path: root/packages/amunits/src/coreunits/amigalib.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/amunits/src/coreunits/amigalib.pas')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/amunits/src/coreunits/amigalib.pas b/packages/amunits/src/coreunits/amigalib.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f08b859de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/amunits/src/coreunits/amigalib.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ A file in Amiga system run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Nils Sjoholm
+ member of the Amiga RTL development team.
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+ History:
+ Added DoMethodA, DoSuperMethodA, CoerceMethodA and SetSuperAttrsA.
+ I've translated those from amigae. I'm not sure that they are
+ correct but it's a start. Now you can try to make some tests
+ with mui.
+ 30 Jul 2000.
+ Added stuff for commodities.
+ FreeIEvents
+ CxCustom
+ CxDebug
+ CxFilter
+ CxSender
+ CxSignal
+ CxTranslate
+ 19 Aug 2000.
+ Rewrote Createport and DeletePort.
+ 06 Sep 2000.
+ Added two printf, one with pchar and one with string.
+ They use array of const so this unit compiles with
+ mode objfpc.
+ 05 Nov 2002.
+ Added the define use_amiga_smartlink
+ 13 Jan 2003.
+{$mode objfpc}
+{$ifdef use_amiga_smartlink}
+ {$smartlink on}
+{$endif use_amiga_smartlink}
+unit amigalib;
+uses exec,intuition,utility,commodities,inputevent,amigados;
+{* Exec support functions from amiga.lib *}
+procedure BeginIO (ioRequest: pIORequest);
+function CreateExtIO (port: pMsgPort; size: Longint): pIORequest;
+procedure DeleteExtIO (ioReq: pIORequest);
+function CreateStdIO (port: pMsgPort): pIOStdReq;
+procedure DeleteStdIO (ioReq: pIOStdReq);
+function CreatePort (name: PChar; pri: longint): pMsgPort;
+procedure DeletePort (port: pMsgPort);
+function CreateTask (name: STRPTR; pri: longint;
+ initPC : Pointer;
+ stackSize : ULONG): pTask;
+procedure DeleteTask (task: pTask);
+procedure NewList (list: pList);
+{* Commodities support functions from amiga.lib *}
+procedure FreeIEvents (events: pInputEvent);
+function CxCustom
+ (action: pointer;
+ id: longint): pCxObj;
+function CxDebug (id: long): pCxObj;
+function CxFilter (d: STRPTR): pCxObj;
+function CxSender
+ (port: pMsgPort;
+ id: longint): pCxObj;
+function CxSignal
+ (task: pTask;
+ sig: byte): pCxObj;
+function CxTranslate (ie: pInputEvent): pCxObj;
+function DoMethodA(obj : pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+function DoSuperMethodA(cl : pIClass; obj : pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+function CoerceMethodA(cl : pIClass; obj : pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+function SetSuperAttrsA(cl : pIClass; obj: pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+ printf - print a formatted output line to the standard output.
+ printf(formatstring [,value [,values] ] );
+ Format the output in accordance with specifications in the format
+ string.
+ formatString - a C-language-like NULL-terminated format string,
+ with the following supported % options:
+ %[flags][width][.limit][length]type
+ $ - must follow the arg_pos value, if specified
+ flags - only one allowed. '-' specifies left justification.
+ width - field width. If the first character is a '0', the
+ field is padded with leading 0s.
+ . - must precede the field width value, if specified
+ limit - maximum number of characters to output from a string.
+ (only valid for %s or %b).
+ length - size of input data defaults to word (16-bit) for types c,
+ d, u and x, 'l' changes this to long (32-bit).
+ type - supported types are:
+ b - BSTR, data is 32-bit BPTR to byte count followed
+ by a byte string. A NULL BPTR is treated as an
+ empty string. (V36)
+ d - signed decimal
+ u - unsigned decimal
+ x - hexadecimal with hex digits in uppercase
+ X - hexadecimal with hex digits in lowercase
+ s - string, a 32-bit pointer to a NULL-terminated
+ byte string. A NULL pointer is treated
+ as an empty string.
+ c - character
+ value(s) - numeric variables or addresses of null-terminated strings
+ to be added to the format information.
+ The global "_stdout" must be defined, and contain a pointer to
+ a legal AmigaDOS file handle. Using the standard Amiga startup
+ module sets this up. In other cases you will need to define
+ stdout, and assign it to some reasonable value (like what the
+ dos.library/Output() call returns). This code would set it up:
+ ULONG stdout;
+ stdout=Output();
+ This function will crash if the resulting stream after
+ parameter substitution is longer than 140 bytes.
+procedure printf(Fmtstr : pchar; Args : array of const);
+procedure printf(Fmtstr : string; Args : array of const);
+uses pastoc;
+{* Exec support functions from amiga.lib *}
+procedure BeginIO (ioRequest: pIORequest);
+ asm
+ move.l a6,-(a7)
+ move.l ioRequest,a1 ; get IO Request
+ move.l 20(a1),a6 ; extract Device ptr
+ jsr -30(a6) ; call BEGINIO directly
+ move.l (a7)+,a6
+ end;
+function CreateExtIO (port: pMsgPort; size: Longint): pIORequest;
+ IOReq: pIORequest;
+ IOReq := NIL;
+ if port <> NIL then
+ begin
+ IOReq := AllocMem(size, MEMF_CLEAR or MEMF_PUBLIC);
+ if IOReq <> NIL then
+ begin
+ IOReq^.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type := NT_REPLYMSG;
+ IOReq^.io_Message.mn_Length := size;
+ IOReq^.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort := port;
+ end;
+ end;
+ CreateExtIO := IOReq;
+procedure DeleteExtIO (ioReq: pIORequest);
+ if ioReq <> NIL then
+ begin
+ ioReq^.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type := $FF;
+ ioReq^.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort := pMsgPort(-1);
+ ioReq^.io_Device := pDevice(-1);
+ ExecFreeMem(ioReq, ioReq^.io_Message.mn_Length);
+ end
+function CreateStdIO (port: pMsgPort): pIOStdReq;
+ CreateStdIO := pIOStdReq(CreateExtIO(port, sizeof(tIOStdReq)))
+procedure DeleteStdIO (ioReq: pIOStdReq);
+ DeleteExtIO(pIORequest(ioReq))
+function Createport(name : PChar; pri : longint): pMsgPort;
+ sigbit : Byte;
+ port : pMsgPort;
+ sigbit := AllocSignal(-1);
+ if sigbit = -1 then CreatePort := nil;
+ port := Allocmem(sizeof(tMsgPort),MEMF_CLEAR or MEMF_PUBLIC);
+ if port = nil then begin
+ FreeSignal(sigbit);
+ CreatePort := nil;
+ end;
+ with port^ do begin
+ if assigned(name) then
+ mp_Node.ln_Name := name
+ else mp_Node.ln_Name := nil;
+ mp_Node.ln_Pri := pri;
+ mp_Node.ln_Type := NT_MsgPort;
+ mp_Flags := PA_Signal;
+ mp_SigBit := sigbit;
+ mp_SigTask := FindTask(nil);
+ end;
+ if assigned(name) then AddPort(port)
+ else NewList(addr(port^.mp_MsgList));
+ CreatePort := port;
+procedure DeletePort (port: pMsgPort);
+ if port <> NIL then
+ begin
+ if port^.mp_Node.ln_Name <> NIL then
+ RemPort(port);
+ port^.mp_Node.ln_Type := $FF;
+ port^.mp_MsgList.lh_Head := pNode(-1);
+ FreeSignal(port^.mp_SigBit);
+ ExecFreeMem(port, sizeof(tMsgPort));
+ end;
+function CreateTask (name: STRPTR; pri: longint;
+ initPC: pointer; stackSize: ULONG): pTask;
+ memlist : pMemList;
+ task : pTask;
+ totalsize : Longint;
+ task := NIL;
+ stackSize := (stackSize + 3) and not 3;
+ totalsize := sizeof(tMemList) + sizeof(tTask) + stackSize;
+ memlist := AllocMem(totalsize, MEMF_PUBLIC + MEMF_CLEAR);
+ if memlist <> NIL then begin
+ memlist^.ml_NumEntries := 1;
+ memlist^.ml_ME[0].me_Un.meu_Addr := Pointer(memlist + 1);
+ memlist^.ml_ME[0].me_Length := totalsize - sizeof(tMemList);
+ task := pTask(memlist + sizeof(tMemList) + stackSize);
+ task^.tc_Node.ln_Pri := pri;
+ task^.tc_Node.ln_Type := NT_TASK;
+ task^.tc_Node.ln_Name := name;
+ task^.tc_SPLower := Pointer(memlist + sizeof(tMemList));
+ task^.tc_SPUpper := Pointer(task^.tc_SPLower + stackSize);
+ task^.tc_SPReg := task^.tc_SPUpper;
+ NewList(@task^.tc_MemEntry);
+ AddTail(@task^.tc_MemEntry,@memlist^.ml_Node);
+ AddTask(task,initPC,NIL)
+ end;
+ CreateTask := task;
+procedure DeleteTask (task: pTask);
+ RemTask(task)
+procedure NewList (list: pList);
+ with list^ do
+ begin
+ lh_Head := pNode(@lh_Tail);
+ lh_Tail := NIL;
+ lh_TailPred := pNode(@lh_Head)
+ end
+procedure FreeIEvents (events: pInputEvent);
+ while events <> NIL do
+ begin
+ FreeMem (events, sizeof (tInputEvent));
+ events := events^.ie_NextEvent
+ end
+function CxCustom
+ (action: pointer;
+ id: longint): pCxObj;
+ CxCustom := CreateCxObj(CX_CUSTOM, longint(action), id)
+function CxDebug (id: long): pCxObj;
+ CxDebug := CreateCxObj(CX_DEBUG, id, 0)
+function CxFilter (d: STRPTR): pCxObj;
+ CxFilter := CreateCxObj(CX_FILTER, longint(d), 0)
+function CxSender
+ (port: pMsgPort;
+ id: longint): pCxObj;
+ CxSender := CreateCxObj(CX_SEND, longint(port), id)
+function CxSignal
+ (task: pTask;
+ sig: byte): pCxObj;
+ CxSignal:= CreateCxObj(CX_SIGNAL, longint(task), sig)
+function CxTranslate (ie: pInputEvent): pCxObj;
+ CxTranslate := CreateCxObj(CX_TRANSLATE, longint(ie), 0)
+function DoMethodA(obj : pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+ o : p_Object;
+ if assigned(obj) then begin
+ o := p_Object(obj);
+ DoMethodA := CallHookPkt(@o^.o_Class^.cl_Dispatcher, obj,msg);
+ end else DoMethodA := 0;
+function DoSuperMethodA(cl : pIClass; obj : pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+ if assigned(obj) and assigned(cl) then
+ DoSuperMethodA := CallHookPkt(@cl^.cl_Super^.cl_Dispatcher,obj,msg)
+ else DoSuperMethodA := 0;
+function CoerceMethodA(cl : pIClass; obj : pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+ if assigned(cl) and assigned(obj) then
+ CoerceMethodA := CallHookPkt(@cl^.cl_Dispatcher,obj,msg)
+ else CoerceMethodA := 0;
+function SetSuperAttrsA(cl : pIClass; obj: pObject_; msg : APTR): ulong;
+ arr : array[0..2] of longint;
+ arr[0] := OM_SET;
+ arr[1] := longint(msg);
+ arr[2] := 0;
+ SetSuperAttrsA := DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, @arr);
+ argarray : array [0..20] of longint;
+function gettheconst(args : array of const): pointer;
+ i : longint;
+ for i := 0 to High(args) do begin
+ case args[i].vtype of
+ vtinteger : argarray[i] := longint(args[i].vinteger);
+ vtpchar : argarray[i] := longint(args[i].vpchar);
+ vtchar : argarray[i] := longint(args[i].vchar);
+ vtpointer : argarray[i] := longint(args[i].vpointer);
+ vtstring : argarray[i] := longint(pas2c(args[i].vstring^));
+ end;
+ end;
+ gettheconst := @argarray;
+procedure printf(Fmtstr : pchar; Args : array of const);
+ VPrintf(Fmtstr,gettheconst(Args));
+procedure printf(Fmtstr : string; Args : array of const);
+ VPrintf(pas2c(Fmtstr) ,gettheconst(Args));