path: root/compiler/utils/msgdif.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils/msgdif.pp')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/msgdif.pp b/compiler/utils/msgdif.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1052f30bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/msgdif.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+ This program is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Peter Vreman
+ Show the differences between two .msg files
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+{ May be we need to compare a prefixes of option_help_pages too?
+ Currently this is not performed }
+Program messagedif;
+{$h+} {Huge strings}
+ Strings;
+ TEnum = String;
+ TText = String;
+ PMsg = ^TMsg;
+ TMsg = Record
+ Line, ctxt, cnb : Longint;
+ enum : TEnum;
+ text : TText;
+ comment : pchar;
+ Next,Prev : PMsg;
+ FileNext,
+ Equivalent : PMsg;
+ end;
+ OrgFileName,DiffFileName : String;
+ OrgRoot,DiffRoot : PMsg;
+ OrgFirst,DiffFirst : PMsg;
+ Last : PMsg;
+ NewFileName = 'new.msg';
+ Is_interactive : boolean = false;
+ Auto_verbosity : boolean = false;
+Procedure GetTranslation( p : PMsg);
+ s : string;
+ i,j,k : longint;
+ i:=pos('_',p^.text);
+ if i>0 then
+ for j:=i+1 to Length(p^.text) do
+ if p^.text[j]='_' then
+ begin
+ i:=j;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if (i>0) and (i<=15) then
+ Writeln(P^.Enum,' type "',copy(p^.text,1,i-1),'" "',copy(p^.text,i+1,255),'"')
+ else
+ Writeln(P^.enum,' "',p^.text,'"');
+ Writeln('Type translated error message in,');
+ Writeln('Press return to keep it unchanged, or "q" to finish interactive mode');
+ Readln(s);
+ if s='' then
+ exit;
+ if s='q' then
+ begin
+ Is_interactive:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ j:=pos('_',s);
+ if j>0 then
+ for k:=j+1 to Length(s) do
+ if s[j]='_' then
+ begin
+ j:=k;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if (j>0) then
+ begin
+ if copy(p^.text,1,i)<>copy(s,1,j) then
+ Writeln('Warning : different verbosity !!');
+ p^.text:=s;
+ end
+ else
+ p^.text:=copy(p^.text,1,i)+s;
+Function NewMsg (Var RM : PMsg; L : Longint; Const E : TEnum;Const T : TText;C : pchar;NbLn,TxtLn : longint) : PMsg;
+ P,R : PMsg;
+ New(P);
+ with P^ do
+ begin
+ Line:=L;
+ Text:=T;
+ enum:=E;
+ comment:=c;
+ cnb:=NbLn;
+ ctxt:=TxtLn;
+ next:=Nil;
+ prev:=Nil;
+ filenext:=nil;
+ equivalent:=nil;
+ if assigned(last) then
+ last^.FileNext:=P;
+ last:=P;
+ end;
+ R:=RM;
+ While (R<>Nil) and (UpCase(R^.enum)>UpCase(P^.Enum)) do
+ begin
+ P^.Prev:=R;
+ R:=R^.next;
+ end;
+ if assigned(R) and (UpCase(R^.Enum)=UpCase(P^.Enum)) then
+ Writeln('Error ',R^.Enum,' duplicate');
+ P^.Next:=R;
+ If R<>Nil then
+ R^.Prev:=P;
+ If P^.Prev<>Nil then
+ P^.Prev^.Next:=P
+ else
+ RM:=P;
+ NewMsg:=P;
+Procedure PrintList(const name : string;R : PMsg);
+ P : PMsg;
+ f : text;
+ P:=R;
+ Assign(f,name);
+ Rewrite(f);
+ while assigned(P) do
+ begin
+ Writeln(f,UpCase(P^.Enum));
+ P:=P^.Next;
+ end;
+ Close(f);
+Procedure Usage;
+ Writeln('Usage : msgdif [options] <org-file> <dif-file>');
+ Writeln('Options:');
+ Writeln(' -i allow to enter translated messages interactively');
+ Writeln(' -y1 use <org-file> verbosity (do not query acknowledge)');
+ Writeln('');
+ Writeln('Generates "',NewFileName,'" that contain the messages from <dif-file>');
+ Writeln('with a new messages from <org-file>');
+ Writeln('');
+ Writeln('Example:');
+ Writeln(' msgdif errore.msg errorr.msg');
+ halt(1)
+Procedure ProcessOptions;
+ i,count : longint;
+ Is_interactive:=false;
+ Auto_verbosity:=false;
+ count:=paramcount; i:=1;
+ while (count>0) and (Paramstr(i)[1]='-') do
+ case UpCase(Paramstr(i)[2]) of
+ 'I': begin
+ Is_interactive:=true;
+ dec(count); Inc(i);
+ end;
+ 'Y': case Paramstr(i)[3] of
+ '1': begin
+ Auto_verbosity:=true;
+ dec(count); Inc(i);
+ end;
+ else
+ Writeln ('Error: unknown option ', Paramstr(i));
+ Usage;
+ end;
+ else
+ Writeln ('Error: unknown option ', Paramstr(i));
+ Usage;
+ end;
+ If Count<>2 then begin
+ Writeln ('Error: there must be exactly two message files');
+ Usage;
+ end;
+ OrgfileName:=Paramstr(i);
+ DiffFileName:=Paramstr(i+1);
+ if (OrgFileName=NewFileName) or (DiffFileName=NewFileName) then
+ begin
+ Writeln('The file names must be different from ',NewFileName);
+ Halt(1);
+ end;
+Procedure ProcessFile (FileName : String; Var Root,First : PMsg);
+ ArrayLength = 65500;
+Var F : Text;
+ S,prevS : String;
+ J,LineNo,Count,NbLn,TxtLn : Longint;
+ chararray : array[0..ArrayLength] of char;
+ currentindex : longint;
+ c : pchar;
+ multiline : boolean;
+ Assign(F,FileName);
+ Reset(F);
+ Write ('Processing: ',Filename,'...');
+ LineNo:=0;
+ NbLn:=0;
+ TxtLn:=0;
+ Count:=0;
+ currentindex:=0;
+ Root:=Nil;
+ First:=nil;
+ Last:=nil;
+ PrevS:='';
+ multiline:=false;
+ While not eof(f) do
+ begin
+ Readln(F,S);
+ Inc(LineNo);
+ If multiline then
+ begin
+ PrevS:=PrevS+#10+S; Inc(TxtLn);
+ if (Length(S)<>0) and (S[1]=']') then
+ multiline:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ if (length(S)>0) and Not (S[1] in ['%','#']) Then
+ begin
+ J:=Pos('=',S);
+ If j<1 then
+ writeln (Filename,'(',LineNo,') : Invalid entry')
+ else
+ begin
+ chararray[currentindex]:=#0;
+ c:=strnew(@chararray);
+ if PrevS<>'' then
+ NewMsg(Root,LineNo,Copy(PrevS,1,Pos('=',PrevS)-1),
+ Copy(PrevS,Pos('=',PrevS)+1,Length(PrevS)),c,NbLn,TxtLn)
+ else
+ StrDispose(c);
+ currentindex:=0;
+ NbLn:=0; TxtLn:=0;
+ PrevS:=S; Inc(TxtLn);
+ if S[j+7]='[' then multiline:=true;
+ if First=nil then
+ First:=Root;
+ Inc(Count);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if currentindex+length(s)+1>ArrayLength then
+ Writeln('Comment too long : over ',ArrayLength,' chars')
+ else
+ begin
+ strpcopy(@chararray[currentindex],s+#10);
+ inc(currentindex,length(s)+1);
+ inc(NbLn);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ chararray[currentindex]:=#0;
+ c:=strnew(@chararray);
+ if PrevS<>'' then
+ NewMsg(Root,LineNo,Copy(PrevS,1,Pos('=',PrevS)-1),
+ Copy(PrevS,Pos('=',PrevS)+1,Length(PrevS)),c,NbLn,TxtLn);
+ Writeln (' Done. Read ',LineNo,' lines, got ',Count,' constants.');
+ Close(f);
+Procedure ShowDiff (POrg,PDiff : PMsg);
+ count,orgcount,diffcount : longint;
+Procedure NotFound (Org : Boolean; P : PMsg);
+ With P^ do
+ If Org Then
+ Writeln ('Not found in ',DiffFileName,' : ',Enum,' ',OrgFileName,'(',Line,')')
+ else
+ Writeln ('Extra in ',DiffFileName,'(',line,') : ',enum);
+ if org then
+ inc(orgcount)
+ else
+ inc(diffcount);
+ orgcount:=0;
+ diffcount:=0;
+ count:=0;
+ While (Porg<>Nil) and (PDiff<>Nil) do
+ begin
+// Writeln (POrg^.enum,'<=>',PDiff^.Enum);
+ If UpCase(Porg^.Enum)>UpCase(PDiff^.Enum) then
+ begin
+ NotFound (True,Porg);
+ POrg:=POrg^.Next
+ end
+ else If UpCase(POrg^.enum)=UpCase(PDiff^.Enum) then
+ begin
+ inc(count);
+ POrg^.Equivalent:=PDiff;
+ PDiff^.Equivalent:=POrg;
+ POrg:=POrg^.Next;
+ PDiff:=PDiff^.Next;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ NotFound (False,PDiff);
+ PDiff:=PDiff^.Next
+ end;
+ end;
+ While POrg<>Nil do
+ begin
+ NotFound(True,Porg);
+ POrg:=pOrg^.Next;
+ end;
+ While PDiff<>Nil do
+ begin
+ NotFound(False,PDiff);
+ PDiff:=PDiff^.Next;
+ end;
+ Writeln(count,' messages found in common to both files');
+ Writeln(orgcount,' messages only in ',OrgFileName);
+ Writeln(diffcount,' messages only in ',DiffFileName);
+type TArgSet = set of 0..31;
+function MsgToSet(const Msg, FileName: string; var R: TArgSet): Boolean;
+ var
+ i, j, num : integer;
+ code : word;
+ begin
+ R:=[];
+ MsgToSet:=false;
+ for i:=1 to Length(Msg) do
+ if Msg[i]='$' then
+ begin
+ j:=i+1;
+ while Msg[j] in ['0'..'9'] do Inc(j);
+ if j > i+1 then
+ begin
+ val(copy(Msg,i+1,j-i-1),num,code);
+ if num > high(TArgSet) then begin
+ WriteLn('Error in ', FileName,': ', Msg);
+ WriteLn(' number at position ', i);
+ WriteLn(' must be LE ', high(TArgSet));
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ R:=R+[num];
+ end;
+ end;
+ MsgToSet:=true;
+ end;
+procedure CheckParm(const s1, s2: string);
+ var
+ R1, R2: TArgSet;
+ begin
+ if MsgToSet(s1,OrgFileName, R1) <> true then Exit;
+ if MsgToSet(s2,DiffFileName,R2) <> true then Exit;
+ if R1<>R2 then begin
+ WriteLn('Error: set of arguments is different');
+ WriteLn(' ',s1);
+ WriteLn(' ',s2);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure WriteReorderedFile(FileName : string;orgnext,diffnext : PMsg);
+ var t,t2,t3 : text;
+ i,ntcount : longint;
+ j : integer;
+ s,s2,s3 : string;
+ is_msg : boolean;
+ nextdiffkept : pmsg;
+ begin
+ ntcount:=0;
+ Assign(t,FileName);
+ Rewrite(t);
+ Writeln(t,'%%% Reordering of ',DiffFileName,' respective to ',OrgFileName);
+ Writeln(t,'%%% Contains all comments from ',DiffFileName);
+ Assign(t2,DiffFileName);
+ Reset(t2);
+ Assign(t3,OrgFileName);
+ Reset(t3);
+ i:=2;
+ s:='';s3:='';
+ nextdiffkept:=diffnext;
+ while assigned(nextdiffkept) and (nextdiffkept^.equivalent=nil) do
+ nextdiffkept:=nextdiffkept^.filenext;
+ { First write the header of diff }
+ repeat
+ Readln(t2,s);
+ is_msg:=(pos('=',s)>1) and (s[1]<>'%') and (s[1]<>'#');
+ if not is_msg then
+ begin
+ Writeln(t,s);
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ until is_msg;
+ { Write all messages in Org order }
+ while assigned(orgnext) do
+ begin
+ if not assigned(orgnext^.equivalent) then
+ begin
+ { Insert a new error msg with the english comments }
+ Writeln('New error ',orgnext^.enum,' added');
+ If Is_interactive then
+ GetTranslation(orgnext);
+ Writeln(t,orgnext^.enum,'=',orgnext^.text);
+ inc(i,orgnext^.ctxt);
+ Write(t,orgnext^.comment);
+ inc(i,orgnext^.cnb);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ inc(i);
+ if orgnext^.text=orgnext^.equivalent^.text then
+ begin
+ Writeln(FileName,'(',i,') ',orgnext^.enum,' not translated');
+ If Is_interactive then
+ GetTranslation(orgnext^.equivalent);
+ if orgnext^.text=orgnext^.equivalent^.text then
+ inc(ntcount);
+ end;
+ s2:=orgnext^.text;
+ j:=pos('_',copy(s2,7,20)) + 6;
+ s2:=upcase(copy(s2,1,j));
+ s3:=orgnext^.equivalent^.text;
+ j:=pos('_',copy(s3,7,20)) + 6;
+ s3:=upcase(copy(s3,1,j));
+ { that are the conditions in verbose unit }
+ if (length(s3)<12) and (s2<>s3) then
+ begin
+ Writeln('Warning: different options for ',orgnext^.enum);
+ Writeln(' ',orgnext^.text);
+ Writeln(' ',orgnext^.equivalent^.text);
+ s:='N';
+ if Auto_verbosity then
+ s:='Y'
+ else
+ If Is_interactive then
+ begin
+ Write('Use ',s2,' verbosity ? [y/n] ');
+ Readln(s);
+ end;
+ if UpCase(s[1])='Y' then
+ begin
+ orgnext^.equivalent^.text:=s2+copy(orgnext^.equivalent^.text,
+ length(s3)+1,Length(orgnext^.equivalent^.text));
+ WriteLn(' Using ', s2);
+ end;
+ end;
+ CheckParm(orgnext^.text, orgnext^.equivalent^.text);
+ Writeln(t,orgnext^.enum,'=',orgnext^.equivalent^.text);
+ Dec(i); Inc(i,orgnext^.equivalent^.ctxt);
+ if assigned(orgnext^.equivalent^.comment) and
+ (strlen(orgnext^.equivalent^.comment)>0) then
+ begin
+ Write(t,orgnext^.equivalent^.comment);
+ inc(i,orgnext^.equivalent^.cnb);
+ end
+ else if assigned(orgnext^.comment) and
+ (strlen(orgnext^.comment)>0) then
+ begin
+ Writeln('Comment from ',OrgFileName,' for enum ',orgnext^.enum,' added');
+ Write(t,orgnext^.comment);
+ inc(i,orgnext^.cnb);
+ end;
+ end;
+ orgnext:=orgnext^.filenext;
+ end;
+ while assigned(diffnext) do
+ begin
+ if not assigned(diffnext^.Equivalent) then
+ begin
+ { Skip removed enum in errore.msg}
+ { maybe a renaming of an enum !}
+ Writeln(diffnext^.enum,' commented out');
+ Writeln(t,'%%% ',diffnext^.enum,'=',diffnext^.text);
+ inc(i,diffnext^.ctxt);
+ Write(t,diffnext^.comment);
+ inc(i,diffnext^.cnb);
+ end;
+ diffnext:=diffnext^.filenext;
+ end;
+ Close(t);
+ Close(t2);
+ Close(t3);
+ Writeln(ntcount,' not translated items found');
+ end;
+ ProcessOptions;
+ ProcessFile(OrgFileName,orgroot,orgfirst);
+ ProcessFile(DiffFileName,diffRoot,difffirst);
+ PrintList('org.lst',OrgRoot);
+ PrintList('diff.lst',DiffRoot);
+ ShowDiff (OrgRoot,DiffRoot);
+ WriteReorderedFile(NewFileName,orgfirst,difffirst);