path: root/packages/base/pasjpeg/cdjpeg.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/base/pasjpeg/cdjpeg.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 279 deletions
diff --git a/packages/base/pasjpeg/cdjpeg.pas b/packages/base/pasjpeg/cdjpeg.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index edf4254e50..0000000000
--- a/packages/base/pasjpeg/cdjpeg.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-Unit CdJpeg;
-{ OriginaL : cdjpeg.h+cdjpeg.c ; Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- This file contains common support routines used by the IJG application
- programs (cjpeg, djpeg, jpegtran).
- This file contains common declarations for the sample applications
- cjpeg and djpeg. It is NOT used by the core JPEG library. }
-{$define JPEG_CJPEG_DJPEG} { define proper options in jconfig.h }
-{$define JPEG_INTERNAL_OPTIONS} { cjpeg.c,djpeg.c need to see xxx_SUPPORTED }
- jmorecfg, jinclude, jpeglib,
- jdeferr,
- {cderror,} { get application-specific error codes }
- jerror; { get library error codes too }
-type { Nomssi }
- BGRptr = ^BGRtype;
- BGRtype = packed record
- b,g,r : byte;
- end;
-type { Nomssi }
- RGBptr = ^RGBtype;
- RGBtype = packed record
- r,g,b : JSAMPLE;
- end;
-{ Object interface for cjpeg's source file decoding modules }
- cjpeg_source_ptr = ^cjpeg_source_struct;
- cjpeg_source_struct = record
- start_input : procedure (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
- sinfo : cjpeg_source_ptr);
- get_pixel_rows : function (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
- sinfo : cjpeg_source_ptr) : JDIMENSION;
- finish_input : procedure (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
- sinfo : cjpeg_source_ptr);
- input_file : FILEptr;
- buffer : JSAMPARRAY;
- buffer_height : JDIMENSION;
- end;
-{ Object interface for djpeg's output file encoding modules }
- djpeg_dest_ptr = ^djpeg_dest_struct;
- djpeg_dest_struct = record
- { start_output is called after jpeg_start_decompress finishes.
- The color map will be ready at this time, if one is needed. }
- start_output : procedure (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
- dinfo : djpeg_dest_ptr);
- { Emit the specified number of pixel rows from the buffer. }
- put_pixel_rows : procedure (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
- dinfo : djpeg_dest_ptr;
- rows_supplied : JDIMENSION);
- { Finish up at the end of the image. }
- finish_output : procedure (cinfo : j_decompress_ptr;
- dinfo : djpeg_dest_ptr);
- { Target file spec; filled in by djpeg.c after object is created. }
- output_file : FILEptr;
- { Output pixel-row buffer. Created by module init or start_output.
- Width is cinfo^.output_width * cinfo^.output_components;
- height is buffer_height. }
- buffer : JSAMPARRAY;
- buffer_height : JDIMENSION;
- end;
-{ cjpeg/djpeg may need to perform extra passes to convert to or from
- the source/destination file format. The JPEG library does not know
- about these passes, but we'd like them to be counted by the progress
- monitor. We use an expanded progress monitor object to hold the
- additional pass count. }
- cd_progress_ptr = ^cdjpeg_progress_mgr;
- cdjpeg_progress_mgr = record
- pub : jpeg_progress_mgr; { fields known to JPEG library }
- completed_extra_passes : int; { extra passes completed }
- total_extra_passes : int; { total extra }
- { last printed percentage stored here to avoid multiple printouts }
- percent_done : int;
- end;
-procedure enable_signal_catcher (cinfo : j_common_ptr);
-{ Case-insensitive matching of possibly-abbreviated keyword switches.
- keyword is the constant keyword (must be lower case already),
- minchars is length of minimum legal abbreviation. }
-function keymatch (arg : string;
- const keyword : string;
- minchars : int) : boolean;
-procedure start_progress_monitor (cinfo : j_common_ptr;
- progress : cd_progress_ptr);
-procedure end_progress_monitor (cinfo : j_common_ptr);
-procedure enable_signal_catcher (cinfo : j_common_ptr);
- RunError(255); { not translated - Jacques Nomssi }
-{ Optional progress monitor: display a percent-done figure on stderr. }
-procedure progress_monitor (cinfo : j_common_ptr); far;
- prog : cd_progress_ptr;
- total_passes : int;
- percent_done : int;
- prog := cd_progress_ptr (cinfo^.progress);
- total_passes := prog^.pub.total_passes + prog^.total_extra_passes;
- percent_done := int (prog^.pub.pass_counter*Long(100) div prog^.pub.pass_limit);
- if (percent_done <> prog^.percent_done) then
- begin
- prog^.percent_done := percent_done;
- if (total_passes > 1) then
- Write(output, #13'Pass ',
- prog^.pub.completed_passes + prog^.completed_extra_passes + 1,
- '/',total_passes,': ',percent_done:3,'% ')
- else
- Write(#13' ', percent_done,'% ');
- {fflush(stderr);}
- end;
-procedure start_progress_monitor (cinfo : j_common_ptr;
- progress : cd_progress_ptr);
- { Enable progress display, unless trace output is on }
- if (cinfo^.err^.trace_level = 0) then
- begin
- progress^.pub.progress_monitor := progress_monitor;
- progress^.completed_extra_passes := 0;
- progress^.total_extra_passes := 0;
- progress^.percent_done := -1;
- cinfo^.progress := @progress^.pub;
- end;
-procedure end_progress_monitor (cinfo : j_common_ptr);
- { Clear away progress display }
- if (cinfo^.err^.trace_level = 0) then
- begin
- WriteLn(#13' '#13);
- {fflush(stderr);}
- end;
-{ Case-insensitive matching of possibly-abbreviated keyword switches.
- keyword is the constant keyword (must be lower case already),
- minchars is length of minimum legal abbreviation. }
-function keymatch (arg : string;
- const keyword : string;
- minchars : int) : boolean;
- {register} i : int;
- ca, ck : char;
- {register} nmatched : int;
- nmatched := 0;
- i := 1;
- if length(arg) > length(keyword) then
- begin
- keymatch := FALSE; { arg longer than keyword, no good }
- exit;
- end;
- while (i <= length(arg)) do
- begin
- ca := UpCase(arg[i]);
- ck := UpCase(keyword[i]);
- Inc(i);
- if (ca <> ck) then
- begin
- keymatch := FALSE; { no good }
- exit;
- end;
- Inc(nmatched); { count matched characters }
- end;
- { reached end of argument; fail if it's too short for unique abbrev }
- keymatch := (nmatched >= minchars);
-{$IFDEF std I/O}
-{ Routines to establish binary I/O mode for stdin and stdout.
- Non-Unix systems often require some hacking to get out of text mode. }
-function read_stdin : FILEptr;
- input_file : FILEptr;
- input_file := @input;
-{$ifdef USE_SETMODE} { need to hack file mode? }
- setmode(fileno(stdin), O_BINARY);
-{$ifdef USE_FDOPEN} { need to re-open in binary mode? }
- if ((input_file = fdopen(fileno(stdin), READ_BINARY)) = NIL) then
- begin
- WriteLn(stderr, 'Cannot reopen stdin');
- end;
- read_stdin := input_file;
-function write_stdout : FILEptr;
- output_file : FILEptr;
- output_file := @output;
-{$ifdef USE_SETMODE} { need to hack file mode? }
- setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);
-{$ifdef USE_FDOPEN} { need to re-open in binary mode? }
- if ((output_file = fdopen(fileno(stdout), WRITE_BINARY)) = NIL) then
- begin
- WriteLn(stderr, 'Cannot reopen stdout');
- end;
- write_stdout := output_file;