path: root/packages/amunits/examples/sortdemo.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/amunits/examples/sortdemo.pas')
1 files changed, 638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/amunits/examples/sortdemo.pas b/packages/amunits/examples/sortdemo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66816576dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/amunits/examples/sortdemo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+PROGRAM SortDemo;
+{ Graphical demonstration of sorting algorithms (W. N~ker, 02/96) }
+{ based on "Sortieren" of Purity #48 }
+ Translated to PCQ from Kick(Maxon) Pascal.
+ Updated the source to 2.0+.
+ Now uses GadTools for menus.
+ Added CloseWindowSafely.
+ Cleaned up the menuhandling.
+ Added LockWinSize and RestoreWin, now the
+ window will be locked on showtime.
+ The German text was translated to English
+ by Andreas Neumann, thanks Andreas.
+ Jun 03 1998.
+ Translated to FPC Pascal.
+ Removed CloseWindowSafely, have do add
+ that procedure to Intuition.
+ Fixed a bug, when you halt the show the
+ window stayed locked.
+ Aug 23 1998.
+ Added MessageBox for report.
+ 31 Jul 2000.
+ Removed opening of graphics.library.
+ 21 Mar 2001.
+ Reworked to use systemvartags.
+ 28 Nov 2002.
+ One last remark, the heapsort can't be stoped
+ so you have to wait until it's finished.
+uses Exec, Intuition, Graphics, Utility, GadTools, msgbox,systemvartags;
+ vers : string = '$VER: SortDemo 1.3 ' + {$I %DATE%} + ' ' + {$I %TIME%}#0;
+ nmax=2000;
+ MinWinX = 80;
+ MinWiny = 80;
+ w : pWindow = Nil;
+ s : pScreen = Nil;
+ MenuStrip : pMenu = Nil;
+ vi : Pointer = Nil;
+ modenames : Array[0..7] of string[10] = (
+ 'Heapsort',
+ 'Shellsort',
+ 'Pick out',
+ 'Insert',
+ 'Shakersort',
+ 'Bubblesort',
+ 'Quicksort',
+ 'Mergesort');
+ { The easiest way to use gadtoolsmenus in FPC is
+ to have them as const types. No need to cast
+ strings to PChar. That we have to use recordmembers
+ name is a pain.
+ }
+ nm : array[0..21] of tNewMenu = (
+ (nm_Type: NM_TITLE; nm_Label: 'Demo';nm_CommKey: NIL; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'Start';nm_CommKey: 'S'; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'Stop';nm_CommKey: 'H'; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ { this will be a barlabel, have to set this one later }
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: NIL; nm_CommKey: NIL; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'Quit'; nm_CommKey: 'Q'; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_TITLE; nm_Label: 'Algorithm'; nm_CommKey: NIL; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'HeapSort'; nm_CommKey: '1'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+CHECKED+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 254; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'ShellSort'; nm_CommKey: '2'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 253; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'Pick out'; nm_CommKey: '3'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 251; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'Insert'; nm_CommKey: '4'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 247; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'ShakerSort'; nm_CommKey: '5'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 239; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'BubbleSort'; nm_CommKey: '6'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 223; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'QuickSort'; nm_CommKey: '7'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 191; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'MergeSort'; nm_CommKey: '8'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 127; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_TITLE; nm_Label: 'Preferences'; nm_CommKey: NIL; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'Data'; nm_CommKey: NIL; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_SUB; nm_Label: 'Random'; nm_CommKey: 'R'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+CHECKED+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 2; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_SUB; nm_Label: 'Malicious'; nm_CommKey: 'M'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 1; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_ITEM; nm_Label: 'Diagram'; nm_CommKey: NIL; nm_Flags: 0;
+ nm_MutualExclude: 0; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_SUB; nm_Label: 'Needles'; nm_CommKey: 'N'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+CHECKED+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 2; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_SUB; nm_Label: 'Dots'; nm_CommKey: 'D'; nm_Flags:
+ CHECKIT+MENUTOGGLE; nm_MutualExclude: 1; nm_UserData: NIL),
+ (nm_Type: NM_END; nm_Label: NIL; nm_CommKey: NIL; nm_Flags:
+ 0;nm_MutualExclude:0;nm_UserData:NIL));
+VAR sort: ARRAY[1..nmax] OF Real;
+ sort2: ARRAY[1..nmax] OF Real; { for dumb Mergesort %-( }
+ num,range,modus : Integer;
+ rndom,needles : Boolean;
+ Rast : pRastPort;
+ QuitStopDie : Boolean;
+ Msg : pMessage;
+ wintitle : string[80];
+ scrtitle : string[80];
+Procedure CleanUp(s : string; err : Integer);
+ if assigned(MenuStrip) then begin
+ ClearMenuStrip(w);
+ FreeMenus(MenuStrip);
+ end;
+ if assigned(vi) then FreeVisualInfo(vi);
+ if assigned(w) then CloseWindow(w);
+ if s <> '' then MessageBox('SortDemo Report',s,'OK');
+ Halt(err);
+Procedure RestoreWin;
+ dummy : Boolean;
+ dummy := WindowLimits(w,MinWinX,MinWinY,-1,-1);
+Procedure LockWinSize(x,y,x2,y2 : Integer);
+ dummy : Boolean;
+ dummy := WindowLimits(w,x,y,x2,y2);
+FUNCTION cancel: Boolean;
+{ checked while sorting }
+VAR m,i,s: Integer;
+ result : boolean;
+ IM : pIntuiMessage;
+ result := False;
+ IM := pIntuiMessage(GetMsg(w^.UserPort));
+ result := True; { Close-Gadget }
+ m := IM^.Code AND $1F;
+ i := (IM^.Code SHR 5) AND $3F;
+ s := (IM^.Code SHR 11) AND $1F;
+ IF (m=0) AND (i=1) THEN result := True; { Menu item "Stop" }
+ END;
+ ReplyMsg(pMessage(Msg));
+ END;
+ cancel := result;
+PROCEDURE showstack(size: Integer);
+{ little diagram showing the depth of Quicksort's recursion :-) }
+ SetAPen(Rast,2); IF size>0 THEN RectFill(Rast,0,0,3,size-1);
+ SetAPen(Rast,0); RectFill(Rast,0,size,3,size);
+PROCEDURE setpixel(i: Integer);
+ SetAPen(Rast,1);
+ IF needles THEN BEGIN
+ Move(Rast,i,range); Draw(Rast,i,Round((1-sort[i])*range));
+ IF WritePixel(Rast,i,Round((1-sort[i])*range))=0 THEN;
+PROCEDURE clearpixel(i: Integer);
+ SetAPen(Rast,0);
+ IF needles THEN BEGIN
+ Move(Rast,i,range); Draw(Rast,i,Round((1-sort[i])*range));
+ IF WritePixel(Rast,i,Round((1-sort[i])*range))=0 THEN;
+procedure Exchange(var first,second : real);
+ temp : real;
+ temp := first;
+ first := second;
+ second := temp;
+PROCEDURE swapit(i,j: integer);
+ clearpixel(i); clearpixel(j);
+ Exchange(sort[i],sort[j]);
+ setpixel(i); setpixel(j);
+FUNCTION descending(i,j: Integer): Boolean;
+ descending := sort[i]>sort[j];
+Function IntToStr (I : Longint) : String;
+ Var S : String;
+ begin
+ Str (I,S);
+ IntToStr:=S;
+ end;
+PROCEDURE settitles(time: Longint);
+ s : string[80];
+ s := modenames[modus];
+ IF time=0 THEN
+ wintitle := s + ' running ...'
+ ELSE IF time < 0 then
+ wintitle := '<- ' + IntToStr(num) + ' Data ->'
+ wintitle := IntToStr(time) + ' Seconds';
+ scrtitle := strpas(@vers[6]) + ' - ' + s;
+ wintitle := wintitle + #0;
+ scrtitle := scrtitle + #0;
+ SetWindowTitles(w,@wintitle[1],@scrtitle[1]);
+PROCEDURE refresh;
+{ react on new size of window/init data }
+VAR i: Integer;
+ num := w^.GZZWidth; IF num>nmax THEN num := nmax;
+ range := w^.GZZHeight;
+ settitles(-1);
+ SetRast(Rast,0); { clear screen }
+ FOR i := 1 TO num DO BEGIN
+ IF rndom THEN sort[i] := Random { produces 0..1 }
+ ELSE sort[i] := (num-i)/num;
+ setpixel(i);
+ END;
+{ *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* }
+{ *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# The sorting algorithms! #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* }
+{ *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* }
+PROCEDURE bubblesort;
+{ like the head of a beer, reaaal slow and easy-going }
+VAR i,j,max: Integer;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ max := num;
+ j := 1;
+ FOR i := 1 TO max-1 DO
+ IF descending(i,i+1) THEN BEGIN
+ swapit(i,i+1); j := i;
+ END;
+ max := j;
+ UNTIL (max=1) OR cancel;
+ RestoreWin;
+PROCEDURE shakersort;
+{ interesting variant, but bubblesort still remains hopelessness }
+{ (because it only compares and swaps immediate adjacent units) }
+VAR i,j,min,max: Integer;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ min := 1;
+ max := num;
+ j := min;
+ FOR i := min TO max-1 DO
+ IF descending(i,i+1) THEN BEGIN
+ swapit(i,i+1); j := i;
+ END;
+ max := j;
+ j := max;
+ FOR i := max DOWNTO min+1 DO
+ IF descending(i-1,i) THEN BEGIN
+ swapit(i,i-1); j := i;
+ END;
+ min := j;
+ UNTIL (max=min) OR cancel;
+ RestoreWin;
+PROCEDURE e_sort;
+{ Insert: a pretty human strategy }
+VAR i,j: Integer;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ FOR i := 2 TO num DO BEGIN
+ j := i;
+ WHILE j>1 DO
+ IF descending(j-1,j) THEN BEGIN
+ swapit(j-1,j); Dec(j);
+ j := 1;
+ IF cancel THEN begin
+ RestoreWin;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ END;
+ RestoreWin;
+PROCEDURE a_sort;
+{ Pick out: Preparation is one half of a life }
+{ Take a look at the ridiculous low percentage of successful comparisions: }
+{ Although there are only n swaps, there are n^2/2 comparisions! }
+{ Both is a record, one in a good sense, the other one in a bad sense. }
+VAR i,j,minpos: Integer;
+ min: Real;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ FOR i := 1 TO num-1 DO BEGIN
+ minpos := i; min := sort[i];
+ FOR j := i+1 TO num DO
+ IF descending(minpos,j) THEN
+ minpos := j;
+ IF minpos<>i THEN swapit(i,minpos);
+ IF cancel THEN begin
+ RestoreWin;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ END;
+ RestoreWin;
+PROCEDURE shellsort;
+{ brilliant extension of E-Sort, stunning improvement of efficience }
+VAR i,j,gap: Integer;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ gap := num DIV 2;
+ FOR i := 1+gap TO num DO BEGIN
+ j := i;
+ WHILE j>gap DO
+ IF descending(j-gap,j) THEN BEGIN
+ swapit(j,j-gap); j := j-gap;
+ j := 1;
+ IF cancel THEN begin
+ RestoreWin;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ END;
+ gap := gap DIV 2;
+ UNTIL gap=0;
+ RestoreWin;
+PROCEDURE seepaway(i,max: Integer);
+{ belongs to heapsort }
+VAR j: Integer;
+ j := 2*i;
+ IF j<max THEN IF descending(j+1,j) THEN
+ Inc(j);
+ IF descending(j,i) THEN BEGIN
+ swapit(j,i);
+ i := j; j := 2*i;
+ j := max+1; { cancels }
+ END;
+PROCEDURE heapsort;
+{ this genius rules over the chaos: it's the best algorithm, I know about }
+{ The only disadvantage compared with shellsort: it's not easy to understand }
+{ and impossible to know it by heart. }
+VAR i,j: Integer;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ i := num DIV 2 + 1;
+ j := num;
+ Dec(i); seepaway(i,j);
+ END;
+ swapit(i,j);
+ Dec(j); seepaway(i,j);
+ END;
+ RestoreWin;
+PROCEDURE quicksort;
+{ "divide and rule": a classic, but recursive >>-( }
+{ In this demonstration it is faster than heapsort, but does considerable }
+{ more unsuccessful comparisions. }
+VAR stack: ARRAY[1..100] OF RECORD li,re: Integer; END;
+ sp,l,r,m,i,j: Integer;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ sp := 1; stack[1].li := 1; stack[1].re := num;
+ l := stack[sp].li; r := stack[sp].re; Dec(sp);
+ showstack(sp);
+ m := (l+r) DIV 2;
+ i := l; j := r;
+ WHILE descending(m,i) DO Inc(i);
+ WHILE descending(j,m) DO Dec(j);
+ IF j>i THEN swapit(i,j);
+ IF m=i THEN m := j ELSE IF m=j THEN m := i; { ahem ... }
+ { This "Following" of the reference data is only required because }
+ { I stubborn call the comparision function, and this one only gets }
+ { indices on the values which have to be compared. }
+ UNTIL i>=j;
+ Inc(sp); stack[sp].li := l; stack[sp].re := i; END;
+ Inc(sp); stack[sp].li := i+1; stack[sp].re := r; END;
+ UNTIL (sp=0) OR cancel;
+ RestoreWin;
+PROCEDURE mergesort;
+{ *the* algorithm for lists with pointers on it, for arrays rather }
+{ inacceptable. The non.recursive implementation came out pretty more }
+{ complicated than the one for quicksort, as quicksort first does }
+{ something and then recurses; with mergesort it is the other way round. }
+VAR stack: ARRAY[1..100] OF RECORD li,re,mi: Integer; END;
+ sp,l,r,i,j,k,m: Integer;
+ LockWinSize(w^.Width,w^.Height,w^.Width,w^.Height);
+ sp := 1; stack[1].li := 1; stack[1].re := num; stack[1].mi := 0;
+ l := stack[sp].li; r := stack[sp].re; m := stack[sp].mi; Dec(sp);
+ showstack(sp);
+ IF m>0 THEN BEGIN { put two halfs together }
+ { Unfortunately it is only possible in an efficient way by using }
+ { extra memory; mergesort really is something for lists with }
+ { pointers originally ... }
+ FOR i := m DOWNTO l do sort2[i] := sort[i]; i := l;
+ FOR j := m+1 TO r DO sort2[r+m+1-j] := sort[j]; j := r;
+ FOR k := l TO r DO BEGIN
+ clearpixel(k);
+ IF sort2[i]<sort2[j] THEN BEGIN
+ sort[k] := sort2[i]; Inc(i);
+ sort[k] := sort2[j]; Dec(j);
+ END;
+ setpixel(k);
+ END;
+ { create two halfs and the order to put them together }
+ m := (l+r) DIV 2;
+ Inc(sp); stack[sp].li := l; stack[sp].mi := m; stack[sp].re := r;
+ Inc(sp); stack[sp].li := m+1; stack[sp].mi := 0; stack[sp].re := r;
+ Inc(sp); stack[sp].li := l; stack[sp].mi := 0; stack[sp].re := m;
+ END;
+ UNTIL (sp=0) OR cancel;
+ RestoreWin;
+Procedure OpenEverything;
+ s := LockPubScreen(nil);
+ if s = nil then CleanUp('Could not lock pubscreen',10);
+ vi := GetVisualInfoA(s, NIL);
+ if vi = nil then CleanUp('No visual info',10);
+ w := OpenWindowTags(NIL, [
+ WA_Left, 0,
+ WA_Top, s^.BarHeight+1,
+ WA_Width, 224,
+ WA_Height, s^.Height-(s^.BarHeight-1),
+ WA_MinWidth, MinWinX,
+ WA_MinHeight, MinWinY,
+ WA_MaxWidth, -1,
+ WA_MaxHeight, -1,
+ WA_DepthGadget, ltrue,
+ WA_DragBar, ltrue,
+ WA_CloseGadget, ltrue,
+ WA_SizeGadget, ltrue,
+ WA_Activate, ltrue,
+ WA_SizeBRight, ltrue,
+ WA_GimmeZeroZero, ltrue,
+ WA_PubScreen, s,
+ TAG_END]);
+ IF w=NIL THEN CleanUp('Could not open window',20);
+ Rast := w^.RPort;
+ { Here we set the barlabel }
+ nm[3].nm_Label := PChar(NM_BARLABEL);
+ if pExecBase(_ExecBase)^.LibNode.Lib_Version >= 39 then begin
+ MenuStrip := CreateMenus(@nm,[
+ GTMN_FrontPen, 1, TAG_END]);
+ end else MenuStrip := CreateMenusA(@nm,NIL);
+ if MenuStrip = nil then CleanUp('Could not open Menus',10);
+ if LayoutMenusA(MenuStrip,vi,NIL)=false then
+ CleanUp('Could not layout Menus',10);
+ if SetMenuStrip(w, MenuStrip) = false then
+ CleanUp('Could not set the Menus',10);
+ IMessage : tIntuiMessage;
+ IPtr : pIntuiMessage;
+ Procedure ProcessMenu;
+ var
+ MenuNumber : Integer;
+ ItemNumber : Integer;
+ SubItemNumber : Integer;
+ t0,t1,l : Longint;
+ begin
+ if IMessage.Code = MENUNULL then
+ Exit;
+ MenuNumber := MenuNum(IMessage.Code);
+ ItemNumber := ItemNum(IMessage.Code);
+ SubItemNumber := SubNum(IMessage.Code);
+ case MenuNumber of
+ 0 : begin
+ case ItemNumber of
+ 0 : begin
+ refresh;
+ settitles(0);
+ CurrentTime(t0,l);
+ CASE modus OF
+ 0: heapsort;
+ 1: shellsort;
+ 2: a_sort;
+ 3: e_sort;
+ 4: shakersort;
+ 5: bubblesort;
+ 6: quicksort;
+ 7: mergesort;
+ END;
+ CurrentTime(t1,l);
+ settitles(t1-t0);
+ end;
+ 3 : QuitStopDie := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 1 : begin
+ case ItemNumber of
+ 0..7 : modus := ItemNumber;
+ end;
+ settitles(-1);
+ end;
+ 2 : begin
+ case ItemNumber of
+ 0 : begin
+ case SubItemNumber of
+ 0 : if not rndom then rndom := true;
+ 1 : if rndom then rndom := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 1 : begin
+ case SubItemNumber of
+ 0 : if not needles then needles := true;
+ 1 : if needles then needles := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ IPtr := pIntuiMessage(Msg);
+ IMessage := IPtr^;
+ ReplyMsg(Msg);
+ case IMessage.IClass of
+ IDCMP_MENUPICK : ProcessMenu;
+ IDCMP_NEWSIZE : refresh;
+ IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW : QuitStopDie := True;
+ end;
+ OpenEverything;
+ QuitStopDie := False;
+ modus := 0;
+ needles := true;
+ rndom := true;
+ refresh;
+ repeat
+ Msg := WaitPort(w^.UserPort);
+ Msg := GetMsg(w^.UserPort);
+ ProcessIDCMP;
+ until QuitStopDie;
+ CleanUp('',0);