path: root/compiler/symtype.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/symtype.pas')
1 files changed, 1447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/symtype.pas b/compiler/symtype.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a23b374324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/symtype.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1447 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl, Pierre Muller
+ This unit handles the symbol tables
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit symtype;
+ uses
+ { common }
+ cutils,
+{$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
+ cclasses,
+{$endif MEMDEBUG}
+ { global }
+ globtype,globals,
+ { symtable }
+ symconst,symbase,
+ { aasm }
+ aasmbase,ppu,cpuinfo
+ ;
+ type
+ Required Forwards
+ tsym = class;
+ Tcompilerppufile=class;
+ TRef
+ tref = class
+ nextref : tref;
+ posinfo : tfileposinfo;
+ moduleindex : longint;
+ is_written : boolean;
+ constructor create(ref:tref;pos:pfileposinfo);
+ procedure freechain;
+ destructor destroy;override;
+ end;
+ TDef
+ tgetsymtable = (gs_none,gs_record,gs_local,gs_para);
+ tdef = class(tdefentry)
+ typesym : tsym; { which type the definition was generated this def }
+ { stabs debugging }
+ stab_number : word;
+ stab_state : tdefstabstatus;
+ defoptions : tdefoptions;
+ constructor create;
+ procedure buildderef;virtual;abstract;
+ procedure buildderefimpl;virtual;abstract;
+ procedure deref;virtual;abstract;
+ procedure derefimpl;virtual;abstract;
+ function typename:string;
+ function gettypename:string;virtual;
+ function mangledparaname:string;
+ function getmangledparaname:string;virtual;
+ function size:aint;virtual;abstract;
+ function alignment:longint;virtual;abstract;
+ function getvartype:longint;virtual;abstract;
+ function getparentdef:tdef;virtual;
+ function getsymtable(t:tgetsymtable):tsymtable;virtual;
+ function is_publishable:boolean;virtual;abstract;
+ function needs_inittable:boolean;virtual;abstract;
+ function is_related(def:tdef):boolean;virtual;
+ end;
+ TSym
+ { this object is the base for all symbol objects }
+ tsym = class(tsymentry)
+ protected
+ public
+ _realname : pstring;
+ fileinfo : tfileposinfo;
+ symoptions : tsymoptions;
+ refs : longint;
+ lastref,
+ defref,
+ lastwritten : tref;
+ refcount : longint;
+ isstabwritten : boolean;
+ constructor create(const n : string);
+ destructor destroy;override;
+ function realname:string;
+ function mangledname:string; virtual;
+ procedure buildderef;virtual;
+ procedure deref;virtual;
+ function gettypedef:tdef;virtual;
+ procedure load_references(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;locals:boolean);virtual;
+ function write_references(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;locals:boolean):boolean;virtual;
+ { currobjdef is the object def to assume, this is necessary for protected and
+ private,
+ context is the object def we're really in, this is for the strict stuff
+ }
+ function is_visible_for_object(currobjdef:tdef;context : tdef):boolean;virtual;
+ end;
+ tsymarr = array[0..maxlongint div sizeof(pointer)-1] of tsym;
+ psymarr = ^tsymarr;
+ TDeref
+ tderef = object
+ dataidx : longint;
+ procedure reset;
+ procedure build(s:tsymtableentry);
+ function resolve:tsymtableentry;
+ end;
+ TType
+ ttype = object
+ def : tdef;
+ sym : tsym;
+ deref : tderef;
+ procedure reset;
+ procedure setdef(p:tdef);
+ procedure setsym(p:tsym);
+ procedure resolve;
+ procedure buildderef;
+ end;
+ TSymList
+ psymlistitem = ^tsymlistitem;
+ tsymlistitem = record
+ sltype : tsltype;
+ next : psymlistitem;
+ case byte of
+ 0 : (sym : tsym; symderef : tderef);
+ 1 : (value : TConstExprInt);
+ 2 : (tt : ttype);
+ end;
+ tsymlist = class
+ procdef : tdef;
+ procdefderef : tderef;
+ firstsym,
+ lastsym : psymlistitem;
+ constructor create;
+ destructor destroy;override;
+ function empty:boolean;
+ procedure addsym(slt:tsltype;p:tsym);
+ procedure addsymderef(slt:tsltype;const d:tderef);
+ procedure addconst(slt:tsltype;v:TConstExprInt);
+ procedure addtype(slt:tsltype;const tt:ttype);
+ procedure clear;
+ function getcopy:tsymlist;
+ procedure resolve;
+ procedure buildderef;
+ end;
+ Tcompilerppufile
+ tcompilerppufile=class(tppufile)
+ public
+ procedure checkerror;
+ procedure getguid(var g: tguid);
+ function getexprint:tconstexprint;
+ function getptruint:TConstPtrUInt;
+ procedure getposinfo(var p:tfileposinfo);
+ procedure getderef(var d:tderef);
+ function getsymlist:tsymlist;
+ procedure gettype(var t:ttype);
+ function getasmsymbol:tasmsymbol;
+ procedure putguid(const g: tguid);
+ procedure putexprint(v:tconstexprint);
+ procedure PutPtrUInt(v:TConstPtrUInt);
+ procedure putposinfo(const p:tfileposinfo);
+ procedure putderef(const d:tderef);
+ procedure putsymlist(p:tsymlist);
+ procedure puttype(const t:ttype);
+ procedure putasmsymbol(s:tasmsymbol);
+ end;
+{$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
+ var
+ membrowser,
+ memrealnames,
+ memmanglednames,
+ memprocpara,
+ memprocparast,
+ memproclocalst,
+ memprocnodetree : tmemdebug;
+{$endif MEMDEBUG}
+ const
+ current_object_option : tsymoptions = [sp_public];
+ uses
+ verbose,
+ fmodule
+ ;
+ Tdef
+ constructor tdef.create;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ deftype:=abstractdef;
+ owner := nil;
+ typesym := nil;
+ defoptions:=[];
+ stab_state:=stab_state_unused;
+ stab_number:=0;
+ end;
+ function tdef.typename:string;
+ begin
+ if assigned(typesym) and
+ not(deftype in [procvardef,procdef]) and
+ assigned(typesym._realname) and
+ (typesym._realname^[1]<>'$') then
+ typename:=typesym._realname^
+ else
+ typename:=gettypename;
+ end;
+ function tdef.gettypename : string;
+ begin
+ gettypename:='<unknown type>'
+ end;
+ function tdef.mangledparaname:string;
+ begin
+ if assigned(typesym) then
+ else
+ mangledparaname:=getmangledparaname;
+ end;
+ function tdef.getmangledparaname:string;
+ begin
+ result:='<unknown type>';
+ end;
+ function tdef.getparentdef:tdef;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ function tdef.getsymtable(t:tgetsymtable):tsymtable;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ function tdef.is_related(def:tdef):boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ end;
+ TSYM (base for all symtypes)
+ constructor tsym.create(const n : string);
+ begin
+ if n[1]='$' then
+ inherited createname(copy(n,2,255))
+ else
+ inherited createname(upper(n));
+ _realname:=stringdup(n);
+ typ:=abstractsym;
+ symoptions:=[];
+ defref:=nil;
+ refs:=0;
+ lastwritten:=nil;
+ refcount:=0;
+ fileinfo:=akttokenpos;
+ if (cs_browser in aktmoduleswitches) and make_ref then
+ begin
+ defref:=tref.create(defref,@akttokenpos);
+ inc(refcount);
+ end;
+ lastref:=defref;
+ isstabwritten := false;
+ symoptions:=current_object_option;
+ end;
+ destructor tsym.destroy;
+ begin
+{$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
+ memrealnames.start;
+{$endif MEMDEBUG}
+ stringdispose(_realname);
+{$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
+ memrealnames.stop;
+{$endif MEMDEBUG}
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ procedure Tsym.buildderef;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure Tsym.deref;
+ begin
+ end;
+ function tsym.realname : string;
+ begin
+ if assigned(_realname) then
+ realname:=_realname^
+ else
+ realname:=name;
+ end;
+ function tsym.mangledname : string;
+ begin
+ internalerror(200204171);
+ end;
+ function tsym.gettypedef:tdef;
+ begin
+ gettypedef:=nil;
+ end;
+ procedure Tsym.load_references(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;locals:boolean);
+ var
+ pos : tfileposinfo;
+ move_last : boolean;
+ begin
+ move_last:=lastwritten=lastref;
+ while (not ppufile.endofentry) do
+ begin
+ ppufile.getposinfo(pos);
+ inc(refcount);
+ lastref:=tref.create(lastref,@pos);
+ lastref.is_written:=true;
+ if refcount=1 then
+ defref:=lastref;
+ end;
+ if move_last then
+ lastwritten:=lastref;
+ end;
+ { big problem here :
+ wrong refs were written because of
+ interface parsing of other units PM
+ moduleindex must be checked !! }
+ function Tsym.write_references(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;locals:boolean):boolean;
+ var
+ d : tderef;
+ ref : tref;
+ symref_written,move_last : boolean;
+ begin
+ write_references:=false;
+ if lastwritten=lastref then
+ exit;
+ { should we update lastref }
+ move_last:=true;
+ symref_written:=false;
+ { write symbol refs }
+ d.reset;
+ if assigned(lastwritten) then
+ ref:=lastwritten
+ else
+ ref:=defref;
+ while assigned(ref) do
+ begin
+ if ref.moduleindex=current_module.unit_index then
+ begin
+ { write address to this symbol }
+ if not symref_written then
+ begin
+ ppufile.putderef(d);
+ symref_written:=true;
+ end;
+ ppufile.putposinfo(ref.posinfo);
+ ref.is_written:=true;
+ if move_last then
+ lastwritten:=ref;
+ end
+ else if not ref.is_written then
+ move_last:=false
+ else if move_last then
+ lastwritten:=ref;
+ ref:=ref.nextref;
+ end;
+ if symref_written then
+ ppufile.writeentry(ibsymref);
+ write_references:=symref_written;
+ end;
+ function tsym.is_visible_for_object(currobjdef:Tdef;context : tdef):boolean;
+ begin
+ is_visible_for_object:=false;
+ { private symbols are allowed when we are in the same
+ module as they are defined }
+ if (sp_private in symoptions) and
+ assigned(owner.defowner) and
+ (owner.defowner.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) and
+ (not owner.defowner.owner.iscurrentunit) then
+ exit;
+ if (sp_strictprivate in symoptions) then
+ begin
+ result:=assigned(currobjdef) and
+ (context=tdef(owner.defowner));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (sp_strictprotected in symoptions) then
+ begin
+ result:=assigned(context) and
+ context.is_related(tdef(owner.defowner));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { protected symbols are visible in the module that defines them and
+ also visible to related objects }
+ if (sp_protected in symoptions) and
+ (
+ (
+ assigned(owner.defowner) and
+ (owner.defowner.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) and
+ (not owner.defowner.owner.iscurrentunit)
+ ) and
+ not(
+ assigned(currobjdef) and
+ (currobjdef.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) and
+ (currobjdef.owner.iscurrentunit) and
+ currobjdef.is_related(tdef(owner.defowner))
+ )
+ ) then
+ exit;
+ is_visible_for_object:=true;
+ end;
+ TRef
+ constructor tref.create(ref :tref;pos : pfileposinfo);
+ begin
+ nextref:=nil;
+ if pos<>nil then
+ posinfo:=pos^;
+ if assigned(current_module) then
+ moduleindex:=current_module.unit_index;
+ if assigned(ref) then
+ ref.nextref:=self;
+ is_written:=false;
+ end;
+ procedure tref.freechain;
+ var
+ p,q : tref;
+ begin
+ p:=nextref;
+ nextref:=nil;
+ while assigned(p) do
+ begin
+ q:=p.nextref;
+ p:=q;
+ end;
+ end;
+ destructor tref.destroy;
+ begin
+ nextref:=nil;
+ end;
+ TType
+ procedure ttype.reset;
+ begin
+ def:=nil;
+ sym:=nil;
+ end;
+ procedure ttype.setdef(p:tdef);
+ begin
+ def:=p;
+ sym:=nil;
+ end;
+ procedure ttype.setsym(p:tsym);
+ begin
+ sym:=p;
+ def:=p.gettypedef;
+ if not assigned(def) then
+ internalerror(1234005);
+ end;
+ procedure ttype.resolve;
+ var
+ p : tsymtableentry;
+ begin
+ p:=deref.resolve;
+ if assigned(p) then
+ begin
+ if p is tsym then
+ begin
+ setsym(tsym(p));
+ if not assigned(def) then
+ internalerror(200212272);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ setdef(tdef(p));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ reset;
+ end;
+ procedure ttype.buildderef;
+ begin
+ { Write symbol references when the symbol is a redefine,
+ but don't write symbol references for the current unit
+ and for the system unit }
+ if assigned(sym) and
+ (
+ (sym<>def.typesym) or
+ (
+ not((sym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) and
+ sym.owner.iscurrentunit)
+ )
+ ) then
+ else
+ end;
+ TSymList
+ constructor tsymlist.create;
+ begin
+ procdef:=nil; { needed for procedures }
+ firstsym:=nil;
+ lastsym:=nil;
+ end;
+ destructor tsymlist.destroy;
+ begin
+ clear;
+ end;
+ function tsymlist.empty:boolean;
+ begin
+ empty:=(firstsym=nil);
+ end;
+ procedure tsymlist.clear;
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ while assigned(firstsym) do
+ begin
+ hp:=firstsym;
+ firstsym:=firstsym^.next;
+ dispose(hp);
+ end;
+ firstsym:=nil;
+ lastsym:=nil;
+ procdef:=nil;
+ end;
+ procedure tsymlist.addsym(slt:tsltype;p:tsym);
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(p) then
+ internalerror(200110203);
+ new(hp);
+ fillchar(hp^,sizeof(tsymlistitem),0);
+ hp^.sltype:=slt;
+ hp^.sym:=p;
+ hp^.symderef.reset;
+ if assigned(lastsym) then
+ lastsym^.next:=hp
+ else
+ firstsym:=hp;
+ lastsym:=hp;
+ end;
+ procedure tsymlist.addsymderef(slt:tsltype;const d:tderef);
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ new(hp);
+ fillchar(hp^,sizeof(tsymlistitem),0);
+ hp^.sltype:=slt;
+ hp^.symderef:=d;
+ if assigned(lastsym) then
+ lastsym^.next:=hp
+ else
+ firstsym:=hp;
+ lastsym:=hp;
+ end;
+ procedure tsymlist.addconst(slt:tsltype;v:TConstExprInt);
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ new(hp);
+ fillchar(hp^,sizeof(tsymlistitem),0);
+ hp^.sltype:=slt;
+ hp^.value:=v;
+ if assigned(lastsym) then
+ lastsym^.next:=hp
+ else
+ firstsym:=hp;
+ lastsym:=hp;
+ end;
+ procedure tsymlist.addtype(slt:tsltype;const tt:ttype);
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ new(hp);
+ fillchar(hp^,sizeof(tsymlistitem),0);
+ hp^.sltype:=slt;
+ hp^.tt:=tt;
+ if assigned(lastsym) then
+ lastsym^.next:=hp
+ else
+ firstsym:=hp;
+ lastsym:=hp;
+ end;
+ function tsymlist.getcopy:tsymlist;
+ var
+ hp : tsymlist;
+ hp2 : psymlistitem;
+ hpn : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ hp:=tsymlist.create;
+ hp.procdef:=procdef;
+ hp2:=firstsym;
+ while assigned(hp2) do
+ begin
+ new(hpn);
+ hpn^:=hp2^;
+ hpn^.next:=nil;
+ if assigned(hp.lastsym) then
+ hp.lastsym^.next:=hpn
+ else
+ hp.firstsym:=hpn;
+ hp.lastsym:=hpn;
+ hp2:=hp2^.next;
+ end;
+ getcopy:=hp;
+ end;
+ procedure tsymlist.resolve;
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ procdef:=tdef(procdefderef.resolve);
+ hp:=firstsym;
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ case hp^.sltype of
+ sl_call,
+ sl_load,
+ sl_subscript :
+ hp^.sym:=tsym(hp^.symderef.resolve);
+ sl_absolutetype,
+ sl_typeconv :
+ hp^.tt.resolve;
+ sl_vec :
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(200110205);
+ end;
+ hp:=hp^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tsymlist.buildderef;
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ hp:=firstsym;
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ case hp^.sltype of
+ sl_call,
+ sl_load,
+ sl_subscript :
+ hp^^.sym);
+ sl_absolutetype,
+ sl_typeconv :
+ hp^.tt.buildderef;
+ sl_vec :
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(200110205);
+ end;
+ hp:=hp^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Tderef
+ procedure tderef.reset;
+ begin
+ dataidx:=-1;
+ end;
+ procedure;
+ var
+ len : byte;
+ data : array[0..255] of byte;
+ function is_child(currdef,ownerdef:tdef):boolean;
+ begin
+ while assigned(currdef) and
+ (currdef<>ownerdef) do
+ currdef:=currdef.getparentdef;
+ result:=assigned(currdef);
+ end;
+ procedure addowner(s:tsymtableentry);
+ var
+ idx : longint;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(s.owner) then
+ internalerror(200306063);
+ case s.owner.symtabletype of
+ globalsymtable :
+ begin
+ if s.owner.iscurrentunit then
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktglobal);
+ inc(len);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { register that the unit is needed for resolving }
+ idx:=current_module.derefidx_unit(s.owner.moduleid);
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_unit);
+ data[len+1]:=idx shr 8;
+ data[len+2]:=idx and $ff;
+ inc(len,3);
+ end;
+ end;
+ staticsymtable :
+ begin
+ { only references to the current static symtable are allowed }
+ if not s.owner.iscurrentunit then
+ internalerror(200306233);
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktstatic);
+ inc(len);
+ end;
+ localsymtable :
+ begin
+ addowner(s.owner.defowner);
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_def);
+ data[len+1]:=s.owner.defowner.indexnr shr 8;
+ data[len+2]:=s.owner.defowner.indexnr and $ff;
+ data[len+3]:=ord(deref_local);
+ inc(len,4);
+ end;
+ parasymtable :
+ begin
+ addowner(s.owner.defowner);
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_def);
+ data[len+1]:=s.owner.defowner.indexnr shr 8;
+ data[len+2]:=s.owner.defowner.indexnr and $ff;
+ data[len+3]:=ord(deref_para);
+ inc(len,4);
+ end;
+ objectsymtable,
+ recordsymtable :
+ begin
+ addowner(s.owner.defowner);
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_def);
+ data[len+1]:=s.owner.defowner.indexnr shr 8;
+ data[len+2]:=s.owner.defowner.indexnr and $ff;
+ data[len+3]:=ord(deref_record);
+ inc(len,4);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200306065);
+ end;
+ if len>252 then
+ internalerror(200306062);
+ end;
+ procedure addparentobject(currdef,ownerdef:tdef);
+ var
+ nextdef : tdef;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(currdef) then
+ internalerror(200306185);
+ { Already handled by derefaktrecordindex }
+ if currdef=ownerdef then
+ internalerror(200306188);
+ { Generate a direct reference to the top parent
+ class available in the current unit, this is required because
+ the parent class is maybe not resolved yet and therefor
+ has the childof value not available yet }
+ while (currdef<>ownerdef) do
+ begin
+ nextdef:=currdef.getparentdef;
+ { objects are only allowed in globalsymtable,staticsymtable }
+ if not(nextdef.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) then
+ internalerror(200306187);
+ { Next parent is in a different unit, then stop }
+ if not(nextdef.owner.iscurrentunit) then
+ break;
+ currdef:=nextdef;
+ end;
+ { Add reference where to start the parent lookup }
+ if currdef=aktrecordsymtable.defowner then
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktrecord);
+ inc(len);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if currdef.owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktglobal)
+ else
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktstatic);
+ data[len+1]:=ord(deref_def);
+ data[len+2]:=currdef.indexnr shr 8;
+ data[len+3]:=currdef.indexnr and $ff;
+ data[len+4]:=ord(deref_record);
+ inc(len,5);
+ end;
+ { When the current found parent in this module is not the owner we
+ add derefs for the parent classes not available in this unit }
+ while (currdef<>ownerdef) do
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_parent_object);
+ inc(len);
+ currdef:=currdef.getparentdef;
+ { It should be valid as it is checked by is_child }
+ if not assigned(currdef) then
+ internalerror(200306186);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ { skip length byte }
+ len:=1;
+ if assigned(s) then
+ begin
+ { Static symtable of current unit ? }
+ if (s.owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) and
+ s.owner.iscurrentunit then
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktstatic);
+ inc(len);
+ end
+ { Global symtable of current unit ? }
+ else if (s.owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable) and
+ s.owner.iscurrentunit then
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktglobal);
+ inc(len);
+ end
+ { Current record/object symtable ? }
+ else if (s.owner=aktrecordsymtable) then
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktrecord);
+ inc(len);
+ end
+ { Current local symtable ? }
+ else if (s.owner=aktlocalsymtable) then
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktlocal);
+ inc(len);
+ end
+ { Current para symtable ? }
+ else if (s.owner=aktparasymtable) then
+ begin
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_aktpara);
+ inc(len);
+ end
+ { Parent class? }
+ else if assigned(aktrecordsymtable) and
+ (aktrecordsymtable.symtabletype=objectsymtable) and
+ (s.owner.symtabletype=objectsymtable) and
+ is_child(tdef(aktrecordsymtable.defowner),tdef(s.owner.defowner)) then
+ begin
+ addparentobject(tdef(aktrecordsymtable.defowner),tdef(s.owner.defowner));
+ end
+ else
+ { Default, start by building from unit symtable }
+ begin
+ addowner(s);
+ end;
+ { Add index of the symbol/def }
+ if s is tsym then
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_sym)
+ else
+ data[len]:=ord(deref_def);
+ data[len+1]:=s.indexnr shr 8;
+ data[len+2]:=s.indexnr and $ff;
+ inc(len,3);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { nil pointer }
+ data[len]:=0;
+ inc(len);
+ end;
+ { store data length in first byte }
+ data[0]:=len-1;
+ { store index and write to derefdata }
+ dataidx:=current_module.derefdata.size;
+ current_module.derefdata.write(data,len);
+ end;
+ function tderef.resolve:tsymtableentry;
+ var
+ pd : tdef;
+ pm : tmodule;
+ typ : tdereftype;
+ st : tsymtable;
+ idx : word;
+ i : aint;
+ len : byte;
+ data : array[0..255] of byte;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ { not initialized or error }
+ if dataidx<0 then
+ internalerror(200306067);
+ { read data }
+ if,1)<>1 then
+ internalerror(200310221);
+ if len>0 then
+ begin
+ if,len)<>len then
+ internalerror(200310222);
+ end;
+ { process data }
+ st:=nil;
+ i:=0;
+ while (i<len) do
+ begin
+ typ:=tdereftype(data[i]);
+ inc(i);
+ case typ of
+ deref_nil :
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ { Only allowed when no other deref is available }
+ if len<>1 then
+ internalerror(200306232);
+ end;
+ deref_sym :
+ begin
+ if not assigned(st) then
+ internalerror(200309141);
+ idx:=(data[i] shl 8) or data[i+1];
+ inc(i,2);
+ result:=st.getsymnr(idx);
+ end;
+ deref_def :
+ begin
+ if not assigned(st) then
+ internalerror(200309142);
+ idx:=(data[i] shl 8) or data[i+1];
+ inc(i,2);
+ result:=st.getdefnr(idx);
+ end;
+ deref_aktrecord :
+ st:=aktrecordsymtable;
+ deref_aktstatic :
+ st:=current_module.localsymtable;
+ deref_aktglobal :
+ st:=current_module.globalsymtable;
+ deref_aktlocal :
+ st:=aktlocalsymtable;
+ deref_aktpara :
+ st:=aktparasymtable;
+ deref_unit :
+ begin
+ idx:=(data[i] shl 8) or data[i+1];
+ inc(i,2);
+ pm:=current_module.resolve_unit(idx);
+ st:=pm.globalsymtable;
+ end;
+ deref_local :
+ begin
+ if not assigned(result) then
+ internalerror(200306069);
+ st:=tdef(result).getsymtable(gs_local);
+ result:=nil;
+ if not assigned(st) then
+ internalerror(200212275);
+ end;
+ deref_para :
+ begin
+ if not assigned(result) then
+ internalerror(2003060610);
+ st:=tdef(result).getsymtable(gs_para);
+ result:=nil;
+ if not assigned(st) then
+ internalerror(200212276);
+ end;
+ deref_record :
+ begin
+ if not assigned(result) then
+ internalerror(200306068);
+ st:=tdef(result).getsymtable(gs_record);
+ result:=nil;
+ if not assigned(st) then
+ internalerror(200212274);
+ end;
+ deref_parent_object :
+ begin
+ { load current object symtable if no
+ symtable is available yet }
+ if st=nil then
+ begin
+ st:=aktrecordsymtable;
+ if not assigned(st) then
+ internalerror(200306068);
+ end;
+ if st.symtabletype<>objectsymtable then
+ internalerror(200306189);
+ pd:=tdef(st.defowner).getparentdef;
+ if not assigned(pd) then
+ internalerror(200306184);
+ st:=pd.getsymtable(gs_record);
+ if not assigned(st) then
+ internalerror(200212274);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200212277);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TCompilerPPUFile
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.checkerror;
+ begin
+ if error then
+ Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error);
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.getguid(var g: tguid);
+ begin
+ getdata(g,sizeof(g));
+ end;
+ function tcompilerppufile.getexprint:tconstexprint;
+ begin
+ if sizeof(tconstexprint)=8 then
+ result:=tconstexprint(getint64)
+ else
+ result:=tconstexprint(getlongint);
+ end;
+ function tcompilerppufile.getPtrUInt:TConstPtrUInt;
+ begin
+ if sizeof(TConstPtrUInt)=8 then
+ result:=tconstptruint(getint64)
+ else
+ result:=TConstPtrUInt(getlongint);
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.getposinfo(var p:tfileposinfo);
+ var
+ info : byte;
+ begin
+ {
+ info byte layout in bits:
+ 0-1 - amount of bytes for fileindex
+ 2-3 - amount of bytes for line
+ 4-5 - amount of bytes for column
+ }
+ info:=getbyte;
+ case (info and $03) of
+ 0 : p.fileindex:=getbyte;
+ 1 : p.fileindex:=getword;
+ 2 : p.fileindex:=(getbyte shl 16) or getword;
+ 3 : p.fileindex:=getlongint;
+ end;
+ case ((info shr 2) and $03) of
+ 0 : p.line:=getbyte;
+ 1 : p.line:=getword;
+ 2 : p.line:=(getbyte shl 16) or getword;
+ 3 : p.line:=getlongint;
+ end;
+ case ((info shr 4) and $03) of
+ 0 : p.column:=getbyte;
+ 1 : p.column:=getword;
+ 2 : p.column:=(getbyte shl 16) or getword;
+ 3 : p.column:=getlongint;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.getderef(var d:tderef);
+ begin
+ d.dataidx:=getlongint;
+ end;
+ function tcompilerppufile.getsymlist:tsymlist;
+ var
+ symderef : tderef;
+ tt : ttype;
+ slt : tsltype;
+ idx : longint;
+ p : tsymlist;
+ begin
+ p:=tsymlist.create;
+ getderef(p.procdefderef);
+ repeat
+ slt:=tsltype(getbyte);
+ case slt of
+ sl_none :
+ break;
+ sl_call,
+ sl_load,
+ sl_subscript :
+ begin
+ getderef(symderef);
+ p.addsymderef(slt,symderef);
+ end;
+ sl_absolutetype,
+ sl_typeconv :
+ begin
+ gettype(tt);
+ p.addtype(slt,tt);
+ end;
+ sl_vec :
+ begin
+ idx:=getlongint;
+ p.addconst(slt,idx);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200110204);
+ end;
+ until false;
+ getsymlist:=tsymlist(p);
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.gettype(var t:ttype);
+ begin
+ getderef(t.deref);
+ t.def:=nil;
+ t.sym:=nil;
+ end;
+ function tcompilerppufile.getasmsymbol:tasmsymbol;
+ begin
+ getasmsymbol:=tasmsymbol(pointer(ptrint(getlongint)));
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.putposinfo(const p:tfileposinfo);
+ var
+ oldcrc : boolean;
+ info : byte;
+ begin
+ { posinfo is not relevant for changes in PPU }
+ oldcrc:=do_crc;
+ do_crc:=false;
+ {
+ info byte layout in bits:
+ 0-1 - amount of bytes for fileindex
+ 2-3 - amount of bytes for line
+ 4-5 - amount of bytes for column
+ }
+ info:=0;
+ { calculate info byte }
+ if (p.fileindex>$ff) then
+ begin
+ if (p.fileindex<=$ffff) then
+ info:=info or $1
+ else
+ if (p.fileindex<=$ffffff) then
+ info:=info or $2
+ else
+ info:=info or $3;
+ end;
+ if (p.line>$ff) then
+ begin
+ if (p.line<=$ffff) then
+ info:=info or $4
+ else
+ if (p.line<=$ffffff) then
+ info:=info or $8
+ else
+ info:=info or $c;
+ end;
+ if (p.column>$ff) then
+ begin
+ if (p.column<=$ffff) then
+ info:=info or $10
+ else
+ if (p.column<=$ffffff) then
+ info:=info or $20
+ else
+ info:=info or $30;
+ end;
+ { write data }
+ putbyte(info);
+ case (info and $03) of
+ 0 : putbyte(p.fileindex);
+ 1 : putword(p.fileindex);
+ 2 : begin
+ putbyte(p.fileindex shr 16);
+ putword(p.fileindex and $ffff);
+ end;
+ 3 : putlongint(p.fileindex);
+ end;
+ case ((info shr 2) and $03) of
+ 0 : putbyte(p.line);
+ 1 : putword(p.line);
+ 2 : begin
+ putbyte(p.line shr 16);
+ putword(p.line and $ffff);
+ end;
+ 3 : putlongint(p.line);
+ end;
+ case ((info shr 4) and $03) of
+ 0 : putbyte(p.column);
+ 1 : putword(p.column);
+ 2 : begin
+ putbyte(p.column shr 16);
+ putword(p.column and $ffff);
+ end;
+ 3 : putlongint(p.column);
+ end;
+ do_crc:=oldcrc;
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.putguid(const g: tguid);
+ begin
+ putdata(g,sizeof(g));
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.putexprint(v:tconstexprint);
+ begin
+ if sizeof(TConstExprInt)=8 then
+ putint64(int64(v))
+ else if sizeof(TConstExprInt)=4 then
+ putlongint(longint(v))
+ else
+ internalerror(2002082601);
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.PutPtrUInt(v:TConstPtrUInt);
+ begin
+ if sizeof(TConstPtrUInt)=8 then
+ putint64(int64(v))
+ else if sizeof(TConstPtrUInt)=4 then
+ putlongint(longint(v))
+ else
+ internalerror(2002082601);
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.putderef(const d:tderef);
+ var
+ oldcrc : boolean;
+ begin
+ oldcrc:=do_crc;
+ do_crc:=false;
+ putlongint(d.dataidx);
+ do_crc:=oldcrc;
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.putsymlist(p:tsymlist);
+ var
+ hp : psymlistitem;
+ begin
+ putderef(p.procdefderef);
+ hp:=p.firstsym;
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ putbyte(byte(hp^.sltype));
+ case hp^.sltype of
+ sl_call,
+ sl_load,
+ sl_subscript :
+ putderef(hp^.symderef);
+ sl_absolutetype,
+ sl_typeconv :
+ puttype(hp^.tt);
+ sl_vec :
+ putlongint(hp^.value);
+ else
+ internalerror(200110205);
+ end;
+ hp:=hp^.next;
+ end;
+ putbyte(byte(sl_none));
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.puttype(const t:ttype);
+ begin
+ putderef(t.deref);
+ end;
+ procedure tcompilerppufile.putasmsymbol(s:tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ if assigned(s) then
+ begin
+ if s.ppuidx=-1 then
+ begin
+ inc(objectlibrary.asmsymbolppuidx);
+ s.ppuidx:=objectlibrary.asmsymbolppuidx;
+ end;
+ putlongint(s.ppuidx);
+ end
+ else
+ putlongint(0);
+ end;
+{$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
+ membrowser:=TMemDebug.create('BrowserRefs');
+ membrowser.stop;
+ memrealnames:=TMemDebug.create('Realnames');
+ memrealnames.stop;
+ memmanglednames:=TMemDebug.create('Manglednames');
+ memmanglednames.stop;
+ memprocpara:=TMemDebug.create('ProcPara');
+ memprocpara.stop;
+ memprocparast:=TMemDebug.create('ProcParaSt');
+ memprocparast.stop;
+ memproclocalst:=TMemDebug.create('ProcLocalSt');
+ memproclocalst.stop;
+ memprocnodetree:=TMemDebug.create('ProcNodeTree');
+ memprocnodetree.stop;
+{$endif MEMDEBUG}