$42,$06,$8B,$1E,$06,$06,$89,$1E,$3A,$06,$C7,$06,$46,$06,
+ $00,$42,$E8,$03,$01,$A1,$1C,$06,$A3,$4E,$06,$C7,$06,$3E,$06,
+ $00,$00,$C6,$06,$47,$06,$3F,$A1,$28,$06,$09,$C0,$75,$09,$A1,
+ $26,$06,$3B,$06,$20,$06,$76,$03,$A1,$20,$06,$A3,$42,$06,$E8,
+ $D9,$00,$66,$31,$C9,$8B,$0E,$46,$06,$66,$8B,$3E,$22,$06,$66,
+ $01,$0E,$22,$06,$66,$29,$0E,$26,$06,$66,$31,$F6,$C1,$E9,$02,
+ $1E,$06,$8E,$06,$16,$06,$8E,$1E,$1E,$06,$67,$F3,$66,$A5,$07,
+ $1F,$66,$03,$0E,$26,$06,$75,$AF,$C3,$3C,$3A,$74,$06,$3C,$2F,
+ $74,$02,$3C,$5C,$C3,$BE,$64,$07,$89,$F3,$26,$8A,$05,$47,$88,
+ $04,$38,$E0,$74,$0E,$08,$C0,$74,$0A,$46,$E8,$DE,$FF,$75,$EC,
+ $89,$F3,$74,$E8,$C3,$B0,$66,$BA,$48,$05,$EB,$0C,$B0,$67,$BA,
+ $55,$05,$EB,$05,$B0,$68,$BA,$5F,$05,$52,$8B,$1E,$62,$07,$C6,
+ $07,$24,$BB,$64,$07,$EB,$28,$E8,$F5,$00,$B0,$69,$BA,$99,$05,
+ $EB,$1A,$B0,$6A,$BA,$B2,$05,$EB,$13,$B0,$6B,$BA,$C4,$05,$EB,
+ $0C,$B0,$6C,$BA,$D6,$05,$EB,$05,$B0,$69,$BA,$99,$05,$52,$BB,
+ $3B,$05,$E8,$15,$00,$5B,$E8,$11,$00,$BB,$67,$04,$E8,$0B,$00,
+ $B4,$4C,$CD,$21,$43,$50,$B4,$02,$CD,$21,$58,$8A,$17,$80,$FA,
+ $24,$75,$F2,$C3,$0D,$0A,$24,$50,$51,$57,$31,$C0,$BF,$2A,$06,
+ $B9,$19,$00,$F3,$AB,$5F,$59,$58,$C3,$B8,$00,$03,$BB,$21,$00,
+ $31,$C9,$66,$BF,$2A,$06,$00,$00,$CD,$31,$C3,$00,$00,$30,$E4,
+ $E8,$4E,$FF,$89,$DE,$8B,$3E,$8C,$04,$EB,$17,$B4,$3B,$E8,$41,
+ $FF,$81,$FE,$64,$07,$74,$12,$8A,$44,$FF,$E8,$2A,$FF,$74,$04,
+ $C6,$04,$5C,$46,$E8,$03,$00,$72,$E4,$C3,$E8,$34,$00,$BB,$44,
+ $00,$8A,$07,$88,$04,$43,$46,$08,$C0,$75,$F6,$06,$57,$1E,$07,
+ $E8,$9B,$FF,$BB,$2A,$06,$8C,$5F,$04,$89,$5F,$02,$BA,$64,$07,
+ $B8,$00,$4B,$CD,$21,$5F,$07,$72,$09,$B4,$4D,$CD,$21,$2D,$00,
+ $03,$F7,$D8,$EB,$28,$80,$3E,$69,$08,$05,$72,$20,$B8,$00,$58,
+ $CD,$21,$A2,$67,$08,$B8,$02,$58,$CD,$21,$A2,$68,$08,$B8,$01,
+ $58,$BB,$80,$00,$CD,$21,$B8,$03,$58,$BB,$01,$00,$CD,$21,$C3,
+ $9C,$80,$3E,$69,$08,$05,$72,$1A,$50,$53,$B8,$03,$58,$8A,$1E,
+ $68,$08,$30,$FF,$CD,$21,$B8,$01,$58,$8A,$1E,$67,$08,$30,$FF,
+ $CD,$21,$5B,$58,$9D,$C3,$4C,$6F,$61,$64,$20,$65,$72,$72,$6F,
+ $72,$3A,$20,$24,$3A,$20,$63,$61,$6E,$27,$74,$20,$6F,$70,$65,
+ $6E,$24,$3A,$20,$6E,$6F,$74,$20,$45,$58,$45,$24,$3A,$20,$6E,
+ $6F,$74,$20,$43,$4F,$46,$46,$20,$28,$43,$68,$65,$63,$6B,$20,
+ $66,$6F,$72,$20,$76,$69,$72,$75,$73,$65,$73,$29,$24,$6E,$6F,
+ $20,$44,$50,$4D,$49,$20,$2D,$20,$47,$65,$74,$20,$63,$73,$64,
+ $70,$6D,$69,$2A,$62,$2E,$7A,$69,$70,$24,$6E,$6F,$20,$44,$4F,
+ $53,$20,$6D,$65,$6D,$6F,$72,$79,$24,$6E,$65,$65,$64,$20,$44,
+ $4F,$53,$20,$33,$24,$63,$61,$6E,$27,$74,$20,$73,$77,$69,$74,
+ $63,$68,$20,$6D,$6F,$64,$65,$24,$6E,$6F,$20,$44,$50,$4D,$49,
+ $20,$73,$65,$6C,$65,$63,$74,$6F,$72,$73,$24,$6E,$6F,$20,$44,
+ $50,$4D,$49,$20,$6D,$65,$6D,$6F,$72,$79,$24,$90,$90,$90,$90,
+ $90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,
+ $90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90);
+ TCoffObjectSection
+ constructor tcoffobjectsection.create(const aname:string;atype:tasmsectiontype;aalign:longint;aoptions:TAsmSectionOptions);
+ begin
+ inherited create(aname,atype,aalign,aoptions);
+ Flags:=0;
+ end;
+ procedure TCoffObjectSection.addsymsizereloc(ofs:longint;p:tasmsymbol;size:longint;relative:TAsmRelocationType);
+ begin
+ relocations.concat(tasmrelocation.createsymbolsize(ofs,p,size,relative));
+ end;
+ procedure TCoffObjectSection.fixuprelocs;
+ var
+ r : TAsmRelocation;
+ address,
+ relocval : longint;
+ begin
+ r:=TAsmRelocation(relocations.first);
+ if assigned(r) and
+ (not assigned(data)) then
+ internalerror(200205183);
+ while assigned(r) do
+ begin
+ if assigned(r.symbol) then
+ relocval:=r.symbol.address
+ else
+ internalerror(200205183);
+ data.Seek(r.address);
+ data.Read(address,4);
+ case r.typ of
+ begin
+ dec(address,mempos);
+ inc(address,relocval);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if r.symbol.section.sectype=sec_common then
+ dec(address,r.orgsize)
+ else
+ begin
+ { fixup address when the symbol was known in defined object }
+ if (r.symbol.section<>nil) and
+ (r.symbol.owner=owner) then
+ dec(address,TCoffObjectSection(r.symbol.section).orgmempos);
+ end;
+ inc(address,relocval);
+ end;
+ end;
+ data.Seek(r.address);
+ data.Write(address,4);
+ { goto next reloc }
+ r:=TAsmRelocation(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TDjCoffObjectSection
+ constructor tdjcoffobjectsection.create(const aname:string;atype:tasmsectiontype;aalign:longint;aoptions:TAsmSectionOptions);
+ begin
+ inherited create(aname,atype,aalign,aoptions);
+ case atype of
+ sec_code :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$20;
+ addralign:=16;
+ end;
+ sec_data :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$40;
+ addralign:=16;
+ end;
+ sec_bss :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$80;
+ addralign:=16;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TPECoffObjectSection
+ constructor tpecoffobjectsection.create(const aname:string;atype:tasmsectiontype;aalign:longint;aoptions:TAsmSectionOptions);
+ begin
+ inherited create(aname,atype,aalign,aoptions);
+ case atype of
+ sec_code :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$60000020;
+ addralign:=16;
+ end;
+ sec_data :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$c0300040;
+ addralign:=16;
+ end;
+ sec_bss :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$c0300080;
+ addralign:=16;
+ end;
+ sec_idata2,
+ sec_idata4,
+ sec_idata5,
+ sec_idata6,
+ sec_idata7 :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$40000000;
+ end;
+ sec_edata :
+ begin
+ Flags:=$c0300040;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tcoffobjectdata
+ constructor tcoffobjectdata.createcoff(const n:string;awin32:boolean;acasmsection:TAsmSectionClass);
+ begin
+ inherited create(n);
+ CAsmSection:=ACAsmSection;
+ win32:=awin32;
+ { we need at least the following 3 sections }
+ createsection(sec_code,'',0,[]);
+ createsection(sec_data,'',0,[]);
+ createsection(sec_bss,'',0,[]);
+ if (cs_use_lineinfo in aktglobalswitches) or
+ (cs_debuginfo in aktmoduleswitches) then
+ begin
+ stabssec:=createsection(sec_stab,'',0,[]);
+ stabstrsec:=createsection(sec_stabstr,'',0,[]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ destructor tcoffobjectdata.destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ function TCoffObjectData.sectionname(atype:tasmsectiontype;const aname:string):string;
+ const
+ secnames : array[tasmsectiontype] of string[16] = ('',
+ '.text','.data','.data','.bss','.threadvar',
+ 'common',
+ '.note',
+ '.text',
+ '.stab','.stabstr',
+ '.idata$2','.idata$4','.idata$5','.idata$6','.idata$7','.edata',
+ '.eh_frame',
+ '.debug_frame',
+ '.fpc'
+ );
+ begin
+ { No support for named sections, because section names are limited to 8 chars }
+ result:=secnames[atype];
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectdata.writesymbol(p:tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ if currsec=nil then
+ internalerror(200403071);
+ { already written ? }
+ if p.indexnr<>-1 then
+ exit;
+ { calculate symbol index }
+ if (p.currbind<>AB_LOCAL) then
+ begin
+ { insert the symbol in the local index, the indexarray
+ will take care of the numbering }
+ symbols.insert(p);
+ end
+ else
+ p.indexnr:=-2; { local }
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectdata.writereloc(data,len:aint;p:tasmsymbol;relative:TAsmRelocationType);
+ var
+ curraddr,
+ symaddr : longint;
+ begin
+ if currsec=nil then
+ internalerror(200403072);
+ if assigned(p) then
+ begin
+ { current address }
+ curraddr:=currsec.mempos+currsec.datasize;
+ { external/common symbols don't have a fixed memory position yet }
+ if (p.currbind=AB_COMMON) then
+ begin
+ { For go32v2 we need to use the size as address }
+ if not win32 then
+ symaddr:=p.size
+ else
+ symaddr:=0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ symaddr:=p.address;
+ if assigned(p.section) then
+ inc(symaddr,p.section.mempos);
+ end;
+ { no symbol relocation need inside a section }
+ if (p.section=currsec) and
+ (p.currbind<>AB_COMMON) then
+ begin
+ case relative of
+ begin
+ currsec.addsectionreloc(curraddr,currsec,RELOC_ABSOLUTE);
+ inc(data,symaddr);
+ end;
+ begin
+ inc(data,symaddr-len-currsec.datasize);
+ end;
+ begin
+ currsec.addsectionreloc(curraddr,currsec,RELOC_RVA);
+ inc(data,symaddr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ writesymbol(p);
+ if (p.section<>nil) and
+ (p.currbind<>AB_COMMON) and
+ (relative<>RELOC_RELATIVE) then
+ currsec.addsectionreloc(curraddr,p.section,relative)
+ else
+ currsec.addsymreloc(curraddr,p,relative);
+ if (not win32) or
+ ((relative<>RELOC_RELATIVE) and (p.section<>nil)) then
+ inc(data,symaddr);
+ if relative=RELOC_RELATIVE then
+ begin
+ if win32 then
+ dec(data,len-4)
+ else
+ dec(data,len+currsec.datasize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ currsec.write(data,len);
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectdata.writestab(offset:aint;ps:tasmsymbol;nidx,nother,line:longint;p:pchar);
+ var
+ stab : coffstab;
+ curraddr : longint;
+ begin
+ { Win32 does not need an offset if a symbol relocation is used }
+ if win32 and
+ assigned(ps) and
+ (ps.currbind<>AB_LOCAL) then
+ offset:=0;
+ if assigned(p) and (p[0]<>#0) then
+ begin
+ stab.strpos:=StabStrSec.datasize;
+ StabStrSec.write(p^,strlen(p)+1);
+ end
+ else
+ stab.strpos:=0;
+ stab.ntype:=nidx;
+ stab.ndesc:=line;
+ stab.nother:=nother;
+ stab.nvalue:=offset;
+ StabsSec.write(stab,sizeof(stab));
+ if assigned(ps) then
+ begin
+ writesymbol(ps);
+ { current address }
+ curraddr:=StabsSec.mempos+StabsSec.datasize;
+ if DLLSource and RelocSection then
+ { avoid relocation in the .stab section
+ because it ends up in the .reloc section instead }
+ StabsSec.addsymreloc(curraddr-4,ps,RELOC_RVA)
+ else
+ StabsSec.addsymreloc(curraddr-4,ps,RELOC_ABSOLUTE);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectdata.section_mempos(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ begin
+ tcoffobjectsection(p).memsize:=tcoffobjectsection(p).datasize;
+ { memory position is in arg }
+ if not win32 then
+ begin
+ tcoffobjectsection(p).mempos:=plongint(arg)^;
+ inc(plongint(arg)^,align(tcoffobjectsection(p).memsize,tcoffobjectsection(p).addralign));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectdata.beforealloc;
+ begin
+ { create stabs sections if debugging }
+ if (cs_debuginfo in aktmoduleswitches) then
+ begin
+ StabsSec.Alloc(sizeof(coffstab));
+ StabStrSec.Alloc(length(SplitFileName(current_module.mainsource^))+2);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectdata.beforewrite;
+ var
+ s : string;
+ begin
+ { create stabs sections if debugging }
+ if (cs_debuginfo in aktmoduleswitches) then
+ begin
+ writestab(0,nil,0,0,0,nil);
+ { write zero pchar and name together (PM) }
+ s:=#0+SplitFileName(current_module.mainsource^)+#0;
+ stabstrsec.write(s[1],length(s));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectdata.afteralloc;
+ var
+ mempos : longint;
+ begin
+ { if debug then also count header stab }
+ if (cs_debuginfo in aktmoduleswitches) then
+ begin
+ StabsSec.Alloc(sizeof(coffstab));
+ StabStrSec.Alloc(length(SplitFileName(current_module.mainsource^))+2);
+ end;
+ { calc mempos }
+ mempos:=0;
+ sects.foreach(@section_mempos,@mempos);
+ end;
+ tdjcoffobjectdata
+ constructor tdjcoffobjectdata.create(const n:string);
+ begin
+ inherited createcoff(n,false,tdjcoffobjectsection);
+ end;
+ tpecoffobjectdata
+ constructor tpecoffobjectdata.create(const n:string);
+ begin
+ inherited createcoff(n,true,tpecoffobjectsection);
+ end;
+ tcoffobjectoutput
+ constructor tcoffobjectoutput.createdjgpp(smart:boolean);
+ begin
+ inherited create(smart);
+ win32:=false;
+ end;
+ constructor tcoffobjectoutput.createwin32(smart:boolean);
+ begin
+ inherited create(smart);
+ win32:=true;
+ end;
+ function tcoffobjectoutput.newobjectdata(const n:string):TAsmObjectData;
+ begin
+ if win32 then
+ result:=tpecoffobjectdata.create(n)
+ else
+ result:=tdjcoffobjectdata.create(n);
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.write_symbol(const name:string;value,section,typ,aux:longint);
+ var
+ sym : coffsymbol;
+ begin
+ FillChar(sym,sizeof(sym),0);
+ { symbolname }
+ if length(name)>8 then
+ begin
+ sym.strpos:=FCoffStrs.size+4;
+ FCoffStrs.writestr(name);
+ FCoffStrs.writestr(#0);
+ end
+ else
+ move(name[1],,length(name));
+ sym.value:=value;
+ sym.section:=section;
+ sym.typ:=typ;
+ sym.aux:=aux;
+ FWriter.write(sym,sizeof(sym));
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.section_write_symbol(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ secrec : coffsectionrec;
+ begin
+ write_symbol(tasmsection(p).name,tasmsection(p).mempos,tasmsection(p).secsymidx,3,1);
+ fillchar(secrec,sizeof(secrec),0);
+ secrec.len:=tasmsection(p).aligneddatasize;
+ secrec.nrelocs:=tasmsection(p).relocations.count;
+ FWriter.write(secrec,sizeof(secrec));
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.section_write_relocs(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ rel : coffreloc;
+ r : TAsmRelocation;
+ begin
+ r:=TasmRelocation(tasmsection(p).relocations.first);
+ while assigned(r) do
+ begin
+ rel.address:=r.address;
+ if assigned(r.symbol) then
+ begin
+ if (r.symbol.currbind=AB_LOCAL) then
+ rel.sym:=2*r.symbol.section.secsymidx
+ else
+ begin
+ if r.symbol.indexnr=-1 then
+ internalerror(4321);
+ { indexnr starts with 1, coff starts with 0 }
+ rel.sym:=r.symbol.indexnr+initsym-1;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if r.section<>nil then
+ rel.sym:=2*r.section.secsymidx
+ else
+ rel.sym:=0;
+ end;
+ case r.typ of
+ rel.relative:=$14;
+ rel.relative:=$6;
+ rel.relative:=$7;
+ end;
+ FWriter.write(rel,sizeof(rel));
+ r:=TAsmRelocation(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.write_symbols(data:TAsmObjectData);
+ var
+ filename : string[18];
+ value : longint;
+ sectionval,
+ globalval : byte;
+ p : tasmsymbol;
+ begin
+ with tcoffobjectdata(data) do
+ begin
+ { The `.file' record, and the file name auxiliary record }
+ write_symbol('.file', 0, -2, $67, 1);
+ fillchar(filename,sizeof(filename),0);
+ filename:=SplitFileName(current_module.mainsource^);
+ FWriter.write(filename[1],sizeof(filename)-1);
+ { The section records, with their auxiliaries, also store the
+ symbol index }
+ Sects.foreach(@section_write_symbol,nil);
+ { The symbols used }
+ p:=Tasmsymbol(symbols.First);
+ while assigned(p) do
+ begin
+ if assigned(p.section) and
+ (p.currbind<>AB_COMMON) then
+ sectionval:=p.section.secsymidx
+ else
+ sectionval:=0;
+ if p.currbind=AB_LOCAL then
+ globalval:=3
+ else
+ globalval:=2;
+ { if local of global then set the section value to the address
+ of the symbol }
+ if p.currbind in [AB_LOCAL,AB_GLOBAL] then
+ value:=p.address+p.section.mempos
+ else
+ value:=p.size;
+ { symbolname }
+ write_symbol(,value,sectionval,globalval,0);
+ p:=tasmsymbol(p.indexnext);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.section_set_secsymidx(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ begin
+ inc(plongint(arg)^);
+ tasmsection(p).secsymidx:=plongint(arg)^;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.section_set_datapos(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ begin
+ tasmsection(p).datapos:=plongint(arg)^;
+ if not(aso_alloconly in tasmsection(p).secoptions) then
+ inc(plongint(arg)^,tasmsection(p).aligneddatasize);
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.section_set_reloc_datapos(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ begin
+ TCoffObjectSection(p).coffrelocpos:=plongint(arg)^;
+ inc(plongint(arg)^,sizeof(coffreloc)*tasmsection(p).relocations.count);
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.section_write_header(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ sechdr : coffsechdr;
+ s : string;
+ begin
+ fillchar(sechdr,sizeof(sechdr),0);
+ s:=tasmsection(p).name;
+ { section names are limited to 8 chars }
+ if length(s)>8 then
+ internalerror(200403312);
+ move(s[1],,length(s));
+ if not win32 then
+ begin
+ sechdr.rvaofs:=tasmsection(p).mempos;
+ sechdr.vsize:=tasmsection(p).mempos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if tasmsection(p).sectype=sec_bss then
+ sechdr.vsize:=tasmsection(p).aligneddatasize;
+ end;
+ sechdr.datasize:=tasmsection(p).aligneddatasize;
+ if (tasmsection(p).datasize>0) and
+ not(aso_alloconly in tasmsection(p).secoptions) then
+ sechdr.datapos:=tasmsection(p).datapos;
+ sechdr.nrelocs:=tasmsection(p).relocations.count;
+ sechdr.relocpos:=TCoffObjectSection(p).coffrelocpos;
+ sechdr.flags:=TCoffObjectSection(p).flags;
+ FWriter.write(sechdr,sizeof(sechdr));
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectoutput.section_write_data(p:tnamedindexitem;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ hp : pdynamicblock;
+ begin
+ if (aso_alloconly in tasmsection(p).secoptions) then
+ exit;
+ if tasmsection(p).data=nil then
+ internalerror(200403073);
+ tasmsection(p).alignsection;
+ hp:=tasmsection(p).data.firstblock;
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ FWriter.write(hp^.data,hp^.used);
+ hp:=hp^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tcoffobjectoutput.writedata(data:TAsmObjectData):boolean;
+ var
+ orgdatapos,
+ datapos,
+ nsects,
+ sympos,i : longint;
+ hstab : coffstab;
+ gotreloc : boolean;
+ header : coffheader;
+ empty : array[0..15] of byte;
+ hp : pdynamicblock;
+ s : string;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ FCoffStrs:=TDynamicArray.Create(strsresize);
+ with tcoffobjectdata(data) do
+ begin
+ { calc amount of sections we have }
+ fillchar(empty,sizeof(empty),0);
+ nsects:=0;
+ Sects.foreach(@section_set_secsymidx,@nsects);
+ initsym:=2+nsects*2; { 2 for the file }
+ { For the stab section we need an HdrSym which can now be
+ calculated more easily }
+ if StabsSec<>nil then
+ begin
+ { header stab }
+ s:=#0+SplitFileName(current_module.mainsource^)+#0;
+ stabstrsec.write(s[1],length(s));
+ hstab.strpos:=1;
+ hstab.ntype:=0;
+ hstab.nother:=0;
+ hstab.ndesc:=(StabsSec.datasize div sizeof(coffstab))-1{+1 according to gas output PM};
+ hstab.nvalue:=StabStrSec.datasize;
+ end;
+ { Calculate the filepositions }
+ datapos:=sizeof(coffheader)+sizeof(coffsechdr)*nsects;
+ { sections first }
+ Sects.foreach(@section_set_datapos,@datapos);
+ { relocs }
+ orgdatapos:=datapos;
+ Sects.foreach(@section_set_reloc_datapos,@datapos);
+ gotreloc:=(orgdatapos<>datapos);
+ { symbols }
+ sympos:=datapos;
+ { COFF header }
+ fillchar(header,sizeof(coffheader),0);
+{$ifdef i386}
+ header.mach:=$14c;
+{$endif i386}
+{$ifdef arm}
+ header.mach:=$1c0;
+{$endif arm}
+ header.nsects:=nsects;
+ header.sympos:=sympos;
+ header.syms:=symbols.count+initsym;
+ if not gotreloc then
+ header.flag:=header.flag or COFF_FLAG_NORELOCS;
+ FWriter.write(header,sizeof(header));
+ { Section headers }
+ Sects.foreach(@section_write_header,nil);
+ { Sections }
+ Sects.foreach(@section_write_data,nil);
+ { Relocs }
+ Sects.foreach(@section_write_relocs,nil);
+ { Symbols }
+ write_symbols(data);
+ { Strings }
+ i:=FCoffStrs.size+4;
+ FWriter.write(i,4);
+ hp:=FCoffStrs.firstblock;
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ FWriter.write(hp^.data,hp^.used);
+ hp:=hp^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FCoffStrs.Free;
+ end;
+ tcoffexeoutput
+ constructor tcoffexeoutput.createdjgpp;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ win32:=false;
+ end;
+ constructor tcoffexeoutput.createwin32;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ win32:=true;
+ end;
+ function tcoffexeoutput.newobjectinput:tobjectinput;
+ begin
+ if win32 then
+ result:=tcoffobjectinput.createwin32
+ else
+ result:=tcoffobjectinput.createdjgpp;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffexeoutput.write_symbol(const name:string;value,section,typ,aux:longint);
+ var
+ sym : coffsymbol;
+ begin
+ FillChar(sym,sizeof(sym),0);
+ if length(name)>8 then
+ begin
+ sym.strpos:=FCoffStrs.size+4;
+ FCoffStrs.writestr(name);
+ FCoffStrs.writestr(#0);
+ end
+ else
+ move(name[1],,length(name));
+ sym.value:=value;
+ sym.section:=section;
+ sym.typ:=typ;
+ sym.aux:=aux;
+ FWriter.write(sym,sizeof(sym));
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffexeoutput.write_symbols;
+ var
+ value,
+ sectionval,
+ globalval : byte;
+ objdata : TAsmObjectData;
+ p : tasmsymbol;
+ begin
+{$ifdef internallinker}
+ objdata:=TAsmObjectData(objdatalist.first);
+ while assigned(objdata) do
+ begin
+ with tcoffobjectdata(objdata) do
+ begin
+ { The symbols used }
+ p:=Tasmsymbol(symbols.First);
+ while assigned(p) do
+ begin
+ if p.section=sec_common then
+ sectionval:=sections[sec_bss].secsymidx
+ else
+ sectionval:=sections[].secsymidx;
+ if p.currbind=AB_LOCAL then
+ globalval:=3
+ else
+ globalval:=2;
+ { if local of global then set the section value to the address
+ of the symbol }
+ if p.currbind in [AB_LOCAL,AB_GLOBAL] then
+ value:=p.address
+ else
+ value:=p.size;
+ { symbolname }
+ if length(s)>8 then
+ begin
+ nameidx:=FCoffStrs.size+4;
+ FCoffStrs.writestr(s);
+ FCoffStrs.writestr(#0);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ nameidx:=-1;
+ namestr:=s;
+ end;
+ write_symbol(namestr,nameidx,value,sectionval,globalval,0);
+ p:=tasmsymbol(p.indexnext);
+ end;
+ end;
+ objdata:=TAsmObjectData(;
+ end;
+{$endif internallinker}
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffexeoutput.CalculateMemoryMap;
+ var
+ objdata : TAsmObjectData;
+ secsymidx,
+ mempos,
+ datapos : longint;
+ begin
+{$ifdef internallinker}
+ { retrieve amount of sections }
+ nsects:=0;
+ secsymidx:=0;
+ for sec:=low(TSection) to high(TSection) do
+ begin
+ if sections[sec].available then
+ begin
+ inc(nsects);
+ inc(secsymidx);
+ sections[sec].secsymidx:=secsymidx;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { calculate start positions after the headers }
+ datapos:=sizeof(coffheader)+sizeof(coffoptheader)+sizeof(coffsechdr)*nsects;
+ mempos:=sizeof(coffheader)+sizeof(coffoptheader)+sizeof(coffsechdr)*nsects;
+ if not win32 then
+ inc(mempos,sizeof(go32v2stub)+$1000);
+ { add sections }
+ MapObjectdata(datapos,mempos);
+ { end symbol }
+ AddGlobalSym('_etext',sections[sec_code].mempos+sections[sec_code].memsize);
+ AddGlobalSym('_edata',sections[sec_data].mempos+sections[sec_data].memsize);
+ AddGlobalSym('end',mempos);
+ { symbols }
+ nsyms:=0;
+ sympos:=0;
+ if not(cs_link_strip in aktglobalswitches) then
+ begin
+ sympos:=datapos;
+ objdata:=TAsmObjectData(objdatalist.first);
+ while assigned(objdata) do
+ begin
+ inc(nsyms,objdata.symbols.count);
+ objdata:=TAsmObjectData(;
+ end;
+ end;
+{$endif internallinker}
+ end;
+ function tcoffexeoutput.writedata:boolean;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ header : coffheader;
+ optheader : coffoptheader;
+ sechdr : coffsechdr;
+ hp : pdynamicblock;
+ objdata : TAsmObjectData;
+ hsym : tasmsymbol;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+{$ifdef internallinker}
+ FCoffSyms:=TDynamicArray.Create(symbolresize);
+ FCoffStrs:=TDynamicArray.Create(strsresize);
+ { Stub }
+ if not win32 then
+ FWriter.write(go32v2stub,sizeof(go32v2stub));
+ { COFF header }
+ fillchar(header,sizeof(header),0);
+ header.mach:=$14c;
+ header.nsects:=nsects;
+ header.sympos:=sympos;
+ header.syms:=nsyms;
+ header.opthdr:=sizeof(coffoptheader);
+ FWriter.write(header,sizeof(header));
+ { Optional COFF Header }
+ fillchar(optheader,sizeof(optheader),0);
+ optheader.magic:=$10b;
+ optheader.tsize:=sections[sec_code].memsize;
+ optheader.dsize:=sections[sec_data].memsize;
+ optheader.bsize:=sections[sec_bss].memsize;
+ hsym:=tasmsymbol('start'));
+ if not assigned(hsym) then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Entrypoint "start" not defined');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ optheader.entry:=hsym.address;
+ optheader.text_start:=sections[sec_code].mempos;
+ optheader.data_start:=sections[sec_data].mempos;
+ FWriter.write(optheader,sizeof(optheader));
+ { Section headers }
+ for sec:=low(TSection) to high(TSection) do
+ if sections[sec].available then
+ begin
+ fillchar(sechdr,sizeof(sechdr),0);
+ move(target_asm.secnames[sec][1],,length(target_asm.secnames[sec]));
+ if not win32 then
+ begin
+ sechdr.rvaofs:=sections[sec].mempos;
+ sechdr.vsize:=sections[sec].mempos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if sec=sec_bss then
+ sechdr.vsize:=sections[sec].memsize;
+ end;
+ if sec=sec_bss then
+ sechdr.datasize:=sections[sec].memsize
+ else
+ begin
+ sechdr.datasize:=sections[sec].datasize;
+ sechdr.datapos:=sections[sec].datapos;
+ end;
+ sechdr.nrelocs:=0;
+ sechdr.relocpos:=0;
+ sechdr.flags:=sections[sec].flags;
+ FWriter.write(sechdr,sizeof(sechdr));
+ end;
+ { Sections }
+ for sec:=low(TSection) to high(TSection) do
+ if sections[sec].available then
+ begin
+ { update objectfiles }
+ objdata:=TAsmObjectData(objdatalist.first);
+ while assigned(objdata) do
+ begin
+ if assigned(objdata.sects[sec]) and
+ assigned(objdata.sects[sec].data) then
+ begin
+ FWriter.WriteZeros(objdata.sects[sec].dataalignbytes);
+ hp:=objdata.sects[sec].data.firstblock;
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ FWriter.write(hp^.data,hp^.used);
+ hp:=hp^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ objdata:=TAsmObjectData(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Optional symbols }
+ if not(cs_link_strip in aktglobalswitches) then
+ begin
+ { Symbols }
+ write_symbols;
+ { Strings }
+ i:=FCoffStrs.size+4;
+ FWriter.write(i,4);
+ hp:=FCoffStrs.firstblock;
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ FWriter.write(hp^.data,hp^.used);
+ hp:=hp^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Release }
+ FCoffStrs.Free;
+ FCoffSyms.Free;
+ result:=true;
+{$endif internallinker}
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffexeoutput.GenerateExecutable(const fn:string);
+ begin
+ AddGlobalSym('_etext',0);
+ AddGlobalSym('_edata',0);
+ AddGlobalSym('end',0);
+ if not CalculateSymbols then
+ exit;
+ CalculateMemoryMap;
+ FixupSymbols;
+ FixupRelocations;
+ writeexefile(fn);
+ end;
+ tcoffobjectinput
+ constructor tcoffobjectinput.createdjgpp;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ win32:=false;
+ end;
+ constructor tcoffobjectinput.createwin32;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ win32:=true;
+ end;
+ function tcoffobjectinput.newobjectdata(const n:string):TAsmObjectData;
+ begin
+ if win32 then
+ result:=tpecoffobjectdata.create(n)
+ else
+ result:=tdjcoffobjectdata.create(n);
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectinput.read_relocs(s:TCoffObjectSection);
+ var
+ rel : coffreloc;
+ rel_type : TAsmRelocationType;
+ i : longint;
+ p : tasmsymbol;
+ begin
+ for i:=1 to s.coffrelocs do
+ begin
+ case rel.relative of
+ $14 : rel_type:=RELOC_RELATIVE;
+ $06 : rel_type:=RELOC_ABSOLUTE;
+ $07 : rel_type:=RELOC_RVA;
+ else
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ p:=FSymTbl^[rel.sym].sym;
+ if assigned(p) then
+ begin
+ s.addsymsizereloc(rel.address-s.mempos,p,FSymTbl^[rel.sym].orgsize,rel_type);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcoffobjectinput.handle_symbols(data:TAsmObjectData);
+ var
+ size,
+ address,
+ i,nsyms,
+ symidx : longint;
+ sym : coffsymbol;
+ strname : string;
+ p : tasmsymbol;
+ bind : Tasmsymbind;
+ auxrec : array[0..17] of byte;
+ begin
+{$ifdef internallinker}
+ with tcoffobjectdata(data) do
+ begin
+ nsyms:=FCoffSyms.Size div sizeof(CoffSymbol);
+ { Allocate memory for symidx -> tasmsymbol table }
+ GetMem(FSymTbl,nsyms*sizeof(ttasmsymbolrec));
+ FillChar(FSymTbl^,nsyms*sizeof(ttasmsymbolrec),0);
+ { Loop all symbols }
+ FCoffSyms.Seek(0);
+ symidx:=0;
+ while (symidx<nsyms) do
+ begin
+ FCoffSyms.Read(sym,sizeof(sym));
+ if plongint(^<>0 then
+ begin
+ move(,strname[1],8);
+ strname[9]:=#0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FCoffStrs.Seek(sym.strpos-4);
+ FCoffStrs.Read(strname[1],255);
+ strname[255]:=#0;
+ end;
+ strname[0]:=chr(strlen(@strname[1]));
+ if strname='' then
+ Internalerror(200205172);
+ bind:=AB_EXTERNAL;
+ sec:=sec_none;
+ size:=0;
+ address:=0;
+ case sym.typ of
+ begin
+ if sym.section=0 then
+ begin
+ if sym.value=0 then
+ else
+ begin
+ bind:=AB_COMMON;
+ size:=sym.value;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ bind:=AB_GLOBAL;
+ sec:=Fidx2sec[sym.section];
+ if assigned(sects[sec]) then
+ begin
+ if sym.value>=sects[sec].mempos then
+ address:=sym.value-sects[sec].mempos
+ else
+ internalerror(432432432);
+ end
+ else
+ internalerror(34243214);
+ end;
+ p:=TAsmSymbol.Create(strname,bind,AT_FUNCTION);
+ p.SetAddress(0,sec,address,size);
+ p.objectdata:=data;
+ symbols.insert(p);
+ end;
+ begin
+ { do not add constants (section=-1) }
+ if sym.section<>-1 then
+ begin
+ bind:=AB_LOCAL;
+ sec:=Fidx2sec[sym.section];
+ if assigned(sects[sec]) then
+ begin
+ if sym.value>=sects[sec].mempos then
+ address:=sym.value-sects[sec].mempos
+ else
+ internalerror(432432432);
+ end
+ else
+ internalerror(34243214);
+ p:=TAsmSymbol.Create(strname,bind,AT_FUNCTION);
+ p.SetAddress(0,sec,address,size);
+ p.objectdata:=data;
+ symbols.insert(p);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(4342343);
+ end;
+ FSymTbl^[symidx].sym:=p;
+ FSymTbl^[symidx].orgsize:=size;
+ { read aux records }
+ for i:=1 to sym.aux do
+ begin
+ FCoffSyms.Read(auxrec,sizeof(auxrec));
+ inc(symidx);
+ end;
+ inc(symidx);
+ end;
+ end;
+{$endif internallinker}
+ end;
+ function tcoffobjectinput.readobjectdata(data:TAsmObjectData):boolean;
+ var
+ strsize,
+ i : longint;
+ header : coffheader;
+ sechdr : coffsechdr;
+ secname : array[0..15] of char;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+{$ifdef internallinker}
+ FCoffSyms:=TDynamicArray.Create(symbolresize);
+ FCoffStrs:=TDynamicArray.Create(strsresize);
+ with tcoffobjectdata(data) do
+ begin
+ FillChar(Fidx2sec,sizeof(Fidx2sec),0);
+ { Read COFF header }
+ if not,sizeof(coffheader)) then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+{$ifdef i386}
+ if header.mach<>$14c then
+{$endif i386}
+{$ifdef arm}
+ if header.mach<>$1c0 then
+{$endif arm}
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Not a coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if header.nsects>255 then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'To many sections');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Section headers }
+ for i:=1 to header.nsects do
+ begin
+ if not,sizeof(sechdr)) then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ move(,secname,8);
+ secname[8]:=#0;
+ sec:=str2sec(strpas(secname));
+ if sec<>sec_none then
+ begin
+ Fidx2sec[i]:=sec;
+ createsection(sec);
+ if not win32 then
+ sects[sec].mempos:=sechdr.rvaofs;
+ TCoffObjectSection(sects[sec]).coffrelocs:=sechdr.nrelocs;
+ TCoffObjectSection(sects[sec]).coffrelocpos:=sechdr.relocpos;
+ sects[sec].datapos:=sechdr.datapos;
+ sects[sec].datasize:=sechdr.datasize;
+ sects[sec].memsize:=sechdr.datasize;
+ TCoffObjectSection(sects[sec]).orgmempos:=sects[sec].mempos;
+ sects[sec].flags:=sechdr.flags;
+ end
+ else
+ Comment(V_Warning,'skipping unsupported section '+strpas(;
+ end;
+ { Symbols }
+ Reader.Seek(header.sympos);
+ if not Reader.ReadArray(FCoffSyms,header.syms*sizeof(CoffSymbol)) then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Strings }
+ if not Reader.Read(strsize,4) then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if strsize<4 then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if not Reader.ReadArray(FCoffStrs,Strsize-4) then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Insert all symbols }
+ handle_symbols(data);
+ { Sections }
+ for sec:=low(TSection) to high(TSection) do
+ if assigned(sects[sec]) and
+ (sec<>sec_bss) then
+ begin
+ Reader.Seek(sects[sec].datapos);
+ if not Reader.ReadArray(sects[sec].data,sects[sec].datasize) then
+ begin
+ Comment(V_Error,'Error reading coff file');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Relocs }
+ for sec:=low(TSection) to high(TSection) do
+ if assigned(sects[sec]) and
+ (TCoffObjectSection(sects[sec]).coffrelocs>0) then
+ begin
+ Reader.Seek(TCoffObjectSection(sects[sec]).coffrelocpos);
+ read_relocs(TCoffObjectSection(sects[sec]));
+ end;
+ end;
+ FCoffStrs.Free;
+ FCoffSyms.Free;
+ result:=true;
+{$endif internallinker}
+ end;
+ TCoffAssembler
+ constructor TCoffAssembler.Create(smart:boolean);
+ begin
+ inherited Create(smart);
+ objectoutput:=tcoffobjectoutput.createdjgpp(smart);
+ end;
+ TPECoffAssembler
+ constructor TPECoffAssembler.Create(smart:boolean);
+ begin
+ inherited Create(smart);
+ objectoutput:=tcoffobjectoutput.createwin32(smart);
+ end;
+ TCoffLinker
+ constructor TCoffLinker.Create;
+ begin
+ inherited Create;
+ exeoutput:=tcoffexeoutput.createdjgpp;
+ end;
+ Initialize
+ const
+ as_i386_coff_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_i386_coff;
+ idtxt : 'COFF';
+ asmbin : '';
+ asmcmd : '';
+ supported_target : system_i386_go32v2;
+ flags : [af_outputbinary];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ comment : '';
+ );
+ as_i386_pecoff_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_i386_pecoff;
+ idtxt : 'PECOFF';
+ asmbin : '';
+ asmcmd : '';
+ supported_target : system_i386_win32;
+ flags : [af_outputbinary];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ comment : '';
+ );
+ as_i386_pecoffwdosx_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_i386_pecoffwdosx;
+ idtxt : 'PEWDOSX';
+ asmbin : '';
+ asmcmd : '';
+ supported_target : system_i386_wdosx;
+ flags : [af_outputbinary];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ comment : '';
+ );
+ as_i386_pecoffwince_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_i386_pecoffwince;
+ idtxt : 'PECOFFWINCE';
+ asmbin : '';
+ asmcmd : '';
+ supported_target : system_i386_wince;
+ flags : [af_outputbinary];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ comment : '';
+ );
+ as_arm_pecoffwince_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_arm_pecoffwince;
+ idtxt : 'PECOFFWINCE';
+ asmbin : '';
+ asmcmd : '';
+ supported_target : system_arm_wince;
+ flags : [af_outputbinary];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ comment : '';
+ );
+{$ifdef i386}
+ RegisterAssembler(as_i386_coff_info,TCoffAssembler);
+ RegisterAssembler(as_i386_pecoff_info,TPECoffAssembler);
+ RegisterAssembler(as_i386_pecoffwdosx_info,TPECoffAssembler);
+ RegisterAssembler(as_i386_pecoffwince_info,TPECoffAssembler);
+{$endif i386}
+{$ifdef arm}
+ RegisterAssembler(as_arm_pecoffwince_info,TPECoffAssembler);
+{$endif arm}