path: root/compiler/systems/t_go32v2.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/systems/t_go32v2.pas')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/systems/t_go32v2.pas b/compiler/systems/t_go32v2.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c627d5cb82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/systems/t_go32v2.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Peter Vreman
+ This unit implements support import,export,link routines
+ for the (i386) Go32v2 target
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit t_go32v2;
+ uses
+ link,
+ cutils,cclasses,
+ globtype,globals,systems,verbose,script,fmodule,i_go32v2,ogcoff;
+ type
+ tlinkergo32v2=class(texternallinker)
+ private
+ Function WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
+ Function WriteScript(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
+ public
+ constructor Create;override;
+ procedure SetDefaultInfo;override;
+ function MakeExecutable:boolean;override;
+ end;
+ TLinkerGo32v2
+Constructor TLinkerGo32v2.Create;
+ Inherited Create;
+ { allow duplicated libs (PM) }
+ SharedLibFiles.doubles:=true;
+ StaticLibFiles.doubles:=true;
+procedure TLinkerGo32v2.SetDefaultInfo;
+ with Info do
+ begin
+ ExeCmd[1]:='ld $SCRIPT $OPT $STRIP -o $EXE $RES';
+ end;
+Function TLinkerGo32v2.WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
+ linkres : TLinkRes;
+ i : longint;
+ s : string;
+ linklibc : boolean;
+ WriteResponseFile:=False;
+ { Open link.res file }
+ LinkRes:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName);
+ { Write staticlibraries }
+ if not StaticLibFiles.Empty then
+ begin
+ LinkRes.Add('-(');
+ While not StaticLibFiles.Empty do
+ begin
+ S:=StaticLibFiles.GetFirst;
+ LinkRes.AddFileName(GetShortName(s))
+ end;
+ LinkRes.Add('-)');
+ end;
+ { Write sharedlibraries like -l<lib>, also add the needed dynamic linker
+ here to be sure that it gets linked this is needed for glibc2 systems (PFV) }
+ linklibc:=false;
+ While not SharedLibFiles.Empty do
+ begin
+ S:=SharedLibFiles.GetFirst;
+ if s<>'c' then
+ begin
+ i:=Pos(target_info.sharedlibext,S);
+ if i>0 then
+ Delete(S,i,255);
+ LinkRes.Add('-l'+s);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ LinkRes.Add('-l'+s);
+ linklibc:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { be sure that libc&libgcc is the last lib }
+ if linklibc then
+ begin
+ LinkRes.Add('-lc');
+ LinkRes.Add('-lgcc');
+ end;
+{ Write and Close response }
+ linkres.writetodisk;
+ LinkRes.Free;
+ WriteResponseFile:=True;
+Function TLinkerGo32v2.WriteScript(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
+ scriptres : TLinkRes;
+ HPath : TStringListItem;
+ s : string;
+ WriteScript:=False;
+ { Open link.res file }
+ ScriptRes:=TLinkRes.Create(outputexedir+Info.ScriptName);
+ ScriptRes.Add('OUTPUT_FORMAT("coff-go32-exe")');
+ ScriptRes.Add('ENTRY(start)');
+ ScriptRes.Add('SECTIONS');
+ ScriptRes.Add('{');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' .text 0x1000+SIZEOF_HEADERS : {');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' . = ALIGN(16);');
+ { add objectfiles, start with prt0 always }
+ ScriptRes.Add(' '+GetShortName(FindObjectFile('prt0','',false))+'(.text)');
+ while not ObjectFiles.Empty do
+ begin
+ s:=ObjectFiles.GetFirst;
+ if s<>'' then
+ begin
+ ScriptRes.Add(' . = ALIGN(16);');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' '+GetShortName(s)+'(.text)');
+ end;
+ end;
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(.text)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' etext = . ; _etext = .;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' . = ALIGN(0x200);');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' }');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' .data ALIGN(0x200) : {');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' djgpp_first_ctor = . ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(.ctor)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' djgpp_last_ctor = . ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' djgpp_first_dtor = . ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(.dtor)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' djgpp_last_dtor = . ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(.data)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(.gcc_exc)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' ___EH_FRAME_BEGIN__ = . ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(.eh_fram)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' ___EH_FRAME_END__ = . ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' LONG(0)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' edata = . ; _edata = .;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' . = ALIGN(0x200);');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' }');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' .bss SIZEOF(.data) + ADDR(.data) :');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' {');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' _object.2 = . ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' . += 24 ;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(.bss)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' *(COMMON)');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' end = . ; _end = .;');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' . = ALIGN(0x200);');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' }');
+ ScriptRes.Add(' }');
+ { Write path to search libraries }
+ HPath:=TStringListItem(current_module.locallibrarysearchpath.First);
+ while assigned(HPath) do
+ begin
+ ScriptRes.Add('SEARCH_DIR("'+GetShortName(HPath.Str)+'")');
+ HPath:=TStringListItem(HPath.Next);
+ end;
+ HPath:=TStringListItem(LibrarySearchPath.First);
+ while assigned(HPath) do
+ begin
+ ScriptRes.Add('SEARCH_DIR("'+GetShortName(HPath.Str)+'")');
+ HPath:=TStringListItem(HPath.Next);
+ end;
+{ Write and Close response }
+ ScriptRes.WriteToDisk;
+ ScriptRes.Free;
+ WriteScript:=True;
+function TLinkerGo32v2.MakeExecutable:boolean;
+ binstr : String;
+ cmdstr : TCmdStr;
+ success : boolean;
+ StripStr : string[40];
+ if not(cs_link_extern in aktglobalswitches) then
+ Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.exefilename^);
+{ Create some replacements }
+ StripStr:='';
+ if (cs_link_strip in aktglobalswitches) then
+ StripStr:='-s';
+ { Write used files and libraries and our own ld script }
+ WriteScript(false);
+ WriteResponsefile(false);
+{ Call linker }
+ SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[1],binstr,cmdstr);
+ Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(current_module.exefilename^));
+ Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions);
+ if source_info.system=system_i386_go32v2 then
+ Replace(cmdstr,'$RES','@'+maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName))
+ else
+ Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName));
+ Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr);
+ Replace(cmdstr,'$SCRIPT','--script='+maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ScriptName));
+ success:=DoExec(FindUtil(utilsprefix+BinStr),cmdstr,true,false);
+{ Remove ReponseFile }
+ if (success) and not(cs_link_extern in aktglobalswitches) then
+ begin
+ RemoveFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName);
+ RemoveFile(outputexedir+Info.ScriptName);
+ end;
+ MakeExecutable:=success; { otherwise a recursive call to link method }
+{$ifdef notnecessary}
+procedure tlinkergo32v2.postprocessexecutable(const n : string);
+ tcoffheader=packed record
+ mach : word;
+ nsects : word;
+ time : longint;
+ sympos : longint;
+ syms : longint;
+ opthdr : word;
+ flag : word;
+ end;
+ tcoffsechdr=packed record
+ name : array[0..7] of char;
+ vsize : longint;
+ rvaofs : longint;
+ datalen : longint;
+ datapos : longint;
+ relocpos : longint;
+ lineno1 : longint;
+ nrelocs : word;
+ lineno2 : word;
+ flags : longint;
+ end;
+ psecfill=^TSecfill;
+ TSecfill=record
+ fillpos,
+ fillsize : longint;
+ next : psecfill;
+ end;
+ f : file;
+ coffheader : tcoffheader;
+ firstsecpos,
+ maxfillsize,
+ l : longint;
+ coffsec : tcoffsechdr;
+ secroot,hsecroot : psecfill;
+ zerobuf : pointer;
+ { when -s is used quit, because there is no .exe }
+ if cs_link_extern in aktglobalswitches then
+ exit;
+ { open file }
+ assign(f,n);
+ {$I-}
+ reset(f,1);
+ if ioresult<>0 then
+ Message1(execinfo_f_cant_open_executable,n);
+ { read headers }
+ seek(f,2048);
+ blockread(f,coffheader,sizeof(tcoffheader));
+ { read section info }
+ maxfillsize:=0;
+ firstsecpos:=0;
+ secroot:=nil;
+ for l:=1to coffheader.nSects do
+ begin
+ blockread(f,coffsec,sizeof(tcoffsechdr));
+ if coffsec.datapos>0 then
+ begin
+ if secroot=nil then
+ firstsecpos:=coffsec.datapos;
+ new(hsecroot);
+ hsecroot^.fillpos:=coffsec.datapos+coffsec.vsize;
+ hsecroot^.fillsize:=coffsec.datalen-coffsec.vsize;
+ hsecroot^.next:=secroot;
+ secroot:=hsecroot;
+ if secroot^.fillsize>maxfillsize then
+ maxfillsize:=secroot^.fillsize;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if firstsecpos>0 then
+ begin
+ l:=firstsecpos-filepos(f);
+ if l>maxfillsize then
+ maxfillsize:=l;
+ end
+ else
+ l:=0;
+ { get zero buffer }
+ getmem(zerobuf,maxfillsize);
+ fillchar(zerobuf^,maxfillsize,0);
+ { zero from sectioninfo until first section }
+ blockwrite(f,zerobuf^,l);
+ { zero section alignments }
+ while assigned(secroot) do
+ begin
+ seek(f,secroot^.fillpos);
+ blockwrite(f,zerobuf^,secroot^.fillsize);
+ hsecroot:=secroot;
+ secroot:=secroot^.next;
+ dispose(hsecroot);
+ end;
+ freemem(zerobuf,maxfillsize);
+ close(f);
+ {$I+}
+ i:=ioresult;
+ postprocessexecutable:=true;
+ Initialize
+ RegisterExternalLinker(system_i386_go32v2_info,TLinkerGo32v2);
+ RegisterInternalLinker(system_i386_go32v2_info,TCoffLinker);
+ RegisterTarget(system_i386_go32v2_info);