path: root/packages/base/pasjpeg/rdjpgcom.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/base/pasjpeg/rdjpgcom.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/packages/base/pasjpeg/rdjpgcom.pas b/packages/base/pasjpeg/rdjpgcom.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index bbecb18752..0000000000
--- a/packages/base/pasjpeg/rdjpgcom.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-Program rdjpgcom;
-{ This file contains a very simple stand-alone application that displays
- the text in COM (comment) markers in a JFIF file.
- This may be useful as an example of the minimum logic needed to parse
- JPEG markers. }
-{ Original: Copyright (C) 1994-1995, Thomas G. Lane. }
- Objects;
- int = integer;
- uInt = word;
-{ These macros are used to read the input file.
- To reuse this code in another application, you might need to change these. }
- infile : TBufStream; { input JPEG file }
-{ Return next input byte, or EOF if no more }
-function NEXTBYTE : byte;
- c : Byte;
- infile.Read(c, 1);
- NEXTBYTE := c;
-{ Error exit handler }
-procedure ERREXIT(msg : string);
- WriteLn(output, msg);
-{ Read one byte, testing for EOF }
-function read_1_byte : int;
- c : int;
- c := NEXTBYTE;
- if (infile.Status <> stOK) then
- ERREXIT('Premature EOF in JPEG file');
- read_1_byte := c;
-{ Read 2 bytes, convert to unsigned int }
-{ All 2-byte quantities in JPEG markers are MSB first }
-function read_2_bytes : uInt;
- c : word;
- infile.Read(c, 2);
- c := Swap(c);
- if (infile.Status <> stOK) then
- ERREXIT('Premature EOF in JPEG file');
- read_2_bytes := c;
-{ JPEG markers consist of one or more 0xFF bytes, followed by a marker
- code byte (which is not an FF). Here are the marker codes of interest
- in this program. (See jdmarker.c for a more complete list.) }
- M_SOF0 = $C0; { Start Of Frame N }
- M_SOF1 = $C1; { N indicates which compression process }
- M_SOF2 = $C2; { Only SOF0-SOF2 are now in common use }
- M_SOF3 = $C3;
- M_SOF5 = $C5; { NB: codes C4 and CC are NOT SOF markers }
- M_SOF6 = $C6;
- M_SOF7 = $C7;
- M_SOF9 = $C9;
- M_SOF10 = $CA;
- M_SOF11 = $CB;
- M_SOF13 = $CD;
- M_SOF14 = $CE;
- M_SOF15 = $CF;
- M_SOI = $D8; { Start Of Image (beginning of datastream) }
- M_EOI = $D9; { End Of Image (end of datastream) }
- M_SOS = $DA; { Start Of Scan (begins compressed data) }
- M_COM = $FE; { COMment }
-{ Find the next JPEG marker and return its marker code.
- We expect at least one FF byte, possibly more if the compressor used FFs
- to pad the file.
- There could also be non-FF garbage between markers. The treatment of such
- garbage is unspecified; we choose to skip over it but emit a warning msg.
- NB: this routine must not be used after seeing SOS marker, since it will
- not deal correctly with FF/00 sequences in the compressed image data... }
-function next_marker : int;
- c : int;
- discarded_bytes : int;
- discarded_bytes := 0;
- { Find 0xFF byte; count and skip any non-FFs. }
- c := read_1_byte;
- while (c <> $FF) do
- begin
- Inc(discarded_bytes);
- c := read_1_byte;
- end;
- { Get marker code byte, swallowing any duplicate FF bytes. Extra FFs
- are legal as pad bytes, so don't count them in discarded_bytes. }
- repeat
- c := read_1_byte;
- until (c <> $FF);
- if (discarded_bytes <> 0) then
- begin
- WriteLn(output, 'Warning: garbage data found in JPEG file');
- end;
- next_marker := c;
-{ Read the initial marker, which should be SOI.
- For a JFIF file, the first two bytes of the file should be literally
- $FF M_SOI. To be more general, we could use next_marker, but if the
- input file weren't actually JPEG at all, next_marker might read the whole
- file and then return a misleading error message... }
-function first_marker : int;
- c1, c2 : int;
- c1 := NEXTBYTE;
- c2 := NEXTBYTE;
- if (c1 <> $FF) or (c2 <> M_SOI) then
- ERREXIT('Not a JPEG file');
- first_marker := c2;
-{ Most types of marker are followed by a variable-length parameter segment.
- This routine skips over the parameters for any marker we don't otherwise
- want to process.
- Note that we MUST skip the parameter segment explicitly in order not to
- be fooled by $FF bytes that might appear within the parameter segment;
- such bytes do NOT introduce new markers. }
-procedure skip_variable;
-{ Skip over an unknown or uninteresting variable-length marker }
- length : uInt;
- { Get the marker parameter length count }
- length := read_2_bytes;
- { Length includes itself, so must be at least 2 }
- if (length < 2) then
- ERREXIT('Erroneous JPEG marker length');
- Dec(length, 2);
- { Skip over the remaining bytes }
- while (length > 0) do
- begin
- read_1_byte;
- Dec(length);
- end;
-{ Process a COM marker.
- We want to print out the marker contents as legible text;
- we must guard against random junk and varying newline representations. }
-procedure process_COM;
- CR = 13;
- LF = 10;
- length : uInt;
- comment : string;
- lastch : byte;
- comment := '';
- { Get the marker parameter length count }
- length := read_2_bytes;
- { Length includes itself, so must be at least 2 }
- if (length < 2) then
- ERREXIT('Erroneous JPEG marker length');
- Dec(length, 2);
- comment := '';
- while (length > 0) do
- begin
- comment := comment + char(read_1_byte);
- Dec(length);
- end;
- WriteLn(comment);
-{ Process a SOFn marker.
- This code is only needed if you want to know the image dimensions... }
-procedure process_SOFn (marker : int);
- length : uInt;
- image_height, image_width : uInt;
- data_precision, num_components : int;
- process : string;
- ci: int;
- length := read_2_bytes; { usual parameter length count }
- data_precision := read_1_byte;
- image_height := read_2_bytes;
- image_width := read_2_bytes;
- num_components := read_1_byte;
- case marker of
- M_SOF0: process := 'Baseline';
- M_SOF1: process := 'Extended sequential';
- M_SOF2: process := 'Progressive';
- M_SOF3: process := 'Lossless';
- M_SOF5: process := 'Differential sequential';
- M_SOF6: process := 'Differential progressive';
- M_SOF7: process := 'Differential lossless';
- M_SOF9: process := 'Extended sequential, arithmetic coding';
- M_SOF10: process := 'Progressive, arithmetic coding';
- M_SOF11: process := 'Lossless, arithmetic coding';
- M_SOF13: process := 'Differential sequential, arithmetic coding';
- M_SOF14: process := 'Differential progressive, arithmetic coding';
- M_SOF15: process := 'Differential lossless, arithmetic coding';
- else
- process := 'Unknown';
- end;
- WriteLn('JPEG image is ',image_width,'w * ',image_height,'h, ',
- num_components, ' color components, ',data_precision,
- ' bits per sample');
- WriteLn('JPEG process: ', process);
- if (length <> uInt(8 + num_components * 3)) then
- ERREXIT('Bogus SOF marker length');
- for ci := 0 to pred(num_components) do
- begin
- read_1_byte; { Component ID code }
- read_1_byte; { H, V sampling factors }
- read_1_byte; { Quantization table number }
- end;
-{ Parse the marker stream until SOS or EOI is seen;
- display any COM markers.
- While the companion program wrjpgcom will always insert COM markers before
- SOFn, other implementations might not, so we scan to SOS before stopping.
- If we were only interested in the image dimensions, we would stop at SOFn.
- (Conversely, if we only cared about COM markers, there would be no need
- for special code to handle SOFn; we could treat it like other markers.) }
-function scan_JPEG_header (verbose : boolean) : int;
- marker : int;
- { Expect SOI at start of file }
- if (first_marker <> M_SOI) then
- ERREXIT('Expected SOI marker first');
- { Scan miscellaneous markers until we reach SOS. }
- repeat
- marker := next_marker;
- case marker of
- M_SOF0, { Baseline }
- M_SOF1, { Extended sequential, Huffman }
- M_SOF2, { Progressive, Huffman }
- M_SOF3, { Lossless, Huffman }
- M_SOF5, { Differential sequential, Huffman }
- M_SOF6, { Differential progressive, Huffman }
- M_SOF7, { Differential lossless, Huffman }
- M_SOF9, { Extended sequential, arithmetic }
- M_SOF10, { Progressive, arithmetic }
- M_SOF11, { Lossless, arithmetic }
- M_SOF13, { Differential sequential, arithmetic }
- M_SOF14, { Differential progressive, arithmetic }
- M_SOF15: { Differential lossless, arithmetic }
- if (verbose) then
- process_SOFn(marker)
- else
- skip_variable;
- M_SOS: { stop before hitting compressed data }
- begin
- scan_JPEG_header := marker;
- exit;
- end;
- M_EOI: { in case it's a tables-only JPEG stream }
- begin
- scan_JPEG_header := marker;
- exit;
- end;
- M_COM:
- process_COM;
- else { Anything else just gets skipped }
- skip_variable; { we assume it has a parameter count... }
- end;
- until false; { end loop }
-{ Command line parsing code }
- progname : string[79]; { program name for error messages }
-procedure usage;
-{ complain about bad command line }
- WriteLn(output, 'rdjpgcom displays any textual comments in a JPEG file.');
- WriteLn(output, 'Usage: ',progname,' [switches] [inputfile]');
- WriteLn(output, 'Switches (names may be abbreviated):');
- WriteLn(output, ' -verbose Also display dimensions of JPEG image');
-{ The main program. }
- verbose : boolean;
- argn : int;
- arg : string;
- verbose := FALSE;
- progname := ParamStr(0);
- if (progname = '') then
- progname := 'rdjpgcom'; { in case C library doesn't provide it }
- { Parse switches, if any }
- for argn := 1 to Pred(ParamCount) do
- begin
- arg := ParamStr(argn);
- if arg[1] = '-' then
- if (Pos(arg, '-verbose') > 0) then
- begin
- verbose := TRUE;
- end
- else
- usage;
- end;
- { Open the input file. }
- arg := ParamStr(ParamCount);
- if not infile.Init(arg, stOpenRead, 4096) then
- begin
- WriteLn(output, 'can''t open ', arg);
- end;
- { Scan the JPEG headers. }
- scan_JPEG_header(verbose);
- infile.done;
- { All done. }